amanda carr - portfolio

AMANDA CARR TO OD DO COMMY NOSTIE VOLOREET ADIAM, QUIS DOLORTI NCILIQUAT LUPTAT. LESTO DUI TAT. UT ADIAT, COREETUM NIATUER ALIQUISL DOLESTIE VEL DEL EX EUM EX EUIS DO EUM DOLOREM ING ERCI TAT. Cil ing er sed dolobore tat, velenis nullandip etuercipisl inibh et, vel irit vel ero eugait ullan henibh ea feuis ametuercin ut wis elis dolorpe rciduip exeros augiatum auguerat, quam, cortisim dolore te feum vent nullandrero dolore facil ullandiat luptate magna accum am, velesse tie faccum iurer am quipsuscin utet, corpero odolor sent ilit, cor si bla consequisl ut ad dolorpero eros ad tatet ad dolortie er illam zzrillandrem in hent lan henim velit acipisl dolobore mincip et prat delit veliquam zzril et augue doloreet, consendigna autpat velis augait luptat vulputet am volent iriuscing eum dolor sit, vel dignim do commy nullam, vent ing enibh exeriur eriure minim init am autpat. Nit ut incilit accum et aliqui bla facillaore magna conse dolore delenis nulla augue tet il ipit ing eugait vent am zzrit nulputpat, quip et in elit augait inibh endre delit autat. VOLESTRUD DUNT NOSTIE VELESSI TAT. UT NIBH EUMMY NONSE MINCILISMODO CON UTAT. 321.271.6673 MANDICARR@CFL.RR.COM SPRING 2012 - COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN STUDIO Project directive was to design an incubator office with shared community services and ground floor retail between two of Boston’s most distinct neighborhoods of Bulfinch’s Triangle and the North End. Special emphasis was placed upon environmental consideration, utilizing both passive and active systems. My partner and I took the project from research, massing concepts, to a fully fleshed out design. My primary role was in drafting, graphics, and final presentation. Right: Ground Floor Plan (AutoCAD 2011 & Adobe Illustrator) Below: Detail Section (AutoCAD 2011 & Adobe Illustrator)

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Page 1: Amanda Carr - Portfolio

AmAndA CArr

To od do commy nosTie voloreeT adiam, quis dolorTi nciliquaT lupTaT. lesTo dui TaT. uT adiaT, coreeTum niaTuer aliquisl dolesTie vel del ex eum ex euis do eum dolorem ing erci TaT.

cil ing er sed dolobore tat, velenis nullandip etuercipisl inibh et, vel irit vel ero eugait ullan henibh ea feuis ametuercin ut wis elis dolorpe rciduip exeros augiatum auguerat, quam, cortisim dolore te feum vent nullandrero dolore facil ullandiat luptate magna accum am, velesse tie faccum iurer am quipsuscin utet, corpero odolor sent ilit, cor si bla consequisl ut ad dolorpero eros ad tatet ad dolortie er illam zzrillandrem in hent lan henim velit acipisl dolobore mincip et prat delit veliquam zzril et augue doloreet, consendigna autpat velis augait luptat vulputet am volent iriuscing eum dolor sit, vel dignim do commy nullam, vent ing enibh exeriur eriure minim init am autpat.

nit ut incilit accum et aliqui bla facillaore magna conse dolore delenis nulla augue tet il ipit ing eugait vent am zzrit nulputpat, quip et in elit augait inibh endre delit autat.

volesTrud dunT nosTie velessi TaT. uT nibh eummy nonse mincilismodo con uTaT.

[email protected]

spring 2012 - comprehensive design sTudio

project directive was to design an incubator office with shared community services and ground floor retail between two of Boston’s most distinct neighborhoods of Bulfinch’s Triangle and the north end. special emphasis was placed upon environmental consideration, utilizing both passive and active systems.

my partner and i took the project from research, massing concepts, to a fully fleshed out design. My primary role was in drafting, graphics, and final presentation.

right: ground Floor plan (autocad 2011 & adobe illustrator)

below: detail section (autocad 2011 & adobe illustrator)

Page 2: Amanda Carr - Portfolio

AmAndA CArr [email protected]

right: detail section (autocad 2011 & adobe illustrator)

Page 3: Amanda Carr - Portfolio

AmAndA CArr [email protected]

Brick Veneer with CMU Back-up Wall Section

Amanda CarrScale 3/4” = 1’

Spring 2009 - Structures 2: TectonicsBrick Veneer with CMU Back-up Wall Section

Amanda CarrScale 3/4” = 1’

Spring 2009 - Structures 2: Tectonics

right: detail section (autocad 2011 & adobe illustrator)

Page 4: Amanda Carr - Portfolio

AmAndA CArr [email protected]

Fall 2010 - archiTecTural seminar Final project was to take an existing architectural project and through a single drawing showcase unique aspects of the project. after constructing this isometric of Carlo Scarpa’s Querini Stampalia Foundation in venice, italy, i used different layers of colors to show effects of water, the running datum, and elevation throughout the space.

right: isometric (autocad 2009 & adobe illustrator)

below: sketches created on-site (pencil & marker)

Page 5: Amanda Carr - Portfolio

AmAndA CArr [email protected]

illusTraTionacademic and personal

in addition to my design work in architecture, I’m also an avid illustrator, taking my skills in illustration and photoshop and applying them to architectural sketches and art. While many of these are personal works, they do represent my eye for color and design and passion for many different types of media.

above: hand-drafted perspective from Fall 2010. (pencil & pen)

right: colored illustration from spring 2012. (adobe photoshop & bamboo drawing tablet)

Page 6: Amanda Carr - Portfolio

AmAndA CArr 3480 HeArtwood lAne 321.271.6673melbourne, fl 32934 [email protected]

spring 2010 – herculaneum

Team : amanda carr, drew cunningham, megan cusack, sarah cushing, christine greene, Kelsey holmes, and magdalena Kukulska

While in rome, our study abroad had the unique opportunity to visit the archeological site of herculaneum, near naples. We met with the archeologists at the site, as well as city leaders and participated in a design charrette to find ways to improve both local community access as well as tourist connections to the site.

as a team, we constructed a multi-year plan to facilitate the goals of education, environmentalism, and tourism.

my role of the team was primarily graphic, being the editor in chief with the final drawings and presentations which would ultimately be published and viewed on site and in local publications.

To the right: sketches created on-site (pencil & marker)

below: presentation board (indesign)

Community Center and Park

Lookout Points

“Herculaneum Conservation and Development Workshop” Spring 2010Team 2Amanda Carr • Drew Cunningham • Megan Cusack • Sarah Cushing • Christine Greene • Kelsey Holmes • Magdalena Kukulska

The Comnuity Center opens up onto Via Mare, Corso Resina, and offers great views to the site. The Res-idents will use this space for communtiy functions, putting on shows, and a day care center.Il Centro Comnuity apre su Via Mare, Corso Resina, e offre una splendida vista sul sito. The Residents uti-lizzerà questo spazio per le funzioni di communtiy, mettendo in mostra, e un centro di cura di giorno.







The proposed pathway cantilevered along the edge of the archialogical site creates a secondary pedestrain road, helping to alievate the dangerous congestion of Via Mare. The two lookout points break the through the wall connecting the pathway with Via Mare, and provide places to pause and view the site, while learning about the site from informational plaques at each location. Il percorso proposto a sbalzo lungo il bordo del sito archialogical crea una strada pe-donale secondario, contribuendo a alievate la congestione pericolosa di Via Mare. I due punti di avvistamento per rompere il muro di collega il percorso con Via Mare, e di fornire posti di pausa e visualizzare il sito, imparando a conoscere il sito da placche informativi in ogni postazione.

View looking out from Day Care Center/ Visualizza guardando fuori dal Day Care Center

View of entrance from Via Mare/ Vista di ingresso da Via Mare

View of Community Center from piazza/ Vista del Community Center da piazza

View from extended Via Quatro Novembre across site to new pathway and lookout spotsVista dal esteso Via Quatro Novembre in tutta sito per via di nuove macchie e belvedere

Section through Via Mare, cantilevered walkway and lookout pointSezione Via Mare, passerella a sbalzo e belvedere

Page 7: Amanda Carr - Portfolio

AmAndA CArr 3480 HeArtwood lAne 321.271.6673melbourne, fl 32934 [email protected]

spring 2010 – herculaneum

Team : amanda carr, drew cunningham, megan cusack, sarah cushing, christine greene, Kelsey holmes, and magdalena Kukulska

during our charrette, i was responsible for taking the raw models as my teammates created them and turn them into representations of our plans for the site using photoshop in a very short amount of time.

Top: a collage mock-up from the interior of proposed community center.

Middle: Proposed children’s museum

bottom: collage of proposed community center and existing city around it. additional proposed green space and piazza.

Page 8: Amanda Carr - Portfolio

AmAndA CArr

The box scene projecT

i am responsible for the graphics for The box scene project and our blogging site Fandom For equality, from creating the brand and maintaining the look throughout social media. using Adobe’s Creative Suite, I have made icons, banners, flyers as needed to suit our various drives, including formatting over 40 short stories for printing as a fundraising project.

above: icon (adobe illustrator)

To the right: online Flyer (adobe indesign)

below: banners (adobe illustrator)

[email protected]

Page 9: Amanda Carr - Portfolio

AmAndA CArr


Integrated Building Systems - Spring 2012Reading Summary and Response

Reading 3: Tower Architecture - From Modernist Theory to Contemporary Practice

Prompt: For Abalos, the evolution of the office building in the post-war period generated ever changing iterations of the relationships between major systems of the building [e.g., structure, skin, HVAC, electrical, communications, lighting], and major building components [the aggregate of systems, e.g., floors, cores, building enclosure]. For Abalos, the Lever House 1952 by SOM represents the starting point of this evolutionary trajectory and Norman Foster’s Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Building 1986 represents the apogee. Characterize this evolution in terms of building systems and components.

As technology and building systems have evolved and expanded, so to has the need to accommodate these advances within contemporary structures. The appeal of the ceiling, and later floor, as vehicles to spread mechanical systems throughout the structure took hold. These spaces ceased to be solid, instead there were a structural web that not only made the building stand - they also made the building function. As these horizontal systems populated the “in between” spaces in order to liberate the served spaces, so to did the vertical elements condense to a spinal column in the form of the core. Computers culturally created a demand to bring services not only to singular locations but also to movable workstations. Electrical and telecommunications moved underneath the floors. Further innovations showed that other services such as air could also migrate between floor or ceiling. The twentieth century was largely dedicated to segregating these spaces while making them all the more perverse throughout a building, filling in the gaps of structure with all the necessities of having the inside environment of a building be completely independent of the outside environment. However, with increased environmental awareness the need for these service spaces may recede, for more integrated and passive solutions.

[email protected]