077 isagani cruz vs denr.docx

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  • 8/18/2019 077 Isagani Cruz vs DENR.docx


    Isagani Cruz vs DENR

    Cruz, a noted constitutionalist, assailed the validity of the RA 8371 or the Indigenous

    eo!le"s Rights Act on the ground that the la# a$ount to an unla#ful de!rivation of the

    %tate"s o#nershi! over lands of the !u&lic do$ain as #ell as $inerals and other natural

    resources therein, in violation of the regalian doctrine e$&odied in %ection ', Article (II of 

    the Constitution) *he IRA la# &asically enu$erates the rights of the indigenous !eo!les

    over ancestral do$ains #hich $ay include natural resources) Cruz et al contend that, &y

    !roviding for an all+enco$!assing denition of -ancestral do$ains. and -ancestral lands.

    #hich $ight even include !rivate lands found #ithin said areas, %ections 3/a0 and 3/&0 of 

    said la# violate the rights of !rivate lando#ners)

    ISSUE: hether or not the IRA la# is unconstitutional)

    HELD: *he %C deli&erated u!on the $atter) After deli&eration they voted and reached a 7+7

    vote) *hey deli&erated again and the sa$e result trans!ired) %ince there #as no $a2ority

    vote, Cruz"s !etition #as dis$issed and the IRA la# #as sustained) ence, ancestral

    do$ains $ay include !u&lic do$ain 4 so$eho# against the regalian doctrine)


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    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    G.R. No. 135385 December 6, 2000





    R E S O L U T I O N


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    Petitiones Isa!ani Cu" an# Cesa Euopa bou!ht this suit fo pohibition an# $an#a$us asciti"ens an# ta%pa&es' assailin! the constitutionalit& of cetain povisions of Republic Act No. ()*+,R.A. ()*+-' otheise /non as the In#i!enous Peoples Ri!hts Act of +00* ,IPRA-' an# itsI$ple$entin! Rules an# Re!ulations ,I$ple$entin! Rules-.

    In its esolution of Septe$be 10' +00(' the Cout e2uie# espon#ents to co$$ent.+ In co$pliance'

    espon#ents Chaipeson an# Co$$issiones of the National Co$$ission on In#i!enous Peoples,NCIP-' the !oven$ent a!enc& ceate# un#e the IPRA to i$ple$ent its povisions' file# on Octobe +)' +00( thei Co$$ent to the Petition' in hich the& #efen# the constitutionalit& of the IPRA an#pa& that the petition be #is$isse# fo lac/ of $eit.

    On Octobe +0' +00(' espon#ents Seceta& of the 3epat$ent of Envion$ent an# NatualResouces ,3ENR- an# Seceta& of the 3epat$ent of Bu#!et an# Mana!e$ent ,3BM- file#thou!h the Solicito 4eneal a consoli#ate# Co$$ent. The Solicito 4eneal is of the vie that theIPRA is patl& unconstitutional on the !oun# that it !ants oneship ove natual esouces toin#i!enous peoples an# pa&s that the petition be !ante# in pat.

    On Nove$be +5' +00(' a !oup of intevenos' co$pose# of Sen. 6uan 7lavie' one of the authos

    of the IPRA' M. Ponciano Benna!en' a $e$be of the +0(8 Constitutional Co$$ission' an# thelea#es an# $e$bes of ++1 !oups of in#i!enous peoples ,7lavie' et. al-' file# thei Motion foLeave to Intevene. The& 9oin the NCIP in #efen#in! the constitutionalit& of IPRA an# pa&in! fo the#is$issal of the petition.

    On Mach 11' +000' the Co$$ission on :u$an Ri!hts ,C:R- li/eise file# a Motion to Intevenean#;o to Appea as A$icus Cuiae. The C:R assets that IPRA is an e%pession of the pinciple ofpaens patiae an# that the State has the esponsibilit& to potect an# !uaantee the i!hts of thoseho ae at a seious #isa#vanta!e li/e in#i!enous peoples. 7o this eason it pa&s that the petitionbe #is$isse#.

    On Mach 1)' +000' anothe !oup' co$pose# of the I/alahan In#i!enous People an# the :aibon7oun#ation fo the Consevation of Natual Resouces' Inc. ,:aibon' et al.-' file# a $otion toIntevene ith attache# Co$$ent

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    @,1- Section ' in elation to section ),a-' hich povi#es that ancestal #o$ains inclu#in! inalienablepublic lan#s' bo#ies of ate' $ineal an# othe esouces foun# ithin ancestal #o$ains aepivate but co$$unit& popet& of the in#i!enous peoples

    @,)- Section 8 in elation to section ),a- an# ),b- hich #efines the co$position of ancestal #o$ainsan# ancestal lan#s

    @,- Section * hich eco!ni"es an# enu$eates the i!hts of the in#i!enous peoples ove theancestal #o$ains

    ,- Section ( hich eco!ni"es an# enu$eates the i!hts of the in#i!enous peoples ove theancestal lan#s

    @,8- Section * hich povi#es fo pioit& i!hts of the in#i!enous peoples in the havestin!'e%taction' #evelop$ent o e%ploation of $ineals an# othe natual esouces ithin the aeasclai$e# to be thei ancestal #o$ains' an# the i!ht to ente into a!ee$ents ith nonin#i!enouspeoples fo the #evelop$ent an# utili"ation of natual esouces theein fo a peio# not e%cee#in!1 &eas' eneable fo not $oe than 1 &eas an#

    @,*- Section ( hich !ives the in#i!enous peoples the esponsibilit& to $aintain' #evelop' potectan# conseve the ancestal #o$ains an# potions theeof hich ae foun# to be necessa& fo citicalateshe#s' $an!oves' il#life sanctuaies' il#eness' potecte# aeas' foest cove oefoestation.@1

    Petitiones also content that' b& povi#in! fo an all

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    @,- Section 8 hich states that custo$a& las an# pactices shall be use# to esolve#isputes involvin! in#i!enous peoples an#

    @,- Section 88 hich vests on the NCIP the 9uis#iction ove all clai$s an# #isputesinvolvin! i!hts of the in#i!enous peoples.@

    7inall&' petitiones assail the vali#it& of Rule FII' Pat II' Section + of the NCIP A#$inistative O#eNo. +' seies of +00(' hich povi#es that @the a#$inistative elationship of the NCIP to the Office of the Pesi#ent is chaactei"e# as a lateal but autono$ous elationship fo puposes of polic& an#po!a$ coo#ination.@ The& conten# that sai# Rule infin!es upon the Pesi#ent=s poe of contolove e%ecutive #epat$ents un#e Section +*' Aticle FII of the Constitution.8

    Petitiones pa& fo the folloin!?

    @,+- A #eclaation that Sections )' ' 8' *' (' 1DI' *' (' 0' 8)' 8 an# 88 an# othe elate#povisions of R.A. ()*+ ae unconstitutional an# invali#

    @,1- The issuance of a it of pohibition #iectin! the Chaipeson an# Co$$issiones of the

    NCIP to cease an# #esist fo$ i$ple$entin! the assaile# povisions of R.A. ()*+ an# itsI$ple$entin! Rules

    @,)- The issuance of a it of pohibition #iectin! the Seceta& of the 3epat$ent ofEnvion$ent an# Natual Resouces to cease an# #esist fo$ i$ple$entin! 3epat$ent ofEnvion$ent an# Natual Resouces Cicula No. 1' seies of +00(

    @,- The issuance of a it of pohibition #iectin! the Seceta& of Bu#!et an# Mana!e$entto cease an# #esist fo$ #isbusin! public fun#s fo the i$ple$entation of the assaile#povisions of R.A. ()*+ an#

    @,- The issuance of a it of $an#a$us co$$an#in! the Seceta& of Envion$ent an#

    Natual Resouces to co$pl& ith his #ut& of ca&in! out the State=s constitutional $an#ateto contol an# supevise the e%ploation' #evelop$ent' utili"ation an# consevation ofPhilippine natual esouces.@*

     Afte #ue #elibeation on the petition' the $e$bes of the Cout vote# as follos?

    Seven ,*- vote# to #is$iss the petition. 6ustice Gapunan file# an opinion' hich the Chief 6usticean# 6ustices Bellosillo' Huisu$bin!' an# Santia!o 9oin' sustainin! the vali#it& of the challen!e#povisions of R.A. ()*+. 6ustice Puno also file# a sepaate opinion sustainin! all challen!e#povisions of the la ith the e%ception of Section +' Pat II' Rule III of NCIP A#$inistative O#eNo. +' seies of +00(' the Rules an# Re!ulations I$ple$entin! the IPRA' an# Section * of theIPRA hich he conten#s shoul# be intepete# as #ealin! ith the la!e

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    $a& have been violate# b& the IPRA. 6ustice Fitu! also file# a sepaate opinion e%pessin! the viethat Sections ),a-' *' an# * of R.A. ()*+ ae unconstitutional. 6ustices Melo' Pa#o' Buena'4on"a!a

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     A classic essa& on the 79 o /or as itten in +(* b& 7ie#ich Niet"sche entitle# @On theUses an# 3isa#vanta!es of :isto& fo Life.@ E%poun#in! on Niet"scheJs essa&' 6u#!e Richa#Posne + ote?1

    @La is the $ost histoicall& oiente#' o if &ou li/e the $ost bac/a#

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    +. The i!ht to ancestal #o$ains an# ancestal lan#s? ho ac2uie#

    1. The concept of native title

    ,a- Caio v. Insula 4oven$ent

    ,b- In#ian Title to lan#

    ,c- Kh& the Caio #octine is uni2ue

    ). The option of secuin! a toens title to the ancestal lan#

    B. The i!ht of oneship an# possession b& the ICCs;IPs to thei ancestal #o$ains is ali$ite# fo$ of oneship an# #oes not inclu#e the i!ht to alienate the sa$e.

    +. The in#i!enous concept of oneship an# custo$a& la

    C. Sections * ,a-' * ,b- an# * of the IPRA #o not violate the Re!alian 3octine enshine# inSection 1' Aticle >II of the +0(* Constitution.

    +. The i!hts of ICCs;IPs ove thei ancestal #o$ains an# lan#s

    1. The i!ht of ICCs;IPs to #evelop lan#s an# natual esouces ithin the ancestal#o$ains #oes not #epive the State of oneship ove the natual esouces' contolan# supevision in thei #evelop$ent an# e%ploitation.

    ,a- Section +' Pat II' Rule III of the I$ple$entin! Rules !oes be&on# thepaa$etes of Section *,a- of the la on oneship of ancestal #o$ains an#is ultra vires.

    ,b- The s$all

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    $oe specificall&' Law 14, Title 12, Book 4 of the Novisia Re!opila!ion de Le"es de las Indias' setthe polic& of the Spanish Con ith espect to the Philippine Islan#s in the folloin! $anne?

    @Ke' havin! ac2uie# full soveei!nt& ove the In#ies' an# all lan#s' teitoies' an# possessions notheetofoe ce#e# aa& b& ou o&al pe#ecessos' o b& us' o in ou na$e' still petainin! to theo&al con an# pati$on&' it is ou ill that all lan#s hich ae hel# ithout pope an# tue #ee#s of 

    !ant be estoe# to us as the& belon! to us' in o#e that afte esevin! befoe all hat to us o toou viceo&s' au#iencias' an# !ovenos $a& see$ necessa& fo public s2uaes' a&s' pastues'an# co$$ons in those places hich ae people#' ta/in! into consi#eation not onl& thei pesentcon#ition' but also thei futue an# thei pobable incease' an# afte #istibutin! to the natives hat$a& be necessa& fo tilla!e an# pastua!e' confi$in! the$ in hat the& no have an# !ivin! the$$oe if necessa&' all the est of sai# lan#s $a& e$ain fee an# unencu$bee# fo us to #ispose ofas e $a& ish.

    Ke theefoe o#e an# co$$an# that all viceo&s an# pesi#ents of petoial couts #esi!nate atsuch ti$e as shall to the$ see$ $ost e%pe#ient' a suitable peio# ithin hich all possessos oftacts' fa$s' plantations' an# estates shall e%hibit to the$ an# to the cout offices appointe# b&the$ fo this pupose' thei title #ee#s theeto. An# those ho ae in possession b& vitue of pope

    #ee#s an# eceipts' o b& vitue of 9ust pesciptive i!ht shall be potecte#' an# all the est shall beestoe# to us to be #ispose# of at ou ill.@

    The Philippines passe# to Spain b& vitue of @#iscove&@ an# con2uest. Conse2uentl&' all lan#sbeca$e the e%clusive pati$on& an# #o$inion of the Spanish Con. The Spanish 4oven$ent too/cha!e of #istibutin! the lan#s b& issuin! o&al !ants an# concessions to Spania#s' both $ilita&an# civilian. Pivate lan# titles coul# onl& be ac2uie# fo$ the !oven$ent eithe b& puchase o b&the vaious $o#es of lan# !ant fo$ the Con.8

    The Las of the In#ies ee folloe# b& the Ley Hipotecaria' or e Mor::e &< o 18?3.* TheSpanish Mot!a!e La povi#e# fo the s&ste$atic e!istation of titles an# #ee#s as ell aspossesso& clai$s. The la sou!ht to e!iste an# ta% lan#s pusuant to the Ro&al 3ecee of +((5.The Ro&al 3ecee of +(0' o the @Maua La'@ as patl& an a$en#$ent of the Mot!a!e La as

    ell as the Las of the In#ies' as alea#& a$en#e# b& pevious o#es an# #ecees.( This as thelast Spanish lan# la po$ul!ate# in the Philippines. It e2uie# the @a#9ust$ent@ o e!istation of alla!icultual lan#s' otheise the lan#s shall evet to the state.

    7ou &eas late' b& the Tre o Pr/ o December 10, 18?8' Spain ce#e# to the !oven$ent ofthe Unite# States all i!hts' inteests an# clai$s ove the national teito& of the Philippine Islan#s.In +05)' the Unite# States colonial !oven$ent' thou!h the Philippine Co$$ission' passe# Ac No.?26, e r/ P7b9c &!" Ac.

    '. %9e!o! >. M7rc!o

    In +05' un#e the A$eican e!i$e' this Cout #eci#e# the case of Valenton v. Murciano.0

    Valenton esolve# the 2uestion of hich is the bette basis fo oneship of lan#? lon!

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    The Cout' spea/in! thou!h 6ustice Killa#' #eci#e# the case on the basis of @those special lashich fo$ ealiest ti$e have e!ulate# the #isposition of the public lan#s in the colonies.@+5 The2uestion pose# b& the Cout as? @3i# these special las eco!ni"e an& i!ht of pesciption asa!ainst the State as to these lan#s an# if so' to hat e%tent as it eco!ni"e#@

    Pio to +((5' the Cout sai#' thee ee no las specificall& povi#in! fo the #isposition of lan# in

    the Philippines. :oeve' it as un#estoo# that in the absence of an& special la to !oven aspecific colon&' the Las of the In#ies oul# be folloe#. In#ee#' in the Ro&al O#e of 6ul& ' +(81'it as #ecee# that until e!ulations on the sub9ect coul# be pepae#' the authoities of thePhilippine Islan#s shoul# follo stictl& the Las of the In#ies' therdenan!a of the Intendentes of+*(8' an# the Ro&al Ce#ula of +*.++

    Huotin! the pea$ble of La +' Title +1' Boo/ of the Recopilacion de Leyes de las Indias' thecout intepete# it as follos?

    @In the pea$ble of this la thee is' as is seen' a #istinct state$ent that all those lan#s belon! to theCon hich have not been !ante# b& Philip' o in his na$e' o b& the /in!s ho pece#e#hi$. T/ /eme! e@c97"e/ e "e ere m: be 9!"/ !o /o :r!e", "" !o

    be9o!: o e !:. I e@c97"e/ e "e e !:

    @% % % to the en# that an& an# all pesons ho' since the &ea +*55' an# up to the #ate of thepo$ul!ation an# publication of sai# o#e' shall have occupie# o&al lan#s' hethe o not % % %cultivate# o tenante#' $a& % % % appea an# e%hibit to sai# sub#ele!ates the titles an# patents b&vitue of hich sai# lan#s ae occupie#. % % %. Sai# sub#ele!ates ill at the sa$e ti$e an thepaties inteeste# that in case of thei failue to pesent thei title #ee#s ithin the te$ #esi!nate#'ithout a 9ust an# vali# eason theefo' the& ill be #epive# of an# evicte# fo$ thei lan#s' an#the& ill be !ante# to othes.@+

    On 6une 1' +((5' the Con a#opte# e!ulations fo the a#9ust$ent of lan#s @on!full& occupie#@

    b& pivate in#ivi#uals in the Philippine Islan#s. Valenton constue# these e!ulations to!ethe ithconte$poaneous le!islative an# e%ecutive intepetations of the la' an# conclu#e# that plaintiffsJcase fae# no bette un#e the +((5 #ecee an# othe las hich folloe# it' than it #i# un#e theealie ones. Thus as a !eneal #octine' the Cout state#?

    @Khile the State has ala&s eco!ni"e# the i!ht of the occupant to a #ee# if he poves a possessionfo a sufficient len!th of ti$e' &et it / 9e ocer/, !" ob! rom em / "ee", !" 7!9 e "" e Serem!e" e b/o97e o


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    In conclusion' the Cout ule#? @Ke hol# that fo$ +(85 to +(01 thee as no la in foce in theseIslan#s b& hich the plaintiffs coul# obtain the oneship of these lan#s b& pesciption' ithout an&action b& the State.@+*Falenton ha# no i!hts othe than those hich accue# to $ee possession.Muciano' on the othe han#' as #ee$e# to be the one of the lan# b& vitue of the !ant b& thepovincial seceta&. In effect' Falenton uphel# the Spanish concept of state oneship of public lan#.

     As a fittin! obsevation' the Cout a##e# that =Be o9c 7r/7e" b e S!/ Go>er!me!rom er9e/ me/, re7r!: /e9er/ o! e 7b9c 9!"/ o ob! 9e "ee"/ ereor rome Se, / bee! co!!7e" b e Amerc! Go>er!me! ! Ac No. ?26.@+(

    C. Te P7b9c &!" Ac/ !" e Torre!/ S/em

    Ac No. ?26' the fist Public Lan# Act' as passe# in pusuance of the povisions of the thePhilippine Bill of +051. The la !ovene# the #isposition of lan#s of the public #o$ain. It pescibe#ules an# e!ulations fo the ho$estea#in!' sellin!' an# leasin! of potions of the public #o$ain ofthe Philippine Islan#s' an# pescibe# the te$s an# con#itions to enable pesons to pefect theititles to public lan#s in the Islan#s. It also povi#e# fo the @issuance of patents to cetain nativesettles upon public lan#s'@ fo the establish$ent of ton sites an# sale of lots theein' fo the

    co$pletion of i$pefect titles' an# fo the cancellation o confi$ation of Spanish concessions an#!ants in the Islan#s.@ In shot' the Public Lan# Act opeate# on the assu$ption that title to publiclan#s in the Philippine Islan#s e$aine# in the !oven$ent+0 an# that the !oven$entJs title to publiclan# spun! fo$ the Teat& of Pais an# othe subse2uent teaties beteen Spain an# the Unite#States.15 The te$ @public lan#@ efee# to all lan#s of the public #o$ain hose title still e$aine# inthe !oven$ent an# ae thon open to pivate appopiation an# settle$ent'1+ an# e%clu#e# thepati$onial popet& of the !oven$ent an# the fia lan#s.11

    Ac No. ?26

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    >or o e r!c9e o /e o

    @#e!. 1. A99 :rc797r9, mber, !" m!er9 9!"/ o e 7b9c "om!, IF on the @NationalEcono$& an# the Pati$on& of the Nation'@ to it?

    @#e!. $ . A99 9!"/ o e 7b9c "om!,

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    % % %.@

    Si$pl& state#' all 9!"/ o e 7b9c "om! /

    < the i!ht to #evelop lan#s an# natual esouces

    < the i!ht to sta& in the teitoies

    < the i!ht in case of #isplace$ent

    < the i!ht to safe an# clean ai an# ate

    < the i!ht to clai$ pats of esevations

    < the i!ht to esolve conflict)1

    < the i!ht to ancestal lan#s hich inclu#e

    a. the i!ht to tansfe lan#;popet& to;a$on! $e$bes of the sa$e ICCs;IPs'sub9ect to custo$a& las an# ta#itions of the co$$unit& concene#

    b. the i!ht to e#e$ption fo a peio# not e%cee#in! + &eas fo$ #ate of tansfe' ifthe tansfe is to a non

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    the Co#illeas Re!ion II the est of Lu"on Islan# !oups inclu#in! Min#oo' Palaan' Ro$blon'Pana& an# the est of the Fisa&as Nothen an# Kesten Min#anao Southen an# EastenMin#anao an# Cental Min#anao.)* The NCIP too/ ove the functions of the Office fo NothenCultual Co$$unities an# the Office fo Southen Cultual Co$$unities ceate# b& fo$e Pesi#entCoa"on A2uino hich ee $e!e# un#e a evitali"e# stuctue.)(

    D/7e/ !>o9>!: ICC/HIP/ re o be re/o9>e" 7!"er c7/omr 9

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    Pesentl&' Philippine in#i!enous peoples inhabit the inteios an# $ountains of Lu"on' Min#anao'Min#oo' Ne!os' Sa$a' Le&te' an# the Palaan an# Sulu !oup of islan#s. The& ae co$pose# of++5 tibes an# ae as follos?

    +. In the Co#illea Autono$ous Re!ion< Gan/ane&' Ibaloi' Bontoc' Tin!!ian o Itne!' Ifu!ao'Galin!a' apa&ao' Aeta o A!ta o Pu!ot' an# Ba!o of Ilocos Note an# Pan!asinan Ibana!

    of Isabela' Ca!a&an Ilon!ot of Huiino an# Nueva Fi"ca&a 4a##an! of Huiino' NuevaFi"ca&a' Itais of Ca!a&an Ivatan of Batanes' Aeta of Ca!a&an' Huiino an# Isabela.

    1. In Re!ion III< Aetas.

    ). In Re!ion IF< 3u$a!ats of Auoa' Ri"al Re$onta#o of Auoa' Ri"al' Hue"on Alan!an o Man!&an' Batan!an' Bui# o Buhi#' :anunuo an# Ia&a of Oiental an# Occi#ental Min#ooTa#&aan of Occi#ental Min#oo Cu&onon' Palaanon' Ta!banua an# TaoJt bato ofPalaan.

    . In Re!ion F< Aeta of Ca$aines Note an# Ca$aines Su Aetae ! e P9!e/ :oe/ bc o / er9 / 25,000o 30,000 '.C.

    'eore e me o *e/er! co!c, the Philippine achipela!o as people# la!el& b& theNe!itos' In#onesians an# Mala&s. The stains fo$ these !oups eventuall& !ave ise to co$$oncultual featues hich beca$e the #o$inant influence in ethnic efo$ulation in the achipela!o.Influences fo$ the Chinese an# In#ian civili"ations in the thi# o fouth $illeniu$ B.C. au!$ente#


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    these ethnic stains. Chinese econo$ic an# socio


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    e9ome! o 9!"/.0 Maine esouces an# fishin! !oun#s ee li/eisefee to all. Coastal co$$unities #epen#e# fo thei econo$ic elfae on the /in# of fishin! shain!concept si$ila to those in lan# co$$unities.85 Reco!ni"e# lea#es' such as the chieftains an#el#es' b& vitue of thei positions of i$potance' en9o&e# so$e econo$ic pivile!es an# benefits.But thei i!hts' elate# to eithe lan# an# sea' ee sub9ect to thei esponsibilit& to potect theco$$unities fo$ #an!e an# to povi#e the$ ith the lea#eship an# $eans of suvival.8+

    Someme ! e 13 ce!7r, I/9m

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    Inceasin! thei foothol# in the Philippines' the Spanish colonialists' civil an# eli!ious' classifie# the7ilipinos acco#in! to thei eli!ious pactices an# beliefs' an# #ivi#e# the$ into thee t&pes . 7istee the I!"o/, the Chistiani"e# 7ilipinos' ho !eneall& ca$e fo$ the lolan# populations.Secon#' ee the Moro/ o the Musli$ co$$unities' an# thi#' ee the !e9e/ o the !":e!o7/comm7!e/.*

    The I!"o as a po#uct of the a#vent of Spanish cultue. This class as favoe# b& the Spania#san# as alloe# cetain status althou!h belo the Spania#s. The Moro/ an# !e9e/ eee!a#e# as the loest classes.*8

    Te Moro/ !" !e9e/ re//e" S!/ r79e !" Cr/!. The Moos ee #iven fo$Manila an# the Fisa&as to Min#anao

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    Te 1?35 Co!/7o! "" !o crr ! o9c o! e !o!Cr/! $9!o/. Te r:!://7e e! o! o e !o!9 rmo! or e $9!o/.

    I! 1?5, the Philippine Con!ess passe# R.A. No. 1888, an @Act to effectuate in a $oe api# an#co$plete $anne the econo$ic' social' $oal an# political a#vance$ent of the noner!me! !>e !" rco!, / 9!: "/9ce" /e>er9 !":e!o7/ eo9e/ romer 9!"/. Kose' these peoples ee also #isplace# b& po9ects un#eta/en b& the national!oven$ent in the na$e of national #evelop$ent.(*

    It as in the 1?3 Co!/7o! that the State a#opte# the folloin! povision?

    @The State shall consi#e the custo$s' ta#itions' beliefs' an# inteests of national cultualco$$unities in the fo$ulation an# i$ple$entation of State policies.@ ((

    $or e r/ me ! P9!e /or, e =!o!Cr/! rbe/= or e =c797r9 m!ore/=e er

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    po9ects of the national !oven$ent le# not onl& to the eviction of the in#i!enous peoples fo$ theilan# but also to the e#uction an# #estuction of thei natual envion$ent.0

    Te A7!o :o>er!me! /:!e" o9 / rom e o9c o !e:ro! o o!e ore/er>o!.Invo/in! he poes un#e the 7ee#o$ Constitution' Pesi#ent A2uino ceate#the Oce o M7/9m Ar/, Oce or Norer! C797r9 Comm7!e/ !" e Oce or

    So7er! C797r9 Comm7!e/ 99 7!"er e Oce o e Pre/"e!.0

    The 1?8 Co!/7o! crre/ 9e/ /@ 6J ro>/o!/ e er e9 7e9" er r: o 9>e ! c797re "/!c9 er o

    2. Ter Co!ce o &!"

    I!":e!o7/ eo9e/ /re "/!c>e r/ that set the$ apat fo$ the 7ilipino $ainstea$. The&ae non

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    o !">"79 o

    sol# to a non9 9< / 9e! o em. I!ere!9 co9o!9 ! or:!,o7r !o!9 9!" 9


    A. Te &e:/9>e (/or o e IPRA


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    Thei suvival #epen#s on secuin! o ac2uiin! lan# i!hts assetin! thei i!hts to it an# #epen#in!on it. Otheise' IPs shall cease to e%ist as #istinct peoples.@++5

    To eco!ni"e the i!hts of the in#i!enous peoples effectivel&' Senato 7lavie popose# a bill base#on II of the +0(* Constitution'@ ou @#ecisional las@ an# 9uispu#encepasse# b& the State have @$a#e e%ception to the #octine.@ This e%ception as r/ 9" "o

    @% % % the cout has eco!ni"e# lon! occupanc& of lan# b& an in#i!enous $e$be of the cultualco$$unities as one of pivate oneship' hich' in le!al concept' is te$e# @native title.@ This ulin!has not been ovetune#. In fact' it as affi$e# in subse2uent cases.@+++

    7olloin! Cari$o' the State passe# Act No. 018' Act No. 1(*' C.A. No. ++' P.3. *5' P.3. +5'P.3. +10' R.A. 8*) ,the O!anic Act fo the Autono$ous Re!ion of Musli$ Min#anao-. Theselas' e%plicitl& o i$plicitl&' an# libeall& o estictivel&' eco!ni"e# @native title@ o @pivate i!ht@ an#

    the e%istence of ancestal lan#s an# #o$ains. 3espite the passa!e of these las' hoeve' Senato7lavie continue#?

    @% % % the e%ecutive #epat$ent of !oven$ent since the A$eican occupation has not i$ple$ente#the polic&. In fact' it as $oe honoe# in its beach than in its obsevance' its anton #ise!a#shon #uin! the peio# unto the Co$$onealth an# the eal& &eas of the Philippine Republichen !oven$ent o!ani"e# an# suppote# $assive esettle$ent of the people to the lan# of theICCs.@

    Senate Bill No. +*1( see/s to !enuinel& eco!ni"e the IPs i!ht to on an# possess thei ancestallan#. The bill as pepae# also un#e the pinciple of parens patriae inheent in the supe$epoe of the State an# #eepl& e$be##e# in Philippine le!al ta#ition. This pinciple $an#ates that

    pesons suffein! fo$ seious #isa#vanta!e o han#icap' hich places the$ in a position of actualine2ualit& in thei elation o tansaction ith othes' ae entitle# to the potection of the State.

    Se!e '99 No. 128

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    shall bin! into ealit& the aspiations' the hope an# the #ea$s of $oe than +1 $illion 7ilipinos thatthe& be consi#ee# in the $ainstea$ of the Philippine societ& as e fashion fo the &ea 1555.@ ++

    Rep. An#olana stesse# that :.B. No. 0+1 is base# on the polic& of pesevation as $an#ate# inthe Constitution. :e also e$phasi"e# that the i!hts of IPs to thei lan# as enunciate# in Cari$o v.Insular %overnment  hich eco!ni"e# the fact that the& ha# veste# i!hts pio to the establish$ent

    of the Spanish an# A$eican e!i$es.++

    Aer e@7/>e !ere99o!, (o7/e '99 No. ?125, !" / corre/o!"!: me!"me!/, e" o! Seco!" Re"!: e Proer o I!":e!o7/ Peo9e/!" Do No Co!/7e Pr o e &!" o e P7b9c Dom!.

    Te IPRA :r!/ o ICC/HIP/ "/!c !" o oer !ce/r9 "om!/ !"!ce/r9 9!"/. Ancestal lan#s ae not the sa$e as ancestal #o$ains. These ae #efine# in

    Section ) Da an# Db of the In#i!enous Peoples Ri!ht Act' vi ?

    &'ec. ( a) Ancestral *omains. < Sub9ect to Section 8 heeof' efe to all aeas !eneall& belon!in!to ICCs;IPs co$pisin! lan#s' inlan# ates' coastal aeas' an# natual esouces theein' hel#un#e a clai$ of oneship' occupie# o possesse# b& ICCs;IPs b& the$selves o thou!h theiancestos' co$$unall& o in#ivi#uall& since ti$e i$$e$oial' continuousl& to the pesent e%cepthen inteupte# b& a' foce $a9eue o #isplace$ent b& foce' #eceit' stealth o as aconse2uence of !oven$ent po9ects o an& othe volunta& #ealin!s entee# into b& !oven$entan# pivate in#ivi#uals;copoations' an# hich ae necessa& to ensue thei econo$ic' social an#cultual elfae. It shall inclu#e ancestal lan#s' foests' pastue' esi#ential' a!icultual' an# othelan#s in#ivi#uall& one# hethe alienable an# #isposable o otheise' huntin! !oun#s' buial!oun#s' oship aeas' bo#ies of ate' $ineal an# othe natual esouces' an# lan#s hich $a&

    no lon!e be e%clusivel& occupie# b& ICCs;IPs but fo$ hich the& ta#itionall& ha# access to fothei subsistence an# ta#itional activities' paticulal& the ho$e an!es of ICCs;IPs ho ae stillno$a#ic an#;o shiftin! cultivatos

    +) Ancestral Lands.< Sub9ect to Section 8 heeof' efes to lan# occupie#' possesse# an# utili"e#b& in#ivi#uals' fa$ilies an# clans ho ae $e$bes of the ICCs;IPs since ti$e i$$e$oial' b&the$selves o thou!h thei pe#ecessos

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    ta#itional activities' paticulal& the ho$e an!es of ICCs;IPs ho ae still no$a#ic an#;o shiftin!cultivatos.++8

    A!ce/r9 9!"/ ae lan#s hel# b& the ICCs;IPs un#e the sa$e con#itions as ancestal #o$ainse%cept that these ae li$ite# to lan#s an# that these lan#s ae not $eel& occupie# an# possesse#but ae also utili"e# b& the ICCs;IPs un#e clai$s of in#ivi#ual o ta#itional !oup oneship. These

    lan#s inclu#e but ae not li$ite# to esi#ential lots' ice teaces o pa##ies' pivate foests' si##enfa$s an# tee lots.++*

    The poce#ues fo clai$in! ancestal #o$ains an# lan#s ae si$ila to the poce#ues e$bo#ie# in3epat$ent A#$inistative O#e ,3AO- No. 1' seies of +00)' si!ne# b& then Seceta& of the3epat$ent of Envion$ent an# Natual Resouces ,3ENR- An!el Alcala.++( 3AO No. 1 alloe# the#elineation of ancestal #o$ains b& special tas/ foces an# ensue# the issuance of Cetificates of

     Ancestal Lan# Clai$s ,CALCJs- an# Cetificates of Ancestal 3o$ain Clai$s ,CA3CJs- to IPs.

    The i#entification an# #elineation of these ancestal #o$ains an# lan#s is a poe confee# b& theIPRA on the National Co$$ission on In#i!enous Peoples ,NCIP-.++0 The !ui#in! pinciple ini#entification an# #elineation is self

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    N>e 9e efes to ICCs;IPsJ pecon2uest i!hts to lan#s an# #o$ains hel# un#e a clai$ of pivateoneship as fa bac/ as $e$o& eaches. These lan#s ae #ee$e# neve to have been publiclan#s an# ae in#isputabl& pesu$e# to have been hel# that a& since befoe the SpanishCon2uest. The i!hts of ICCs;IPs to thei ancestal"om!/ ,hich also inclu#e ancestal lan#s- b&vitue of native title shall be eco!ni"e# an# especte#.+1*7o$al eco!nition' hen solicite# b&ICCs;IPs concene#' shall be e$bo#ie# in a Cetificate of Ancestal 3o$ain Title ,CA3T-' hich

    shall eco!ni"e the title of the concene# ICCs;IPs ove the teitoies i#entifie# an# #elineate#.+1(

    Li/e a toens title' a CA3T is evi#ence of pivate oneship of lan# b& native title. N>e 9e'hoeve' is a i!ht of pivate oneship peculial& !ante# to ICCs;IPs ove thei ancestal lan#s an##o$ains. The IPRA cate!oicall& #eclaes ancestal lan#s an# #o$ains hel# b& native title as !e>ero >e bee! public lan#. 3o$ains an# lan#s hel# un#e native title ae' theefoe' in#isputabl&pesu$e# to have neve been public lan#s an# ae pivate.

    J CrLo >. I!/79r Go>er!me!+10

    The concept of native title in the IPRA as ta/en fo$ the +050 case of Cari$o v. Insular%overnment .+)5Cari$o fi$l& establishe# a concept of pivate lan# title that e%iste# iespective of

    an& o&al !ant fo$ the State.

    In +05)' 3on Mateo Caio' an Ibaloi' sou!ht to e!iste ith the lan# e!istation cout +8 hectaesof lan# in Ba!uio Municipalit&' Ben!uet Povince. :e clai$e# that this lan# ha# been possesse# an#occupie# b& his ancestos since ti$e i$$e$oial that his !an#fathe built fences aoun# thepopet& fo the hol#in! of cattle an# that his fathe cultivate# so$e pats of the lan#. Caioinheite# the lan# in acco#ance ith I!oot custo$. :e tie# to have the lan# a#9uste# un#e theSpanish lan# las' but no #ocu$ent issue# fo$ the Spanish Con.+)+In +05+' Caio obtaine# apossesso& title to the lan# un#e the Spanish Mot!a!e La.+)1 The Noth A$eican colonial!oven$ent' hoeve' i!noe# his possesso& title an# built a public oa# on the lan# po$ptin! hi$to see/ a Toens title to his popet& in the lan# e!istation cout. Khile his petition as pen#in!' aU.S. $ilita& esevation+)) as poclai$e# ove his lan# an#' shotl& theeafte' a $ilita&#etach$ent as #etaile# on the popet& ith o#es to /eep cattle an# tespasses' inclu#in!

    Caio' off the lan#.+)

    In +05' the lan# e!istation cout !ante# CaioJs application fo absolute oneship to the lan#.Both the 4oven$ent of the Philippine Islan#s an# the U.S. 4oven$ent appeale# to the C.7.I. ofBen!uet hich evese# the lan# e!istation cout an# #is$isse# CaioJs application. ThePhilippine Supe$e Cout+) affi$e# the C.7.I. b& appl&in! the Valenton ulin!. Caio too/ the caseto the U.S. Supe$e Cout.+)8 On one han#' the Philippine !oven$ent invo/e# the Re!alian #octinean# conten#e# that Caio faile# to co$pl& ith the povisions of the Ro&al 3ecee of 6une 1'+((5' hich e2uie# e!istation of lan# clai$s ithin a li$ite# peio# of ti$e. Caio' on the othe'assete# that he as the absolute one of the lan# jure gentiu' an# that the lan# neve fo$e#pat of the public #o$ain.

    In a unani$ous #ecision itten b& 6ustice Olive Ken#ell :ol$es' the U.S. Supe$e Cout hel#?

    @It is tue that Spain' in its ealie #ecees' e$bo#ie# the univesal feu#al theo& that all lan#s eehel# fo$ the Con' an# pehaps the !eneal attitu#e of con2uein! nations toa# people noteco!ni"e# as entitle# to the teat$ent acco#e# to those in the sa$e "one of civili"ation iththe$selves. It is tue' also' that in le!al theo&' soveei!nt& is absolute' an# that' as a!ainst foei!nnations' the Unite# States $a& asset' as Spain assete#' absolute poe. But it #oes not follo that'as a!ainst the inhabitants of the Philippines' the Unite# States assets that Spain ha# such poe.Khen theo& is left on one si#e' soveei!nt& is a 2uestion of sten!th' an# $a& va& in #e!ee. :o


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    fa a ne soveei!n shall insist upon the theoetical elation of the sub9ects to the hea# in the past'an# ho fa it shall eco!ni"e actual facts' ae $attes fo it to #eci#e.@ +)*

    The U.S. Supe$e Cout note# that it nee# not accept Spanish #octines. The choice as ith thene coloni"e. Ulti$atel&' the $atte ha# to be #eci#e# un#e U.S. la.

    The Cari$o #ecision la!el& este# on the Noth A$eican constitutionalistJs concept of @#uepocess@ as ell as the ponounce# polic& @to #o 9ustice to the natives.@ +)( It as base# on the ston!$an#ate e%ten#e# to the Islan#s via the Philippine Bill of +051 that @No la shall be enacte# in sai#islan#s hich shall #epive an& peson of life' libet&' o popet& ithout #ue pocess of la' o #en&to an& peson theein the e2ual potection of the las.@ The cout #eclae#?

    @The ac2uisition of the Philippines as not li/e the settle$ent of the hite ace in the Unite# States.Khateve consi#eation $a& have been shon to the Noth A$eican In#ians' the #o$inant puposeof the hites in A$eica as to occup& lan#. It is obvious that' hoeve state#' the eason fo outa/in! ove the Philippines as #iffeent. No one' e suppose' oul# #en& that' so fa as consistentith paa$ount necessities' ou fist ob9ect in the intenal a#$inistation of the islan#s is to #o 9usticeto the natives' not to e%ploit thei count& fo pivate !ain. B& the O!anic Act of 6ul& +' +051' chapte 

    +)80' section +1 ,)1 Statutes at La!e' 80+-' all the popet& an# i!hts ac2uie# thee b& the Unite#States ae to be a#$inistee# Jfo the benefit of the inhabitants theeof.J It is easonable to supposethat the attitu#e thus assu$e# b& the Unite# States ith e!a# to hat as un2uestionabl& its onis also its attitu#e in #eci#in! hat it ill clai$ fo its on. The sa$e statute $a#e a bill of i!hts'e$bo#&in! the safe!ua#s of the Constitution' an#' li/e the Constitution' e%ten#s those safe!ua#sto all. It povi#es that Jno la shall be enacte# in sai# islan#s hich shall #epive an& peson of life'libet&' o popet& ithout #ue pocess of la' o #en& to an& peson theein the e2ual potection ofthe las.J In the li!ht of the #eclaation that e have 2uote# fo$ section +1' it is ha# to believe thatthe Unite# States as ea#& to #eclae in the ne%t beath that @an& peson@ #i# not e$bace theinhabitants of Ben!uet' o that it $eant b& @popet&@ onl& that hich ha# beco$e such b&cee$onies of hich pesu$abl& a la!e pat of the inhabitants neve ha# hea#' an# that itpopose# to teat as public lan# hat the&' b& native custo$ an# b& lon! association'< of thepofoun#est factos in hu$an thou!ht'< e!a#e# as thei on.@ +)0

    The Cout ent futhe?

    @Eve& pesu$ption is an# ou!ht to be a!ainst the !oven$ent in a case li/e the pesent. I m:,er/, be roer !" /7ce! o / e bee! e9" ! e /me

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    =I e 9c!4/ c/e / o be re" b e 9< o S!, er /7c c9er roo e o ! ro9:r!. In othe o#s' Spain #i# not assu$e to convet all the native inhabitants of the Philippinesinto tespasses o even into tenants at ill. 7o instance' Boo/ ' title +1' La + of the

    the Re!opila!ion de Le"es de las Indias' cite# fo a conta& conclusion in Falenton v. Muciano' )Philippine )*' hile it co$$an#s viceo&s an# othes' hen it see$s pope' to call fo thee%hibition of !ants' #iects the$ to confi$ those ho hol# b& !oo# !ants o justa pres!rip!ion. I /r7e be:!/ b e crcer/c //ero! o e7"9 o>er9or"/ !" e or:! o 999e/ ! e +!: or / re"ece//or/. T or o CrLo !" or"ere" e re:/ro! o e 1F8 ecre/ !':7o M7!c9 ! / !me.+

    E%a$inin! Cari$o close' the U.S. Supe$e Cout #i# not cate!oicall& efe to the title it uphel# as@native title.@ It si$pl& sai#?

    =Te Pro>!ce o 'e!:7e :e rbe !e>er e :r!e" o !o!e ! ro>!ce e re:/ro! o

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    i$potant pat of the Islan# of Lu"on' at least' fo the ant of cee$onies hich the Spania#s oul#not have pe$itte# an# ha# not the poe to enfoce.@+

    This is the onl& instance hen 6ustice :ol$es use# the te$ @native title@ in the entie len!th ofthe Cari$o#ecision. It is obseve# that the i#espea# use of the te$ @native title@ $a& be tace# toPofesso Oen 6a$es L&nch' 6.' a Fisitin! Pofesso at the Univesit& of the Philippines Colle!e of

    La fo$ the ale Univesit& La School. In +0(1' Pof. L&nch publishe# an aticle in the P9!e&< )o7r!9 entitle# ,ative -itle Private Ri#/t and -ri+al Land La0 .+8 This aticle as $a#eafte Pofesso L&nch visite# ove thit& tibal co$$unities thou!hout the count& an# stu#ie# theoi!in an# #evelop$ent of Philippine lan# las.+* :e #iscusse# Cari$oe%tensivel& an# use# thete$ @native title@ to efe to CaioJs title as #iscusse# an# uphel# b& the U.S. Supe$e Cout in sai#case.

    ,b- In#ian Title

    In a footnote in the sa$e aticle' Pofesso L&nch state# that the concept of @native title@ as #efine#b& 6ustice :ol$es in (ari-o @is conceptuall& si$ila to @aboi!inal title@ of the A$eicanIn#ians.+( This is not supisin!' acco#in! to Pof. L&nch' consi#ein! that #uin! the A$eican

    e!i$e' !oven$ent polic& toa#s ICCs;IPs as consistentl& $a#e in efeence to native A$eicans.+0 This as cleal& #e$onstate# in the case of Ru+i v. Provincial 1oard o2 Mindoro.+5

    In Ru+i ' the Povincial Boa# of Min#oo a#opte# a Resolution authoi"in! the povincial !oveno toe$ove the Man!&ans fo$ thei #o$ains an# place the$ in a pe$anent esevation in SitioTi!bao' La/e Nau9an. An& Man!&an ho efuse# to co$pl& as to be i$pisone#. Rubi an# so$eMan!&ans' inclu#in! one ho as i$pisone# fo t&in! to escape fo$ the esevation' file# fohabeas copus clai$in! #epivation of libet& un#e the Boa# Resolution. This Cout #enie# thepetition on the !oun# of police poe. It uphel# !oven$ent polic& po$otin! the i#ea that ape$anent settle$ent as the onl& successful $etho# fo e#ucatin! the Man!&ans' into#ucin!civili"e# custo$s' i$povin! thei health an# $oals' an# potectin! the public foests in hich the&oa$e#.++ Spea/in! thou!h 6ustice Malcol$' the cout sai#?

    @Refeence as $a#e in the Pesi#entJs instuctions to the Co$$ission to the polic& a#opte# b& theUnite# States fo the In#ian Tibes. The $etho#s folloe# b& the 4oven$ent of the PhilippineIslan#s in its #ealin!s ith the so

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    that hen once so #eci#e# upon' the couts shoul# not intefee to upset a caefull& planne#!oven$ental s&ste$. Pehaps' 9ust as $an& foceful easons e%ist fo the se!e!ation of theMan!uianes in Min#oo as e%iste# fo the se!e!ation of the #iffeent In#ian tibes in the Unite#States.@+)

    Ru+i  applie# the concept of In#ian lan# !ants o esevations in the Philippines. An In#ian

    esevation is a pat of the public #o$ain set apat b& pope authoit& fo the use an# occupation ofa tibe o tibes of In#ians.+ It $a& be set apat b& an act of Con!ess' b& teat&' o b& e%ecutiveo#e' but it cannot be establishe# b& custo$ an# pesciption.+

    I!"! 9e o 9!", oer, / !o 9me" o 9!" :r!/ or re/er>o!/. I 9/o co>er/ e=bor:!9 r: o o//e//o! or occ7!c.=+8 The aboi!inal i!ht of possession #epen#s onthe actual occupanc& of the lan#s in 2uestion b& the tibe o nation as thei ancestal ho$e' in thesense that such lan#s constitute #efinable teito& occupie# e%clusivel& b& the paticula tibe onation.+* It is a i!ht hich e%ists apat fo$ an& teat&' statute' o othe !oven$ental action'althou!h in nu$eous instances teaties have been ne!otiate# ith In#ian tibes' eco!ni"in! theiaboi!inal possession an# #eli$itin! thei occupanc& i!hts o settlin! an# a#9ustin! theiboun#aies.+(

    Amerc! ;7r/r7"e!ce reco:!e/ e I!"!/4 or !>e Amerc!/4 r:/ o 9!" e >ee9" !" occ7e" beore e ="/co>er= o e Amerc/ b e E7roe!/. Te er9e/"e!>e /eme! b e U.S. S7reme Co7r o! e !7re o bor:!9 9e er :>e/ 9e o e :o>er!me! b er!me!/,

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    e !>e/. Te/e :r!/ >e bee! 7!"er/oo" b 99 o co!>e 9e o e :r!ee/,/7b;ec o!9 o e I!"! r: o occ7!c.=+8+

    Thus' the #iscovee of ne teito& as #ee$e# to have obtaine# the e5clusive ri#/t  to ac2uieIn#ian lan# an# e%tin!uish In#ian titles. Onl& to the #iscovee< hethe to En!lan#' 7ance' Spain o :ollan#< #i# this i!ht belon! an# not to an& othe nation o pivate peson. The $ee ac2uisition of

    the i!ht nonetheless #i# not e%tin!uish In#ian clai$s to lan#. Rathe' until the #iscovee' b&puchase o con2uest' e%ecise# its i!ht' the concene# In#ians ee eco!ni"e# as the @i!htfuloccupants of the soil' ith a le!al as ell as 9ust clai$ to etain possession of it.@ 4ants $a#e b& the#iscovee to he sub9ects of lan#s occupie# b& the In#ians ee hel# to conve& a title to the!antees' sub9ect onl& to the In#ian i!ht of occupanc&. Once the #iscovee puchase# the lan# fo$the In#ians o con2uee# the$' it as onl& then that the #iscovee !aine# an absolute titleunesticte# b& In#ian i!hts.

    The cout conclu#e#' in essence' that a !ant of In#ian lan#s b& In#ians coul# not conve& a titlepaa$ount to the title of the Unite# States itself to othe paties' sa&in!?

    @It has neve been conten#e# that the In#ian title a$ounte# to nothin!. Ter r: o o//e//o!

    / !e>er bee! 7e/o!e". Te c9m o :o>er!me! e@e!"/ o e com9ee 79me 9e,cr:e"

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    It as the polic& of the U.S. !oven$ent to teat the In#ians as nations ith #istinct teitoialboun#aies an# eco!ni"e thei i!ht of occupanc& ove all the lan#s ithin thei #o$ains. Thus?

    @7o$ the co$$ence$ent of ou !oven$ent Con!ess has passe# acts to e!ulate ta#e an#intecouse ith the In#ians hich teat the$ as nations' espect thei i!hts' an# $anifest a fi$pupose to affo# that potection hich teaties stipulate. All these acts' an# especiall& that of +(51'

    hich is still in foce' $anifestl& consi#e e /e>er9 I!"! !o!/ / "/!c o9c9comm7!e/, >!: error9 bo7!"re/, ere:! r/ e"/co>er!: E7roe! !o! !" 9er e or:!9 13 Se/ !" e U!e" Se/ r: oocc7!c ! e I!"! rbe/ ere9e// reco:!e". The 7e#eal 4oven$entcontinue# the polic& of espectin! the In#ian i!ht of occupanc&' so$eti$es calle# In#ian title' hichit acco#e# the potection of co$plete oneship.+*+But this aboi!inal In#ian inteest si$pl&

    constitutes @pe$ission@ fo$ the hites to occup& the lan#' an# $eans $ee possession notspecificall& eco!ni"e# as oneship b& Con!ess.+*1 It is clea that this i!ht of occupanc& base#upon aboi!inal possession is not a popet& i!ht.+*) It is vulneable to affi$ative action b& thefe#eal !oven$ent ho' as soveei!n' possesse# e%clusive poe to e%tin!uish the i!ht ofoccupanc& at ill.+* T7/, bor:!9 9e / !o e /me / 9e:9 9e. Aboi!inal title ests onactual' e%clusive an# continuous use an# occupanc& fo a lon! ti$e.+* It entails that lan# one# b&In#ian title $ust be use# ithin the tibe' sub9ect to its las an# custo$s' an# cannot be sol# toanothe soveei!n !oven$ent no to an& citi"en. +*8 Such title as In#ians have to possess an#occup& lan# is in the tibe' an# not in the in#ivi#ual In#ian the i!ht of in#ivi#ual In#ians to shae in


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    the tibal popet& usuall& #epen#s upon tibal $e$beship' the popet& of the tibe !eneall& bein!hel# in co$$unal oneship.+**

     As a ule' In#ian lan#s ae not inclu#e# in the te$ @public lan#s'@ hich is o#inail& use# to#esi!nate such lan#s as ae sub9ect to sale o othe #isposal un#e !eneal las.+*( In#ian lan#hich has been aban#one# is #ee$e# to fall into the public #o$ain.+*0 On the othe han#' an In#ian

    esevation is a pat of the public #o$ain set apat fo the use an# occupation of a tibe ofIn#ians.+(5 Once set apat b& pope authoit&' the esevation ceases to be public lan#' an# until theIn#ian title is e%tin!uishe#' no one but Con!ess can initiate an& pefeential i!ht on' o estict thenationJs poe to #ispose of' the$.+(+

    Te Amerc! ;7"cr /r7::9e" or more ! 200 er/ e 9e. Te 9o!: 9!e o c/e/ c!: Cari$o "" !o o7c o! !>e 9e !"e r>e crcer o !ce/r9 "om!/ !" 9!"/. Cari$o e re/cro! 7!"er e P7b9c &!" Ac

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     All these &eas' Cari$o ha# been 2uote# out of conte%t si$pl& to 9ustif& lon!' continuous' open an#a#vese possession in the concept of one of public a!icultual lan#. It is this lon!' continuous'open an# a#vese possession in the concept of one of thit& &eas both fo o#ina& citi"ens+0 an#$e$bes of the national cultual $inoities+0 that convets the lan# fo$ public into pivate an#entitles the e!istant to a toens cetificate of title.

    3J Te Oo! o Sec7r!: Torre!/ T9e o e A!ce/r9 &!" I!"ce/ e &!" /Pr>e.

    The pivate chaacte of ancestal lan#s an# #o$ains as lai# #on in the IPRA isfuthe /re!:e!e" b& the option !iven to in#ivi#ual ICCs;IPs ove thei in#ivi#uall&

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    no appopiate# b& the 4oven$ent' no in an& $anne beco$e pivate popet&' no those onhich a pivate i!ht authoi"e# an# eco!ni"e# b& this Act o an& othe vali# la % % % o hichhavin! been eseve# o appopiate#' have cease# to be so.@+00  Act 08' the Lan# Re!istation Act'allos e!istation onl& of pivate lan#s an# public a!icultual lan#s. S!ce !ce/r9 "om!/ !"9!"/ re r>e, e ICCHIP 9 o e be!e/ o C.A. 1F1 !" Ac F?6, e IPRA/e9 co!>er/ / !ce/r9 9!", re:r"9e// o e !" be9o!: o e ICC/HIP/. Seco! 3 o Arc9e II on National Econo$& an#Pati$on& of the +0(* Constitution classifies lan#s of the public #o$ain into fou cate!oies? ,a-a!icultual' ,b- foest o ti$be' ,c- $ineal lan#s' an# ,#- national pa/s. Seco! 5 of the /meArc9e II $entions ancestal lan#s an# ancestal #o$ains but it #oes not classif& the$ un#e an&of the sai# fou cate!oies. To c9// em / 7b9c 9!"/ 7!"er ! o!e o e o7r c9//e/

    '. Te r: o o

    Re!istation un#e the Public Lan# Act an# Lan# Re!istation Act eco!ni"es the concept ofoneship un#e thec>9 9

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    % % %.

    @#e!. 4$ . The folloin! #escibe# citi"ens of the Philippines' occup&in! lan#s of the public #o$ain o clai$in! to on an& such lan#s o an inteest theein' but hose titles have not been pefecte# oco$plete#' $a& appl& to the Cout of 7ist Instance of the povince hee the lan# is locate# foconfi$ation of thei clai$s an# the issuance of a cetificate of title theefo' un#e the Lan#

    Re!istation Act' to it?

    ,a- Dpefection of Spanish titles %%%.

    ,b- Those ho b& the$selves o thou!h thei pe#ecessos

     An# the i!ht to en9o& an# #ispose of the thin! inclu#es the i!ht to eceive fo$ the thin! hat itpo#uces'15 the i!ht to consu$e the thin! b& its use'158 the i!ht to alienate' encu$be' tansfo$ oeven #esto& the thin! one#'15* an# the i!ht to e%clu#e fo$ the possession of the thin! one# b&an& othe peson to ho$ the one has not tans$itte# such thin!.15(

    1. Te I!":e!o7/ Co!ce o O

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    Te r: o oe b7 comm7! roer. I / r>e /m9 bec7/e /!o r o e 7b9c "om!. '7 / r>e crcer e!"/ ere. Te !ce/r9 "om! /o


     Te/e comm7!9 r:/, oer, re !o e@c9 e /me / coo

    Comm7!9 r:/ o e 9!" re e9" !o o!9 b e re/e! o//e//or/ o e 9!" b7e@e!"/ o 99 :e!ero!/ o e ICC/HIP/, /, re/e! !" 77re, o e "om!. This is theeason h& the ancestal #o$ain $ust be /ept ithin the ICCs;IPs the$selves. The #o$ain cannotbe tansfee#' sol# o conve&e# to othe pesons. It belon!s to the ICCs;IPs as a co$$unit&.

    A!ce/r9 9!"/ re 9/o e9" 7!"er e !":e!o7/ co!ce o o

    7olloin! the constitutional $an#ate that @custo$a& la !oven popet& i!hts o elations in

    #ete$inin! the oneship an# e%tent of ancestal #o$ains'@ 1+8 e IPRA, b 9e:/9>e ,!ro"7ce/ !e< co!ce o o

    C7/om, rom 9 Co"e / /o7rce o 9

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    ICCs;IPs concene# shall be e$bo#ie# in a Cetificate of Ancestal 3o$ain Title' hich shalleco!ni"e the title of the concene# ICCs;IPs ove the teitoies i#entifie# an# #elineate#.@

    The $oal i$pot of ancestal #o$ain' native lan# o bein! native is @belon!in!ness@ to the lan#'bein! people of the lan#< b& shee foce of havin! spun! fo$ the lan# since ti$e be&on# ecall'an# the faithful nutue of the lan# b& the seat of oneJs bo. This is fi#elit& of usufuctua& elation

    to the lan#< the possession of stea#ship thou!h pe#uin!' inti$ate tilla!e' an# the $utualit& ofblessin!s beteen $an an# lan# fo$ $an' cae fo lan# fo$ the lan#' sustenance fo $an. 111

    C. Seco!/ J, bJ !" 5 o e IPRA Do No %o9e e Re:9! Docr!e E!/r!e" !Seco! 2, Arc9e II o e 1?8 Co!/7o!.

    1. Te R:/ o ICC/HIP/ O>er Ter A!ce/r9 Dom!/ !" &!"/

    The IPRA !ants the ICCs;IPs seveal i!hts ove thei ancestal #o$ains an# ancestal lan#s.Section * povi#es fo the i!hts ove ancestal "om!/?

    @#e!. 5. Rights to 0n!estral oains.< The i!hts of oneship an# possession of ICCs;IPs to thei

    ancestal #o$ains shall be eco!ni"e# an# potecte#. Such i!hts inclu#e?

    a6 Right of wnership.< The i!ht to clai$ oer 9!"/, bo"e/ o eme!/ m"e b em at an& ti$e ithin the #o$ains

    +6 Right to evelop Lands and Natural Resour!es.< S7b;ec o Seco! 56 ereo, e r:o "e>e9o, co!ro9 !" 7/e 9!"/ !" errore/ r"o!99 occ7e", o

    e!/7r!: eco9o:c9, e!>ro!me!9 roeco! !" e co!/er>o! me/7re/,7r/7! o !o!9 !" c7/omr 9

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    g6 Right to (lai *arts of Reservations.< The i!ht to clai$ pats of the ancestal #o$ainshich have been eseve# fo vaious puposes' e%cept those eseve# an# inten#e# foco$$on an# public elfae an# sevice

    h6 Right to Resolve (onfli!t .< Ri!ht to esolve lan# conflicts in acco#ance ith custo$a&las of the aea hee the lan# is locate#' an# onl& in #efault theeof shall the co$plaints be

    sub$itte# to a$icable settle$ent an# to the Couts of 6ustice heneve necessa&.@

    Section ( povi#es fo the i!hts ove ancestal 9!"/

    @#e!. $. Rights to 0n!estral Lands.< The i!ht of oneship an# possession of the ICCs;IPs to theiancestal lan#s shall be eco!ni"e# an# potecte#.

    a6 Right to transfer land)propert" .< Such i!ht shall inclu#e the i!ht to tansfe lan# opopet& i!hts to;a$on! $e$bes of the sa$e ICCs;IPs' sub9ect to custo$a& las an#ta#itions of the co$$unit& concene#.

    +6 Right to Redeption.< In cases hee it is shon that the tansfe of lan#;popet& i!hts

    b& vitue of an& a!ee$ent o #evise' to a nonan# ,!- the i!ht to esolve conflict in acco#ance ith custo$a& las.

    Section ( !ovens thei i!hts to ancestal 9!"/. Unli/e oneship ove the ancestal #o$ains'Section ( !ives the ICCs;IPs also the i!ht to tansfe the lan# o popet& i!hts to $e$bes of thesa$e ICCs;IPs o none!7re, or ro"7co!/r!: :reeme!/

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    ce!7m o

    A99 9!"/ o e 7b9c "om! !" 99 !7r9 re/o7rce/ ates' $ineals' coal' petoleu$' an#othe $ineal oils' all foces of potential ene!&' fisheies' foests o ti$be' il#life' floa an# fauna'an# othe natual esouces< re o

    +. The State $a& #iectl& un#eta/e such activities o 

    1. The State $a& ente into co

    e e@9oro!, "e>e9ome! !" 79o! o e/e !7r9 re/o7rce/. The State $a& #iectl&un#eta/e the e%ploitation an# #evelop$ent b& itself' o' it $a& allo paticipation b& the pivatesecto thou!h co

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    Un#e the Philippine Minin! Act of +00' ,R.A. *01- an# the PeopleJs S$all

    The non

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    The constitutionalit& of Section +' Pat II' Rule III of the I$ple$entin! Rules as not specificall& an#cate!oicall& challen!e# b& petitiones. Petitiones actuall& assail the constitutionalit& of theI$ple$entin! Rules in !eneal.1)1Nevetheless' to avoi# an& confusion in the i$ple$entation of thela' it is necessa& to #eclae that the inclusion of @natual esouces@ in Section +' Pat II' Rule III ofthe I$ple$entin! Rules !oes be&on# the paa$etes of Section * ,b- of the la an# is co!rr oSeco! 2, Arc9e II o e 1?8 Co!/7o!.

    bJ Te Sm99Sc9e U9o! o N7r9 Re/o7rce/ I! Sec. bJ o e IPRA I/ A99o

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    =!e:oe e erm/ !" co!"o!/ or er e@9oro!= or e 7ro/e o =e!/7r!:eco9o:c9 !" e!>ro!me!9 roeco! !" co!/er>o! me/7re/.@ It $ust be note# that thei!ht to ne!otiate the te$s an# con#itions ove the natual esouces coves onl& thei e%ploationhich $ust be fo the pupose of ensuin! ecolo!ical an# envion$ental potection of' an#consevation $easues in the ancestal #o$ain. It #oes not e%ten# to the e%ploitation an##evelop$ent of natual esouces.

    Sm9 /e", e ICC/HIP/4 r:/ o>er e !7r9 re/o7rce/ e e orm o m!:eme! or /ee9ome! or e@9oo! o ! !7r9 re/o7rce/ ithin theancestal #o$ains. A non

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    is a supeio entit& that ons these esouces an# this entit& has the poe to !ant pefeentiali!hts ove the esouces to hosoeve itself chooses.

    Section * is not a epu#iation of the Re!alian #octine. Rathe' it is an affi$ation of the sai##octine that all natual esouces foun# ithin the ancestal #o$ains belon! to the State. Itincopoates b& i$plication the Re!alian #octine' hence' e2uies that the povision be ea# in the

    li!ht of Section 1' Aticle >II of the +0(* Constitution. I!erre!: Seco! 2, Arc9e II o e 1?8Co!/7o!1)* ! re9o! o Seco! 5 o IPRA, e Se, / oe, m reco:!e e ror r:/ o e ICC/HIP/ / oe9ome! !" 79o! o m!er9/,ero9e7m, !" oer m!er9 o9/, or 99o< /7c !o!member o rce ! / :reeme!er e !7r9 re/o7rce/ ! er !ce/r9"om!/ mere9 :>e/ e ICC/HIP/, / o

    /me me, ror ! er 9r:e/c9e "e>e9ome! !" e@9oo!. Seco! 5 "oe/ !om!"e e Se o 7omc99 :>e ror o e ICC/HIP/. Te Se / /e>er9 oo!/!" /

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    license' lease' o po#uction shain! a!ee$ent hile thee is a pen#in! application fo aCA3T? *rovided, finall" ' That the ICCs;IPs shall have the i!ht to stop o suspen#' in acco#anceith this Act' an& po9ect that has not satisfie# the e2uie$ent of this consultation pocess.@

    Concessions' licenses' lease o po#uction

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    The +0(* Philippine Constitution fo$all& eco!ni"es the e%istence of ICCs;IPs an# #eclaes as aState polic& the po$otion of thei i!hts ithin the fa$eo/ of national unit& an##evelop$ent.1 The IPRA a$al!a$ates the Philippine cate!o& of ICCs ith the intenationalcate!o& of IPs'18 an# is heavil& influence# b& both the Intenational Labo O!ani"ation ,ILO-Convention +80 an# the Unite# Nations ,UN- 3aft 3eclaation on the Ri!hts of In#i!enousPeoples.1*

    ILO Convention No. +80 is entitle# the @Convention Concenin! In#i!enous an# Tibal Peoples inIn#epen#ent Counties@1( an# as a#opte# on 6une 1*' +0(0. It is base# on the Univesal3eclaation of :u$an Ri!hts' the Intenational Covenant on Econo$ic' Social an# Cultual Ri!hts'the Intenational Covenant on Civil an# Political Ri!hts' an# $an& othe intenational instu$ents onthe pevention of #isci$ination.10 ILO Convention No. +80 evise# the @Convention Concenin! thePotection an# Inte!ation of In#i!enous an# Othe Tibal an# Se$i

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     Falenton v . Muciano' ) Phil. )*' ) D+05 See also 7loencio 3.R. Ponce' ThePhilippine Toens S&ste$' p. +) D+08.

     Antonio :. Noble9as' Lan# Titles an# 3ee#s' p. D+0(8 these !ants ee bette /non asepati$ientos an# enco$ien#as. Repati$ientos ee han#outs to the $ilita& as fittin!ea# fo thei sevices to the Spanish con. The enco$ien#as ee !iven to Spania#s to

    a#$iniste an# #evelop ith the i!ht to eceive an# en9o& fo the$selves the tibutes of thenatives assi!ne# to the$.< Ponce' supra' p. +1' citin! Benite"' :isto& of the Philippines' pp.+1

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    1) Antonio :. Noble9as' Lan# Titles an# 3ee#s' p. 15 D+08+.

    1 Ponce' supra' at )1.

    1 Pea' Re!istation of Lan# Titles an# 3ee#s' p. 18 D+0(1 Noble9as' supra' at )1.

    18 Noble9as' supra' at )1.

    1* Ponce' supra' at +1)

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    p&!$ies' ca$e beteen 1'555 to )5'555 B.C. Thei cultual e$ains ae peseve# b& theNe!itoistor" of the?ilipino *eople' p. 1+ D+005.

     Tan' supra' at )

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    8 A$elia Alon"o' The >istor" of the @udi!ial #"ste in the *hilippines, Indigenous 9ra *riorto 133,unpublishe# o/ sub$itte# as ent& to the Centennial Essa&

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    * Tan' supra' at 0F' +0*) Constitution.

    (0 Pesi#ential 3ecees Nos. +5+* an# ++.

    05 The PANAMIN' hoeve' concentate# fun#s an# esouces on i$a!e

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    0 Mac3onal#' Indigenous *eople of the *hilippines' supra' at )+.

    0 E.O. Nos. +11II' sec. Aticle >III' sec. 8 Aticle >IF'sec. +* an# Aticle >FI' sec. +1.

    0* Mac3onal#' In#i!enous Peoples of the Philippines' supra' at ).

    0( Sa$uel G. Tan' A :isto& of the Philippines' p. D+00*.

    00 Co#illea Stu#ies Po!a$' Lan# Use an# Oneship an# Public Polic& in the Co#illea'10

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    +5( Sponsoship Speech of Senato 7lavie' Le!islative :isto& of SBN +*1(' Tenth Con!ess'Secon# Re!ula Session' Senate' Oct. +8' +008' pp. +

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    +)5 Sponsoship Speech of Senato 6uan 7lavie' Le!. :isto& of SBN +*1(' Tenth Con!ess'Secon# Re!ula Session' Oct. +8' +008' p. +).

    +)+ It as the pactice of the Spanish colonial !oven$ent not to issue titles to I!ootsQOen6. L&nch' 6.' Invisible Peoples an# a :i##en A!en#a? The Oi!ins of Conte$poa&Philippine Lan# Las ,+055

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    +*7o$ +0(* to +0((' Pof. L&nch alloe# the P.L.6. to publish pats of his #octoal#issetation at the ale La School entitle# @Invisible Peoples? A :isto& of Philippine Lan#La.@ Please see the Le!al Bases of Philippine Colonial Soveei!nt&? An In2ui&' 81 P.L.6.1*0 D+0(* Lan# Ri!hts' Lan# Las an# Lan# Usupation? The Spanish Ea ,+8(e" e r/ o!/roer.

    Until +(*+' In#ian tibes ee eco!ni"e# b& the Unite# States as possessin! theattibutes of nations to the e%tent that teaties ee $a#e ith the$. In that &ea'hoeve' Con!ess' b& statute' #eclae# its intention theeafte to $a/e the In#iantibes a$enable #iectl& to the poe an# authoit& of the Unite# States b& thei$$e#iate e%ecise of its le!islative poe ove the$' instea# of b& teat&. Sincethen' In#ian affais have been e!ulate# b& acts if Con!ess an# b& contacts iththe In#ian tibes pacticall& a$ountin! to teaties< + A$ 6u 1#' Indians' Sec. D+00 e#.

    +81 C.6.S. In#ians' Sec. 1( D+0 e#..

    +*I+id . see also U.S. v . Santa 7e Pac. R. Co.' Ai".' 81 S. Ct. 1(' )+ U.S. ))0' (8 L. E#.185 D+0+.

    +(I+id .

    +0( Kheat )' L. E#. 8(+ D+(1).


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    +**+ A$ 6 1#' Indians' Sec. 0 D+00 e#..

    +*( An allot$ent of In#ian lan# contains estictions on alienation of the lan#. These estictionse%ten# to a #evise of the lan# b& ill< Missoui' G. T.R. Co. v . U.S.' 1) U.S. )*' 0 L. E#.++8'. ) S. Ct. 8 D+0+ A ailoa# lan# !ant that falls ithin In#ian lan# is null an# voi#<Nothen P. R. Co. v . U.S.' 11* U.S. )' * L.E#. ')) S. Ct. )8( D+0+) Potions of

    In#ian lan# necessa& fo a ailoa# i!ht of a& ee' b& the te$s of the teat&' #eclae#@public lan#'@ i$pl&in! that lan# be&on# the i!ht of a& as pivate< Gin#e# v . Union P.R.Co.' 11 U.S. (1' 8 L. E#. +1+8' )1 S. Ct. *(5 D+0+1 see also + A$ 6u 1#' In#ians'Sec. ( D+00 e#.

    +*0 0+original Title to Indian Lands, supra' at Sec. 1Da' p. )).

    +(51 C.6.S. Indians' Sec. 10 D+0 e#.

    +(+I+id .

    +(1Noth A$eican In#ians have $a#e $uch po!ess in establishin! a elationship ith the

    national !oven$ent an# #evelopin! thei on las. So$e have thei on !oven$ent<eco!ni"e# constitutions. Usuall& the eco!nition of In#ian tibes #epen#s on hethe thetibe has a esevation. Noth A$eican tibes have eache# such an a#vance# sta!e thatthe $ain issues to#a& evolve aoun# co$ple% 9uis#ictional an# liti!ation $attes. Tibeshave ac2uie# the status of soveei!n nations ithin anothe nation' possessin! the i!ht tochan!e an# !o< 6ose Paulo Gastup' The Internationaliation of Indigenous Rights frothe 9nvironental and >uan Rights *erspe!tive, Te%as Intenational La 6ounal' vol. )1?0*' +5 D+00*.

    +()L&nch' Native Title' supra' at 10).

    +(3ante 4at$a&tan' 0n!estral oain Re!ognition in the *hilippinesD Trends in

    @urispruden!e and Legislation,  Phil. Nat. Res. L.6. No. +' pp. )' 5 DAu!. +001 see alsoTee :it Ton In#ians v . U.S.' supra' at )15.

    +(I+id .

    +(83. 4at$a&tan' supra' citin! Chuchill' The Eath is Ou Mothe? Stu!!les fo A$eicanIn#ian Lan# an# Libeation in the Conte$poa& Unite# States' The State of Native A$eica?4enoci#e' Coloni"ation an# Resistance +)0 ,M. 6ai$es +001- an# In#ian La ResouceCente' Unite# States 3enial of In#ian Popet& Ri!hts? A Stu#& in Laless Poe an# Racial3isci$ination' Rethin/in! In#ian La + ,National La&es 4uil#' Co$$ittee on Native

     A$eican Stu!!les +0(1-.


    Id .' Note 1(' statin! that so$e ealie #ecisions of the U.S. Supe$e Cout have hel# thatCon!ess is sub9ect to the stictues of the Constitution in #ealin! ith In#ians. Khen anIn#ian popet& is ta/en fo non

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    +(0Susi v . Ra"on' ( Phil. 1 D+01 :eico v . 3a' 0 SCRA )* D+0(5.

    +05I+id .

    +0+3iecto of Lan#s v . Inte$e#iate Appellate Cout' +8 SCRA 50 D+0(8 3iecto ofLan#s v . Bu&co' 1+8 SCRA *( D+001 Republic v . Cout of Appeals an# Lapina' 1) SCRA

    8* D+00.

    +01* Phil. (05 D+08.

    +0)Id . at (01.

    +0Sec. ( Db' C.A. ++.

    +0Sec. ( Dc' C.A. ++' as a$en#e#. This povision as a##e# in +08 b& R.A. )(*1.

    +08Section +1' IPRA.

    +0*@Ti$e i$$e$oial@ efes @to a peio# of ti$e hen as fa bac/ as $e$o& can !o' cetainICCs;Ips ae /non to have occupie#' possesse# in the concept of one' an# utili"e# a#efine# teito& #evolve# to the$' b& opeation of custo$a& la o inheite# fo$ theiancestos' in acco#ance ith thei custo$s an# ta#itions.@ ,Sec. ) Dp' IPRA-.

    +0(Section 1' C.A. ++.

    +00Section (' C.A. ++.

    155 The classification of ancestal lan#s +( in slope o ove as alienable in the IPRA is ane%ception to Section +' P.3. *5' the Revise# 7oest& Co#e.

    15+ Chales Mac3onal#' Indigenous *eoples of the *hilippinesD Between #egregation andIntegration' In#i!enous Peoples of Asia' supra' at pp. )' )5.

    151 Section ' Aticle >II' +0(* Constitution.

    15) Ko#s in bol# ee a$en#$ents into#uce# b& R.A. )(*1 in +08.

    15 Ko#s in bol# ee a$en#$ents into#uce# b& R.A. )(*1 on 6une +(' +08. On 6anua&1' +0**' hoeve' Sec. ( Db an# ( Dc ee futhe a$en#e# b& P.3. +5*) statin! thatthese povisions on cultual $inoities appl& o!9 o 9e!b9e !" "/o/b9e 9!"/ o e7b9c "om!< *lease see Republic v . CA an# Paan' 15+ SCRA +' +5

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    11+ This situation is analo!ous to the Musli$ co#e o the Co#e of Musli$ Pesonal Las ,P.3.+5()- hich too/ effect on 7ebua& ' +0** #espite the effectivit& of the Civil Co#e an# the7a$il& Co#e. P.3. +5() !ovens pesons' fa$il& elations an# succession a$on! Musli$s'the a#9u#ication an# settle$ent of #isputes' the o!ani"ation of the Shai=a couts' etc.

    111 Maiflo P. Pa!usaa' The II.

    11 A @co

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    The la too/ effect + #a&s upon publication in the O.4. o in an& 1 nespapes of!eneal ciculation ,Sec. (' IPRA-. The IPRA as publishe# in the Chonicle an#Mala&a on Nov. *' +00*.

    1)  Section 0 of the IPRA also !ives the ICCs;IPs the ff. esponsibilities ove thei ancestal#o$ains?

    ,a- :aintain 9!ologi!al Balan!e< To peseve' estoe' an# $aintain a balance#ecolo!& in the ancestal #o$ain b& potectin! the floa an# fauna' ateshe# aeas'an# othe eseves

    ,b- Restore enuded 0reas.< To activel& initiate' un#eta/e an# paticipate in theefoestation of #enu#e# aeas an# othe #evelop$ent po!a$s an# po9ectssub9ect to 9ust an# easonable enu$eation

    ,c- +serve Laws.< To obseve an# co$pl& ith the povisions of this Act an# theules an# e!ulations fo its effective i$ple$entation.@

    Section ( of the sa$e la also $an#ates that ancestal #o$ains o potionstheeof' hich ae foun# to be necessa& fo citical ateshe#s' $an!oves' il#lifesanctuaies' il#eness' potecte# aeas' foest cove' o efoestation as #ete$ine#b& appopiate a!encies ith the full paticipation of the ICCs;IPs concene# shall be$aintaine#' $ana!e# an# #evelope# fo such puposes. The ICCs;IPs concene#shall be !iven the esponsibilit& to $aintain' #evelop' potect an# conseve suchaeas ith the full an# effective assistance of !oven$ent a!encies.

    1) :ecto S. #e Leon' Te%tboo/ on the Ne Philippine Constitution pp. *)

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    1) The Kol# Ban/ suppote# the Chico 3a$ po9ect. 3ue to the Galin!asJ opposition' theKB pulle# out of the po9ect but the conflict beteen the Philippine !oven$ent an# thenatives en#ue# lon! afte< Macus Colcheste' In#i!enous PeoplesJ Ri!hts an# SustainableResouce Use in South an# Southeast Asia' In#i!enous Peoples of Asia' supra' pp. 0' *+<*1.

    1 Gin!sbu&' supra' at +*.

    1 Section 11' Aticle II' +0(* Constitution.

    18 Intepellation of Senato 7lavie on S.B. No. +*1(' 3elibeation on Secon# Rea#in!'Nove$be 15' +008' p. 15.

    1* 4ui#e to R.A. ()*+' Coalition fo IPs Ri!hts an# Ancestal 3o$ains' the IntenationalLabo O!ani"ation' an# the ILO

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     Aticle >II of the +0(* Constitution e%pesses that all @9!"/ o e 7b9c "om!, /o! o e Se.=(

    These povisions ha# oots in the +0) Constitution hich' alon! ith so$e othe specific $an#atesin the +0) Constitution' fo$in! Aticle >II un#e the title @Consevation an# Utili"ation of NatualResouces@' ee #eive# la!el& fo$ the epot of the Co$$ittee on Nationali"ation an#Pesevation of Lan#s an# othe Natual Resouces.0  Acco#in! to the Co$$ittee epot' a$on! thepinciples upon hich these povisions ee base#' as @that the lan#' $ineals' foest an# othenatual esouces constitute the e%clusive heita!e of the 7ilipino Nation'@ an# shoul# theeb& @bepeseve# fo those un#e the soveei!n authoit& of the Nation an# fo thei posteit&.@+5 The#ele!ates to the +0) Constitutional Convention ee of the unani$ous vie that the @polic& onnatual esouces' bein! fun#a$ental to the nation=s suvival shoul# not be left to the chan!in! $oo#of the la$a/in! bo#&.@++

    The +0(* Constitution' li/e the pecuso povisions in the +0) an# +0*) Constitutions' thuse%pesses thisregalian do!trine of the ol#' an# the doainial do!trine of the ne' that all lan#s an#natual esouces belon! to the state othe than those hich it eco!ni"es to be of pivateoneship. E@ce or :rc797r9 9!"/ o e 7b9c "om! e9ome! !" 79o! o e ere:! c m7/, be

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    in elation to hateve $a& have been co#ifie# ealie. So' in shot' let us not put the cat ahea# ofthe hose.@+

    Te co!/7o!9 m, /eem/ o me, / o :e Co!:re// o 9oo c9o/e9 !o e c7/omr9

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    +) + Phil. 0).

    + CONST.' At. II' Sec. +.

    +  Reco# of the Constitutional Co$$ission )1.

    +8 +8 SCRA 8.

    The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation


    +APUNAN, J .

    ou as/ if e on the lan#. . . :o can &ou on that hich ill outlive &ou Onl& the ace on thelan# because onl& the ace lives foeve. To clai$ a piece of lan# is a bithi!ht of eve& $an. Thelol& ani$als clai$ thei place ho $uch $oe $an Man is bon to live. Apu Gabunian' lo# of usall' !ave us life an# place# us in the ol# to live hu$an lives. An# hee shall e obtain life 7o$the lan#. To o/ ,the lan#- is an obli!ation' not $eel& a i!ht. In tillin! the lan#' &ou possess it. An#so lan# is a !ace that $ust be nutue#. To enich it an# $a/e it fuctif& is the etenal e%hotation of

     Apu Gabunian to all his chil#en. Lan# is sace#. Lan# is belove#. 7o$ its o$b spin!s life.

    < Macli

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    ,h- Indigenous peoples)Indigenous !ultural !ounities. < efe to a !oup of people o ho$o!enoussocieties i#entifie# b& self

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     An @actual case o contoves&@ $eans an e%istin! case o contoves& hich is both ipe foesolution an# susceptible of 9u#icial #ete$ination' an# that hich is not con9ectual oanticipato&')5 o that hich see/s to esolve h&pothetical o fei!ne# constitutional poble$s.)+ Apetition aisin! a constitutional 2uestion #oes not pesent an @actual contoves&'@ unless it alle!es ale!al i!ht o poe. Moeove' it $ust sho that a conflict of i!hts e%ists' fo inheent in the te$@contoves&@ is the pesence of opposin! vies o contentions.)1 Otheise' the Cout ill be foce#

    to esolve issues hich e$ain unfocuse# because the& lac/ such conceteness povi#e# hen a2uestion e$e!es pecisel& fa$e# fo$ a clash of a#vesa& a!u$ents e%ploin! eve& aspect of a$ulti

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    r: !"

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    othe han#' is an e%tao#ina& it co$$an#in! a tibunal' copoation' boa#' office o peson'i$$e#iatel& o at so$e othe specifie# ti$e' to #o the act e2uie# to be #one' hen sai# entit& opeson unlafull& ne!lects the pefo$ance of an act hich the la specificall& en9oins as a #ut&esultin! fo$ an office' tust o station' o hen sai# entit& o peson unlafull& e%clu#es anothefo$ the use an# en9o&$ent of a i!ht o office to hich such othe is entitle#' an# thee is no otheplain' spee#& an# a#e2uate e$e#& in the o#ina& couse of la.

    In this case' the petitiones pa& that espon#ents be estaine# fo$ i$ple$entin! the challen!e#povisions of the IPRA an# its I$ple$entin! Rules an# the assaile# 3ENR Cicula No. 1' seies of+00(' an# that the sa$e officials be en9oine# fo$ #isbusin! public fun#s fo the i$ple$entation ofthe sai# la an# ules. The& futhe as/ that the Seceta& of the 3ENR be co$pelle# to pefo$ his#ut& to contol an# supevise the activities petainin! to natual esouces.

    Pohibition ill lie to estain the public officials concene# fo$ i$ple$entin! the 2uestione#povisions of the IPRA an# fo$ #isbusin! fun#s in connection theeith if the la is foun# to beunconstitutional. Li/eise'andaus ill lie to co$pel the Seceta& of the 3ENR to pefo$ his#ut& to contol an# supevise the e%ploation' #evelop$ent' utili"ation an# consevation of thecount&=s natual esouces. Conse2uentl&' the petition fo pohibition an# andaus is not an

    i$pope e$e#& fo the elief sou!ht.

    3. Notithstan#in! the failue of petitiones to obseve the hieach& of couts' the Cout assu$es 9uis#iction ove the petition in vie of the i$potance of the issues aise# theein.

    Beteen to couts of concuent oi!inal 9uis#iction' it is the loe cout that shoul# initiall& passupon the issues of a case. That a&' as a paticula case !oes thou!h the hieach& of couts' it isshon of all but the i$potant le!al issues o those of fist i$pession' hich ae the pope sub9ect of attention of the appellate cout. This is a poce#ual ule bone of e%peience an# a#opte# toi$pove the a#$inistation of 9ustice.

    This Cout has consistentl& en9oine# liti!ants to espect the hieach& of couts. Althou!h this Couthas concuent 9uis#iction ith the Re!ional Tial Couts an# the Cout of Appeals to issue itsof !ertiorari ' pohibition' andaus, uo warranto, ha+eas !orpus an# in9unction'8 suchconcuence #oes not !ive a pat& unesticte# fee#o$ of choice of cout fou$. The esot to thisCout=s pi$a& 9uis#iction to issue sai# its shall be alloe# onl& hee the e#ess #esie# cannotbe obtaine# in the appopiate couts o hee e%ceptional an# co$pellin! cicu$stances 9ustif&such invocation.* Ke hel# in *eople v. (uaresa( that?

     A beco$in! e!a# fo 9u#icial hieach& $ost cetainl& in#icates that petitions fo the issuance ofe%tao#ina& its a!ainst fist level ,@infeio@- couts shoul# be file# ith the Re!ional Tial Cout'an# those a!ainst the latte' ith the Cout of Appeals. A "rec !>oco! o e S7reme Co7r/or:!9 ;7r/"co! o //7e e/e

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    Substantive Issues

    Pi$a& Issue

    The issue of pi$e concen aise# b& petitiones an# the Solicito 4eneal evolves aoun# theconstitutionalit& of cetain povisions of IPRA' specificall& Sections ),a-' ),b-' ' 8' *' (' *' ( an#

    0. These povisions alle!e#l& violate Section 1' Aticle >II of the Constitution' hich states?

    Sec. 1. All lan#s of the public

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