aef3 - a surprise for kerri - pdf

'2,32))) Kerri I hrrrk r,,tr l,'r., r:.:- 1.. . Don You're rvelcome. Waitress Tlrrrrk. thr. .' . . . Don \r't ? Nice . t-r'ienJlr -, Kerri Maybe. But I thini i:: i : .: ':- :r:- ri lcft on the table! f enny Did \ou \\ h. : restaurant, Rob? Rob DidImeanshat-: Jenny Abour rni:.inr l . : Rob Sure, I miss ir. lenr, )enny Realll? Rob Brrt hel. nor rh,r ' -. - r r neu placc i. rls.r'. r- Jenny But lorr don t r. --. . Rob No,.. no... nor.ri -:. F,,,! A suRPRlsE FoR KERRI Watch or listen again and complete the information' 1 Kerri thinks the waitress is friendly when they leave because Don... 2 |enny is worried because she thinks Rob... 3 Kerri thinks that the taxi driver is very... fcnny lt's just that... vou seeurecl honrcsick in thcrc. For the parks, the cvcling... Rob \Vellthere are sorlc things Inriss but Oh. hang on a nrinute. Look oler thcrc. C)ur taxi's come back. Taxi drivcr l-lxcusc me. N4a'am. Kerri \\,.ho me? \\'hat is it-? Taxi driver T bclieve this isvourccll phone. You lcft it in mv cab. Kerri \\'hat?... Oh. rvol... thenkr,ou! Taxi driver I Irre.t ttiic Jrr I I(erri That q'as so kincl of him! Don See? Neu'\trrkers are rcallv friencllv people.

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Post on 01-Mar-2022




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Rob Andrvhat arevou doing stilr iou're in theStatcs?

Kerri I'm going to play ar somc clubs here in Nen'York, thcn T'm cloing some small gigs in othcrplaces. I just rvant to get to knol, tlre countrl andthe people. lt's allv0'v nerv to me.

)enny Good job,Rob. She isn'tthc casiestpersonto intervieu..

Rob She 's OK. Ancl this video clip rvill rvork greaton li ne.

Don Well. thankvou lorcoming intodiry, Kcrri.Nou' T suggest rve have some lunch. Rob, couldyou call a taxi?

Rob Uh. sure.

2 zel)Don So u4rcn rvill vou be coming back to Ncu,

York, Kerri?Kerri Oh, I don't knorv.Waitress Hi, guvs. Is evervthing OK?Don Yes, it's dclicious, thank vou.Waitress That's great!Kerri Ncrv York u,aiters never leavc vou alone! J

really don't like all th is " Hi tuvs! Is er,er,vthingC)K?" stuff.

Don What? You mcan s aiters eren't friendly inLondon?

Rob Oh, thcy'rc verv friendh'rKerri Yes, they're fricncilr'. but not too friendlv.

I he1 .l,,rr'r lrotherrou rll tlr, i,r'eWaitress Can I get lou anvthing clscT \lorc

drinks, maybe?Don No thanks. \\'e're fine.Waitress Firntastic.Kerri See what I mean? Pcrson:r1h. 1 rhink people

in London arc a lot more easr going. I-ondon's justnot as hectic as Nes, )lork.

Don Sure,rvealLlikepeace and quicr. Bur in nrropinion, New York is possibh... s cll. no. jsclefinitely the greatest citr-itr thc s r-rlLl. l)rrn r louagree?

Kerri To be honest, I definiteh prl-t.r I ()nJl)1r.Don Comeon.Rob.You'r'elired in i.,rrh. \\ hardo

you think?Rob Um, well, I have to sar'. Lonrlot i \ !r\ ip!.i11. It s

more relaxed, it's got grcat park\ rnri ,. .,.r .r n .\ .leeverylvhere.It'sdangerousro crcl. i:r \tri \Lrrkl

Don Whyu,ould vou cyclc s hen r,,rL :.rn l:ir e r crr?Kerri You can'tbe serious.Don OI(, I agree, London has ir: L,r'. :r : ::I I r:tt'

charm. But if vou :rsk mc. norh in: --':rt::r:: u itha citv like Neu, York. The s hi-1. '.r ::..: ir htr.-l

Kerri Butthat'stheproblem. It s:, , ':. Tlrrcrretoomanvpeople, E\,cr\hoal\ : i,r !::ai:aJ,,Lrr.Ancl nobody has ar1\-tinr!- ttrr \ '-:

f enny I don't think that < righi. ii:rr: \.r\ ),,rktrsare very friendlr'. . .

Kerri Oh sure, thev can sLrtinl ::.r.:r- ,'. ::r :ll rhrr,,Have anice dav'. sruii. Brrr I .:..,. -:..: :::::rI :i . -.-

littlc bit... lake.Don You r e gor ro be \'.t.1 . : :: -

Rob ['rnsorrl.I'lljusthar.-I, r:..::r:. H...,:'-:..Yes... You'rcwho?... The irri -l:: .:: ',\ :r-r: i:l iht'lcave?... Her cellphone. . rii:r: 'r ) .- .'.. :. siillrt tlte rertrurrnt. \cr..,.: : .

'2,32)))Kerri I hrrrk r,,tr l,'r., r:.:- 1.. .

Don You're rvelcome.Waitress Tlrrrrk. thr. .' . . .Don \r't ? Nice . t-r'ienJlr -,Kerri Maybe. But I thini i:: i : .: ':- :r:- ri

lcft on the table!f enny Did \ou \\ h. :

restaurant, Rob?Rob DidImeanshat-:Jenny Abour rni:.inr l . :

Rob Sure, I miss ir. lenr,)enny Realll?Rob Brrt hel. nor rh,r ' -. - r

r neu placc i. rls.r'. r-

Jenny But lorr don t r. --. .

Rob No,.. no... nor.ri -:.

fcnny lt's just that... vou seeurecl honrcsick in thcrc.For the parks, the cvcling...

Rob \Vellthere are sorlc things Inriss but Oh.hang on a nrinute. Look oler thcrc. C)ur taxi'scome back.

Taxi drivcr l-lxcusc me. N4a'am.Kerri \\,.ho me? \\'hat is it-?Taxi driver T bclieve this isvourccll phone. You

lcft it in mv cab.Kerri \\'hat?... Oh. rvol... thenkr,ou!Taxi driver I Irre.t ttiic Jrr I

I(erri That q'as so kincl of him!Don See? Neu'\trrkers are rcallv friencllv people.

2 4o)))1 One verv easv thing vou cen do is just changc thc

)anguagc to English on all tbe gaclgcts t'ou have.fbr eramplc on vour phone. or Iaptop. or tabJct.That u,av vou're reaci i n g Lingli sh evert' d at' andu,ithout realh' noticillg.r'ou just learn a u'hole lotofvocabularr', lor erarnple the things vou scc onvour screen like "Are vou surc lou u'ant to shutdol'n nol'?," thinqs like that.

2 Mv tip is to do thilrgs thltvou Iike doing. but inEnglish. So fbr example. if vou 1ikc rearling. thenreacl in Lnglish. ifvou like nrovies. u'atch thcmin English rvith subtitles. ifvou likc colrlputergamc's, plav thcnr in English. But don't clo thingsvou clon't enjoy in vour languagc, J mean ifvortdon't likc rcacling in l,our languagc, vou'11 cnjovit elen less in English, ancl so vou probabll'u,on'tJcarn anvthing.

3 What reallv helpccl rrc to improve mv Englishrvas htrving an American bovfl jcncl. He clidn'tspeak ant' Japancsc - u,cl l, not nranv foreignersclo - so rve spoke English all thc timc, irn.l nrvlnglish improvecl rcall-v quicklv. \\1e broke t4rwhcn ht' u,ent back to the LlS. but bv then 1 coulclspeali pretn' flr:entlr,, \\/e cl icl n't exactly end upas friencls. but I'll alrravs be grateful to him forthe English l learnecl. So nrv tip is try to lind anEngiish-speaking bovtiiend or girlfriend.

.{ I'r,c alu,avs thought thirt learning vocabularvis verr, important. so I bought a rocabularvflashcarcl app fbr mv phone. I u,rite dou'n allthe ner,u,ords :rnd phrascs I \\,ant to relremllerin French and in English, and then u,hen I gcta quiet momcnt I tcst ml self. It reallt' hefs mercmcmber neu, r,ocabular\'. So that's rnv tip. Cicta vocabrrlarv learning app lcrr vour phone.

5 I think oncofthebigproblemsu'henvou'rclearninq something nex, is nrotivntion, somethingto make vou continuc anci not give up. So urvtip is to book vourselfa vacation in an English-speaking countrv or a countrv u'herc pcoplcspeakverv good EngJish, like the Caribbean. as aI i ttlc rcward lor yourseli and so vou can actuall.!practicc \,our English. Tt's reallY motivatingl,hen 1'ou go someu,here arcl fincl that peopleundcrstancl 1'ou irnd vou can contnrunicate! Llstlear, I n ent to the Bab ir nr as tirr a rveekend. :rucl I

h acl a grcat tinre, ancl I spoke a lot of Fin g1 i sh.6 Ifrou love music, lr.hich l clo, nrl tip is to Iisten to as

n)aI\r songs as Possible in English ancl thcn lc'artlto sinq them. lt's so easv nos,aclavs rvith YorrTrrbc.First. I clownload the lr rics and tr-v ro unclerstrnclthem. Thcn I sing irlong ri,ith the singer aud trv tocopY the \\'aY lle or she sings - this is firntrstic forvru r pronunciirtion. Then once I can clo it * ell, Igo b:rck to Yorr'lirbc and get a karaoke vcrsion ofthesong, and then I sing it. Ir's firn ancl your Englishu'ill realh improve as a result,

2 48)))I elrvavs thought that good manncrs u ere goodmanners u,herevcr You r,erc in the n'orld. But that\\'rs Lrrtil nret ml bovfriend Jason. u,Jro is fromBurma also knou,n as \4yanmar. \\'e tlc't intrpstatc \crv Yot'k, u'hen u.e rverc both stuclents inco)lege. When s'e first got to knou' each othcr, rvcrvcrc alwil's surrounded bt'a group offriends. I Iihed[ason because he n as funnl and kind. anc] I couicl tellhe likcd nrc, trut we never spent arrv tirre alone.

The iirst ti nrc I sugqestect that rve hangout l'ithout our tliencis. hc saicl no \\,itlrout anerplanation, u hich I thought u'as kirrcl ofrucle. N4r'feelings s'ere 1rurt. so I cLicln't talli to him as tnuch.l'hc next time I sal'Jason in our big grorLp. he t'asjust as friencllv ancl hrppl as usual. l rvas conlused.

Finallr. I askecl h i nr rvhl he rrouldn't harg outs,ith rlc. Hc apoiogizecl ancl thc'n he told me th:rt illBrrrrtt.r. it.(u\tor)r tr, .l:lte itt.tglottlr\itrr.rti,,rl.Since hc hacl onll been iu thc LIS frrr a feu'vears. hc\\,as still having trouble ntrYigating thc t\\'o cultureshe livcd in-the rrore rescrvcal Burmese culturc anrlthe more open Amcrican culture.

A ferv morrths later, aticl rvc rve started dating,I askecl him l.h1'hc ncyer respondecl to nry cute.ronlantic l-acebook posts u'ith more than "cool" or''thanks." [t secnrccl u,eird to me t]rat his rcsponseswcrcn't Lomantic. Ancl honcstl-v, I u'as a little jcalousof the sl'ccr posts m\' Atrerican f riencls' bovfriendsleft on their Faccbook pages.

But lason told mc in Burma, it's considcrcclbragging to cxprcss vour feelings in public.especiallv on e social nenvolking sitc. Hc clicln'twanthis fnnrilr,ancl triends to thirlk he tras bragginglbout his Arnclican qirlf riend. FLotr ltn Americljnpoint ofr.icl,, I thought he s,as being a bit cold:hou,ever fiom a Burnrese point ofvierv, hc rvasactually bcinq respectlul.

As confused as T u,as abortt t hat's consiclcrcdgoocl anrl bacl rnanners in Jason's cultuLe. he felt thesame u'a-v about A nrericat culture. He thou gh t itrvas trad m:rnners to rcfbr to have a "best friend." aldhe u,ould arguc s'ith me whenever I callccl mv fricnclRachel, nrv best friencl. Jason saicl there is no suclrthing as a "best lricnri" in Burmese culture. l'hcrcarc cnlr" close fiientls." ltr,oulcl bc inconsiclerateto nilme one person as a "bcst friend" because vourotirer friends rvoulcl fi'cl offencled.

A nr,s,ar'. rvc'r'e been together fbr ts,o vcars, anclwe still Ilave disagrccnrcnts. But, ue'r'e Iearnetl thltas long as rve're a cotple, u,c'll ncr,cr corrplctel-v agreelbont x,hether our nranners are good or bad, and thatmost ilrporterlltlv.'s OK to agrcc ro clisrgree!

3 8)))Part 1Interviewer \\,'hat madc vou rvant to becorle l

soccer rcfcrcc. or lootball reteree:rs vrLr u'oulcl.:.tll iL?

Juan M1, father *.as a referee. but that clicln'rinfluence mc - in fact. the oppositc bcciLuse I sau'all thc problems that hc hacl as a referee. Bur as a

child I u'as alu,avs attracted bv thc iclca ofbeinga rcfi'ree. ancl irt school I usccl to referee all kinclsofsports, baskctball. handball, urllel brlL. rntl ofcourse. football. I u as invited to join thc Rcferee'sFcclcration u,henlrvas onlr' 14 r'ears old.

Interr ieucr \\L[c\ou g,ond rrslrurrrrotrrrelf7fuan Yes. Iu,as averl goocl handball plavcr. People

oftcn think that ret-erees bccome refer:ees becausctheY are frustratccl sportsmen, but this is just nottI u( in []o\l.l\r\ irl l)l\ (\l)\'rirll('c.

Interviewer Wh;rt l'as the most erciting matchvou ever refireecl?

|uan It s difficult to choose one match as thc mostcxciting. I remember sonrc ofthe Real NladridBarcelona nratches. fbr examplc thc flrst one Icver retereed. Thc atnrosirhere \vas ilcrccl iblc i nthc staclium. But reallv it's impossible to prick justone thcrc have been so ntanY.

lnterr iewcr \\ h.rt u .r. l he \\ or.r r'\ j'r ricrr c \ ntlcr,cr haii as r refercc-/

Juarn T hc rvorst? \\'ell. that u'rs something tllathappe ned vcry earlv in ml carctr'. I u'as onlv I6.irnai T \\'ns refereein!l a n1iltcll in a toNtr in Splitl.antl rhe honre tcam lost.,\ftcr thc m:rrch. Itr asattackcci ancl injured bv the plar ers of thc horrtr'team andbvthcspectators. \ircrall tlleseicrr' I

can srill rcnrem[]er a nlotlter, \\ ltLr hrJ a litrlc h.l'rrin her;rrms, ulto nas tLling to hir ute Slt. u -,. .angrv with me that shc neirrlv drt,pp..l lt:: :'-,:'Tltrt\ \\.r\l llrorrr(rrt..ttt't.r t, .'nrc stop being a rcfert't'.

Listening L25

c 2 30 ))) Look at sone extracts from thr-'

conversation. Can you remember anr. oirhemissing words? Watch or listen and check.

1 Kerri Ithink peopte in London


are a lot more easygoing. London'sjust not as hectic as New York.Sure, we atl [ike peace and quiet.But in my New York ispossibty... we[[, no, is definitety thegreatest city in the world.Don't you

F,,,! A suRPRlsE FoR KERRIfu32 l)) Watch or listen to the end of the lunch.Why is Kerri surprised?

American and British Engtishcell p(one = American Engtishmobile ftone = British Engtish

b Watch or listen again and complete the information'1 Kerri thinks the waitress is friendly when they leave because

Don...2 |enny is worried because she thinks Rob...3 Kerri thinks that the taxi driver is very...

c Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any ofthe missing words?

Social English PhrasesJenny Did you


what you said in the restaurant, Rob?

Jenny lt's that... you seemed homesick in there'Rob Oh,

-- on a minute'

Rob Our taxi's come -.-.Kerri That was so -

of him!

a ffissD) Watch orlisten and complete the phrases'

e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say

them in your language?

Can you...?

interview someone or be interviewedgive your opinion about something

agree or disagree with other peopte's opinions





2 Don


To be


I definite[y PreferLondon.Come on, Rob. You've tived in both.What do you ?



OK, l-, London has itsown pecutiar charm. But if Youme, nothing compares with a citYtike New York. The whole world ishere!But that's the problem. lt's toobig. There are too many PeoP[e.Everybody's so stressed out. Andnobody has any time for You.I don't think that's KerriNew Yorkers are verY friendtY.Oh


they can soundfriendty with att that "Have a niceday" stuff. o

d'2,31))) Watchorlisten andrepeat thehighlighted phrases. Copy the rhythm andintonation.

e Practice the dialogues in c with a partner.

f l|| In small groups, practice givingopinions. Discuss the following sentences

- The best place to live is in a big city.

- Riding a bike is the most practical way toget around big cities.

- You only get good service in expensiverestaurants.

- It's irritating when people in stores orrestaurants saY Have anice daY!



c 2 30 ))) Look at sone extracts from thr-'

conversation. Can you remember anr. oirhemissing words? Watch or listen and check.

1 Kerri Ithink peopte in London


are a lot more easygoing. London'sjust not as hectic as New York.Sure, we atl [ike peace and quiet.But in my New York ispossibty... we[[, no, is definitety thegreatest city in the world.Don't you

F,,,! A suRPRlsE FoR KERRIfu32 l)) Watch or listen to the end of the lunch.Why is Kerri surprised?

American and British Engtishcell p(one = American Engtishmobile ftone = British Engtish

b Watch or listen again and complete the information'1 Kerri thinks the waitress is friendly when they leave because

Don...2 |enny is worried because she thinks Rob...3 Kerri thinks that the taxi driver is very...

c Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any ofthe missing words?

Social English PhrasesJenny Did you


what you said in the restaurant, Rob?

Jenny lt's that... you seemed homesick in there'Rob Oh,

-- on a minute'

Rob Our taxi's come -.-.Kerri That was so -

of him!

a ffissD) Watch orlisten and complete the phrases'

e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say

them in your language?

Can you...?

interview someone or be interviewedgive your opinion about something

agree or disagree with other peopte's opinions





2 Don


To be


I definite[y PreferLondon.Come on, Rob. You've tived in both.What do you ?



OK, l-, London has itsown pecutiar charm. But if Youme, nothing compares with a citYtike New York. The whole world ishere!But that's the problem. lt's toobig. There are too many PeoP[e.Everybody's so stressed out. Andnobody has any time for You.I don't think that's KerriNew Yorkers are verY friendtY.Oh


they can soundfriendty with att that "Have a niceday" stuff. o

d'2,31))) Watchorlisten andrepeat thehighlighted phrases. Copy the rhythm andintonation.

e Practice the dialogues in c with a partner.

f l|| In small groups, practice givingopinions. Discuss the following sentences

- The best place to live is in a big city.

- Riding a bike is the most practical way toget around big cities.

- You only get good service in expensiverestaurants.

- It's irritating when people in stores orrestaurants saY Have anice daY!



c 2 30 ))) Look at sone extracts from thr-'

conversation. Can you remember anr. oirhemissing words? Watch or listen and check.

1 Kerri Ithink peopte in London


are a lot more easygoing. London'sjust not as hectic as New York.Sure, we atl [ike peace and quiet.But in my New York ispossibty... we[[, no, is definitety thegreatest city in the world.Don't you

F,,,! A suRPRlsE FoR KERRIfu32 l)) Watch or listen to the end of the lunch.Why is Kerri surprised?

American and British Engtishcell p(one = American Engtishmobile ftone = British Engtish

b Watch or listen again and complete the information'1 Kerri thinks the waitress is friendly when they leave because

Don...2 |enny is worried because she thinks Rob...3 Kerri thinks that the taxi driver is very...

c Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any ofthe missing words?

Social English PhrasesJenny Did you


what you said in the restaurant, Rob?

Jenny lt's that... you seemed homesick in there'Rob Oh,

-- on a minute'

Rob Our taxi's come -.-.Kerri That was so -

of him!

a ffissD) Watch orlisten and complete the phrases'

e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say

them in your language?

Can you...?

interview someone or be interviewedgive your opinion about something

agree or disagree with other peopte's opinions





2 Don


To be


I definite[y PreferLondon.Come on, Rob. You've tived in both.What do you ?



OK, l-, London has itsown pecutiar charm. But if Youme, nothing compares with a citYtike New York. The whole world ishere!But that's the problem. lt's toobig. There are too many PeoP[e.Everybody's so stressed out. Andnobody has any time for You.I don't think that's KerriNew Yorkers are verY friendtY.Oh


they can soundfriendty with att that "Have a niceday" stuff. o

d'2,31))) Watchorlisten andrepeat thehighlighted phrases. Copy the rhythm andintonation.

e Practice the dialogues in c with a partner.

f l|| In small groups, practice givingopinions. Discuss the following sentences

- The best place to live is in a big city.

- Riding a bike is the most practical way toget around big cities.

- You only get good service in expensiverestaurants.

- It's irritating when people in stores orrestaurants saY Have anice daY!



Rob Andrvhat arevou doing stilr iou're in theStatcs?

Kerri I'm going to play ar somc clubs here in Nen'York, thcn T'm cloing some small gigs in othcrplaces. I just rvant to get to knol, tlre countrl andthe people. lt's allv0'v nerv to me.

)enny Good job,Rob. She isn'tthc casiestpersonto intervieu..

Rob She 's OK. Ancl this video clip rvill rvork greaton li ne.

Don Well. thankvou lorcoming intodiry, Kcrri.Nou' T suggest rve have some lunch. Rob, couldyou call a taxi?

Rob Uh. sure.

2 zel)Don So u4rcn rvill vou be coming back to Ncu,

York, Kerri?Kerri Oh, I don't knorv.Waitress Hi, guvs. Is evervthing OK?Don Yes, it's dclicious, thank vou.Waitress That's great!Kerri Ncrv York u,aiters never leavc vou alone! J

really don't like all th is " Hi tuvs! Is er,er,vthingC)K?" stuff.

Don What? You mcan s aiters eren't friendly inLondon?

Rob Oh, thcy'rc verv friendh'rKerri Yes, they're fricncilr'. but not too friendlv.

I he1 .l,,rr'r lrotherrou rll tlr, i,r'eWaitress Can I get lou anvthing clscT \lorc

drinks, maybe?Don No thanks. \\'e're fine.Waitress Firntastic.Kerri See what I mean? Pcrson:r1h. 1 rhink people

in London arc a lot more easr going. I-ondon's justnot as hectic as Nes, )lork.

Don Sure,rvealLlikepeace and quicr. Bur in nrropinion, New York is possibh... s cll. no. jsclefinitely the greatest citr-itr thc s r-rlLl. l)rrn r louagree?

Kerri To be honest, I definiteh prl-t.r I ()nJl)1r.Don Comeon.Rob.You'r'elired in i.,rrh. \\ hardo

you think?Rob Um, well, I have to sar'. Lonrlot i \ !r\ ip!.i11. It s

more relaxed, it's got grcat park\ rnri ,. .,.r .r n .\ .leeverylvhere.It'sdangerousro crcl. i:r \tri \Lrrkl

Don Whyu,ould vou cyclc s hen r,,rL :.rn l:ir e r crr?Kerri You can'tbe serious.Don OI(, I agree, London has ir: L,r'. :r : ::I I r:tt'

charm. But if vou :rsk mc. norh in: --':rt::r:: u itha citv like Neu, York. The s hi-1. '.r ::..: ir htr.-l

Kerri Butthat'stheproblem. It s:, , ':. Tlrrcrretoomanvpeople, E\,cr\hoal\ : i,r !::ai:aJ,,Lrr.Ancl nobody has ar1\-tinr!- ttrr \ '-:

f enny I don't think that < righi. ii:rr: \.r\ ),,rktrsare very friendlr'. . .

Kerri Oh sure, thev can sLrtinl ::.r.:r- ,'. ::r :ll rhrr,,Have anice dav'. sruii. Brrr I .:..,. -:..: :::::rI :i . -.-

littlc bit... lake.Don You r e gor ro be \'.t.1 . : :: -

Rob ['rnsorrl.I'lljusthar.-I, r:..::r:. H...,:'-:..Yes... You'rcwho?... The irri -l:: .:: ',\ :r-r: i:l iht'lcave?... Her cellphone. . rii:r: 'r ) .- .'.. :. siillrt tlte rertrurrnt. \cr..,.: : .

'2,32)))Kerri I hrrrk r,,tr l,'r., r:.:- 1.. .

Don You're rvelcome.Waitress Tlrrrrk. thr. .' . . .Don \r't ? Nice . t-r'ienJlr -,Kerri Maybe. But I thini i:: i : .: ':- :r:- ri

lcft on the table!f enny Did \ou \\ h. :

restaurant, Rob?Rob DidImeanshat-:Jenny Abour rni:.inr l . :

Rob Sure, I miss ir. lenr,)enny Realll?Rob Brrt hel. nor rh,r ' -. - r

r neu placc i. rls.r'. r-

Jenny But lorr don t r. --. .

Rob No,.. no... nor.ri -:.

fcnny lt's just that... vou seeurecl honrcsick in thcrc.For the parks, the cvcling...

Rob \Vellthere are sorlc things Inriss but Oh.hang on a nrinute. Look oler thcrc. C)ur taxi'scome back.

Taxi drivcr l-lxcusc me. N4a'am.Kerri \\,.ho me? \\'hat is it-?Taxi driver T bclieve this isvourccll phone. You

lcft it in mv cab.Kerri \\'hat?... Oh. rvol... thenkr,ou!Taxi driver I Irre.t ttiic Jrr I

I(erri That q'as so kincl of him!Don See? Neu'\trrkers are rcallv friencllv people.

2 4o)))1 One verv easv thing vou cen do is just changc thc

)anguagc to English on all tbe gaclgcts t'ou have.fbr eramplc on vour phone. or Iaptop. or tabJct.That u,av vou're reaci i n g Lingli sh evert' d at' andu,ithout realh' noticillg.r'ou just learn a u'hole lotofvocabularr', lor erarnple the things vou scc onvour screen like "Are vou surc lou u'ant to shutdol'n nol'?," thinqs like that.

2 Mv tip is to do thilrgs thltvou Iike doing. but inEnglish. So fbr example. if vou 1ikc rearling. thenreacl in Lnglish. ifvou like nrovies. u'atch thcmin English rvith subtitles. ifvou likc colrlputergamc's, plav thcnr in English. But don't clo thingsvou clon't enjoy in vour languagc, J mean ifvortdon't likc rcacling in l,our languagc, vou'11 cnjovit elen less in English, ancl so vou probabll'u,on'tJcarn anvthing.

3 What reallv helpccl rrc to improve mv Englishrvas htrving an American bovfl jcncl. He clidn'tspeak ant' Japancsc - u,cl l, not nranv foreignersclo - so rve spoke English all thc timc, irn.l nrvlnglish improvecl rcall-v quicklv. \\1e broke t4rwhcn ht' u,ent back to the LlS. but bv then 1 coulclspeali pretn' flr:entlr,, \\/e cl icl n't exactly end upas friencls. but I'll alrravs be grateful to him forthe English l learnecl. So nrv tip is try to lind anEngiish-speaking bovtiiend or girlfriend.

.{ I'r,c alu,avs thought thirt learning vocabularvis verr, important. so I bought a rocabularvflashcarcl app fbr mv phone. I u,rite dou'n allthe ner,u,ords :rnd phrascs I \\,ant to relremllerin French and in English, and then u,hen I gcta quiet momcnt I tcst ml self. It reallt' hefs mercmcmber neu, r,ocabular\'. So that's rnv tip. Cicta vocabrrlarv learning app lcrr vour phone.

5 I think oncofthebigproblemsu'henvou'rclearninq something nex, is nrotivntion, somethingto make vou continuc anci not give up. So urvtip is to book vourselfa vacation in an English-speaking countrv or a countrv u'herc pcoplcspeakverv good EngJish, like the Caribbean. as aI i ttlc rcward lor yourseli and so vou can actuall.!practicc \,our English. Tt's reallY motivatingl,hen 1'ou go someu,here arcl fincl that peopleundcrstancl 1'ou irnd vou can contnrunicate! Llstlear, I n ent to the Bab ir nr as tirr a rveekend. :rucl I

h acl a grcat tinre, ancl I spoke a lot of Fin g1 i sh.6 Ifrou love music, lr.hich l clo, nrl tip is to Iisten to as

n)aI\r songs as Possible in English ancl thcn lc'artlto sinq them. lt's so easv nos,aclavs rvith YorrTrrbc.First. I clownload the lr rics and tr-v ro unclerstrnclthem. Thcn I sing irlong ri,ith the singer aud trv tocopY the \\'aY lle or she sings - this is firntrstic forvru r pronunciirtion. Then once I can clo it * ell, Igo b:rck to Yorr'lirbc and get a karaoke vcrsion ofthesong, and then I sing it. Ir's firn ancl your Englishu'ill realh improve as a result,

2 48)))I elrvavs thought that good manncrs u ere goodmanners u,herevcr You r,erc in the n'orld. But that\\'rs Lrrtil nret ml bovfriend Jason. u,Jro is fromBurma also knou,n as \4yanmar. \\'e tlc't intrpstatc \crv Yot'k, u'hen u.e rverc both stuclents inco)lege. When s'e first got to knou' each othcr, rvcrvcrc alwil's surrounded bt'a group offriends. I Iihed[ason because he n as funnl and kind. anc] I couicl tellhe likcd nrc, trut we never spent arrv tirre alone.

The iirst ti nrc I sugqestect that rve hangout l'ithout our tliencis. hc saicl no \\,itlrout anerplanation, u hich I thought u'as kirrcl ofrucle. N4r'feelings s'ere 1rurt. so I cLicln't talli to him as tnuch.l'hc next time I sal'Jason in our big grorLp. he t'asjust as friencllv ancl hrppl as usual. l rvas conlused.

Finallr. I askecl h i nr rvhl he rrouldn't harg outs,ith rlc. Hc apoiogizecl ancl thc'n he told me th:rt illBrrrrtt.r. it.(u\tor)r tr, .l:lte itt.tglottlr\itrr.rti,,rl.Since hc hacl onll been iu thc LIS frrr a feu'vears. hc\\,as still having trouble ntrYigating thc t\\'o cultureshe livcd in-the rrore rescrvcal Burmese culturc anrlthe more open Amcrican culture.

A ferv morrths later, aticl rvc rve started dating,I askecl him l.h1'hc ncyer respondecl to nry cute.ronlantic l-acebook posts u'ith more than "cool" or''thanks." [t secnrccl u,eird to me t]rat his rcsponseswcrcn't Lomantic. Ancl honcstl-v, I u'as a little jcalousof the sl'ccr posts m\' Atrerican f riencls' bovfriendsleft on their Faccbook pages.

But lason told mc in Burma, it's considcrcclbragging to cxprcss vour feelings in public.especiallv on e social nenvolking sitc. Hc clicln'twanthis fnnrilr,ancl triends to thirlk he tras bragginglbout his Arnclican qirlf riend. FLotr ltn Americljnpoint ofr.icl,, I thought he s,as being a bit cold:hou,ever fiom a Burnrese point ofvierv, hc rvasactually bcinq respectlul.

As confused as T u,as abortt t hat's consiclcrcdgoocl anrl bacl rnanners in Jason's cultuLe. he felt thesame u'a-v about A nrericat culture. He thou gh t itrvas trad m:rnners to rcfbr to have a "best friend." aldhe u,ould arguc s'ith me whenever I callccl mv fricnclRachel, nrv best friencl. Jason saicl there is no suclrthing as a "best lricnri" in Burmese culture. l'hcrcarc cnlr" close fiientls." ltr,oulcl bc inconsiclerateto nilme one person as a "bcst friend" because vourotirer friends rvoulcl fi'cl offencled.

A nr,s,ar'. rvc'r'e been together fbr ts,o vcars, anclwe still Ilave disagrccnrcnts. But, ue'r'e Iearnetl thltas long as rve're a cotple, u,c'll ncr,cr corrplctel-v agreelbont x,hether our nranners are good or bad, and thatmost ilrporterlltlv.'s OK to agrcc ro clisrgree!

3 8)))Part 1Interviewer \\,'hat madc vou rvant to becorle l

soccer rcfcrcc. or lootball reteree:rs vrLr u'oulcl.:.tll iL?

Juan M1, father *.as a referee. but that clicln'rinfluence mc - in fact. the oppositc bcciLuse I sau'all thc problems that hc hacl as a referee. Bur as a

child I u'as alu,avs attracted bv thc iclca ofbeinga rcfi'ree. ancl irt school I usccl to referee all kinclsofsports, baskctball. handball, urllel brlL. rntl ofcourse. football. I u as invited to join thc Rcferee'sFcclcration u,henlrvas onlr' 14 r'ears old.

Interr ieucr \\L[c\ou g,ond rrslrurrrrotrrrelf7fuan Yes. Iu,as averl goocl handball plavcr. People

oftcn think that ret-erees bccome refer:ees becausctheY are frustratccl sportsmen, but this is just nottI u( in []o\l.l\r\ irl l)l\ (\l)\'rirll('c.

Interviewer Wh;rt l'as the most erciting matchvou ever refireecl?

|uan It s difficult to choose one match as thc mostcxciting. I remember sonrc ofthe Real NladridBarcelona nratches. fbr examplc thc flrst one Icver retereed. Thc atnrosirhere \vas ilcrccl iblc i nthc staclium. But reallv it's impossible to prick justone thcrc have been so ntanY.

lnterr iewcr \\ h.rt u .r. l he \\ or.r r'\ j'r ricrr c \ ntlcr,cr haii as r refercc-/

Juarn T hc rvorst? \\'ell. that u'rs something tllathappe ned vcry earlv in ml carctr'. I u'as onlv I6.irnai T \\'ns refereein!l a n1iltcll in a toNtr in Splitl.antl rhe honre tcam lost.,\ftcr thc m:rrch. Itr asattackcci ancl injured bv the plar ers of thc horrtr'team andbvthcspectators. \ircrall tlleseicrr' I

can srill rcnrem[]er a nlotlter, \\ ltLr hrJ a litrlc h.l'rrin her;rrms, ulto nas tLling to hir ute Slt. u -,. .angrv with me that shc neirrlv drt,pp..l lt:: :'-,:'Tltrt\ \\.r\l llrorrr(rrt..ttt't.r t, .'nrc stop being a rcfert't'.

Listening L25