- 'jiriiiriiiiliiii i || i , l n% - nys historic...

Post on 22-Mar-2018






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VOL WH^NO, 147


'-I^VW'CBUn^lSOii mam!^^ •^SSstfpaNWJki



istaot to AI


N^W YORK fclSTRfCT ATTORNEY •• • wmi . JJUOER sg&aacfs -to GET •

T R J U S 9 t « i m OF RAJNtt AC-• - . csdewfs E X S E W H E R K

IK m w *GRK CSTST* • .

OBJECT f O mm METHOD #J? R^N»IN0j'tSCT" A » V » ^ CO!*..' ca»saN0 BOW TO A»O TO

"•"' wtamt nf ^mas& CAT-. " • ' v •-£;••'"[ ' f t | i i i , , - t ;.'

New York f 4&ft, - ' ^ H B v e t «mce farmers and Cattle raiser* began send ing hogs ana ^4ttie|o;th© market tney have expferimft»te<4"Wtth various taeth ode designed 16i'Increase the weight o« animals jwwt &eforfe -they go oat© the •packere* scale*. 'fja*^thrtnfc in Iran f sit and the shippers have learned-tht are of raakiaf iip. fbr ica* flesh by stuffing inem- With thirst producing food and then; leadta* them to the w* tertng troiifch.<Tlij8 is Ir^tathsg to t fe packer* whoj object to paying for water in placja of tttheele* ( i t attd bone." ; •'"-, • r. . • • ,"

But now the touch,. nt#ated pack* ers are Shocked because UncleSftan'fc

-1 .'A«rlcalt«tit',I>epartm*n*» which is not apposed w» countenance anythimg ejin fu'., has ismied;* governmeat bulletin, showing h$wit» ncr***© th* «ir

• and therefore get mora In the matter r'of weight . • . ' J. j This advice fa contained in ©ulletin

No. 2B entitled *m* Shrinkage. In


ta Mta Lite Hk Patseiccr •;.-, at Full Speed

- 'jiriiiriiiiliiiii || ii ,



i ' ' J




* ' ftt • r1li l in?i|jrS>-


»raw Itork,;*3m. f«.—At ahwttt tht aame time that «he N««r Yortc Skte aad Ca«J«r HosgUtol waa I«B«ii«f a& a»p«al to the public for a gift of I*0,0W worth of radium to be used ;^,o**t»r.i*»f'|c^ii« HoMKHfathi^ Col - j

ps^pisi^ l-^!ii«WJ'i!r^'


'mmm-tfe dead ahd a doaan Injured,

.'New •Ifork.-.l'ah,' •28.--A$sIita»t Dis-trlat AUto^iliy William JDean fembre. witot t o Aioany today to obsain <er-ta4a record* Ol ^h« is^tW eahai hoaid tot n*ft ih tlta *mhd ju*y Investiga­tion Jftto %* charge* that Jamee fc. Gaffney attaasBtfed to «*act a politica. ooatHbatioii SCrom $mm d Stewart ^tter st««ra« had «a.imutted' a bid to' Wctjrht pt Beef Cattla to, fmtm,*' tfct oba*d to* the coaieraeiiod of a'written yh W.'jfc W a t d , a « « o r aaima. part of the caaal. husbandman of the aepartttoent

Thipse racorde «rfil ba ureaented to! "The tUi can be 4n«r«w«d•*, M $ V tlHj gtixiA.tQ.iy toBofirrew alottg with; th^ koveroma»t <?xp«rt, *tf: civittf th« ttak^qcgeoiKa of iSkfthay, Charles P.! aalmaii ¥ai? or«y oh arrival and *«ra-IJwpi iy and &$m poStlcI^Ba wWch| in? thehi to w«t*r ah hour or two ^i^ttict Atteiaiey Whltthan ha« sob-j before *'t» «0ft fc*t oreaa'* ^ e a i i a d . The search for, baafc depo- ^ The advice in what the pacfcewi call « m * f Mttr^hy a»d a*tfhe? twa* eon- ; tha p^rpitt^Of of * ft*ttd ~m ihock* tmtwfrd toda.v and It tehnderartood th-ii; ed the editor of tha Kattotel Provi» it mv »a e*se»ded oat^de M >few^i6ner ( thfe mn$m orgaa *f tfct Am* I atone .that the *n©Wh* «ar was tele. Tar* ^ u h t y ftoi oaijr i& this state hiit jWiean Jdeat Rafekew AawciaUoa, *hat seeped over the haf»a |» car* oaa <?ar

compie*«iy mval^ihg: the other, Th« iriet of (he mangled and htJj>le9* vie




some »erh*p» fat*Jly, ae the resalt on the head>oa coltttlon last night be­tween a paaeenger train and a freta-lit traitt oit the Saginaw tfrvMoft at the Mic-hijran Central railroad; ti«*<* »nl»ea north of here. A tttlatmdemandltijro* ordew i s ftvMivtd to have heen reapon »tt>le for. the aecldeat The dead are;

©At* JOHNSON, jack»on, «afftnm »a pasaemgrtr train* aad the foiloaina paaeeneeia:

s. tr. eocHfcAX Uaaitie, iiteh. TifBCOORB SCROOCIE, Owoeeo,

» e H • • . 3. » . BECK, of {hi* City.

Car Wae Tdeecoped. So «wat was the force of tha com

t n othtr amies* fltetodiag' Conneea<9M, | he wrote a ple<£e about It for h!a $*-IMlwwiMChuaetta, Rhode! island and? j>erin which hsjaald;

-isewisylvahla.:' .- v, ''•That: 1*' tta]ke-the tatt le ea*. Wl ; ^raiad * i r ^ Resumes Today. ] theory, hay po^itole««a let them few

3%e «ra«*l JKiry. aiso> will resume• ish f o r . « « ( » f&tjl 3 ^ h e f o r * t t o e ibaf|B«p»jr .- the Ihvej^l^ttloto onto; io wei^i them, when they will drlaJb :i*^ws«f--^*t o a ^ h s y esa«^#-'a conrfa"jp«." and t&« ;pask«r %i» pay; tot •tr;li>i^,^o:f;fiiyooO-;"firoairJarne^ •"• i«rj^;4W54: c^V><* R # « ^ » ' M 8 t t ? • '"iiwea^iie' t«; - ^ the lei*..' And S*rie© »? oota|ai««: f«r tlie wwnpai ? a|thls is the saaite %overh«aent that ©o*ft*ct otfc i&6 «ratsM^ agBedWi } apeads '-mkire theaij |s,««e,60O a year m*W W witaes8e«".«Fill;:h* ' James j to Tesaiatc this aaitie packer, whom

time wUhin the atr isrere plainly heard. hy the .readier* teng hefpre -ihe 'raliet 1 ewjn* w*ta able to pehetrate the srrecit a ^ mad reader aattstanctv'. -

The puMtncef irate* runninr OR schedule tJete, w«a oil lt» way fjr ii;* Saginaiv to thta «a>v A."nentttatutf freight iihich, it -wa« ailefeel, itmift have takeo a riding w all©w tiic V*»*.

dtf expert la set to en how to Hefra^d."

e iw»»Hit'Wimfiw«Xiiip

«C;$h*Wi aaid to have *een the ^ h e * *»eeu'" Hi.; tfce " alleged, tra^setctio'h. ISlWWP traa tief#re the'iarattd jusy last •'•»#**..,i»it^hlg m&tm>m- traa poor, -

Tfee jHi&ite John Dae iwawtty win? met tse resumed urntll Wedaaadaiy.

. ,'•" #99M«l.td-.li«r J»«lilt Accouats. ..' | Officers Were RMtra»n<Hl ,3*o» Car-

..- -Whttfiiaii ex$wct»'.td-'i»t,hl»-haada .'-.. »fi«^-i9l|^M^Ro^':fo* Ht«nrtift: • *m -aie haajt aecotints of maw'1 Ijoifell.v j , '. -J :.jfai)6t:&Gtiscm..,__.:.[. _ . ' tiftlah*. 'it*legal obstacles are .pht':"l»| '. Ha« e»s&e5i. .' i. "-j., i a C ' l S ^ f S h o

Its animal husl teach the caitleir

- M» ;-:waf .-3iubea-' Wv. iSahorfte, -gpr&iai ';ihv'e« ira.46r -for .©©verao*- 'titftgn ;wlh <aid thfe dhrtrict attorney, Oahome has

V«tate»i^,"at«|lj$ri^*ad t» * ^ tWatt-• man^njay .dea»e-awej»-oft^(idftvlil«.laf rladlcti6fi Oahorae ^511;- order ,tteem

>prt>dttced.- ,-."-." r"\Z" *'--"'*'- :.--"' ' .• Xe5gal:S^fiat & ti|M4r«. • •!.'""-

•' It'I* like^; that ,* te»ai-ili^"'wiJI arise over the 4istr4ct #t^«tey*# de* mand for the transcript of haaJc ac­counts. .•; S&sia. ~iwi^\$tiiife$'..' t * Uleiral becaute no man ,«*a he forced j

However the 'dlsi3iet.aife»^yltM»' «tet" with soocesB a»-|ar'.to-'«e«rida <of--li&sw York Stste oaaks. m^.t^^»^^p^.i^»«enMr hhahaad aad <M*e of acconnta already: - &^#-«-|jl W^ baada

Kiatop »wlth a ehotsun, prevented Constable Joseph MiiT3>h3f and Be-ieeUve JPerw Toralie from amsuas hiif »tt , JVed, for hunting oat of 'sm'> aott.' ' '•''•';".• ' •"

/*! doiJt give p dasnh far J * e law attd yoa ca^'t g ^ frefl!** yelled th<> father when the o'fficers appeared at la»-door.' ; rl v

"Oh, I guess *pe*U arreatt fe£aa, ai» rig^n!" said' Murphy. ;'. , .. " W e l l , J' .mm\ m?n tepll©* the father, who threw the two visitor* oil '^ii»tooiK '• ...j

Two revolvers ,^e*6- leveled at Kta-top's headt, bat lira. Kin top ateppef"

— — i ~ • i . i ~ - » . • -


hert Suydam of this city fx>r, cancer j reeearoh.

f-amottat donated by any Individual for,, rea^a^.^erit.itf X&pqgfa.. t | f ;

Ush the neceeeary material and in-atrumeww for the carrying on e< the laveaUfatteaav .• ^.^.fe'.wi'; .£&•;.*•.'•*%•

Reo^aUy 110,000 Waa given to th> eollfta* by the alamm to aulld a la

J>oratorr. The reautt it one of tht moat comjJletely equipped bacterteto-flcat staOotw : in the city. Vaccine* and vaccine therapy have been tifidei mveatlgatloa there and remarkabh reaulta have been accompUehed .

The Ne* York Htin and C^acei Hospital hav *ettt owt -a» appeal fo» 60 rodUcram* of radlaw. A w oat who U, intereeted le asked to coeamU' nicate directly wltlr the hoap tal - « with its treaahrer, AKred R. KliwbaU

The hoapitat waetta the radium u malce a etady of the value of the awb-

ia traejtmeat. '~to ia proposed tv~nake this *tody partod uve year*, la tm» treatDie*t of earface tumors and beoifD crowiths eapoclally on the face, the-purpose would be to jwrevem disficuremeait ef th* features, which usually follow* hi operations with the ksHe.



v>lvln«- John A. Benael «U*a ettflpeer Duacaa W. ';Pec%* public work*, Vftoi er cotnmiMoner of Charlea F. di^rtot attorney of All highway tove*fc*ttonV »el*)nt'aJ^ecl,', '"* ;

;.:'." Albany, ' Jim, •' ;J^.^Moa%"':&." New-. York State** ejajendlthres are. wtada without "effective audH by; dtointer-

ClvU •0^^:if

PEpKlaW--»ae*i" Ihereased la some inataacea ae hlgti as U$ par" :c*^ til

exlei it m»t» Wtiear, »ad emotoyeac of iaaututdoM -Jbuwi re-

aalarlea aad ntaihtehaace #&* ^^"'ot%hat'tBay

COBSI have earned aa/^trivMa to

and Sau<

"II ijWifti>ciJiM


Over a ysar a**; $> Qordba\-mtd. then snp«rlatead<lit>r a letter, to Oovero*r State' towiwser • Beoie* tivalr interested bi <Ut itowmmBO^

" ' " """''"" " * .and

of tb«


and the two tralnt, «oln* at a high rate of <i»ted, wet hm& o«.

the caaualtie* ooeurred, was corn-pletely teleaeu^ed imo the bact?a«a ciar, *6tttt-**4Wtarlas» the ,work;»f , t W movant Use dead and injured *«*rewt? •if difficult. Roth *mrt»ei *8d several freight cara also were.damollsnea. '.

£nameer Whs CraiOted.' . - Cal. Johnaon of Jackson, eh«lneet

t i lRL K.\TE.V BY WOLXTSS. * W M * » ^ « « W » ^

Prehdi Child flNNWltrac JProea School WlSfit Aftaelted.

Farla, Ja». £«.—The; looar-contiauea cold ve»pecla4ly In the oentrol diatflcts

aeniter to pass. niorTmauei the swStchfdf 9nau»: .W. btln*lag aua^ers of wotvea fraatic with hun««r out of th-Wdeift* * A IKtle t lr l returnine ^m

The smoking; car, in which matst, of* #&#**.,«* ,.**' CoottlMew near Pert fuenx. wfta dcr<roured ay wild animal* the aearchln* parties ftodin« onlj a torn pinafore and a few booea. Hunt­ing paxttea «ra beJaa- orgaalted every

: fthe.wa. - ^ . .'Tae .^i*r»t»pt^, l | fc .J%it . . . . l ia« ahowh a' *i:»ht unprovteneot In , th*. last day or two, owin« to the brilliaiw

of ths paaaenjfer train, w-as'eniish«^|«ttoaitiiie, th«s faarcurF tada*- rtand-fe diegtn ^eiweei ' t l te tettder' «jria\fe».|intT''a*hW;t4t fl*eea|«^ pain* m m &&h »t* ttremia %'*» hurled lr«nj: itm.^ei»'mmi$%m- i&timtom^

Ccers. She darejcj them to shoot, '.J.^er yoor condtact thia aftetncoa I p v a yoa just another year to fives hissed the woman to Betecttve Tom llev fifrs .KiPtop has the repwtation in her neishlwrjiood of poaeesalng

Prinoetoa ,Jfaa' '^^.-s-^Thfc-; Wpil***Jtffflenlt• power. ' eraduates of Princetonj '^^m^\:f^^]^9\'*.-<^lored 'yfQJO&Bt Who Btood Daily FYiBc3ton4a3u « n e ' « ^ a j r i | i ^ p t j -.pan; • by and wt^a^ifitf' "th* '.' scene paigTi to abolish ^hflraJnfA* ' »1S6w|: " l l # . KSntop cried s ^ you g» to court con«ior« a; Prineeton • e£ «^sw8P^|2f:; ial" "teU' a word. ^'%ltat yon'/aaw' I 'barkiag like a tree" and a ^ l i ^ ^ H cause yon to a^i» your fgfoe and

allowed' in the Nassau liaL • 'S$ll*] iWSrk.Hke a dog."; • •*. - "'?'-. dew Hih-ben is opposed to ft . <0|^iia^j Ifoanwbile K"mt»p backed Into the ersts of the agitatfon c4aim that if J^ouae and gat his shotgun, S&jJoked

; tfee muKBle through the window and ' - - "You fellers beat i t or 1*31 * low

heads off!*' A»4 **«y

"horsinr" •necessarily

abolished, • revived.

98, SAYS TE.-V IJBmG/mB^^tn^'^. New York, Jan. 2«.-^rjfc :>'%|e1?'''

Re'.-nokJs. of Oroton Lake, ce leJaa^. ' .*,."" WO BIG IKECISIQSTS, her nan. :>-t;shih birthday I n - (

; i ^ ' . :yFssjtSnglon, Jan. 836.—iNO preseart of f. r*y children, ^m$^^^^mMin any of the important railroad of dren an<i pn-at jn^ndchlldjrea.|^as^fjga*6 caaea pend1ngiwere announced t& day She • . ' rhem if they |w^gh^%d'^|r by the Cndte^ States Supreme live Ions? l:vt-s to drin* pleajjftr cCt©*i€^#?*l. !

^te' *n#ihe. - "W' the' itaeact,' ;bat - • t»> .ee|e«A''«in%r .. minor Injuriea ?':,T}if: other memhera of the engine--crews, jumped before the crash . The iden­tity eg fifcte bthera k!»ed c«m!d itot he earned untU long after the accident

*»CCJK*I»&- •< .--.'>;- ' ''«?-.-.' ..\','. s.;!-"*':

. A«d'i^'li»'M!^^'»e*«-ll. fe «fce# wood, matter ittechanlc of tne Hich** gan ' - Central, of Jackson, .and - hi* .wife* -Thet'r. hurts were not aecious. -

• • « H l J l l i w » W W I « l M«ILH» MHHI'IWW '

fTBAiaf f ^«PC«!TJ1'3PROM '•'

Cwaheriand, l ldl , Jan. l l i ~ R e c 4 * t ] •trScaa of oil in the flardis district, aKrrJa«|?4-:«i»lDntt|a.'. -3s^tt • |?^W i#P#' -*$** eiwichinr many. - ^Itiiffl- A8f«^*aaf;%' series of aaven well* watch are ghr. in8:mmm-.imi%^M<%$££$#.« day*. r,*.»

-|ii«»i^--iaiid;^|ii« "*^t|iei,;'h«i*4ai».»et^ •n^-vijwiigie^rta; probability hf -' hlgaei ttii^|Eralf|r«ai'-.J "- ;" ••=5' : ''^^^'-'tjtlwsftoaieleip re^iteifed « ,tfe> l*«tw'.',l?«lpr>*6i,o ye«te1(#iy •«fe"»tt3rr ^N «nei-"-im# mmmmmfm^nw dlaaatroua, :&.' -aifinjfrfilwtti*- v'ftaii tioo of the mild sutumh and winter of the Uat |M|r y^ear%:a««. » 1 # .ieaied' that crops in tnaay places will be de-

aad repair of at«M tdded that the atate had a«U«d.n«thla« hist ^ fusioa and delay to the highway departmant

.When *rpt. ^ Real. waakvre«aewad hy Governor Suiter iaat ftarCh he r«» peated the charge thai State Enaineer. Benael and Sunt. Peck, had eau*i re­sponsibility with Mmsetf on all main­tenance and evpak*- work on the state Mghwaya but no attention w e * paid to his chanre by Oo^eraor Sulser.

- Beet - W«a-: M»fc--*tto* vOon*;**' , I t was Reel who dispoaed of Chkrtea

F*. To\*y ** head of t h f maintenance bureau by aocapUnt hhi reaignaUon when Foley waa unable to glre'a.'sat-iafactory explanation of the expendi­ture of, nearly $l«f,OOO f w roa?« re» pair work ih #e«tche«t*r county, ajid there was a atronc suap'don $&$, Real .-mm .made f^nk-^^mm'^'^r''"'^ Suiwr edwiniettaUea t^ amy* inore .nfiueadal Ba.eh. • % ."-- **i.V .''*->' •> '-; • A «r«nd jn** vrocteM^f fiXoh'iP%••

Benael, ,JBec|?».. B ^ - . J » * ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ i | n i ^ ^ ,

iaea tnore seasational ttevelu|wne nts taan att1yja»in«r-' th«*A.a^::|^e5'^ha<dri. sfttce '-the/ ;vir'io«a At#hwa$ ;;in|*e«l«s4 t^m-'mspt. IsepiBi,; ®nc /h4»;;|tmaviiit Reel has not' .p^^bnate^ l» :^lie ,dls]

State treasury darln* «he past year

lature,. aanouncla* that the State's to

its incoaa* he . . . . . . . .

'-BWs^ey. M p ^ ; ^ # 8 8 ^ 0 1 'lor

. .. rtUtrornds should be e i tended to ladnda subwaiy»o> tuna*.

n% (aftcenn


«J ! = « * = « * -S?»r


f l L L E L « a H E "If .the secured deb]

t w - W ^ N i s l t e ^ R - - - l i > - ^ Sa%e iMirV»-*ton for Che payment of a to* thwe-under an the proportionate pa* -ym&'-of "bonda not exempted u Mo; ' ar<' w i w m uuniafr or^iiwtfif "•yp^ l t would. :«ay- ifce aeewed %e»>t-.ta*- - u «c i tvan , . aTnendmtW wa* r'wanntadV"'!

Comptroller #o*nter<lay» that had the U«tslature adopted his rwtom men^aMoaof isa^yeai^Mfciha'

Sle^^^fl^ai^SSl^^lli l1

might have.-'.been; averted



"lfSI?' PADD

v '.fee»v«^-'jr.an:'-ktt^4-.-*asSiff>r.";ife WdlnittTattd* ©f-^oleradd' ajtd^^jftlK-:

ie>MC^»itean- ,e(fcrit-"td' .ha^the^ftvi cuJKion-.of -ajire^^'^h^^fr^ifdv 1m2 e^wta«« :*Sr.l!». 'M«^ ;^.;w^ft^af*t whalhf :«tlS :$f hTi;l^«er fo/ep'ti^oi i?fcs whi^s l»i-.;««^:;iaai|li|«^|E fipflf deal' tejpprianc^ %t-^''^&t-^f'm(Sht de\-eloi>i»ent«, particularly vihen |>ead in oonsluJKJtlon w ith the ©rovsMohf of

nn^er-iiWcii -it«l> pa. ^ifiinif. m^wk

mm-'«»/ i^ta^^-^e;mTbe«|.. *j£. the

A 'coiflwaf' jmixm. ASM , "t".*W' ™ ) " * . * ^f-i«IF~ ^^F''WF"^^ ' • i ^ ^ ^ ^

-of .Clartlrhttr^'V i^ttog;|i*0«>)"-*,.da^: froan 'hi» .new $q,%ty'&&,:;:-J-k':'•'••• '.I ;-A-:

Thomaa: IflKer,' fottnerly -' field bbev for the fam&<Wm&<Gmwmy I* r*ai»» ins- from H.9O0 to $$m&* ^\tmm his walla. ". -•> '.'•


annsh weaker. $M# f^orniaf,'.-^- "*" a .reafie?* e ^ - i u j ^ o ^ S a j f f ^ S f e ^ i ^ -which -ajpiM«!8»tiJ5' «a]a .««i5iy -*£?&« ed WB reinarkefcle vitality. ' No "hope |or ^, .^cjo^%V^.eM#%tntsd, ' '-~f-

ition <^nwnls* . ^ ? ^ - S v . > H ' ^ . . . ^ . . ' > " .^% **• .

:AH^a^' '*a» >^,^t4»^i*»it*tt;»v wna iipecl^ Uuit « o ^

htghwagr c #B«ri(^:wlih'

brid!i«a ha¥h% a-

tniatiion and. the^aSft^^:

nf -4fte- .«(ee|la^ fca^:%#f|B.' .last • ,weelt»;: httfe :*te .-

J ^ . of j ^ h l ^ r ^ e d j ; driuad~^a|)^.dl»*a;ot iinia t ^ i e i i ^ / S' •:'.. ;.-•»; \- '^rraial' 3n^elion '"ia ife

$a>\ 'a|*\. 'p)to ea% left ' l i t f

/ ; '11' waa"dec?ared; 3 rs|Bi,ey«r"']P»ni^iv .liiafir'/to.'-""! :liea*v|Ra)aa-':*fro. p'''-- ;«^nb''"'»''



. *---s||ijh>

•JKJ RepaiTi tenlutce and irepair-of'eta -Bfi^i^n^lf^


Y O U ' I i S i N B V



*|1§'-Jt^^^^T^f' ''-"wori' ... ^ , , . . , * . _ < „ . . „ . . , .... ^

thai-th^se^BJtae'-comafn Ttrtualryal of* titei*Miii»n; *aeairi«^ orea of AsnW


Albanji Jan. 21. —

. . f ewsfS:


aattia down thi* weak to # aoruUncr of an de^suntcaeJit w3& A view

. . . "Sr-r


J: - v i t wtttr «o|d6*e a." ' ly advertised '*i»<*e>'such s i

terhsed last year's seaai»n, wouod vrp by abolishing nothing, s o U ^ h s g n o t h i n * *»d «ddtn«>a: ;tjf ;ua|ie8»^e)^erience ofHeea to kiteady ove^tirdened atate bu^e*.^ will beV a' Very alnJpie and basiacsja^-|&erpro^eed|a^and*very aepartaiatt«£) head when he presents his bud*** i t e m s . w p need to come vreg»ar«d

'^mt0^W^0^:m^mc)^ Si*-*1

No Atwn Calendar 40# ,:> Church i n a s m ^ . - . r " . ' .

rule passed at the annual meeting qf p l f ^ ^ ^ f e ^ r / women

i p A r ht^he* - Ce^ns^ Congre-gaitional church, Rrooliiya, did' not

B9V« ©r np

^at-i^?;b^"ina#e-. to ^iU

;:• f^e:m \y«p|fesfe'-»f the past ' $M»*i» . tn$ tJ*ffw* to a very o a a l •t^.^fca^^a^da e*ew uoveraor

$^^\&&mtiX for to i t aaad haa reeonnnejfcdad^^sii'2

of; ncedh*e employee«w. «S«4 ' " " " ^ ^ E ^ w r y ' ojrieea

wh . ,. . J/£f •Ittere*!** M fpea.^-hftva; bt^^wneasy jajvan sfiaaft^ fmxg$faQifa..*fafa to the ia*rfc* tg$&&?WaSBm*Gfr «tric* a c o t ^ # | In approprlationa and ieada ©T d***, ^ r * * ® 1 ^ J ° '-^i««Wsh the j«-a«pem. ;=©r •to 'Jl»fcj»>th3)£.CHC>mn^^^ ch»»*r- * ed with making up the annoal ewftaq pi'iatipn. bill Jtnowin« that the, aaan^ ^^*^«j^>"-^R*itfttee ar* fipof!*- ! «Bas&iri',* aM: a& nave to aaajfcoWite, ^he- nece^eltsr-.'i^.^ary itear, - * ™

There' 1$ a widjespread belief thai J"

pa«feent fea© M^«^en» iye0 pMdadt, inrthoj>aat" three "yeaS tolihalke plaoesfJ for people wlto render nto eer?ica ts* tlte>4a4eJ but who draw their safari**. regularlo.- aad. in .addition, there ar,e e»tire de3>artn?en*s like the jd«pait* ment of efficiency and'economy, atate. fira ntarahar^' office board ojTeaa- J1^ BtaieTefte coann isaion and- o6»era Whicli''haHfe net, reason for esistenca beyond fwniahlasr pntronage to" the-party in power.

. •. t - A Me Ihidertakliig* < In addition to these regular de«

partments there sfre numerous special comsnfes|oaa wh^i hj,ve added to the.--aQ^L#^^^to%j^iient in tftethire^ y^ax^or democratic" rule and aagre^" Jsatc'of niearly thre# million dollars^ <v* ^ | | so ^ g .4#Sel,cut otw, for tae T\«JS s,ndi


f 1 » « W > w « ' . ! M * « , J . " ' t i « 4*-%'-"*C ' * ;#3^^^a^e^;fej5tdad ,"tha v personk.

tfee wo^es'^okT.on^inletr%ei%ear

§iia#-pMnl|e.f -•"lit' '' he, weekly, citendar, a transom over the dooir in his room fct ly%. fe%y' f" which, is' placed^*ye%>i Sua-^ba^i%||fe3r |r^K*||i§ot-# #f :fsa^>i%#hr^f*

^ ,%ft$ to i0# t f^^ -eyerr-:w^%^i 35 Tfsf L « l M ^ a V Wll*"* a ¥ ^ W « * ^ ^ a « % f e « * ^ # % ^ ^ - * 0 « » ^ 'ferdto^e^tce^rcaia; tfee' «niK9i»ee.

« s « r t ! ) ^ i £ ^ ^ ^ i t f ^ U 6 ^ ^ msnl^s^ia.-w 4tt ttf* abide hy it

mm^m^^ ^ «w» «**£ I11*11ew^ «!w« ^ W : A « • •


^•6*an|fc£e"e. ^ iao small oxter7


•"t|»& "pl«nr. fpai nr^tt^scd ai A Phertin, O., Jan. 2$.—The body of ^jj^gj^gj >a j a p ^ e s g Theological Sem^ i n ^ / w a s fo>Jnf:^u4a^nded frojn thi»

^ ^ ^ I f c o a ^ r e ^ f c t f o p "• B-'-oh-t ' '

Counfell Hail by the cord of a bath­robe early yesterday. The 1 oung Jap-ajneae had been a brilliant studeat and was graduated with high honors M home, but had unusual Tchfffcuities, *rr masterinir the" En«Msh lanugago


^ ^ SdnielTran ^$v~AiSi fe^ OEpIlant, ^ e ^ ^ t e ^ ^ n ^ w ^ ^ ^ ^ d ^ i ^ e . i w * o r f e s a aa^rchik^o.-Was^drfv |a t1% a panic oattaed h y ^ f i r e i t a fen out of B^ance a«iiift^, heen Uving ntdv^efjaettt«# itew'dh a-'pfaataflonfin «hte coontry, haa heen eWcted tu

she Chamber of Deputies frosnlfilaxu V ^ rene$ye$ a Hmf taaimw •$?& **&

3t;^ '.• ;L H.

.-- f

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