aika village project

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    So, I've been hearing a lot about this village found in Animal Crossing: New Leaf known

    as Aika Village. I deided to head there m!self using the "ream Suite and look around to

    see what I ould find. Needless to sa!, it's a #rett! ree#! #lae. It's got some sort of

    s!mboli stor! revolving around a girl named Aika and it hasn't been onfirmed to have

    an! offiial right or wrong answers. So with that, here's m! e$#erine and theor! on Aika


    %he first thing !ou'll notie when !ou enter the dream is a #resent ne$t to the bed. I

    forgot to a#ture the #iture, but when !ou o#en the #resent, it's a red doll!. &e're going

    to be seeing this doll a L% in this little dream adventure. (ou'll also find a girl dressed in

    red lothes named Aika. &hen !ou s#eak to her, she onl! s#eaks in )a#anese. I m!self

    am not fluent in )a#anese so I had to look u# the translation, whih is *I love m!


    Another thing !ou'll notie as !ou walk awa! from the #la+a is ust how beautiful and

    #erfet the village is. %here's rare arnations ever!where and #erfet #eahes. -eautiful,

    #eaeful, #erfet village.

    %here are four main houses in the village. ah one of them tells a different #art of thestor! of this m!sterious village. Let's take a look at those ne$t.

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    %he first house !ou enter a##ears to be the sene of a birthda! elebration. %here'sthree manni/uins, one of whih is wearing the same lothes as Aika. %here's some#rett! ree#! musi #la!ing and !ou an see that there's a room in the bak of thehouse, but it's being bloked b! a dresser, disabling an! aess.

    %here's another room u#stairs. It's filled with to!s and three #aintings. %he #ainting in the

    enter is Aika with two other #eo#le, who I'm going to assume is her #arents. %he

    #ainting on the left is ust the mother and the #ainting on the left is a dog.

    I e$ited the house and walked around to e$#lore a little more. I saw an area down b! thebeah that I ouldn't aess unless I ould swim around to it and I don't have a wet suit.

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  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    I walked awa! from the ma+e and found a grave!ard of some sort. %here were diggings#ots b! eah grave and I thought eah would be a 1!roid, seeing how the! resemblelittle figures that are buried with the dead in )a#an, but no. ah and ever! one of them

    was a doghouse. 2emember how there was a #ainting of the dog in the house wevisited3 4erha#s that was Aika's #et dog who died. Sad... I also found a #air of mittens atthe end of the grave!ard. Again, I'm not full! sure what this means, so !ou an give me!our in#ut. %here was another house nearb! so I looked inside.

    %his house seemed to be some kind of dark ma+e. (ou have to get around b! sitting onstools and swinging around to different diretions. %here's bloks, well... -loking !our

    wa! if !ou're not going the right wa!. %here was another room on the other side of thehouse that I wanted to get to so even though it took me a ou#le of minutes to figure itout, I made it to the other side.

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    %here was nothing but to!s in the room. %o!s with their baks turned. It was #rett! eerie

    and I deided to move m! amera around to look at the to!s from u# front. I was greetedb! another ree#! sur#rise.

    n the wall was sets of e!es. It was #rett! ree#!, but I'm not e$atl! sure what thisroom is su##osed to mean. All these to!s have their baks turned and there's e!es

    wathing !ou when !ou least e$#et it. 1o ahead and #ut !our ideas here, but all I knowis that these to!s didn't seem real ha##! with me and those e!es are starting to ree#me out.

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    I e$ited the room and went through the ma+e again. I notied that there was an u#stairs

    and a downstairs so I e$#lored those, too. %he room u#stairs seems to be telling thestor! of Adam and ve. A male statue, a female statue, a snake, and a #erfet a##le. It'stelling the stor! of how sin entered the one #erfet world.

    %he room downstairs atuall! seemed #rett! ha##!5 It was a feasting #art! of dolls.%here was ha##! musi, streamers, and lots of guests. It seemed like a birthda! #art!.&hat fun5

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    &ait... 6un3 7a##!3 I take that bak. I saw some obet behind one of the dolls so I got

    a better look and turned m! amera around. %here was an a$e behind the red doll. 8ee#in mind that this is the same doll that !ou reieve in the beginning of the dream and !oualso see this doll ne$t to the #aintings in the u#stairs room of the first house. Cree#edout !et3 hoho, this is still ust the beginning of the stor!.

    I went outside to e$#lore some more and as I walked around, I notied the town startingto look a lot less harming... %here were dead trees ever!where, weeds, garbage, ands#oiled turni#s. %his one beautiful, #erfet town has turned dead and de#ressing.

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    I found another house that looked #rett! sad and torn a#art. I also found a bubble wand

    outside the door, but I'm not sure if it neessaril! means an!thing or if it's ust there togive the im#ression that a hild one lived in this house, that hild being Aika. r it ouldmean something like the bubbles re#resent life floating into another diretion. 0a!be I'mover9thinking this, ma!be I'm not. &ho knows3 1ive me !our in#ut.

    &ell... I entered the house and this is b! far the ree#iest one I've enountered. %he ver!first thing I notied was the red doll sitting there with an a$e. I was about to hiken m!

    wa! out of there, but I deided to be brave and ontinue on. I walked through the halls ofthe librar!9like house to investigate.

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    &hoa, hi there5 I atuall! found Aika standing in the orner of the house and she sared

    the living ra# out of me. I went over to talk to her and her te$t seemed muh moreumbled this time. I was like *ka!...3* and ontinued m! wa! through the house.

    I found another doll in the house, too. It's not wearing an! red, so I dunno if it's reall!su##osed to mean an!thing of if it's ust there to be ree#!. An!wa!s, moving on.

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    %he north room was a #ure white room with #ages sattered all over the #lae and two

    other books inlosed with glass. 4erha#s these are diaries. Notie how one of them hasa four9leaved lover in it. &ell, the number four is atuall! -A" luk in )a#anese ultureand the number an even roughl! translate to *death* in )a#anese. 4erha#s thiss!mboli+es the ending life of someone3

    %he room on the left ust had a #iano with easter eggs on the floor. I don't reall! knowwhat this means, but #erha#s it has something to do with the #hrase *walking oneggshells*. I'm not sure wh! the!'d #ut this b! a #iano, though. If !ou have an! idea,#lease tell me.

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    &ell, after being tra##ed in the house for a while with Aika being in the wa! and going

    bak and forth between rooms to res#awn her #osition, I made it bak to the entrane.

    %here was an u#stairs room and a basement so I went u#stairs first. It was... Cree#!.

    %he first thing I notied right off the bat was the #itures of Aika's mom all over the

    furniture. &hen I walked forward, I also saw the red doll staring at a stati! %V. %7A%

    gave me hills. Is this doll obsessed with Aika's mom or holding a grudge on her3 I

    guess we'll find out later. 6or now, I'm ust gonna turn off that %V and ho#e that the doll

    doesn't deide to kill me for it later.

    oohhhh bo!... I guess our answers to the /uestion about the doll's relationshi# withAika's mother are about to wra# u# here. I walked to the downstairs room and foundsome old room full of anti/ues. Interesting5 -ut what freaked me out was the outline of ahuman bod! drawn on the bed with the red doll sitting ne$t to it. 7ow ree#! is that3 Ithink I've filled u# on m! nightmare fuel for tonight5 &hat game was I #la!ing again3

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    &ait... %his is still freaking Animal Crossing35 &ell... Alright. &e'll kee# going, I guess.

    I wandered north of the house and found Aika wandering around. &hen I talked to her,nothing she said even made sense. %his ouldn't remotel! translate to AN(%7IN1. )ust

    umbled words. 7er words had been getting more umbled eah time I talked to her. It'slike she was broken... &ell, she was right b! the final house, so I went inside.

    It was the same as the house we saw before, but this time it was a 0SS. Com#letel!trashed. It was suh a mess that I ouldn't hel# but want to see how muh the u#stairsroom had hanged.

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    All the to!s had their baks turned again. %he drawings were all sribbled out and there

    was the doll, sitting there with an a$e. Aika's mom was sribbled out in the left #ainting,Aika was sribbled out in the middle, and the dog was sribbled out in the left.

    -ut what's this3 I somehow didn't see this right awa!. %he dresser that was bloking thewa! of the other room was moved. I an now enter5 &hen I entered the room, I sawthis...

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    It was the manni/uin in Aika's lothes losed in with the doll. %he! were together forever.

    No where to esa#e, nobod! able to reah in to them. )ust them, alone and together...

    It's all oming together now.

    &ell, here's another thing I ouldn't /uite figure out. I walked around outside and entered

    the #olie station and all the! had was beehives. "oes this mean an!thing or is it ust

    su##osed to be weird;ree#!3 (ou tell me.

    &ell, m! main #ur#ose of running around outside was to tr! to find a wet suit. I mean,

    'mon. %here's unk sattered ever!where in this town. I'm sure there's a wet suit

    S0where. &ell, I finall! found one after searhing around for some time. It was

    buried behind a bush, wra##ed u# in a #resent. Now I an aess that small beah area5

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    -ut first, let's take a moonlit walk on the main beah, first. I'm sure there's some

    interesting things to find here.

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    I said earlier about the number in )a#anese ulture3 (e#. -ad luk and death.

    C04L%L( different from what we think it means. %here was four four9leaved lovers

    here so there's no doubt about it that the!'re talking about death here. So I got on m!

    wet suit and swam over to the grave.

    %here was andies and sweets in front of the grave. %here was also a digging s#ot so Idug there and found a ree#! skeleton. %!#ial... I mean, this IS a grave, right3 (ou'regonna find dead things under a grave. &ell, the ree#iest #art about this is that I atuall!saw AN%72 digging s#ot behind some flowers. I dug it u# and found the doll.7onestl!... I was at a loss of words. %his was some of the ree#iest stuff I have ever raninto. &ho knew that something %7IS ree#! would be found in a utes!, ha##! game

    like Animal Crossing3 &ell, like 6orest 1um#'s mama said, life is like a bo$ ofhoolates. (ou never know what !ou're gonna get. So now that I've shared with !ou m!e$#erine in Aika Village, wh! not share m! overall theor! on the #lae3

    I'm gonna have to bak9trak a bit and take bab!ste#s here. 2emember how when wefirst enter the village, it's #ure and beautiful. It's #erfet5 I'm guessing it revolves aroundAika and her #erfet life with her mother. &ell what about the dogg!3 I'm sure hebrought great o! to Aika's life, too. 0an's best friend, after all. 2emember the roomtelling the stor! of Adam and ve in the seond house3 %hat stor! is the stor! of thebeginning of sin. A one beautiful, #erfet world turning dead and de#ressing, ust like

    what's been ha##ening in this village. -ut &7A% e$atl! ha##ened3 &ell, m! theor! isthat the red doll was ealous of the love and attention given between Aika, her mother,and her dog. %he doll was feeling reeted and lonel!, so she takes ation and kills bothAika's mom AN" her dog. 2emember the graves with the doghouses3 &ell, !eah. I'mguessing the doll was ealous of Aika's love for her famil! so she kills Aika's mother,#utting Aika in distress and miser!, slowl! breaking a#art like the words she s#eaks eahtime !ou talk to her in the village. %he doll kills these two to be the onl! one to reievelove from Aika. She wants to be with her forever. A little bit like 0ar! from the game Ib.Now what about Aika3 &hat ha##ens to her3 &ell, remember the shoes we found on

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    the beah3 Notie how the!'re red, ust like Aika's outfit. I think Aika ommitted suiide inmourn of her mother's death. She drowned herself. And what about the doll3 &ell, wesee in the final house that she and the doll are with eah other alone forever and we findthe doll buried with Aika. 4erha#s the doll itself tem#ted Aika to ommit suiide and wasgoing to sta! with her bod! forever that wa!. %his is all ust a big guess from me, but ithasn't been onfirmed to have a right 2 wrong stor!. %hat's ust the fun in this sort of

    thing. ver!one has their own theories and ideas. "o !ou agree with mine, or do !ouhave something else in mind3 "on't be afraid to let me know beause I am alwa!s

    willing to hear other #eo#le's theories on Aika Village.

    ne other thing I'd like to note is that most of the animals in this village have red dolls in

    their houses. It's like !ou're being stalked and followed b! the doll ever!where !ou go...No, literall!. Chek !our #okets. 2emember the #resent !ou #iked u# with the doll3&ell, it looks like that's !our burden, now... -etter run. %he doll ma! be after !ou, too.Let's start a game of hide and seek>

    ...ka!, I a#ologi+e for that orn! ending. -ut !eah, that is m! overall e$#erine withAika Village. &h! not leave off with some bloo#ers and other things I did in the village3

    Let's ount the number of #itfalls I've fallen into5

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    %here's one... ?I look like I'm being eaten b! a bush.@


  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project



    Are9!ou9kidding9me four...

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    6ive... Shoot.

    7a ha5 Not getting me this9

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    ra#. &ell, moving on...

    %his gu! isn't relevant, but I thought he looked funn!. &ow, what a nie thing to sa! tosomeone new, eh3

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    I don't think m! harater likes this s#ook! #lae...

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


    "on't mind me, I'm ust gonna eat this old ake I found on the ground... "eliious.

    Aika sared the ra# outta me5 ":

  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project


  • 8/13/2019 Aika Village Project
