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2007 Annual Report Powering Alberta

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2500, 330 – 5th Avenue S.W.Calgary, Alberta T2P 0L4


2007 Annual Report












2007 AN






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8:00amElectricity is silently working for us keeping our foodfresh, clothes clean and homes warm. Power is there theinstant a stove is turned on, a school lights up or a coffeemaker is plugged in.

It’s invisible and yet we need it for almost everything wedo. Electricity is with us, quietly powering our day from thetime we wake in the morning until the last light is switchedoff at night.

Our Annual Report cover featuresAESO employees and the publicwho all depend on electricity topower their lives.

Electricity is there when we need it – to light up our homes and farms, to power our hospitals and schools, to energize ourbusinesses and our entertainment.

Powering Albertans

Writing/Editing Nancy Janes CommunicationsDesign S. Phillips & Associates Inc.Project Management Joan MossPhotography Horizon Photoworks, Brian HarderPrinting Sundog Printing Ltd.

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7:30pm3:00pmAt the AESO it’s our job to make sure that Albertanscan continue to depend on electricity to be there whenthey need it. Looking ahead and developing long-term plansto make sure that we can continue to depend on electricityto power our lives, is a job the AESO takes care of on behalfof all Albertans.

With the flick of a switch we power our entertainment,education and recreation. Albertans can depend onreliable power every day because our system controllersare constantly balancing the supply of electricity with thedemand for power minute-by-minute every day.

Power: our silent partner in every day living. We take electricityfor granted and yet we need it for nearly everything we do and use.

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4Message fromthe Chairman

6Message fromthe CEO

9Year in Review

21AlbertaWholesaleMarket Statistics


42Board Members

44Executive Team

47Management’sDiscussion and Analysis

58FinancialStatements and Notes

Table of Contents


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Our Vision

The AESO is seen as a key contributor to the development of Alberta and the quality of life for Albertans, through our leadership role in the facilitation of fair, efficient and openly competitive electricity markets and the reliableoperation and development of the Alberta Interconnected Electric System.

We are responsible for . . .Electric System Operations – directing the safe, reliable and

economic operation of the interconnected electric system.

Electric System Development – assessing the current and future

needs of market participants and planning the capability of the

transmission system to meet those needs.

Electric System Interconnections – providing transmission

system access to the provincial grid.

Market Development and Operations – ensuring Alberta’s whole-

sale electricity market is fair, efficient and openly competitive.

What we do . . .Our job is to ensure all Albertans receive safe, economic and reliable power today and in the future.

How we do it . . .Innovation – finding a possibility where one might not be readily

apparent, or inventing a new approach when we’re working on a

customer project that has never been done before.

Collaboration – drawing on the power of synergy and diversity;

developing win-win ways with customers and stakeholders using the

input and ideas from all interested parties to find ways to unleash

new potential.

Integrity – sharing a common bond to do the right thing and to do

things right.

Leadership – taking steps within our mandate to make things

happen; finding new ways to do things and identifying opportunities to

make things better.

Quality – assurance that our plans, processes and procedures are

accurate, workable and appropriate for their intended purpose.

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Harry HobbsChairman


Looking back on the past year, I would be remiss not to underscorethe amount of activity faced by the electricity industry and the AESO.Alberta continues to operate at a frenetic pace. The evolution of themarketplace has been extensive as fundamental government policyinitiatives move to the implementation stage. This has meant asignificant effort required by the executive management and team ofemployees at the AESO. The stretched transmission systemcontinues to present complex operational and planning challenges.Human resource issues remain high on everyone’s list of priorities.

In 2007/08, there was a desire at the AESO to alter the face of theorganization to take a more active role in communication with thepublic and introduce significant improvements in the way we conductour business. By year end, substantial progress had been made toachieve these objectives.

In late 2007, the implementation of the so-called “Quick Hits”package of market rules were published after overcoming some IT challenges. The Market Roadmap was also distributed to marketparticipants and an extensive review process is underway. The lastyear has also seen a dramatic change in our drive to become acustomer focused organization which sets objectives in concert withcustomers and then delivers timely results. Recent changes madeby the customer team will facilitate this service improvement.

The second annual budget review saw the approval of a two-yearbudget and related business priorities. The budget review process isan initiative to work collaboratively with stakeholders to arrive at a fairand reasonable budget that accounts for the views of interestedparticipants. It is a comprehensive, transparent process, the resultsof which are extensively detailed on our website. The success of thisinitiative was demonstrated the first time it was conducted and, todate, there is no reason to believe this year will be any different. To reach consensus among such a diverse group is a testament tothe work of AESO personnel and our stakeholders to expend theeffort to work through multiple iterations to achieve consensus.

In 2007, one of the significant accomplishments of the AESO wasthe removal of the temporary threshold on wind generation in theprovince. This initiative was accomplished in collaboration with windgenerators and will result in a market operating framework tocontinue Alberta’s leading role in fostering alternative energy sources.

In collaboration with windgenerators we’ve created amarket operating frameworkto continue Alberta’s leadingrole in fostering alternativeenergy sources.

Message fromthe Chairman

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Planning for the 500 kilovolt (kV) power line reinforcement betweenEdmonton and Calgary remains an imperative for the AESO and forAlbertans who seek to have a vibrant, reliable transmission systemand marketplace for electricity. We anticipate filing a new applicationonce we have met with interested parties, including residents andthe public, and have completed our analysis. It is important to stressthat the AESO will not make a decision on a corridor or technologicaloption until it has completed a comprehensive review of alternatives.That final decision will then be brought before the regulator forreview at a public hearing to determine the “need” for a transmissionreinforcement. Until that reinforcement is in place, the operationsteam at the AESO will continue to creatively manage the system toreduce the potential for disruptions. However, we must all recognizethat the longer we wait to reinforce the system increases our exposureto events that trigger service disruptions.

Last year we undertook, as a public interest organization, to extendour outreach to members of the public. I am pleased to report thatthe communications team has distributed two publications toAlbertans called “Powering Albertans”. You may have recently seenthe second of these pieces which was sent to 1.2 million householdsin Alberta to reach the full extent of the province. The publicationsseek to increase Albertans’ knowledge of the AESO, the participantsin the power industry, and how the industry works. We welcome yoursuggestions for future editions. Another component of our outreachprogram is our initiative to retain regional advisors in the various partsof the province to assist us with regional feedback, and to provideinput on issues to help in our business planning.

Alberta sits well positioned to move forward and lead the country inmany ways. There are issues, such as environmental initiatives, whichpromise to have significant impact on our business. We at the AESObelieve there is a need for electric industry participants to take theinitiative to define how electricity will form part of that future. TheAESO is embarking on a broad analysis of the need for transmissionfacilities in the province over the next 20 years, consistent with our20-year Transmission Outlook that we prepare every four years. Thisvision will seek to examine the breadth of issues related totransmission planning that will, at the end of the day, provide a 20-year blueprint of anticipated transmission to assist organizationsin their planning and investment decisions, and to let Albertans knowwhat is on the horizon. We look forward to engaging the electricitycommunity in this discussion and working with the Department ofEnergy to complement its initiative for a comprehensive energy plan.

The AESO Board and executive team recently commenced ourannual review of the strategic plan. This was an important event forus as four new Board members participated in the exercise for thefirst time. Hugh Fergusson, Robert McClinton, Walter Nieboer andMonica Sloan are all welcome additions to our Board. Thetransmission blueprint noted above is a cornerstone that will set ourtransmission direction for the years to come. We also seek to workwith stakeholders and the public, and to take a leadership role in thedevelopment of the industry to facilitate continued, sustainableprogress by the private sector that will benefit the public interest.

The AESO continues to conduct its activities in the public interest toachieve the largest benefit for Albertans as a whole. In the conductof our role, we look forward to our future working relationships withstakeholders, agencies, the Department of Energy and the public. Weexpect the strong collaborative efforts with the AESO will continue.

I would like to extend thanks from the Board to the team ofemployees at the AESO who continue to dedicate themselves tomaking a difference in Alberta’s power sector. From the leadershipshown by the executive throughout the organization, Albertansshould know that AESO personnel maintain a solid commitment togoing above and beyond to achieve our goal to advance theorganization’s objectives to the benefit of Albertans.

Finally, I would like to extend my personal thanks to all our Boardmembers for their support and dedication to the organization. It hasbeen my pleasure to work with you over this past year.

Harry HobbsChairmanBoard of Directors

April 2008

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Messagefrom the CEO

Dale McMasterPresident & CEO


By 2027, a total new supply of 11,500 MW could be required to meet the growing electricity demands of Albertans.


The past year has been one of many challenges for Alberta’selectricity industry. Due to the AESO’s central role in the industry,we see the effects of these challenges in all aspects of our corebusinesses: operating the interconnected electric system; planningthe timely development of the transmission system; providingtransmission system access to market participants; and, enabling theoperation and development of the competitive market for electricity.

These challenges will continue into the foreseeable future. One ofthe biggest challenges facing the electric industry and ourorganization has been to reliably meet the rising demand forelectricity driven by Alberta’s strong economic growth. With thisgrowth in demand comes increased requirements for new powersupply, transmission system reinforcements and access to thetransmission system for both generation and load customers. Wecurrently estimate that Alberta will require an additional 5,000megawatts (MW) of electricity supply by 2017. By 2027, a total newsupply of 11,500 MW could be required to meet the growingelectricity demands of Albertans. That represents a doubling oftoday’s existing power capacity in Alberta over the next 20 years.

Responding to the need for supply

We are pleased to see that the competitive market is once againresponding to the need for new supply. A number of significantgeneration developments were announced in 2007 and early 2008.These proposed developments represent a diverse mix of energysources including thermal technologies, wind power and hydroelectricgeneration development.

In addition to conventional power supply, the market is responding ininnovative ways, investigating and investing in a variety oftechnologies – some new to Alberta such as nuclear and some newto the industry such as integrated gasification combined cycle withcarbon capture. This innovation is being driven by the competitivemarket and growing demands for “green” generation options.

The transmission infrastructure in every region of the province mustbe strengthened to take this new supply to market, ensure reliabilityand facilitate the competitive market for electricity. This is especiallytrue for the backbone of the electric system; i.e. transmission lineslinking Fort McMurray, Edmonton and Calgary.

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Our 10-year Transmission System Plan, published in February 2007,identified an investment of about $5 billion in new transmissiondevelopment, including projects underway. This investment in newinfrastructure would result in an increase of about $7 per month to the transmission charge on the average residential power bill by the year 2016. In 2008, we plan to update both the 20-yearTransmission System Outlook and 10-year Transmission System Plan.

We continue to move forward on a number of significanttransmission reinforcements. Some projects are already in theprocess of being constructed, Need Identification Documents (NID)for other projects have been submitted to the Alberta UtilitiesCommission (AUC) and other projects are in various stages ofpreparation. Over the past year, we filed a total of 48 NIDs forsystem reinforcements and interconnections for customers anddistribution facility owners. We received 35 approvals during the year.We expect this high level of activity to continue in 2008.

That being said, our plans for electric system developmentexperienced a significant setback when the Alberta Energy andUtilities Board (EUB) rescinded its 2005 approval of the 500 kVreinforcement of the system backbone between Edmonton andCalgary. The timely reinforcement of this critical part of the provincialgrid is important to ensure reliability of the electric system, to enablethe competitive market for electricity, to restore the capability of theexisting intertie with B.C. and to improve system efficiency. Thissystem reinforcement is of the highest priority for our organization.We are currently in the process of evaluating the alternatives thatwill meet the need and will carry out a comprehensive consultationto help determine our recommendation to the AUC.

Improving public consultation

To support all of our transmission planning efforts it is essential thatwe have an effective public outreach and consultation process. In 2007,we implemented enhancements to our consultation as part of planningfor transmission reinforcement to support development of bitumenupgrading facilities in the Industrial Heartland region near Edmonton.

As part of our outreach and consultation for the Heartland project we published the “Powering Albertans” magazine to answer questionsabout the role of the AESO and provide an overview of how theelectric system works. We followed that with a second edition whichwas delivered to all Alberta households in March 2008. Futureeditions will seek to clarify the roles of the various organizations inthe power industry, describe the competitive market for electricityand explain the planning and development of the transmissionsystem in greater detail.

Enhancing customer service

To better respond to an unprecedented demand for interconnectionsto the transmission system, we created a new customer service teamto focus on the more complex industrial transmission systeminterconnections. During 2008, we will be reviewing ourinterconnection processes with industry colleagues and stakeholdersto ensure the requirements of our customers are met in a timely andcost-effective manner.

In 2007, a total of 87 applications for transmission service werereceived as compared to 66 in 2006. This 32 per cent increase wasdue to the large number of proposed wind power projects, as well asmajor interconnections associated with oilsands projects and heavyoil upgraders.

Addressing operational challenges through innovation

As our customer service team focuses on meeting customer needsfor a record number of interconnection requests, our operations staffare finding innovative ways to meet the operational challenges ofprovincial growth.

Until new transmission infrastructure is constructed and in service, theoperation of Alberta’s electric system is increasingly complex. This isespecially true of the Edmonton to Calgary reinforcement, as we willbe operating the system at or near limits more frequently and forlonger durations, which increases the level of risk to system reliability.

To meet this operational challenge we’ve developed innovative waysto extract more performance from a stretched transmission systemwhile maintaining system reliability. We enhanced the quality of ouroperating tools for system monitoring and our policies, proceduresand training for our system controllers.

It is essential that the tools and technology used to operate thesystem keep pace with the needs of the marketplace. Accordingly,we are investing $14 million to develop and implement a new EnergyManagement System (EMS). The new EMS will provide our expertteam of system controllers and operations planners with the toolsand technology needed to meet the evolving operational needs ofAlberta’s power system and marketplace.

Implementing market enhancements

It is imperative that investors have confidence in the market and theassociated price signals because we depend on the competitivemarket to provide adequate supply to meet the load requirementsof the province.

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As the market continues to mature, it will evolve to meet the needsof market participants. A significant step in that evolution wasachieved in the past year as we implemented a significant numberof market modifications outlined in the Government of Alberta’sElectricity Policy Framework. These enhancements are expected toincrease visibility of available supply, enhance merit order depth andstability, and improve price fidelity.

These complex changes were implemented on existing computersystems that were designed and built to facilitate a much simplermarket structure and their capacity to successfully implement furtherchange is limited.

Over the course of the next year we will create a comprehensivevision and development plan to improve or replace computer systemsrequired to operate the market to ensure that we can meet thedemands of the continuing evolution of the competitive market.

Market Roadmap provides clarity

As noted above, the competitive market will continue to evolve tomeet the needs of market participants. In 2007, we published a five-year market development plan referred to as the Market Roadmap,which provides stakeholders with context and timelines for a broadrange of future market design initiatives. It also provided theopportunity for stakeholders to submit feedback on these initiativesand their relative priorities.

In collaboration with stakeholders we worked on a number ofimportant market design initiatives in the Roadmap including long-term adequacy, congestion management and operating reservesmarket redesign. In 2008, we will continue work on these initiatives,implement a number of market elements required by the amendedTransmission Regulation and advance the design and implementationof the Government of Alberta’s market power mitigation framework.

To assist us in our role of enabling the competitive market, weestablished a Market Advisory Committee (MAC) of seniorrepresentatives from a broad spectrum of the marketplace.

Leadership in wind development

One of the great success stories of the competitive market in Albertais the tremendous growth of the wind power industry. Over thecourse of the past year we’ve built on our national leadership in termsof the volume of wind power connected to the grid, and we achievedother firsts for wind interconnection standards and forecasting ofwind patterns.

In close collaboration with wind generation developers, we removedthe temporary 900 MW threshold for wind power through thedevelopment of a market and operational framework. This frameworkwill, through market forces, facilitate the integration of as much windpower into the Alberta system as is feasible without compromisingsystem reliability or the fair, efficient and openly competitiveoperation of the market.

New regulatory oversight

In late 2007, the Government of Alberta passed legislation creatingthe AUC to carry out the regulatory oversight for the electricityindustry that was previously provided through the EUB.

The scope of the AUC was expanded to include some competitivemarket responsibilities including, but not limited to, the approval ofmarket rules which are proposed by the AESO.

We are looking forward to working collaboratively with thecommissioners, management and staff of this new entity to helpensure that the electric system and the competitive market continueto develop and operate in the public interest.

In closing, I would once again like to extend my sincere appreciationto all stakeholders, for their support and cooperation. I continue tobelieve that a consultative and collaborative approach results in abetter outcome to meet the reliability needs of Albertans and thebusiness needs of market participants.

I would also like to acknowledge our Board of Directors. Theiroversight and advice over the past year has been of great value.

Finally, I would like to extend my gratitude for the continued contributionand commitment of our employees – our most valuable asset.

As we face the many challenges ahead, we at the AESO remaincommitted to our core values of leadership, integrity, quality,innovation and collaboration. These values guide us in the delivery ofour mission to the benefit of all Albertans.

Dale McMasterPresident and Chief Executive Officer

April 2008

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Year in Review

“Leadership, integrity, quality, innovation,collaboration – these are the values thatguide our work to meet the power needsof Albertans.”

Our Year in Review section is a look back over the last 12 months toprovide stakeholders and other interested parties with information aboutour key accomplishments and the significant initiatives we’ve undertakenin 2007. In the following section we summarize our efforts to fulfil ourmandate and achieve strategic and operational objectives in each of ourcore business areas. Our business plan is available on our website and follow the path: Business Plan and Budget.

� Electric System Operations

� Electric System Development (Transmission)

� Electric System Interconnections

� Market Development and Operations

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Managing today’s operational challenges

Operating Alberta’s integrated electric system has become morecomplex today due to the following factors:

� there has been only one major transmission line constructed inthe past 20 years;

� considerable growth in load is placing increasing demands on thetransmission system;

� operation of a dynamic wholesale market with about 200 participants,and the ongoing evolution of electricity market rules;

� a substantial increase in the number and complexity of transmissionsystem access service requests and the need to integrate thesefacilities in a timely and reliable manner; and,

� implementation of a market and operational framework tointegrate a significant increase in wind power.

These challenges are being met in a number of ways, includingcontinued emphasis on outage coordination, operating tools, welldefined procedures, training for our system controllers and continuedemphasis on comprehensive analysis and follow-up after any systemdisturbance.

We have also continued with our program to review and consult with generating unit owners regarding voltage support requirementsand to verify the capabilities of generating units. The managementof system voltages is critical and affects system-wide performanceby supporting system reliability and power transfer levels.

We continue to investigate and implement innovative ways toincrease the transfer capability of the system while ensuring reliablepower for Albertans. One initiative currently under review is the useof dynamic thermal line ratings which will allow our system controllersto operate transmission lines closer to their actual physical limitations.This requires that we develop more sophisticated operating tools andprocedures for our system controllers.

In 2007, we completed the framework to provide comprehensive,forward-looking assessments of the reliability of Alberta’s electricsystem. These assessments include information about the adequacyof both power supply and the transmission system, and near-termplanned system upgrades.

We continue to investigate and implement innovative ways to increase the transfercapability of the system while ensuring reliable power for Albertans.

Electric System Operations

We are responsible for directing the safe, reliable and economic operation of the interconnected electric system.

Our objective is to ensure that the Alberta Interconnected Electric System (AIES) is operated in a reliable manner

in compliance with all applicable reliability standards. We accomplish this through developing and maintaining

an appropriate set of system operating limits and a comprehensive set of Operating Policies and Procedures (OPPs).

In addition, all of our system controllers participate in an extensive training program and are certified by the North

American Reliability Corporation (NERC).

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Wind power: an Alberta success story

Alberta has taken a leadership role in Canada in finding ways toaccommodate the integration of wind generation into the powersystem. At present, Alberta leads the nation with the greatest amountof wind power connected to the grid. There is also a substantialamount of new wind power in various stages of development.

Alberta was the first jurisdiction in Canada to develop windinterconnection standards and to conduct detailed studies onforecasting wind patterns. In November 2007, we began publishinga weekly wind power market and operational report on our website.To view the report visit our website at and follow thepath: Grid Operations > Wind Power > Wind Power Studies.

We’ve achieved our leadership position in large part due to thesuccess of our collaborative efforts with industry, and in particular,our executive steering committee with the Canadian Wind EnergyAssociation (CanWEA). It is imperative, both to system reliability andthe successful development of renewable resources in Alberta, thatthere is a common understanding of the impact of wind generationon power system operations, and that it is accommodated in an openand transparent manner.

The Market and Operational Framework for Wind Integration formsthe foundation for initiatives required to further refine and definerules, tools and OPPs needed to integrate as much wind power intothe Alberta system as is feasible without compromising systemreliability or the fair, efficient and openly-competitive operation of the market. The Framework replaces the 900 megawatt (MW)temporary threshold, which was removed in September 2007 – threemonths ahead of schedule.

The implementation of the Market and Operational Framework forWind Integration is progressing and the AIES is operating reliablywith 500 MW of wind power connected. We continue to work withindustry to develop wind power management procedures, powermanagement technical requirements, wind power forecasting,operator tools, and practices regarding ancillary services forecastingand procurement. As of February 2008, there was 9,300 MW ofwind power in the interconnection queue.

For additional information on the status of our initiatives and theMarket and Operational Framework for Wind Integration visit ourwebsite at and follow the path: Grid Operations >Wind Power.

Alberta leads the nation with the greatest amount of wind power connected to the grid.

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A made-in-Alberta approach for reliability standards

The NERC is leading a major initiative in the U.S. to implement mandatoryreliability standards in the electricity industry. Currently there are 120standards in various stages of development and implementation.Alberta’s system is connected to the U.S. Pacific Northwest via thetransmission intertie with B.C. and to the mid-continental U.S. marketthrough the intertie with Saskatchewan (Sask.). Although Alberta isnot directly obligated to comply with the NERC standards, weoperate Alberta’s system in the spirit and intent of these reliabilitystandards.

In 2007, we established the Alberta Reliability Committee (ARC), acollaborative effort with industry and the Alberta Utilities Commission(AUC) to ensure the standards are appropriate for Alberta and thatthe responsibilities are clearly defined. We have also formed workinggroups with generation and transmission facility owners andoperators to ensure that reliability standards adopted are consistentwith the intent of the NERC standards, while recognizing anystructural and operational differences in Alberta. Implementation ofnew standards being done in collaboration with stakeholders, will bephased-in to allow time for all parties to understand the intent of thestandards, develop the tools and processes required to fullyimplement the standards, verify data and ensure compliance.

New policies ensure high standards

Our OPPs are a critical component of how we ensure safe, reliable andeconomic operation of Alberta’s electric system. In 2007, weimplemented 48 OPP revisions to address system reliability, systemchanges, market services initiatives, commercial/contract changes,system limit changes and general updating. To view our OPPs visit ourwebsite at and follow the path: Rules and Procedures> ISO Rules > Current Operating Policies and Procedures.

The AESO will undergo a NERC Reliability Readiness Assessmentin 2008. In preparation for the NERC assessment, we arranged foran independent evaluation of our practices which provided a positiveendorsement of our system coordination centre (SCC) facilities, ourtraining and electric system restoration programs and our policiesand procedures. The evaluation also identified some minor areas for improvement, which we are addressing before the ReliabilityReadiness Assessment in June 2008.

We continue to move forward on a number of significant transmission reinforcementsrequired to meet the growing demand for reliable electricity in Alberta. Photo courtesy of AltaLink Management Ltd.

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New technology to meet tomorrow’s needs

The Energy Management System (EMS) is the ‘engine’ of our SCC.It enables our system controllers to perform real-time activities suchas balancing supply and demand, monitoring the status of theprovincial electric system and performing reliability assessments 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

The current EMS has served us well over the past 10 years, duringwhich time we’ve improved the technology to keep pace with ourrequirements to manage the power system and facilitate Alberta’swholesale electricity market. In 2008 and 2009, we are investing$14 million to develop and implement a new EMS. The new EMS willprovide our system controllers with the necessary tools andtechnology to meet the evolving needs of Alberta’s power systemand market which continues to be more diverse and complex.

Robust system restoration plan

We have a robust plan to restore the Alberta system in the unlikelyevent of a serious system disturbance or outage. To maintain ourcoordination channels and keep our plan current, we lead two drills a year with almost 200 industry participants who practice their part of the plan. Participants in our drills this year included our system controllers, transmission facility operators, generationfacility operators, electric distribution system operators, as well asoperations staff from British Columbia Transmission Corporation(BCTC), Saskatchewan Power Corporation and the Pacific NorthwestSecurity Coordinator. After the drills were completed, we identifiedareas for improvements and updated the provincial restoration plans.These improvements were reviewed and endorsed by stakeholders,who are also members of our Transmission Operating Committee.

The new Energy Management System will provide the tools and technology to meet the evolving needs of the power system and market.

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Electric System Development

We are responsible for assessing the current and future needs of market participants and planning the capability of the

transmission system to meet those needs. Credible and cost-effective system planning is a process which proactively

identifies, plans, achieves approvals, and initiates implementation of required system reinforcements. This ensures that

transmission facilities are in place to maintain reliable and economic transmission system operation and the facilitation

of competitive electricity markets.

Electric System Interconnections

We are responsible for providing customers with transmission system access service to the Alberta power grid. Through

effective planning and design of transmission facilities, our goal is to deliver a high quality interconnection service in an

efficient and timely manner that meets both the customer’s needs and the requirements of the interconnected provincial

transmission system.

Managing today’s growth challenges

When an economy is growing at the pace of Alberta’s, the need forpower grows right along with it. During the last five years, load has increased at a rate equivalent to adding two cities the size of RedDeer (population of about 86,000) to Alberta’s power system each year.

To meet these growing needs, our most recent 10-year TransmissionSystem Plan, published in February 2007 identified an investment of about $5 billion in projects underway and proposed newtransmission development. If all the potential concepts examined inthe plan are required and built, this total investment in criticalinfrastructure would result in less than a $7 transmission charge ona residential customer’s monthly power bill. You can find our 10-yearTransmission Plan and 20-year Outlook and the brochure “Planningfor Alberta’s power future” on our website at andfollow the path: Transmission > Planning > Long-term planning.

In the fall of 2007, we started consultation to update our long-termtransmission system plans for Alberta. To meet anticipated loadgrowth, about 5,000 MW of new power supply could be needed by2017. By 2027, a total new supply of 11,500 MW could be requiredto meet the growing electricity demand of Albertans. This representsa doubling of Alberta’s current power generation capacity in the next20 years.

The demands placed on the transmission system continue to grow ata rapid pace, and required reinforcements are critical to meeting thosedemands. The transmission infrastructure must be strengthened tofacilitate the competitive market for electricity and to ensure systemreliability.

Major system reinforcements moving ahead

In 2007, we filed 48 Need Identification Documents (NIDs), whichseek regulatory approval to reinforce the system. These includednine major system projects and other interconnections for customersand distribution facility owners. During the year, we receivedregulatory approval on 35 NIDs.

In 2008, we expect to file NIDs for between 10 and 15 significant system reinforcements. Our key priorities in 2008 are to file NIDs forreinforcement into the Fort McMurray area, for significanttransmission reinforcement between Edmonton and Calgary, andsystem development throughout southern Alberta to facilitate theintegration of wind power. In 2009, we expect to file a NID for a majorsystem reinforcement into the Industrial Heartland region. This regioncomprises portions of Strathcona, Sturgeon and Lamont Counties.These municipalities, together with the City of Fort Saskatchewan,have formed an association to coordinate development and planningof infrastructure in the area. During 2008, we will be filing NIDs forthe interconnection of industrial projects in the area.

In the city of Edmonton, we expect EPCOR Utilities Inc. will completeconstruction of a reinforcement involving the installation of about 10 kilometres (km) of 240 kV underground transmission line intodowntown Edmonton. The line is expected to be in service beforeyear end 2008.

In northwestern Alberta, we are on schedule to meet the April 2010 in-service date for the Brintnell/Wesley Creek and Wesley Creek/Hotchkiss facilities. We received approval for the NID for this


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transmission development, which includes more than 700 km oftransmission line, after extensive industry consultation and without theneed for a regulatory hearing. ATCO Electric also received regulatoryapproval to build the facilities without the need for a hearing.

In northeastern Alberta, we are advancing our technical analysis and consultation to reinforce transmission from Ellerslie into FortMcMurray. We expect to file a NID for this transmission reinforcementin 2008 after consultation is completed.

In southwestern Alberta, AltaLink Management Ltd. filed its facilitiesapplication for transmission development in August 2007. In lateMarch 2008, the AUC commenced the regulatory process for thisapplication. We received regulatory approval for the NID regardingthis transmission development in 2005.

In November 2007, we filed a NID for the first phase of transmissionreinforcement in southeastern Alberta to ensure reliability of supplyand to restore the capability of the Sask. intertie. The second phase,which will substantially increase the capability of the system toaccommodate upwards of 3,000 MW of wind development, will becombined with related work in the southwest region. We expect tofile a NID in 2008 after public consultation.

Public outreach and consultation programs enhanced

We made a number of significant enhancements to our consultationprocess, principles and practices in 2007. Our objective is to engagestakeholders, including residents, early in the process to gather input,answer questions and support meaningful consultation opportunitiesamong all interested parties.

Early in the year, we invited the transmission facility owners involved inthe Industrial Heartland transmission development to work collaborativelywith us to develop a consultation approach for that project. We usedthe same consultative approach to engage the public regardingtransmission development planning for the southern part of Alberta.

Through open houses, advertisements, industry meetings, grouppresentations, publications and discussions on these two projects wehave been in contact with about 500 public stakeholders. We asked open house participants to rate the amount and quality of information they received and their overall experience. In the south area consultation, 94.7 per cent of respondents said they were satisfied, and in the Heartland area consultation we had 87 and81 per cent satisfaction ratings in two surveys. These results indicatethat not only are our consultation processes satisfying requirementsset out in the AUC rules, they are also satisfactory to a number ofpublic stakeholders. At the same time, we strive to continuouslyimprove our consultation processes and practices.

We continue to investigate and implement innovative ways to meet the operational challenges of unprecedented provincial growth.

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Improving customer service for system access

In November 2007, we announced a new team to focus on ensuringthat the customers’ needs and interests remain in the forefront asinterconnection projects move through the planning, engineering andregulatory approval processes.

We received an unprecedented number of system access requestsfrom customers in 2007 and this trend is expected to continue.During the year, we managed a total of 200 customer-relatedinterconnection projects in addition to 43 system projects. We received87 applications, a 32 per cent increase over the 66 applicationsreceived the prior year. This increase was heavily influenced by thesignificant volume of system access requests from wind powerdevelopers, as well as a number of system access requests for otherforms of generation. We also received applications for load additionsassociated with oilsands and upgrader facilities, which are morecomplex and of a larger scale than typical interconnection requestswe’ve received in the past.

Working with industry, the AESO has developed a regional plan forthe oilsands area north of Fort McMurray. This plan will integratesystem reinforcements in the area with system access interconnectionsto serve customers.

The large number of system access requests for wind generation insouthern Alberta required an innovative approach to providinginterconnection proposals. We developed an integrated plan forthese interconnection proposals, which was reviewed with winddevelopers and is being implemented in 2008.

Advancing discussions on Alberta’s intertie capacity

With only two transmission interconnections with neighbouringjurisdictions providing limited export and import capacity, the AIES isone of the least interconnected jurisdictions in Canada. The marketmay be unable to clear surplus energy (off-peak), or to access morecompetitively priced supplies (on-peak), which adversely impactssurplus and scarcity pricing and increases the on/off peak spreadand price volatility. The absence of sufficient intertie capacity mayalso impact reliability because imported power can serve as aneffective buffer against supply shortfalls and wind variability.

In 2007, we continued work with BCTC to explore the benefits and costs of additional intertie capacity between Alberta and B.C.We expect consultation on the preliminary results to take place in2008. Further analysis will be undertaken after the consultation has occurred.

We are also working with companies that are proposing merchanttransmission lines to connect Alberta to external jurisdictions. We makesure these projects are safely and reliably connected with Alberta’sexisting transmission system, and we identify any direct benefits thatcould be delivered to Alberta as a result of these interconnections.

Montana Alberta Tie Ltd. has received conditional regulatoryapproval for a proposed line from southern Alberta to Montana, whileTransCanada is proposing the NorthernLights project, a plannedtransmission line that will run from northern Alberta to northernOregon in the U.S. Should these lines be built, the project developerswill be responsible for project construction costs. The developers willlook to recover their costs from those who will make use of the linesto transport power into or out of Alberta.

Why is the Edmonton to Calgarytransmission reinforcement so important?As our population and the economy continue to grow, we’reputting more and more pressure on the transmission lineswe have in place. In the last 20 years, there’s been only onemajor line and some regional facilities built, but the systembackbone between Edmonton and Calgary has not beenreinforced. That’s important to Albertans because there area number of large power plants located around Edmontonand in northern Alberta, which provide nearly three quartersof all the energy used in Alberta. These power plants havelow operating costs and Albertans depend on the electricitysupplied by these plants to meet the normal everydaydemand for power across the province. Some of thesepower plants are being upgraded and new ones are beingplanned. Even though new plants might also be built in otherareas of the province, this supply will continue to beimportant in meeting Alberta’s hourly power needs. It’scritical to be able to move this electricity from where it’sproduced to other areas of Alberta to help meet the growingdemand for power and to facilitate the competitive market.A priority in 2008 and 2009 is to obtain approval for andfacilitate the construction of the transmission reinforcementbetween Edmonton and Calgary.

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Advancing market policyOver the past few years the DOE has introduced several policyinitiatives including the Electric Utilities Act (EUA) Section 6review, Alberta’s Electricity Policy Framework (released in June2005) and the revised Transmission Regulation (2007). Theseinitiatives together with other major industry developments, suchas wind energy integration result in required changes to existing market rules and the development of new rules that directly affect market participants. These changes alsointroduce additional complexity for system controllers who mustkeep pace with changes to market rules while operating asystem that is stretched more frequently and for longerdurations than ever before.

In early 2008, the AUC was established to replace theAlberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB) as the regulatorfor the electricity industry. The AESO will continue to develop,consult on and implement market rules; however, under newlegislation, the AUC will now approve market rules.

Market Development and Operations

We are responsible for facilitating the development and operation of the competitive wholesale market for electricity,

including financial settlement. We ensure Alberta’s competitive electricity market continues to operate in the best way

possible (fair, open, competitive and efficient with a trusted index) and demonstrate that reliability is not compromised

while sustaining a predictable market structure that adds long-term value.

Stabilizing the market and regulatory frameworks

Our leadership to facilitate and maintain a framework that instilsconfidence in Alberta’s market is imperative. Market participantsmust be confident that they have a fair opportunity to compete andearn a reasonable return on their invested capital. If participants donot believe that either the market or access to the transmissionsystem is fair, they may decide to limit their investment or move it toanother marketplace. If Alberta is to ensure adequate generationsupply for the future, we must instil investor confidence and providestability in all aspects of the market and regulatory frameworks.

The Department of Energy (DOE) has released a number of policieswhich have resulted in changes to the market and regulatorystructure in the last few years. We have been working with the DOEand market participants to implement the required changes in acollaborative and transparent manner that balances the rights andobligations of all market participants.

Due to our comprehensive consultation process, market initiativesare often multi-year efforts. In 2008 and 2009, we plan to advancethe various amendments to the energy and ancillary servicesmarkets outlined in our first edition of the Five-year Market Roadmappublished in August 2007.

The first edition received positive feedback from stakeholders. TheRoadmap is intended to provide context for a broad range of marketdesign initiatives and reinforce the current market structure goingforward. An updated Market Roadmap will be developed in the firsthalf of 2008 for stakeholder review.

We aim to complete the implementation of changes arising from therevised Transmission Regulation and to seek ways to enhance thevalue of Alberta’s existing transmission interties, while supportingthe resolution of the policy questions related to the construction ofadditional intertie capacity. In the following sections, we outline thesignificant activities completed and initiated in 2007.

System controllers must keep pace with changes to market rules while operating asystem that is stretched.

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Implementation of Alberta’s Electricity Policy Framework

On June 6, 2005 the DOE released a policy documenting theirrefinements to the framework for the Alberta wholesale electricitymarket. The policy amendments focused on addressing short-termand long-term adequacy of supply and other inter-related wholesalemarket issues. Through industry consultation, specific initiatives wereidentified as having an immediate effect on the visibility of availablesupply and the fidelity and credibility of the pool price signal.

In December 2007, we successfully implemented the first phase ofinitiatives to address the policy amendments. This project wasoriginally scheduled for implementation in May 2007, but themagnitude and complexity of implementing the new rules made itnecessary to significantly strengthen aspects of our IT systems. Thisincluded several changes affecting the wholesale electricity market’sEnergy Trading System (ETS) and the SCC dispatch tool. In additionto the IT upgrades, new market rules including the Dispatch DownService (DDS) were implemented in December. These ruleenhancements are intended to provide stability to the merit order,payments to suppliers on the margin and reconstitute the pool pricefor transmission must-run (TMR). In advance of our six-month reviewin June 2008, preliminary results indicate the merit order is betterpopulated and more stable, and price fidelity, particularly pool pricereconstitution through DDS, has improved.

Transmission Regulation initiatives on track

The amended Transmission Regulation (2007) expanded the scopeof our out-of-market rule making requirements to include generatoroutage coordination, reliability unit commitment, ancillary servicesdirectives and a load curtailment priority plan. We are moving aheadto implement these initiatives in an integrated fashion.

In 2007, we issued a congestion management recommendationpaper and held two stakeholder sessions to gather comments andprovided a preview of the recommendations on outage coordination,reliability unit commitment, ancillary services directives and the loadcurtailment priority plan.

We published a Transmission Regulation recommendation paper forstakeholder comment in December 2007. The paper addressesAESO’s recommendations pertaining to:

� directions it may give to the owner of a generating unit that is notoperating or scheduled to operate for any reason, including as aresult of a planned or forced outage, when it is required for reliablesystem operation; and,

� implementation of a load curtailment priority plan which, in the eventof a generation supply shortfall or transmission issue, will provide forthe interruption of service to customers in a priority ranking.

We gathered additional input and guidance from our newly-established Market Advisory Committee in January 2008. We areon schedule to develop rules to meet the April 2008 timeline.

For additional information, or to view any of the discussion papers orconsultation visit our website at and follow the path:Market > Market Policy Implementation.

Approved AESO tariff provides stability and clarityFollowing a process that spanned the better part of two years,we received a decision from the AUC on our 2007 generaltariff application. Overall, the decision provides stability andincreased clarity with respect to rates and terms andconditions for transmission system access service. For thefirst time in the AESO’s history, the regulator approved theforecast revenue requirement relying on the rigour of our2007 Budget Review Process with stakeholders and approvalof the AESO Board.

ATCO Electric contractors install the top section of a 240-kilovolt, double-circuit steellattice transmission tower. Photo courtesy of ATCO Electric.

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Settlement of Article 11 achieved

We reached a negotiated settlement with stakeholders on the matterof TMR compensation (referred to as Article 11), which was acontroversial and unresolved issue in the industry for many years. Thesettlement constitutes a significant accomplishment by all stakeholdersinvolved and demonstrates the ability of participants with divergentinterests to work collaboratively to resolve a variety of issues. Thesettlement was approved by the AUC.

AESO establishes new Market Advisory Committee

We have established a standing Market Advisory Committee. The primarypurpose of this new committee is to augment the capability of theAESO’s internal resources and to support effective consultation byobtaining stakeholder input and advice on wholesale market andtariff related matters including, but not limited to, the AESO’s:

� Market Services planning and priorities (Market Roadmap);

� interpretation of approved and proposed government policy;

� policy implementation recommendations, alternatives and impacts;and,

� input on future government policy direction and amendments.

Market performance metrics enhanced

During 2007, we provided the following market performance metrics:the first edition of the quarterly long-term adequacy metrics includingnew generation status and retirements, reserve margin, supply cushion and two-year probability of supply adequacy shortfall; andimplementation of a new seven-day, short-term supply adequacy report.

We are also developing the following metrics:

� preliminary market performance metrics to be used for the six-month review of the quick hit rules including merit order stabilityand price impacts related to TMR price reconstitution;

� new metrics to monitor the supply cushion, wind capacity utilization,transmission congestion and other price fidelity metrics; and,

� the hourly offer control test prototype, which is an integral part ofthe overall market power mitigation framework being advancedby the DOE.

In addition, we report numerous market metrics that provide insightinto the general performance of the Alberta market through theAESO’s Annual Report.

We have developed a comprehensive plan to expand and modifymarket metrics and to introduce a systematic process to track, store and deliver information. Our plan also includes a process toidentify and investigate market and/or price anomalies. The majorcomponents of the plan include modification or development ofmetrics for price fidelity, market stability, market power, supplyadequacy and transmission adequacy. As new metrics are developedand tested, we will determine whether, or how, to improve visibilityand thereby enhance fidelity of the price signal.

Operating reserve market improvements

Our key objective with the operating reserve market improvementsis to align the operating reserve market with the energy market soparticipants can optimize their offers across assets for energy andoperating reserve products on a similar timeline. It is expected thatconvergence between the markets will improve efficiency, providefor greater opportunity to optimize assets across energy and reserveproducts, reduce errors associated with forecast and remove theAESO as the single buyer. Additionally, we are proposing changes tooperating reserve products and settlement to address issues relatedto price signals in the market.

We published two discussion papers on the operating reserve marketdesign initiative in the fourth quarter of 2007. The consultationprocess will be advanced in 2008 through a stakeholder workinggroup. This is a multi-year initiative with consultation likely tocontinue throughout 2008 followed by design and implementationin 2009 and 2010.

We have a comprehensive plan to modify and expand the market performance metricsavailable to the marketplace.

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Budget review process: accountability and transparency

Confidence in the marketplace is partly a function of how stakeholders perceive the AESO in the performance of its

duties and responsibilities. In terms of financial accountability and transparency, we have continued to enhance our

consultative stakeholder process related to our corporate strategy and business plan, referred to as the Budget Review

Process (BRP). The process provides for a first level of prudence review and input. Our approach involves presenting

the AESO’s strategic objectives and outlining key business priorities and related financial budgets.

The BRP is in alignment with the amended Transmission Regulationissued in April 2007. The regulation authorizes the AESO Board toapprove its own costs (general and administrative, capital and otherindustry costs), line loss costs and ancillary services costs. As part ofthe approval process the AESO must engage with and consult withstakeholders. The BRP replaces the historical EUB approval process.

We also developed a prioritization process where AESO projects arecategorized on the basis of priority. A project is deemed to be apriority based on a comprehensive evaluation process. As theAESO’s list of projects change, the list of priority projects is reviewedto determine which projects will be added, continued or deferred.

During the 2007 process, we provided stakeholders with businesspriorities and budgets for 2008 and 2009 for comment. As part ofthe BRP in 2006, stakeholders advised the AESO that they sawmerit in a multi-year budget that contained an accountabilityframework.

The primary benefits from using a multi-year review and budgetprocess include:

� enables cost stabilization, certainty and clarity for stakeholders,for multiple years;

� provides visibility of our business priorities over a longer period oftime; and,

� achieves process efficiencies, for both stakeholders and the AESO,by reducing the annual budget review and approval time requirements.The AESO will continue to provide transparent and timely financialreporting to ensure success of the process.

In the unlikely event that an unreasonable expenditure occurs, weintroduced a cost accountability framework. The purpose of theframework is to provide guidance to our Board, management andemployees that we are prudently conducting our activities andexpenditures.

The BRP continued to be a fully transparent process with writtendocumentation and stakeholder comments posted on our websitefor stakeholders to view and make further comment. We believe the process achieved the goal of working with stakeholders todevelop a comprehensive business planning document that providesa common understanding of expected deliverables in 2008 and2009. We will continue to work with stakeholders to enhance thecurrent process.

To view our most recent business plan, visit our website at www.aeso.caand follow the path: About AESO > Our Business > Business Planand Budget > 2008 & 2009 Business Priorities and Budget.

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Alberta Wholesale Market Statistics

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2007 marks continued growthThe Alberta wholesale electricity market saw continued growth in 2007; both power consumption andinstalled generation capacity increased during the year. The integration of wind power in Alberta’selectricity market grew 37 per cent and supplied approximately 2.1 per cent of the total energyconsumed in Alberta. Trade with other jurisdictions by means of the B.C. and Saskatchewan (Sask.).interties saw over 5,000 hours when the hourly intertie utilization was above 80 per cent, upapproximately 55 per cent over the previous year. As the market continues to grow and meet the needsof Alberta, enhancements in how the market operates must be considered. Late in 2007, new marketrules were implemented to address the Alberta Department of Energy’s Electricity Policy Frameworkrefinements issued in June 2005. A review of these new rules will take place in 2008. With continuedgrowth in 2007, we expect to see increases in supply and demand, and further development of marketrules and policies in 2008.

Pool price down 17 per cent

Alberta’s competitive wholesale market electricity prices fluctuate based on supply and demandprinciples. During times of energy surplus, prices decrease, and during times of tight energy supply,prices increase. The wholesale electricity price, known as the pool price, ranges from $0 per megawatthour (MWh) to $1,000/MWh.

In 2007, the Alberta wholesale pool price averaged $66.95/MWh, decreasing 17 per cent from 2006.Lower monthly prices due to increased production from lower-cost generators in the last five months of2007 when compared to 2006, is the primary reason for the decrease in 2007 annual pool price. On-peak and off-peak pool price averaged $86.61/MWh and $41.86/MWh, respectively for the year.The monthly average pool price of $155.74/MWh in July made the largest contribution to the annualpool price. Hot weather in July pushed the demand for power to a new summer peak of 9,321megawatts (MW). The higher temperatures also reduced the ability of generators to produce at fullcapacity, since both coal-fired units, and natural gas-fired units perform less efficiently in hot weather.These factors created a tight supply/demand balance which caused July prices to settle well above theannual average.

Price summary statistics from 2000 to 2007

Pool price ($/MWh) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Average hourly pool price $ 133.22 $ 71.29 $ 43.93 $ 62.99 $ 54.59 $ 70.36 $ 80.79 $ 66.95Off-peak average pool price $ 72.52 $ 53.14 $ 28.47 $ 46.97 $ 41.88 $ 49.28 $ 50.15 $ 41.86On-peak average pool price $ 181.08 $ 85.51 $ 56.04 $ 75.54 $ 64.53 $ 86.86 $ 104.97 $ 86.61Maximum hourly pool price $ 999.99 $ 879.20 $ 999.00 $ 999.99 $ 998.01 $ 999.99 $ 999.99 $ 999.99Minimum hourly pool price $ 5.84 $ 5.82 $ 0.01 $ 7.07 $ 0.00 $ 4.66 $ 5.42 $ 0.00

Note: On-peak hours refer to hour ending 08:00 through to hour ending 23:00, Monday to Saturday, excluding holidays. Off-peak hours refer to hour ending 01:00 through tohour ending 07:00, as well as hour ending 24:00, Monday to Saturday, all day Sunday and all day on North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) defined holidays.

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With the exception of the high July pool price, the year saw relatively stable monthly average prices,ranging from $48.37/MWh to $73.38/MWh. The month of May had the lowest monthly average poolprice of $48.37/MWh. Strong production from lower-priced, coal-fired and hydroelectric generationwere the main drivers for the low May prices. Average off-peak price for the month was $23.75/MWh,and on May 6 there were two hours when the price was $0/MWh. These zero dollar hours were causedby low demand, near full coal-fired generation production, moderate wind generation, and a minimalincentive to export due to low power prices in the Pacific Northwest.

Wind generation is non-dispatchable and thus offers into the market at zero dollars. As such, the poolprice tends to be lower when there is a significant amount of wind power production. In this respect, theincreased amount of wind generation on the Alberta Interconnected Electric System (AIES) in 2007 hashad a downward effect on wholesale pool prices in Alberta.

Small increase in overall energy consumption

In 2007, Alberta consumed over 69,660 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity. This represents a 0.42 per cent increase over 2006 energy consumption, which is the smallest growth in Alberta’s energyconsumption this decade. Industrial plant closures in Fort Saskatchewan, Edmonton and Bruderheim, andmaintenance activities at a Fort McMurray plant, were the main causes offsetting load growth in energyfor the year. Despite the industrial plant closures, Alberta had continued growth in residential demandand demand in the Fort McMurray region. This demand growth contributed to a new Alberta Internal Load(AIL) peak of 9,701 MW on December 3, 2007. Another record of 9,710 MW was set on January 28,2008. Electricity consumption in Alberta has grown by 29 per cent since 2000 with a year-over-yearaverage load growth of 3.2 per cent per year over the last five years.

Average hourly pool price from 2000 to 2007 with on/off peak averages ($/MWh)








0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

On/off peak averagesAverage pool price



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Load and seasonal supply/demand balance

Weather affect on seasonal load profileThe demand for electricity follows different profiles depending on the season. Major factors that impactthe load profile are the heating and cooling loads, and the lighting load. The winter demand profile hasa sharp increase in the morning, a flat load during the afternoon and a large increase in the early eveningbefore dropping off later in the evening. The summer profile has a steady increase in the morning untilmid-afternoon and a steady drop into the evening. Temperature has a large impact on both the summerpeak load and the winter peak load. During hot summer days and cold winter days, load can besubstantially higher.

Demand statistics from 2000 to 2007

Alberta internal load (AIL) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Total AIL (GWh) 54,053 54,464 59,428 62,714 65,260 66,267 69,371 69,661Average hourly load (MW) 6,154 6,217 6,784 7,159 7,429 7,565 7,919 7,952Maximum hourly load (MW) 7,785 7,934 8,570 8,786 9,236 9,580 9,661 9,701Minimum hourly load (MW) 4,999 5,030 5,309 5,658 6,017 6,104 6,351 6,440Year-over-year load growth – 0.76% 9.11% 5.53% 4.06% 1.54% 4.69% 0.42%Load factor 79.0% 78.4% 79.2% 81.5% 80.4% 79.0% 82.0% 82.0%

Hour ending




t hou


2007 summer and winter peak loads (AIL – MWh)













7400 1h 2 3

Winter peak9701 MW

Summer peak9321 MW

Ramp between 5:00 am and 8:00 am1100 MW

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24h

Summer peak load Winter peak load

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Effect of hot weather on summer load (AIL – MWh)






7000 1h 2 3

415 MW

On July 18, 2007, the average temperature in Calgary and Edmonton was 21.9°C and on July 25 the average temperature was 15.4°C. The average difference in load was 395 MW.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24h

AIL on July 18, 2007

AIL on July 25, 2007

Hour ending




t hou


Daily average temperature







July 18, 2007 July 25, 2007



Effect of cold weather on winter load (AIL – MWh)












7200 1h 2 3

450 MW

On December 1, 2007, the average temperature in Calgary and Edmonton was -21°C and on November 24 the average temperature was 1°C. The average difference in load was 471 MW.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24h

AIL on December 1, 2007

AIL on November 24, 2007

Hour ending




t hou


Daily average temperature








Nov. 24, 2007 Dec. 1, 2007



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Weather and maintenance affects supplyNot only is demand impacted by the season, but supply also has seasonal profiles. Coal-fired, hydroelectric,and wind generation have traditionally provided different volumes of energy depending on the season.The charts below show the average hourly production by fuel type, average temperature, and averageload. The analysis shows that in the summer of 2007, coal-fired generation produced less energy thanduring the winter months. This is due to a combination of factors including planned maintenance duringthe summer, decreased ability to generate due to the hot weather and daily load levels. Hydroelectricgeneration typically produces more electricity after winter and during spring run-off. Wind generation, likecoal-fired power, traditionally produces less power during the summer months. The reduction in lower-priced generation can result in increased prices during summer months, even though loads aresomewhat lower than in the winter.

2007 average hourly load by season














-10January April July October

Average temperatureAverage AIL




rly lo

ad (











2007 average hourly supply by fuel by season














-10January April July October

$60.75 $51.67 $155.73 $64.74




rly p



n (M










Average supply from windAverage supply from coalAverage temperatureAverage supply from hydro

Monthly avg. price

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Pool price reflective of fuel costs

The Alberta pool price is determined by the highest priced generator that is needed to meet the demandfor electricity. Generators submit hourly offers detailing the amount of energy that they will provide at acertain price to the AESO. An automated system at the AESO arranges all the hourly offers from thelowest price to the highest price. Starting at the lowest-priced offer, the AESO’s system controllersdispatch generating units until the demand requirement is satisfied. The price at which generators offertheir energy into the market changes as the cost of the generator’s fuel source changes. Natural gas isone of the primary fuel costs for generators in Alberta. Therefore, as the price of natural gas increaseswe expect the price of electricity to increase. The chart below shows the historic relationship betweenelectricity prices and natural gas prices, and the annual average market heat rate. In general, the marketheat rate is the relationship between electricity prices and fuel cost. Market heat rate is determined bydividing the pool price by the price of natural gas. The market heat rate in 2007 was lower than 2006,but higher than 2004 and 2005. This shows that even though 2007 pool prices were lower than in 2005,after factoring in natural gas prices, 2007 was more likely to be profitable for natural gas generators.

Pool price vs. natural gas price (30-day rolling average)

















Pool price Gas price


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2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007


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Market heat rate (30-day rolling average)






0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Annual market heat rate

(GJ/MWh) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Market heat rate 24.94 14.19 11.58 10.08 8.79 8.23 13.99 11.45

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The chart below shows the relationship between energy production by fuel type and electricity price in2007. Lower-priced electricity is from coal, wind and hydroelectric energy. When there is a significantvolume of production from these fuel types we expect electricity prices to be lower. In April and May2007 there was significantly more energy from lower-priced generators, which resulted in a pool price thatwas lower than the annual average pool price. During months where higher-priced natural gas generatorsare producing more energy, one would expect that electricity prices would be higher. This was apparentduring the month of July, when there were scheduled outages and forced derates of coal-fired units.

Per cent of market supplied by fuel type

















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h)Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

WindCoal Imports Hydro CogenOther Gas Price

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Alberta integrates more wind

Wind power is an important and growing part of the generation mix of the AIES. The AESO is collaboratingwith stakeholders to develop policies and standards to facilitate this growing source of energy. In 2007,the AESO worked collaboratively with stakeholders to develop the Market and Operational Frameworkfor Wind Integration, which replaced the temporary 900 MW wind generation threshold.

The following graph illustrates the growing capacity of wind power and the average amount of windgenerated on a monthly basis. Since 2000, the total transmission connected capacity for wind in Albertahas grown from approximately 20 MW to 497 MW, with 135 MW of additional wind capacity added in2007. There is now about enough wind capacity to power three cities the size of Red Deer (populationof about 86,000). In 2007, there was about 1,450 GWh of wind energy produced. This represents about2.4 per cent of the energy provided by the market, or about 2.1 per cent of the total energy consumedin Alberta.

The variable nature of wind power results in fluctuating levels of wind generation available to the market. The aggregate capacity factor for wind power facilities compares the total energy production over a period of time with the amount of power the plant would have produced if it had run at full capacityfor the same amount of time. Alberta wind power facilities have relatively high capacity factors, with an aggregate annual average of 39.5 per cent in 2007. The previous year’s annual capacity factor was 33.7 per cent. Part of the increase in the 2007 annual capacity factor over the prior year is the significant addition of wind power facilities late in the year when wind generation tends to be stronger.As the AESO adds more wind generation to the AIES, the AESO will continue to monitor wind powercharacteristics, the amount of wind energy produced, and wind capacity factors. Wind generationdemonstrates a strong seasonal pattern with capacity factors being higher in winter (November – April)than in summer (May – October).

Growth in wind capacity 2000 to 2007 (MW)












Total installed wind capacity

Monthly average wind generation

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

2007 total installed capacity = 497 MW




Seasonal wind capacity factor







Summer Winter

20012000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007





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The 2007 hourly wind capacity factor chart illustrates the percentage of hours when the wind capacityfactor was in certain ranges. While wind power frequently generated an hourly capacity factor of less than10 per cent, wind power facilities in Alberta generated an hourly capacity factor of more than 70 per centfor over one quarter of the year. This data indicates that although the wind power regime in Alberta mayproduce very little power at times, it also produces at very high capacity factors during some periods.

Wind generation is non-dispatchable and thus offers into the market at zero dollars. As such, the poolprice tends to be lower when there is a significant amount of wind power production. This is due to zerodollar wind generation displacing higher-priced generation. In other words, with demand constant, as windgeneration increases, supply and demand is kept in balance by dispatching down generation that isoffered to the energy market merit order. The 2007 wind vs. pool price chart illustrates wind generationin specified ranges and the corresponding average pool price. In periods with low wind generation, poolprice has been higher than the annual average. Conversely, during times of high wind generation, theaverage pool price has been below the average annual price.

2007 hourly wind capacity factor (% of hours)




























Hourly capacity factor Range of hourly wind generation

Wind vs. pool price (Average pool price for varying amounts of wind)










0 0-100MW 100-200MW 200-300MW 300-400MW 400-500MW




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Annual average pool price: $66.95

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Coal continues to provide a majority of Alberta’s energy

Coal-fired generation continues to provide the market with a majority of the required energy, accountingfor almost 74 per cent of the required market energy. This is down slightly from the previous year, whencoal-fired generation provided about 75 per cent of required market energy.

In 2007, we saw an increase in the amount of time that coal-fired units set the wholesale pool price. Theyset the price approximately 68 per cent of the time compared to 59 per cent of the time in 2006.Dedicated natural gas (gas-fired units that produce electricity only for profit) and natural gascogeneration units (gas-fired units that provide energy or steam for on-site industrial processes) setthe price for most of the remaining time. Hydroelectric units set prices only a small amount of the time,primarily during high price periods.

Price setter by fuel type (% of time setting price)











0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

CoalGas HydroCogenImports

Energy production by fuel type (% of energy production)









60 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

ImportsCoal WindGasHydro Cogen


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Over 500 MW of new supply expected in 2008

As a result of market signals indicating the need for new generation, 2007 saw an increasein overall generation capacity in the province. In total, over 250 MW of wind, natural gas,and coal generation was added to the system. This new capacity helps to serve thecontinuing growth in electricity demand with the latest technology. In the coming year,additional gas-fired peaking generation and industrial generation is expected to comeonline. The peaking generation will provide energy during times of tight supply/demandbalance while the industrial generation will provide power for the expected growth in variousindustries. Overall, this generation is expected to provide approximately 575 MW of capacity.New plants expected to come online in 2008 include Long Lake, Horizon Project, CloverBar #1 and #2, Shell Caroline, Valleyview and Christina Lake. With the exception of theShell Caroline plant, which is located in the central/south area, all these plants are locatedin the northern part of the province.

Transfer capability of interties improves in 2007

Alberta benefits from transmission interties with B.C. and Sask. These interties allowenergy to be imported during times of tight supply and exported during times of energy surplus,benefiting all connected jurisdictions. Typically, Alberta exports energy during the evening and importsenergy during the day. In 2007, Alberta continued to be a net importer of electricity with net imports ofabout 494,000 MWh. Export volumes increased in 2007 when compared to 2006 levels. This increasecan be attributed to higher transfer capability on the interties.

New additions by fuel







02007 Projected


Wind Gas Coal



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ity (


)Import and export statistics from 2000 to 2007

Intertie statistics (MWh) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Imports on B.C. intertie 564,238 232,052 895,753 898,717 1,073,471 1,070,848 1,101,207 927,108Imports on Sask. intertie 742,704 676,130 239,406 428,949 418,267 463,726 415,828 540,113

Total imports 1,306,942 908,182 1,135,159 1,327,666 1,491,738 1,534,574 1,517,035 1,467,221

Year-over-year growth – -30.51% 24.99% 16.96% 12.36% 2.87% -1.14% -3.28%

Exports on B.C. intertie 797,092 1,974,107 465,939 1,194,264 968,434 987,581 460,050 885,551Exports on Sask. intertie 27,166 63,388 105,337 32,903 92,940 50,493 29,415 87,666

Total exports 824,258 2,037,495 571,276 1,227,167 1,061,374 1,038,074 489,465 973,217

Year-over-year growth – 147.19% -71.96% 114.81% -13.51% -2.20% -52.85% 98.83%

Net yearly imports (exports) 482,684 (1,129,313) 563,883 100,499 430,364 496,500 1,027,570 494,004

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Intertie utilization on the rise

The Available Transfer Capability (ATC) is the amount of electricity that can flow on the interties. In 2007,the maximum import and export ATC values on the B.C. intertie were 675 MW and 735 MW, respectively.On the Sask. intertie the maximum import and export ATC levels were 153 MW and 60 MW, respectively.The chart below shows a historic analysis of the number of hours when the interties were at least 80 per cent utilized. Utilization is both the amount of hourly scheduled flows and the amount of reservesprovided by the interties, divided by the hourly ATC. In 2007, the frequency of highly utilized hours on bothinterties, for imports and exports, was higher than the previous year. The frequency that the intertie with B.C. has been highly utilized for imports has increased steadily from 379 hours in 2003 to 788 hoursin 2007.

Number of hours the interties are highly used(Highly used = 80% or greater utilization of the intertie ATC)







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B.C. importB.C. export Sask. export Sask. import

2004 2005 2006 2007

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Utilization of the interties is dependent on the time of day. This is especially true for the intertie with B.C.The following figure illustrates the flow of Alberta’s imports and exports during all hours of the day. Theaverage import utilization on the B.C. intertie closely follows the load shape in Alberta, ramping up duringthe morning hours and remaining low overnight when Alberta is exporting. Conversely, the averageexport utilization on the B.C. intertie follows an inverse relationship to Alberta’s load shape, with strongexport utilization in the evening and low utilization during peak load hours.

Average intertie utilization in 2007 by hour ending








0 1h 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24h

Average B.C. export utilization Average Sask. export utilizationAverage B.C. import utilization Average Sask. import utilization

% o


Hour ending

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Price drives trade between Alberta and Pacific Northwest market

The Alberta market is linked with other jurisdictions by way of its transmission interties with B.C. andSask. The largest connection is with the Pacific Northwest via the intertie with B.C. Using the Mid-Columbia (Mid-C) electricity price as the primary price signal in the Pacific Northwest, the chart belowshows the relationship between flows on the B.C. intertie and electricity prices in Alberta and the PacificNorthwest. The analysis only incorporates the flow of energy that occurs when the price differentialbetween Mid-C and the pool price is greater than $10/MWh, as it is unlikely that price differentialssmaller than this would cause energy flows. 2007 saw a continued strong relationship between intertieflows and the Alberta/Mid-C price differential. In particular, strong imports into Alberta occurred in Julywhen there was a large differential between the two jurisdictions. The months of January, February andNovember saw relatively large export flows. During this time there was a tight spread of prices betweenthe Pacific Northwest and Alberta.

Mid-C/pool price differential ($/MWh)













orts $50






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2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Jan Mar May July Sep Nov Jan Mar May July Sep Nov Jan Mar May July Sep Nov Jan Mar May July Sep Nov Jan Mar May July Sep Nov

Price differentialNet exports

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Little change in generation production by company

In 2007, there was little change in ownership and control of generation and little change in overall energyproduction by company. This is a significant shift from 2006 which saw major changes in the amount ofgeneration owned or controlled by firms. There continues to be five or six companies that supply mostof the electricity in Alberta.

More diversity in companies setting price

In 2007, there continued to be a single participant setting price proportionally more than otherparticipants; setting price over 40 per cent of the time. Overall in 2007, there was more diversity in whichcompanies set price versus 2006.

Energy production by company (% of energy production) (MWh)











0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Balancing Pool



Price setters by company (% of time setting price)











0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Balancing Pool



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Historic active operating reserves













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2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Spinning reservesRegulating reserves Supplemental reserves Pool price












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Prices for reserves related to pool price

The AESO procures operating reserves for the AIES to ensure ongoing reliability of the transmissionsystem. There are three types of operating reserves; regulating reserves, spinning reserves andsupplemental reserves, each of which has two products; active or standby. The reserves are bought fromeither the ancillary services exchange or through over-the-counter (OTC) contracts. The majority ofoperating reserve offer prices are indexed to the pool price.

Since 2003, there has been a positive correlation between pool price and the average price paid forregulating and spinning reserves. For supplemental reserves, this correlation in 2003 and 2004 does notexist as a result of the amount of supplemental reserves provided by hydro units. In August 2004, thecontract for offering hydro power purchase arrangement energy was amended, which subsequentlyresulted in higher costs for supplemental reserves.

Active operating reserves price statistics

Average price/MWh ($/MWh, rounded) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Pool price 63 55 70 81 67Active regulating reserves 33 19 29 35 34Active spinning reserves 24 13 22 30 30Active supplemental reserves 4 6 15 29 26

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Gas-fired units claim higher share of active supplemental reserves

Over the last five years, hydroelectric generators have consistently dominated as the main provider foractive regulating reserves. In 2007, over 60 per cent of regulating reserves were provided by hydroelectricgenerators, while approximately 20 per cent and 15 per cent were provided from gas-fired and coal-firedgenerators, respectively.

Active spinning reserves have been mainly provided from natural gas-fired and hydroelectric generators,and the B.C. intertie. The market share of active spinning reserves by fuel type has seen little changefrom 2003 to 2007.

There has been a substantial increase in the volume of active supplemental reserves provided by naturalgas-fired generators in the last five years. This has been offset by a significant reduction in activesupplemental reserves provided by hydroelectric generators due to the previously mentioned amendmentto the hydro power purchase arrangement. In 2003, natural gas-fired generators supplied only three percent of the required active supplemental reserve. This increased to approximately 45 per cent of therequired volumes in 2007.

GasHydro Coal GasIntertieHydro Coal

HydroLoad Coal*GasIntertie

Market share of activeregulating reserves by fuel (% of market)











0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Market share of activespinning reserves by fuel (% of market)











0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Market share of activesupplemental reserves by fuel (% of market)











0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

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*Coal is below 1% in all years.

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Governance is a philosophy, an approach and a process. Governance reflects the culture of an organization. The AESO

Board has developed its governance structure, practices and style, which are embedded within the organization’s vision,

mission, beliefs and values. Governance encompasses both internal and external business activities and relationships.

Fundamental to governance is the clarity it brings to decision making, accountability and the roles of the Board, executive,

management and employees. The structure of the AESO provides for a strong governance model. The AESO’s

governance model promotes best practices, ethical behaviours, accountability, and transparency to all stakeholders

(internal and external) in its business dealings.

Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

ResponsibilityThe AESO Board is responsible for overseeing the business andaffairs of the AESO. The AESO Board is actively involved withexecutive management in the strategic planning process anddiscusses and approves the strategic plan. On an ongoing basis, the AESO Board conducts financial oversight of all corporateoperations, including cost and risk management. How the AESOBoard conducts its affairs is contained in the AESO bylaws. A copyof the bylaws can be found on our website at andfollow the path: About AESO > Our Company.

IndependenceThe AESO is governed by the AESO Board. The AESO Board is made up of members appointed by Alberta’s Minister of Energy inaccordance with Section 8 of the Electric Utilities Act. Each Memberis independent of any person having a material interest in the Albertaelectric industry. In accordance with the bylaws, the AESO Board mustrecommend to the Energy Minister individuals to be appointed as anAESO Board Member and may recommend to the Minister anindividual to be designated as Chairman. There is a maximum of ninemembers on the AESO Board. The AESO Board and its committeeshave the authority to independently obtain and retain consultants orother advisors as deemed necessary to ensure an effective AESOBoard and/or committee.



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AESO Board MembersThe AESO Board Members have extensive knowledge andexperience in various industries, including energy, utilities, technologyand government, and various professions, including regulatory,engineering and accounting. The following are the names of thecurrent AESO Board Members:

AESO Board Current AESO Member AESO Board CommitteeBoard Members Since Position Members

Harry Hobbs 2004 Chairman Audit, HRCG*Bill Burch 2003 Vice-Chair Chair Audit, HRCG*Ron George 2003 Member HRCG*Nancy Laird 2003 Member Chair HRCG*Hugh Fergusson 2007** Member HRCG*Robert McClinton 2007** Member Audit

Walter Nieboer 2007** Member Audit

Monica Sloan 2007** Member Audit

* HRCG (Human Resources, Compensation and Governance Committee)** Appointed AESO Board member effective December 1, 2007

AESO Board Committees

The AESO Board has structured two standing committees that meeton a quarterly basis and each operates in accordance with its ownAESO Board approved charter.

Audit CommitteeThis committee provides consultation, advice and recommendationsto the AESO Board on financial reporting matters, the systems ofinternal controls, the systems for managing risk, the external auditprocess and the AESO’s process for monitoring compliance withlaws and regulations. In carrying out its mandate the AuditCommittee does so with a view to following best practices.

Human Resources, Compensation and Governance Committee (HRCG)This committee provides consultation, advice and recommendationsto the AESO Board with respect to human resources, compensationand corporate governance matters. This includes executivecompensation levels, Chief Executive Officer performance, officerselection, and human resources programs (including salary planningand incentive design), current human resources practices andmaintenance and enhancements to corporate governance practices.

Governance practices

The AESO looks to private, public and not-for-profit sectors ofindustry to ensure it is using best business practices in all of itsbusiness dealings. The following are pertinent governance practicesthe AESO Board utilizes to ensure sound corporate governanceexists within the AESO.

Code of ConductIt is a policy of the AESO that all employees annually review theAESO’s Code of Conduct and confirm compliance/non-compliancewith it and agree to abide by it. There are no exceptions to signingand abiding by the Code of Business Conduct. New employees arerequired to review and agree to abide by it on their first day ofemployment. The AESO Board (or members of the AESO) are also bound by the AESO Members Code of Conduct outlined in the bylaws.

Strategic planningThe AESO’s strategic plan provides organizational direction for thedevelopment of corporate, departmental and individual plans andgoals for current and future years and links the organization’s vision,objectives, strategies and initiatives to day-to-day operations. Thestrategic plan is reviewed and approved by the AESO Board. Thestrategic plan becomes the basis from which the annual businesspriorities and budgets for the AESO are established.

Performance managementThe AESO establishes goals to be achieved at the corporate level.The corporate goals are established annually by AESO executivebased on the business priorities set out in the strategic plan andbusiness plan. The AESO Board provides oversight in establishing,approving and setting of the goals as well as corporate milestonesand metrics.

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Performance reporting The AESO management updates the status of attaining corporategoals on a quarterly basis and reports to the AESO Board. Based onits review, management can determine which goals are on target tobe met and those which are at risk of not being achieved. For thosegoals that are at risk of not being met, strategies are developed oraltered in order to better achieve the desired goal.

Risk management The AESO is committed to proactively identifying potential risks andimplementing appropriate mitigation action plans. A number ofregular reports are provided to senior management and the AESOBoard Audit Committee, which detail identified risks, their status, andrelated mitigation strategies. The AESO prioritizes these risks andincorporates them into the annual goal-setting process to ensurethat they are mitigated to the fullest extent possible. Risk mitigationalso includes the development and implementation of appropriatecorporate policies, including various financial policies (i.e. travel policy,corporate expenses, etc.) and approval by the AESO Board. Thesepolicies are communicated to employees and are accessible byemployees at all times.

Internal controls Internal controls have been designed and implemented by AESOmanagement and are approved by the AESO Board and AuditCommittee providing reasonable assurance of achieving thefollowing objectives:

� effectiveness and efficiency of operations;

� reliability of financial reporting; and,

� compliance with laws and regulations.

External audits, reviews and procedures Operating audits, reviews and procedures are performed to ensurethe existence and effectiveness of internal controls as they relate tothe AESO’s operations and compliance with laws and regulations.This includes the annual financial statement audit performed by anindependent audit firm, and the ultimate review and approval of theaudited financial statements by the AESO Board.

AESO Executive

The AESO Board is responsible for appointing the Chief ExecutiveOfficer. The Chief Executive Officer shall appoint other officers as required. Such appointment requires the ratification of the AESO Board.

The AESO Board has structured the organization with an executiveteam who run the business and develop corporate practices,including governance practices, to meet best business practices. Thecurrent executive team is as follows:

Dale McMaster President & Chief Executive Officer

David Erickson Senior Vice-President & Chief Operating Officer

Todd Fior Vice-President, Finance

Warren Frost Vice-President, Operations & Reliability

Heidi Kirrmaier Vice-President, Regulatory

Neil Millar Vice-President, Transmission

Cliff Monar Vice-President, Market Services

Sandra Scott Vice-President, Information Technology

Wayne St. Amour Vice-President, Corporate Services

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Board Members

Standing, left to right

Ron George

Harry Hobbs

Bill Burch

Nancy Laird

Walter Nieboer

Seated, left to right

Hugh Fergusson

Monica Sloan

Robert McClinton



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Harry HobbsChairmanMember of the Audit Committee and the Human Resources, Compensation and Governance Committee

Mr. Hobbs was appointed Chairman of theBoard effective June 1, 2006. He has been amember of the AESO Board since May 2004.Mr. Hobbs is President of Harry Hobbs &Associates, an energy consulting firm inCalgary. He also serves as a director on theboards of Teague Exploration Inc., a private oil and gas company operating in WesternCanada as well as the Van Horne Institute, an organization dedicated to addressingtransportation and regulatory issues in North America. Mr. Hobbs spent 25 years with Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd., serving as anexecutive and officer of the company beforeretiring in 2003. He also has served as aBoard member of numerous organizations in the private and not-for-profit sectors.

Bill Burch, FCABoard Vice-Chair, Chair of the Audit Committee

Mr. Burch has been a member of the AESOBoard since 2003. He joined the Board of one of the AESO’s predecessor companies in 2001. Mr. Burch is a chartered accountantwith extensive background in the finance industry. Since retiring as a partner withPriceWaterhouseCoopers he has served as a Board member for several private andpublic companies and is actively involved as a volunteer in his community.

Ron GeorgeMember of the Human Resources, Compensation and Governance Committee

Dr. George (Ph.D.) has been a member of theAESO Board since 2003. He joined the Boardof one of the AESO’s predecessor companiesin 1999. He has more than 40 yearsexperience in the information technologybusiness and works as a consultant, teacher,entrepreneur and mentor. He was previouslyexecutive-in-residence at the University ofCalgary, Faculty of Management. Dr. Georgehas served on the Board of Regents atConcordia University College in Edmonton andon the Board of Directors for Lutheran Life inWaterloo and numerous high-tech companies.

Nancy LairdChair of the Human Resources, Compensation and Governance Committee

Ms. Laird has been a member of the Boardsince June 2003. Ms. Laird has held seniorexecutive positions in several major energycompanies and has a diverse background in managing energy trading and marketportfolios, investment banking and informationtechnology as well as futures trading. She is a Board member of United Way of Calgary and Hull Child and Family Services and aformer Board member of Canadian Oil SandsTrust, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology,Alliance Pipeline and ProGas.

Hugh Fergusson Member of the Human Resources, Compensation and Governance Committee

Mr. Fergusson has been a member of the Board since December 2007. He iscurrently president of Argyle Resources Inc.Mr. Fergusson has over 30 years experience inthe chemical, oil and gas industries, includingpast Board membership of Dow ChemicalCanada Inc., Union Carbide Canada Inc., theGas Processors Association of America andthe Petrochemical Feedstock Association ofthe Americas. He is a Director and CommitteeMember of Provident Energy Trust, CanexusIncome Fund and the Canadian EnergyResearch Institute. He has been admitted to the Law Society of Upper Canada andreceived the designation of ICD.D from the Institute of Corporate Directors.

Monica SloanMember of the Audit Committee

Ms. Sloan joined the Board in December 2007. She is Managing Director and CEO of Intervera Ltd., and has more than 30 yearsof experience in the utility, energy andtelecommunications industries in Alberta,including as President, Telus AdvancedCommunications. Ms. Sloan serves on anumber of public, private and not-for-profitBoards, including Methanex Corporation andIndustrial Alliance Pacific Financial Services.Past Board membership includes Echo BayMines, Ranger Oil, and Finning International, aswell as serving as past Chair of Calgary Opera.

Robert McClinton Member of the Audit Committee

Mr. McClinton was appointed to the Board inDecember 2007. He has held senior executivepositions in several energy companiesincluding Canadian Turbo Inc. and BMPEnergy Systems. Mr. McClinton serves as a director on the Boards of Critical ControlSolutions Inc. and CE Franklin Ltd. He alsoserves as Vice-Chair on the Board of the not-for-profit Calgary HandiBus Associationand as Chair of its Fund DevelopmentActivities Committee. He is a member of the Alberta and Canadian Institutes of Chartered Accountants and FinancialExecutives International.

Walter Nieboer Member of the Audit Committee

Mr. Nieboer joined the Board in December2007. He has consulted to the electric energyindustry on strategic options, planning, projectmanagement, organizational effectiveness, and has appeared as an expert witness beforevarious regulatory boards. His experience is drawn from more than 40 years in theelectrical utility business in Canada andbusiness pursuits internationally, throughoutEngland, Europe, U.S., Mexico, South Americaand New Zealand. Mr. Nieboer retired as Chief Operating Officer of TransAlta Energy Corporation in 1993. He served in various senior executive positions withTransAlta. Mr. Nieboer has served as amember of the Electricity Supply BoardInternational, (ESBI) Alberta Ltd. and asspecial Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Yukon Energy Corporation.

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Seated, left to right

Dale McMaster

David Erickson

Sandra Scott

Standing, left to right

Neil Millar

Heidi Kirrmaier

Cliff Monar

Warren Frost

Todd Fior

Wayne St. Amour

Executive Team



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Dale McMasterPresident & Chief Executive Officer

As President and Chief Executive Officer Mr. McMaster is responsible for the AESOeffectively carrying out its mandate to ensurethe safe, reliable and economic operation anddevelopment of the AIES and to operate theprovince’s fair, efficient and openly-competitivewholesale electricity market. An electricalengineer, Mr. McMaster has more than 30 years of experience in power systemsinvestment planning, operations, transmissionsystem maintenance and electric utilitymanagement in Canada as well as abroad.Since 2003, Mr. McMaster has served at theAESO in the capacities of Chief OperationsOfficer and executive Vice-President ofOperations & Reliability. Mr. McMaster wasappointed to his current role in July 2005.

David EricksonSenior Vice-President & Chief Operating Officer

Mr. Erickson is responsible for the AESO’sstrategic decision-making across all keyoperational areas. He has been active in the electricity industry for many years andserved as Chief Financial Officer for theformer Transmission Administrator of Alberta.His experience spans more than 20 years of international financial management andaccounting expertise in the energy andelectricity sectors. Mr. Erickson began servingas Chief Financial Officer for the AESO in2003 and his responsibilities were expandedin 2005. He was appointed to his current role in February 2007.

Todd FiorVice-President, Finance

Mr. Fior is responsible for all financialmanagement and accounting activities at the AESO. He has more than 16 years of public and private sector experience in the accounting, financial and treasurymanagement areas and was most recentlyDirector, Risk and Settlement for the AESO. Mr. Fior was appointed to his current role in February 2007.

Warren FrostVice-President, Operations & Reliability

Mr. Frost is responsible for Electric SystemOperations at the AESO which includesoverseeing the creation of operating limits and standards, procedures, contingency plansand the operation of the AESO’s SystemCoordination Centre to ensure the safe,reliable and economic operation of Alberta’sinterconnected power system. Mr. Frost is anelectrical engineer with more than 30 yearsexperience in the electricity industry includingpolicy development, system operations,transmission asset management, regulatoryand customer services. Mr. Frost wasappointed to his current role in July 2005.

Heidi KirrmaierVice-President, Regulatory

Ms. Kirrmaier is accountable for regulatoryaffairs at the AESO, which includesoverseeing the consultation, design andimplementation of the AESO’s transmissiontariff and other proceedings as regulated bythe Alberta Utilities Commission. Ms. Kirrmaierbrings extensive regulatory experience to her current role including previous responsibilitiesas Director, Regulatory Affairs and Manager,Rate Design and Forecasting at AquilaNetworks Canada as well as 11 years with ATCO in a variety of regulatory roles. Ms. Kirrmaier was appointed to her currentrole in December 2005.

Neil MillarVice-President, Transmission

Mr. Millar is accountable for the strategicplanning and timely development of Alberta’sinterconnected electric grid, including thedevelopment of the organization’s 20-YearOutlook, 10-Year Transmission System Planand individual Need Identification Documentsto reinforce the provincial transmission system.He has over 25 years of industry experience ina number of transmission planning, regulatoryand customer services roles. Prior to acceptinghis current role, Mr. Millar was Director ofRegulatory Affairs with the AESO, a positionhe held since 2003. Mr. Millar was appointedto his current role in April 2004.

Cliff MonarVice-President, Market Services

Mr. Monar is responsible for the design and operation of a fair, efficient and openlycompetitive electricity market, the developmentof market rules and the competitiveprocurement of ancillary services, consistentwith Alberta’s wholesale electricity marketpolicy. Mr. Monar has 20 years of industryexperience in energy trading and portfoliomanagement, business development,engineering and project management. Since2003, he has served as Director of StrategicInitiatives and Commercial Services for theAESO. Mr. Monar was appointed to his currentrole in February 2007.

Sandra ScottVice-President, Information Technology

Ms. Scott is responsible for the development,implementation and management of theinformation systems supporting the AESO. Her 20-year background in the energy sectorincludes consulting to a variety of companiesin the areas of business and informationtechnology strategic planning, program andproject management, information architectureand implementation of business solutions. Ms. Scott was appointed to her current role in July 2006.

Wayne St. AmourVice-President, Corporate Services

Dr. St. Amour (Ph.D.) is responsible for thestrategic direction of Human Resources,Stakeholder Relations/CorporateCommunications and Customer Services. He has more than 25 years of senior levelexperience in strategic management, humanresources, corporate communications,marketing and public consultation. He hasworked in the mining and electricity industriesand has consulted to various energy sectororganizations on strategy and sustainabledevelopment initiatives in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. Dr. St. Amour was appointed to his current position in October 2006.

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Financial Table of Contents

47Management’s Discussion andAnaysis of Financial Conditionand Results of Operations

58Management’s Responsibility for Financial Reporting

59Auditors’ Report

60Financial Statements

63Notes to Financial Statements


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MD&AManagement’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

This management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations (MD&A) should be read

in conjunction with the Alberta Electric System Operator’s (AESO) audited financial statements for the years ended

December 31, 2007 and 2006 and accompanying notes. The MD&A and financial statements are reviewed and

approved by the AESO Board. The AESO’s financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian

generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and are expressed in Canadian dollars.

The AESO is responsible for the operation of Alberta’s competitive power pool; determining the orderof dispatch of electric energy and ancillary services; providing system access service on the electrictransmission grid; directing the safe, reliable and economic operation of the interconnected electricsystem; planning the capability of the transmission system to meet future needs; and administering load settlement.


The AESO, a not-for-profit statutory corporation, recovers its operating and capital costs through threeseparate revenue sources, each of which is designed to recover the costs directly related to the provisionof a specific service, as well as a portion of the shared corporate services costs. The overall revenuesand costs of the AESO are as follows:

(Millions) Years ended December 31 2007 2006 Variance % Variance

Transmission revenue $ 905.1 $ 946.3 $ (41.2) (4)

Energy market charge 13.7 12.7 1.0 8

Load settlement 5.1 4.8 0.3 6

Interest and other income 5.3 1.3 4.0 308

Wire costs $ 441.2 $ 444.9 $ (3.7) (1)

Ancillary services 235.8 235.2 0.6 0

Line losses 183.8 231.9 (48.1) (21)

General and administrative 52.2 39.9 12.3 31

Amortization 9.2 9.2 – –

Other industry costs 4.8 3.6 1.2 33

Interest expense 2.2 0.4 1.8 450

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The Electric Utilities Act (EUA) requires that the AESO operates so that no profit or loss results on anannual basis from its operations. To achieve this, revenue is recognized to the extent of annual operatingcosts, including the amortization of capital assets. When the annual sum of collections differs from theannual operating costs, the difference is recorded as revenue or deferred revenue and recognized in thedeferral accounts. The AESO’s three revenue sources are the following:


Revenue Summary

(Millions) Years ended December 31 2007 2006 Variance % Variance

Transmission revenue $ 905.1 $ 946.3 $ (41.2) (4)

Interest and other revenue 4.9 0.8 4.1 513

Total transmission revenue $ 910.0 $ 947.1 $ (37.1) (4)

The AESO is responsible for paying all of the costs of managing the provincial transmission system andrecovering the costs through a tariff approved by the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB) prior toJanuary 1, 2008 and thereafter the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). The tariff is designed to allocatethe costs to all users of the transmission system based on their level of usage.

On a monthly basis, the AESO invoices its transmission customers for transmission system accessservices based on approved tariff rates. The AESO also pays for costs associated with providing systemaccess services. The monthly differences in the revenues collected and the costs incurred areaccumulated in the AESO’s transmission deferral account and can be attributed to several factors:

� The timing of revenues and costs (monthly fluctuations);

� Forecast variances (pool price volatility, meter volumes and regulatory decisions); and,

� Any misalignment of approved rates and the current year revenue requirement (delays in having thecurrent year rates approved).

In circumstances where collections are in excess of the transmission costs, the excess amount isrecognized in the deferral accounts and refunded to customers in future periods. In circumstances wherecollections are less than the transmission costs, the shortfall is recorded as revenue, recognized in thedeferral accounts and recovered from transmission customers in future periods.

As part of the transmission tariff, Rate Rider C is intended to bring the transmission deferral accountbalance for non-transmission line loss rate categories to zero during the following calendar quarter. It isa dollar per megawatt hour collection or payment by rate class and rate component. Rate Rider E isintended to bring the transmission line loss deferral account balance to zero during the remainder of thecalendar year. Rate Rider E is a percentage adjustment to all location-specific loss factors.

For non-transmission line loss rate categories, the AESO files a retrospective deferral accountreconciliation application with the AUC for approval of the final settlement amounts. The finalreconciliation process associates all revenue and cost adjustments by rate category to the appropriateproduction month and allocates the corresponding charges and refunds to transmission customers. Fortransmission line losses, Rate Rider E is a prospective adjustment for the reconciliation of deferralaccount balances.

The interest and other revenue in 2007 of $4.9 million primarily relates to the interest earned ontransmission customer contributions and transmission deferral funds held awaiting the annual deferralaccount reconciliation for years prior to 2007.

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Deferral Summary

(Millions) Years ended December 31 2007 2006

Collections $ 956.4 $ 940.1

Costs 910.0 947.1

Transmission deferred revenue (revenue) 46.4 (7.0)

Deferral account payable, beginning of year 4.3 11.3

Deferral account payable, end of year $ 50.7 $ 4.3

On an annual basis, transmission collections are dependent upon approved transmission tariff rates,pool price and volumes of energy transmitted. Transmission costs are discussed in the following section.

The transmission deferral account payable to transmission customers at December 31, 2007 increasedto a $50.7 million payable from a $4.3 million payable at the end of 2006 as a result of 2007transmission collections being $46.4 million more than transmission costs.

The transmission deferral balance of $50.7 million at December 31, 2007 is comprised of three components:

� The net revenue and cost adjustments of $36.7 million payable to transmission customers relates toproduction years prior to 2007, which have accumulated since the AESO filed the 2003 deferralaccount reconciliation in the latter part of 2004.

� The variance in revenues collected and costs incurred in 2007 for the current year production havecontributed to a transmission deferral account balance of $15.1 million payable. The 2008 first quarterRate Rider C and E rates are set to bring the deferral account balance to zero for the 2007 relatedproduction amounts.

� The transmission customer receivable of $1.1 million is the deferred rent related to the amortizationof a 10-month, rent-free period on the AESO’s current office lease. This amortization of rent is notincorporated into the AESO’s annual revenue requirement; it includes only the cash payments.

Energy Market

Revenue Summary

(Millions) Years ended December 31 2007 2006 Variance % Variance

Energy market revenue $ 13.7 $ 12.7 $ 1.0 8

Interest and other revenue 0.3 0.5 (0.2) (40)

Total energy market revenue $ 14.0 $ 13.2 $ 0.8 6

The AESO recovers the costs of operating the real-time energy market through an energy market tradingcharge on all megawatt hours traded. The energy market trading charge is set to recover the operatingcosts and the amortization of capital assets during that period.

In circumstances where annual collections are in excess of energy market costs, the excess amount isrecognized in the deferral accounts and incorporated into a reduction in the following year’s requiredenergy market trading charge. In circumstances where annual collections are less than the energymarket costs, the shortfall is recorded as revenue, recognized in the deferral accounts and collected inthe following year.

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The energy market deferral amount is comprised of two components:

� The accumulated difference between revenues collected and costs paid that is receivable from, orpayable to, energy market participants; and,

� The unamortized portion of the AESO’s system controller capital assets that were recovered fromtransmission customers in prior years by the Transmission Administrator of Alberta Ltd. (TA). Therevenue associated with the system controller capital assets is recognized by the AESO over theuseful life of the assets. These assets are fully depreciated in 2007.

Energy market collections are dependent on the annual energy market trading charge and the volumeof energy traded through the power pool. For the fourth consecutive year, the energy market tradingcharge is 11.1 cents per megawatt hour traded.

Deferral Summary

(Millions) Years ended December 31 2007 2006

Collections $ 13.7 $ 13.9

Costs 14.0 13.3

Energy market (revenue) deferred revenue (0.3) 0.6

Deferral account payable, beginning of year 6.6 6.0

Deferral account payable, end of year $ 6.3 $ 6.6

The energy market deferral amount at December 31, 2007 is $6.3 million payable compared to $6.6 million payable at the end of 2006. The decrease of $0.3 million during 2007 is a result of theamortization of system controller capital assets of $0.3 million.

A portion of the energy market charge collected by the AESO is remitted to the Market SurveillanceAdministrator (MSA) for its revenue requirement in accordance with the EUA. The AESO facilitates thecash collection process for the funding of the MSA through a per megawatt hour addition to the AESO’senergy market trading charge. In 2007, the MSA’s portion of the total energy market trading charge of13.6 cents per megawatt hour is 2.5 cents per megawatt hour, with the remaining 11.1 cents permegawatt hour for the AESO’s operations. This compares to a MSA charge of 1.8 cents per megawatthour in 2006.

The MSA’s revenue and costs are separate and independent of the AESO’s financial records. The AESOrecords the difference between the payments made to the MSA and the collection on behalf of theMSA as a separate deferral account. At December 31, 2007 and 2006, the difference between MSAcollections and payments is less than $0.02 million.

Load Settlement

Revenue Summary

(Millions) Years ended December 31 2007 2006 Variance % Variance

Load settlement recovery $ 5.1 $ 4.8 $ 0.3 6

Interest and other revenue 0.0 0.0 – –

Total load settlement revenue $ 5.1 $ 4.8 $ 0.3 6

The expenses that are incurred by the AESO to provide services related to administering and regulatingprovincial load settlement are charged to the owners of electric distribution systems and wire serviceproviders conducting load settlement under the AESO’s Independent System Operator (ISO) rules. Thecosts associated with load settlement include direct function costs, an allocation of the AESO’s corporateshared services and an allocation of amortization for the recovery of capital assets.

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The difference in the annual revenue collections and costs incurred associated with load settlement isrecorded in the deferral accounts. On an annual basis, the load settlement deferral amount is chargedor refunded to the owners of electric distribution systems and wire service providers.

Deferral Summary

(Millions) Years ended December 31 2007 2006

Collections $ 5.4 $ 5.8

Costs 5.2 4.8

Load settlement deferred revenue 0.2 1.0

Deferral account payable (receivable), beginning of year 0.8 (0.2)

Deferral account payable, end of year $ 1.0 $ 0.8

Load settlement collections are dependent upon the AESO’s annual forecast of load settlement costs.


Transmission System CostsThe following information provides the costs of managing the transmission system. These amountsrepresent the recording of the financial transactions that occurred in the reporting periods in accordancewith Canadian GAAP. This differs from the production period reporting in the AESO’s General TariffApplications.

(Millions) Years ended December 31 2007 2006 Variance % Variance

Wire costs $ 441.2 $ 444.9 $ (3.7) (1)

Ancillary services costs $ 235.8 $ 235.2 $ 0.6 0

Line losses $ 183.8 $ 231.9 $ (48.1) (21)

Other industry costs $ 4.8 $ 3.6 $ 1.2 33

Wires CostsWires costs represent the amount paid to the owners of the transmission facilities in accordance withtheir AUC-approved tariffs and are not controllable costs of the AESO. The costs decreased $3.7 millionor less than a one per cent compared to 2006 due to changes in the regulated rates charged by thetransmission facility owners.

Ancillary ServicesAncillary services are procured by the AESO to ensure ongoing reliability of the transmission systemthrough contracts, which include exchange-traded or over-the-counter contracts, generation capacity andload reduction capabilities, as well as contracts that are entered by way of competitive processes. TheAESO has entered into various contracts for ancillary services that include operating reserves,transmission must-run (TMR), under-frequency mitigation and system restoration.

The cost of ancillary services remains largely unchanged between 2007 and 2006. Costs increased to $235.8 million in 2007 compared to $235.2 million in 2006, an increase of $0.6 million or less thanone per cent. This increase is mainly due to the reduction in costs associated with operating reservesbeing more than offset by an increase in costs for TMR services as described on the following page.

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Operating Reserves are comprised of three types of active reserves, with the minimum levels of operatingreserves based on standards established by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC):

� Regulating reserves – The provision of generation and load response capability, including capacity,energy and maneuverability, which respond to the AESO’s automatic generation control (AGC) system.

� Spinning reserves – Unloaded generation that is synchronized to the system, automatically responsiveto frequency deviation and ready to serve additional demand following an AESO system controllerdirective. A customer offering spinning reserves must be able to ramp up their generator within 10minutes in response to a system controller directive due to a system contingency.

� Supplemental reserves – Similar to spinning reserves except supplemental reserves are not requiredto respond to frequency deviations; therefore, they include load and generators.

Operating reserves are purchased from the ancillary services exchange and through over-the-countercontracts. All providers of operating reserves traded on the exchange are paid the market clearing pricewhereas all providers who sell volumes over-the-counter are paid their offer price. In exchange for thispayment, the AESO obtains the right to utilize the providers energy and/or capacity as reserves. Themajority of operating reserve offer prices are indexed to the pool price.

Operating reserves costs decreased to $180.7 million in 2007 compared to $183.0 million in 2006, adecrease of $2.3 million or one per cent. With comparable volumes in 2007 and 2006, the slightdecrease is attributable to offer price strategies of the providers of operating reserves. A 17 per centdecrease in the average hourly pool price in 2007 ($67 per megawatt hour compared to $81 permegawatt hour in 2006) is offset by lower discounts, and in some cases premiums, offered by providersresulting in no significant change in the overall cost of operating reserves.

Transmission Must-Run is generation required to be on-line and running at specific generation levels incertain parts of the Alberta Interconnected Electric System (AIES) to ensure system reliability. Thisservice is typically procured through commercial contracts between the AESO and suppliers.

The costs of TMR are dependent upon numerous variables including, but not limited to, market heatrates and gas prices. The market heat rate is the pool price divided by the gas price. As the market heatrate increases, representing a divergence of pool price and gas price, the cost of TMR contracts willdecrease, though not proportionately.

TMR costs increased to $45.6 million in 2007 compared to $41.3 million in 2006, an increase of $4.3 million or 10 per cent. As previously mentioned, market heat rates and gas prices are the mostsignificant factors contributing to changes in TMR costs. In 2007, the average market heat rate and theaverage gas price decreased 18 per cent and one per cent respectively (11.45 in 2007 from 13.99 in2006 and $6.10 per gigajoule in 2007 from $6.17 in 2006) which resulted in an increase to TMR costs.

Line Losses Line losses represent the amount of energy that is ‘lost’ as a result of electrical resistance on thetransmission lines. The volumes associated with line losses are determined through the energy marketsettlement as the difference between the generation and import volumes less consumption and exportvolumes. The hourly volumes of line losses are affected by short- and long-term outages of equipmentdue to maintenance and unexpected failures, and dispatch decisions on the AIES. The value of linelosses is calculated at the hourly pool price.

The cost of line losses in 2007 is $183.8 million compared to $231.9 million in 2006, a decrease of$48.1 million or 21 per cent. The volumes of line losses remain relatively consistent between 2007 and2006 at approximately 2.87 and 2.84 terawatt hours annually.

The average hourly pool price, at which losses are valued, decreased by 17 per cent from 2006 causingline loss costs to decrease by 21 per cent. The average hourly pool price in 2007 is $67 per megawatthour compared to $81 per megawatt hour in 2006.

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Other Industry CostsOther industry costs represent certain costs the AESO funds on behalf of industry participants, includingthe costs of stakeholder participation in the AESO’s regulatory proceedings, the cost of membership inthe WECC and an allocation for AUC-related costs.

Other industry costs increased in 2007 by $1.2 million or 33 per cent from $3.6 million in 2006 to $4.8 million in 2007. This increase is a result of a fluctuation in annual AESO regulatory proceedingsand the timing of regulatory cost approval in addition to increases in the WECC membership and theAESO’s share of the AUC’s overhead costs.

General and Administrative CostsThe following table presents the general and administrative costs for the AESO:

(Millions) Years ended December 31 2007 2006 Variance % Variance

Salaries and benefits $ 32.3 $ 27.5 $ 4.8 17

Professional fees and consulting 9.7 4.8 4.9 102

Office and administrative 10.2 7.7 2.5 32

Total administrative 52.2 40.0 12.2 31

Amortization 9.2 9.2 – –

Interest 2.2 0.4 1.8 450

Total general and administrative costs $ 63.6 $ 49.6 $ 14.0 28

Salaries and BenefitsThe increase is due to a full year of salary and benefits for staff hired in 2006, additional staff hiredduring 2007 and annual compensation adjustments for staff.

Professional Fees and ConsultingThe increase in professional fees and consulting in 2007 was required to supplement staff during peakwork requirements which includes addressing new business initiatives and providing technical expertise.During 2007, the first stage of the Energy Management System (EMS) replacement project for projectscoping and vendor selection occurred which utilized consulting services for project management andtechnical expertise. The other significant changes in 2007 addressed the AESO’s response to businessinitiatives such as business continuity planning, operating protocols and enhanced public education andoutreach arising from new industry responsibilities placed on the AESO.

Office and AdministrativeThe notable increases relate to a full year of operating costs for the system coordination facility whichwas commissioned in December 2006 and the costs related to telecommunication links requiredbetween the new facility, the AESO’s downtown offices and the secondary data centre.

AmortizationAmortization of capital assets in 2007 includes the full year of amortization for the 2006 additions, newadditions in 2007 offset by a reduction in amortization for assets that became fully amortized. Capitalexpenditures in 2007 are $8.2 million, of which $0.7 million are work-in-progress assets that are not yetsubject to amortization.

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Interest Interest expense is incurred as a result of the bank debt held throughout the year. Interest costs areincurred to fund capital purchases and working capital due to the timing differences in the collection ofrevenues and the payment of expenses. In 2006 and 2007, the AESO held $31.0 million of transmissionsettlement funds awaiting final deferral account reconciliation for refunds to transmission customers.These funds are used to offset otherwise required debt balances to fund capital purchases and workingcapital. In the absence of holding these funds, the interest expense would have been $3.6 million in2007 and $1.7 million in 2006.


The AESO is organized to integrate the functions of transmission, energy market and load settlementto maximize the benefits under the EUA. This integration results in cost allocations in many parts of theorganization for the purpose of cost recovery. Management views the operations as one fully integratedoperation. In determining the revenue requirement on a function-by-function basis, all AESO costs areassigned or allocated to one of the three functions.

General and Administrative

The percentage allocation of general and administrative costs by function required adjustments in 2007to reflect changing operational activities with an increased emphasis on the transmission function in2007 compared to 2006.


The notable changes in 2007 are due to the amortization of the system coordination facilitycommissioned in December 2006 offset by a reduction in annual amortization for the systemcoordination computer systems which were fully amortized at December 31, 2006. The allocation ofthese two capital assets relate to the transmission and energy market functions.


In the absence of monthly surplus transmission deferral balances that occurred in 2006 that offsetrequired borrowings for the net book value of capital assets and with the overall increase in capitalassets, the average debt requirements increased in 2007. The use of $31.0 million of transmissionsettlement funds awaiting final deferral account reconciliation offset otherwise required debt balancesin both 2006 and 2007. An imputed interest income amount of $1.4 million for 2007 is payable totransmission customers. Imputed interest income and expense amounts were determined and allocatedto the appropriate function.

In comparing interest costs in 2007 and 2006 on a function basis, the debt financing for the threefunctions changed as a result of the underlying operational requirements.

General and Administrative Amortization Interest Total(Millions) Years ended December 31 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006

Transmission $ 39.1 $ 28.6 $ 3.9 $ 3.0 $ 1.5 $ (0.1) $ 44.5 $ 31.5

Energy market 10.6 8.9 3.1 4.3 0.3 0.1 14.0 13.3

Load settlement 2.5 2.5 2.2 1.9 0.4 0.4 5.1 4.8

Total $ 52.2 $ 40.0 $ 9.2 $ 9.2 $ 2.2 $ 0.4 $ 63.6 $ 49.6

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Deferral Summary

(Millions) Year ended December 31 2007

Cash, beginning of year $ 127.7Operating activities (97.3)Investing activities (8.2) Financing activities 39.5

Cash, end of year $ 61.7

The cash balance as at December 31, 2007 is $61.7 million compared to $127.7 million at December31, 2006. The decrease is primarily the result of the following:

� Operating activities used cash of $97.3 million in 2007. The decrease is mainly attributed to a changein non-cash working capital of $106.5 million. The accounts receivable and accounts payable balancesat December 31, 2007 and 2006 relate to both November and December production months. TheNovember settlement for both years occurred on the first business day in January due to the numberof business days in December.

– Accounts receivable balance at December 31, 2007 is $182.6 million compared to $191.8 millionat December 31, 2006, a decrease of $9.2 million. The decrease is primarily the result of areduction in the November transmission receivables by $4.2 million and a reduction in tradereceivables by $5.0 million at December 31, 2007.

– Accounts payable balance at December 31, 2007 is $192.9 million compared to $308.4 millionat December 31, 2006, a decrease of $115.5 million. At December 31, 2007, the AESO received$22.7 million in advance payments for the January 2, 2008 settlement compared to $119.1 millionat December 31, 2006 for the January 2, 2007 settlement, a difference of $96.4 million. Inaddition, the November 2007 transmission costs are $24.5 million lower than November 2006.

� Investing activities used cash of $8.2 million for capital asset additions.

� Financing activities provided cash of $39.5 million in 2007. The primary financing activities are anincrease in deferral account payable to customers of $46.4 million offset by a decrease in bank debtof $6.9 million.

As at December 31, 2007, the AESO had the following credit facilities available to fund general operatingand capital activities:

(Millions) Year ended December 31, 2007 Total Available Used

Term revolving facility $ 70.0 $ 34.3 $ 35.7

Demand revolving facility $ 70.0 $ 70.0 $ –

Demand treasury risk management facility $ 9.0 $ 9.0 $ –

The term revolving facility includes a $10 million letter of credit at December 31, 2007 which is issuedas security for the AESO’s operating reserve procurement.

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Cost recovery for the operations of the AESO is approved on an annual basis by the AESO Board, andfor transmission-related activities, subsequently by the AUC.

For transmission-related activities in 2008, the AESO established a revenue requirement of $587.0 million through the 2008 Budget Review Process for costs related to ancillary services, linelosses, other industry and general and administrative costs. A revenue requirement of $480.8 million forwires costs results from approvals by the AUC for transmission facility owner tariffs. The totaltransmission revenue requirement of $1,067.8 million represents a $189.7 million or 21 per centincrease compared to $885.8 million in 2007. The increase is primarily due to a forecasted increase inancillary services and line losses costs in 2008 as a result of a forecasted increase in pool prices.

In 2008, the AESO is anticipating to have AUC approval or interim approval for the distribution oftransmission deferral account balances to customers.

For energy market activities, the annual costs are forecasted to increase to $16.5 million in 2008 fromthe 2007 actual costs of $14.0 million, a $2.5 million or 18 per cent increase. This forecasted increaseis primarily the result of an increase in staff and benefits with smaller increases in several other costareas. With the combination of this forecasted cost increase and the 2007 deferral balance, the AESO’sportion of the 2008 energy market trading charge will remain unchanged from 2007 at 11.1 cents permegawatt hour. In 2008, the total energy market trading charge will be 14.1 cents per megawatt hour,a change from the 2007 charge of 13.6 cents per megawatt hour due to an increase in the MSA’scomponent of the trading charge.

The AESO transitioned responsibility for the load settlement rules to the AUC on January 1, 2008;however, the AESO retained the responsibility to monitor compliance to these rules. With the newlylegislated compliance and enforcement model in place for 2008, the AESO will be preparing to monitorcompliance to reliability standards, AESO direct contracts, transmission project costing and standards.This is in addition to the AESO’s current role of monitoring load settlement and ISO Rules governing themarket. In taking on this broader role, the AESO will centralize compliance operations and establish newadministrative rules, procedures and policies reflecting the changes in legislation.

In response to the increasingly complex operational requirements, security for the operations of theAIES and the age of the existing system, a replacement of the EMS began in 2007 with stagedcommissioning to begin in April 2009 and completion targeted for early 2010. This replacement is asignificant enhancement to the hardware and software of the business system used by the systemcontrollers to supervise and direct the operations of the power system.

In April 2007, the AESO brought to the attention of the MSA, certain ancillary services transactions thatdid not comply with the AESO’s business practices. As the system operator, and its role andresponsibilities as the sole buyer of ancillary services, the AESO implemented various business practicechanges as a result and commenced an internal review. Both market participants and the MSA wereadvised of the change in business practices. In May 2007, the MSA initiated a review into the activitiesin the ancillary services market. The AESO is cooperating with the MSA, and will continue to do so, untilthe review is completed.

New market rules with accompanying AESO system modifications were implemented in December2007 in alignment with the Government of Alberta’s Market Policy and the Electricity Policy Framework(2005) project. Entering into 2008, the AESO will begin monitoring and providing analysis to the industryon the impact of these rules and will continue to work towards meeting market objectives as set out inthe AESO’s Market Services Market Roadmap.

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Similar to other electric system operators and wholesale market facilitators, the AESO is exposed tovarious risks and uncertainties in the normal course of business. The risk management processesdeveloped by the AESO are designed to identify the risks confronting the AESO, assessing the impactand likelihood of those risks occurring, and determining mitigation strategies to be taken. Regular reportsare provided to senior management and the Audit Committee detailing the status of the risks identifiedand the related mitigation strategies. The AESO prioritizes the risks identified and incorporates thisinformation into the organization’s corporate strategies and annual goals and objectives.

While many of the risks identified by the AESO’s risk management processes are not directly within thecontrol of the AESO, it has adopted several strategies to reduce and mitigate the effects of those risksthat are within its control. The key features of the AESO’s internal control environment, which facilitatethe AESO’s risk management processes are as follows:

� The AESO is governed by an independent Board that is appointed by the Alberta Minister of Energyand is independent from any person or entity having a material interest in the electricity industry.

� Corporate policies are developed and approved by the AESO Board. Corporate policies arecommunicated to employees regularly and are accessible by employees at all times.

� The AESO’s management, led by the President and Chief Executive Officer, is committed tomaintaining the highest level of ethics and integrity. Management endeavours to foster this culturethroughout the organization.

� The AESO’s Code of Conduct serves as a framework for the AESO’s officers, employees andcontractors of the AESO when faced with difficult situations where laws and regulations are notenough to assist the employee. Employees are required to indicate their compliance with the Code ofConduct on at least an annual basis.

� The AESO’s management and supervisory personnel monitor the quality of internal control performanceas a normal part of their activities. Monitoring is performed over a wide variety of functions at all levelsacross the organization and occurs through the use of both automated and manual processes.

� The Audit Committee reviews and monitors the system of internal controls, the systems for managingrisk, the external audit process, and the AESO’s process for monitoring compliance with laws andregulations, with a view to ensuring best practices are followed.

� Risk assessment is a continuous process undertaken by management. The AESO’s management iscommitted to proactively addressing potential risks identified and implementing appropriate mitigationaction plans.

� The AESO reports its significant risks to the Audit Committee on a regular basis and provides updateson the implementation of mitigation strategies that are undertaken.

� The AESO, the members of its independent Board and its employees are extended a degree ofstatutory liability protection consistent with the AESO’s public interest mandate.

� The AESO carries insurance coverage that is deemed to be appropriate by management. Theinsurance coverage may not be adequate to cover all possible risks and the proceeds of any insuranceclaim may not be adequate to cover all potential losses.


This MD&A contains forward-looking statements that are subject to certain assumptions and risks thatcreate uncertainties. These assumptions and risks could cause actual results to differ materially fromresults anticipated by the forward-looking statements.


Additional information relating to the AESO can be found on the corporate website at



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The financial statements included in the annual report are the responsibility of management and havebeen approved by the Alberta Electric System Operator Board. These financial statements have beenprepared by management in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP), and include the use of estimates and assumptions that have been made using management’sbest judgment. Financial information contained elsewhere in this annual report is consistent with that inthe financial statements.

To discharge its responsibility for financial reporting, management maintains a system of internal controlsdesigned to provide reasonable assurance that the AESO’s assets are safeguarded, that transactionsare properly authorized and that financial information is relevant, accurate and available on a timely basis.Internal controls are reinforced through the AESO’s Code of Conduct, which sets forth the company’scommitment to conduct business with integrity, and within both the letter and the spirit of the law.

The AESO Board, through the Audit Committee, is responsible for ensuring management fulfils itsresponsibility for financial reporting and internal controls. The Audit Committee meets regularly withmanagement and the external auditors to discuss any significant accounting, internal control and auditingmatters, to assure that management is carrying out its responsibilities and to review and approve thefinancial statements.

The financial statements have been examined by Deloitte & Touche, the AESO’s external independentauditors who are engaged by the AESO Board. The responsibility of these external auditors is to examinethe financial statements and to express their opinion on the fairness of the financial statements inaccordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. The auditors’ report outlines thescope of their examination and states their opinion. The auditors have access to the Audit Committee,with and without the presence of management.

M. Dale McMaster, P. Eng. Todd D. Fior, CAPresident & Chief Executive Officer Vice-President, Finance

Management’s Responsibility for Financial Reporting

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To the Members of the Alberta Electric System Operator Board

We have audited the balance sheets of the AESO as at December 31, 2007 and 2006 and thestatements of operations and comprehensive income and cash flows for the years then ended. Thesefinancial statements are the responsibility of the company’s management. Our responsibility is to expressan opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Thosestandards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financialstatements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidencesupporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit includes assessing theaccounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating theoverall financial statement presentation.

In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position ofthe company as at December 31, 2007 and 2006 and the results of its operations and its cash flowsfor the years then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

Chartered AccountantsCalgary, Alberta

January 31, 2008

Auditors’ Report

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As at December 31 (in thousands of Canadian dollars) 2007 2006


Current assetsCash $ 61,672 $ 127,651

Accounts receivable (note 4) 182,645 191,762

Prepaid expenses and deposits 2,686 2,489

MSA deferral account receivable – 16

247,003 321,918

Capital assets (note 6) 42,994 43,970

$ 289,997 $ 365,888


Current liabilitiesAccounts payable and accrued liabilities (note 7) $ 192,927 $ 308,428

AESO deferral accounts payable (note 8) 58,006 11,651

MSA deferral account payable 5 –

Security deposits (note 13) 1,541 1,689

Deferred government grants (note 5) 267 –

Bank debt (note 9) 35,700 42,600

288,446 364,368

Deferred rent 1,551 1,520

EQUITY (note 1) – –

$ 289,997 $ 365,888

Asset retirement commitment (note 10)

Contingencies and commitments (note 11)

On behalf of the AESO Board:

Harry Hobbs William D. Burch, FCAChairman AESO Board Vice-Chair

and Audit Committee Chair

Balance Sheet

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For the Year Ended December 31 (in thousands of Canadian dollars) 2007 2006


Transmission tariff $ 905,079 $ 946,303

Energy market charge 13,654 12,712

Load settlement charge 5,136 4,820

Interest and other 5,327 1,413

929,196 965,248


Wire costs 441,185 444,931

Ancillary services costs 235,848 235,175

Line losses 183,787 231,927

General and administrative 52,187 39,947

Amortization (note 6) 9,190 9,234

Other industry costs 4,809 3,585

Interest expense (note 9) 2,190 449

929,196 965,248


Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income

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For the Year Ended December 31 (in thousands of Canadian dollars) 2007 2006


Net income $ – $ –

Amortization 9,190 9,234

Changes in non-cash working capital * (106,462) 105,008

Net cash provided by operating activities (97,272) 114,242


Capital asset additions (8,214) (24,419)

Net cash used in investing activities (8,214) (24,419)


(Decrease) increase in bank debt (6,900) 12,500

Increase in deferred rent 31 55

Increase (decrease) in AESO deferral accounts 46,355 (5,472)

Increase (decrease) in MSA deferral account 21 (193)

Net cash provided by financing activities 39,507 6,890

INCREASE IN CASH (65,979) 96,713

CASH, BEGINNING OF YEAR 127,651 30,938

CASH, END OF YEAR $ 61,672 $ 127,651

Cash interest paid $ 2,155 $ 828

* Consists of changes in accounts receivable, prepaid expenses and deposits, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, deferredgovernment grants and security deposits.

Statement of Cash Flows

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Notes to the Financial StatementsDecember 31, 2007 and 2006 (All amounts are in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated)


The Independent System Operator (ISO), operating as the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), is a statutory corporation established on June 1, 2003 under the Electric Utilities Act (EUA) of theProvince of Alberta.

Effective June 1, 2003, the AESO assumed responsibility for the operation of the competitive powerpool; determining the order of dispatch of electric energy and ancillary services; providing system accessservice on the electric transmission grid; directing the safe, reliable and economic operation of theinterconnected electric system; planning the capability of the transmission system to meet future needs;and regulating and administering load settlement. As of January 1, 2008 the responsibility for regulatingthe rules associated with load settlement transitioned from the AESO to the Alberta Utilities Commission(AUC).

The AESO is governed by the AESO Board, whose members are appointed by the Alberta Minister ofEnergy and are independent of any person or entity having a material interest in the Alberta electricindustry. The AESO Board has an Audit Committee and a Human Resources, Compensation andGovernance Committee.

The EUA requires that charges to industry, including the transmission tariff, energy market charge andload settlement charge, be set to recover the costs required to operate the AESO, and that the AESObe operated so no profit or loss results on an annual basis from its operations. The AESO has no equity.

The AESO’s transmission-related financial activities are regulated by the AUC (Regulator) and approvedbased upon the AESO’s annual General Tariff Applications.

Management views the operations as one fully-integrated operation; therefore, segmented informationis not applicable.


These financial statements have been prepared by management in accordance with Canadian generallyaccepted accounting principles (GAAP). Preparation of these financial statements requires estimatesand assumptions that affect the amounts reported and disclosed in the financial statements and relatednotes. These estimates and assumptions include information, regulatory decisions and other mattersthat are periodically influenced by third parties that may impact the timing of revenue and/or expenserecognition. Actual results may differ from those estimates and assumptions due to factors such as theuseful lives and impairment of capital assets, accrued liabilities, settlement of an asset retirementcommitment and regulatory decisions. Any changes from current estimates or assumptions areaccounted for in the period that they are determined.

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Deferrals – The AESO utilizes deferral accounts to facilitate a matching of revenues and costs. On anindividual basis for the transmission, energy market and load settlement operations, in circumstanceswhere annual collections are in excess of the costs, the excess amount is recognized in the deferralaccounts and refunded in the subsequent year. In circumstances where annual collections are less thanthe costs, the shortfall is recorded as revenue, recognized in the deferral accounts and collected in thesubsequent year.

A portion of the energy market charge collected by the AESO is remitted to the Market SurveillanceAdministrator (MSA), a separate statutory corporation, according to its revenue requirement as providedin the EUA. When the annual revenue collected on behalf of the MSA through the energy market chargecollection process is in excess of the funding payments made to the MSA, the excess is recorded asdeferred revenue and is incorporated into the estimated per megawatt hour (MWh) charge for thefollowing year.

Capital Assets – Capital assets are stated at cost. These assets are amortized on a straight-line basisover their estimated useful life as follows:

Software development 5 years

System coordination facility Over the land lease term ending in 2025

Energy trading system 8 years

System coordination computer systems 8 years

Computer hardware, furniture and office equipment 3 years

Leasehold improvements Over the lease term ending in 2014

Facility infrastructure 10 years

Interest costs attributable to and incurred during the development phase of large capital projects arecapitalized. Capitalization ceases when the projects are substantially complete and ready for productiveuse. Payroll and payroll related costs associated with staff directly involved in software and hardwaredevelopment are capitalized.

Revenue Recognition – The AESO’s revenue is primarily derived through three separate charges: (1) the transmission tariff; (2) the energy market charge; and (3) the load settlement charge. Each ofthese charges is set to recover those costs directly attributable to one of the AESO’s main functions aswell as a portion of shared corporate services costs. Consistent with the requirements of the EUA, whichrequires the AESO to operate with no annual profit or loss, revenue is recognized equivalent to theaggregate of annual operating costs on a function-by-function basis.

The EUA requires the AESO to provide funding for the MSA with the amount to be recovered throughthe energy market charge. The energy market charge included in the AESO’s statement of operationsand comprehensive income does not include amounts recovered related to the MSA’s fundingrequirements and the AESO’s costs do not include amounts related to the operations of the MSA. Thedifference in the revenue collections and the monthly payments associated with the MSA are recordedin the MSA deferral account.

Deferred Rent – The lease costs associated with the 10-month, rent-free period will be recognized overthe 10-year lease term.

Deferred Government Grant – The AESO recognizes government grants as a reduction to expensesin the period the expenses are incurred. Government grants received or receivable in advance ofexpenses incurred are recorded as deferred charges.

Employee Future Benefits – The AESO’s employee future benefit program consists of a definedcontribution plan. The AESO’s contributions to employee future benefit plans are expensed as incurred.

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Financial Instruments – The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) has published fivenew accounting sections to the CICA Handbook: Section 1530, Section 3855, Section 3861, Section3865 and Section 1506.

� Section 1530: Comprehensive Income addresses fair value accounting and reporting and disclosurestandards for comprehensive income.

� Section 3855: Financial Instruments – Recognition and Measurement addresses when financialinstruments should be measured and how measurement should occur.

� Section 3861: Financial Instruments – Disclosure and Presentation provides standards for howfinancial instruments should be classified on the financial statements as well as related disclosurerequirements.

� Section 3865: Hedging specifies the criteria under which hedge accounting may be applied, howhedge accounting should be performed under permitted hedging strategies and the requireddisclosures. These standards require that entities categorize financial instruments and measure certainfinancial instruments at fair value.

� Section 1506: Accounting Changes addresses the required disclosures when an entity has not applieda new source of GAAP that has been issued but is not yet effective.

All of these new standards were adopted by the AESO on a prospective basis in accordance with therecommendations of the CICA for the period commencing January 1, 2007. In accordance with the transitional provisions, prior periods have not been restated as a result of adopting these standards.The AESO has evaluated the impact of these new standards and the adoption of these recommendationshas not had an impact on the financial statements. Comprehensive Income is the same as Net Incomeduring the period.

The AESO has evaluated the five classifications of financial instruments, namely held for trading,available for sale, held to maturity, loans and receivables and other financial liabilities, and designatedits financial instruments as follows:

� Cash is classified as assets held for trading at fair value.

� Accounts receivable and deferral accounts receivable are classified as loans and receivables and aremeasured at amortized cost, which, upon initial recognition, is considered equivalent to fair value.Subsequent measurements are recorded at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method.

� Accounts payable and accrued liabilities, deferral accounts payable, security deposits and bank debtare classified as other financial liabilities and are initially measured at their fair value. Subsequentmeasurements are recorded at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method.

It is management’s opinion that the AESO is not exposed to significant interest rate, currency or creditrisks arising from these financial instruments.

Upcoming Pronouncements – CICA Handbook Sections 3862: Financial Instruments Disclosures,Section 3863: Financial Instruments Presentation, and Section 1535: Capital Disclosures are requiredto be adopted for fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2007. Section 3031: Inventories is requiredto be adopted for fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2008. The AESO will adopt these standardson January 1, 2008 and it is expected the only effect will be incremental disclosures regarding thesignificance of financial instruments for the entity’s financial position and performance and the nature,extent and management of risks arising from financial instruments to which the entity is exposed.

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Regulatory assets represent certain costs, incurred in the current period or in prior periods, that areexpected to be recovered from customers in future periods through the rate-setting process. Regulatoryliabilities represent future reductions of revenues associated with amounts that are expected to berefunded to customers as a result of the rate-setting process.

As of December 31 2007 2006

Regulatory assetRegulatory hearing costs $ 71 $ 91

Regulatory liabilitiesTransmission deferral $ 50,657 $ 4,278

During 2007, $0.1 million was incurred in legal and consulting fees related to the AESO’s 2007 GeneralTariff Application regulatory proceeding. The AESO expects to receive approval for recovery of thesecosts with the completion of the regulatory process. The Regulator will issue a Utility Cost Order thatapproves allowable and recoverable hearing costs. If approved, the regulatory asset will become an otherindustry cost and will be recovered from customers in that year. If the cost claim is disallowed, the amountwill be included in general and administrative costs in that year. In the absence of rate regulation, GAAPwould require that such costs be included in operating results in the year in which they are incurred. Theregulatory asset is included in accounts receivable on the balance sheet at December 31, 2007.

At December 31, 2007, the transmission deferral liability was $50.7 million based upon an accumulationof variances between transmission revenue collections and costs incurred from 2007 and prior years.The AESO applies to the Regulator for the approval and settlement of prior years’ deferral balances. Thetransmission deferral balance is a regulatory asset or liability, based upon the expectation that amountsaccumulated from one year to the next will be approved for collection from, or refund to, customers ina subsequent year. In the absence of rate regulation, GAAP would require that such balances be includedin operating results in the year in which they are incurred. The regulatory liability is included in the AESO’sdeferral accounts payable on the balance sheet at December 31, 2007.

All transmission-related financial activities of the AESO are subject to the Regulator’s approval on anannual basis, thus the recovery of transmission costs through the transmission tariff is subject toregulatory approval. With the formation of the AESO through the EUA, the AESO must be managed sothat, on an annual basis, no profit or loss results from operations. Management believes that the ultimaterecovery is assured due to the not-for-profit status of the AESO.


2007 2006

Transmission settlement $ 176,956 $ 181,154

Energy market settlement 2,881 2,734

Trade 2,808 7,874

$ 182,645 $ 191,762

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In 2007, the AESO undertook an initiative to study the best approach to forecast wind power in Alberta.The Alberta Department of Energy and the Alberta Energy Research Institute committed to providingpartial funding for this project. These grants related specifically to this project and will not continue inthe future. Full funding is conditional upon the completion of the study and providing a final report onthe project findings. The AESO has complied with the terms of the grant agreements to date andforesees no issues that would change this status. There is no contingent liability recorded for anyrepayment of grant amounts received or receivable. At December 31, $0.3 million in funding has beenreceived with the remaining funding commitment of $0.4 million recorded in accounts receivable.

In 2007, the financial statements recognize a reduction to general and administrative expenses of $0.4 million and a deferred charge balance of $0.3 million related to grants accrued in advance ofproject expenses. When the project expenses are incurred in 2008, the deferred charge balance will benetted against general and administrative expenses.



Accumulated Net BookCost Amortization Value

Software development $ 27,122 $ 10,002 $ 17,120System coordination facility 19,055 1,096 17,959 Energy trading system 11,410 11,410 –Computer hardware, furniture

and office equipment 7,258 4,396 2,862Leasehold improvements 2,976 914 2,062Facility infrastructure 2,561 274 2,287Work in progress 704 – 704

$ 71,086 $ 28,092 $ 42,994


Accumulated Net BookCost Amortization Value

Software development $ 20,464 $ 7,036 $ 13,428

System coordination facility 18,759 84 18,675

Energy trading system 11,410 9,812 1,598

System coordination computer systems 11,406 11,406 –

Computer hardware, furniture and office equipment 6,586 3,360 3,226

Leasehold improvements 2,798 935 1,863

Facility infrastructure 2,501 21 2,480

Work in progress 2,700 – 2,700

$ 76,624 $ 32,654 $ 43,970

Work in progress in 2007 and 2006 relate to capital acquisitions associated with various hardware andsoftware development projects that were not commissioned or operational by the end of the year.

For the 12 months ended December 31, 2007, $1.4 million of payroll and payroll-related costs associatedwith staff directly involved in software and hardware development have been capitalized (2006 –$1.1 million). No interest costs were capitalized in 2007 (2006 – $0.4 million).

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2007 2006

Transmission settlement $ 150,465 $ 196,730Energy market settlement 23,498 89,230Trade 14,033 16,186Accrued liabilities 4,931 6,282

$ 192,927 $ 308,428

The accounts payable, trade balance includes flow-through customer contribution amounts of $2.8 millionin 2007 and $11.1 million in 2006.


Energy LoadTransmission Market Settlement Total

Opening balance, January 1, 2006 $ 11,322 $ 6,042 $ (241) $ 17,123

2006 Operations (7,044) 568 1,004 (5,472)

Closing balance, December 31, 2006 4,278 6,610 763 11,651

2007 Operations 46,379 (298) 274 46,355

Closing balance, December 31, 2007 $ 50,657 $ 6,312 $ 1,037 $ 58,006


The AESO has credit facilities of $140.0 million, comprised of a $70.0 million term revolving loan facilityand a $70.0 million demand revolving loan facility. The facilities provide that the borrowings may bemade by way of fixed rate offer loans, prime loans or bankers’ acceptances which bear interest at therates specified in fixed rate offer loans, at the bank’s prime rates, or at bankers’ acceptance rates plusa stamping fee.

The $70.0 million term revolving loan facility is fully revolving for two year periods with a term toSeptember 2009 and a provision for one extension. If the facility is not extended, the amount outstandingwould be repayable in full in September 2009. Included in the $70.0 million term revolving loan facilityis the option to request letters of credit.

In addition to the two loan facilities, a demand treasury risk management facility of $9.0 million in deemedrisk content is available to provide for interest swaps for up to $35.0 million in notional debt. This facilitywas not used in 2007 and 2006.

At December 31, 2007, $35.7 million was drawn on the demand revolving loan facility and a $10.0million letter of credit was issued on the term revolving loan facility. The letter of credit was issued assecurity for operating reserve procurement.

The amount of interest paid during the year was $2.2 million (2006 – $0.8 million) at an average interestrate of 4.5 per cent.

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The system coordination facility is located on leased land. Under the terms of the lease agreement, theAESO is obligated, at the request of the landlord, to complete site restoration upon termination of thelease. The landlord’s intentions are not determinable at this time. As the fair value of the obligationcannot be reasonably estimated due to the broad range of settlement dates and cash flows, any potentialliability has not been recognized. Amounts will be accounted for in the period they are determined.


(i) The AESO leases office space, data processing equipment and land under various operating leases.The minimum lease payments associated with these leases are as follows:

Year Amount ($ million)

2008 2.3

2009 1.8

2010 1.8

2011 1.9

2012 2.0

Thereafter 4.8

(ii) To fulfil the duties of the AESO in accordance with the EUA, the AESO manages the procurementof ancillary services through contracts with third-party suppliers. These ancillary services includeoperating reserves, transmission must-run, under-frequency mitigation and system restoration. Thecontracts are for generation capacity and load reduction capabilities ranging in contract durationfrom one day to 15 years. The amount to be paid under each contract is dependent upon fixed andvariable terms. The variable terms are based upon commodity prices, dispatch volumes and frequency.

(iii) As a result of events which occurred in 2007, the AESO may become party to a claim or legal actionarising in the normal course of business. While the outcome of these matters is uncertain, the AESOdoes not currently believe that the outcome related to these matters or any amount which theAESO may be required to pay would have a materially adverse effect on the corporation as a whole.

(iv) The EUA requires the AESO to provide funding for the MSA with the amount to be recoveredthrough the energy market charge. In 2007, $3.0 million was paid to the MSA (2006 – $2.3 million).


The contributions to the defined contribution plan are based on a percentage of an employee’s salary withthe AESO matching employee contributions to a maximum percent age. There is no unfunded obligationrelated to the plan as contributions are paid to employees when earned. Total expense for the definedcontribution plan was $2.2 million in 2007 (2006 – $1.8 million).

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Security requirements for financial obligations in excess of unsecured credit limits are met with cashdeposits and letters of credit. All market participants and transmission customers who have financialobligations to the AESO must adhere to the AESO’s rules and transmission tariff terms and conditionsregarding security requirements. Unsecured credit limits are provided for an organization (or guarantor)with an acceptable credit rating from an AESO recognized bond rating agency, an organization thatdoes not have a credit rating if they qualify for an AESO determined proxy credit rating, or for anorganization that has an exempt status as determined through government regulation.


The AESO’s financial instruments consist of cash, accounts receivable, AESO deferral accountsreceivable/payable, MSA deferral accounts receivable/payable, accounts payable and accrued liabilities,security deposits and bank debt. Due to their short-term nature, the fair market value of the financialinstruments approximates the carrying value.

The credit risk associated with accounts receivable is generally considered to be low since substantiallyall counterparties are well established utility or power companies. There is no concentration of balanceswith debtors.

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8:00amElectricity is silently working for us keeping our foodfresh, clothes clean and homes warm. Power is there theinstant a stove is turned on, a school lights up or a coffeemaker is plugged in.

It’s invisible and yet we need it for almost everything wedo. Electricity is with us, quietly powering our day from thetime we wake in the morning until the last light is switchedoff at night.

Our Annual Report cover featuresAESO employees and the publicwho all depend on electricity topower their lives.

Electricity is there when we need it – to light up our homes and farms, to power our hospitals and schools, to energize ourbusinesses and our entertainment.

Powering Albertans

Writing/Editing Nancy Janes CommunicationsDesign S. Phillips & Associates Inc.Project Management Joan MossPhotography Horizon Photoworks, Brian HarderPrinting Sundog Printing Ltd.

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2500, 330 – 5th Avenue S.W.Calgary, Alberta T2P 0L4


2007 Annual Report












2007 AN






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