8th grade us history final exam review packet...

8th Grade US History Final Exam Review Packet 2018 ____ 1. Which problem did George Washington encounter when he became president? a. Southern states were threatening to secede from the Union. b. The United States had large debts from the American Revolution. c. Great Britain was refusing to trade with the United States. d. The Articles of Confederation needed to be replaced with a stronger constitution. ____ 2. In 1794, President Washington sent federal troops into western Pennsylvania to deal with an uprising known as the Whiskey Rebellion. The significance of President Washington’s action is that it -- a. strengthened the power of local and state governments. b. forced Congress to pass the Bill of Rights. c. showed the strength of the federal government under the constitution. d. weakened the power of the federal government to collect state taxes. ____ 3. The first two political parties were created in support or opposition to issues concerning what? a. How strong the federal government should be b. How strong the states should be c. The right of states ability to nullify laws that are unconstitutional d. All of the above ____ 4. The National Bank was created under what view? a. A strict inerpregtation of the Constitution b. A loose interpretaton of the Constitution c. That states have rights that the federal government cannot violate d. That it would get the nation into further debt ____ 5. In his Farewell Address, Washington stated that political parties would have what effect on the new American nation? a. They would stimulate the economy and trade. b. They would have a negative and dividing effect. c. They would have little overall effect. d. They would have a positive effect on foreign relations. ____ 6. “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements. I hold the maxim principle no less applicable to the public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let those engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them...” - President George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796 President Washington was offering this advice because he believed -- a. the destiny of the United States was to rule other countries. b. the United States should seek alliances with other nations. c. permanent alliances could draw the United States into foreign wars. d. the United States should break its agreements with France. ____ 7. Which statement is true of the Louisiana Purchase (1803)? a. It extended the nation’s boundary to the Pacific Ocean. b. It removed the Spanish from North America. c. It doubled the size of the U.S. d. It banned the expansion of slavery in the western territories.

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8th Grade US History Final Exam Review Packet 2018

____ 1. Which problem did George Washington encounter when he became president?

a. Southern states were threatening to secede from the Union.

b. The United States had large debts from the American Revolution.

c. Great Britain was refusing to trade with the United States.

d. The Articles of Confederation needed to be replaced with a stronger constitution.

____ 2. In 1794, President Washington sent federal troops into western Pennsylvania to deal with an uprising known as

the Whiskey Rebellion. The significance of President Washington’s action is that it --

a. strengthened the power of local and state governments.

b. forced Congress to pass the Bill of Rights.

c. showed the strength of the federal government under the constitution.

d. weakened the power of the federal government to collect state taxes.

____ 3. The first two political parties were created in support or opposition to issues concerning what?

a. How strong the federal government should be

b. How strong the states should be

c. The right of states ability to nullify laws that are unconstitutional

d. All of the above

____ 4. The National Bank was created under what view?

a. A strict inerpregtation of the Constitution

b. A loose interpretaton of the Constitution

c. That states have rights that the federal government cannot violate

d. That it would get the nation into further debt

____ 5. In his Farewell Address, Washington stated that political parties would have what effect on the new American


a. They would stimulate the economy and trade.

b. They would have a negative and dividing effect.

c. They would have little overall effect.

d. They would have a positive effect on foreign relations.

____ 6.

“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so

far as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing

infidelity to existing engagements. I hold the maxim principle no less applicable to the public than

to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let those engagements

be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary and would be unwise to

extend them...”

- President George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

President Washington was offering this advice because he believed --

a. the destiny of the United States was to rule other countries.

b. the United States should seek alliances with other nations.

c. permanent alliances could draw the United States into foreign wars.

d. the United States should break its agreements with France.

____ 7. Which statement is true of the Louisiana Purchase (1803)?

a. It extended the nation’s boundary to the Pacific Ocean.

b. It removed the Spanish from North America.

c. It doubled the size of the U.S.

d. It banned the expansion of slavery in the western territories.

____ 8. Which power did the U.S. Supreme Court establish in Marbury v. Madison (1803)?

a. judicial review

b. hearing appeals from lower federal courts

c. deciding cases involving two or more states

d. judicial independence through lifetime tenure

____ 9. Judicial review is most accurately described as the power of the -- a. Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of laws. b. Senate to approve all presidential appointments to federal courts. c. state courts to overturn decisions of the Supreme Court. d. president to override a decision of the Supreme Court.

____ 10. The decision in Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) basically addressed which of the following issues?

a. the issue of congressional privileges

b. the regulation of interstate commerce

c. the right of states to tax a federal property

d. the Supreme Court’s right to declare Congressional acts unconstitutional

____ 11. Which of the following events completes the War of 1812 timeline below?

a. President Madison declares war on British

b. Treaty of Paris officially ends war

c. Battle of Bunker Hill fought

d. Missouri Compromise signed into law

____ 12. The practice of forcing foreign sailors into a country’s military service, which the British practiced regularly in

the early 1800s, was called what?

a. mutiny c. hijacking

b. impressment d. piracy

____ 13. During the early 1800s, members of Congress who supported war against Great Britain were known as what?

a. Farm Hawks c. Jayhawks

b. War Hawks d. Mohawks

____ 14. What was an economic consequence of the War of 1812?

a. The British economy boomed.

b. American manufacturing increased.

c. The American economy did worse.

d. Other countries did not want to buy American products.

____ 15. What effect did the War of 1812 have on manufacturing in the United States?

a. The British blockade of the American coast created an over abundance of cotton cloth in

the United States.

b. These manufacturing establishments left the U.S. completely dependent on Europe for

cotton cloth.

c. Numerous manufacturing establishments were founded particularly in the Southern region

of the U.S.

d. A shortage of cotton cloth led to creation of a cotton-manufacturing industry in the U.S.

____ 16. What treaty ended the War of 1812?

a. Treaty of Paris of 1783 c. Treaty of New Orleans

b. Treaty of Ghent d. Jay Treaty

____ 17. O! say can you see by the dawn’s early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Who wrote this poem which later was made into the Star Spangled Banner?

a. Thomas Jefferson c. Thomas Cole

b. Francis Scott Key d. Nathaniel Hawthorne

____ 18. Which War of 1812 battle did General Andrew Jackson come out a national hero?

a. Battle of Fort McHenry c. Battle of Fort Brown

b. Battle of New Orleans d. Battle of Erie Lake

____ 19. “I see nothing wrong in the maxim that to the victor belong the spoils.”

- Mary L. Marcy Under such a system, President Andrew Jackson sought to --

a. limit the term of the office of the presidency.

b. extended the charter of the national bank.

c. replace exisiting office holders with members of his own party.

d. stop one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

____ 20. The Embargo Act and the War of 1812 were similar in that both events dealt with a conflict involving --

a. British kidnapping of American sailors.

b. emergence of manufacturing in the Northeast.

c. launch of a protective tariff on British imports.

d. decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court.

____ 21. What did the Monroe Doctrine say?

a. America and Europe should share power in Latin America.

b. America should conquer Canada.

c. Europe should stay out of Latin America.

d. America would always have free trade.

____ 22. What was the impact of the Monroe Doctrine?

a. It urged the nation to be neutral and steer clear of permanent alliances.

b. It prohibited Americans from trading with foreign nations.

c. The United States saw itself as a world power and a protector of Latin America.

d. None of the above.

____ 23. One similarity in the foreign policies of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe

was that they --

a. favored France over England.

b. sought colonies in other parts of the world.

c. came to the defense of Latin American nations.

d. sought to avoid involvement in European political struggles.

____ 24. Andrew Jackson was popular because --

a. he represented the rich and the powerful.

b. he represented the common man.

c. he represented factory owners.

d. he represented slave owners.

____ 25. What was a consequence of the election of Andrew Jackson?

a. It increased opposition to slavery.

b. It changed ideas about voting rights.

c. It made people think differently about women’s rights.

d. It damaged America’s relations with Europe.

____ 26. The principle that best describes the idea that more people should be allowed the right to vote is --

a. neutrality. c. aristocracy.

b. mob rule. d. Jacksonian Democracy.

____ 27. Why did President Andrew Jackson support the introduction of the “spoils system”?

a. It would end vetoing bills he disliked.

b. It would have to be enforced by Supreme Court Decisions.

c. It would remove Native American Indians from their traditional lands.

d. It would open up jobs in government to average citizens.

____ 28. Early in the nineteenth century, supporters of high protective tariffs believed they would strengthen the American

economy by --

a. encouraging free trade. c. protecting American manufacturing.

b. limiting industrial jobs. d. expanding global interdependence.

____ 29. The tariff issue of 1832 and the secession of the Southern states in the 1860’s were similar in that both concerned

the constitutional issue of --

a. States’ rights c. Popular Sovereignty

b. Representation in Congress d. Republicanism

____ 30. Starting with the election of President Andrew Jackson (1828), voter participation increased due to the --

a. passage of an amendment ending religious qualifications for voting.

b. end of property requirements for voting by many states.

c. extension of suffrage to Native AmericanIndians.

d. arrival of more immigrants from nations with democratic governments.

____ 31. The Indian Removal Policy --

a. forced Indians to move east of the Mississippi.

b. outlawed slavery in the Indian territory.

c. was not enforced.

d. forced Indians to move west of the Mississippi.

____ 32. Many Americans supported the Indian Removal Act of 1830 because it --

a. opened Native American lands to settlement by white citizens.

b. forced U.S. citizenship on Native Americans.

c. punished Native Americans for attacks on Washington, D.C.

d. forced Native American leaders out of the U.S. Congress.

____ 33. What was the primary goal of President Jackson’s policy toward the Cherokee Indians?

a. To improve their educational opportunities.

b. To force them to move west of the Mississippi River.

c. To enforce them to take a fuller role in American society.

d. To establish a program to grant them U.S. citizenship.

____ 34. Which Supreme Court case best completes the partial outline below?


A. Heard under Chief Justice John Marshall.

B. Concerned the relationship between the Cherokee people and a state.

C. The Court ordered that Indian nations were subject to federal, not state law.

a. Marbury v. Madison c. Gibbons v. Ogden

b. McCulloch v. Maryland d. Worcester v. Georgia

____ 35.

In Worcester v. Georgia the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee nation. However,

President Andrew Jackson refused to enforce the ruling, and the result was the -- a. Texas Revolution c. Missouri Compromise

b. Bleeding Kansas conflict d. Trail of Tears

____ 36. The Trail of Tears --

a. was the enforced march of Cherokees toward the west.

b. was the overland route to the Pacific Ocean.

c. was the path that slaves who were running away from slavery took.

d. was the march that Andrew Jackson’s troops took to the Battle of New Orleans.

____ 37. America's Industrial Revolution began to take root in --

a. New England. c. the Middle Atlantic.

b. the West. d. the South.

____ 38. The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 led to an increase in cotton production and the growth of large plantations

in the South. This, in turn, brought about --

a. an increased demand for slave labor

b. the beginning of popular sovereignty

c. the introduction of slavery in the North

d. an improvement in the treatment of slaves

____ 39. Both the mechanical reaper and the cotton gin made it possible for --

a. better quality crops to be planted.

b. different kinds of crops to be grown in the South.

c. fewer people to get more work done.

d. the United States to expand all of its industries.

____ 40. How did the plantation system influence the economic development of the United States?

a. It prevented the development of industry

in the Northeast.

c. It restricted agricultural expansion in the

western territories.

b. It turned the South into a major producer

of the cotton used in northern mills.

d. It increased federal dependency on tariffs

for revenue.

____ 41. Prior to 1850, what was the primary reason that the North developed an economy increasingly based on

manufacturing while the South continued to rely more on an agricultural-based economy?

a. Protective tariffs applied only to Northern seaports.

b. Slavery in the North promoted rapid economic growth.

c. Manufacturers failed to make a profit in the South.

d. Geographic conditions supported different types of economic activity.

____ 42. An important effect of the early industrialization of the United States was that --

a. factories and industries needed to import more manufactured goods.

b. the prices of many finished goods decreased.

c. the demand for transportation improvements decreased.

d. factories became less efficient in producing goods.

____ 43. How did the development of the factory system encourage urbanization?

a. Manufacturers produced goods to export


c. Workers moved closer to manufacturing


b. Labor unions were formed to protect mill


d. Industrialists inveested

____ 44. Which is a characteristic of the free enterprise system?

a. Most private property is held in common.

b. Individuals enjoy freedom to produce and buy most goods and services.

c. Government officials make most economic decisions.

d. There is a general agreement on all tax policies.

____ 45. After the War of 1812, thousands of settlers and immigrants moved to the western frontiers of the United States in

search of farming adn business opportunities. In response, the government began building roads. This

transportaiton network was intended to -

a. promote the free-enterprise system c. discourage the organization of new


b. establish federal control over industry d. prevent border disputes between states

____ 46. Which invention of the Industrial Revolution did the most to strengthen the plantation system and speed the

spread of slavery?

a. cotton gin c. mechanical reaper

b. steam engine d. telegraph

____ 47. The use of interchangeable parts in the manufacture of goods advanced the growth of the manufacturing industry

because it --

a. allowed the continuation of the domestic system.

b. permitted large quantities of goods to be massed produced at lower cost.

c. made it possible for unskilled workers to operate machines.

d. brought an end to the common abuse of factory workers.

____ 48. Robert Fulton’s steamboat aided the economic development of the United States by —

a. reducing traffic in the nation’s ocean harbors.

b. making transportation on rivers more efficient.

c. ending American dependence on European shipping.

d. serving as a method of connecting California and the East Coast.

____ 49. The Bessemer steel process affected westward expansion in the United States by enabling -

a. clipper ships to be built in order to

transport passengers from the East Coast

to the West Coast

c. Conestoga wagons to e built in order to

carry people and goods to the West

b. interstate canal systems to be built in order

to transport agricultural goods from west

to east

d. railroads to be built in order to carry

people and goods to the West

____ 50.

Which title belongs in the center of this diagram?

a. Changes in Transportation

b. Noteworthy European Scientific Inventions

c. Effects of the Factory System

d. Technological Innovations in Manufacturing


____ 51. What was one major effect of the opening of the Erie Canal?

a. The cost of shipping goods on eastern

roads increased.

c. The cost of shipping goods from teh

Midewest decreased.

b. The number of ships passing through

northern ports decreased.

d. The volume of trade passing through the

southern ports increased.

____ 52. In the early days of the Industrial Revolution, many factories and industries were built alongside swift-flowing

rivers primarily because --

a. water was a major source for irrigating crops.

b. ships could easily deliver goods to the factories.

c. water power was used to drive early factory machinery.

d. factory owners preferred to build on inexpensive land.

____ 53. The introduction of interchangeable parts led directly to the -

a. formation of the patent system c. uses of mass-production techniques

b. creation of labor unions d. eight-hour workday

____ 54. During the early 1800s many young women in New England were employed outside their homes as -

a. crew memebers on cargo ships c. staff reporters for local newspapers

b. colth weavers in textile mills d. legal counselors in state courts

____ 55. Which of these was an effect of the Industrial Revolution on U.S. women in teh early nineteenth century?

a. Women in unions gained bargaining

power with employers.

c. Women seeking work migrated from rural

communities to cities.

b. The government passed laws to improve

safety for women in teh workplace

d. State governments called conventions in

support of women’s suffrage.

____ 56. 8.27A Which of the following best completes the sequence of events above?

a. the number of markets decreases c. the production of consumer goods

becomes more efficient

b. transportation problems limit access to


d. the price of manufactured goods rises

____ 57. In the early 1800s, industrialization increased in the United States because-

a. farming was no longer profitable c. higher prices required the creation of new

factories to provide jobs

b. European markets for American goods


d. interchangeable parts made the production

of goods more efficient

____ 58. 8.27A The combination of resources, improved transportation, and technological breakthroughs all contributed

to the-

a. formation of agricultural cooperatives c. adoption of the gold standard

b. industrial Revolution d. Era of Good Feelings

____ 59. 8.29A The steamboat had an important effect on economic development in the Unites states because-

a. could travel faster than the locomotive c. was an efficient method of transporting


b. was safer than other forms of


d. created a need for man-made waterways

____ 60. In the early 1800s power looms transformed the textile industry and provided new job opportunities for-

a. Italian immigrants c. Native Americans

b. young women d. African American men

____61. 8.27A Robert Fulton’s steamboat aided the economic development of the United States by-

a. making transportation on rivers more


c. ending American dependence on

European shipping

b. reducing traffic in the nation’s ocean


d. serving as a method of connecting

California and the East Coast

____ 62. What philosophy meant that the United States was set apart to extend its boundaries all the way to the Pacific?

a. Manifest Destiny c. joint occupation

b. emigrant d. rendezvous

____ 63. Which American President was closely associated with Manifest Destiny?

a. Thomas Jefferson c. James Polk

b. James Monroe d. James Madison

____ 64. Which of the following was one of the roots of Manifest Destiny?

a. Americans believed they had a mission to spread democracy.

b. Native American cultures and lifestyles were admired.

c. Americans felt protected by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

d. Some Americans opposed further westward expansion.

____ 65. Great Britain and the United States resolved the Oregon issue by setting the boundary between them at the --

a. 40º line of latitude. c. 54º line of latitude.

b. 49º line of latitude. d. 60º line of latitude.

____ 66.

What would be the best title for the image above?

a. Dangers on the Trail c. Heading West

b. The California Gold Rush d. Plantation Life

____ 67. What was an economic reason that some Americans moved west?

a. To speculate on land purchases c. To find fertile land

b. To find gold d. All of the above

____ 68. During the first two decades of the 1800s, the shaded region in the map below was known as what?

a. Northwest Territory c. New France

b. New England d. New Holland

____ 69. The discovery of what natural resource in California in 1848 and 1849 caused rapid population growth in the


a. oil c. platinum

b. uranium d. gold

____ 70. Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of the Mexican War?

a. The U.S. and Mexico disagreed on the boundary between Texas and Mexico.

b. Mexican troops had invaded Washington, D.C. and New York City.

c. The U.S. wanted to reclaim Mexican land south of the Rio Grande.

d. Mexico had not paid debts owed to the United States.

____ 71.

Which of these provides the correct labels for the trails shown

on the map above?

a. I. Oregon II. Mormon III. Santa Fe

b. I. Mormon II. Oregon III. Santa Fe

c. I. Oregon II. Santa Fe III. Mormon

d. I. Santa Fe II. Oregon III. Mormon

___ 72.

Which of the following best replaces the question mark in the diagram above?

a. Former Mexican territory c. Settled by Mormons

b. Dependent on slavery d. Large coal deposits

____ 73.

This excerpt provides evidence that in 1844 Democrats supported-

a. federal financing of transportation systems

in the West

c. social Darwinism as a justification for


b. making Manifest Destiny an official

federal policy

d. prohibiting the expansion of slavery into

new areas of the United States

____ 74.

Which of these best completes the diagram?

a. California c. Texas

b. Nevada d. Florida

____ 75. Which development most encouraged Irish immigration to the United States in the mid-nineteenth century?

a. Religious persecution against Irish Protestants

b. A famine in Ireland from a failure of a potato crop

c. The failure of a series of political revolutions aimed at unifying the country

d. The need for a workforce to work on the Transcontinental Railroad

____ 76. In the 1840s, thousands of Irish immigrants came to the United States seeking to escape --

a. a civil war between Protestants & Catholics c. a series of violent conflicts between the British &

Irish governments

b. a famine caused by the failure of a staple food


d. a series of small pox epidemics

Territorial Expansion of the U.S.

____ 77. Refer to the above Territorial Expansion of the U.S. map. During the first two decades of the 1800s, region #4 in

the map below was known as what?

a. Oregon Territory c. Lower California

b. Northwest Territory d. British North America

____ 78. Refer to the above Territorial Expansion of the U.S. map. A disputed border of what region on the Territorial

Expansion map officially sparked the Mexican War?

a. region 5 c. region 3

b. region 4 d. region 1

____ 79. Refer to the above Territorial Expansion of the U.S. map. What regions on the Territorial Expansion map were

ceded to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican War?

a. regions 3, 4, and 5 c. regions 3 and 5

b. regions 1, 3, 4, and 5 d. regions 1, 3, and 5

____ 80. Refer to the above Territorial Expansion of the U.S. map. What region, known as the Gadsden Purchase, was the

last to be added to the continental United States?

a. region 1 c. region 5

b. region 3 d. region 6

____ 81. Refer to the above Territorial Expansion of the U.S. map. What region was annexed in 1845?

a. region 1 c. region 3

b. region 2 d. region 5

____ 82. Refer to the above Territorial Expansion of the U.S. map. What region was aquired through the Adams Onis

Treaty with Spain?

a. region 1 c. region 3

b. region 2 d. region 5

____ 83. Refer to the above Territorial Expansion of the U.S. map. What region aquired by the U.S. secured the rights for

farmers to ship their goods up and down the Mississipi River?

a. region 1 c. region 3

b. region 2 d. region 5

____ 84. Which event demonstrated that citizens sometimes disobey government policies when they feel they are being

treated unfairly?

a. Boston Tea Party c. Annexation of Texas

b. Ratification of the Constitution d. War of 1812

____ 85. What advice did President George Washington give to the nation in his Farewell Address of 1796?

a. A new and weak nation should ally itself with stronger nations.

b. European countries should not try to establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.

c. The United States has the right to intervene in Latin America if necessary.

d. Americans should avoid permanent alliances with other nations.

____ 86.

In which two newspapers are the headlines correctly dated?

a. Boston Intelligencer and Charleston Courier.

b. London Gazetteer and Harper’s Weekly.

c. Boston Intelligencer and Harper’s Weekly.

d. London Gazetteer and Charleston Courier.

____ 87. Which conclusion can be logically drawn from these pie charts?

a. Manufacturing was the major occupation in the South.

b. In the North, most people were employed in commerce.

c. Jobs in shipping and craftsmanship dominated the South.

d. A larger percentage of people worked in manufactuing in the North than in the South or


____ 88. Which title belongs in the center box?

a. Social reformers c. Religious leaders

b. Aboitionists d. Women’s rights advocates

____ 89. Use the two newspaper advertisements and your knowledge of social studies to answer the

following question.

The two notices shown above appeared in Southern newspapers. Based on this information, what conclusion can

be drawn about slavery?

a. Slaves were protected and well cared for by their masters.

b. Slave owners usually recovered run-away slaves.

c. Slave owners separated enslaved families based on their own needs.

d. Slaves were better treated than Northern factory workers.

____ 90. What was the main goal of the Women’s Rights Movement after the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848?

a. To allow women to join labor groups

b. To gain the right to vote for women

c. To expand the number of women managers

d. To increase the pay of women workers

____ 91. “...[It is] the right of our manifest destiny to spread and to possess the whole of the continent which

Providence [God] has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and development

of self-government entrusted to us. It is [our] right that [we have] the space of air and the earth

suitable for the expansion of its principle and destiny of growth.”

- John L. O’Sullivan, Democratic leader and influential newspaper editor, 1845

In this passage, O’Sullivan proposes the right of “Manifest Destiny” to justify American actions to --

a. limit immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe

b. acquire Cananda from Great Britain

c. expand westward to the Pacific Ocean

d. stop foreign nations from colonizing Latin America

____ 92. Which statement about the Missouri Compromise (1820) is most accurate?

a. It banned slavery west of the Mississippi River.

b. It sought to maintain a balance in Congress between free and slave states.

c. It allowed territories to be governed by both the United States and Canada.

d. It provided a new boundary between the United States and Canada.

____ 93. Which factor helped the North to defeat the South in the Civil War?

a. The South had more enslaved persons than in the North.

b. The North had a more powerful navy than the South.

c. Northerners were fighting to preserve their way of life.

d. Britain was an important trading partner of the South.

____ 94. During Reconstruction , what belief was shared by Radical Republicans in Congress?

a. Freedmen should be granted equal civil rights.

b. Former Confederate states should return the Union quickly.

c. The North and the South should take equal responsibility for the Civil War.

d. Political and social reforms should not be forced on Southern States.

____ 95. “...With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the

right, let us strie on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who

shall have borne the battle and fo rhis widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a

just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

- Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865

This statement reveals President Abraham Lincoln’s support for --

a. a new peace treate with Great Britain.

b. voting rights for all adult males.

c. a fair and generous peace with the Southern States.

d. harsh punishment for all former Confederate leaders.

____ 96. Under Chief Justice John Marshall, the U.S. Supreme Court strengthened its authority by --

a. applying judicial review to state and federal laws.

b. changing the operation of the electoral vote.

c. increasing the number of justices on the court.

d. expanding the freedoms included in the first amendment.

____ 97. During the Reconstruction Era (1865-1877), the Civil War Amendments were proposed and ratified to grant

African Americans --

a. new educational opportunities.

b. complete economic and social equality.

c. financial compensation for past injustices.

d. the basic rights of citizenship.

____ 98. Which was a characteristic of the system of free enterprise that developed in the United States in the nineteenth


a. High rate of taxation

b. Minimal government involvement in the economy

c. Lack of respect for property rights

d. Government protection of labor organizations

____ 99. Which letter on the map shows the location of the Erie Canal?

a. A c. C

b. B d. D

____ 100. How did the American victory in the U.S.-Mexican War (1846-1848) contribute to the later outbreak of the Civil


a. It resulted in the election of Abraham Lincoln.

b. It ended the ban on slavery in Northern states.

c. It raised the issue of whether territories acquired in the war should permit slavery.

d. It led the Mexican government to encourage Southern states to secede.

____ 101. Based on the information in this chart, what economic impact did construction of the Erie Canal?

a. It limited the number of immigrants entering the country.

b. It led the formation of national labor unions.

c. It increased ubanization and reduced shipping costs.

d. It raised the cost of shipping manufactured goods to the West.

____ 102. In this excerpt, Simon Legree, a plantation owner, orders his slave Tom to beat another slave.

Tom refuses.

How did the publication of this book by Harriet Beecher Stowe promote the abolitionists movement?

a. By encouraging the expansion of slavery in the new territories

b. By depicting the brutality and inhumanity of slavery

c. By offering to buy slaves from Southern plantation owners

d. By making Southern state governments restrict plantation owners

____ 103. “They would erect a shed, sufficiently large to protect 5,000 people from the wind and rain....Ten,

twenty and sometimes thirty ministers of different denominations would preach day and night, four and

five days together...

- Peter Cartwright (1856)

What is Cartwright describing in this passage?

a. The Salem witchcraft trials c. The Second Great Awakening

b. The inauguration of Andrew Jackson d. The Underground Railroad

____ 104. According to this passage, what was an important effect of Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin in 1793?

a. American slavery died out.

b. Slavery spread throughout the South along with the cultivation of cotton.

c. British manufacturers began using Egyptian cotton.

d. The farming of cotton expanded to Northern states.

____ 105. Which of these paintings is representative of the Hudson River School?

a. A c. C

b. B d. D

____ 106. Which was an important reason for the spread of factories in America in the early-nineteenth century?

a. They made greater use of skilled labor.

b. They had access to resources from the Great Plains.

c. Their machines could be driven by steam and water power.

d. Factory machines cost less than looms under the domestic system.

____ 107. What was an important effect of the Transcontinental Railroad on the United States?

a. It opened the Great Plains to western settlers.

b. It led to the Proclamation Line, closing western lands to settlement.

c. It led to the passage of the Indian Removal Act, forcing Indian tribes to move west of the

Mississippi River.

d. It brought about unrest in Kansas and Nebraska over the future of slavery.

____ 108. The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution dealt primarily with --

a. the rights of workers to form labor unions.

b. protecting the rights of women.

c. the rights of formerly enslaved people.

d. limiting the rights of former Confederate leaders.

____ 109. Which was an immediate result of Abraham Lincoln’s election to the Presidency in 1860?

a. Kansas and Nebraska joined the Union as free states.

b. A constitutional amendment was adopted to end slavery.

c. Missouri entered the Union as a slave state.

d. Several Southern states seceded from the Union.

____ 110. “This war is not being waged on our part...for the purpose of conquest or interfering with the rights of

establishing institutions of the states, but to defend and maintain the supremecy of the Constitution, and

to preserve the Union.”

Which individual held the beliefs expressed in this quotation?

a. John Brown c. Jefferson Davis

b. Abraham Lincoln d. Robert E Lee

____ 111. Use the map and your knowledge of social studies to answer the questions 57-58.

The election results of 1860 most clearly illustrate the concept of --

a. nullification. c. sectionalism.

b. federalism. d. republicanism.

____ 112. Which conclusion can be drawn from the information in the map?

a. Breckinridge won more states in 1860 than did Lincoln

b. Breckinridge’s greatest support came from Southern voters.

c. Voters in the Utah Territory supported candidate John Bell.

d. Lincoln’s strongest support came from Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee.

____ 113. Which two individuals received a Congressional Medal of Honor for their service to the nation in the Civil War?

a. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee

b. William Carney and Phillip Bazaar

c. Stonewall Jackson and Hiram Rhodes Revels

d. Dred Scott and Stephen Douglass

____ 114. Both the Homestead Act (1862) and the Morill Act (1862) were efforts by the federal government to --

a. provide land to minority groups.

b. resolve conflicts with Native American Indians.

c. encourage settlement west of the Mississippi River.

d. support settlement of former plantation lands.

____ 115. What was a major goal of the Dawes Act (1887)?

a. To encourage European immigration to the West.

b. To strengthen Native American Indian traditions.

c. To assimilate Native American Indians into American society.

d. To remove the Cherokees from the southeastern United States.

____ 116. What was the main reason supporters joined the creation of the Ku Klux Klan [during the late Reconstruction


a. To support the South during the Civil War

b. To eliminate sharecropping throughout the South

c. To prevent formerly enslaved persons from exercising their rights

d. To encourage european immigrants to settle in the South


a. Federalists

b. Democractic-Republicans

____ 117. loose interpretation of the constitution.

____ 118. creation of the national bank.

____ 119. limiting the federal government’s power.

____ 120. promoted agriculture.

____ 121. strict interpretation of the Constitution.

____ 122. promoted manufacturing.

____ 123. led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams.

____ 124. supported by Northern merchants and manufacturers.

____ 125. led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

____ 126. supported by farmers and workers.

a. George Washington

b. John Adams

c. Thomas Jefferson

d. James Madison

e. James Monroe

____ 127. He urged the nation to be neutral and to steer clear of permanent alliances with foreign nations.

____ 128. He proclaimed that European powers should no longer colonize or interfere with the affairs in the Western


____ 129. He prohibited Americans from trading with foreign nations with his Embargo Act.

____ 130. He was president during the War of 1812.

____ 131. He recognized the dangers of political parties and warned that attacks by political parties could weaken the nation.

____ 132. He was president during the XYZ Affair.

____ 133. He declared neutrality when the British and French went to war with each other.

____ 134. He avoided war with France even though many disagreed with him.