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Page 1: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer
Page 2: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer


Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report.

I’m a fitness coach and writer who has been researching and promoting science-based,

no B.S muscle building and fat loss techniques online since 2005.

Through the comprehensive free content on my Blog, YouTube Channel, Social Media

pages and online newsletters, I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of average, everyday

guys and girls from all over the world build muscle, lose fat and completely transform

their bodies and lives.

I’m also the creator of The Body Transformation Blueprint – a complete step-by-step

training, nutrition and supplementation system that teaches people how to achieve their

ideal body in the fastest and most efficient way possible without hype or gimmicks of

any kind.

In a fitness industry that has become completely overrun with fads, false information

and outright scams, you can trust my advice as an honest, no nonsense resource to help

you reach your fitness goals the right way.

Page 3: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer


There are many individual details that go into mapping out an effective muscle building

workout plan…

Factors such as training intensity, volume, frequency, workout structure, duration, warm

ups, rest periods and more.

While all of these factors are obviously highly important when it comes to your bottom

line bodybuilding results, there’s one simple factor you must nail down first if you want

to progress in the gym at your maximum potential: proper training technique.

At the end of the day, stimulating your muscles for hypertrophy ultimately comes down

to the movements that you’re performing in the gym and how effectively you’re able to

place your muscles under tension during your exercises.

Muscle growth is an adaptive response to stress, and if you don’t know how to execute

your lifts in the proper way to optimize that stress, you’re not going to achieve the very

best gains possible.

Simply “going through the motions” isn’t going to cut it, and in this information-packed

report I’ll be outlining 15 unique training tips you can employ to get the strongest

muscle-stimulating effect from your workouts.

Page 4: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer

This isn't the typical "fitness 101" advice you hear on every run-of-the-mill blog and

YouTube channel out there...

This report is filled with a huge collection of useful, little-known training techniques,

many of which you've probably never even heard of before.

Implement these tips during your next few workouts and I guarantee you’ll notice a big

improvement and really feel the difference that they make.

Let’s get started…

Page 5: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer


To stay in the loop on all of my newest content that will help you build muscle, lose fat

and gain strength at your maximum potential, make sure to follow the 3 simple steps

below before diving into the report…

1) Subscribe To My YouTube Channel.

I post brand new high quality video lessons on my channel several days a week covering

all kinds of valuable training, nutrition and supplementation topics that you won’t want to


2) Bookmark My Official Website.

My blog contains a ton of awesome muscle building and fat burning information and is

updated frequently with new content. I can guarantee that it will be some of the highest

quality and most beneficial material you'll find anywhere.

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3) Connect With Me On Social Media…

For more daily tips, motivation and other useful updates, make sure to connect with me

on the following social media channels…






Page 7: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer


Although effective bicep training is relatively straightforward in the big picture,

employing the proper tweaks to your bicep curl form and exercise selection can help

to speed up the process when it comes to building an impressive set of arms that

really stand out.

While free weight curls with barbells and dumbbells are good exercises overall, they

do pose one slight disadvantage in that they don’t place the biceps under maximum

tension throughout the entire range of motion from bottom to top.

This is because the exercise is performed in a circular motion, while the force of

gravity is always pulling the weight in a straight line toward the ground. As a result,

your biceps will be subjected to a high degree of stress at the top of the curl and

down to the middle portion of the range, but will increasingly lose tension as the

weight is lowered past halfway and down into the bottom position.

Page 8: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer

In order to create an optimal resistance curve that keeps your biceps under non-stop

stress throughout the entire set without any rest at all, here’s the specific bicep curl

variation you’ll want to use…

The Standing Single Arm Cable Curl

1) Using a single-hand attachment, place the pulley at the very bottom of the cable


2) Stand facing away from the machine, grab onto the handle and take a small step

forward so that the resistance is pulling slightly back on your arm in the starting


3) Place your opposite hand on your waist for balance, and with your knees slightly

bent, arm fully straightened and elbow tucked at your side, begin curling the cable


4) Make sure to keep your shoulder positioned down and back, and aside from some

very slight movement, don’t allow your shoulder or elbow to drift forward as you lift

the cable.

5) Continue the motion until you feel a strong contraction in your biceps, pause

briefly at the top, and then lower the weight back down following the same path.

When executed properly these are an incredibly effective means of training your

biceps in a way that most other curling movements don’t provide.

You can either perform your single arm cable curls as the primary bicep exercise in

your routine, or you can just mix them into your overall plan alongside your other

free weight lifts.

Page 9: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer


If you’re looking to carve out a set of round, broad shoulders that really get

noticed, a properly executed lateral raise is a key exercise in your training arsenal.

This is because lateral raises specifically target that often hard-to-hit lateral

head of the shoulder (also referred to as the “side delts”), which is the most

important of the 3 shoulder heads to develop if you really want to increase your

overall delt width and thickness.

Although a lateral raise might seem like a very basic movement on the surface,

the truth is that most lifters make a ton of crucial errors on this exercise that

greatly reduce its muscle building effectiveness and increase its injury-risk

potential at the same time.

Here are 4 quick form tips you can apply to your lateral raises to get the very most

out of the exercise and optimize the stimulation of the side delts…

Page 10: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer

Tip #1: Lighten Up The Weights

If you’re using an amount of weight that requires you to swing your upper body

back and forth and heave the weights around in an uncontrolled manner like so

many lifters do, all you’re really doing is reducing the involvement of the side

delts and increasing your chances of shoulder injury at the same time.

Remember, it’s not the objective amount of weight you’re lifting that matters; the

only thing the lateral head of your shoulder (or any other muscle on your body for

that matter) experiences and responds to is the direct amount of tension that it’s

placed under.

So, check your ego at the door and always make sure to execute your lateral

raises using a light enough weight so that you can perform the exercise under

strict control with minimal use of momentum and really feel your shoulders being

activated on each rep.

Tip #2: Lean Forward Slightly.

Rather than standing with your upper body completely upright throughout the

exercise, keep a small bend in your knees and lean slightly forward at roughly a 70

degree angle.

Standing too far upright shifts the line of pull onto the anterior head of the

shoulder (the front portion) and reduces the activation of the lateral head.

Tip #3: Keep your abs flexed and core tight at all times.

Forcefully flexing your abs and keeping your ribcage locked down throughout the

entire lift is one of the key ways to increase the tension on your side delts.

Doing so takes your spinal erectors out of the equation and also helps to prevent

your upper body from swaying backward as you raise the weights up.

Get this one nailed down and you’ll feel a huge difference in your ability to

contract your side delts on each rep.

Page 11: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer

Tip #4: Perform your lateral raises using a cable.

As I covered in the previous hack, exercises that utilize a circular range of motion

are actually best performed using cables due to the superior tension curve that

they provide in comparison to free weights.

Although dumbbells are still an effective way to perform this movement overall,

you’ll ideally want to do your lateral raises using a cable since dumbbells provide

very little to no tension in the bottom half of the lift.

Simply stand to the side of a cable machine like you see in the picture above and

perform your lateral raises one arm at a time using a single hand attachment.

Page 12: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer


There’s a reason why most lifters in the gym tend to have under-developed lats in

comparison to the rest of their upper body...

Aside from the basic issue of imbalanced workout programming, the lats are also the

most challenging muscle group on the body for most people to effectively engage.

It doesn’t take much to really “light up” the pecs, delts, arms and legs in the gym, but

without the proper training technique, the lats are a much different story.

You’ll usually feel them working to a certain degree, but often it’s the forearms,

biceps, shoulders and other surrounding muscles that end up taking on the brunt of

the load.

The single most effective form cue you can utilize in order to direct as much tension

onto the lats as possible and away from other surrounding muscle groups is to

focus on pulling the weight using your elbows rather than your hands.

To do this, just imagine that your forearms, wrists and hands don’t even exist and

that all of the force is being generated through your elbows.

Another way to approach this is to imagine that your hands are simply “hooks” that

are attaching you to the weight.

With a bit of practice, you’ll find that this makes a significant difference in how well

you’re able to engage your lats during your back exercises.

Page 13: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer

You can apply this form cue to any basic compound pulling movement, such as pull

ups, pulldowns, rows and pullovers.

To improve the effectiveness of this tip even further, try utilizing a set of lifting

straps or lifting hooks on all of your back exercises as well.

This will further remove your forearms and grip from the equation and allow you to

place 100% of your focus on pulling the weight using your back muscles as opposed

to your arms and shoulders.

Page 14: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer


Here’s a very quick tip you can apply on your compound quad exercises such as

squats, leg presses and lunges in order to improve overall quad stimulation and


Don’t allow your knees to lock out on each rep. Instead, stop 1-2 inches short of

lockout before lowering the weight back down again.

Not only does locking your knees out place a lot of stress on your knee joints (an

area that is very susceptible to injury), but it also takes the tension off of your

quads and gives them a momentary period of rest at the end of each rep.

By stopping your reps an inch or two short of lockout, your quads will be placed

under constant stress and will be forced to remain active throughout the entire


Give this one a try on your next set of squats or leg presses and it should feel like

your quads are on fire by the time you reach those last few reps.

It’s highly uncomfortable, but it works.

Page 15: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer


While proper chest training may be simple on paper, the real key to serious chest

growth is in the execution.

Most people know that the core foundation of any effective chest workout is

heavy pressing: barbell presses and dumbbell presses performed on either a flat,

incline or decline bench.

But as you probably also know, chest pressing is a compound movement that

involves more than just the pecs.

Your anterior delts (the front of the shoulder) and triceps are also heavily


If you’ve been training your chest with full intensity and focus each week and

your chest still isn’t growing the way you want it to, chances are that your front

delts and triceps are actually doing the bulk of the work on your chest exercises

without you realizing it.

Here are 2 simple form shifts you can apply to immediately direct a higher

percentage of the stress directly onto your pecs where you want it for faster,

more efficient chest gains.

Give these tips a try during your next chest workout and see what you think…

Page 16: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer

Tip #1: Keep your shoulder blades retracted at all times.

By pinching your shoulder blades together slightly and keeping them there as you

press the weight up and down, your pecs end up taking on more of the load.

You can test this out for yourself right now as you read this…

Perform a regular pressing motion with your shoulder blades completely flat, and

then perform one with your shoulder blades retracted.

Feel the difference?

Not only does this engage your pecs to a higher degree, but it also reduces the

stress on your shoulder joints and decreases the risk for injury.

Tip #2: Focus on pressing the weight using your upper arms rather than your


Rather than just trying to move the weight from point A to point B, instead place

your focus on what the actual purpose of a chest pressing exercise is when it

comes to targeting the pecs.

The purpose is NOT to simply shove your hands away from your body and extend

your elbows – it’s actually to move your upper arms across the front of your

torso. This is the true function that the pectoral muscle performs, known as

“horizontal adduction”.

Page 17: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer

So, rather than just thinking about pressing the resistance straight out in front of

you, shift your attention onto that simple act of moving your upper arm in an

arching motion across the front of your body.

Similar to the back training tip I gave earlier, one way of doing this is to just

imagine that your arms below the elbow down don’t even exist and that all of the

actual “pressing” is being done through your elbows and upper arms.

This one takes a bit of practice but will make a huge difference in your ability to

decrease tricep/delt involvement and maximize chest stimulation.

Page 18: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer


While there’s no question that basic compound exercises such as squats, leg presses

and lunges should form the cornerstone of your quad training routine, a few sets of

leg extensions at the end of your quad workout can be a useful addition in certain


Perhaps you want to include some additional volume for your quads without overly

taxing the rest of your body… Maybe you have a lower back injury that you’re trying

to work around… Or maybe you want to perform some high rep work but find that

your cardiovascular system becomes the limiting factor on big compound lifts done in

the 12+ rep ranges…

While most people think of the leg extension as being nothing more than a simple

matter of extending at the knee, here’s one easy tweak you can employ to get an

even deeper contraction on each rep for better overall stimulation and bigger


At the top of each rep when your knee is fully extended, try to raise your knees up

off the seat as if you were trying to bring your thighs toward your chest.

Page 19: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer

How does this simple action improve the effectiveness of your leg extensions?

Well, the quadriceps are made up of 4 individual heads: the rectus femoris (middle

portion), vastus lateralis (outer portion), vastus medialis (inner portion) and vastus

intermedius (also middle portion but sits underneath the rectus femoris).

Although all 4 heads insert onto the lower leg and perform the function of extending

the knee joint, the rectus femoris originates on the pelvis (unlike the other 3 heads

which originate on the femur) and performs the function of hip flexion as well.

You can test this out for yourself in your chair right now as you read this…

First, extend your knee as if you were performing a regular leg extension exercise and

note the contraction that you feel.

From there, lift your knee up off the seat toward your upper body.

Although your knee will only travel an inch or so upward, you’ll immediately notice a

deeper contraction in the middle portion of your quad where the rectus femoris sits.

So, by combining these two actions of both knee extension and hip flexion into the

exercise, you’ll end up getting more well-rounded stimulation of your quads on each

rep during your leg extensions.

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A properly structured bicep workout is certainly important when it comes to

building an impressive set of arms, but it’s actually your triceps that make up

about 2/3 of your total upper arm muscle mass.

If you really want to take your arm gains to the highest possible level, triceps

training should never be treated as an after-thought.

As the name implies, the triceps are a 3-headed muscle consisting of the long

head, medial head and lateral head.

For most trainees, adequately stimulating the long head and medial head doesn’t

pose much of a challenge.

The long head can be easily targeted through any type of overhead extension

exercise, while the medial head is heavily recruited on narrow grip presses/dips as

well as during your chest workouts any time you perform a compound pressing


Isolating and building that outer tricep lateral head, on the other hand, is

generally much harder to do.

Page 21: ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Sean Nalewanyj · 2019. 3. 25. · ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building report. I’m a fitness coach and writer

In order to specifically target the lateral head for improved upper arm gains,

here’s the exercise you want to be doing…

The Twisting Rope Pushdown

When most people perform tricep pushdowns, they’ll simply use a straight bar or

rope attachment and press the resistance in a straight up and down motion.

While this is completely fine to get an overall contraction in your triceps, it’s not

optimal if you’re trying to build the lateral head with maximum effectiveness.

So, instead of just pressing the rope straight up and down, you’ll also want to

focus on forcefully pulling it apart and pressing your arms away from eachother as

you drive the rope downward.

Add this “twist” to the bottom of each rep and you should feel a stronger

contraction in the lateral head of the triceps with decreased involvement from

the other two heads.

It does take some practice and a good “mind-muscle connection” to get used to,

but with repeated attempts you should be able to find the best angle for yourself

to really get the most out of this exercise.

Don’t go overboard on weight here either; this tricep exercise is best executed

using a slower and more controlled rep cadence with a focus on really squeezing

your triceps at the bottom of each rep.

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There’s no question that building up naturally skinny calves can be quite a

challenge for many trainees.

Aside from a couple of legitimate genetic disadvantages at play (the primary

factor being how high up the calves insert on the lower leg), most lifters also

make several simple but crucial errors in their training form that make adding

significant size to their calves next to impossible.

Here are 3 quick tips you can apply to your calf raise movements that will make a

significant difference in how effectively you’re able to stimulate your calves for


Calf Raise Tip #1

Instead of driving yourself up onto the entire ball of your front foot, focus on

raising yourself up onto your big toe instead.

This prevents your feet and ankles from rolling outward and maximally stimulates

the inner portion of your calf where the largest percentage of the mass is located.

If you simply perform a regular calf raise without thinking about this, your body

will naturally follow the path of least resistance and do the opposite, since your

big toe is positioned furthest away.

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Calf Raise Tip #2

When most people perform standing calf raises, they place their feet shoulder

width apart or narrower throughout the exercise.

While this will certainly still work when it comes to training the calves

effectively, an even better approach is to go slightly wider at an inch or two

outside of shoulder width.

Just like pressing yourself up onto your big toe, using a wider stance on your calf

raises prevents your ankles from rolling outward as you press yourself up.

If you want to mix in some sets with a narrower stance that’s fine, but use the

wider stance as the foundation of your calf training.

Calf Raise Tip #3

One very common and detrimental calf training mistake is in the excessive use of


In fact, it’s rare to see a lifter at the gym who doesn’t perform their calf raises in

this way. The majority of people simply load up the weights and then “bounce”

their way through the set by pumping out their reps without any real pause at the

top or bottom of the movement.

When you “bounce” yourself out of the bottom position of a calf raise, you greatly

minimize the amount of tension that is placed on the actual calf muscles and

redirect it towards your achilles tendon instead.

The solution? Slow down your reps and stop using momentum.

Here’s what I’d recommend…

Pause in the very bottom position for a full 2 seconds… press yourself up as hard

and fast as you can in proper form… pause in the fully contracted position for 1

second… and then lower yourself in 3-4 seconds.

This particular cadence will optimize the stress on your calves and minimize the

involvement of the achilles tendon.

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Earlier on I outlined two highly effective chest training tips to increase pec

activation during compound pressing exercises, and here’s another quick one you

can use on exercises where you’re pressing a single object, such as barbell presses

or machine presses…

Instead of just pressing the weight in a straight up and down motion, also focus

on squeezing your hands inward at the same time as if you were trying to

compress the bar together.

Give this one a try and you’ll feel an immediate increase in pec activation before

you even begin the exercise.

You don’t need to go overboard here and shove your hands inward as hard as

possible, but a gentle squeeze of about 25% of your available strength will do the


(This tip can also be applied to pushups as well.)

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The traps just don’t get enough respect.

In fact, I’d go as far as to say that they’re the single most “underrated” muscle group

for those trying to build a bigger, more muscular looking body.

Most beginners are so pre-occupied with adding size to their chest and arms that

they totally overlook the huge contribution that a well-developed set of traps will

make to their overall physique.

If you really want to achieve that strong and “powerful” look, packing size and

thickness onto your traps is something that should be treated as a priority.

There are many different exercises you can use to stimulate the traps for increased

size and strength, but when it all comes down to it, a properly executed shrug is still

the “go to” movement that will give you the most bang for your buck.

However, the key phrase there is properly executed.

When most lifters perform this exercise (whether it be with a barbell, dumbbells or

cables), the basic form you’ll always see is the standard straight-up-and down

shrugging motion with the shoulders, otherwise known as “scapular elevation”.

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However, the problem with simply shrugging your shoulders in a straight up and

down line is that this particular movement actually puts the primary focus on the

“levator scapulae” rather than the trapezius.

Just like the name implies, the primary function of the levator scapulae is to elevate

the scapula, and this is exactly what you’re doing when performing a standard up and

down barbell or dumbbell shrug.

The traps will still come into play of course, but not in a way that activates them

to the fullest degree.

In order to move the stress off of the levator scapulae and straight onto the

traps where you want it, focus on shrugging the weight at a slight horizontal

angle so that your shoulders are being shrugged up and backward toward the

mid-line of your body at the same time.

You can test this out for yourself right now as you read this…

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Try shrugging in the standard way of moving your shoulders straight up and down

and see how your traps feel. Next, try shrugging by moving your shoulders

up and backward at the same time and see if you notice a difference.

If you did it correctly then you should feel a much more pronounced “cramping”

sensation in the traps.

So, here’s the complete rundown on how to perform your shrugs in a way that

trains your traps as effectively as possible…

1) Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them at your sides about 1-2 inches outside

of shoulder width.

2) Rather than standing completely upright, bend forward at the waist so that

your body is angled slightly forward.

3) From this position, shrug the weight both up and back as far as you can until

you feel a strong contraction in your traps. Pause briefly at the top and squeeze

your traps hard, and then slowly lower the weight back down.

4) Once you get to the bottom position, allow your arms to “hang” downward

toward the floor until you feel a good stretch in your traps. Hold again in this

bottom stretched position for a brief second, and then repeat for a total of 8-10

reps per set.

This movement definitely takes some practice, and you may have to play around

with it a bit until you find the right angle for yourself.

Test this variation out against pure scapular elevation and you should definitely

notice a big difference in how effectively you’re able to feel your traps working.

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In addition to a basic compound hip extension movement such as a Romanian

deadlift or stiff-legged deadlift, an isolated leg curling exercise should also be

included for your hamstrings if you want to achieve complete, well-rounded


One important factor on leg curls that often gets overlooked, however, is toe


If you perform your leg curls with your ankle dorsi-flexed like most lifters do (toes

pointed towards your body) the gastrocnemius (the major portion of the calf

muscle) becomes activated and assists the hamstrings in curling up the weight.

In order to de-activate the calves and direct the majority of the tension onto the

hamstrings where you want it, try performing your leg curls with your ankles

plantar-flexed instead (toes pointing away from your body).

Due to its insertions and fiber length, the gastrocnemius can’t be active during

both knee flexion and plantar flexion and so this is a simple form adjustment that

will increase the stress on the hamstrings during leg curls.

You’ll probably need to lighten the weight up a bit in order to apply this tip, but

the overall tension on the hamstrings themselves will still be greater regardless.

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There’s no doubt that basic compound presses should form the underlying

foundation of your chest training routine, but an isolated fly exercise is still a

great way to finish off your workout and target your pecs from a different angle.

Any basic fly movement will be effective when executed in proper form, but cable

flys are going to be the ideal choice for the simple reason that they provide

consistent tension on the pecs throughout the entire range of motion.

Because of the force of gravity and the path that the weight is travelling in,

dumbbell flys only stimulate your chest to a significant degree in the bottom half

of the range, making them a slightly less effective exercise overall.

If you’ve decided to include a few sets of cable flys as part of your chest workout,

here’s a very quick and easy tip to help you get a deeper, more powerful

contraction in your pecs on each rep…

Rather than simply keeping your hands in a neutral “palms facing in” position

throughout the entire movement, instead, focus on rotating your hands inward

so that your palms are facing down at the end of each rep.

How does this simple form tweak increase the effectiveness of your cable flys?

Well, as I mentioned in a previous tip, the primary function of the pecs is

“horizontal adduction”, which is the act of bringing your upper arm across the

front of your body. If you take a look at any pressing or fly movement you’ll see

that it always involves this basic movement.

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However, the pecs also perform a second function that many people aren’t aware

of, which is “internal rotation” of the shoulder joint.

You can demonstrate this function for yourself right now by placing your arms

straight out in front of you with your palms facing eachother, and then twisting

your arms inward until your palms are facing the floor or even slightly away from


If you flex your pecs at the same time that you do this, then you should feel a

stronger “squeeze” in the muscles as you internally rotate your shoulders further

and further, almost as if they’re cramping up a bit.

So, by applying this function to your cable flys, you’ll be incorporating both

horizontal adduction and internal shoulder rotation into the movement, allowing

you to shorten your pecs to a greater degree and thus achieve a deeper muscle

contraction on each rep.

This can be utilized on any cable fly exercise, whether it be standing, lying or


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There are two muscle groups on the body that are particularly reliant on the luck of

the “muscle building genetics lottery”…

The first are the calves. The second are the forearms.

In other words, if you aren’t naturally muscular in these areas and if they don’t seem

to respond well to training from the get go, it will usually require a decent amount of

patience and consistency before you’re able to make significant gains there.

The forearms are made up of two main groups of muscles: the wrist flexors (the

muscles that run along the underside of the forearm) and the wrist extensors (the

muscles that run along the top of the forearm).

Since the primary function of these muscles is to flex and extend the wrist, it would

seem to make sense that the best way to go about training them would be to

perform basic wrist curls and wrist extensions using a barbell, dumbbell or cables.

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Wrist curls and wrist extensions are easily the most popular forearm exercises out

there, and these are the two movements that most lifters looking to build bigger

forearms place the majority of their focus on.

However, the reality is that wrist curls and wrist extensions are far from the most

effective way to build forearm muscle, and they’re potentially dangerous as well.

This is because the wrist flexors and wrist extensors are an extremely strong set of

muscles, but when performing wrist curls and wrist extensions, it is actually the wrist

joint that becomes the limiting factor in the exercise.

The wrist joint is very weak in comparison to the muscles of the forearm, and the

human body is simply not designed to lift heavy amounts of weight through the

functions of wrist flexion and extension.

Not only do you end up providing less-than-maximal stress to the actual muscles of

the forearm when performing these exercises, but you also end up putting your

wrists into a dangerous position that increases the chances of injury, both to the

actual joint and to the surrounding nerves.

So, if you want to build forearm mass and strength as effectively as possible, you

need to be placing your focus on gripping exercises instead.

This is because gripping exercises take the wrist joint out of the equation and allow

you to fully overload the wrist flexors and extensors with the maximum amount of

weight they can truly handle, and without the additional injury risk.

Here are 3 exercises that allow you to accomplish this effectively…

Forearm Exercise #1: Farmer’s Walks

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This is a very simple exercise but is an awesome way to build up your forearm

muscles and develop better grip strength as well.

To properly execute these, just pick up a pair of heavy dumbbells, grip them as

tightly as you can, and then with your back straight, chest up and shoulders back,

begin walking forward using small quick steps.

A good guideline is to aim for around 10-15 meters for heavy sets, 20-30 meters

for moderate weight sets, and 40-60 meters for lighter weight sets.

Forearm Exercise #2: Pull-Up Bar Holds

As the name implies, all you’re going to do here is grab a pull up bar as tightly as

you can using either an overhand or neutral grip and then hang from the bar for

as long as possible until your grip gives out.

You’ll obviously be shooting for time here, and anywhere from 30-60 seconds is a

good target to aim for.

If you’re able to hold your body weight for longer than a full 60 seconds then

you’ll want to add resistance using a dumbbell or weight plate.

Forearm Exercise #3: Hand Grippers

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Although I would consider these as an optional add-on, the use of hand grippers is

also an effective way to place significant tension on the forearms in a safe way

without the wrist joint becoming a limiting factor.

Or, if you don’t want to purchase actual hand grippers but would like to simulate

the same basic movement using freeweights, here’s a great option for you…

Hand Gripper Freeweight Variation:

1) Grab a barbell and hold it behind your back with your palms facing away from


2) Allow the barbell to slowly roll down your hands and onto the tips of your


3) Squeeze the bar back up with your fingers until it comes into contact with your

palms, just like you would with a regular hand gripper. Make sure to NOT flex

your wrists as you squeeze the weights back up (use the strength from your

fingers only), otherwise you’re simply turning it into a wrist curl.

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When most people perform their bicep curls, they end up flexing their wrist and

forearm at the same time that they’re curling the weight up.

There’s two main problems with this…

First off, it takes tension off of the biceps and places it onto the wrists and

forearms instead. This ultimately results in a less effective bicep workout.

Secondly, the wrists are not intended to lift significantly heavy loads in this

position as we just discussed, and this additional stress can very easily lead to

wrist and forearm pain.

From now on, always make sure that your wrists remain either neutral, or even

better, slightly extended whenever you execute your curling movements.

This will keep the majority of the tension on your biceps while taking the stress

off of your wrists and forearms at the same time.

Though it isn’t known for certain, many say that keeping the wrist extended

during bicep curls was a training technique originally devised by Arnold


In any case, give it a try and you’ll definitely feel a stronger contraction in your

biceps as a result.

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In a previous tip I had recommended applying a small amount of inward force on

your barbell and machine chest pressing movements in order to increase the

activation of the pecs.

For compound back exercises you can take this same tip but go with the opposite


Next time you perform a basic back exercise such as a chin up, lat pulldown,

barbell row, machine row etc., apply a small amount of outward force and

imagine that you’re trying to gently stretch the bar apart.

Again, go with about 25% of your available strength here rather than trying to

shove your hands outward as hard as you can.

In combination with pulling through your elbows and using lifting straps like I

mentioned earlier on, this is yet another way to decrease the activation of your

biceps while increasing the activation of your lats and other mid-back muscles.

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As a final “bonus” hack, I’m going to share with you a simple science-based

technique that will allow you to instantly add around 5-10 pounds to all of your

major compound exercises in the gym, and squeeze out an extra rep or two on

your smaller isolation lifts.

It’s dead simple, and requires almost zero effort to employ. Here it is…

From now on, whenever you perform a set of any exercise, lock your gaze onto

a single point in front of you and do NOT let your eyes wander or the

positioning of your head to change.

Pour ALL of your intensity, drive and motivation into that one point of vision as

you crank out each rep, and maintain it with full focus until your set is over.

How exactly does this help to increase your strength and power in the gym?

It all has to do with “proprioception”, which is a process used by your central

nervous system to give you an automatic sensation of where all the different

parts of your body are located relative to eachother in any given moment.

For example, if I asked you right now to touch your left ear, or your right elbow,

you’d instantly know where to move your hand in order to locate that body part

without even having to think about it. It’s something we take completely for

granted, but without proprioception, this wouldn’t be possible.

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Now, here’s the important thing to realize when it comes to performing any given

exercise in the gym…

Every time your eyes move around or your head positioning changes, your body

must “reset” proprioception to determine where all the parts of your body are now


If you were looking straight ahead and then turned your head completely to the

left, the relative positioning of all the different parts of your body would instantly

change. (This is why it becomes much harder to maintain your balance if your

eyes and head are constantly in motion)

So, by keeping your vision locked onto a single point in front of you and not

allowing your head to move around as you lift and lower the weights,

proprioception remains constant and does not have to continually reset itself.

This increases the overall efficiency at which you can move the resistance, since

your body can now place 100% of its focus on simply powering the weight up and

down without these constant “resets” in proprioception getting in the way.

The overwhelming majority of lifters in the gym are completely unaware of this,

and if employed properly, this technique should provide you with an instant boost

to your overall strength levels.

Don’t expect anything too crazy, but a 5-10 pound increase on major compound

exercises is not uncommon, along with an extra rep or two on smaller isolation


Since achieving muscular hypertrophy is all about progressively overloading your

muscles with greater and greater amounts of resistance over time, the instant

boost that this technique provides is definitely worth it.

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If you found the information in this report helpful and want to get even more useful tips to take your muscle building results to the highest level, I’d strongly recommend checking out my complete Body Transformation Blueprint to expand your knowledge further.

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Fat Loss Decoded”, along with step-by-step workout routines, exercise video tutorials,

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easy to follow meal plans, science-based supplementation guides, recipe and smoothie

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