5-step playbook to turn linkedin profile views into hot...


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5-Step Playbook to Turn



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According to a Forbes poll from the end of last year, users #1 favorite LinkedIn feature was the “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” option – with over 76% of respondents choosing it as their favorite.

Upon first glance, this feature might sound a little creepy, but it truly is an incredible tool to learn who’s interested in you and your business. The trick is that youhave to have a structured plan in place to turn those LinkedIn profile views into clients. AND not just click away from these hotprospects after feeding your own ego.

What if you could turn your LinkedIn Profile Viewers

into hot leads?

What would that do for YOUR business?

Who is Behind Your LinkedIn Profile Views? Turn ‘Em Into Clients!


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We started where you probably are now with this feature - never really made any strides toward reaching out to these viewers in fear of creeping them out. “We are watching you, and saw you visited us….”

Sound like Big Brother to anyone???

When we first started trying to turn this feature into an actual lead generator for us, our messages were often too salesy and turned these warm leads to ice-cold leads.


… we sat down and mapped out a few different approaches to test. After a few iterations, we started seeing leads trickle in.

From there, we made a couple more small tweaks to our script, and voila! We had a new way to reach out to interested prospects in a non-spammy way that actual generated results for our sales team.

This plan has led us to be consistently ranked in the top 1% of LinkedIn profile views, week after week. Routinely landing us just a few spots in the rankings below fellow connections and internet marketing superstars like Gary Vaynerchuk.

So without further ado, we present our 5-Step Playbook to Turn LinkedIn Pro�ile Views into Hot Leads.

Developing Our Strategy

So without further ado, we present our 5-Step Playbook to Turn LinkedIn Profile

Views into Hot Leads.


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For any LinkedIn marketing plan, this is where it all begins. You need to ensure your profile is top-notch, and strategically guides your prospects to act upon your CTA. Start by asking yourself what your specific goals are.

Do you want to get on the phone with Insurance Agency owners?

Do you want CIOs and CTOs to sign-up for a free trial of your new software?

Draw yourself a map of how to get your ideal prospect to complete that goal, and craft a narrative on your profile to make it happen.

To get more in-depth training on optimizing your profile, download our 14-point checklist to creating a LinkedIn Profile that Generates Sales.

(http://linkeduniversity.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2015/05/14-Point-Profile-Checklist-FINAL.pdf)

Step 1: Optimize Your Profile to Reach Your Prospects


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Once your profile is optimized to rank higher in LinkedIn’s Advanced People Search, it is time to get started on these proactive tactics to generate more LinkedIn profile views.

a.) Join Groups Full of Your Prospects.Stay out of the groups that cater to people in your position/ industry (as they will be full of your competitors) and instead find out where your prospects are hanging out and get involved in their forums.

Are there industry groups or job title groups that match your prospects respective industry or title? If so, join them and get active.

b.) Start posting helpful content to your groups. (Both third-party resources and company-branded content) into the group discussion. By associating your name with helpful content, you will position yourself as a thought leader in their space.

The more presence you have in the group, the more often you will appear on the radar of your prospects, resulting in more clicks to your profile.

Step 2: Increase Your LinkedIn Profile Views

BONUS: Another reason these posts will get more LinkedIn profile

views, is because each group post will also be posted as a status

update and appear on the home page news feed of all your 1st

degree connections.


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c.) Grow your database of connections. Find your prospects on LinkedIn and send a brief personalized note asking them to connect. This connection request should be friendly and networking-focused in tone. Don’t try to pitch the prospect on your service on this initial contact. Just get them in your funnel.

d.) Start publishing your own content on LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform.Use the publishing tool on LinkedIn in, and ask your email list, connections, co-workers, friends, family and household pets to check out the post and comment. The more interaction you have on your post, the more likely you are to get picked up by LinkedIn Pulse,

which will directly correlate into more LinkedIn profile views.

Again, stick with helpful, insightful content that will inform your prospects how to solve their pain points without trying to immediately sell them your product or service.


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Take a look at this screenshot of the analytics within the Who’s Viewed Your Profile Section, highlighting the number of profile views.

Step 3: Track Your LinkedIn Profile Views


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Below, you can also see below the general filtering by company and job titles you can use (to help ensure your message is getting seen by your best prospects) and the actual profiles of the people who viewed yours.

As long as their profile settings are set to display their name and headline (which the majority are), you will be able to see who is behind your LinkedIn profile views. For free accounts, you will see the 5 most recent viewers in the last 90-days. For premium account holders, you’ll see the entire list of viewers from the past 90-days. Here’s a further breakdown of what you’ll see for free vs. paid accounts.

You can then either message those viewers (if they area 1st-degree connection,

if you have inMails available, or if you share a group with them). Below we will share with you our exact inMail and connection request scripts that we use for this playbook.


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There are a couple ways to approach the prospects who viewed your profile, but as a general rule, we suggest focusing on getting prospects to the next step in the funnel, which is oftentimes getting them to CONNECT with you (if they aren’t already).

After you review the person who viewed your profile to ensure they would be a good fit for your product or service, you can reach out in one of two ways.

You can either jump straight to the connection request OR reach out to them with an InMail (or a message througha shared group). Below I have instructions and scripts for both approaches.

Connection Request Approach:For best results you will want to personalize the message. LinkedIn’s stock connection request template never gets higher results than a tailored message. In the script we are

using below, we make reference to their view of our profile and the potential mutual benefits to connecting – so they know it’s not just a one-way street.

Step 4: Approach the People behind Your LinkedIn Profile Views without Being Creepy or Salesy


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The thing to note again about this message (aside from its short length and non-salesy vibe) is the personalization, making this message different from all the other invites awaiting your prospects response.

FYI: (By labeling the contact as a “Friend” you won’t need to include their email address.)

Timeliness is key to getting a response with this approach. You should send this connection message out as quickly as possible after noticing the prospect LinkedIn profile views. We recommend within 12-24 hours at the latest.

If you are looking to reach out with a more direct message, we recommend still keeping the goals within reason to raise your chances of building a relationship with your prospect. If they are to the point of wanting to talk about your product or service before getting to know you, they will let you know.

Our goal with this message is a response. We want to further the conversation and set the foundation for this relationship. Instead of jumping into the deep end with your sales pitch right away, you want a message that raises your chances of a response.


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Group inMail Approach:This inMail script is short and asks the prospect an open- ended question. Again, the goal is to get them to respond and further the conversation and build that relationship.

You could pair this script with an invitation to connect as well to keep your name and face in front of them on a consistent basis.

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The goal of this playbook is to fill the top of your sales funnel with your IDEAL prospects who have a noted interest in you and your business. The strategy now has to move into phase 2 and the goal will shift to focus on how you will move these new connections further into your funnel and towards a sale.

With that as your focus, you will need to outline a detailed, multi-touchpoint messaging campaign that will further position you as one of the “good guys” and someone the prospect WANTS to do business with.

The question to ask when devising the messaging you will put in front of the prospect revolves around what Call-To-Action you will put in front of these new connections?

Do you want them to attend a webinar or event you are hosting? Are you looking to get them on the phone or meet for a coffee?

From there you can devise a plan to strategically move them toward that end goal with a drip marketing campaign.

The multi-touchpoint messaging campaign that we have tested and recommend involves 4-5 personalized messages with these goals along the way:

1. Nurture the prospect and build a relationship. 2. Position yourself as the go-to expert in the industry. 3. Reinforce that positioning. 4. Get them to respond to your call-to-action.

And when this is accomplished through a strategic campaign we’ve seen a 29% acceptance rate for whatever your call-to-action is, across more industries than I care to name.

What would getting on the phone with 1 out of 3 of your BEST

prospects do for your business?

Step 5: Following Up and Guiding These Prospects through Your Funnel


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If you’re tired of having a LinkedIn account that sits dormant, with no real plan to fold it into your business, then this messaging plan is perfect for you.

We will give you the exact scripts that have generated millions in revenue for our business, as well as tens of millions for our clients, all over the world.

We have previously charged hundreds of dollars for access to just the pre-written scripts, but now we are offering it for a significantly discounted price.

Get our full messaging campaign playbook and swipe file for scripts to turn connections in to clients within 4-6 weeks.

Interested the exact playbook we’ve used to generate thousands of leads?


For less than the cost of a movie ticket and some popcorn, you can start generating

leads from your LinkedIn profile.