acco amcham colleague march 2012

AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 2012 It is a dynamic week for the American Chamber of Commerce Okinawa and the American Chamber of Commerce Japan as we enter March: The Asia-Pa- cific Council of American Chambers is conducting its business in Tokyo., and we’re on the ground floor of the two-day event. For ACCO, it’s significant that we have a large delega- tion at the APCAC Asia Business Summit; it demonstrates our members’ commitment to enhancing our chamber’s commit- ment to growing our businesses. It’s the first time in 28 years that ACCJ has hosted the twice-yearly APCAC events. I am pleased to have APCAC Chairman Ray Payne leading our del- egation, with our ACCO sharing the costs of participation with members. Actually, it’s been a fantastic month for ACCO and your president. I’ve just had the honor of attending the first ever Secretary’s Global Business Conference sponsored by the State Department in Washington. For two days, I had opportunities to meet with American Chambers members and international business leaders from more than 175 countries with over 200 participants, and the chance to hear both Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton describe the vision for Economic State- craft and Jobs Diplomacy, and from Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Nides and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, as well as from Thomas Donohue, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. To cap it off, I had an opportunity to meeting the Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden. APCAC represents some 50,000 business executives from 27 chambers of commerce active across the Asia-Pacific region. A total of 21 countries are involved. So, exactly what is this AP- CAC, and why is it important to our Chamber? The objective is to bring business and political leaders from throughout Asia and the Pacific basin together for open discussions about top- ics that matter to all of us. It’s also a time and place to renew relationships while making new ones. For Okinawa, it promises to be a time for forging new rela- tionships and friendships that I’d expect to benefit our mem- bers’ businesses in the months and years ahead. APCAC is no slouch when it comes to bringing top notch leaders as speakers. We’re hearing from the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, John Roos, and Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Nides. That provides us critical political insights, while executives from Citigroup, Aflac, GE, Nissan, Toys “R” Us and MetLife lead a star-studded roster of business speakers who will motivate us to seeking and adopting innovative business techniques to expand our businesses. Doing business in China, Japan, Korea and other parts of Asia may be different than in Europe or the U.S., but there are certainly similarities. We can learn from each other, while learn- ing about key issues like the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade talks, the TPP. Look for this to drive the business and political trains throughout the region over the next couple years. Many chambers already support TPP, and I look forward to having comprehensive discussions within ACCO on this, once our members have a more detailed understanding of why it’s im- portant. This, I’d expect, is only the first of big things to come for ACCO on the Asia-Pacific stage. It involves all of us, and I en- courage each ACCO member to step forward and ask “How do I become involved?” We’ll be glad to explain. See you all soon and thank you for your support. [email protected] TEL: (098) 898-5401 FAX: (098) 898-5411 March 2012 President’s First Word Mr. Tony Sakuda, President Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden and ACCO President, Tony Sakuda

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The AmCham Colleague is the monthly publication of American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa


Page 1: ACCO AmCham Colleague March 2012

AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 2012

It is a dynamic week for the American Chamber of Commerce Okinawa and the American Chamber of Commerce Japan as we enter March: The Asia-Pa-

cific Council of American Chambers is conducting its business in Tokyo., and we’re on the ground floor of the two-day event.

For ACCO, it’s significant that we have a large delega-tion at the APCAC Asia Business Summit; it demonstrates our members’ commitment to enhancing our chamber’s commit-ment to growing our businesses. It’s the first time in 28 years that ACCJ has hosted the twice-yearly APCAC events. I am pleased to have APCAC Chairman Ray Payne leading our del-egation, with our ACCO sharing the costs of participation with members.

Actually, it’s been a fantastic month for ACCO and your president. I’ve just had the honor of attending the first ever Secretary’s Global Business Conference sponsored by the State Department in Washington. For two days, I had opportunities to meet with American Chambers members and international business leaders from more than 175 countries with over 200 participants, and the chance to hear both Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton describe the vision for Economic State-craft and Jobs Diplomacy, and from Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Nides and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, as well as from Thomas Donohue, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. To cap it off, I had an opportunity to meeting the Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden.

APCAC represents some 50,000 business executives from 27 chambers of commerce active across the Asia-Pacific region. A total of 21 countries are involved. So, exactly what is this AP-CAC, and why is it important to our Chamber? The objective is to bring business and political leaders from throughout Asia and the Pacific basin together for open discussions about top-ics that matter to all of us. It’s also a time and place to renew relationships while making new ones.

For Okinawa, it promises to be a time for forging new rela-tionships and friendships that I’d expect to benefit our mem-bers’ businesses in the months and years ahead. APCAC is no slouch when it comes to bringing top notch leaders as speakers. We’re hearing from the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, John Roos, and Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Nides. That provides us critical political insights, while executives from Citigroup, Aflac, GE, Nissan, Toys “R” Us and MetLife lead a star-studded roster of business speakers who will motivate us to seeking and adopting innovative business techniques to expand our businesses.

Doing business in China, Japan, Korea and other parts of Asia may be different than in Europe or the U.S., but there are certainly similarities. We can learn from each other, while learn-ing about key issues like the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade talks, the TPP. Look for this to drive the business and political trains throughout the region over the next couple years. Many chambers already support TPP, and I look forward to having comprehensive discussions within ACCO on this, once our

members have a more detailed understanding of why it’s im-portant.

This, I’d expect, is only the first of big things to come for ACCO on the Asia-Pacific stage. It involves all of us, and I en-courage each ACCO member to step forward and ask “How do I become involved?” We’ll be glad to explain.

See you all soon and thank you for your support.


APCAC 2012米国・アジア・ビジネスサミットのACCO代表団がACCO会員の事業成長に対する強い関心を示す機会となります。ACCJが年に2回のAPCAC会議を主催するのは28年ぶりのことです。


A P C A C は 、 2 1 の 経 済 圏 、 2 7 の 米 国商工会議所で構成され、5万名以上の重役を代表しています。APCACとは何か、

http://[email protected]

TEL: (098) 898-5401FAX: (098) 898-5411

March 2012President’s First WordMr. Tony Sakuda, President会頭 佐久田 トニー

4ページへつづくContinued on Page 4

Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden and ACCO President, Tony Sakuda 写真左より ジョセフ・バイデン米国副大統領、佐久田 トニーACCO会頭

Page 2: ACCO AmCham Colleague March 2012

[email protected] www.amchamokinawa.orgTo advertise in the Colleague Contact the American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa

at (098) 898-5401 or [email protected]

The American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa

2012 Officers

PresidentTony SakudaOkinawa Tourist Service

Vice PresidentLemont WhitesideAmerican Engineering Corp.

Vice PresidentJustin Wentworth IVLloyd & Heinz, Ltd.

SecretaryMickey WeissertKDDI Okinawa Co., Ltd.

TreasurerRichard BoudreaultAmerican Engineering Corp.

2012 Board of Governors

James Pogue, Immediate Past PresidentFareast Service Company

Walt ChristiansenUnited Seamen’s Service

Hawari HabrawiPhoenix Corporation

Nobukatsu MiyaguniNoBu

Jarrett Ota Individual Member

Bien PanganibanRyukyu Classical Academy

Ray PayneEastern Star Corporation

Joseph C. ThompsonJ.C. Thompson Corporation

Sayaka ToyokawaInterlink Okinawa Ltd.

Past Presidents

Justin Wentworth III - ‘85, ‘88, ‘89Lloyd & Heinz, Ltd.

Gilbert Hoffman - ‘88, ‘94, ‘95Sunabe Corporation

Joseph Thompson - ‘96, ‘97, ‘05, ‘06, ‘07J.C. Thompson Corporation Michael Oshiro - ‘98, ‘99Ameku Enterprise, Ltd.

Michael Kelly - ‘01, ‘02Aladdin Trading Co.

Walt Christiansen - ‘03, ‘04United Seamen’s Service

William Kelly - ‘08, ‘09Trans World Assurance Company

Colleague Editorial Staff Editor Mickey Weissert Layout Mickey Weissert Translations Megumi Shinjo

The AmCham Colleague is published by the American Chamber of Commerce Okinawa (ACCO Okinawa), a member of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States.

ACCOkinawa, P.O. Box 235, Okinawa City, Okinawa, Japan 904-8591Phone (098) 898-5401Fax (098) 898-5411Office Hours 9am – 5pm Mon-Fri

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American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa

AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 20122

Page 3: ACCO AmCham Colleague March 2012

The American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa


Protocol CommitteeCommittee Chair: Prof. Bien Panganiban

Membership CommitteeCommittee Chair: Justin Wentworth IV

Trade & Labor Committee / OJACCCommittee Chair: Joseph C. ThompsonVice Committee Chair: Munenori Gushiken

Financial & Tax CommitteeCommittee Chair: Richard Boudreault

Special Events CommitteeCommittee Chair: Walt ChristiansenVice Committee Chair: Rose Liggayu-Raymundo

Programs CommitteeCommittee Chair: Sayaka ToyokayaAdvisor: James Pogue

APCAC LiaisonCommittee Chair: Ray Payne

Military Liaison CommitteeCommittee Chair: Lemont WhitesideVice Committee Chair: Art Arao

Constitution By-LawsCommittee Chair: Jusin Wentworth IV

Public Relations / CommunityRelations Committee

Committee Chair: Jarrett OtaVice Committee Chair: Dr. Scott Goldberg

Local Liaison CommitteeCommittee Chair: Sayaka ToyokawaVice Committee Chair: Nobukatsu Miyaguni

Information Technology CommitteeCommittee Chair: Paul LamanAdvisor: Mickey Weissert

Nominating CommitteeCommittee Chair: Hawari Habrawi

Tourism & Hospitality CommitteeCommittee Co-Chair: Dennis TortonaCommittee Co-Chair: Carl BastianCommittee Vice-Chair: Cindy Kawaguchi

Education CommitteeCommittee Chair: Mike Holland

AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 2012 3

March 2012 Guest SpeakersCommanders’ Panel


United States NavyCommander, Fleet Activities, Okinawa



United States ArmyCommander

10th Support Group & US Army on Okinawa米国陸軍



United States Marine CorpsChief of Staff

Marine Corps Installations Pacific/Camp Smedley D. Butler

米国海兵隊 海兵隊太平洋基地・海兵隊バトラー基地参謀長


United States Air ForceCommander, 18th Mission Support Group,

Kadena Air Base米国空軍 



United States Marine CorpsChief of Staff, III Marine Expeditionary Force


Page 4: ACCO AmCham Colleague March 2012

General Membership Meeting February 3, 20122012年(平成24年)2月3日 開催定例会

AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 20124

For our February program, Ambassador Haruhisa Takeuchi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan in Charge of Okinawan Affairs presented “Japan and the World: A View from the Middle East“. The American Chamber of Commerce on Okinawa thanks Ambassador Takeuchi for his informative and interesting presentation.

2月定例会では、外務省沖縄事務所 竹内 春久 特命全権大使(沖縄担当)をお招きし、「日本と世界:中東からの視点」と題してご講演をいただきました。大変有益で興味深いご講演をいただきましたことに心よりお礼申し上げます。

Ambassador Haruhisa Takeuchi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo-tentiary of Japan in Charge of Okinawan Affairs and ACCO President Tony Sakuda 写真左より 外務省沖縄事務所竹内 春久 特命全権大使(沖縄担当)、佐久田 トニーACCO会頭

From Left: Mr. Brendon Rew, Senior Vice President, Technology Infrastructure, Citigroup Services Japan, Ltd. and Proprieter of Rize International Restaurant, ACCO President Tony Sakuda, Andrew Maffi Sato, Vice President, Technology PMO, Japan Technology, Cititgroup Services Japan Ltd. and Dr. Miko Higa, Spe-cial Advisor, The Terrace Hotels Co., Ltd. 写真左より シティグループ・サービス・ジャパン株式会社 テクノロジーインフラストラクチャー本部 シニアバイスプレジデント ブレンドン・ルー様、佐久田 トニーACCO会頭、シティグループ・サービス・ジャパン株式会社 ジャパン テクノロジー、テクノロジーPMO、バイスプレジデント アンドリュウ・マッフィ・サトウ様、ザ・テラスホテルズ株式会社 特別顧問 比嘉 幹郎様






1ページよりつづきContinued from Page 1

The 2nd Okinawa First Vendor Showcase第2回オキナワン・ファースト・ベンダーショーケースFriday, 3 Feb 2012, 2012年(平成24年)2月3日

The 2nd Okinawan First Vendor Showcase was held at the Okinawa Civic Hall in Okinawa City on Friday, 3 February 2012.

This event was sponsored by the Okinawan Indus-try Promotion Public Corporation (OIPPC) and Sup-ported by the American Consulate General Naha, the American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa and the Chatan, Kadena and Okinawa City Cham-bers of Commerce.

This was the 2nd Vendor Showcase sponsored by the OIPPC. The event was held in coordination with the Air Force’s 18th Contracting Squadron’s 20th An-niversary Celebration and was attended by Major General Wendy Masiello, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Contracting, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Washington, D.C.

The purpose of the Vendor Showcase is to in-crease sales by Okinawa registered businesses to

U.S. mili-tary pur-c h a s i n g offices in Okinawa. The major supporter of the OIPPC, to date, has been Kadena Air Base’s 18th Contracting Squadron with visitors to the event centered on the “buyers” from all branches of the services.

There were no charges to the vendors - all ex-penses were paid by the OIPPC.

There were 22 vendor booths - including two from the ACCO; Fareast Service Company (FESCO) rep-resented by James Pogue (ACCO Immediate Past President), and J.C.Thompson Corp, represented by J.C.

9ページへつづくContinued on Page 9

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AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 2012 5


United States Marine CorpsChief of StaffMarine Corps Installations Pacific/Camp Smedley D. Butler

米国海兵隊 海兵隊太平洋基地・海兵隊バトラー基地参謀長

Page 6: ACCO AmCham Colleague March 2012

Captain Weathers graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1986 where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree. Following initial flight training in Pensacola, Florida, he was assigned to VAW-120 “Greyhawks” based in Norfolk, Virginia, and designated a Naval Flight Officer in May 1988.

In September 1988, Captain Weathers reported to VAW-125 “Tigertails,” where he assumed responsibilities as Corrosion Control Branch Officer. He completed a brief deployment onboard the USS INDEPENDENCE (CV-62) and served during Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM onboard USS SARATOGA (CV-60). Captain Weathers was assigned to the Sixth Fleet Commander’s Staff in Gaeta, Italy, in August of 1991 and deployed onboard USS BELKNAP (CG-34). In September of 1993, he reported to VAW-120 as an instructor and completed his tour in February 1996.

In March 1996, Captain Weathers reported to the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, where he earned a Masters in Strategic Studies. In July 1997 he reported to the VAW-115 “Liberty Bells” based in Atsugi, Japan, and deployed onboard USS INDEPENDENCE (CV-62) and USS KITTY HAWK (CV-63). In January 1999, Captain Weathers returned stateside where he completed his Phase II Joint Professional Military Education at the Armed Forces Staff College and was assigned to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, DC. He was selected as the J6 Action Officer of the Year for 2001 and was a recipient of the Copernicus Award for his work on tactical datalink interoperability.

Captain Weathers reported for duty to Atsugi, Japan, as the Executive Officer of VAW-115, making multiple deployments onboard USS KITTY HAWK (CV-63) to the Western Pacific, South China Sea and the Persian Gulf during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He assumed command of the squadron in October 2003 and served as “LIBERTY ONE” until his transfer in January 2005. Captain Weathers returned to the U.S. and was assigned to the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center as the Command and Control Warfare Department Head, administering both the Electronic Reconnaissance Weapons School and Carrier Airborne Early Warning Weapons School.

In April 2008, Captain Weathers was transferred to the Navy Staff in Washington, DC, where he served in the Communications Directorate as Branch Head for Operational and Tactical Command and Control Systems. During this tour he was promoted to Captain and later transferred to the newly formed Information Dominance Directorate (N2/N6). In December 2009, he received orders as Commander, Fleet Activities Okinawa, for a three-year assignment.

Captain Weathers’ decorations include the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious

Service Medal, Navy Air Medal (Strike/Flight) and the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Combat “V.”








United States NavyCommander, Fleet Activities, Okinawa米国海軍 在沖米海軍艦隊活動司令部司令官

AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 20126

Page 7: ACCO AmCham Colleague March 2012

AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 2012 7

Colonel Lance R. Koenig was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. He entered the Kentucky National Guard in May 1983 when he attended basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. He was commissioned as an Armor Officer from Western Kentucky University (WKU) ROTC in May 1985. His father retired from the Army as a CW4 after a career in aviation including two tours in Viet Nam. His grandfather retired as a Major from the Army after 26 years including serving in the European Theater of Operations during WWII and then in Korea in 1951.

COL Koenig’s assignments since entering active duty include Maintenance Platoon Leader with the 511th Military Intelligence Bn, VIIth Corps, Ludwigsburg, Federal Republic of Germany. He deployed to Operation DESERT STORM during this time. After the Quartermaster advanced course then CPT Koenig held several positions in the 82d Airborne Division including Commander, Headquarters and Alpha Company, 407th Forward Support Battalion. He next served two years as a Logistics Officer with United States Army Special Operations Command. Following graduation from the Command and General Staff College, he served with the 1st Armored Division as Executive Officer, 501st Forward Support Battalion, deploying to Kosovo and then as the 1st Armored Division Deputy G4 in Weisbaden. In July 2002, he transferred to Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR) in Stuttgart as a Logistical Plans and Operations Officer. During this assignment he deployed in February 2003 to Operation IRAQI FREEDOM with Joint Special Operations Task Force – North (JSOTF-N) based in Erbil, Northern Iraq. He next deployed to Monrovia, Liberia in June 2003 as part of Joint Special Operations Task Force Shining Express to evacuate American Citizens from the civil war that engulfed the capital city. In August of 2003 he assumed duties as the J4 of SOCEUR until assuming command in June of 2005 of the Defense Distribution Depot Europe in Germersheim, Germany. Following command he deployed to OIF as the Senior Advisor to the Iraqi National Supply Depot in Taji, Iraq. In July of 2009, he redeployed from Iraq and reported to the Army War College, prior to his current assignment as the 10th Support Group Commander.

He is a graduate of the Chemical Officer Basic Course, Quartermaster Officer Advanced Course, Command and General Staff College, Joint Forces Staff College, Airborne, Ranger, and Jumpmaster schools. He earned a Master of Business Administration from Webster University in 1999 and a Master of National Security Studies from the Army War College in 2010.

COL Koenig’s awards and decorations include: the Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Meritorious Service Medal with Two Oak Leaf Clusters, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement

Medal with Two Oak Leaf Clusters, Humanitarian Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Ranger Tab and Master Parachutist Badge.

Colonel Koenig is married to the former Kimberlie Starks, and they have two children, Rachel (20) and Lance Jr. (17).





コーニッグ大佐は、旧姓キンバリー・スタークスと結婚しており、レイチェル(20歳)とランス二世 (17歳)の二人の子供がいる。


United States ArmyCommander, 10th Support Group & US Army on Okinawa米国陸軍 在沖米陸軍第10地域支援群司令官

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AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 20128

Colonel Roftiel Constantine is commander, 18th Mission Support Group, Kadena Air Base, Japan. The 18th Mission Support Group is the largest in the Air Force with a direct budget of $10 million, service revenues of $62 million, and 4,200 military and civilian members comprising five squadrons. The group is also responsible for the operation of the Okuma Recreation Facility on Okinawa as well as the Bellows Air Force Station Recreation Facility in Hawaii.

Colonel Constantine was born in Fairfax, Virginia in May 1967, and graduated from Fairfax High School in 1985. He received an Air Force ROTC scholarship, graduated from Georgetown University, and entered the Air Force in September 1989. ASSIGNMENTS

Sep 89 - Feb 90 Student, Basic Comm Officer Training Course, Keesler AFB, MIFeb 90 - Oct 91 Systems Analyst, Communications Systems Center, Tinker AFB, OKOct 91 - Aug 94 Chief, Joint Programs, Communications Systems Center, Tinker AFB, NEAug 94 - Sep 95 Chief, Allied Software Quality Control, 617th CS, Birkenfeld, GermanySep 95 - Jul 97 Chief, Technical Support Branch, C2 Systems, Ramstein ABJul 97 - Jan 98 Chief, Contingency Comm, USAFE Air Operations SQ, Ramstein ABJan 98 - May 98 Chief, Current Operations Cell, USAFE Air Operations SQ, Ramstein AB May 98 - Jun 99 Executive Officer, USAFE Assistant Director of Operations, Ramstein ABJun 99 - Feb 00 Chief, C4I Requirements, HQ AFSOC, Hurlburt Field, FLFeb 00 -May 00 nfo Ops Planner, 16th Special Operations Wing, Hurlburt Field, FLMay 00 - Aug 01 Commander, Info Systems Flight, 16 CS, Hurlburt Field, FLAug 01 - Aug 03 Commander, 55th Computer Systems Squadron, Offutt AFB, NEAug 03 - Sep 04 Student, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, OHSep 04 - Apr 05 Special Assistant for Senior Officer Matters, AF/XI, The PentagonApr 05 - Sep 05 Asst Exec Officer to the USAF Chief of Staff, AF/CC, The PentagonSep 05 - Sep 06 Chief, Architecture Integration Division, SAF/XC, The PentagonSep 06 - July 07 National Defense Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BostonAug 07 - Apr 08 Deputy J6, NATO Joint Force Command Brunssum, NetherlandsMay 08 - May 09 Mil Asst to Commander, Joint Force Command Brunssum, NetherlandsMay 09 - Aug 09 Chief, Joint Fires Cell, HQ ISAF, Kabul, AfghanistanAug 09 - Jul 10 Deputy J6, NATO Joint Force Command Brunssum, NetherlandsJul 10 - Present Commander, 18th Mission Support Group, Kadena Air Base, Japan


Professional:1996 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, AL2001 Air Command and Staff College (Correspondence)2003 German Language Program in Salzburg, Austria2004 Master’s Degree in Systems Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology IDE Program, Distinguished Graduate, 4.0 GPA2004 Air War College (Correspondence)2007 National Security Fellowship at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Civilian/Military:1989 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Georgetown University, Cum Laude, 3.7 GPA1993 Master’s Degree in International Relations, Univ of Oklahoma2003 USAF FAO German Language Program in Salzburg, Austria2004 Master’s Degree in Systems Engineering, AFIT IDE Program, Distinguished Graduate, 4.0 GPA2009 Masters of Business Administration, Univ of Maastricht, Holland

Tech Training:1990 Basic Communications Officer Training Course, Keesler AFB 1997 Advanced Communications Officer Training, Keesler AFB, Distinguished Graduate2007 SCOPE Eagle, Keesler AFB


Defense Meritorious Service Medal Meritorious Service Medal, 3 Oak Leaf Clusters Air Force Commendation Medal, 3 Oak Leaf Clusters Joint Service Achievement Medal AF Outstanding Unit Award AF Organizational Excellence Award, 2 Oak Leaf Clusters Southwest Asia Service Medal Afghanistan Campaign Medal Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon NATO Medal Distinguished Young Armed Forces Communications-Electronics Association Officer, 1998 AFCEA Emerging Leader Award, 2002


12 May 1989 Second Lieutenant 11 Jul 1991 First Lieutenant 11 Jul 1993 Captain 12 Nov 2000 Major 1 Apr 2004 Lieutenant Colonel 1 Aug 2009 Colonel




89年9月~90年2月:ミシシッピー州キーズラー空軍基地にて基礎通信将校訓練学生90年2月~91年10月:オクラホマ州ティンカー空軍基地通信システムセンターにてシステム分析官91年10月~94年8月:オクラホマ州ティンカー空軍基地通信システムセンター合同プログラム部長94年8月~95年9月:ドイツ・バーケンフェルド第617通信中隊同盟国ソフトウェア品質管理部長95年9月~97年7月:ラムズシュタイン空軍基地C2システム技術支援支部部長97年7月~98年1月:ラムズシュタイン空軍基地在欧米国空軍航空運用中隊有事通信部長98年1月~98年5月:ラムズシュタイン空軍基地在欧米国空軍航空運用中隊最新運用小隊長 98年5月~99年6月:ラムズシュタイン空軍基地在欧米国空軍運用副部長の専任将校99年6月~00年2月:フロリダ州ハルバートフィールドの空軍特殊作戦司令本部C41要件部長00年2月~00年5月:フロリダ州ハルバートフィールドの第16特殊作戦航空団情報作戦立案者00年5月~01年8月:フロリダ州ハルバートフィールドの第16通信中隊情報システム小隊長01年8月~03年8月:ナブラスカ州オフィット空軍基地第55コンピューターシステム中隊司令官03年8月~04年9月:オハイオ州ライトパターソン空軍基地空軍技術研究所学生04年9月~ 05年4月:国防省AF/XI上級将校事案の特別補佐05年4月~05年9月:国防省米国空軍参謀長副官補佐05年9月~06年9月:国防省 空軍長官のコンピュータシステム統合部部長06年9月~07年7月:在ボストン、マサチューセッツ技術研究所国防研究員07年8月~08年4月:在オランダ北大西洋条約機構ブルンスム統合軍司令部J6副部長08年5月~09年4月:在オランダ北大西洋条約機構ブルンスム統合軍司令部司令官の軍事補佐官09年5月~09年8月:在アフガニスタン、カブールの国際治安支援部隊統合射撃小隊長09年8月~10年7月:在オランダ北大西洋条約機構ブルンスム統合軍司令部J6副部長10年7月~現在:在沖第18任務支援群司令官


1996 アラバマ州マクスウェル空軍基地中隊将校学校2001 航空総隊幕僚大学(通信教育)2003 在オーストリア、ザルツブルクにてドイツ語課程2004 空軍技術研究所IDE課程システムエンジニア修士課程を優秀な成績で卒業。成績 評価値 4.02004 航空戦闘大学 (通信教育)2007 マサチューセッツ技術研究所にて国防研究員


1989 ジョージタウン大学コンピュータ・サイエンス学士号取得。成績評価値 3.71993 オクラホマ大学国際関係学士号2003 在オーストリア、ザルツブルクにて米国空軍外交関係将校ドイツ語課程2004 空軍技術研究所IDE課程システムエンジニア修士課程を優秀な成績で卒業。 成績評価値 4.02009 在ホーランド、マーストリヒト大学にてビジネス管理学修士課程


1990 キースラー空軍基地にて基礎通信将校訓練課程 1997 キースラー空軍基地にて上級通信将校訓練課程の優秀卒業生 2007 キースラー空軍基地にて上級幹部のための通信情報訓練課程


樫の葉片2個付き功績勲章 樫の葉片3個付き空軍勲章 統合部隊功績勲章 空軍最優秀部隊賞 樫の葉片2個付き空軍組織優秀賞 南西アジア功績勲章 アフガニスタン作戦勲章 小火器専門射撃術賞 北大西洋条約機構勲章 1998年軍通信電子技術協会優秀若年将校 2002年軍通信電子技術協会優秀指導者賞


1989年5月12日 少尉 1991年7月11日 中尉 1993年7月11日 大尉 2000年11月12日 少佐 2004年4月1日 中佐 2009年8月1日 大佐


United States Air ForceCommander, 18th Mission Support Group, Kadena Air Base米国空軍 在日嘉手納基地第18任務支援群司令官

Page 9: ACCO AmCham Colleague March 2012

Thompson (ACCO Governor and Past President).During the Short time of the fair (1:00 pm to 4:00 pm)

there were 250 visitors. Although no sales were permitted at the show, many, including ACCO participants, were able to promote their products and create opportunities for future business.

The ACCO Trade Committee is committed to working with the Prefectural Government and the OIPPC in pro-moting business with the U.S. military in Okinawa. Special thanks to Mr. Eduardo Oyadomari, (Assistant Manager, OIPPC) for all of his effort and hard work in making the event a success.




主催者 財団法人沖縄県産業振興公社

後援 在沖米国総領事館







    GPC (Government Purchase Card、米政府専用クレジットカード)システム


出展企業 22社(ACCO会員企業2社を含む)

内容 企業出展費用は無料



来場者数 250

AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 2012 9

Colonel Daniel J. Haas was born on April 8, 1966 in Ridgewood, New Jersey. He attended the U.S. Naval Academy and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Marines on May 25, 1988.

Colonel Haas attended The Basic School, graduating with Class 6-88. He then attended the U. S. Army Field Artillery School at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, graduating as an honor student.

His first assignment was with Battery G, 3d Battalion, 11th Marines, 1st Marine Division. During this three-year tour, he held the billets of Forward Observer, Fire Direction Officer, and Battery Executive Officer, completed one unit deployment to Okinawa, Japan, and deployed to Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

After his tour with the 1st Marine Division, Colonel Haas was assigned to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. During his tour at San Diego he held the billets of Assistant Series Commander, Series Commander, Company Commander, and Assistant Operations Officer for the Recruit Training Regiment. Upon completion of his tour at MCRD, he attended the Amphibious Warfare School at Quantico, Virginia, graduating on the Commanding General, MCCDC, Honor Roll.

Completing AWS in May 1996, Colonel Haas reported to the 2d Marine Division, and was assigned to 5th Battalion, 10th Marines, where he served as the Battalion Logistics Officer, Commanding Officer of Battery S, and Battalion Operations Officer.

From June 1999 to May 2002 he was assigned as the Marine

Officer Instructor, Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Unit, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. During this tour he completed an MBA.

Colonel Haas was subsequently assigned to the 12th Marines, 3rd Marine Division, where he served as Assistant Operations Officer, Operations Officer, and Assistant Fire Support Coordinator. He participated in Operation Unified Assistance as the Combined Support Group-Indonesia Liaison Officer to Combined Support Force 536.

From July, 2005 until May 2006, he was assigned to Headquarters, Marine Corps where he served as the Section Head, Enlisted Monitors Section.

In June, 2006 he assumed duties as the Inspector-Instructor for 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines in Grand Prairie, TX. In July 2008 he was reassigned as a Faculty Advisor, Command and Staff College, Marine Corps University in Quantico, VA.

In July, 2009, he reported to the Industrial College of the Armed Forces where he received a Master of Science Degree in National Resource Strategy and was designated a Distinguished Graduate. He reported to III MEF in July, 2010 where he was originally assigned as the Force Fires Coordinator. He is currently serving as the Chief of Staff for III MEF.

Colonel Haas’ personal awards and service decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal (x3), the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal (x2), and the Combat Action Ribbon.


United States Marine CorpsChief of Staff, III Marine Expeditionary Force米国海兵隊第三海兵遠征軍参謀長

4ページよりつづきContinued from Page 4

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Recent Events

On 22 January, Professor Bien Panganiban, ACCO Governor and Protocol Committee Chair, hosted a dinner party in honor of Ambassador Haruhisa Takeuchi. Ambassador Takeuchi is Japan’s former Ambassador to Israel and was recently appointed to the position of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan in Charge of Okinawan Affairs. Ambassador Takeuchi was also the guest speaker at the ACCO’s February General Membership Meeting. The ACCO welcomes Ambassador Takeuchi to Okinawa.

1月22日(日)、ビエン・パンガニバンACCO理事は、外務省沖縄事務所 竹内 春久特命全権大使を主賓としてディナーパーティーを開催しました。竹内大使は、駐イスラエル特命全権大使を経て、このほど特命全権大使(沖縄担当)に就任されました。竹内大使には、2月定例会にてご講演をいただきました。ACCOは、竹内大使のご就任を心より歓迎いたします。

Standing from left: Mr. Hawari Habrawi, ACCO Governor, Ambassador Haruhisa Takeuchi, Ambassador in Charge of Okinawan Affairs/Representative of the Government of Japan, Dr. Mikio Higa, Special Advisor, The Terrace Hotels Corporation, Major General Peter J. Talleri, Commanding General, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, Captain Richard W. Weathers, Commander, Fleet Activities, Okinawa, Japan, Brigadier General Matthew H. Molloy, Commander, 18th Wing, Kadena Air Base, Japan, Consul General Raymond F. Greene, American Consulate General, Naha, Dr. Jonathan Dorfan, President, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Mr. Kenichi Matsuda, Deputy Chief, Okinawa Liaison Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mickey Weissert, ACCO Secretary, Mr. Justin Wentworth, ACCO Vice President. Seated from left: Mrs. June Habrawi, Mrs. Yoko Matsuda, Mrs. Andrea Weathers, Mrs. Debbie Talleri, Mrs. Kati Molloy, Mrs. Renee Dorfan, Prof. Bien Panganiban, ACCO Governor 写真後列左より ハワリ・ハブラウィACCO理事、外務省沖縄事務所 竹内 春久特命全権大使、ザ・テラスホテルズ株式会社 特別顧問 比嘉 幹郎様、米海兵隊太平洋基地司令官 ピーター・J・タレリ少将、在沖米海軍艦隊活動司令部司令官 リチャード・W・ウェザーズ大佐、在沖米空軍嘉手納基地第18航空団司令官 マシュー・H・モロイ准将、在沖米国総領事館 レイモンド・グリーン総領事、沖縄科学技術大学院大学 学長 ジョナサン・ドーファン博士、外務省沖縄事務所 副所長 松田 賢一様、ミッキー・ワイザートACCO書記、ジャスティン・ウェントワースACCO副会頭 写真前列左より ジューン・ハブラウィ夫人、松田 洋子夫人、アンドレア・ウェザーズ夫人、デビー・タレリ夫人、ケイティー・モロイ夫人、レニー・ドーファン夫人、ビエン・パンガニバンACCO理事

AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 201210

On 21 & 22 February, ACCO President Tony Sakuda attended the first-ever State Department Global Business Conference hosted by the U.S. Department of State in Washington D.C. According to the State Department’s press release, the conference aimed to “bring together senior officials from U.S. business support organizations from over 100 countries; U.S. private sector executives focused on international business; and senior U.S. government leaders from the White House, the Departments of State, Commerce, Treasury and Energy, the Office of the U.S. Trade Rep-resentative, the Export-Import Bank of the United States, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the U.S. Trade and Development Agency.”

2月21日(火)、22日(水)の2日間、佐久田 トニーACCO会頭は、米国国務省主催のグローバル・ビジネス・カンファレンスに出席させていただくという機会に恵まれました。国務省のプレスリリースによると、カンファレンスは、100カ国以上から米国ビジネス支援団体の要人、国際ビジネスに焦点を合わせた米国民間セクター重役、ホワイトハウスから政府指導者、国務省、商務省、財務省、エネルギー省、通商代表部、輸出入銀行、海外民間投資公社、貿易開発局を集めることを目標としたものです。

American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa在沖米国商工会議所

2012 Valentine’s Dinner MusicaleCamp Kinser Surfside

キャンプ・キンザー サーフサイド

バレンタインズディナーミュージカルSaturday, February 11, 2012


Special Thanks toMs. Masuko Kuroshima, Soprano

黒島 舞季子 (ソプラノ)

Mr. Ken Yamada, Baritone山田 健 (バリトン)

Ms. Rika Yonamine, Violinist与那嶺 理香 (バイオリニスト)

Dr. Hideaki Oshiro, Pianist大城 英明 (ピアニスト)

Prof. Bien S.P. Panganiban, Pianistビエン・パンガニバン (ピアニスト)

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AmCham Okinawa Colleague – March 2012 11

American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa在沖米国商工会議所

2012 Valentine’s Dinner MusicaleCamp Kinser Surfside

キャンプ・キンザー サーフサイド

バレンタインズディナーミュージカルSaturday, February 11, 2012


Special Thanks toMs. Masuko Kuroshima, Soprano

黒島 舞季子 (ソプラノ)

Mr. Ken Yamada, Baritone山田 健 (バリトン)

Ms. Rika Yonamine, Violinist与那嶺 理香 (バイオリニスト)

Dr. Hideaki Oshiro, Pianist大城 英明 (ピアニスト)

Prof. Bien S.P. Panganiban, Pianistビエン・パンガニバン (ピアニスト)

Page 12: ACCO AmCham Colleague March 2012


A Special Moment, With A Special Person, At A Special Place