a5.presentation correlaton

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  • 8/6/2019 A5.Presentation Correlaton


    CorrelationThe term correlation indicates the relationship

    between two such variables in which the change

    in value of one variable affects the value of the

    other variable

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    Correlation may be classified according to following criteria

    The number of variable

    Degree of correlation

    The direction of change

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    When the change in one variable are accomplished by change in

    another variable in the same direction ,it is called as +ve correlation.

    If the change in one variable accomplished by change in another

    variable in opposite direction it is called as -ve correlation

    The correlation coefficient lies between +/- 1

    In case where the correlation coefficient is +/- 1 , the correlation is

    called perfect correlation

    In case where the correlation coefficient is reaching to +/- 1 ,then that

    is high degree imperfect correlation

    In case where the correlation coefficient is reaching to `0 ` from

    + ve or ve side of the number but not exactly zero , then it is

    low degree imperfect correlation

  • 8/6/2019 A5.Presentation Correlaton


    Methods of determining correlation

    i. Scatter diagram

    ii. Karl pearson`s product moment coefficient

    iii. Spearman`s rank correlation coefficient

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    Scatter diagram

    This is a graphical method for studying correlation. This

    method may not give us any mathematical relation between

    the two variables , it certainly helps us in visualizing the

    behaviour pattern of the two variables.

    The pairs of values of X and Y are represented by a dot ,

    plotted on a graph paper . The graph is called scatter


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    r =1

    0 < r < 1

    r = - 1

    -1 < r < 0

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    r = 0

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    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


    X 15 20 33 25 25 35 36 40 18 22

    Y 5 15 23 15 20 28 30 40 10 15

    Draw a scatter diagram for the following data and comment on it.

    On observation we

    can conclude that

    there is a positive

    correlation between

    X and Y

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    Karl pearson`s product moment coefficient

    The coefficient gives numerical measure of nature

    and extent of correlation.

    It is a pure number independent of the units of

    measurement of X and Y .

    It always lies between -1 & +1 .

    It is independent of change of origin and scale.

    It is defined as

    r = Cov ( x, y) /( S.D of X * S.D of Y)

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    The following data represents the time in weeks (X) and out put of units (Y) of a

    factory. Fine the coefficient of correlation and interpret it.

    X 7 5 4 11 10 12 14 9

    Y 14 8 8 19 16 19 20 16

    Find the S.D of X

    Find the S.D of Y

    Apply in the formula

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    X Y X-mean (x) y-mean (y)(X-mean (x)) *(

    y-mean (y))


    X-mean (x)


    y-mean (y)

    7 14 -2 -1 2 4 1

    5 8 -4 -7 28 16 49

    4 8 -5 -7 35 25 49

    11 19 2 4 8 4 16

    10 16 1 1 1 1 1

    12 19 3 4 12 9 16

    14 20 5 5 25 25 25

    9 16 0 1 0 0 1

    72 120 0 0 111 84 158


    mean= 9 15

    The following data represents the time in weeks (X) and out put of units (Y) of a

    factory. Fine the coefficient of correlation and interpret it.

    X 7 5 4 11 10 12 14 9

    Y 14 8 8 19 16 19 20 16

    Find the S.D of X

    Find the S.D of Y

    Apply in the formula

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    X Y2




    7 14 49 196 98

    5 8 25 64 40

    4 8 16 64 32

    11 19 121 361 209

    10 16 100 256 160

    12 19 144 361 228

    14 20 196 400 280

    9 16 81 256 144

    72 120 732 1958 1191

    Substitute the values

    in the formula

  • 8/6/2019 A5.Presentation Correlaton


    some times there are certain characteristics which are qualitative in

    nature and they cannot be measured numerically. We can rank the

    individual according to these characteristic in ascending or descending

    order, and these ranks provide the data to calculate spearman`s rank

    correlation coefficient which is derived from karl pearson`s coefficent.

    where d represents difference

    between ranks i.e. d = R1 R2,

    (R1 & R2 are ranks assigned for

    characteristics )

    The formula forrank correlation coefficient is

    R =6 d


    n (n 1)21 -

    & n = no of pairs of observations

    The values of X and Y can be ranked as first, second ,third

    and so on and then the formula can be applied

    Spearman`s rank correlation

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    Iftwo or more observations have the same value then common

    rank by considering the average can be given to all repeated values.

    A correction factor is to be added while calculating the rank

    correlation coefficient

    m ( m 1)2

    12C.F = Where m is number of times a rank is repeated

    So rank correlation coefficient is given by

    R =6 ( d + C.F )


    n (n 1)2

    1 -

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    Ten girls participate for a beauty pageant. Their rank for beauty and

    intelligence are as follows:


    Find their rank correlation coefficient.

    Rank in


    Rank in


    d = 2


    R 1 R 2 R1 R2

    1 7 -6 36

    2 9 -7 49

    3 2 1 1

    4 10 -6 36

    5 1 4 16

    6 4 2 4

    7 8 -1 1

    8 5 3 9

    9 3 6 36

    10 6 4 16

    0 204

    n =10

    Apply the values in the formula

    R =6 d2

    n (n 1)21 -

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    Find the spearman`s rank correlation coefficient for the following data

    exports( in lacks Rs.) x 12 15 13 20 15 14 19 13 21 18

    local sales (in lakhs ofRs.) y 25 21 15 18 20 17 20 16 20 22

    Let R1 , R2 be the ranks assigned to X & Y .

    Say for R1 (x) : assign 1 to the highest value i.e. 21 and 2,3, & 4 tovalues 20,19, & 18 respectively .

    The next value 15 is repeated twice , and the ranks are (5,6 )/2 i.e 5.5

    to both repetitions .

    Like this the last value 12 is given rank 10

    Do the ranking R2 for (Y)

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    X Y R1 R2 d= R1- R2



    12 25 10 1 9 8115 21 5.5 3 2.5 6.25

    13 15 8.5 10 -1.5 2.25

    20 18 2 7 -5 25

    15 20 5.5 5 0.5 0.25

    14 17 7 8 -1 1

    19 20 3 5 -2 413 16 8.5 9 -0.5 0.25

    21 20 1 5 -4 16

    18 22 4 2 2 4


    C.F for R1 ( FOR RANK 5.5 & 8.5


    C.F for R2 ( FOR RANK 5


    Total C.FApply in the formula

    R =6 ( d + C.F )


    n (n 1)2

    1 -

    n = 10