8 i b three great all sales - chronicling...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY JANUARY 7 1906 I l2 NEW FRENCH SOCIETY TO SEEK SUPERMAN srfect Form and Beauty Necessary to Membership AYutually Congenial Bound by Rules to Marry and Children Become ExOfficio Member I 1 ARIS Jan L M A Piohou has just itad a society here the object cU is tho realization of the he name of the now society is lite and one of tho requisites of wnbershlp is that tho applicant be of form and health and df a beau ill countenance ihe members meet every Sunday in a- ge hall on the Seine and without- y introduction or other preliminaries low themselves to be guided by of natural selection in their choice or supor- n react the- V of partners Those that find that they are mutually congenial RIO bound by the rules to marry and their children cxofllcio members M Piohou believes that the theory of Schopenhauer Is Inherit character from the father and intellect from the mother Alexandria Want Ad Branch For the of residents of Alexandria The Washington Times has established a Want Ad In the establishment of R L Carne Com pany 703 King street Alexandria Va correctthat be- come children d ¬ ¬ ALEXANDRIA NEWS NOTES I 1 WASHINQTON TIMES BUREAU ALEXANDRIA VA JAN 6 A meeting of the executive commit- ted of the George Washington Birthday Association was held this evening at the Friendship engine house to formulate plans for tile celebration of Washing tons Birthday this year Much interest was manifested at the meeting and it was decided to have a parade as has been the custom for tv number of yours post Preliminary plans wero made and a finance committee appointed to solicit subscriptions to help defray expenses MOTION TO SET ASIDE VERDICT- In the circuit court of Alexandria county Judgo Nicol presiding today R Walton Moore and J R Caton at- torneys for the Washington Alexan dria and Mt Vernon Railway made a motion tp set aside tae verdict rendered by the jury in the case of Charles Wells in he was awarded 5000 damages for personal in juries In a wreck on the deemtmt com which Com- pany ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ panys road Messrs Machen and Mon roe contested tho setting aside of the verdict After arguments Judge Nicol overruled motion and suspended judgment in order to give the defendant eomnany time to take tho caso to the court of appeals LADIES AUXILIARY ELECTION- The Ladles Auxiliary of the A O II has elected the following officers for tho ensuing year Mrs Zora Hill president Mrs George Kimball vice president Mrs Milton R Evans recording secretary Miss Julia Ryan financial secretary Mrs Jacob Drill treasurer Misses Sheahey Travers Bashford Nugent and Lawler standing committee Miss Nugent organist NEW STREET SPRINKLER The street sprinkler and sweeper which was ordered by the city council time ago has arrived In this the some ¬ and on a flat car dn The machine was built by Manufacturing Works of PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES- At the Second Presbyterian Church the Rev A Phillips o Richmond superintendent of the school mission work of the Pres yterian Church will occupy the at all the services BROOKE GOES TO ROMNEY The Rev Dr F J Brooke who for some time pastor of the Soc Presbyterian Church in this city who has a to a church t Itomnoy W Va left Alexandria Romney this evening SNEAK THIEF AT WORK Villljn Wado reports to the police that some ono entered the EmersOj Pump Companys works at the foot o- DUKC street morning and stole oft and a pair of pantaloons belongingt- o him EADBEATERALEXANDER Cards have been Issued for the mar riage of Clarence C Leadbeater this ItS Union the tomorrow L Sun- day pul- pit DR has been ond gut for a of city Austin Chi- cago city to Miss Lillian Marie Alexander daughter of Mr and Mrs Milton Alex- ander of West Lawn Lancaster Pa The ceremony will take place on Wed- nesday the 17th instant POTOMAC LODGE OFFICERS Potomac Lodge of Odd Fellows last night installed the following officers for the ensuing year A J Hall N G J S W W Sherwood P S L M Davis T E Lyles C G H Hinkin R S to N G Q H Willis L 0 to N G H Arnold W C H Davis C Norman Williamson R S to V G W H Yates- I S to V G C Nagel R S C W E Risden L S W E Latham jr G J H Fletcher H FrIedlander P G A Floral Suggestion Floral decorations by Gude Invariably meet with unqualified approval 1214 F Notice to Gas Consumers Tho In the gas mains will be considerably reduced on Sunday Janu ary 7th the hours of 10 a m and 2 p m owing to making connec- tions at New Jersey avenue and F street northwest Washington Gas Light Com- pany R Man V G E Latham r I O S W f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FELL FROM WAGON AND HIS EAR WAS TORN OFF Jarred from the seat of his wagon at Thirtysixth and M streets Georgetown John Amberger living on the Conduit road struck tho ground on his right ear yesterday afternoon and that member was almost completely severed from hs bead He was removed to the University Hospital where sewed his oar onto his head again he was taken home by his son AGED MAN HURT Edward T Getchell seventyHwo years of 505 E street northwest taken- o the Emergency Hospital yesterday afternoon suffering from contusions tho limbs and body Ho said he received the injuries when he fell dowry m elevator shaft at 819 Seventh street lorthwest His condition Is not serious Baltimore and Return 125 Baltimore Ohio R R Every Saturday and Sunday All trains both way both oxcept Royal Limited Hourly Service days George- town physi- cians Later old was about consid- ered tad sr lays 4 1 v lOc wash chambray i at 5 3 4c yard Got a hundred pieces of the chambray hard to keep In stock even at regular price Sells like hut cakes I Makes ideal inexpensive wrappers waists boys jackets mens shirts or childrens dresses Have it in many tan pink green brown gray etc II Bargain Tables First floor c French lawn 14c yard The white goods department will put on sale tomor- row fifty pieces of fine crisp very sheer French lawn 45 Inches wide regular 2 c a yard Kind at lie yard Those who have no present use for this material should anticipate the requirements of spring and summer First floor Bargain Tables Three With numerous dvantages for Monday buyersLo- ts in all sales are big but some are not large enough to last the week A few will hardly last the first day through so attractive are the big the reductions on wanted goods Great January Undermuslin Begins tomorrow Fvill details in Post Following is a summary Big Savings on little things Dressmakers and home sewers will be glad Sale prices hold good a11 below are in limited quan- tity though so you had best come Monday Down go prices on Silks and velvets 130 for Cotton Batting regular price 15c 5c for two sheets Cot ton Shoot Wadding white or pray regular price per sheet 5e lOe for ZJIekelplatsd Coat Hangers ular price 25c- Sc for Sanitary Wash- Cloths regular lOc 4c for Asbestos Iron Solders So per doe for Chinese Wax regular price per dozen lOc 3e per bottle for Ma 2c for 60inch Sateen Tape Measures regular 5c 100 Cs 10ft Tape Measures In nickel regular piece 25c- So per for 3a Rubber Sheeting per yard Size 44 regular price 49c sale price 39c Sis 54 price SOcj sole 49c Sizi 64 price 69c sale price 59c 5e for 24yard Cotton ular price per piece 8c- DSESS SETEIDS Can field make sizes mostly 2 and 4 regular 15c and 35c 1 es 5c SljsrwS 500 YARD BILK PEATBBR or white per yard 60- aCACHTETE ITEEDIiES All makes two papers for Pin books ular price per spool So sale 3c WTLlilAMA TIC COT Quoise or assorted color ed heads regular price per book 5c 8c for Princess Pin Books regular price per book 100 Safety pins regular price 14c 39c fo beat quality Steel Sluars seconds from 6 to 9 inches long worth double So per for extra heavy Tabular Shoe Laces black all lengths price per dozen lOc and ICc DE LONG HOOKS AND LYES black or white wzular 9o value per card 5c spool black white or colors 6 spools for 21c j Taffeta iiiite or I colors price per piece 14c price A 27 G O H A BSATD Black or colors regular par piece lOc sale price 7c HEED LI S Crowley goldoycd regular price per paper Sc price c ENGLISH TWIl TAPE 1O yards all widths regular per piece lOo 15c sale Oc Gen needle- point regular per paper 5 price 3 papers ior lOc naught Safety Pins all sizes 5c for two dozen Sani tart Pins black or nickel regular prico per dozen 3c 4c Crochet and drning cotton 5c for four Em bro Mercerized Crochet Cotton nearly all colors 5c for six spools O Z9T T Barain Cotton black and white and colors rcftnlar price per two spools Sc Sc for hree cards black Darning Cotton with darning needle Thousands and thousands of yards of bright clean and fresh the best styles and shades the worlds markets afford reduced to the limit rock bottom Of kinds we have but or two piece of the same pattern Prices only are designated below Lay aside everything Monday ATTEND THIS SILK SALE White French Taffeta 23in yard 129 300 Imported Armuro Brilliant 23in 189 300 White Taconne Moire Antique 22in yd 129 400 Heavy White Satin Crepe 44in yard 3269 200 Imported Chameleon Moire Antique 22in 98c 650 Imported Brocade Mescaline Velvet yard 1 8 350 Black Preach Cotele 36in yard 189 150 Black Moire Antique 21in yard 89c- SlOO Black Gros Grain 23in yard 69c 275 Bonnet Black Duchesae 24in yard 1 9 Black Preach Parme Satin 21iru yard 69c 200 Black Silk Moire Antiaue 36in yard 139 125 Black Moirs Velour 36in yard 79c Brown Bearskin 32in yard 119 125 Paccnne Shantung Pongee 24in yard 59c 100 Plaid and Xonisines- 21in yard 69c 100 Colored Taffotas 21in yd 49c 100 Chiffon Glace Taffetas 22 in 75c 125 Brocha Printed Satin liberty 24in yard 79c 100 Glace Surah 20ln yard 69c 125 and 150 Satin Buchesoe 20 in yard 69c age Plain and Glace Taffetas 27 in yard 59c 1OO 125 end 150 Novelty Silks yard 69c 103 warpprinted Keasalines 24 in yard 75o Silk Chiffon Velvets that cost 130 yard to weave at 89c S100 145 S1J50 and 200 Fancy Velvets yard c 100 Black Taffeta 36in yard 69c 9c Black Peau de Cygue 19in yard 39c 75c Black AllSilk Peau de Sole yd 59c 100 Black Peau de Crepe 24in 69c 1OO Cheney Bros Black Twilled Foulard yard 59c 125 Imported Black Mescaline 27in yard 89c 75c Black Swiss Mescaline 20 in yard 59c 100 Black Crepe de Chine 24 in yard 63c- Sl O Colored Crepe de Chine 40 in yard 109 300 3 0 and 400 Novelty Black Grenadines 44in 169- i Want 20c pillow cases for I 16c- I Come tomorrow j They are hemstitched and have 3inch hems Fat is we couldnt sell them all the time at 20c If they cost market price I Made heavy round thread cotton fully bleached CHOICE of two sizes 45 by 38VV inches 42 by 38 Inches Well sell a hundred dozen to morrow Sheets too at bargain prices Choice of three sizes each lOc under the regular price These are Palma brand sheets high class m every respect Cant buy thorn regularly now for the price we shall sell them tomor- row 6Dc Sheets 72 90 in at 58c 75c Sheets SI by 90 In at66cT- Dc Sheets 80 by 90 in at 8c Flannelettes j TEAZEL OUTING FLAN NEL3 best Quality stripes checks plaids other patterns adaptable for also suitable for mens pajamas Regular lOc per Spe ftZC clal RAYS STRIPE FLANNEL ETTKS double width in pretty patterns suitable for house dresses waists or kimonos Regular price 12c per QZC yard 50c brocaded silk mousseline- s29c yd Specially priced for Manday ONLY Only broken pieces offered at great reduction Good as- sortment of shades Colors only at this 28c black percaline llic This is a fine grade sik finish fast black anu al- ways lies many buyers at regu tar We secured 50 places at a price that was almost real worth so can sell this grade at 1U cents a yard It Is 2 inches wide and is beetled on both sides We cannot tell how long this quantity will last First 18 and 20 suits Long and threequarter length Coat Suits of fancy mixtures and black blue or brown chev- iot satin lined Styles are those most in favor Limited quantity so do not delay In choosing yours Special bargains in towels WO DOZEN full bleached hem- stitched huck towels 18 A by 34 inches Sale Price 1- m DOZEN full bleached hem- med barb towels 17 by 34 7 i C- inches Sate Price 2 DOZEN German Damask j knotted fringe towels all white or with colored borders 01C 22 48 inches Sale Price Winter Coats at half them but a good share 500 and 600 coats 398 These are good grade Covert Coats in prevailing styles Not they are sacrificed to make room for other garments 1250 and 15 coals 750 Excellent grade K ersoy Coats and Scotchmixed Coats in uptodate styles About 50 Coats in this lot and a good range of colors 18 and 20 coats 1000 Handsome Kersey Coats in loose and hilffltted lined A num- ber of Tourist Coats are also included in the prevailing gray mixtjres 25 and 30 coats 1500 Highgrade Covert Kersey and some Mixedcloth Coats in the newest styles of the season Also a few silk coats included that are interlined these are some of the handsomest we have shown this season 33 and 40 coats 1975 Kersey Broadcloth and Covert Coats In the newest styles sqme with wide shawl collar ot Persian lamb Also a number of Coats of broadcloth and vel- vet that are suitable for evening wear 45 and 50 coats 2500 At this price our high priced coats of the covert kersey and broadcloth Styles are suitable for Street or wear This Is an un usually good chance to buy an expensive model at price Another Embroidery sale Entirely new shown before Prices here tell the economy side of the story only Cambric Edgings and insertions 4 to 8 inches wide choice of 50 dif patterns worth I2ic to 20c price lOc yard Edgings and insertions 4 inches wide more than 40 none worth less than 8c different patterns all good widths and up to 12C yd price yard CAMBRIC DEMIF L 0 UN C INGS and insertions 1 5 different patterns 14 to 18 inches wide Worth 35c to SOc a yard Sale price 25c yard SWISS 25 worth 25c to 35c a yard Black dress goods English Worsted Was 169 reduced to 149 54inch Lupins 149 reduced to 125 45inch Silk Voile Was 169 reduced to 149 5inch Priestley Shadow Check Voile Was 1 25 reduced to 98c 45inch French Drap de Ette Was 149 reduced to 100 45inch French 169 reduced to 125 50inch Shuaih Cloth better than broadcloth at same price 149 Cream dress goods 365n Allwool Batist 39c 45in Allwool Egypta Crepe 69c 36in Allwool Albatross 39c 45in Allwool Panama 75c 38in Allwool Serges 49c 50inch Sicilian Mohair 69c- 50inch Broadcloth 149 Sale price 19c yard Colored dress goods 455n French Drap de Ette Was 149 reduced to 100 48in Lupins Shadow Check Panama Was 98c reduced to 79c 54in Thibet Cloth Was 139 reduced to 98c 45in Silk and Wool Eolienne 98c grade reduced to 75c 125 grade reduced to 98c 149 grade reduced to 125 II i I 8 th 51 PA AVE I T H E B U Sy CORN ER I colorsblue v great all week sales pricesso rN otion s le n sale Silks- I weeKitems one I 350 today s I j 5c for Crytal Hatpins I 5c for two books f in white IUld colors g Tape black or reg I Pins black white tar I Corset Covers One style Cambric 9c a GARMENTS i 1A T1lG COTTON reg 125 5 I 30 of nil kinds at special f l0 at 3ge prices a feature of this I 5c for four dozen Con cord aooyrd S styles at 44e gum I Drawers 5 styles at 6ge B N GAl sUk Taff 13 styles at22e 4 2 styles Cambric regular ChemISe 3 styles Cambric at fiSa I j 4 styles Cambric at Ho 3 styles S styles d 44c One MUs1ln at 21e Corset covers g I 7 nt 85e One style Muslin 1 1 5 styles Nalnlook 39c style AIc Gowns styles Cambric SSc G9c spools I 2 styles at 2c Owns One style Lon 3 styles I 5 styles g 4 styles 2 styles 39c 6 styles or 6 styles at S9c MusUn 125 p co 1 15 at 8 styles at 3 63c Long petticoats p 10 styles at 139 10 styles 79c 3 styles Muslin 11 styles at 179 4 styles Sl39 3 styles Muslin 9Sc Others 11 179 I r I II I I I I I I I pt very I I I I I 1 0 I b this 0 p I I b II I reduction sl N I- o Lao CheviotWas lotsnot PoplinWas manybut 1 I e BANDINGSAbout lJ C t mo 1 5 e C s a 1 e i r I y f man i i Etas d x BONEBlack y a It ar r price re tar f f re Solt- a c era EXTRA SIZE D raw 3 Btyles Muslin 13c V styles at 21c Ono style Nainaooh13c 5 I styles styles j 6 styles at 39c chino oll that will not styles T017 Six 4 styles at 69c sale 10 styles at 790 rtes 6 at 790 styles at 119 I1I I style 3luslla Others higher at390 e Short petticoats Muslin 21o pact j style vorito Hairpins styles at29c style Cambrla21a 1 Cambric 3 styles Cambric 2 9 I Muslin 39c petticoats Muslin 690 u Muan85c Mnalln44c Ca brie styles 79c styles 44c styles II I WL19 PINS higher styles 2 styles Muslin 4179 975 Especially 3 rice leer J S Dress goods 60 Inch coats i rent I Ii I H I I t I i L j = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = + +

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Post on 23-Jul-2018




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srfect Form and Beauty Necessary to Membership

AYutually Congenial Bound by Rules to Marry and

Children Become ExOfficio Member



ARIS Jan L M A Piohou has justitad a society here the objectcU is tho realization of the

he name of the now society islite and one of tho requisites of

wnbershlp is that tho applicant be ofform and health and df a beau

ill countenanceihe members meet every Sunday in a-

ge hall on the Seine and without-y introduction or other preliminarieslow themselves to be guided by

of natural selection in their choice





of partners Those that find that theyare mutually congenial RIO bound by therules to marry and their children

cxofllcio membersM Piohou believes that the theory of

Schopenhauer IsInherit character from the father andintellect from the mother

Alexandria Want Ad Branch

For the of residents ofAlexandria The Washington Times hasestablished a Want Ad In theestablishment of R L Carne Company 703 King street Alexandria Va










A meeting of the executive commit-

ted of the George Washington BirthdayAssociation was held this evening at theFriendship engine house to formulateplans for tile celebration of Washingtons Birthday this year Much interestwas manifested at the meeting and itwas decided to have a parade as hasbeen the custom for tv number of yourspost Preliminary plans wero made anda finance committee appointed to solicitsubscriptions to help defray expenses


In the circuit court of Alexandriacounty Judgo Nicol presiding today

R Walton Moore and J R Caton at-

torneys for the Washington Alexandria and Mt Vernon Railway

made a motion tp set aside taeverdict rendered by the jury in the caseof Charles Wells in he wasawarded 5000 damages for personal injuries In a wreck on the deemtmt com










panys road Messrs Machen and Monroe contested tho setting aside of theverdict After arguments Judge Nicoloverruled motion and suspendedjudgment in order to give the defendanteomnany time to take tho caso to thecourt of appeals

LADIES AUXILIARY ELECTION-The Ladles Auxiliary of the A O

II has elected the following officersfor tho ensuing year

Mrs Zora Hill president MrsGeorge Kimball vice president MrsMilton R Evans recording secretaryMiss Julia Ryan financial secretaryMrs Jacob Drill treasurer MissesSheahey Travers Bashford Nugentand Lawler standing committee MissNugent organist

NEW STREET SPRINKLERThe street sprinkler and sweeper

which was ordered by the city counciltime ago has arrived In this




and on a flat car dnThe machine was built byManufacturing Works of

PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES-At the Second Presbyterian Church

the Rev A Phillips oRichmond superintendent of the

school mission work of the Presyterian Church will occupy the

at all the services


The Rev Dr F J Brooke whofor some time pastor of the SocPresbyterian Church in this city

who has a to a churcht Itomnoy W Va left Alexandria

Romney this evening

SNEAK THIEF AT WORKVillljn Wado reports to the police

that some ono entered the EmersOjPump Companys works at the foot o-

DUKC street morning and stoleoft and a pair of pantaloons belongingt-o him

EADBEATERALEXANDERCards have been Issued for the mar

riage of Clarence C Leadbeater this

ItS Unionthe

tomorrow LSun-









Austin Chi-cago

city to Miss Lillian Marie Alexanderdaughter of Mr and Mrs Milton Alex-ander of West Lawn Lancaster PaThe ceremony will take place on Wed-nesday the 17th instant

POTOMAC LODGE OFFICERSPotomac Lodge of Odd Fellows last

night installed the following officers forthe ensuing year A J Hall N G JS W W Sherwood P S L M DavisT E Lyles C G H Hinkin R S toN G Q H Willis L 0 to N G HArnold W C H Davis C NormanWilliamson R S to V G W H Yates-I S to V G C Nagel R S C W ERisden L S W E Latham jrG J H Fletcher H FrIedlanderP G

A Floral SuggestionFloral decorations by Gude Invariably

meet with unqualified approval 1214 F

Notice to Gas Consumers

Tho In the gas mains will beconsiderably reduced on Sunday January 7th the hours of 10 a mand 2 p m owing to making connec-tions at New Jersey avenue and F streetnorthwest Washington Gas Light Com-pany

R Man V G E Latham r











Jarred from the seat of his wagon atThirtysixth and M streets GeorgetownJohn Amberger living on the Conduitroad struck tho ground on his right earyesterday afternoon and that memberwas almost completely severed from hsbead He was removed to the

University Hospital wheresewed his oar onto his head againhe was taken home by his son


Edward T Getchell seventyHwo yearsof 505 E street northwest taken-

o the Emergency Hospital yesterdayafternoon suffering from contusions

tho limbs and body Ho said hereceived the injuries when he fell dowrym elevator shaft at 819 Seventh streetlorthwest His condition Is not


Baltimore and Return 125 BaltimoreOhio R R Every Saturday and

Sunday All trains both way bothoxcept Royal Limited Hourly

Service days

George-town physi-ciansLater

old was



tad sr





lOc wash chambrayi at 5 3 4c yard

Got a hundred pieces of the chambray hard to keepIn stock even at regular price Sells like hut cakes

I Makes ideal inexpensive wrappers waists boys jacketsmens shirts or childrens dresses Have it in many

tan pink green brown gray etcII Bargain Tables First floor

c French lawn14c yard

The white goods department will put on sale tomor-row fifty pieces of fine crisp very sheer French lawn 45Inches wide regular 2 c a yard Kind at lie yard

Those who have no present use for this materialshould anticipate the requirements of spring and summer

First floor Bargain Tables

ThreeWith numerous dvantages for Monday buyersLo-

ts in all sales are big but some are not large enough to last the week A few will hardly last the first day through so attractive are the big the reductions on wanted goods

Great JanuaryUndermuslin


Fvill details inPost

Following is asummary

Big Savings on little thingsDressmakers and home sewers will be gladSale prices hold good a11 below are in limited quan-

tity though so you had best come Monday

Down go prices on

Silks and velvets

130 for CottonBatting regular price 15c

5c for two sheets Cotton Shoot Wadding whiteor pray regular priceper sheet 5e

lOe for ZJIekelplatsdCoat Hangers

ular price 25c-

Sc for Sanitary Wash-Cloths regular lOc

4c for Asbestos IronSolders

So per doe for ChineseWax regular

price per dozen lOc3e per bottle for Ma

2c for 60inch SateenTape Measures regular

5c100 Cs 10ft Tape

Measures In nickelregular piece 25c-

So per for 3a

Rubber Sheeting peryard

Size 44 regular price49c sale price 39c

Sis 54 priceSOcj sole 49c

Sizi 64 price69c sale price 59c

5e for 24yard Cotton

ular price per piece 8c-

DSESS SETEIDS Canfield make sizes mostly2 and 4 regular 15c and35c 1 es 5c

SljsrwS 500 YARD

BILK PEATBBRor whiteper yard 60-

aCACHTETE ITEEDIiESAll makes two papers


Pin books

ular price per spool Sosale 3c


Quoise or assorted colored heads regular priceper book 5c

8c for Princess PinBooks regular price perbook 100

Safety pins

regular price 14c39c fo beat quality

Steel Sluars secondsfrom 6 to 9 inches longworth double

So per for extraheavy Tabular ShoeLaces black alllengths priceper dozen lOc and ICc

DE LONG HOOKSAND LYES black orwhite wzular 9o valueper card 5c

spool black white orcolors 6 spools for 21c j

Taffeta iiiite orI colors price per

piece 14c priceA 27 G O H A BSATD

Black or colors regularpar piece lOc sale

price 7cHEED LI S Crowley

goldoycd regular priceper paper Scprice c

ENGLISH TWIlTAPE 1O yards allwidths regular perpiece lOo 15c sale

OcGen needle-

point regular perpaper 5 price 3papers ior lOc

naught Safety Pins allsizes

5c for two dozen Sanitart Pins black or nickelregular prico per dozen3c 4c

Crochet anddrning cotton

5c for four Embro Mercerized CrochetCotton nearly all colors

5c for six spools O Z9T

T Barain Cotton blackand white and colorsrcftnlar price per twospools Sc

Sc for hree cards blackDarning Cotton withdarning needle

Thousands and thousands of yards ofbright clean and fresh the best styles and shadesthe worlds markets afford reduced to the limitrock bottom Of kinds we have but ortwo piece of the same pattern Prices only aredesignated below Lay aside everything MondayATTEND THIS SILK SALE

White French Taffeta 23in yard 129300 Imported Armuro Brilliant 23in 189300 White Taconne Moire Antique 22in yd 129400 Heavy White Satin Crepe 44in yard 3269200 Imported Chameleon Moire Antique 22in 98c650 Imported Brocade Mescaline Velvet yard 1 8

350 Black Preach Cotele 36in yard 189

150 Black Moire Antique 21in yard 89c-

SlOO Black Gros Grain 23in yard 69c275 Bonnet Black Duchesae 24in yard 1 9

Black Preach Parme Satin 21iru yard 69c

200 Black Silk Moire Antiaue 36in yard 139125 Black Moirs Velour 36in yard 79c

Brown Bearskin 32in yard 119

125 Paccnne Shantung Pongee 24in yard 59c

100 Plaid and Xonisines-21in yard 69c

100 Colored Taffotas 21in yd 49c100 Chiffon Glace Taffetas 22

in 75c125 Brocha Printed Satin liberty

24in yard 79c100 Glace Surah 20ln yard 69c125 and 150 Satin Buchesoe 20in yard 69c

age Plain and Glace Taffetas 27in yard 59c

1OO 125 end 150 NoveltySilks yard 69c

103 warpprinted Keasalines 24in yard 75o

Silk Chiffon Velvets that cost 130yard to weave at 89c

S100 145 S1J50 and 200 FancyVelvets yard c

100 Black Taffeta 36in yard 69c9c Black Peau de Cygue 19inyard 39c

75c Black AllSilk Peau de Sole yd 59c100 Black Peau de Crepe 24in 69c1OO Cheney Bros Black TwilledFoulard yard 59c

125 Imported Black Mescaline27in yard 89c

75c Black Swiss Mescaline 20in yard 59c

100 Black Crepe de Chine 24in yard 63c-

Sl O Colored Crepe de Chine 40in yard 109

300 3 0 and 400 NoveltyBlack Grenadines 44in 169-

i Want 20c pillow cases forI 16c-I Come tomorrowj They are hemstitched and have

3inch hemsFat is we couldnt sell them

all the time at 20c If they costmarket price

I Made heavy roundthread cotton fully bleached

CHOICE of two sizes45 by 38VV inches42 by 38 Inches

Well sell a hundred dozen tomorrow

Sheets too at bargainprices

Choice of three sizes each lOc

under the regular price Theseare Palma brand sheets highclass m every respect Cantbuy thorn regularly now for theprice we shall sell them tomor-row6Dc Sheets 72 90 in at 58c

75c Sheets SI by 90 In at66cT-Dc Sheets 80 by 90 in at 8c

Flannelettes j

TEAZEL OUTING FLANNEL3 best Quality stripeschecks plaids other

patternsadaptable for

also suitable formens pajamas RegularlOc per Spe ftZCclal

RAYS STRIPE FLANNELETTKS double width in prettypatterns suitable for housedresses waists or kimonosRegular price 12c per QZCyard

50c brocaded silkmousseline-

s29c ydSpecially priced for Manday

ONLYOnly broken pieces offered at

great reduction Good as-

sortment of shades Colors onlyat this

28c black percaline

llicThis is a fine grade sik

finish fast black anu al-ways lies many buyers at regutar We secured 50 placesat a price that was almostreal worth so can sell this gradeat 1U cents a yard

It Is 2 inches wide and isbeetled on both sides

We cannot tell how long thisquantity will last


18 and 20 suits

Long and threequarter length

Coat Suits of fancy mixturesand black blue or brown chev-

iot satin lined Styles arethose most in favor Limited

quantity so do not delay In

choosing yours

Special bargains intowels

WO DOZEN full bleached hem-stitched huck towels 18 Aby 34 inches Sale Price 1-

m DOZEN full bleached hem-med barb towels 17 by 34 7 i C-

inches Sate Price 2DOZEN German Damask j

knotted fringe towels all whiteor with colored borders 01C22 48 inches Sale Price

WinterCoats at half

them but a good share500 and 600 coats

398These are good grade Covert Coats in

prevailing styles Not theyare sacrificed to make room for othergarments

1250 and 15 coals750

Excellent grade Kersoy Coats andScotchmixed Coats in uptodate stylesAbout 50 Coats in this lot and a goodrange of colors

18 and 20 coats1000

Handsome Kersey Coats in loose andhilffltted lined A num-ber of Tourist Coats are also included inthe prevailing gray mixtjres

25 and 30 coats1500

Highgrade Covert Kersey and someMixedcloth Coats in the newest stylesof the season Also a few silk coatsincluded that are interlinedthese are some of the handsomestwe have shown this season

33 and 40 coats1975

Kersey Broadcloth and Covert CoatsIn the newest styles sqme with wideshawl collar ot Persian lamb Also anumber of Coats of broadcloth and vel-vet that are suitable for evening wear

45 and 50 coats2500

At this price our high priced coatsof the covert kersey and

broadcloth Styles are suitable forStreet or wear This Is an unusually good chance to buy an expensivemodel at price

AnotherEmbroidery sale

Entirely new shown before

Prices here tell the economyside of the story only

Cambric Edgings and insertions

4 to 8 inches wide choice of 50 dif

patterns worth I2ic to 20c

price lOc yard

Edgings and insertions

4 inches wide more than 40none worth less than 8c different patterns all good widths

and up to 12C yd

price yard


INGS and insertions 1 5 different

patterns 14 to 18 inches wide

Worth 35c to SOc a yard

Sale price 25c yard


worth 25c to 35c a yard

Black dress goodsEnglish Worsted Was 169 reduced to 149

54inch Lupins 149 reduced to 125

45inch Silk Voile Was 169 reduced to 149

5inch Priestley Shadow Check Voile Was 1 25 reduced to 98c

45inch French Drap de Ette Was 149 reduced to 100

45inch French 169 reduced to 125

50inch Shuaih Cloth better than broadcloth at same price 149

Cream dress goods365n Allwool Batist 39c 45in Allwool Egypta Crepe 69c

36in Allwool Albatross 39c 45in Allwool Panama 75c

38in Allwool Serges 49c 50inch Sicilian Mohair 69c-

50inch Broadcloth 149

Sale price 19c yard

Colored dress goods455n French Drap de Ette Was 149 reduced to 100

48in Lupins Shadow Check Panama Was 98c reduced to 79c

54in Thibet Cloth Was 139 reduced to 98c

45in Silk and Wool Eolienne 98c grade reduced to 75c125 grade reduced to 98c 149 grade reduced to 125



I 8 th 51 PA AVEI T H E B U Sy CORN ER

I colorsbluev

great all week salespricesso

rNotion s len sale






today sI


5c for Crytal Hatpins I 5c for two books


in white IUld colors g Tape black or regI Pins black white tar


Corset CoversOne style Cambric 9c a GARMENTS

i 1A T1lG COTTON reg125


30of nil kinds at special

f l0 at 3ge prices a feature of thisI

5c for four dozen Concord aooyrdS styles at 44e



Drawers5 styles at 6ge B N GAl sUkTaff

13 styles at22e4

2 styles Cambric regular

ChemISe 3 styles Cambric at fiSa


j4 styles Cambric at Ho

3 stylesS styles d 44c One MUs1ln at 21e Corset covers g

I 7 nt 85e One style Muslin 11

5 styles Nalnlook 39c style AIcGowns styles Cambric SSc

G9c spools

I2 styles at 2c OwnsOne style Lon 3 styles

I 5 stylesg 4 styles

2 styles 39c 6 styles or6 styles at S9c MusUn 125

p co

115 at8 styles at 3 63c Long petticoats p

10 styles at 139 10 styles 79c 3 styles Muslin11 styles at 179 4 styles Sl39 3 styles Muslin 9Sc

Others 11 179



















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era EXTRA SIZEDraw 3

Btyles Muslin 13cV

styles at 21cOno style Nainaooh13c5


styles stylesj

6 styles at 39c chino oll that will notstyles T017Six

4 styles at 69c sale10 styles at 790


6at 790 styles at 119 I1II style 3lusllaOthers higher at390 e

Short petticoatsMuslin 21o pact j

style vorito Hairpinsstyles at29c style Cambrla21a

1 Cambric3 styles Cambric


IMuslin 39c petticoats Muslin 690 u

Muan85cMnalln44c Ca brie

styles 79cstyles 44cstyles II I


higher styles 2 styles Muslin 4179



rice leerJ


Dress goods

60 Inch





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