abe thomas - how to optimize for a multi-device experience using the responsive web - sic2012

Abe Thomas General Manager Microsoft.com

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Post on 27-Jan-2015




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Abe Thomas, Microsoft How to Optimize for a Multi-Device Experience Using the Responsive Web? With the proliferation of tablets, smartphones and PCs, users are increasingly looking for a customized experience on their devices. They want content to be laid out in a format that optimizes to the form factor they are on and they want content that is relevant for that device. Responsive web architecture is a brand new approach in web design that allows for easy reading and navigation. As a user switches from their laptop to a tablet, the website automatically switches to accommodate for resolution, image size and scripting abilities. This eliminates the need for a different design and development phase for each new gadget on the market. Earlier this year, Microsoft embarked on such an exercise for its website. This talk details 7 principles that were used by the team to arrive at a responsive web design for the Microsoft homepage.


  • 1. Abe ThomasGeneral ManagerMicrosoft.com

2. The worlds 8th-most visited websiteSource: ComScore, 2012 3. Microsoft.comVision 4. Old-world problemsNew-world problemsMessage ChanneloverloadattributionSocial this he won buy it I love itrocks Subscribenoisehe lost dont buy itI hate itthis Entersucks Win Buy Save Shop Multi-device Earn consumers Sign up Learn More 5. What device are you on? 6. Users are using multiple devicesTablets SmartphonesSource: Business Insiders BI Intelligence 7. Responsive website example: Smashing Magazine 8. 7 Principles of Marketing at Microsoft1. Live and breathe the customer journey2. Know and respect the competition3. Romance our product truths4. Plan the work, work the plan5. Throw fewer pebbles, make bigger waves6. Disclosure drives action7. Skate to where the puck is going to be 9. Live and breathe the customer journey Awareness Evaluation GatheringLearn & ResearchEvaluatePrice ChoiceSelect &Buy Learning & Discovery Deployment & Adoption Service & Support Use & AdvocacyAdvocate 10. Know and respect the competition 11. Romance our product truths 12. Plan the work, work the plan Baseline CTR +7.22 CTR +5.63 CTR +7.01 CTRVariant DCControl layoutVariant BB 13. Throw fewer pebbles, make bigger wavesOct 201220112010 14. Disclosure drives action 15. Skate to where the puck is going to beMicrosoft.com is the first Top 15 websites to deploy a responsive design 16. Responsive design at microsoft.com 17. Conclusion: Did it work?Click through rate UP Satisfaction UP Sales Referrals UP 18. Conclusion: Did it work? I continue to be impressedMicrosoft is actually the by the courage at Microsoft I look forward to the wholemost exciting company in shown by all theweb following these verytech. Theyve made a lot of big, positive changes smart footsteps.great decisions lately. happening there. Congratulations toThe responsive everyone who worked ondesign is a brilliant addition This provides a needed this project. It truly is aand love the clean lines and counterpoint to the Apple great piece of design. I hopereadability of the new site. Do everything ourselves some of the tools created and keep everything a for this project becomeCant wait to see whats nextsecret ethos. available for publicfor thisuse.please? 19. The benefits of our modern responsive website Great customer experience Seamlessly cross-device High performance Lower maintenance costs Perception 20. Thank you! 21. Abe Thomas :: [email protected]