习题9 (1)

Chapter 9 Emails Check Yourself Task 1 Multiple Choices 1. Internal communication has become increasingly important in many companies today. What has led to this? a. Downsizing of organizations. b. Flattening chains of command. c. Increasing use of work teams. d. All of the above. 2. How much do you know about emails? a. Emails don’t need a response. b. Emails are only used to express goodwill. c. Emails are less formal than the ordinary letter.

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Page 1: 习题9 (1)

Chapter 9


Check Yourself

Task 1

Multiple Choices

1. Internal communication has become increasingly important in many companies

today. What has led to this?

a. Downsizing of organizations.

b. Flattening chains of command.

c. Increasing use of work teams.

d. All of the above.

2. How much do you know about emails?

a. Emails don’t need a response.

b. Emails are only used to express goodwill.

c. Emails are less formal than the ordinary letter.

d. Emails are time-sensitive and have more functions than ordinary letter.

3. Which of the following messages is appropriate to send via e-mail?

a. An announcement of a major benefit change that will reduce benefits for all


b. An announcement of a change in a meeting date.

c. A quarterly performance appraisal of an employee.

d. All of the above would be appropriate to send via e-mail.

4. Some e-mail messages never intended for public distribution have been

downloaded into print and posted for all to see. Therefore,

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a. Avoid writing any e-mail message whenever possible

b. Avoid sending sensitive, confidential, or potentially embarrassing messages.

c. Keep track of all receivers so that you can identify any wrongdoers.

d. Keep your password strictly private.

5. You can avoid "self-destructing" (losing all your writing through some glitch)

while writing an e-mail message by

a. using a clear, concise subject line.

b. checking twice on the recipient's e-mail address.

c. never responding while angry.

d. composing off line.

6. You just received a great joke from a friend via e-mail. You immediately forward

the joke to everyone in your department. What netiquette rule have you violated?

a. You have just sent spam.

b. You have just “shouted” to your colleagues.

c. You have just sent an attachment that your reader may not be able to open.

d. You have just sent blanket copies to people who may not want or need to see

the message.

7. Memos and e-mail messages that use the direct strategy help the reader by

a. providing interesting details and explanations first.

b. deleting the subject line.

c. placing the main idea in the first sentence.

d. referring to another document in the first sentence.

8. Which of the following is the best tip for replying to e-mail messages?

a. Reply to an e-mail message right away, without reading the remaining

messages in your inbox.

b. Revise the subject line if the topic changes.

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c. Always include the sender’s original message in the body of your reply so that

he/she knows what you’re responding to.

d. All of the above tips should be followed when responding to e-mail messages.

9. Which of the following statements about formatting e-mail messages is most


a. E-mail messages can be as long as needed for the message you need to


b. E-mail messages should always contain a salutation as a form of courtesy.

c. The body of an e-mail message should be typed with upper- and lowercase


d. Boldface and italics should be used to make important information stand out in

the message.

10. Which of the following statements about the beginning of an e-mail message or

memo is most accurate?

a. In most routine messages, the main idea should be revealed immediately.

b. Since the purpose of the memo or e-mail is summarized in the subject line, do

not restate it in the first sentence.

c. To be courteous, start with something like I am writing this memo to inform

you that. . .

d. Open politely with a reference to the weather.

Task 2Fill in the Blanks

1. ________________ is becoming the favored channel of communication in many


2. The rules of polite online interaction are known as _______________.

3. Unsolicited e-mail advertisements are called ___________.

4. Writing an entire e-mail message in all capital letters is known as

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5. Probably the most important part of a memo or e-mail message is the

___________ ________.

6. When listing items in order of importance, a __________ list should be used.

Task 3Translate the following sentences:1. My colleagues and I are delighted that the years of service your have given to your

company should at last have been rewarded in this way

2. I hope that the coming year will bring a further increase in exchange of culture

between our two countries and we look forward to continued friendly relations with


3. I am writing to convey my warm congratulations on your appointment to the Board

of Asia Industries Ltd.

4. I am really glad to hear that you have done so brilliantly in the Matriculation①

Examination. Congratulations! With such excellent results you will be able to get into

any leading university you like, I am sure.

5. Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment.

6. 我感谢您对我的工作给予的支持,并期望未来能有更好的合作。




10. 这是一个了不起的成就,我相信你的家人朋友还有你自己一定会引以为豪.

Task 4Read the following email and fill in the blanks with the missing information marked from A to H.A. Thurs., Dec. 8, 2007,10:15:16 B. All our love,

C. Congratulations! D. [email protected]

E. [email protected] F. [email protected]

G. Dear Turner: H. Congratulations on your wedding

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From: 1

Date: 2

To: 3

Cc: 4

Subject: 5


We are so pleased to see you married.  May the happiness you experience on your

wedding day remain with you both for many years to come?

If we can be so bold as to offer our thoughts on what makes a happy marriage:

never take each other for granted

 remember it is the little things that make a difference

always make time to spend time together, no matter how busy you are

always have respect for each others feelings

and last, but certainly not least, always talk about things that are bothering you

We wish for you the words of an old Irish Proverb:

May God be with you and bless you.

May you see your children's children?

May you be poor in misfortunes

and rich in blessings?

May you know nothing but happiness

from this day forward?




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Task 5Comment on the following email.

From: [email protected]

Date: 25:7:03 16:06:29

To: [email protected]


Subject: Hello!!!

Hi Shirley

Hope things r well with u, its good 2 know that u will be back in malasia again in nov

to hold your seminar on effective biz writing. PLS LET ME HAVE SOME FREE

DATE while u r over here. Some bookstores r interested in a talk cum singing event, I

hope u will agree to take part.

Tnks & rgs


Task 6Write an email according to the following situation.

Situation: Write an email on behalf of Paul Procter to congratulate Ms Hahn’s

appointment to the Board. As Paul Procter is shortly going on holiday, he says when

he returns next month he will contact Ms Hahn and have the opportunity of
