aiesec mozambique mc 15.16 booklet - 3rd round


Upload: rui-correia

Post on 08-Apr-2016




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I am very happy and thankful to YOU for opening the application but mostly, for, even for a second, taken in consideration to apply for MCVP for the term 15.16 for AIESEC in Mozambique to lead the

next generation of youth.These application is not only a document, yet is a passport for a life-changing

experience that will guide through a inner journey of self-discovery and awareness.

We are very proud to release these application to the network because we believe that the selection of the next generation of leaders will continue the legacy

delivering more and better while shaping the entity towards a new dream.More than a application or a process, is taking what you truly feel for the entity and the organization to actions…actions that will change the world

that you see into the world you dream of.

Lastly, I DARE you to believe that your capable of joining this generation…I DARE you to believe that you can change the

world starting with this step…


“In 2013 real GDP posted robust 7% growth, although lower than expected due to severe floods early in the year.The progressive increase in coal production and the implementation of large infrastructure projects, coupled with

budgetary expansion, are expected to continue to drive growth, projected at 8.5% in 2014 and 8.2% in 2015. The political situation has deteriorated, largely affected by low-intensity confrontations between government and

opposition, while the recent deterioration of public financial management and economic governance are of increasing concern.

The capital-intensive nature of Mozambique’s growth has as yet created limited jobs and has had a less-than-desirable impact on poverty reduction. Mozambique remains one of the least developed countries in the world.” –

Read more at:

Mozambique has a rich diversity. The Bantus make up the majority, and are divided into small sub-group around the country. Many Arabs, Europeans and Indians have also settled here coast who first introduced Islam to Mozambique. Today the population of Mozambique is 23 million, with 30% living in the main urban center.

Mozambique has eleven provinces. The capital, Maputo, is the south of country and along the coast and in the north, the climate is tropical and

humid. The south and interior is tropical and the rainy season lasts from October to April, with average temperatures are between 22 and 30 degrees. During the dry season, from May to September, average

temperatures are between 18 and 24 degrees.

Mozambicans has one of the amazing beaches and national animal parks ever seen. That images can speak for it.

AIESEC in Mozambique was an reinitiated in 2008, with the support of Brazil as a Country partner, the Expansion Initiative was approved at IPM in Rome in February 2009. From there, things moved quickly and at IC 2009 in

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Mozambique become an official AIESEC expansion.

Nowadays AIESEC in Mozambique is a full member entity and it’s known as the faster expansion of AIESEC. There are two LCs running in the capital of Maputo and one running in the center of the country city in Beira.

Also there is an expansion running in Nampula – north of the country.

Full member towards the global plenary (IPM Mexico 2011)

Composed by 3 local entities (LCs) that 2 are operating in Maputo, 1 is operating in Beira and 1 expansion in Nampula;

Around 150 Members;

LC Term officially starts on January 1st and lasts till December 31st;

MC term officially starts on July 1st and lasts till June 30th;

Board of Advisors and Honorary Commission;

15 Institutional Partners;

Around 300 Incoming exchanges and 80 Outgoing exchanges realized so far;

House Conditions Currently living at a flat with 3 rooms having a maid that help us on the house tasks as well as the house costs are

covered for the MC Members.

Office its located at the Cowork Lab Business Center in Maputo at sommerchield neighborhood (check:  also  with  other  companies,  it  has  good  internet  connection,  air  conditioning,  office  supplies  as  well  places  to  eat  near  it.

Salary Is  up  to  4.000  Meticais  (Approximately  150  USD),  to  be  defined  in  accordance  with  the  budget  for  2014/15  and  

dependent  of  the  MC  Performance;

Holidays and Travelling The MC has 15 days of vacation during the term according to the Mozambican law has for the final dates need to

be authorized by the MCP and also can travel for personal development and entity representation for opportunities to be Chair or Facilitator at International Conferences that will not be counted as vacations.

Working Time The MC requires full-commitment as a full-time job (exceptional cases to be advised) being expected to have 40 to 45 hours per week depending on the period of the term, which can be higher around special events and lower in calmer periods. Working week goes from Monday to Friday, being Saturday and Sunday rest days (exceptional

cases may require work on these days).

For the MC 15/16 will be formed by 11 MC members full time elected and and part-time members that will be selected afterwards. All the MCVP and Manager positions are opened for Nationals and International applicants.

MCPMember Committee President

MCVP IGIP & FK Member Committee Vice-President Incoming Global Internship Programme and FK project Manager

MCVP IGCDP Member Committee Vice-President Incoming Global Community Development Programme

MCVP OGX Member Committee Vice-President Outgoing Exchange

MCVP BD Member Committee Vice-President Business Development

BD Manager Business Development Manager

MCVP FIN & LEGAL Member Committee Vice-President Finance and Legal

MCVP TM Member Committee Vice-President Talent Management

MCVP IM and MarCommMember Committee Vice-President Information Management and Marketing & Communication

MCVP OD and LCD Member Committee Vice-President Organizational Development and Local Development






BD Manager

BD Manager



MCVP IM & MarComm


Will NOT be accepted if The application is sent AFTER the deadline that is 21st of March 2015 – 23h59 gmt+2

The application is incomplete.One of the questions from the questionnaire is not answered.

The format of the documents is different to the one clearly stated from the sent.It is recommended that

Start contacting people as soon as possible (LCs and MC)You be precise, simple and straight to the point.

Send one day before the deadline to avoid issues.!

The MC 15.16 term starts officially on the 1st of July 2015 until the 30th of June 2016. The MC members are expected to fully attend transition, starting on 1st of April 2015 (some virtually).

The MC Transition Conference will be from 19th to 22nd June of 2015.The entire MC must arrive in Mozambique until 10th of June 2015.

To apply for MC you must have at least one year of AIESEC Experience, previous EB Experience (LC or MC) with a complete term.

6th of Mar Launch

15 days Duration

21st of Mar Deadline

22nd of Mar

Candidates Announcement

23rd and 24th of Mar

LC Confidence Vote

25th to 31st of Mar

Interviews and study case

1st of Apr

Elected Announcement

You  can  create  your  OWN  DESIGN  for  the  application  questionnaire.   The  valid  application  package  contains  EIGHT (8)  documents  packages.


Question naire

Profile Tests





Blank Page

Executive Summary

Video Link


Application Package

CV Give us all important information we need to know about you from your

AIESEC Career and outside of it that you have had, your contact details

Maximum of two (2) pages.

Questionnaire All questions MUST be answered.

Maximum of 10 Pages with minimum of size 10pt for font.

Profile Tests - 3 Fill the excel files in the booklet

package forBelbin Test

Enneagram TestMBTI Test

Endorsements – 3 (1)  From a person that led you directly(2)  From a person that you led directly

(3) From a team colleague.Maximum 1 page each.

Use the template in pack as suggestion.

BiographyCreate your own biography that

speaks about your personal life and share with us.

Maximum 1 page.

Blank Page Challenge Translate your motivation to apply in 1 page with as much creativity as you


Executive SummaryResume your whole application in

terms of why are you applying, strategies and results to be achieved

Maximum 1 page

Video Link – 2One video with 2 minute maximum

presenting yourself and another with 5 minute maximum presenting why

are you applying, your strategies and the results for the term 15.16.

Application Package Submission Instructions All the documents in a PDF format separate except for the profile tests.

The profile tests the excel files are required to be used and sent in the format

The endorsement template is a suggestion while other templates can be used.!Submission of the videos can be done by uploading them on a tube channel (youtube, vimeo or other) or cloud storage (wetransfer, google drive, one drive, sky drive or other) as long as the provided LINK works for public

and is uploaded on the deadline.!Submit the package in following format: !


Submit your application package, the endorsements and other requested material by !the 21st of March 2015 at 23:59 gmt+2 to [email protected] and [email protected]

The application package must be a .ZIP or .RAR file.

Your complete application must have 8 parts: 1 – CV (1), 2 – Questionnaire (1), 3 – Profile Tests (Belbin, Enneagram and MBTI Results), 4 – Endorsements (3), 5 – Biography (1), 6 – Blank Page Challenge (1), !

7 - Executive Summary (1) and 8 – Video Links (2).

All questions regarding the application package and process, feel free to approach Rui Correia, President elected of AIESEC in Mozambique 2015-2016, through +258-82 61 82 450 or +258-82 98 10 525 (whatsapp or call) or

[email protected]

Late applications will not be accepted.

Name Position Mobile Email

Omar  Daudo MCP +258  84  43  39  353  +258  82  43  39  353 [email protected]

Rui  Correia MCPe  and  MCVP  IGCDP   +258  82  61  82  450 [email protected]

Tania  Cassamo MCVP  ER,  IGIP  and  FK  Manager

+258  82  09  45  830 +258  82  98  10  290 [email protected]

Rúben  Lima MCVP  FIN,  Logistics  and  Legal +258  82  98  09  972 [email protected]

Opaluwa  Onucheyo MCVP  Marketing  and  Communication +258  82  98  10  090 [email protected]

Manuel  Mendoza MCVP  TM  and  OGX +258  84  71  75  435 [email protected]

Name Position LC Name Mobile Email

Adino  Cuamba LCP  2015 ISCTEM +258  84  54  00  118 +258  82  98  10  590 [email protected]

Kátia  Monteiro LCP  2015 UEM +258  82  82  66  852 [email protected]

Obet  Fernando LCP  2015 BEIRA +258  84  73  70  661 +258  8237  69  619 [email protected]

Telma  Tavares LCP  2014.15,  TM  and  FIN


+258  82  52  60  304 +258  84  04  64  023 [email protected]