abbreviations of units of measurement

Abbreviations of Units of Measurement[11-06-2010 01:36:54] Abbreviations of Units of Measureme nt Abbreviations for most units of measureme nts use small letters and periods. The few exception s that use capital letters are noted below. Tempera ture abbreviatio ns use capitals beca use they come from proper nouns. Measures of mass or weight of types of tons are usually capitalized when abbreviated. Abbreviatio ns for metric units, including temperatures (Kelvin or Celsius), do not end with periods. Non-metric units with "per" (such as "miles per hour") usually do not take periods, either. Temperature abbreviations are used in all types of writing. Other abbreviation s of measurements are limited to lists, charts, technical writing, and informal writing. In standard formal English, they are spelled out. If you spell out the number, spell out the unit of measurement. There is no need to add an s to an abbreviation to show a plural. This is sometimes done in advertising ("3 lbs. for a dollar"), but it is not necessary. English Unit Abbreviat ions Abbreviation  Unit of Measurement bbl. barrel cu. cubic doz. dozen F., F Fahrenheit fl. oz. fluid ounce ft. foot gal. gallon gr. grain gr., gro. gross in. inch k., kt. karat k., kt. knot lb. pound LT, L.T. long ton mi. mile mph miles per hour n.m. nautical miles oz. ounce pt. pint qt. quart sq. square rpm revolutions per minute T., T ton T. tablespoon in some cookbooks t. teaspoon in some cookbooks tbsp. tablespoon tsp. teaspoon yd. yard

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