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  • 1.Mohamed Rashid +919809209195 A brief introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

2. What is marketing Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association (AMA) as "the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large." 3. Advertising and sales promotion play an important role in the exchange process by informing consumers about an organisations product/services and persuading them to purchase to satisfy their needs and wants. 4. The Marketing Mix The marketing mix has been the key concept to advertising. The marketing mix was suggested by Jeremy McCarthy, professor at Harvard Business School, in the 1960s. The four Ps- Product, Price, Place(distribution), and Promotion are the elements of Marketing Mix Marketers must combine these elements into a cohesive marketing strategy. 5. Many companies recognize the need to integrate their various marketing communication efforts, such as media advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, and public relations, to achieve more effective marketing communications. 6. Integrated Marketing Communications Integrated Marketing Communications is a term used to describe a holistic approach to marketing communication. It aims to ensure consistency of message and the complementary use of media. The concept includes online and offline marketing channels. 7. Online marketing channels include any e- marketing campaigns or programs, from search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per- click, affiliate, email, banner to latest web related channels for webinar, blog, micro-blogging, face book marketing, RSS, podcast, Internet Radio and Internet TV. Offline marketing channels are traditional print (newspaper, magazine), mail order, public relations, industry relations, billboard, radio, and television. 8. company develops its integrated marketing communication programme using all the elements of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion). An integration of all these promotional tools along with other components of marketing mix to gain edge over competitor is called Integrated Marketing Communication. 9. Role of IMC in Branding A brand is the personality that identifies a product, service or company (name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or combination of them) and how it relates to key constituencies: Customers, Staff, Partners, Investors etc. With more and more products and services competing for consideration by customers who have less and less time to make choices, well known brand have a major competitive advantage in today's market. 10. There are many ways for a company to contact the customer to provide them the information about the co: The challenge is to understand how to use the various IMC tools in an effective way in a right combination. 11. Tools of IMC Advertising Direct Marketing Interactive/Internet Marketing Sales Promotion Publicity Public Relation Personal selling 12. Advertising Any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor. 13. Types of advertising Digital advertising Television advertising / Music in advertising Radio advertising Online advertising Product placements Physical advertising Press advertising Mobile billboard advertising In-store advertising Celebrity branding 14. Direct Marketing Traditionally this has not been considered as an element of promotional mix. The development of IT and Internet have made Direct Marketing a very powerful tool in marketing mix 15. Channels of Direct Marketing Direct Marketing is much more than direct mail and mail order catalog. It involves a verity of activities including Database management Direct mail Telemarketing Email Marketing Door-to-Door Leaflet Marketing Broadcast faxing Voicemail Marketing Couponing Direct-response television marketing Direct selling 16. Interactive/Internet marketing The definition of interactive marketing comes from John Deighton at Harvard, who says interactive marketing is the ability to address the customer, remember what the customer says and address the customer again in a way that illustrates that we remember what the customer has told us (Deighton 1996). Interactive marketing is not synonymous with online marketing, although interactive marketing processes are facilitated by internet technology. 17. Interactive media allow for a back-and-forth flow of information whereby users can participate in and modify the form and content of the information they receive in real time. Unlike traditional forms of marketing communication such as advertising, which are one way oriented, the new media allows users to perform a verity of functions such as receive and alter the information and image, make inquiries, respond to question, and ofcourse make a purchase. Although internet is the primary media of Interactive Marketing, There are other forms which include 18. Sales Promotion Sales promotion is any initiative undertaken by an organisation to promote an increase in sales, usage or trial of a product or service (i.e. initiatives that are not covered by the other elements of the marketing communications or promotions mix). It adds an extra value or incentive to the sales force, the distributers, or the ultimate consumer and can simulate immediate sales. 19. Sales promotions are varied. Often they are original and creative, and hence a comprehensive list of all available techniques is virtually impossible. However it can be broken into two major categories Consumer oriented sales promotion and Trade oriented sales promotion 20. Consumer oriented sales promotion is targeted to the ultimate user of a product or services and includes couponing, samples, premiums, rebates, contests, s weepstakes, and various point of purchase materials. Trade oriented sales promotion is targeted towards marketing intermediaries such as wholesalers, distributers, and retailers. Promotion and merchandising allowances, price deals, sales contests, and trade shows are some of the promotional tool used. 21. Publicity Non-paid, non-personal communication to promote the organisation, products, services, idea or image of the company not directly done under an identified sponsorship. It usually comes in the form of a news story, editorial, or announcement about an organisation and/or its product and services. 22. An advantage of publicity over other forms of promotion is its credibility. Consumers generally tend to be less skeptical towards favorable information about a product or service when it comes from a source they believe is unbiased. Publicity is not always under control of an orgnisation and is sometimes unfavorable. 23. Public Relations Public Relations (or PR) is a field concerned with maintaining public image for high-profile people, commercial businesses and organizations, non-profit associations or programs. It defined the practice of public relations as "the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizational leaders, and implementing planned programs of action, which will serve both the organization and the public interest." 24. Publicity v/s Public Relations It is important to recognize the distinction between publicity and public relations. When an organization systematically plans and distributes information in an attempt to control and manage its image and nature of the publicity it receives, it is really engaged in a function known as public relations. 25. Personal selling Personal selling is oral communication with potential buyers of a product with the intention of making a sale. The personal selling may focus initially on developing a relationship with the potential buyer, but will always ultimately end with an attempt to "close the sale Personal selling is one of the oldest forms of promotion. It involves the use of a sales force to support a push strategy (encouraging intermediaries to buy the product) or a pull strategy (where the role of the sales force may be limited to supporting retailers and providing after-sales service). 26. Kotler describes six main activities of a sales force: (1) Prospecting - trying to find new customers (2) Communicating - with existing and potential customers about the product range (3) Selling - contact with the customer, answering questions and trying to close the sale (4) Servicing - providing support and service to the customer in the period up to delivery and also post- sale (5) Information gathering - obtaining information about the market to feedback into the marketing planning process (6) Allocating - in times of product shortage, the sales force may have the power to decide how available stocks are allocated 27. IMC Planning Process The individuals involved in promotion design a promotional plan that provides the framework for developing, implementing, and controllingthe orgnisations integrated marketing communications program and activies. Promotion is one part of, and must be integrated into, the overall marketing plan and program. 28. George E. Belch & Michael A. Belch brakes the IMC planning Process into Review of the Marketing Plan Promotional Program Situational Analysis Internal Analysis External Analysis- Analysis of the Communication Process Budget Determination Developing the IMC Program Monitoring , Evaluation, and control 29. Review of Marketing Plan Examine overall marketing plan and objectives Role of advertising and promotion Competitive analysis Assess environmental influences 30. Analysis of Promotional Program Situation Internal analysis Promotional department organization Firms ability to implement promotional program Agency evaluation and selection Review of previous program results External analysis Consumer behavior analysis Market segmentation and target marketing Market positioning 31. Analysis of Communication Process Analyze receivers response processes Analyze source, message, channel factors Establish communications goals and objectives 32. Budget Determination Set tentative marketing communication budgets Allocate tentative budget 33. Develop IMC Program Advertising Set advertising objectives Determine advertising budget Develop advertising message Develop advertising media strategy Direct marketing Set direct marketing objectives Determine direct marketing budget Develop direct marketing message Develop direct marketing media strategy 34. Interactive/Internet marketing Interactive/Internet marketing objectives Determine Interactive/Internet marketing budget Develop Interactive/Internet marketing message Develop Interactive/Internet marketing media strategy Sales Promotion Set Sales Promotion objectives Determine Sales Promotion budget Determine Sales Promotion tools and develop messages Develop Sales Promotion media strategy 35. Publicity/ Public relations Set Publicity/ PR objectives Determine Publicity/PR budget Develop Publicity/PR message Develop Publicity/PR media strategy Personal Selling Set personal selling and sales objectives Determine personal selling/sales budget Develop sales message Develop selling roles and responsibilities 36. Integration and Implement Marketing Communication Strategy Integrate promotional- mix strategy Create and produce ads Purchase media time, space, etc Design and implement direct-marketing programs Design and distribute sales promotion materials Design and implement PR/Publicity programs Design and implement Interactive/Internet Marketing Program 37. Monitor, Evaluate, and Control IMC Program Evaluate promotional program results/effectiveness Take measures to control and adjust promotional strategies 38. References Advertising and promotion An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective George E. Belch & Michael A. Belch 39. Thank You