5 ways to grow your yoga business w/andrew tanner, liveedit & mindbody

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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5 Ways to Grow Your Yoga Business

1. Get new clients2. Keep them coming back

3. Mobile Marketing4. SEO5. Q+A

Getting New Clients: Main Call to Actions

Beginners Section

Introductory Offer


Contact Info

Another example… Can you spot the CTA’s?

Bold CTA’s

Rich Content and Easy to Use

According to the

PEW research center. As of

May 1st, 2014, more

then 61% of ALL

Americans now have

smart phones!

Why Mobile Matters…

The Future is NOW!

If your business is not mobile you will not


Used to be a good sign on your door and

print marketing

could draw in business. Now people walk

down the street while looking at

their i-phone!

Your Future Clients….

Who are your current clients?

The most active demographic in health and wellness are also the most active on mobile.

When do they use their smart phones? All the time.

More than 1/3 18-49 year olds decide

whether or not to visit a

business based on

their mobile website!

More then 30% of your customers decide whether or not to visit your business based on

your mobile site!

How do Business Owners Cash In?1. Make sure your site is mobile optimized.

2. Make sure your services can be purchased from a mobile device easily.

3. Adaptive Design, Mobile Coupons (aka QR codes, Easy to read offers and services, SMS text marketing, etc…MOST OF ALL: MAKE SURE PEOPLE CAN FIND YOUR


Mobile Optimized Sites

It all starts with SEARCH

Mobile Search on the Rise

GOOGLE: Lord of the Internet

How much have you invested into making google your friend?

At LiveEdit this year we hired a consultant

and spend 10’s of thousands

of $$ to understand

how our client’s sites

rank on Google.

How to make Google Like You


#1: Don’t Anger Google

“black-hat” SEO will kill your Google Ranking.

Beware, what worked in 2008, 09, 10, 11, 12 etc… doesn’t work

anymore. Your SEO MUST be up to date.

#2 Content Is King• Your website and mobile website needs to be

easy to edit so you actually enjoy posting new content regularly.

• Articles, Images, Blog Posts, Videos, (must be ALT tagged and shareable.)

• Your LiveEdit/MBO integrated content of your workshop descriptions, teacher bio’s, and schedule are all indexed by Google. Yay!!

• **Note: The irony that this is the least appealing slide is to show you the importance of good visual content.

#3 Do The Basics…1. Title Tags2. Page Descriptions3. Images/Video ALT tags4. H1/H2 Tags5. Keywords rich landing page. (no hidden stuff)6. Normal Loading speeds7. Inbound and Outbound links8. Go Social: Integrate web and social media9. Create a Google Webmaster Tools Account, submit a site map, choose version, 10. Integrate with Google+, Maps, and Directories.

Story of 2 Businesses

Two sites with great content…

A yoga studio in NYC with millions of searches per day relating to yoga

A cycling studio in a suburb of 35K people outside of Boston.

Alexa Ranking…

What’s the Moral?

If your sites not mobile and you don’t do the SEO

basics its like you don’t even exist!


That’s where we come in…

A Website Platform IntegratedWith MINDBODY Services

• Instant-on mobile webapps

• Custom-designed mobile websites

• Full-on websites

• MINDBODY integration on all three: full website, mobile site, stand-alone mobile web app

Aurora Has More At Its Core• A digital marketing platform fully integrated with

your MINDBODY services

• Cost-effective creative and design services

• A centrally managed hub for your full and mobile websites, blog, email marketing, SMS text messaging, QR codes and online waivers

• Personalized training, service and support

A Website Platform IntegratedWith Your MINDBODY Services

• Display your schedules

• New customer data flowsdirectly into your MINDBODY business account

• Display staff lists, classregistration

• Offer appointmentsand much more

• Enter your Studio ID and confirm your activation code

• That’s it! Your website and your MINDBODY account are now connected

Quick & Easy Integration ...

• Pull up Pages and choose MINDBODY from the drop-down menu

• Your most important MINDBODY servicesare now availableas pages!

• Pick your service and instantlyit’s addedto your website menu!

• Your classes now display and matchthe look of your site!

• Your schedule displays seamlessly, matching your site’s look, feel

• Customers click “Sign Up” button and never leave your site!

• The end result is a beautiful display of your interactive class offerings, along with instructor bios

Cost-Effective CreativeAnd Design Services

• Create a professional webpresence that promotesyour brand

• A staff of creative expertsto custom design your fulland mobile web solutions

• A personal designer will work with you through the creative and design process

Full Management OverMobile & Website Content

• Images, text, video• Drag-and-drop

functionality• Add and delete

pages• Centrally manage

your full andmobile sites


Manage Your MarketingFrom Your Aurora Website• Website marketing with full content management

• Social media marketing

• Email marketing

• SMS, Text, Mobile marketing

• Search engine optimization

• Promotional marketing

• Share content across multiple locations


Website Marketing With Full Content Management

• Create and manage “call to action” buttons

• Collect data on prospects

• Acquisition marketing

• Retention marketing

Social Marketing

• Facebook MINDBODYintegration

• Blog fully integratedinside your website

• Add posts to website, email blasts, mobile

• Push content to social media platforms

Acquisition Email Marketing• Deliver hyper-local offers to

135,000,000+ white-listed email addresses across United States

• 100% guaranteed delivery to in-box

• Collect email addresses, mobile phone numbers for marketing efforts

Acquisition Email MarketingMillennials, Very Difficult to Reach

• Fastest growing demo

• They are virtually invisible

• 21 to 35 years old

• 1-3 children

• Home owners

• They don’t read direct mail

• They don't listen to

terrestrial radio

• They don't watch cable TV

• They don’t have a land line

• They use mobile phones

• Technically savvy

• Zip, Gender, Age, other attributes

Acquisition Email Marketing• Market to Millennials where

they live - mobile devices

• Embed links to mobile optimized offerings and call to action efforts

• Launch future marketing efforts via SMS, text message marketing

SMS Text Message Marketing

• Enjoy open rates of 97 percent or higher

• Maximize inventory

• Push special offers

• Engage new clients

• Retain customers

• Push sign-up confirmations and reminders

• Set the earliest and latest times a text will push

• Get notified when someone responds to a text message

• Use up to 160 characters to craft an offer, announcement or reminder

$30 For 30 Days - Your motivation is high.Capitalize on it andtake advantage of our$30 for 30 Days offer.

• Receive notification and engage in a one-to-one chat with those who respond

Cheri O’Terry Cheri O’Terry (123) 456-7890


• Enjoy a dashboard overview of your sending activity, your event history, and your scheduled SMS messages

New Student Online Waivers

Students completethe form to register

and to sign theirdigital signature.

• Push and pull MINDBODY account data to provide online kiosk-style student waivers

• Signing and creating an account delivers a PDF to your MINDBODY account and an optional text message to your inbox.

Cheri OTerry

Your Online Waiver Settings

• Control your landing page and manage your communications using the Registration Content Element.

Email Marketing

• Add content fromyour website

• Add blog postsfrom your website

• Pull lists andqueries from your MINDBODY account

Email Marketing

• Manage campaigns, lists and reports in one location

• Get a granular look at your key stats: deliveries, opens, clicks, bounced messages and unsubscribes

Mobile Marketing• Send out mobile events,

coupons and promotionsfrom your website

• Create quick response(QR) codes, whichdrive prospects tocall-to-action pages onyour mobile site

Best Practices SEO

• Every Aurora offering - full and mobile website, email, blog - feeds your overall SEO ranking

• Simple, stable code is easily indexed by search engines

• Easy-access meta tags for titles, descriptions, keywords

Promotional Marketing• Online stores with shirts,

hats and warm-up withyour logo and slogan

• No inventory to buyor maintain; no minimumquantities

• Revenue sharingopportunities

• Share products across two or more Aurora websites


Share Content Across Sites

• Use a Content Key to share content across two or more Aurora websites

• Gain authorization to use content from other Aurora websites

• Restrict editing to the source where the content was originally deployed

Aurora can shareyour content to

multiple locations

Aurora can shareyour content to

multiple locations

Aurora shares

to multiplelocations

Aurora shares

to multiplelocations

Aurora shares

to multiplelocations

Personalized Training, Service, Support

• Client service representatives wholove to take your calls!

• Individual training

• Online trainingand support

LiveEdit Website Examples

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