a typical day for an art director


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Page 1: A Typical Day for an Art Director
Page 2: A Typical Day for an Art Director

So you want to be an art director?

Page 3: A Typical Day for an Art Director

Digital Media Arts College in South Florida presents:

The Day in the Life of an Art Director

Page 4: A Typical Day for an Art Director

Visit DMAC.edu if you are interested in getting a degree in graphic design or computer animation.

Page 5: A Typical Day for an Art Director

5:30 am Walk the dog and Run

6:15 am to shower

6:30 am Eat Breakfast, Check Email

6:45 am Drive to work listen to voicemails, return early calls

7:00 am Check email again, prep for meeting, grab coffee

7:30 am Meet with Team to discuss Accounts

8:00 am Delegate new tasks to appropriate team members

8:30 am Fix problems with the current team

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9:00 am Call Client to discuss new concepts

9:15 am Secure all assets from the client

9:25 grab coffee 9:30 Interview potential Graphic Designer

10:00 am Create Color Schemes 10:30 Check work of designers

11:00 am Write Copy for Ad

11:30 am meeting with Top Team to discuss Budgets

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12:00 get coffee choke down a sandwich

12:30 Check Emails and Voicemails

12:45 Respond to emails

1:00 Return phone calls

1:30 Put out fires

1:40 Grab Coffee

1:45 Organize photo shoot for the next day

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2:00 Secure location for shoot

2:20 Find props for Photo Shoot

2:40 Hire models for Photo Shoot

3:00 Send over proof to clients for approval

3:30 Change designs with Graphic Manager

4:00 Get approval from Client for Revisions

4:15 Return client phone call

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4:30 Change Color Scheme and Concept Per Client Request5:00 Find new location for Tomorrow’s Photo Shoot5:15 Call models and give update for tomorrows shoot5:30 Check designs and make recommendations6:00 Send ads to Media Center6:30 Check emails and return phone calls6:45 Make last minute changes to the design7:00 Correct Copy for Ad per Client Request7:30 Double check for tomorrow’s shoot everything has been done.8:00 Head Home

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In a busy agency or firm everyone is extremely busy. None are more pressed for time than the Creative Art Director. And while our ‘mock’ schedule may seem a bit daunting this is mild for an “A” listed ad agency, but something that you can expect if you’re pursuing a career in this field.

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The smaller the agency, the more hats the Art Director will have to wear. Regardless of whether there’s enough people on staff, the work still must get done. As the person managing the projects, it’s not only the vision that must be conveyed it’s all tasks that must be managed from A-Z.

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If you’re pursuing a career in this field and you have the opportunity to shadow someone at a busy agency, you’ll get a feel for your desire to pursue this position. Keep in mind that every agency is different. Boutique agencies and collectives often work from home, which may mean that you’ll be doing the same.

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Working from home can have its benefits, but it’s also harder to manage projects since you aren’t able to look over someone’s shoulder. If the work is going sight-unseen, then make sure that you have all the proper tools to facilitate the work.

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Proper tools also include communication. Agencies that have to meet strict deadlines can often times be a scramble and a race against the clock. It’s imperative that you are able to communicate with each team member and deal with any hurdles that need to be overcome.

With each problem comes a new opportunity. It’s good to embrace the difficulties. Once you’ve found a way to fix the dilemma’s then you’ll find that the job is one of the most satisfying.

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Everything from delegating the jobs to writing copy makes an Art Director a well-rounded individual. Learn as much as you can. Spend quality time during your intern work or volunteer work. Make sure that you are ready to handle the many tasks that this position entails.

The more experience you gain the easier the job will become. Get involved with your team. Communication is key to a project’s success. Be realistic about your time and the position. This isn’t a job, it’s a career that can be very rewarding whether you work from home or off-site. There is no trick to becoming a great director, it’s passion and cognizance.

So get out there and Get Em!

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Get Your Degree In Graphic Design in Florida at DMAC – Digital Media Arts College in South Florida Art Director, computer animation, graphic design