acreage...2012/06/29  · 2 acreage (june 2012) usda, national agricultural statistics service this...

Acreage ISSN: 1949-1522 Released June 29, 2012, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Corn Planted Acreage Up 5 Percent from 2011 Soybean Acreage Up 1 Percent All Wheat Acreage Up 3 Percent All Cotton Acreage Down 14 Percent Corn planted area for all purposes in 2012 is estimated at 96.4 million acres, up 5 percent from last year and represents the highest planted acreage in the United States since 1937 when an estimated 97.2 million acres were planted. Growers expect to harvest 88.9 million acres for grain, up 6 percent from last year. Soybean planted area for 2012 is estimated at 76.1 million acres, up 1 percent from last year and is the third highest on record. Area for harvest, at 75.3 million acres, is up 2 percent from 2011. Record high planted acreage is estimated in New York, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania, and the planted area in South Dakota ties the previous record high. All wheat planted area is estimated at 56.0 million acres, up 3 percent from 2011. The 2012 winter wheat planted area, at 41.8 million acres, is up 3 percent from last year and up slightly from the previous estimate. Of this total, about 30.0 million acres are Hard Red Winter, 8.3 million acres are Soft Red Winter, and 3.5 million acres are White Winter. Area planted to other spring wheat for 2012 is estimated at 12.0 million acres, down 3 percent from 2011. Of this total, about 11.4 million acres are Hard Red Spring wheat. Durum planted area for 2012 is estimated at 2.20 million acres, up 61 percent from the previous year. All cotton planted area for 2012 is estimated at 12.6 million acres, 14 percent below last year. Upland area is estimated at 12.4 million acres, down 14 percent from 2011. American Pima area is estimated at 235,000 acres, down 24 percent from 2011.

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  • Acreage

    ISSN: 1949-1522

    Released June 29, 2012, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of

    Agriculture (USDA).

    Corn Planted Acreage Up 5 Percent from 2011 Soybean Acreage Up 1 Percent All Wheat Acreage Up 3 Percent All Cotton Acreage Down 14 Percent

    Corn planted area for all purposes in 2012 is estimated at 96.4 million acres, up 5 percent from last year and represents

    the highest planted acreage in the United States since 1937 when an estimated 97.2 million acres were planted. Growers

    expect to harvest 88.9 million acres for grain, up 6 percent from last year.

    Soybean planted area for 2012 is estimated at 76.1 million acres, up 1 percent from last year and is the third highest on

    record. Area for harvest, at 75.3 million acres, is up 2 percent from 2011. Record high planted acreage is estimated in

    New York, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania, and the planted area in South Dakota ties the previous record high.

    All wheat planted area is estimated at 56.0 million acres, up 3 percent from 2011. The 2012 winter wheat planted area, at

    41.8 million acres, is up 3 percent from last year and up slightly from the previous estimate. Of this total, about

    30.0 million acres are Hard Red Winter, 8.3 million acres are Soft Red Winter, and 3.5 million acres are White Winter.

    Area planted to other spring wheat for 2012 is estimated at 12.0 million acres, down 3 percent from 2011. Of this total,

    about 11.4 million acres are Hard Red Spring wheat. Durum planted area for 2012 is estimated at 2.20 million acres, up

    61 percent from the previous year.

    All cotton planted area for 2012 is estimated at 12.6 million acres, 14 percent below last year. Upland area is estimated at

    12.4 million acres, down 14 percent from 2011. American Pima area is estimated at 235,000 acres, down 24 percent from


  • 2 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    This report was approved on June 29, 2012.

    Acting Secretary of


    Karis T. Gutter

    Agricultural Statistics Board


    Hubert Hamer

  • Acreage (June 2012) 3 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Contents Principal Crops Area Planted – States and United States: 2010-2012 .................................................................................... 5

    Corn Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ............................ 6

    Sorghum Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ..................... 7

    Oat Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ......................................................................... 8

    Barley Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 .................................................................... 9

    All Wheat Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ............................................................ 10

    Winter Wheat Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ...................................................... 11

    Durum Wheat Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ...................................................... 12

    Other Spring Wheat Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ............................................ 12

    Rye Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ...................................................................... 12

    Rice Area Planted and Harvested by Class – States and United States: 2011 and 2012....................................................... 13

    Proso Millet Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ......................................................... 13

    Hay Area Harvested by Type – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ........................................................................... 14

    Soybean Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ............................................................... 15

    Percent of Soybean Acreage Planted Following Another Harvested Crop – Selected States and

    United States: 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

    Peanut Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 .................................................................. 16

    Sunflower Area Planted and Harvested by Type – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 .............................................. 17

    Canola Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ................................................................. 18

    Flaxseed Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 .............................................................. 18

    Safflower Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ............................................................. 18

    Other Oilseeds Area Planted and Harvested – United States: 2011 and 2012 ...................................................................... 18

    Cotton Area Planted and Harvested by Type – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ................................................... 19

    Sugarbeet Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012............................................................. 20

    Sugarcane for Sugar and Seed Area Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ................................................ 20

    Tobacco Area Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 .................................................................................. 21

    Tobacco Area Harvested by Class and Type – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 .................................................... 22

  • 4 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Dry Edible Bean Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 .................................................. 23

    Sweet Potato Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ........................................................ 23

    Summer Potato Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 .................................................... 24

    Alaska Area Planted by Crop: 2011 and 2012 ...................................................................................................................... 24

    Corn Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of All Corn Planted – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 ...................... 25

    Upland Cotton Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of Upland Cotton Planted – States and United States:

    2011 and 2012 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26

    Soybean Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of All Soybeans Planted – States and United States:

    2011 and 2012 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 27

    Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Domestic Units – United States: 2011 and 2012 ................... 28

    Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Metric Units – United States: 2011 and 2012 ........................ 30

    Spring Weather Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 32

    Crop Comments .................................................................................................................................................................... 33

    Statistical Methodology ......................................................................................................................................................... 39

    Reliability June Planted Acreage Estimates .......................................................................................................................... 40

    Information Contacts ............................................................................................................................................................. 41

  • Acreage (June 2012) 5 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Principal Crops Area Planted – States and United States: 2010-2012 [Crops included in area planted are corn, sorghum, oats, barley, rye, winter wheat, Durum wheat, other spring wheat, rice, soybeans, peanuts, sunflower, cotton, dry edible beans, potatoes, sugarbeets, canola, and proso millet. Harvested acreage is used for all hay, tobacco, and sugarcane in computing total area planted. Includes double cropped acres and unharvested small grains planted as cover crops. Fall potatoes carried forward from the previous year for current year totals]

    State 2010 2011 2012

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Alabama ...................................................................... Arizona ........................................................................ Arkansas ..................................................................... California ..................................................................... Colorado ...................................................................... Connecticut ................................................................. Delaware ..................................................................... Florida ......................................................................... Georgia ....................................................................... Hawaii ......................................................................... Idaho ........................................................................... Illinois .......................................................................... Indiana ........................................................................ Iowa ............................................................................. Kansas ........................................................................ Kentucky ...................................................................... Louisiana ..................................................................... Maine .......................................................................... Maryland ...................................................................... Massachusetts ............................................................. Michigan ...................................................................... Minnesota .................................................................... Mississippi ................................................................... Missouri ....................................................................... Montana ...................................................................... Nebraska ..................................................................... Nevada ........................................................................ New Hampshire ........................................................... New Jersey .................................................................. New Mexico ................................................................. New York ..................................................................... North Carolina ............................................................. North Dakota ............................................................... Ohio ............................................................................. Oklahoma .................................................................... Oregon ........................................................................ Pennsylvania ............................................................... Rhode Island ............................................................... South Carolina ............................................................. South Dakota ............................................................... Tennessee ................................................................... Texas .......................................................................... Utah ............................................................................. Vermont ....................................................................... Virginia ........................................................................ Washington ................................................................. West Virginia ............................................................... Wisconsin .................................................................... Wyoming ..................................................................... United States

    1 .............................................................

    2,115 738

    7,646 4,206 6,247

    88 442

    1,079 3,576


    4,371 22,717 12,190 24,595 22,729 5,745 3,412

    267 1,412


    6,493 19,823 4,331

    13,140 9,285

    19,226 504 71

    309 1,091

    2,943 4,736

    21,496 10,010 10,335 2,224 3,703

    11 1,631


    4,797 21,972 1,000

    287 2,774 3,701

    695 7,864 1,634


    2,265 786

    7,901 4,302 6,300

    89 492

    1,080 3,737


    4,371 22,899 12,315 24,732 22,995 5,798 3,528

    262 1,502


    6,568 19,597 4,567

    13,771 8,725

    19,281 481 68

    320 1,028

    2,934 4,858

    18,245 10,004 9,559 2,239 3,729

    12 1,638


    4,897 21,317 1,066

    265 2,951 3,738

    718 8,016 1,546


    2,290 756

    7,861 4,382 6,144

    88 514

    1,170 3,671


    4,381 22,916 12,215 24,765 23,246 6,064 3,610

    277 1,545


    6,580 20,073 5,000

    13,985 9,406

    19,371 451 67

    330 1,040

    3,275 4,985

    22,614 10,234 10,169 2,220 3,819

    11 1,699


    4,882 23,005 1,025

    274 2,935 3,637

    725 8,134 1,412


    1 States do not add to United States due to canola, potatoes, rye, and tobacco acreage not allocated to States.

  • 6 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Corn Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted for all purposes Area harvested for grain

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Alabama ........................... Arizona ............................. Arkansas ........................... California .......................... Colorado ........................... Connecticut

    2 .....................

    Delaware .......................... Florida ............................... Georgia ............................. Idaho ................................. Illinois ................................ Indiana .............................. Iowa .................................. Kansas .............................. Kentucky ........................... Louisiana .......................... Maine

    2 ..............................

    Maryland ........................... Massachusetts

    2 ................

    Michigan ........................... Minnesota ......................... Mississippi ........................ Missouri ............................ Montana ............................ Nebraska .......................... Nevada

    2 ...........................

    New Hampshire 2 ..............

    New Jersey ....................... New Mexico ...................... New York .......................... North Carolina ................... North Dakota ..................... Ohio .................................. Oklahoma ......................... Oregon .............................. Pennsylvania .................... Rhode Island

    2 ..................

    South Carolina .................. South Dakota .................... Tennessee ........................ Texas ................................ Utah .................................. Vermont

    2 ..........................

    Virginia .............................. Washington ....................... West Virginia ..................... Wisconsin ......................... Wyoming ........................... United States ....................

    270 55

    560 630

    1,500 27

    190 65

    345 350

    12,600 5,900

    14,100 4,900 1,380

    580 29

    500 17


    8,100 810

    3,300 77

    9,850 8

    15 90

    125 1,100


    2,230 3,400

    380 83

    1,420 2

    360 5,200


    2,050 85 90

    490 195 48

    4,150 105


    290 65

    660 610

    1,420 28

    195 70

    335 380

    13,000 6,200

    14,000 4,700 1,600

    570 31

    490 17


    8,700 840

    3,600 100

    9,900 8

    14 90

    125 1,160


    3,400 3,900

    370 85

    1,460 1

    320 6,000


    1,900 85 94

    510 200 52

    4,350 100


    250 32

    520 150

    1,300 (NA) 182 30

    270 120

    12,400 5,750

    13,700 4,200 1,300

    570 (NA) 430

    (NA) 2,190


    740 3,070

    36 9,600 (NA) (NA)

    81 43


    815 2,060 3,220

    190 51

    960 (NA) 330

    4,950 735


    30 (NA) 340 125 31

    3,320 70


    260 40

    640 180

    1,220 (NA) 187 35

    285 130

    12,800 6,050

    13,600 4,400 1,490

    560 (NA) 425

    (NA) 2,290


    800 3,400

    55 9,600 (NA) (NA)

    82 50


    780 3,200 3,660

    330 50

    1,000 (NA) 300

    5,550 870


    30 (NA) 350 125 37

    3,450 70


    (NA) Not available. 1

    Forecasted. 2

    Area harvested for grain not estimated.

  • Acreage (June 2012) 7 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Sorghum Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted for all purposes Area harvested for grain

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Arizona ................................ Arkansas ............................. Colorado .............................. Georgia ............................... Illinois .................................. Kansas ................................ Louisiana ............................. Mississippi ........................... Missouri ............................... Nebraska ............................. New Mexico ......................... Oklahoma ............................ South Dakota ....................... Texas .................................. United States .......................

    22 100 220 50 22

    2,600 130 52 40


    95 300 150



    30 120 230 55 30

    2,500 110 65 70


    95 240 200



    6 90

    140 35 20

    2,000 124 50 33 70

    21 80

    110 1,150


    15 110 170 40 25

    2,300 105 63 60 80


    200 140


    5,238 1 Forecasted.

  • 8 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Oat Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted

    1 Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 2

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Alabama ....................... Arkansas ....................... California ...................... Colorado ....................... Georgia ......................... Idaho ............................. Illinois ............................ Indiana .......................... Iowa .............................. Kansas .......................... Maine ............................ Michigan ....................... Minnesota ..................... Missouri ........................ Montana ........................ Nebraska ...................... New York ...................... North Carolina ............... North Dakota ................. Ohio .............................. Oklahoma ..................... Oregon .......................... Pennsylvania ................ South Carolina .............. South Dakota ................ Texas ............................ Utah .............................. Virginia .......................... Washington ................... Wisconsin ..................... Wyoming ....................... United States ................

    45 15

    200 45 60 70 30 15

    120 60

    28 40

    180 15 45 60 55 45

    170 50

    35 35 90 22

    120 550 35 11 10

    210 30


    50 10

    230 50 60 70 30 15

    130 90

    27 50

    190 20 40 80 60 40

    220 60

    75 40

    100 30

    130 530 33 11 15

    230 30


    15 10 15 10 25 15 20 7

    50 25

    26 30

    110 8

    20 20 34 20 85 38


    12 60 13 70 60 4 3 3

    115 11


    20 8

    30 11 20 15 20 8

    60 30

    26 35

    130 9

    20 25 40 16

    110 46

    17 16 70 17 70 80 4 4 3

    120 11


    1 Includes area planted in preceding fall.

    2 Forecasted.

  • Acreage (June 2012) 9 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Barley Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted

    1 Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 2

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Arizona ......................... California ...................... Colorado ....................... Delaware ...................... Idaho ............................ Kansas ......................... Maine ........................... Maryland ....................... Michigan ....................... Minnesota ..................... Montana ....................... New York ...................... North Carolina .............. North Dakota ................ Oregon ......................... Pennsylvania ................ South Dakota ................ Utah .............................. Virginia ......................... Washington .................. Wisconsin ..................... Wyoming ...................... United States ................

    65 100 66 35

    520 9

    16 50 10 70

    700 10 22

    400 38 65 25 35 90

    125 33 75


    45 110 58 38

    610 10 19 58 11


    900 10 19

    1,140 50 75 35 40 70

    160 30 75


    64 75 63 32

    500 6

    14 36 8


    620 9

    14 350 32 55 16 22 70

    115 15 63


    43 65 55 34

    590 7

    18 46 9


    800 8

    14 1,060

    40 58 23 28 45

    150 15 60


    1 Includes area planted in preceding fall.

    2 Forecasted.

  • 10 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    All Wheat Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted

    1 Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 2

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Alabama ....................... Arizona ......................... Arkansas ....................... California ...................... Colorado ....................... Delaware ...................... Florida ........................... Georgia ......................... Idaho ............................. Illinois ............................ Indiana .......................... Iowa .............................. Kansas .......................... Kentucky ....................... Louisiana ...................... Maryland ....................... Michigan ....................... Minnesota ..................... Mississippi .................... Missouri ........................ Montana ........................ Nebraska ...................... Nevada ......................... New Jersey ................... New Mexico .................. New York ...................... North Carolina ............... North Dakota ................. Ohio .............................. Oklahoma ..................... Oregon .......................... Pennsylvania ................ South Carolina .............. South Dakota ................ Tennessee .................... Texas ............................ Utah .............................. Virginia .......................... Washington ................... West Virginia ................. Wisconsin ..................... Wyoming ....................... United States ................

    220 87

    620 790

    2,345 80 12

    250 1,471


    430 22

    8,800 540 240 260 700

    1,580 360 790

    5,100 1,520

    23 35

    435 120 700

    6,800 880


    990 185 190

    2,908 420

    5,300 151 270

    2,380 10

    345 150


    220 109 540 810

    2,420 85 23

    280 1,275


    390 25

    9,600 580 290 295 570

    1,460 450 770

    5,640 1,400

    28 34

    450 100 860

    7,650 570


    880 165 250

    2,458 420

    5,800 157 300

    2,180 8

    265 150


    195 85

    520 535

    2,044 75 8

    200 1,401


    400 16

    7,900 440 235 190 680

    1,526 335 680

    4,975 1,450

    12 31 95 93

    610 6,590

    850 3,200

    982 170 180

    2,817 310

    1,900 144 250

    2,345 6

    335 130


    180 106 460 460

    2,269 82 16

    200 1,215


    330 15

    9,000 470 280 210 540

    1,405 430 690

    5,510 1,320

    15 27

    110 80

    770 7,400

    525 4,200

    867 150 235

    2,378 350

    2,950 142 270

    2,145 4

    250 130


    1 Includes area planted in preceding fall.

    2 Forecasted.

  • Acreage (June 2012) 11 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Winter Wheat Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted

    1 Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 2

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Alabama ....................... Arizona ......................... Arkansas ...................... California ...................... Colorado ....................... Delaware ...................... Florida .......................... Georgia ........................ Idaho ............................ Illinois ........................... Indiana ......................... Iowa .............................. Kansas ......................... Kentucky ....................... Louisiana ...................... Maryland ....................... Michigan ....................... Minnesota ..................... Mississippi .................... Missouri ........................ Montana ....................... Nebraska ...................... Nevada ......................... New Jersey ................... New Mexico .................. New York ...................... North Carolina .............. North Dakota ................ Ohio .............................. Oklahoma ..................... Oregon ......................... Pennsylvania ................ South Carolina .............. South Dakota ................ Tennessee .................... Texas ........................... Utah .............................. Virginia ......................... Washington .................. West Virginia ................ Wisconsin ..................... Wyoming ...................... United States ................

    220 7

    620 670

    2,300 80 12

    250 820 800

    430 22

    8,800 540 240 260 700 30

    360 790

    2,250 1,520

    15 35

    435 120 700 400 880


    830 185 190

    1,650 420

    5,300 130 270

    1,760 10

    345 150


    220 9

    540 670

    2,400 85 23

    280 780 660

    390 25

    9,600 580 290 295 570 60

    450 770

    2,200 1,400

    20 34

    450 100 860 750 570


    790 165 250

    1,350 420

    5,800 140 300

    1,700 8

    265 150


    195 6

    520 420

    2,000 75 8

    200 770 765

    400 16

    7,900 440 235 190 680 26

    335 680

    2,190 1,450

    9 31 95 93

    610 375 850


    825 170 180

    1,590 310

    1,900 124 250

    1,730 6

    335 130


    180 7

    460 330

    2,250 82 16

    200 740 640

    330 15

    9,000 470 280 210 540 55

    430 690

    2,140 1,320

    11 27

    110 80

    770 700 525


    780 150 235

    1,300 350

    2,950 126 270

    1,670 4

    250 130


    1 Includes area planted in preceding fall.

    2 Forecasted.

  • 12 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Durum Wheat Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Arizona ........................... California ........................ Idaho ............................... Montana .......................... North Dakota ................... South Dakota .................. United States ..................

    80 120 11

    400 750



    100 140 15

    540 1,400



    79 115 11

    385 715



    99 130 15

    520 1,350


    2,122 1 Forecasted.

    Other Spring Wheat Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Colorado ......................... Idaho ............................... Minnesota ....................... Montana .......................... Nevada ........................... North Dakota ................... Oregon ............................ South Dakota .................. Utah ................................ Washington ..................... United States ..................

    45 640

    1,550 2,450

    8 5,650

    160 1,250

    21 620


    20 480

    1,400 2,900

    8 5,500

    90 1,100

    17 480


    44 620

    1,500 2,400

    3 5,500

    157 1,220

    20 615


    19 460

    1,350 2,850

    4 5,350

    87 1,070

    16 475


    1 Forecasted.

    Rye Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted

    1 Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 2

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Georgia ........................... Oklahoma ....................... Other States

    3 .................

    United States ..................

    200 260



    190 260



    35 55



    40 60



    1 Includes area planted in preceding fall.

    2 Forecasted.

    3 Other States include Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin.

  • Acreage (June 2012) 13 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Rice Area Planted and Harvested by Class – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    Class and State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Long grain Arkansas ............................. California ............................. Louisiana ............................. Mississippi ........................... Missouri ............................... Texas .................................. United States ....................... Medium grain Arkansas ............................. California ............................. Louisiana ............................. Missouri ............................... Texas .................................. United States ....................... Short grain


    Arkansas ............................. California ............................. United States ....................... All Arkansas ............................. California ............................. Louisiana ............................. Mississippi ........................... Missouri ............................... Texas .................................. United States .......................


    7 375 160 137 175


    255 535 48 6 7


    1 43


    1,196 585 423 160 143 182



    5 355 135 195 110


    110 510 45 6 4


    1 45


    1,251 560 400 135 201 114



    7 370 158 122 173


    243 530 48 6 7


    1 43


    1,154 580 418 158 128 180



    5 350 133 193 109


    109 505 45 6 4


    1 45


    1,245 555 395 133 199 113


    1 Forecasted.

    2 Includes sweet rice.

    Proso Millet Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 [Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Colorado .............................. Nebraska ............................. South Dakota ....................... United States .......................

    250 80 40


    200 65 50


    230 73 35


    1 Estimates to be released January 2013 in the Crop Production Summary.

  • 14 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Hay Area Harvested by Type – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State All hay

    Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures

    All other

    2011 2012 1 2011 2012

    1 2011 2012


    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Alabama 2 ............................

    Arizona ................................ Arkansas .............................. California ............................. Colorado .............................. Connecticut .......................... Delaware ............................. Florida

    2 ...............................

    Georgia 2 ..............................

    Idaho .................................... Illinois ................................... Indiana ................................. Iowa ..................................... Kansas ................................. Kentucky .............................. Louisiana

    2 ...........................

    Maine ................................... Maryland .............................. Massachusetts ..................... Michigan .............................. Minnesota ............................ Mississippi

    2 .........................

    Missouri ............................... Montana ............................... Nebraska ............................. Nevada ................................ New Hampshire ................... New Jersey .......................... New Mexico ......................... New York ............................. North Carolina ...................... North Dakota ........................ Ohio ..................................... Oklahoma ............................ Oregon ................................. Pennsylvania ....................... Rhode Island ........................ South Carolina

    2 ...................

    South Dakota ....................... Tennessee ........................... Texas ................................... Utah ..................................... Vermont ............................... Virginia ................................. Washington .......................... West Virginia ........................ Wisconsin ............................ Wyoming .............................. United States .......................

    800 285

    1,400 1,390 1,620

    60 15

    260 590


    540 670

    1,140 2,400 2,310

    430 132 220

    74 1,000


    720 3,750 2,700 2,480

    450 53

    105 280


    775 2,480 1,120 2,500 1,030 1,450

    9 300

    3,550 1,880


    760 175

    1,370 780 640

    1,600 1,120


    820 290

    1,450 1,540 1,540

    60 15

    300 590


    590 610

    1,110 2,550 2,400

    450 143 220 74


    1,800 750

    3,640 2,600 2,390

    415 53

    108 300


    717 2,600 1,100 2,900 1,100 1,470

    9 290

    3,650 1,800


    710 180

    1,360 790 645

    1,500 990


    (NA) 250 10

    880 800

    7 5

    (NA) (NA)


    280 300 820 650 210

    (NA) 7

    35 9


    1,100 (NA) 250

    2,000 780 250

    4 20

    210 350


    1,550 380 200 400 410

    1 (NA)

    2,350 20

    100 580 30 90

    380 20

    1,150 620


    (NA) 250 10

    980 790

    7 5

    (NA) (NA)


    350 280 800 750 200

    (NA) 8

    35 9


    1,000 (NA) 240

    1,800 790 240

    5 20

    210 380


    1,570 350 200 400 440

    1 (NA)

    2,300 10

    120 520 35 80

    400 25

    1,000 550


    800 35

    1,390 510 820 53 10

    260 590 350

    260 370 320

    1,750 2,100

    430 125 185 65


    730 720

    3,500 700

    1,700 200 49 85 70


    770 930 740

    2,300 630

    1,040 8

    300 1,200 1,860


    180 145

    1,280 400 620 450 500


    820 40

    1,440 560 750 53 10

    300 590 380

    240 330 310

    1,800 2,200

    450 135 185 65


    800 750

    3,400 800

    1,600 175 48 88 90


    710 1,030

    750 2,700

    700 1,030

    8 290

    1,350 1,790


    190 145

    1,280 390 620 500 440


    (NA) Not available. 1

    Forecasted. 2

    Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures included in all other hay.

  • Acreage (June 2012) 15 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Soybean Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Alabama .............................. Arkansas ............................. Delaware ............................. Florida ................................. Georgia ............................... Illinois .................................. Indiana ................................ Iowa ..................................... Kansas ................................ Kentucky .............................. Louisiana ............................. Maryland .............................. Michigan .............................. Minnesota ............................ Mississippi ........................... Missouri ............................... Nebraska ............................. New Jersey .......................... New York ............................. North Carolina ..................... North Dakota ....................... Ohio ..................................... Oklahoma ............................ Pennsylvania ....................... South Carolina ..................... South Dakota ....................... Tennessee ........................... Texas .................................. Virginia ................................ West Virginia ....................... Wisconsin ............................ United States .......................

    300 3,330

    170 18

    155 8,900 5,300 9,350 4,000 1,490


    470 1,950 7,100 1,820 5,350 4,900

    88 280


    4,000 4,550

    440 500 370

    4,100 1,290

    165 560 20



    330 3,250

    180 25

    190 8,600 5,000 9,500 3,600 1,400


    480 2,000 7,000 2,130 5,300 5,100

    95 340


    4,600 4,600

    410 530 420

    4,500 1,330

    100 550 20



    295 3,270

    168 16

    135 8,860 5,290 9,230 3,750 1,480

    980 465

    1,940 7,020 1,800 5,200 4,830

    86 277


    3,950 4,540

    265 490 360

    4,070 1,250

    90 550 19



    325 3,200

    178 23

    180 8,570 4,990 9,440 3,550 1,390


    475 1,990 6,920 2,100 5,250 5,050

    93 337


    4,550 4,590

    380 520 410

    4,450 1,290

    85 540 19


    75,315 1 Forecasted.

  • 16 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Percent of Soybean Acreage Planted Following Another Harvested Crop – Selected States and United States: 2008-2012 [Data as obtained from area frame samples. These data do not represent official estimates of the Agricultural Statistics Board but provide raw data as obtained from survey respondents. The purpose of these data is to portray trends in soybean production practices]

    State 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)

    Alabama ......................... Arkansas ......................... Delaware ........................ Florida ............................. Georgia ........................... Illinois .............................. Indiana ............................ Kansas ............................ Kentucky ......................... Louisiana ........................ Maryland ......................... Mississippi ...................... Missouri .......................... New Jersey ..................... North Carolina ................. Ohio ................................ Oklahoma ....................... Pennsylvania .................. South Carolina ................ Tennessee ...................... Texas .............................. Virginia ............................ West Virginia ................... United States ..................

    48 27 47 2

    61 9 4

    17 36 24

    47 13 12 22 47 (Z) 58 8

    52 40

    (Z) 56 (Z)


    32 10 62 (Z) 54 6 4 5

    30 8

    44 4

    10 24 33 1

    41 10 30 25

    27 30 (Z)


    14 5

    23 (Z) 19 2 2 3

    13 10

    16 3 4

    14 26 (Z) 28 10 28 17


    24 (Z)


    56 12 64 (Z) 29 4 3 7

    30 18

    44 14 10 24 47 1

    30 16 45 20

    (Z) 48 50


    35 13 60

    (D) 33 5 2

    12 29 9

    40 12 8

    19 55 (Z) 73 24 56 31

    (Z) 34 (Z)


    (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (Z) Less than half of the unit shown.

    Peanut Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Alabama .............................. Florida .................................. Georgia ................................ Mississippi ........................... New Mexico ......................... North Carolina ...................... Oklahoma ............................ South Carolina ..................... Texas ................................... Virginia ................................. United States .......................

    170.0 170.0 475.0 15.0 6.6

    82.0 24.0 77.0

    105.0 16.0


    190.0 190.0 710.0 50.0 8.0

    105.0 28.0 95.0

    130.0 20.0


    166.0 157.0 465.0 14.0 6.6

    81.0 22.0 73.0 97.0 16.0


    186.0 180.0 700.0 47.0 8.0

    104.0 26.0 90.0

    125.0 20.0


    1 Forecasted.

  • Acreage (June 2012) 17 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Sunflower Area Planted and Harvested by Type – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    Varietal type and State

    Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Oil California .................................. Colorado ................................... Kansas ..................................... Minnesota ................................. Nebraska .................................. North Dakota ............................ Oklahoma ................................. South Dakota ............................ Texas ....................................... United States ............................ Non-oil California .................................. Colorado ................................... Kansas ..................................... Minnesota ................................. Nebraska .................................. North Dakota ............................ Oklahoma ................................. South Dakota ............................ Texas ....................................... United States ............................ All California .................................. Colorado ................................... Kansas ..................................... Minnesota ................................. Nebraska .................................. North Dakota ............................ Oklahoma ................................. South Dakota ............................ Texas ....................................... United States ............................


    110.0 115.0 28.0 38.0

    510.0 4.5

    415.0 29.0


    4.0 18.0 19.0 12.0 21.0 70.0 0.5

    70.0 39.0


    44.0 128.0 134.0 40.0 59.0

    580.0 5.0

    485.0 68.0


    45.0 75.0

    105.0 21.0 20.0

    650.0 5.0

    530.0 45.0


    5.0 10.0 25.0 28.0 15.0 90.0 0.5

    60.0 75.0


    50.0 85.0

    130.0 49.0 35.0

    740.0 5.5

    590.0 120.0


    39.5 97.0

    105.0 27.0 35.0

    500.0 3.9

    403.0 23.0


    4.0 16.0 17.0 10.0 19.0 61.0 0.4

    64.0 33.0


    43.5 113.0 122.0 37.0 54.0

    561.0 4.3

    467.0 56.0


    44.5 70.0

    100.0 20.0 19.0

    635.0 4.5

    520.0 38.0


    5.0 9.0

    23.0 26.0 14.0 85.0 0.4

    57.0 65.0


    49.5 79.0

    123.0 46.0 33.0

    720.0 4.9

    577.0 103.0


    1 Forecasted.

  • 18 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Canola Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Idaho .................................... Minnesota ............................ Montana ............................... North Dakota ........................ Oklahoma ............................ Oregon ................................. Washington .......................... Other States

    2 ......................

    United States .......................

    19.0 29.0 31.0

    860.0 100.0

    5.3 10.5



    33.0 60.0 43.0

    1,300.0 150.0

    6.5 17.0



    18.5 28.0 30.5

    850.0 85.0 4.9




    32.0 58.0 42.0

    1,290.0 130.0

    5.7 16.5



    1 Forecasted.

    2 Other States include Colorado and Kansas.

    Flaxseed Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Minnesota ............................ Montana ............................... North Dakota ........................ South Dakota ....................... United States .......................

    3 17

    150 8


    3 12

    260 10


    3 16

    147 7


    3 11

    258 9

    281 1 Forecasted.

    Safflower Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    California ............................. Montana ............................... North Dakota ........................ Utah ..................................... Other States

    2 ......................

    United States .......................

    57.0 14.0 3.0




    56.0 25.0 13.0 21.0



    56.0 13.8 2.9




    55.0 24.0 12.5 20.0



    1 Forecasted.

    2 Other States include Colorado, Idaho, and South Dakota.

    Other Oilseeds Area Planted and Harvested – United States: 2011 and 2012

    Crop Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Rapeseed 2 ..........................

    Mustard seed 3 .....................

    1.5 23.2

    1.6 55.5

    1.3 21.8

    1.5 53.1

    1 Forecasted.

    2 Rapeseed program States include Idaho, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington.

    3 Mustard seed program States include Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, and Washington.

  • Acreage (June 2012) 19 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Cotton Area Planted and Harvested by Type – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 [Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]

    Type and State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Upland Alabama ................................ Arizona .................................. Arkansas ............................... California ............................... Florida ................................... Georgia ................................. Kansas .................................. Louisiana ............................... Mississippi ............................. Missouri ................................. New Mexico ........................... North Carolina ....................... Oklahoma .............................. South Carolina ....................... Tennessee ............................. Texas .................................... Virginia .................................. United States ......................... American Pima Arizona .................................. California ............................... New Mexico ........................... Texas .................................... United States ......................... All Alabama ................................ Arizona .................................. Arkansas ............................... California ............................... Florida ................................... Georgia ................................. Kansas .................................. Louisiana ............................... Mississippi ............................. Missouri ................................. New Mexico ........................... North Carolina ....................... Oklahoma .............................. South Carolina ....................... Tennessee ............................. Texas .................................... Virginia .................................. United States .........................

    460.0 250.0 680.0 182.0 122.0

    1,600.0 80.0

    295.0 630.0 375.0


    805.0 415.0 303.0 495.0

    7,550.0 116.0


    10.0 274.0

    3.4 20.0


    460.0 260.0 680.0 456.0 122.0

    1,600.0 80.0

    295.0 630.0 375.0


    805.0 415.0 303.0 495.0

    7,570.0 116.0


    390.0 200.0 580.0 150.0 115.0

    1,250.0 55.0

    230.0 580.0 375.0


    550.0 330.0 280.0 380.0

    6,800.0 85.0


    4.0 215.0

    3.0 13.0


    390.0 204.0 580.0 365.0 115.0

    1,250.0 55.0

    230.0 580.0 375.0


    550.0 330.0 280.0 380.0

    6,813.0 85.0


    443.0 248.0 660.0 181.0 118.0

    1,495.0 65.0

    290.0 605.0 367.0


    800.0 70.0

    301.0 490.0

    2,850.0 115.0


    10.0 273.0

    3.4 18.5


    443.0 258.0 660.0 454.0 118.0

    1,495.0 65.0

    290.0 605.0 367.0


    800.0 70.0

    301.0 490.0

    2,868.5 115.0


    1 Estimates to be released August 2012 in the Crop Production report.

  • 20 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Sugarbeet Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 [Relates to year of intended harvest in all States except California]

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    California 2 ....................

    Colorado ....................... Idaho ............................. Michigan ....................... Minnesota ..................... Montana ........................ Nebraska ...................... North Dakota ................. Oregon .......................... Wyoming ....................... United States ................

    25.1 29.4

    176.0 153.0 479.0 45.0 52.3

    231.0 10.9 31.0


    25.0 31.8

    183.0 154.0 490.0 46.5 51.0

    220.0 11.0 31.8


    25.1 28.7

    176.0 153.0 469.0 43.0 51.6

    225.0 10.8 30.9


    25.0 31.4

    182.0 154.0 473.0 46.0 49.0

    213.0 11.0 31.5


    1 Forecasted.

    2 Relates to year of intended harvest for fall planted beets in central California and to year of planting for overwintered beets in central and southern California.

    Sugarcane for Sugar and Seed Area Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area harvested

    2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Florida .................................................... Hawaii .................................................... Louisiana ............................................... Texas ..................................................... United States .........................................

    397.0 16.6

    410.0 49.0


    410.0 17.0

    420.0 45.0


    1 Forecasted.

  • Acreage (June 2012) 21 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Tobacco Area Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area harvested

    2011 2012 1

    (acres) (acres)

    Connecticut ........................................... Georgia ................................................. Kentucky ................................................ Massachusetts ....................................... North Carolina ....................................... Ohio ....................................................... Pennsylvania ......................................... South Carolina ....................................... Tennessee ............................................. Virginia .................................................. Other States

    2 ........................................

    United States .........................................

    2,070 11,900 77,500

    570 162,300

    1,600 9,700

    15,500 22,000 21,900



    (D) 10,500 83,500

    (D) 155,600

    1,800 9,600

    13,500 22,100 24,050



    (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (X) Not applicable. 1

    Forecasted. 2

    Includes data withheld above.

  • 22 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Tobacco Area Harvested by Class and Type – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    Class and type Area harvested

    2011 2012 1

    (acres) (acres)

    Class 1, Flue-cured (11-14) Georgia ...................................................................................... North Carolina ............................................................................ South Carolina ........................................................................... Virginia ....................................................................................... United States ............................................................................. Class 2, Fire-cured (21-23) Kentucky .................................................................................... Tennessee ................................................................................. Virginia ....................................................................................... United States ............................................................................. Class 3A, Light air-cured Type 31, Burley Kentucky ................................................................................ North Carolina ........................................................................ Ohio ....................................................................................... Pennsylvania .......................................................................... Tennessee ............................................................................. Virginia ................................................................................... United States ......................................................................... Type 32, Southern Maryland Belt Pennsylvania .......................................................................... Total light air-cured (31-32) ..................................................... Class 3B, Dark air-cured (35-37) Kentucky .................................................................................... Tennessee ................................................................................. United States ............................................................................. Class 4, Cigar filler Type 41, Pennsylvania Seedleaf Pennsylvania .......................................................................... Class 5, Cigar binder Type 51 Connecticut Valley Broadleaf Connecticut ............................................................................ Massachusetts ....................................................................... United States ......................................................................... Class 6, Cigar wrapper Type 61, Connecticut Valley Shade-grown Connecticut ............................................................................ Massachusetts ....................................................................... United States ......................................................................... Total cigar types (41-61) United States ............................................................................. All tobacco United States .............................................................................


    160,000 15,500 19,500


    9,100 6,900



    64,000 2,300 1,600 5,000

    14,000 2,000




    4,400 1,100



    1,350 440


    720 130





    154,000 13,500 21,000


    9,000 6,000



    71,000 1,600 1,800 4,700

    15,000 2,700




    3,500 1,100



    1,830 510


    (D) (D)




    (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1


  • Acreage (June 2012) 23 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Dry Edible Bean Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012 [Excludes beans grown for garden seed]

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Arizona .................................. California ............................... Colorado ................................ Idaho ..................................... Kansas .................................. Michigan ................................ Minnesota .............................. Montana ................................ Nebraska ............................... New Mexico ........................... New York ............................... North Dakota ......................... Oregon .................................. South Dakota ......................... Texas .................................... Washington ........................... Wisconsin .............................. Wyoming ............................... United States .........................

    8.5 45.5 38.0 95.0 6.5

    170.0 140.0 15.0

    110.0 12.5


    410.0 6.4

    10.2 9.0

    77.0 5.3



    9.0 44.0 50.0

    130.0 5.0

    180.0 160.0 25.0

    165.0 9.0


    660.0 7.5

    12.0 12.0

    115.0 5.7



    8.2 45.0 37.0 94.0 6.0

    168.0 135.0 14.8

    105.0 12.4


    380.0 6.4 9.0 8.0

    77.0 5.3



    9.0 43.5 47.0

    129.0 4.5

    176.0 155.0 24.0

    155.0 9.0


    630.0 7.4

    11.0 11.0

    115.0 5.7


    1,573.6 1 Forecasted.

    Sweet Potato Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Alabama ................................ Arkansas ............................... California ............................... Florida ................................... Louisiana ............................... Mississippi ............................. New Jersey ............................ North Carolina ....................... Texas .................................... United States .........................

    2.6 3.6

    18.5 3.3

    14.0 24.0 1.3

    65.0 1.3


    2.6 3.0

    18.0 6.4

    11.0 23.0 1.3

    65.0 1.1


    2.5 3.5

    18.2 3.0

    13.0 23.0 1.3

    64.0 1.2


    2.5 2.9

    18.0 6.3

    10.5 22.0 1.3

    64.0 1.0


    1 Forecasted.

  • 24 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Summer Potato Area Planted and Harvested – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012 1

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Colorado ......................................... Delaware ........................................ Illinois .............................................. Kansas ............................................ Maryland ......................................... Missouri .......................................... New Jersey ..................................... Texas .............................................. Virginia ............................................ United States ..................................

    4.5 1.6 7.0 5.5 2.2 8.3 2.0

    11.1 6.0


    5.1 1.4 6.3 6.0 2.1 8.6 2.6

    11.0 5.0


    4.4 1.6 6.8 5.3 2.2 7.1 1.8

    10.9 5.9


    5.0 1.4 6.1 5.8 2.1 8.4 2.6

    10.7 4.9


    1 Forecasted.

    Alaska Area Planted by Crop: 2011 and 2012 [Estimates are provided to meet special needs of crop and livestock production statistics users. Estimates are excluded from commodity data tables]

    Crop Area planted

    2011 2012

    (acres) (acres)

    Barley ............................................................... Hay, all

    1 ...........................................................

    Oats .................................................................. Potatoes ...........................................................

    5,200 19,000 2,100


    4,000 23,000 1,800

    700 1 Area harvested.

  • Acreage (June 2012) 25 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Biotechnology Varieties

    The National Agricultural Statistics Service conducts the June Agricultural Survey in all States each year. Randomly

    selected farmers across the United States were asked if they planted corn, soybeans, or Upland cotton seed that, through

    biotechnology, is resistant to herbicides, insects, or both. Conventionally bred herbicide resistant varieties are excluded.

    Insect resistant varieties include only those containing bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The Bt varieties include those that

    contain more than one gene that can resist different types of insects. Stacked gene varieties include only those containing

    biotech traits for both herbicide and insect resistance. The States published individually in the following tables represent

    85 percent of all corn planted acres, 88 percent of all soybean planted acres, and 91 percent of all Upland cotton planted


    Corn Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of All Corn Planted – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Insect resistant (biotech) Herbicide resistant

    2011 2012 2011 2012

    (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)

    Illinois ............................... Indiana ............................. Iowa .................................. Kansas ............................. Michigan ........................... Minnesota ......................... Missouri ............................ Nebraska .......................... North Dakota .................... Ohio .................................. South Dakota .................... Texas ............................... Wisconsin ......................... Other States

    1 ...................

    United States ....................

    14 7

    13 28 11 16 27 15 26 24


    22 18



    14 9

    12 20 8

    19 18 16 17 13


    20 10



    17 22 16 22 24 29 22 26 32 13

    25 24 27



    18 15 15 19 26 22 20 20 36 20

    23 21 23



    State Stacked gene varieties All biotech varieties

    2011 2012 2011 2012

    (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)

    Illinois ............................... Indiana ............................. Iowa .................................. Kansas ............................. Michigan ........................... Minnesota ......................... Missouri ............................ Nebraska .......................... North Dakota .................... Ohio .................................. South Dakota .................... Texas ............................... Wisconsin ......................... Other States

    1 ...................

    United States ....................

    55 56 61 42 52 48 36 52 39 37

    64 42 41



    53 60 64 51 52 47 48 55 43 43

    62 44 53



    86 85 90 92 87 93 85 93 97 74

    96 88 86



    85 84 91 90 86 88 86 91 96 76

    94 85 86



    1 Other States includes all other States in the corn estimating program.

  • 26 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Upland Cotton Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of Upland Cotton Planted – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Insect resistant (biotech) Herbicide resistant

    2011 2012 2011 2012

    (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)

    Alabama .......................... Arkansas .......................... California ......................... Georgia ............................ Louisiana ......................... Mississippi ....................... Missouri ........................... North Carolina .................. Tennessee ....................... Texas ............................... Other States

    1 ..................

    United States ...................

    18 18 9

    18 26 15 22 10 9




    17 10 21 13 24 9

    33 16 7




    4 7

    46 6 6 7

    47 7 6




    11 12 43 7 9 7

    32 8 6




    State Stacked gene varieties All biotech varieties

    2011 2012 2011 2012

    (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)

    Alabama .......................... Arkansas .......................... California ......................... Georgia ............................ Louisiana ......................... Mississippi ....................... Missouri ........................... North Carolina .................. Tennessee ....................... Texas ............................... Other States

    1 ..................

    United States ...................

    75 73 25 72 65 76 29 79 83 49



    70 77 16 78 64 82 33 72 84 58



    97 98 80 96 97 98 98 96 98 86



    98 99 80 98 97 98 98 96 97 91



    1 Other States includes all other States in the Upland cotton estimating program.

  • Acreage (June 2012) 27 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Soybean Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of All Soybeans Planted – States and United States: 2011 and 2012

    State Herbicide resistant All biotech varieties

    2011 2012 2011 2012

    (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)

    Arkansas .......................... Illinois ............................... Indiana ............................. Iowa .................................. Kansas ............................. Michigan ........................... Minnesota ......................... Mississippi ........................ Missouri ............................ Nebraska .......................... North Dakota .................... Ohio .................................. South Dakota .................... Wisconsin ......................... Other States

    1 ...................

    United States ....................

    95 92 96 97 96 91 95 98 91 97

    94 85 98 91



    94 90 93 97 94 91 91 95 91 95

    98 86 98 92



    95 92 96 97 96 91 95 98 91 97

    94 85 98 91



    94 90 93 97 94 91 91 95 91 95

    98 86 98 92



    1 Other States includes all other States in the soybean estimating program.

  • 28 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Domestic Units – United States: 2011 and 2012 [Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2012 crop year. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]

    Crop Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012

    (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)

    Grains and hay Barley ................................................................................. Corn for grain

    1 ....................................................................

    Corn for silage .................................................................... Hay, all ................................................................................ Alfalfa .............................................................................. All other ........................................................................... Oats .................................................................................... Proso millet ......................................................................... Rice .................................................................................... Rye ..................................................................................... Sorghum for grain

    1 .............................................................

    Sorghum for silage .............................................................. Wheat, all ............................................................................ Winter ............................................................................. Durum ............................................................................. Other spring .................................................................... Oilseeds Canola ................................................................................ Cottonseed ......................................................................... Flaxseed ............................................................................. Mustard seed ...................................................................... Peanuts .............................................................................. Rapeseed ........................................................................... Safflower ............................................................................. Soybeans for beans ............................................................ Sunflower ............................................................................ Cotton, tobacco, and sugar crops Cotton, all ........................................................................... Upland ............................................................................ American Pima ................................................................ Sugarbeets ......................................................................... Sugarcane .......................................................................... Tobacco .............................................................................. Dry beans, peas, and lentils Austrian winter peas ........................................................... Dry edible beans ................................................................. Dry edible peas ................................................................... Lentils ................................................................................. Wrinkled seed peas ............................................................ Potatoes and miscellaneous Coffee (Hawaii) ................................................................... Hops ................................................................................... Peppermint oil ..................................................................... Potatoes, all ........................................................................ Spring ............................................................................. Summer .......................................................................... Fall .................................................................................. Spearmint oil ....................................................................... Sweet potatoes ................................................................... Taro (Hawaii)

    2 ....................................................................


    91,921 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)

    2,496 370

    2,689 1,266 5,481 (NA)

    54,409 40,646 1,369


    1,071.5 (X)

    178 23.2

    1,140.6 1.5

    130.7 74,976 1,543.0

    14,735.4 14,428.0

    307.4 1,232.7

    (NA) (NA)

    18.0 1,205.9

    362.0 428.0 (NA)

    (NA) (NA) (NA)

    1,098.9 93.3 48.2

    957.4 (NA)

    133.6 (NA)



    (NA) (NA) (NA)

    2,746 315

    2,661 1,251 6,210

    56,017 41,819 2,203


    1,631.5 (X)

    285 55.5

    1,526.0 1.6

    147.5 76,080 1,804.5

    12,635.0 12,400.0

    235.0 1,244.1

    (NA) (NA)

    21.0 1,632.7

    619.0 518.0


    97.7 48.1



    83,981 5,928

    55,633 19,213 36,420

    939 338

    2,618 242

    3,929 224

    45,705 32,314 1,312


    1,043.0 (X)

    173 21.8

    1,097.6 1.3

    127.3 73,636 1,457.8

    9,460.9 9,156.0

    304.9 1,213.1

    872.6 325.0

    12.3 1,155.9

    342.8 411.0 (NA)

    6.3 29.8 74.0

    1,076.7 91.5 46.0

    939.2 17.3

    129.7 0.5



    57,669 18,827 38,842 1,091


    275 5,238

    48,826 35,023 2,122



    281 53.1

    1,486.0 1.5

    141.5 75,315 1,735.4

    1,215.9 892.0 323.7



    96.1 47.0


    See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued

  • Acreage (June 2012) 29 USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Domestic Units – United States: 2011 and 2012 (continued) [Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2012 crop year. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]

    Crop Yield per acre Production

    2011 2012 2011 2012

    (1,000) (1,000)

    Grains and hay Barley ................................................................................... bushels Corn for grain ........................................................................ bushels Corn for silage ............................................................................ tons Hay, all ....................................................................................... tons Alfalfa ..................................................................................... tons All other .................................................................................. tons Oats ...................................................................................... bushels Proso millet ........................................................................... bushels Rice

    3 ........................................................................................... cwt

    Rye ....................................................................................... bushels Sorghum for grain ................................................................. bushels Sorghum for silage ...................................................................... tons Wheat, all ............................................................................. bushels Winter ............................................................................... bushels Durum ............................................................................... bushels Other spring ...................................................................... bushels Oilseeds Canola ................................................................................... pounds Cottonseed ................................................................................. tons Flaxseed ............................................................................... bushels Mustard seed ......................................................................... pounds Peanuts ................................................................................. pounds Rapeseed .............................................................................. pounds Safflower ............................................................................... pounds Soybeans for beans .............................................................. bushels Sunflower .............................................................................. pounds Cotton, tobacco, and sugar crops Cotton, all

    3 ............................................................................... bales

    Upland 3 ................................................................................ bales

    American Pima 3 ................................................................... bales

    Sugarbeets ................................................................................. tons Sugarcane .................................................................................. tons Tobacco ................................................................................. pounds Dry beans, peas, and lentils Austrian winter peas

    3 .................................................................. cwt

    Dry edible beans 3 ....................................................................... cwt

    Dry edible peas 3 ......................................................................... cwt

    Lentils 3 ........................................................................................ cwt

    Wrinkled seed peas ..................................................................... cwt Potatoes and miscellaneous Coffee (Hawaii) ...................................................................... pounds Hops ...................................................................................... pounds Peppermint oil ........................................................................ pounds Potatoes, all ................................................................................. cwt Spring ...................................................................................... cwt Summer ................................................................................... cwt Fall .......................................................................................... cwt Spearmint oil ......................................................................... pounds Sweet potatoes ............................................................................ cwt Taro (Hawaii) ......................................................................... pounds


    147.2 18.4 2.36 3.40 1.81 57.1 27.1

    7,067 26.1 54.6 10.3 43.7 46.2 38.5 37.7

    1,475 (X)

    16.1 718

    3,313 2,177 1,333 41.5


    790 772

    1,340 23.8 33.7


    1,463 1,716 1,641 1,151 (NA)

    1,320 2,175

    89 397 279 282 414 132 208





    12,358,412 108,926 131,144 65,332 65,812 53,649 9,149

    185,009 6,326

    214,443 2,298

    1,999,347 1,493,677

    50,482 455,188

    1,538,010 5,370.0

    2,791 15,644

    3,636,320 2,830

    169,671 3,056,032 2,038,275

    15,573.2 14,722.0

    851.2 28,828 29,383


    180 19,833 5,625 4,732


    8,300 64,781.6

    6,570 427,406 25,573 12,960

    388,873 2,286

    26,964 4,100



    (NA) Not available. (X) Not applicable. 1

    Area planted for all purposes. 2

    Area is total acres in crop, not harvested acreage. 3

    Yield in pounds.

  • 30 Acreage (June 2012) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Metric Units – United States: 2011 and 2012 [Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2012 crop year. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]

    Crop Area planted Area harvested

    2011 2012 2011 2012

    (hectares) (hectares) (hectares) (hectares)

    Grains and hay Barley ................................................................................. Corn for grain

    1 ....................................................................

    Corn for silage .................................................................... Hay, all

    2 .............................................................................

    Alfalfa .............................................................................. All other ........................................................................... Oats .................................................................................... Proso millet ......................................................................... Rice .................................................................................... Rye ..................................................................................... Sorghum for grain

    1 .............................................................

    Sorghum for silage .......................................................