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  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    AIESEC in Brazil 2010-2011

    Year Plan

    Each block leads us higher

  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    We are the national leadership team in Brazilof the world's largestyouth-run organization. Together, we've lead more than 45 teams,

    travelled to over40 countries and speak more than 5 languages.

    In May 2010, 14 young people from all regions of the country came together to begin an

    incrediblejourney of leadership, learning and life-changing experiences. Working together for

    the next year, they will lead the world's largest youth-run organization in one of the most

    impactful countries in the world: Brazil.

    After successful terms with AIESEC in their local committees, they joined the National Board of

    AIESEC in Brazil in So Paulo to manage national operations. Together, they are responsiblefor overseeing the strategic direction of a network of over 2,500 members in 32 entities in the

    5 regions of Brazil.

    Collectively, these 14 individuals have travelled to over 40 countries and speak over 5

    languages. Their educational backgrounds are diverse, including international relations,

    business administration, economics, statistics, computer science and biomedical studies. They

    have lead more than 45 teams in AIESEC. The diversity of this group of young professionals

    represents AIESEC's unique global reach.

    Through their time with AIESEC, these 14 individuals have been able to gain valuable

    experience in leadership and develop a passion for seeing positive change in society.

    As they start their term here in So Paulo, their goal is to ensure that AIESEC in Brazil achieves

    a year ofgrowth and impact across the world.

    The AIESEC in Brazil National Board team's story is just one of many lived by exceptional teams

    across AIESEC's network of 50,000 members in 110 countries.

    Would you like to live a similar story?

  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    National Board Staff

    Name Initials Title

    Anna Laura AS President

    Faviane Teixeira FT VP Outgoing Exchange

    Fernando Flores FF VP External Relations

    Gabryel Ferrari GF VP Communications

    Gilmar Souza GS VP Information Management

    Glucio Charo GC VP Local Committee Development

    Ismael Carrillo IC VP Talent Management

    Rafael Sousa RS VP Finances

    Las Sousa LS External Relations Manager

    Marina Arruda MA LC Coaching Manager

    Rafel Bittencourt RB LC Coaching Manager

    Rogrio Quaresma RQ VP Incoming Exchange

    Edil Amorim EA Incoming Exchange Manager

    Fabrcio Vargas FV External Relations Manager

    Acronym Guide

    Acronym Definition

    SG Supervisory Group

    EP Exchange Participant

    TN Traineeship NomineeTNA National Internal Audit Team (Time Nacional de Auditoria)

    ICX Incoming Exchange

    OGX Outgoing Exchange

    LR Leadership Role

    X+L Both Leadership Role and Exchange Experiences

    NEP National Exchange Partner

    NST National Support Team

    X Exchange

    MC Members Committee (National Board Team)

    CEED Involvement of a member in another AIESEC entity

    LC Local Committee

  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    National Board 2010-2011 Principles

    Team Values

    Learning - We are connected with the world always searching for solutions and

    opportunities that will take us from the current level to a higher one.

    Joy - We enjoy every moment living our experience in a light and fun way.

    Balance - We are balanced in each aspect of our lives, therefore we enjoy our

    experience and seize the day.

    Care - We seek to be aware of each other to keep the team united.

    Vision - We inspire growth and great achievements with no limits for our creativity.

    Connection - We connect with each other and the network exploring diversity to think

    and work together to bring the best results

    Simplicity - We evolve in a practical way.

    Team Brand Elements






    Brazilian way

    AIESEC in Brazil 2010-2011 Team Vision

    The Brazilian way of doing AIESEC: connecting, empowering and leading

    trends enables us to deliver the highest amount of full and relevant AIESEC



    The 2010-2011 Plan for AIESEC in Brazil Plan was built based on two main pillars:

    Our main products portfolio: Incoming Exchange, Outgoing Exchange, LeadershipExperiences, Exchange after Leadership and Leadership after Exchange.

    National Association Management Services: External Relations, Local CommitteesDevelopment, Financial Sustainability, Communications and Governance.

    The National Board collected inputs from the national association which served as

    basis for the MC 2010-2011 to build the National Plan.

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    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    AIESEC in Brazil National Plan

    Network Strategic Direction: Smart AIESEC Experiences

    The main strategy of AIESEC in Brazil 2010-2011 isthe evolution of the smart exchanges strategy to

    smart operations, based on supply and demand

    chain management of our portfolio through the

    development of AIESEC experience programs,

    including full AIESEC Experience products.

    Culture of Simple Exchange: The SmartAIESEC Experiences strategy is supported by a

    culture of exchange as something simple which can

    be done whenever one wants throughout theAIESEC experience, enabling stronger connection of AIESEC in Brazil within itself and

    with the global network and external opportunities, creating leaders with global

    mindset, able to bring more results to the national association.

    Business Sense Orientation: AIESEC in Brazil can lead trends in the globalnetwork, identifying new market opportunities to assure sustainable growth in the


    Leadership and Management Capacity: Empowerment of local leaders andmiddle managers to deliver more AIESEC experiences trough the development of

    leadership and management capacity in the national association.

    Organizational Goals



    X after


    LR after

    XEntities LCs Ext. IGs Members



    July 196 55 141 60 15 8 7

    32 29 4 1 3120August 92 45 47 68 5 4 1

    September 104 45 59 34 9 7 2



    October 65 40 25 34 5 2 3

    33 30 3 0 2800November 87 35 52 12 6 4 2

    December 176 30 146 63 64 44 20



    Januray 193 60 133 95 110 70 40

    35 32 3 3 3000February 136 60 76 300 60 30 30

    March 113 45 68 65 11 6 5



    April 52 25 27 44 5 2 3

    35 32 3 2 3600May 83 45 38 105 32 3 29

    June 103 65 38 120 78 20 58

    TOTAL 1400 550 850 1000 400 200 200 35 32 3 2 3600

    OGX MT TT DT ET ICX MT TT DT ET255 85 468 43 120 60 350 20

  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    Portfolio Strategic Projects

    Each of our main products has a specific strategic project to enhance results: Incoming

    Exchange, Outgoing Exchange, Leadership Experience, Exchange after Leadership and

    Leadership after Exchange.

    Operations Team Vision

    We generate a high volume of relevant AIESEC experiences by connecting and

    empowering the network and their leaders to deliver meaningful exchange programs.We have direct relevance in the organizational results by shaping product leadership to

    lead impact.

    Smart Incoming Exchange Experiences

    Objective: Generate Incoming Exchange growth trough more entities ceasing big

    opportunities, entities managing programs effectively and a better timing regardinginternal and external opportunities, developing and implementing new businesses.

    Project Manager: RQ

    Expected Outcomes:

    LCs managing Incoming Exchange results effectively through a focused structure Over 40% of corporate Incoming Exchange realizations Higher relative growth in corporate Incoming Exchange results than non-corporate Alignment of our raising, matching and realizing peaks with the global network Longer peaks of raising and matching to avoid overloaded processes

    AIESEC in Brazil realizing a high number of ET TNs Packaging and internal branding of Brazilian Incoming Exchange Opportunities to

    facilitate Exchange Participants recruitment by countries

    Key Performance Indicators: # ICX realized, # LCs using national ICX programs, # ICX

    realized by programs, # LCs managing ICX international cooperations, ICX Delivery

    time; ICX Realization Rate, % Corporate TNs realized, # ET TNs realized


    Connecting: promoting AIESEC in Brazil abroad and connecting the Braziliannetwork with the rest of the world: a larger number of foreign EPs seeking

    Brazilian TNs and Brazilian LCs being able to connect with good suppliers.

    Leading trends: exploring more existing businesses: a larger number of LCsdelivering a larger number of exchanges through more effective National


    Leading trends: exploring new businesses with the ET (educational traineeships)pool: a significant growth in ET TNs realized through a reviewed pricing of these

    internships and effective program management.

    Leading trends: exploring new businesses with the TT (technical traineeships)pool: a significant growth in TT TNs realized through a change in pricing

    distribution of these internships and effective program management.

    Empowering: top sellers program: higher corporate TNs raising through a nationalprogram for sellers and creating job description packs for the network to sell.

    Empowering: supporting LCs on operations management: higher performance ofICX teams through effective management and leadership.

  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    Smart Outgoing Exchange Experiences

    Objective: Generate growth in Outgoing Exchange trough a better management of

    more programs along the year, creating Incoming Exchange Capacity in focus countries

    and implementing a culture of living and generating the AIESEC experience.

    Project Manager: FT

    Expected Outcomes:

    LCs managing Outgoing Exchange results effectively through a focused structure Higher number of Outgoing Exchange initiatives happening along the year Alignment of our raising, matching and realizing peaks with the global network Outgoing Exchange areas leaders managing membership effectively to deliver


    Higher number of OGX realized in summer with IGN countries Stronger Outgoing Exchange products brand in the students marketKey Performance Indicators: # OGX realized,# LCs using national OGX programs, # OGX

    realized by programs, # LCs managing OGX international cooperations, OGX Delivery

    time; OGX Realization Rate


    Connecting: strengthening the relationship with TN suppliers to adjust to ourtiming: increase fast matching by international cooperations with different pools

    and national alignment to supply international partnerships.

    Leading trends: making our OGX Products brands stronger in the studentsmarket: national alignment for products promotion to make them stronger in the

    students market. Leading trends: empowering IGN to grow in ICX: capacity built in IGN countries to

    raise timely non-corporate TNs for Brazilian EPs. (Responsible: RQ)

    Empowering: increasing operations and people management capacity: buildcapacity in our leaders to manage organizational results, improving their

    knowledge about operations and people management.

    Empowering: increasing ongoing selection capacity: more LCs achieving resultsthrough ongoing recruitment implementation. (Responsible: IC)

    Effective Leadership Experiences

    Objective: Increase the volume and quality of Leadership Experiences, stimulating the

    creation of leadership positions in operations areas and preparing leaders to deliver


    Project Manager: IC

    Expected Outcomes:

    LCs creating a structure that assures a higher of number of leadershipopportunities in operations

    Prepare the local leaders to deliver the expected results Personal development of leaders Optimize the local structures to deliver more focused leadership experiences

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    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    Ensure good transition in the national networkKey Performance Indicators: # Members with Leadership Experience, # New role

    assignments in operations areas, # Members working with operations, # Applicants per

    LR opportunity, Retention Rate, # LCs with an area responsible for X+L, # Members

    # Members using CAT


    Connecting: implementing the Refreshed Global Competency Model: Connect thepersonal and professional development with the activities done in AIESEC with the

    usage of the Global Competency Model in our operations.

    Leading trends: customizing LEAD Leadership Development Program to Brazil:external support to MC and LCPs performance, empowering the leadership to

    deliver more results.

    Empowering: packaging Leadership Product to Brazil: Pack the LeadershipExperience in a single product, connecting the AIESEC Experience with a Leadership

    Development Program.

    Empowering: supporting the implementation of leadership opportunities inoperations: optimizing the local structures to deliver more results through more

    leadership opportunities.

    Exchange participants with Entrepreneurial Outlook [Exchange after Leadership]

    Objective: Achieve the highest volume of X+L by making more leaders go on exchange

    through a culture of simple exchange, stimulating EBs to travel and be a role model for

    members to go on exchange as a fundamental part of the leadership development

    AIESEC offers.

    Project Manager: IC

    Expected Outcomes:

    Create an X culture inside the LCs

    Generate a higher volume of full AIESEC Experiences

    Establish the exchange experience as something required for personal development

    Key Performance Indicators: # Exchange after Leadership Realized, # EPs with previous

    Leadership Experience Raised, # LCs that send some EB Outgoing member to exchange,

    # LCs that send some EB Incoming member to exchange, X+L Delivery time, X+L

    Realization Rate

    Initiatives: Connecting: connecting our membership with the global network through

    exchange as a simple experience: create a culture of simple exchanges that

    stimulates leaders to go on exchange.

    Leading trends: engaging alumni for going on exchange: bring alumni withleadership experience to go on exchange and complete their AIESEC experiences.

    Empowering: Creating highly attractive exchange opportunities with key timelysuppliers: increase the number of leaders completing their AIESEC Experiences by

    offering attractive exchange opportunities with key AIESEC countries.

  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    Leaders with Global Mindset [Leadership after Exchange]

    Objective: Achieve the highest volume of X+L by giving leadership opportunities to

    members who have lived an exchange experience, through a culture that values

    exchange as a fundamental part of the leadership development AIESEC offers.

    Project Manager: IC

    Expected Outcomes:

    Create an X culture in the AIESEC in Brazil network

    Generate a higher volume of full AIESEC Experiences

    Establish the exchange experience as something required for personal development

    External positioning of complete AIESEC experiences

    Key Performance Indicators: # Leadership after Exchange realized, # Reintegrated EPs,

    # Members applying to join AIESEC interested in both leadership and exchange, # LCs

    using national X+L programs, # LCs using ongoing recruitment, # LCs using exchange

    experience as criteria for LR selection, # of X+L Product realized


    Connecting: reintegrating of Exchange Participants on local activities: have morereturnees involved in the LC activities and taking leadership opportunities.

    Leading trends: developing a Complete AIESEC Experience productcommunication: create and implement a product positioning, features and

    benefits of complete AIESEC Experience with dual exchange and leadership


  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    National Association Management Services ProjectsAll areas strictly related to national services, such as Local Committees Development,

    Finances and Communications, and areas responsible for assuring effective structure

    and management of the National Association, such as External Relations and

    Governance, also have an strategic plan each.

    External Relations

    External Relations Team Vision

    We generate relevant partnerships by communicating effectively with the internal and

    external audiences.

    Area Responsible: FF

    Critical Success Factors:

    New Partnerships with growth potential in existing and emerging markets

    Acquired partnerships sustained and expanded with significance

    Internal and External expectations accomplished and overachieved


    National Exchange Partners (NEP): the main ER strategy is to have every national

    partner as a complete partner positioning, conferences and exchange using

    account management for account expansion in terms of exchanges and benefit



    Total of revenue from new partnerships: R$210,000.00

    # Partners with revenue: 20

    % of entities with benefits from national partners: 100%Total of revenue coming from current partners: R$290,000.00

    % of growth in NEP TNs: 134%

    # of interactions between the network and national partners generating revenue: 30

    % satisfaction of partners: 75%

    Main extraordinary initiatives:

    More partners brought from effective communication with LCs: ensureconnection with LCs to explore more markets and assure quality of delivery.

    Alumni Initiative: create the Alumni Initiative product and sell it using the 40thAnniversary as a platform.

    Petrobrs Project: bring revenue to the national association that is related to thecore work through national projects.

    Health Insurance Contacts: have a national partner for health insurance whichbrings revenues to the national association.

    Airlines Contacts: capitalize on other countries partnerships to have benefits fromairlines.

    DT founding projects: capitalize on organizations aligned with our values to makeDTs sustainable.

  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    Financial Sustainability

    Finances Vision

    We invest in growth by shaping a new financial framework and leading the financial


    Area Responsible: RS

    Critical Success Factors:

    Increase Finance Membership Quality

    Reduce the Audit Fines

    Budgeting Processes Improvement

    Increase Financial Reserves


    MC months of financial reserves: 13

    Growth in MC operational revenues: 94%

    Surplus at MC level: R$ 200,000.00Growth in LC operational revenues: 28%

    AIESEC Experiences generated through investments

    Main activities:

    Alumni donations fund: create a fund for alumni donations capitalizing on the 40 thAnniversary of AIESEC in Brazil.

    Legal review: review AIESEC in Brazil in terms of legal status (OSCIP), taxes and HRpolicies for the national board and LCs.

    External auditing & Timely Accounting: achieve complete and timelyaccountability about our finances.

    LCs investing in more AIESEC Experiences: create the capacity and knowledge forLCs to invest strategically in delivering more AIESEC Experiences.Local Committees Development

    Local Committee Development Team Vision

    We take the national direction to the local level by being the link between MC and


    Area Responsible: GC

    Critical Success Factors:Effective management of the MC`s implementation channels, comprised in internal

    communication, reinforcement systems and support channels, in order to effectively

    implement our strategic direction.

    Expected Outcomes:

    Expected outcomes achieved in ICX, OGX and X+L strategic projects

    Sustainable achievement and growth in organizational goals

    Generate Empowering, entrepreneurial behavior and connection in the national


    Key Performance Indicators:

    % of achievement of organizational goals, # Entities, # ICX per entity, # OGX per entity,# X+L per entity, # L per entity, % Growth in ICX, % Growth in OGX, % Growth in X+L

  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    Main activities:

    Driver Campaign Implementation: unify messages to be passed to LCs aligned withthe a common strategic direction through different implementation channels to

    encourage the network behavior to live and generate AIESEC Experiences

    Customized Support Model Implementation: use support channels aligned withspecific needs of LCs according to needs and timing

    Review the LC Planning and Management Model: simplify the scope of an LC workaligned with the national strategic direction to generate a higher volume of AIESEC


    Integrated Incentive System: reinforce the behavior of LCs hrough recognitionchannels integrated with the national direction

    Legislation support: guarantee effective legislation processes. Conference management: effectively usage of our conferences as moments to

    engage our network into a common direction.


    Communications Vision

    AIESEC in Brazil is known as a consistent reference of youth leadership by having a

    strong institutional positioning because of an integrated vision of communications

    processes that are responsibility of everybody.

    Area Responsible: GF


    Better position AIESEC as a reference in youth leadership (liderana jovem)

    Having strong AIESEC Experience products positioning in the market and in the AIESECnetwork

    Constantly creating relevant content for the Brazilian media regarding AIESECs impact

    Increasing AIESEC's online market share

    Building capacity in operations areas to deliver communications activities

    Supporting effective internal communication structure in the LCs


    Every stakeholder is interacting with AIESEC easily and frequently via our website and

    social media

    Our website drives our achievement of organizational goals

    Our Web 2.0 presence has increased and is driving audiences towards our websiteAIESEC is recognized as the most prominent youth leadership organization

    Society recognizes AIESEC's importance as a result of our impact through media


    AIESEC has contributed to major national events representing youth voices

    Key Performance Indicators Targets:

    # of page views (, % Increase in search engine ranking (liderana

    jovem), # followers on social media channels (Twitter, Facebook Fans, YouTube), # of

    AIESEC articles (content) posted on media, # Alumni stories compiled, # Partners

    stories compiled, # Members stories compiled, # LCs which have products

    communications processes inside operations areas, # LCs with internal

    communications plan

  • 8/4/2019 AIESEC+in+Brazil+2010 2011+Year+Plan


    AIESEC in Brazil | Dona Brgida, 327, So Paulo SP | +55 11 5549 4880 |

    Main activities:

    40th Anniversary Strategy: capitalize on the alumni initiative to create relevantcontent for media appearances and online positioning.

    Institutional positioning through effective press consultancy and social media toall publics: define AIESEC as a reference in youth leadership (liderana jovem) to

    all publics. Products positioning in the external market: position our AIESEC Experience

    products in the external market via website.

    Positioning AIESEC in Brazil to the global AIESEC network: packaging our productsto the AIESEC network with strong brands and timeline for effective supply and

    demand management.

    Website review (search engine optimization): a new website which enables us toachieve organizational goals through connection with our stakeholders.

    Capacity of products communications strategy implementation in operationsareas: empower operations areas to deliver products communication processes.

    Governance Management

    MC Management Vision

    We deliver better results by interacting with our key stakeholders in a transparent and

    coordinated way.

    Area Responsible: AS

    Critical Success Factors:

    Effective management of the National Board team

    Clear and consistent accountability to the Supervisory Group, Internal Auditor and CSNEffective Management of the National Compendium

    Key Performance Indicators: % MC team performance, # reports sent

    Main activities:

    Improving reporting channels: stronger and clearer accountability channels withkey stakeholders.

    Creating stronger knowledge management: structured processes for data storagein, server and CRM.

    MC Team performance management improvement: clear performanceassessments and recognition systems to the MC team.

    Effective National Compendium: review the National Compendium to createsimpler and stronger governance processes.