5) monitoring your students

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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monitoring your students

coursemology guide


what will be covered?

i) Class Monitoring tools

j) Individual monitoring tools

k) Using Tags for enhanced monitoring

Now that you’ve added your students, and your course is running, how do you monitor them?

i) Class Monitoring Tools

How do I monitor the progress of my whole class?

i) Class Monitoring Tools

The statistics tool is meant for teachers to have a bird’s eye view of the progress of his/her class.

1) Click on the button “Statistics” in your left navigation.

i) Class Monitoring Tools

1) Click on the button “Statistics” in your left navigation.

i) Class Monitoring Tools

This is the course statistics page.

1) Click on the button “Statistics” in your left navigation.

i) Class Monitoring Tools

You can view who’s in what level and what’s the distribution

1) Click on the button “Statistics” in your left navigation.

i) Class Monitoring Tools

And the distribution of achievements

1) Click on the button “Statistics” in your left navigation.

i) Class Monitoring Tools

You can choose specific missions to see the grade distribution for the mission.

1) Click on the button “Statistics” in your left navigation.

i) Class Monitoring Tools

If you were to choose to see the statistics of a particular training…

i) Class Monitoring Tools

You’ll see the statistics specific to this training.

i) Class Monitoring Tools

You’ll see the completion rate of the class with respect to this particular training.

i) Class Monitoring Tools

!Score Distribution

i) Class Monitoring Tools

What are the choices made by the class for each question. This allows the teacher to spot misconceptions easily.

j) Monitoring individuals

How do I monitor the progress of a particular student?

Each student has a profile page that records their progress.

j) Monitoring individuals

Each student has a profile page that records their progress.

Click on “Students”

j) Monitoring individuals

1) Click on “Students” in the left navigation.

You’ll be presented with all the students enrolled in your course.

j) Monitoring individuals

1) Click on “Students” in the left navigation.

Click on the student’s name to see his progress.

j) Monitoring individuals

This is the student’s profile page.

j) Monitoring individuals

Student’s Achievements so far

To see when the students won the achievements

j) Monitoring individuals

If we click on “View Exp History”…

j) Monitoring individuals

…You’ll see how the student earned his EXPs throughout the course.

j) Monitoring individuals

We can also see how each student perform in each Training to understand what are the misconceptions the student may have.

j) Monitoring individuals

1) Click on “Trainings”

j) Monitoring individuals

1) Click on “Trainings” 2) Choose the training you would like to check.

j) Monitoring individuals

1) Click on “Trainings” 2) Choose the training you would like to check. 3) Choose the student you would like to monitor.

j) Monitoring individuals

You’ll be presented with all the options chosen by this student for this training.

j) Monitoring individuals

You’ll be presented with all the options chosen by this student for this training.

When this student first attempted this question 11 months ago, he made the wrong choice.

j) Monitoring individuals

You’ll be presented with all the options chosen by this student for this training.

However, in less than a min., he was able to choose the right answer.

j) Monitoring individuals

You’ll be presented with all the options chosen by this student for this training.

He re-attempted this question 11 mins later and got it correct. It probably means that he has overcome his misconception.

j) Monitoring individuals

You’ll be presented with all the options chosen by this student for this training.

Student first attempted this training 11 months ago and chose the wrong answer.

j) Monitoring individuals

You’ll be presented with all the options chosen by this student for this training.

He exhausted all options within a minute before arriving at the right answer.

j) Monitoring individuals

You’ll be presented with all the options chosen by this student for this training.

This probably means that this student has issue with this concept.

j) Monitoring individuals

We can also see how each student perform in each Mission to understand what are the misconceptions the student may have.

We can also use the comment feature in missions to provide quality feedback quickly and to interact with students to refine their learning.

j) Monitoring individuals

1) Click on “Missions”

j) Monitoring individuals

1) Click on “Missions” 2) Click on the mission you would like to check.

j) Monitoring individuals

1) Click on “Missions” 2) Click on the mission you would like to check. 3) Choose the student you would like to check.

j) Monitoring individuals

This is the student’s submission for this mission.

j) Monitoring individuals

This is the grade you’ve awarded

j) Monitoring individuals

Your student and yourself can use this comment thread to discuss about their answers.

j) Monitoring individuals

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

Like hashtags in Twitter, tags help us to categorise Trainings and Missions.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

Like hashtags in Twitter, tags help us to categorise Trainings and Missions.

The EXPs earned from the Trainings and Missions for particular tags can also be aggregated as feedback of the students’ progress.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

This is what a student’s profile page looks like when tags are used.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

These are the tags (in blue) created for this course

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

These are tag groups (black words) to help to organise the tags.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

This means that there are 660EXPs worth of Trainings and Missions that are tagged “Easy” in this course so far.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

And that the student has earned 405 EXPs by doing Trainings and Missions that are tagged “Easy”.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

Student is lagging behind with trainings and missions that are tagged as “Hard”. Thus he needs to work on it more.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

How do I create tags?

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

Click on “Tags” on the left navigation

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

This is the tags page.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

To create a new tag group to organise your tags

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

To create a new tag.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

Once you’ve created tags and tag groups, the tags will appear as you edit the details of an individual training or mission.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

Once you’ve created tags and tag groups, the tags will appear as you edit the details of an individual training or mission.

Check the chosen tags to tag the training / mission accordingly

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

Your training will now show what tags has been used on it on the training page.

k) Using Tags to enhance monitoring

Once your missions and trainings are tagged, you can also use the Filter function in the “Trainings” and “Missions” page to search for particular missions.

monitoring your students

coursemology guide

end of


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