a monthly newsletter of trinity united methodist...

Volume 19, Issue 11 November 2019 A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Church ...a Stephen Ministry Congregation Come & See So Many Blessings Program Ministry News Stephen Ministry Puzzle Sisters In Praise Women’s Retreat College Football Rivalry Christmas Music Epworth Gift Cards Blessing of the Pets Pictures Youth Ministry News Thank You Notes Memorials & Gifts Those Who Serve We Care/Prayer List Birthdays/Anniversaries Triple L Pictures Go & Tell Open Hearts Open Minds Open Doors

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Page 1: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas

Open Hearts

Open Minds

Open Doors

Volume 19, Issue 11 November 2019

A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Church ...a Stephen Ministry Congregation

Come & See …

So Many Blessings

Program Ministry News

Stephen Ministry


Sisters In Praise Women’s Retreat

College Football Rivalry

Christmas Music

Epworth Gift Cards

Blessing of the Pets Pictures

Youth Ministry News

Thank You Notes

Memorials & Gifts

Those Who Serve

We Care/Prayer List


Triple L Pictures

… Go & Tell

Open Hearts

Open Minds

Open Doors

Page 2: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas


The refreshing coolness of a fall morning serves to remind us that Thanksgiving and Christmas

cannot be far away. I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas Season, Nov.

28 Thanksgiving, and Nov. 29-Dec. 25 the second Christmas season.

One day is all we set aside to thank God for all of the blessings he has given us and all of the

unknown things that he saved us from that we will never know about until we join him in heaven. One

day. The ones who slaved over hot stoves preparing those feasts are usually too tired to enjoy the

meal when it’s done. It’s hard to even be thankful by the time that one day is over.

There have been several memorable Thanksgivings in my recent memory. Last year my son

moved into his new house the day before Thanksgiving then had the family in to celebrate together. The

meal was supposed to start at 1:00 and we ate at 7:00……Lesson learned, don’t move the day before a


Ten years ago we had family and friends come to our house for Thanksgiving. I found out that day

everyone had their special treats that they had to have on Thanksgiving. I got run out of my own kitchen.

Margo found me hiding in an empty room. I made her a promise that we would never do that again. We

started eating at Cracker Barrel and I picked up the check. It was the best money I spent all year.

I remember one Thanksgiving over 30 years ago when I bought a 26 pound turkey. It had one of

those pop up things that is supposed to tell you when it is done. I cooked that turkey for 12 hours and it

never popped up. I pulled it out myself, said the turkey is done, and we all ate. No one died by the way.

As I was listening to the Twelves Days of Christmas one year, I had an idea: We should have the

12 days of Thanksgiving, also. Starting this year on the 16th of November I encourage you to give thanks

to God for one different thing each day. It could be your church, your spouse, your home or the fact that

Cracker Barrel is open on Thanksgiving. Just taking the time to reflect on your blessings will make the

month of November special. Thanksgiving will become more than the one day between the First

Christmas and the Second Christmas.

It shouldn’t be hard to do.

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Until further notice, our Sunday morning schedule will be:

Sunday School 9:00 AM Blended Worship 10:00 AM

Program Ministry News We’re about to “gobble ‘til we wobble’’on Thanksgiving Day as we enjoy a traditional turkey dinner surrounded by family and friends. This season is a good time (true, too, for every season) to remember God’s many blessings and the love that He pours out on us that we may share it with others. Enjoy this Thanksgiving season by giving thanks. A grateful heart is a happy heart! — Peace and Joy, Cindy

Upcoming Program Ministry Events or Activities

Fish Club … for our children, ages 4 through 5th grade, continues to meet on Wednesday evenings at 5:15 p.m. We’re practicing our Christmas music and will look forward to singing for you in worship on Sunday, December 8th.

Trinity’s ‘Sisters in Praise’—Women’s Retreat I’ll be joining the Sisters in Praise on Thursday, November 7th from 1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. to present a program on ‘True Treasure’ based on Matthew 6:21. “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” If you’d like to attend, please let Tami Seeders or Cynthia Terres know. Lunch will be provided that day.

Samaritan’s Purse: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes … are due on Sunday, November 10th. Thank you for filling a shoebox for a child and sharing God’s love this Christmas. We hope to send 100 shoeboxes from Trinity UMC. Be sure to include the $9 shipping fee. You may bring these to worship or to the church office on Third Avenue.

‘Triple L ‘— Christmas Show Our ‘Triple L’ seniors’ fellowship group, will go to the Alabama Theater on Friday, November 15th, to see the Christmas Show. The show starts at 2:00 p.m. Our group rate is $25 per person. We have a block of 20 tickets. Please let me know if you’d like to go.

District Retreat for Deacon Candidacy On November 22 & 23rd, I’ll be attending a retreat in Camden as part of the deacon process for the United Methodist Church and the Marion District’s Committee on Ordination. At that time, I’ll also be finishing my third seminary class. I’m really enjoying this process and look forward to all that God will do. I carry you with me in my heart throughout this process. Your prayers are greatly appreciated for an inspiring, faith-filled retreat.

Page 4: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas

Stephen Ministry in Action A Stephen Ministry Story: A Steady Reminder of God’s Presence

Mark and I had been married 26 years. Our sons were 18 and 20. We loved being parents, but with our younger son graduating

high school, we were eagerly anticipating the empty nest and having more time for each other.

In the fall, when our younger son started college, Mark began having stomach issues and back pain, which would linger for a few

days and then disappear, only to reappear later. He also developed a cough. When his doctor ordered an MRI, the results were

devastating—Stage IV pancreatic cancer, already in his liver and both lungs. Mark was only 53.

Our lives were turned upside down. I suddenly found myself trying to provide emotional support to Mark and our sons during the

worst experience any of us had ever endured. I wanted and needed to keep myself together to focus on caring for Mark, but I

was emotionally drained—full of sadness and terrified of what the future held. I had always been a “take responsibility for

everything myself ” kind of person. However, I knew I couldn’t do this alone.

I talked to my pastor about it, and she suggested matching me with a Stephen Minister. I agreed, and less than two weeks after

Mark was diagnosed, my Stephen Minister came for the first of her weekly visits.

It’s difficult to convey how important this Stephen Ministry relationship was for me. Our pastor was wonderful, and we had an

amazing amount of support from many other people, but the time I spent with my Stephen Minister was the only time in the week

when I could truly focus on my own needs. She was there just for me.

My Stephen Minister let me know that, while she was very concerned for Mark, her role was to be my support—to listen and help

me process what I was feeling and going through, without giving advice or telling me what to do. The consistency of our Stephen

Ministry relationship was crucial in helping me cope. Her weekly visits became an anchor in my life—something I could rely on

when everything else was so uncertain. She was a steady reminder of God’s presence, helping me know I was never alone..

Although Mark and I chose to talk publicly about his condition, my Stephen Ministry relationship was completely confidential. I

knew I could share anything with her, and that’s where it would stay.

Mark’s illness progressed rapidly—ten weeks of treatment, followed by six weeks of hospice, and then his passing. My needs

changed as I went from being a wife to being a caregiver to being a grieving widow and dealing with everything that the loss of a

spouse entails. Through it all, my Stephen Minister’s love and support continued. She was there for me at every stage of my

journey. It was never easy, but my Stephen Minister helped me through the most difficult moments of my life.

I really can’t say enough about how much I appreciate my church’s Stephen Ministry. The compassionate, consistent, and

confidential support of my Stephen Minister was so important in helping me cope—and then begin to heal.

Her weekly visits became an anchor in my life—something I could rely on when everything else was so uncertain. She was a

steady reminder of God’s presence, helping me know I was never alone.

Page 5: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas
Page 6: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas

There Is Nothing Like a College Football Rivalry!

This fall we are fundraising to support our youth

ministry at Trinity! All of the funds raised will go to support Youth Ministry.

How does football come into play?

We will have 3 boxes set up each week: one

Clemson, one, one Carolina, and one Others. Whoever raises the most money will be rewarded

by seeing the church staff sporting their colors on December 1st, the day after the game!

Support your favorite team, support your youth, and let’s play ball!

Monies collected through Sunday, October 27 , totaled $2,559.23

$1,230.52 for Clemson , $1,069.21 for Carolina, and $259.50 for Others

‘Sisters in Praise’ Fall Women’s Retreat @ the Beach

November 6th at 4:00 p.m.— November 9th at 11:00 a.m.

Program presented by Cindy Smith. Come and join us as we discover our

‘True Treasure’

Sea Watch Resort Oceanfront in Myrtle Beach. 161 Sea Watch Drive.

10 overnight spots are available. Cost is $50 per person to stay three nights.

Or, please join us for the day on Thursday and Friday.

‘True Treasure’ sessions will be on Thursday, November 7th from 1:00—3:00 p.m. and lunch will

be provided that day.

The breakfast buffet is at Captain’s Cove (cost is $13.25) Dinner out at a local restaurant is group’s choice.

To sign up, contact Tami Seeders at 864-377-4081 or Cynthia Terres.

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Again this year, one of our mission projects for Christmas will include providing $25 Walmart, Target, OR Kohl’s gift cards for each of our children who calls Epworth home.

Our goal is to send a total of 100 gift cards. We are beginning to collect them now in the church office. If you prefer, you may make a monetary donation. Make your check payable to Trinity and indicate on the memo line “Epworth”. We extend a special invitation to our Sunday School classes to adopt this project as their special Christmas project.

Thank you for continuing to contribute to the lives of these our children and this mission of the United Methodist church in S.C.


Epworth Gift Cards

Mark your calendars!!!

“The Joy of Christmas”

Presented by our Fish Club

Sunday, December 8, 10:00 AM

Presented by: The Trinity Choirs

And Chamber Orchestra

Sunday, December 15, 10:00 AM

Page 8: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas
Page 9: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas

Let us praise the Creator and thank God for setting us as

stewards over all the creatures of the earth.

Page 10: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas
Page 11: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas

We all have a Purpose

God calls us to follow His plan for our lives, but young people are under a mountain of

pressure these days to be the best at everything (the best athlete, the smartest student, the

most followers/likes/comments on social media, to look the best, to pick the best college, to choose the best career path

available). Perfection is expected and almost demanded of our youth today (by friends, coaches, teachers, parents,

themselves). Why don’t we shift those expectations? What about expecting them to be a Christian example in their school/

clubs/social circle? What about expecting them to live a life pleasing and meaningful to God to bring the kingdom closer to

Earth? Why don’t we teach them to live by the verse 1 Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are

young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” (New International Version)?

You don’t have to be a world renowned doctor or a missionary to change the world. Helping another student carry

books to class or sitting with the kid that is alone at lunch can change their world. These small acts of kindness may be the

only good thing that happens to them that day. It may be the only example of Christ’s love they see. In Proverbs 22:6, it says,

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it”. Teach them to be good

people and to follow God’s word, and the rest will fall into place. Ultimately, everyone’s purpose in life boils down to living for

God and doing your best to further the kingdom and bring it closer to Earth.

I never thought I would be in ministry. I was going to be a corporate America, ladder climbing, business professional,

but God’s plan is so much greater than ours! He has a plan for each and every person. We are all gifted differently. Let’s teach

our children and youth to live in accordance with the word of God and to follow His path.

With love and blessings,

Sydney Newman

We spent the weekend of October 18-20,

2019 in Summerton, South Carolina at

Camp Bob Cooper learning about “Living

on Purpose”.

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Given in memory of….

Tammy Shiver Carolyn Causey

Juanita Calhoun

Olivia Garren

Bob & Juanita Calhoun Vivian E. Chestnut


Given in honor of….

Ruby Pittman Merilyn H. Holcombe

Jac Cannon

Mr. & Mrs. M.B. Huggins, Jr.


Low sodium vegetables Pork and beans Grits (1 lb. bags or indiv. Packs) Oatmeal Soups-chicken noodle, tomato Rice (1-2 lb. bags) Dry beans Cereal Toiletry kit items-shampoo, soap, deodorant

Monetary gifts are always welcome. Make your check payable to Trinity and

put CAP on the memo line. Thank you for loving, caring and sharing.

Trinity United Methodist Church, Thank you for your donations of $50.00, on 8/7/19 and $50.00 on 9/26/19. Your faithful donations will help us to continue our mission to feed people in Conway and the surrounding area. On behalf of the Board of Directors, Brandon Oates, Director The Shepherd’s Table

Dylan & I appreciate the meal and the blankets so much. It’s so nice to know our church family cares enough to help us welcome these sweet babies. The Luttrell Family

SPRC is requesting Christmas love gifts from the members of Trinity for our staff. They have done a great job during 2019, and we know you will want to join with us in showing our appreciation at this special time of the year. You may place your gift in the offering plate, drop it by the church office, or mail to P.O. Box 1072, Conway, 29528-1072. Please make checks payable to Trinity with “Staff Love Gift” on the memo line. Please have your gifts to us no later than Sunday, December 15, so that the monies can be distributed to the staff before Christmas. Dear Trinity UMC,

Thank you for supporting the ministry of Epworth Children’s Home with your contributions of $1,210.00 and $125.00. We appreciate your gifts that will make a difference in the lives of the children who call Epworth Home. Sincerely, The Rev. John E. Holler, Jr. President and CEO

Congratulations to our own Jeff Davis who was awarded the Youth Leader of the Year for 2019 by

the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce.

We are so proud of you!

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November 3

Greeters: Stephen Ministers

Count Committee: Barbara Davis, Car la Booth

Altar Guild: Genie Peter son, Mar ti Hubbard

November 10

Greeters: Stephen Ministers

Count Committee: Carolyn Norris, Linda Parker

Altar Guild: Genie Peter son, Mar ti Hubbard

November 17

Greeters: Stephen Ministers

Count Committee: Genie Peterson, Diane Ginty

Altar Guild: Genie Peterson, Mar ti Hubbard

November 24

Greeters: Stephen Ministers

Count Committee: Marti Hubbard, Lee Johnston

Altar Guild: Genie Peterson, Mar ti Hubbard

Those Who Serve

Children’s Fall Festival

Page 14: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas

Rolling Green Village,

3 Hoke Smith Blvd Greenville, SC 29615

Eloise Smith C-105 864-631-1123, 340-8804

Conway Manor

3300 4th Ave., Conway, 29526

Angell Pettit (406 W)

Laurel Crest

406 Joseph Walker Drive W. Columbia, SC 29169

Jane MacDonald 803-828-9396

Lakeside Place Senior Living

478 Hwy 378., Lexington, SC 29072

Mozelle Goldfinch (Room 404)

Carolina Gardens

2310 Hwy 378, Conway, SC 29527

Lloyd Davis (Room 608)


101 Brightwater Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC


Jim Reddick (AL 309)

The Palmettos of Garden City

9415 Frontage Road, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

Davis McNeill (Room 208)


Barbara Thompson

9613 Captain Smith Lane, Corryton, TN 37721

Chamela Harrell

606 Burroughs St., Conway, SC 29526

Annie Lou Spivey

512 9th Ave, Conway, SC 29526

Ruby Pittman 1706 Sherwood Dr., Conway SC 29526


Wayne & Karen Nobles

Jack Goodman

Pat Rose

Pete & Martha Johnson

Iva Finkenbiner

Jim & Sara Reddick

Diane & Dale Ginty

Joe & Saundra Parler

Tina Hubbard

Cheryl Robertson

Dolly Updegraff

Dennis & Jean Murdock

Larry & Dorothy Deitrich

Wally & Cookie Elston

Robbie Yarborough

John Bunn

Emma Lou Johnson

Betty Ackley

Lucy Olson

Allen & Phyllis Koch

Burnette Owens

Kristen McLain

David Sweeney

Harriet Floyd

Lois Merzke

Gloria Moyer

Maggie Harper

B.G. & Jenny Gantt

Doug & Raylene Williams

Kristi Updegraff

Lilly Reaves

Elaine Hyman

Lana & Bob Fortson

Athene & Elbert Long

Marti & George Hubbard

Samantha Heinz


Molly & Earl Nobles (Wayne Nobles’ parents)

Rebecca Suggs (Gregg Suggs’ mother)

Mary Hopkins (Bryan Hopkins’ mother)

Carol Reis Starr (Erik Reis’ mother)

Carolyn Holden (Carol Baker’s mother)

Dave Darhower (Jeanette Woodle’s father)

Alex Strogen (Gray Strogen’s father)

Carolyn Britt (Diane Parker’s mother)

Barbara Nagy (Alan Nagy’s mother)

Jimmy Richardson (Tamara Tindall’s father)

Marilyn Johnston (Elaine Hyman & Joey Johnston’s


Molly Robertson (Steve Robertson’s mother)

Barbara Calhoun (Alanda McLain’s mother)


Caroline Robertson (Cheryl & Steve’s granddaughter)

Bill Darby (Jo Rush’s brother)

Finn Brown (grandson of Sara Newton Reddick)

Christine Kennerly (Pat Rose’s daughter)

Vincent McLean (Lana Fortson’s brother-in-law)

Bailey Anderson (granddaughter of Mary & Kip


Willie Henderson (Betty Ackley’s son-in-law)

Ashton Grace Calhoun (daughter of Charles

Calhoun & Sierra Joiner)

Teresa Richardson (Ruby Pittman’s granddaughter)

Jason Owens (Burnette & Geraldine Owens’ son)

Lincoln Browning (Don Murphy’s great nephew)

Chuck Johnson & daughter (Pete & Martha

Johnson’s son)

Ron Harper (Lynn Long’s brother)

Allen & Fay McNew (Wayne Hill’s brother &


Dan Taylor (Pat Taylor’s brother-in-law)

Valerie Boccabella (Betty Ackley’s daughter)

Evelyn Dunn (Pete Peterson’s sister)

Ron Kirkley (Mary Shellam Hill’s brother-in-law)

Dennie Nobles (Wayne Nobles’ brother)



Rock Smith (Joe Hudson’s friend)

Mac & Carolyn McCormick(Iva Finkenbiner’s friends)

Rev. Julian Riddle (Russ Nixon’s friend)

Durwood Owens (Pat Gregory’s friends’ brother)

Joey Jones (Sara Reddick’s friend)

Janice & Danny Elmer (Jerri Woodle’s friends)

Debby Squires (Dawn Turner’s friend)

Eddie Caskey (Meredith Hyman’s friend)

Marie Freeman (Lana Fortson’s friend)

Barbara Jenkins (Lana Fortson’s friend)

Beth Milcheck (Lana Fortson’s friend)

Annie Register (Jamie Hewitt’s friend)

Mary Lee Anderson (Dawn Turner’s friend)

Jim Green (Trinity’s drummer)

Harmony Fields (Ralph’s daughter)

Hillings family (Jan Green’s friends)

Tami Jones Watkins (Kellah Webster’s friend)

Betty Springle (Pete & Martha Johnson’s friend)

Armed Forces

Michael Merzke (Diane Fouquet’s nephew)

Matthew Merzke (Diane Fouquet’s nephew)

Capt. Joseph O’Brien (Barbara Davis’ cousin)

Jackson Schade (Genie Peterson’s cousin)

Major Matthew Linton (Beth Linton’s grandson)

Gene Austin Norris, Jr. (Gene & Carolyn Norris’ son)

Ray Davis (Gene & Carolyn Norris’ son-in-law)

Dax Battaglia (Mary Ann Mehl’s nephew)

Alex Kann (Mary Ann Mehl’s granddaughter)

James Kostuch (Barbara Davis’ grandson) Austin Clark (Brenda Murphy’s friend’s grandson)

Toby Watt (Meredith Hyman’s friend)

SPC Russell Dozier


All in our church and community who were affected

by the flooding.

Samaritan Counseling Service

Are there any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them. James 5:14

We Care for One Another

Russ’s address in Kuwait:

SPC Dozier, Russell

H Co,118 CAB 30 ABCT

APO AE 09330

Page 15: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/November2019forwebsite.pdf · I saw a post on Facebook recently that declared Nov. 1-27 Christmas

Dr. & Mrs. Strong join the entire

Trinity Church family in

expressing our deepest sympathy

and Christian love to:

Dave Evans & family, following the death of his

father, Bob Evans

Congratulations to:

Isaac & Kate Dusenbury, following the birth of a son, Charles Franklin Dusenbury II, “Charlie”.

Proud grandparents are Polly & Joey Vereen.

Travis & Beth Hyman, following the birth of a son, Jon Hampton Hyman, “Hamp”.

Proud grandparents are Terry & Elaine Hyman.


Church office address

1317-B Third Avenue, Conway 29526-5038

Mailing address :

P.O. Box 1072, Conway, SC, 29528-1072

If you are not receiving our E-mail blasts, but would like to receive them, please call the church office at 843-248-2194 and give us your e-mail address.

1 Ralph Fields 2 Jackson Brookshire

Jeff & Valerie Davis

3 Lloyd Davis Andrew & Katie Fox Lanny & Pat Sterlachini Chad Cunningham

4 Jennifer Dozier Glenn Graves Rick Gartrell

5 Maddie Neese Brian & Sarah Hughes Dale Ginty

6 BobbiDawn Inabnit Olivia Myers

8 David & Kellah Webster Pete & Martha Johnson Israel Singleton Kevin & Alicia Todd

9 Bryan Hopkins Linda Hendrick Laura Lowder

10 Eddie Oliver 11 Flora Helms

Page Anderson

12 Russell Boatwright Ellen Nagy

13 Jess Glasgow Rafael Hooks Polly Vereen Lizzy Line Eddie Gerosa

14 Davis Inabnit Sha McCollum Kingsley Thomas Beth Hyman

15 Richard & Tamara Tindall Graham Anderson

16 Kip & Mary Miller Linda Johnson Stacey Hucks

17 George Driscoll

19 Diane Ginty

20 Jimmy Johnson Jason Owens

21 Delores Dickerson

22 Donnie Guyton Ed McNew

23 Ellen Vaught Iva Finkenbiner Dean & Annie Slate

24 Willie Ruth Purvis

25 Jack Goodman Daniel Register

26 Tyler Smith

27 Maida Fuentes Bob Rogers Bob & Lana Fortson Ernest & Janice Hardwick Riggs Hyman

28 Dan Wysong

29 Glynn Johnson

30 Wayne Nobles Dalton Watts Sam & Jennifer Graves

The entire Trinity Church family expresses

our deepest sympathy and

Christian love to:

Dr. & Mrs. Kim Strong, following the death of his aunt,

Betty Turner.

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UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ...a Stephen Ministry Congregation P.O. Box 1072, Conway, SC 29528-1072

1317-B Third Avenue, Conway, SC 843-248-2194 phone, 843-248-4445 fax


Change Service Requested ____________________________________________________

REV. DR. KIM STRONG, Senior Pastor 843-248-2343, parsonage; 843-877-3052, cell [email protected]

CINDY SMITH, Lay Assistant Pastor 843-655-6562, [email protected]

DR. ANDREW FOWLER, Director of Music

843-457-9686 or [email protected]

SYDNEY NEWMAN, Director of Youth Ministry 803-280-4871, or [email protected]

CAROLYN CAUSEY, Business Administrator

843-907-0030 or [email protected]

ANNE STEELE, Financial Administrator/Internal Auditor

RALPH FIELDS, Facilities Maintenance

Deadline for Good Word information is the 15th of

each month. E-mail: [email protected]

Triple L Trip to Hopsawee Plantation Thanks to Charles Smalls and Tami Seders for the pictures.