3f088annexure 2 - aur final placement rules 2016 - amizone

 AMITY UNIVERSITY  CORPORATE RESOURCE CENTRE PLACEMENT RULES 1. The onus of placements is on the stu dents and the Corporate Resource Centre is a facilitator only . The meaning of facilitation has to be clearly understood here. In all circumstances, it does not imply that the CRC assures placement for all the students. Please note that it is not a Placement Agency. 2. Amity strictly follows “One Students One Jo Policy ”. o!e"er, #t ude nts from Core br an ches !il l be gi "en one addi tio nal $o b opportunity in thei r core do main. %& or '(ampl e If any )echanical student is placed in an IT company he * she !ill also be allo!ed to appear in his * her core companies till he*she gets one +nal $ob oer, similar rule is applicable for students of other branches-. . #i nce th e el igibil it y cr it er io n fo r most of the Compan ie s is /0 throughout starting from 10 th to Current egree, hence the students !ith less than /0 throughout %10 th , 12 th , 3raduation, Post 3raduation- !ould not be eligible for any placement assistance from the Institute* 4ni"ersity. The method of calculating C3PA into Percentage is C3PA510. C3PA here !ould al!ays mean the latest C3PA a"ailable !ith the CRC as on date. 6. All #tudents need to ensure that their data is correctly entered at their respecti"e CRC o7ce. If there are any changes then they need to contact their Placement 87cer immediately. 9. The "erbal*!ritten $ob oer %de+ned "ide Para /- recei"ed +r st is considered binding and accepted i.e. once selected by a company, the student !ould be considered as placed irrespecti"e of the company*$ob pro+le*salary oered. /. An oer !oul d imp ly teleph oni c or !rit ten communicati on %by fa( , e: mail- !ith the ead:Placements or other members of the CRC !ho are loo;ing after the +nal* summer placement of the students. ere it is "ery important for the student to ma;e it ;no!n to the members of CR C by a !ritten application clearly stating the date !hen the oer !as recei"ed %if recei"ed by the student directly-. <. #tudents ha"e to !ear business formals for e"ery recr uitment proc ess. #tudents !earing casuals during recruitment process !ill be sent bac;.. &ormals means =ounge suit*>la?er*#uit*#hirt @ Trouser and Tie for >oy #tudents and #al!ar amee?*#aree*>usiness #uit !ith Bec;tie for 3irl #tudents. >oy students must sha"e, e(cept !here not permitted by their religion. Amity Placement Rules Pa!e No" #

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1. The onus of placements is on the students and the CorporateResource Centre is a facilitator only . The meaning of facilitation hasto be clearly understood here. In all circumstances, it does not implythat the CRC assures placement for all the students. Please note that itis not a Placement Agency.

2. Amity strictly follows “One Students One Jo Policy”. o!e"er,

#tudents from Core branches !ill be gi"en one additional $obopportunity in their core domain. %&or '(ample If any )echanical

student is placed in an IT company he * she !ill also be allo!ed to

appear in his * her core companies till he*she gets one +nal $ob oer,

similar rule is applicable for students of other branches-.

. #ince the eligibility criterion for most of the Companies is /0throughout starting from 10th to Current egree, hence the students!ith less than /0 throughout %10th, 12th, 3raduation, Post 3raduation-!ould not be eligible for any placement assistance from the Institute*4ni"ersity. The method of calculating C3PA into Percentage is C3PA510.C3PA here !ould al!ays mean the latest C3PA a"ailable !ith the CRCas on date.

6. All #tudents need to ensure that their data is correctly entered at their

respecti"e CRC o7ce. If there are any changes then they need to

contact their Placement 87cer immediately.

9. The "erbal*!ritten $ob oer %de+ned "ide Para /- recei"ed +rst isconsidered binding and accepted i.e. once selected by a company, thestudent !ould be considered as placed irrespecti"e of the company*$obpro+le*salary oered.

/. An oer !ould imply telephonic or !ritten communication %by fa(, e:mail- !ith the ead:Placements or other members of the CRC !ho areloo;ing after the +nal* summer placement of the students. ere it is"ery important for the student to ma;e it ;no!n to the members of CRC by a !ritten application clearly stating the date !hen the oer !asrecei"ed %if recei"ed by the student directly-.

<. #tudents ha"e to !ear business formals for e"ery recruitment process.

#tudents !earing casuals during recruitment process !ill be sent bac;..

&ormals means =ounge suit*>la?er*#uit*#hirt @ Trouser and Tie for >oy

#tudents and #al!ar amee?*#aree*>usiness #uit !ith Bec;tie for 3irl#tudents. >oy students must sha"e, e(cept !here not permitted by

their religion.

Amity Placement Rules Pa!e No" #

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. #trict discipline need to be follo!ed by e"ery student during the

recruitment process. Any students found misbeha"ing or indulging in

any misconduct !ill be debarred for the entire placement season.

D. Bo students !ill be allo!ed to interact * contact the companye(ecuti"es directly during or after the selection process unlessauthori?ed by the CRC 87ce. Bon:compliance !ill result in debarring

the students for the &inal*#ummer Placement.

10. #tudents may be reEuired to go to the companyFs o7ce or "enue forthe purpose of summer*+nal placement as decided by the company.

11. It is the studentFs responsibility to see the placement notice andsubmit his*her resume to the student coordinators as per the deadlinespeci+ed in the notice. Bo resume !ill be accepted thereafter.

12. Participation of the entire batch in the placement acti"ities ismandatory. Any student found disinterested @ negligent to!ards theplacement acti"ities !ould become ineligible for campus placements

and he*she !ould not be gi"en any recruitment assistance under anycircumstances.

1. #tudents !ho !ill $oluntarily disclose wit% &roof that he*shedoes not reEuire placement assistance from the institute !ould berela(ed from participation in some of the placement acti"ities, asappro"ed by ead:CRC.

16. All students !hile interacting !ith the companies for placements !illrepresent the Institute and not him*her. #tudents not adhering to this!ould be immediately debarred from Placement assistance and theiracademic scores for placement acti"ities !ould be nulli+ed.

19. #tudents are reEuired to ;eep a trac; of the companies !here theyare applying and*or ha"e applied in the past. There could be a limitintroduced by CRC on the number of companies !here a student canapply.

1/. Any student !ho has not been considered for selection by anyCompany e"en after eight attempts !ould be deemed to be nonserious and hence ineligible.

1<. #tudents are e(pected to e%a$e &rofessionally !ith allemployees of Amity. Any misconduct, misbeha"ior, non:maintenance of 

decorum !ould be dealt !ith se"erely and could lead to disEuali+cationfrom all placement related assistance from the Institute*4ni"ersity.

1. A student can apply in multiple companies of choice as permitted byCRC, till the time he*she is placed, but !ith the frame of mind thathe*she has to put in his*her best and not apply !ith a casual approach.

1D. If desired by the company or if there is a need felt by the CRC >oard,a &rimary s%ort listin! may be carried out by the CRC >oards andthe decision in this regard !ould be +nal and binding.

20. It is compulsory for all the +nal year students from all streams toattend the Pre:Placement tal;s. In case a student is absent in more

t%an ' PPTs, he*she !ould be dearred from further placementassistance from the 4ni"ersity.

Amity Placement Rules Pa!e No" (

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21. #tudents are e(pected to +nd out details about the companies"isiting, their pro+le and all other rele"ant details from the wesite orfrom CRC or any other source, but not from the company directly.

22. 8nce a student has applied for a particular company after thePPT*display of placement notice, it !ould be assumed that he*she isinterested in the company and hence the e(cuse of not li;ing the

pro+le of the company or the $ob !ould not be entertained.2. It shall be mandatory for short:listed students to appear for the

inter"ie! %+nal*summer placements-. Absence from the inter"ie! shalldebar a short:listed student from the placement by the Amity4ni"ersity and he*she !ill ha"e to try on his*her o!n for summer*+nalplacement.

26. Campus placement in most cases leads to +rst $ob for a student.Considering the importance of learning in +rst $ob, it is prudent that thestudents primarily loo; for $ob pro+le. 8ther bene+ts including salaryare secondary.

29. 8nce placed, the students should continue !ith the same companyfor a period of minimum one year to gi"e their learning a shape andmaintain a healthy relationship bet!een the Institute and the Company.In case of una"oidable circumstances, the students must contact andsee; necessary ad"ice from CRC before communicating their decisionto lea"e the company.


/To e sumitted y t%e students to CRC durin! Re!istration0Re1re!istration2

I ha"e read and understood the &inal Placement Rules of Amity 4ni"ersityGGGGGGG and underta;e to abide by the same.

Name 3 444444444444444444444444 Enrollment No"3444444444444444444444444

Moile No 3 444444444444444444444444 Email +) 3444444444444444444444444

)ate 5 Place 3 44444444444444444444444 Si!nature 3


Amity Placement Rules Pa!e No" 6