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7th Coaching Electronics February 27, 2013 Section C1

90 degrees force acting on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field maximum

Diffusion current the movement of charge carriers in a semiconductor even without the application of electric potential

Hay Bridge high inductance large phase angle

Neon lamp moves on two points: Maximum voltage points

DC generator, ac EMF converts to dc Commutator

Half wave rectifier max efficiency 40.6%

Zener diode placing in voltage regulator reverse biased, parallel to the filter output

Selective absorption of electromagnetic waves by a dielectric due to molecular dipole Debye effect

What is the harmonic composition of square wave In Phase with the fundamental? Odd Harmonic

A relay can be used _____. To decrease the current of the circuit

(A) Emitter (B) emitter The UJT conducts from base 1 to (a) what point when it is forward biased and from (b) what point to base 2 when it is reversed biased?

(A) Reverse (B) heavily The MOSFET is normally constructed so that it operates in either the depletion mode or the enhancement mode. The depletion mode MOSFET (a) uses what type of bias and (b) has what type of doped channel to cause to depletion of current carriers in the channel?74XXLS, LS means low power Schottky

Size of empty folder 1kB

In generator, as speed increases ___ increases Frequency

Wien Bridge ____ is generated wide range of high purity sine wave

RC phase oscillator ______ output is possible pure sine wave

Emitter in PNP transistors is more heavily dope than base so the flow of current is due to holes

Nucleus emits sharp beam of gamma rays Mossbauer Effect

Term of the 1st remainder when decimal number is converted in other bases LSD

Signal diode front-to-back/back-to-front ratio. 300:1

Attenuates either low or high frequencies Band pass

To oscillate, feedback factor________, phase shift_____. unity, 0 degree

If Barkhausen criterion is not fulfilled Stop oscillating

Magnetic dipoles Debye Effect

Improper biasing, result to_______ Distortion of output signal

Current due to magnetic field Drift current

Dispersion of monochromatic light when passed through transparent material Raman effect

Used to protect circuit from high voltage drives Thyrector

Superconducting level will be destroyed Silsby effect

Worst case for Class A amplifier Zero input

Max efficiency for Class B Amplifier 78.5%

An Intrinsic semiconductor has Equal holes and electrons

A rotating machine that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy or vice versa Dynamo

A potential difference to develop between opposite ends of length of wire, when the wire is placed parallel to magnetic lines of flux and rotated Wertheim effect

The very slight magnetization produced in an iron rod when rotated at high speed about an axis perpendicular to its length Barnett effect

Minimum amount of current needed for an SCR to conduct continuously Holding current

Positive positron emitters Compton camera

A quantity acts in parallel w/ another quantity shunting effect

1eV energy gap of semiconductor

10x10^4 resistivity range of semiconductors

Intermodulation Distortion an amplifier or pre-amplifier specification that measures non-harmonic frequencies added to the signal; the result of two or more signals mixing together that are not harmonic frequencies

22% efficiency of silicon solar cell

Magnetic effect, Thermal effect, and Electromagnetic Induction effect classification of secondary instruments based on the various effects of electric current; used in ammeters

Quartz crystal component used to stabilize conduction

Synchro motor produces mechanical output torque

Transistor with high efficiency configuration common collector

When resistor is connected to series parallel combination low power rating

Depositing films of conducting material on the surface of a glass thin filmCoupling transfer of energy from higher to lower

Hans Christian Oersted magnetic effect

-3 dB half power point

D/ V sensitivity deviation of CRT

In the context of corrosion, _____ is the spontaneous formation of a hard non reactive surface film that inhibits further corrosion. This layer is usually an oxide or nitride that is a few molecules thick Passivation

Two conductors with insulation in between Capacitor/Condenser

The frequency of oscillation of AMV depends on the RC values

The MMV is frequently used in regenerating Distorted waves

Doping materials are called impurities because They alter the crystal structure of the semiconductor

2 parallel plates attract each other if the current is in ___ direction Opposite

If speed is doubled where flux is constant, EMF is __ Doubled

Efficiency of class A 50%

Amplifier with almost 70% efficiency is probably a _____ class B push pull amplifier

Rotating part of dc generator ArmatureBrowser most widely used to access world wide web

This refers to a four arm ac bridge used for measuring inductance against a standard capacitor Maxwell bridgeWhat is the maximum output voltage swing of op-amp? +VSAT and VSAT

What is the typical range of resistivity of semiconductor diode? 10 to 10^4

The resistance of a semiconductor diode is known as Bulk Resistance

Ideal Op-Amp noise factor Unity

Decibel is a measure of Power level

Capacitance of paper capacitor uF

A backward moving motor an electric generator

Force between two conducting materials Electrostatic force

When will a VA power be a true power When reactance is zero

Regulator that dissipates less power and less heat switching regulator

the period where an oscilloscope doesnt trigger trigger hold off

in a JFET, current is maximum when VGS is zerothe voltage gain of a common source JFET depends mainly on drain load resistance

The interval of a pulse from start to end is the _____ of the pulse Period

The force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic poles is directly proportional to their strengths. Coulombs First Law

Used for continuous measuring. Infrared and Ultraviolet Devices

_____________ is a technique for mapping brain activity by recording magnetic fields produced by electrical currents occurring naturally in the brain, using very sensitive magnetometers. Magnetoencephalography

A photoelectric effect in which a negatively charged body in a vacuum is discharged upon exposure to ultraviolet radiation Hallwachs Effect

The brain's magnetic field induces a current in the coils, which in turn induces a magnetic field in a special, incredibly sensitive instrument called a_______ superconducting quantum interference device

How to connect a voltmeter in a circuit In parallel

Splicing that are not butted Knotted tap joint

If an input voltage is applied in a common emitter circuit The output voltage becomes less positiveValue of resistor having Brown, Black, Green, Gold 1000K+/ 5% tolerance

Color coding of a 47K+/- 5% tolerance resistor Yellow, Violet, Orange, Gold

The process of growing thin oxide film on the surface of a planar semiconductor device to protect the exposed junction from contamination and shorts Passivation

Time when robot moves from 1 place to another Cycle Time

The development of an electromotive force in a junction of two dissimilar metals when the temperature of the junction is different from that of the rest metal Seebeck effect

Refers to an ac bridge for measuring the inductance and Q of an inductor in terms of resistance, frequency and a standard capacitance Hay bridge

What do you call that frequency bridge in which two adjacent arms are resistances and the other two arms are RC combinations? Wien bridge

Bridge used to measure both inductive and capacitive impedances at higher frequencies Radio frequency bridge

A certain condition wherein a nucleus can be stimulated to emit very sharply defined beams of gamma rays Mossbauer effect

Selective absorption of electromagnetic waves by a dielectric due to molecular dipoles Debye effect

Oscillator that uses a tapped coil Hartley Oscillator

Whataccounts for the increase in the equivalent inputcapacitanceof an inverting voltageamplifierdue to amplification of the effect of capacitance between the input and output terminals Miller effect

Biometrics is used for Verification, Identification, Security

Transformer coupled with capacitor Armstrong Bridge

A non-radiative transition of atom from an excited energy state to a lower energy state accompanied by the emission of an electron Auger Effect

The new IBM supercomputer that can perform 7072 trillion calculations per second making it the fastest supercomputer in the world Blue Gene

It helps the CPU to run even though the ram is too low Cache

What type of circuit is a semiconductor ROM that has more stability? Combinational logic circuit

The most known crystal growth process employed in AC Czochralski method

It measures unknown capacitance given a known capacitance De Sauty Bridge

If we try to put a file in a folder were one with that name is already is, the new one will obliterate the old one Dobbering a file

Nickel zinc cell also known as Edison cell

Which one of the following uses graphical icons? GUI (graphical user interface)

It states that in the production of a voltage difference across an electrical conductor, transverse to an electric current in the conductor and a magnetic field perpendicular to the current. Hall effect

Who established the relationship between magnetism and electricity? Hans Christian Oersted

Which of the following devices can be used as a position sensor in a servo system? PotentiometerWhat is an instrument that measures the time for a given amount of fluid to flow through a standard size orifice or a capillary tube with an accurate bore? Saybolt instrument

Ability of an electric current to destroy superconductivity by the magnetic field that it generates, without raising the cryogenic temperature Silsbee effect

A type of waveform generated at the output of a digital-to-analog converter as its digital input signal is incrementally changed Staircase waveform

______ has a series RC combination in one arm and a parallel RC combination in the adjoining arm Wien bridge

When a superconductor is cooled below the temperature required for superconductivity, the material appears to become perfectly diamagnetic. Meissner Effect

Desktops and personal computers are also known as ______. Microcomputer

The process of making a material passive in relation to other material prior to using the materials together. Passivation

The UJT conducts from base1 to (a) what point when it is forward biased and from (b) what point to base 2 when it is reversed biased? emitter (b) emitter

The MOSFET is normally constructed so that it operates in either the depletion mode or the enhancement mode. The depletion mode MOSFET (a) uses what type of bias and (b) has what type of doped channel to cause a depletion of current carriers in the channel? reverse (b) heavily

The size of empty folder is approximately 1kb

Time-sharing of resources by users is usually Based on time slices

What are examples of trivalent impurities? Boron, Gallium, Indium

The unit that measures the size of files in a computer Byte

In motors, __ converts AC to DC Commutator

Two conductors with insulator between them are called_____. Condenser (old name) / capacitor (new name)

A paper capacitor generally has a shorter service life than most other types of capacitor. This is a ____ statement. False

What law states that the force is inversely proportional to the square of distance in gravitational objects? Inverse Square Law

The main program in the operating system is Kernel

Which of the following terms describes the first remainder when converted to decimal numbers to other bases? LSD

Combination of AND and NOT gates NAND gate

A robot programming wherein the establishing of the required sequence of functional and required positional steps is written on a remote computer console Off-line programming

The signal that the computer is awaiting a command from the user: Prompt

Another name for an operating environment is __. Shell

Semiconductor device that is basically equivalent to two diodes connected in series and their polarity is reversed Thyrector

The technique whereby part of the program is stored on disk and is brought into memory for execution as needed is called __. Virtual storage

Band pass A set of frequency to pass through and attenuates all the other frequencies

Band stop stops a set of frequencies and let all the other frequencies pass through

Utilities Pre assigned program

Foreground Area of High probability

Capacitance in PN junction increases as reverse bias decreases

Avalanche Breakdown when reverse bias exceeds a point

Why flux is used in soldering? because flux acts as a cleaning agent that removes oxides

The process of converting AC to DC Rectification

2 General Classifications of Servo System Torque and Control

Gives Mechanical Output from its rotor Synchro Torque Receiver

Surface of liquid expands Surface tension

Envelope detector Signal diode

Over-voltage protection when you turn off the circuit install a snubber circuit

Logic circuit immune to noise TTL

Equivalent to truth table in sequential circuit Functional Table

Which of the following can occur during a geomagnetic storm? More than one above can occur.

Used to tune Gunn oscillator Varactor

Lower Power Higher input resistance in a cell

Increases Inductance Ferromagnetic core in an inductor

Equivalent of 100 pF 0.0001uF

Transducer, high level 0 to +/-5V

Programs that is not used by main computer Secondary storage

Zener Diode is usually used as voltage stabilizer

Energy gap of semiconductors 1eV

Materials are modified liquid crystals and extremely suited for reflective, bistable displays Cholesteric

Unit of Data in Computer Byte

If Gate source is zero, JFET operates in: Drain-Source Saturation Current

Voltmeter, Ohmmeter, Ammeter combination is called: VOM

Dynamo mechanical energy to electrical and vice versa

Common emitter high input impedance

In a series motor with constant speed when line current increases load voltage increases

45 kHz used in resistive high frequency welding

Voltage follower Voltage gain of 1.

Of the following tests, which is most valid for diode? Dynamic electrical test with diode test set

Transformer secondary current is greater than the primary current in step up transformer this statement is False

Used to describe pulses that flow in the same direction Pulsating DC

Basic set up of an industrial robot system Manipulator, end effector, controller, power supply

In a 741c, a compensating capacitor controlled the Open loop cut off frequency

Series-parallel combination resistors Higher rating than resistor alone

How can class C amplifiers operate in linear? No means. Class C amplifier are always non linear

Development of voltage between the two edges of a current carrying metal strip whose faces are perpendicular to magnetic field Hall effect

As the number of poles increases The poles decreases

Process of converting AC to pulsating DC Rectification

Most voltage regulators used BJT as their control element

Two waves of the same amplitude and frequency but in opposite direction on a medium Stationary wave

All inputs of an OR gate is inverted by a NOT gate NAND

Input to make circuit function normally Input bias voltageVoltmeter range can be increased by Inserting a large resistance in series

Transistor Hartley has a Inductive feedback

H parameters 4

Oscillator frequency is determined by Coil inductor and capacitance

Blocks frequency and passes only frequency above and below the band Band stop

Measure of something using standard value Measurement

Silicon wafer has a diameter and thickness of 2 inch; 0.01 0.02

Satellites in the iridium satellite spot beams 48

On a PNP set up, collector is Negative WRT emitterDielectric constant Relative permittivity

To reduce capacitance between primary and secondary windings Arrangement of windings should be opposite to the toroidal core

Energy needed to remove an electron from an isolated, gaseous atom or ion in its ground state Ionization energy

Major cause of frequency error in a counter Count-hold circuit

Possible states with 8 flip flops 127

Small signal is retained Back porch effect

Generates signal due to acoustic Acoustoelectric effect

Subatomic particles made up of quarks held together by strong intermolecular force HadronsInstrument used to measure magnetic strength Hall probe

Transconductance is controlled by Input bias current

The process called junction recombination occur between the PN junction when there is Diffusion of holes and electrons moving along the two materials

Application where DC is better than AC Changing of storage batteries

Class A works over 360 degrees because Q is located In the center of the load line

To improve the efficiency of a Class A amplifier Use a transformer coupled load

Effect of geomagnetic storm Earths magnetic field

They are not computer professionals but they use computers End users

Ability of a material to attract irons Magnetism

Circuits that require low voltage sources Low resistance circuits

Amplifier that flows over the entire cycle Class A

Feedback element of a differentiating Op-Amp Resistor

When peak value decreases Bandwidth increases

Reason why a motor takes large current during start up Low back EMF

Power level meter is constructed Electrodynamometer

Super quantum surface Magnetoelanograph