7 -12 20 · just a reminder: sunday mass at 7:30am (july 12), daily mass at 8am on fr. behm’s...

Post on 05-Oct-2020






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Bulletin 7-12-20

MASS INTENTIONS: JULY 14-19 July 14: 7am, St. Lawrence Lenus Schulte July 15: 7am, St. Lawrence, Linda Schmitz July 16: 7am, Holy Spirit, Darlene Brincks July 17, 7am, Holy Spirit, Carolyn Sibenaller July 18: 4pm, St. Lawrence: Paul Wendl 4:30pm, Holy Spirit: Larry Schenkelberg July 19: 7:30am, Holy Spirit: Jane Bruening 8:30am, St. Lawrence: Joan Schulte 9:30am, Holy Spirit: Tim Toohey, Leonard & Rose Mary Burg 10:30am, St. Lawrence: Loras Baumhover

JULY 18 & 19 MINISTRIES July 18: 4pm, St. Lawrence: Sue Ausman, Lector Phil Phillips, Eucharistic Minister 4:30pm, Holy Spirit: Terri Prenger, Lector; Deacon Dave Prenger, Eucharistic Minister July 19: 7:30am, Holy Spirit: Tom Brincks, Lector & Eucharistic Minister 8:30am, St. Lawrence: Tom Loughran, Lector; Jane Boes, Eucharistic Minister 9:30am, Holy Spirit: Terri Prenger, Lector; Deacon Dave Prenger, Eucharistic Minister 10:30am, St. Lawrence: Jennifer Grandgenett, Lector & Eucharistic Minister

STEWARDSHIP 6-30-20 Income: 139 out of 2084 Adult Env. 41,815.74 16 Auto Withdr. Env 1,675.00 Loose Collection 1,024.00 Miscellaneous Income 4,774.70 $ 49,289.44$ needed each week $ 45,673.00 +3,616.44

Continue to support our parish - online. St. John Paul II Parish wants to express our heartfelt gratitude for the continued financial stewardship of parishioners and friends during this time. We are asking every family to consider moving their financial support online. This is an easy, safe and convenient way to make offertory contributions to the church. Simply go to the parish website (stjp2carroll.org), click donate, and you will find three ways to donate: one time, monthly recurring, or weekly recurring, and fill out the rest of the appropriate information; or if you need assistance, please contact Sue Seidl in our parish office (792-9244). Your gifts are as important now as they have ever been. They will be used to provide ministry and support that families desperately need during this time of crisis. God bless you for your generosity.

SACRAMENTAL LIFE St. John Paul II Parish Family extends its prayers and sympathy

to the family of Patricia Drees. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.


Would you like to receive the bulletin each

week by email? If so, please contact the

parish office and we will add you to a list of

people who will receive the bulletin by email

each Friday.

We are excited to be offering this new option

for keeping connected with the parish!


JUST A REMINDER: Sunday Mass at 7:30am (July 12), Daily Mass at 8am on Fr. Behm’s YouTube channel or on the parish website (stjp2carroll.org) Mass link.

Live Stream of the Mass: Daily Mass with Fr. Patrick Behm will be live streamed on YouTube on his personal

channel (there is a link at our website, stjp2carroll.org) beginning at 8:00am Weekdays and 8:00am Sunday.

They will also be recorded so that you may watch at any time during the day.


My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You.

################################################################# Monetary Donations Needed for School Supplies for Sister Parish in Tennessee: Regretfully, it will not be possible this year to conduct the annual school supply drive for needy children from our sister parish in TN. Because of the pandemic, the risks of bringing the supplies into the churches and transporting them to TN are too great. But the need in Rutledge, TN is greater than ever, due to the effects of Covid-19, so please consider making a monetary donation to help this cause. Our parish will be sending a check to our sister parish so that they can purchase school supplies for the students that otherwise would start school without the tools they need for success. If you can help, please drop off your donation at the parish office or drop it in the collection basket in an envelope clearly marked "School Supply Drive for TN." May God bless you for your generosity! ===============================================================================

PARISH GARAGE SALE: I appreciated it in past years that many parishioners planned ahead with donations for the annual garage sale for Haiti at St. Lawrence, but I’m sorry to say that I have decided it’s best to not have the garage sale this year. Deacon Tim

Letter from Sister Parish in Haiti: Thank you, St. John Paul II parishioners for the support that you sent to us so far this year. Thanks to that, we have honored some pastoral obligations: celebration of the Our Lady of Lourdes feast, maintaining our Parish car and our rectory, support to some parents,… Overall, we have been amazed by the Coronavirus disease and the dryness in our region for the last four months. People are at hurting: no crops, no work and we live under a “stay at home time” because the COVID-19. Some have survived thanks to your help. So many requests for food, sick people or other necessities… Now, life is almost impossible. May God continue to protect you from the COVID-19! Fr. Joseph If you would like to support them send a check to our parish office with “Haiti” in the memo.


July Scrip Schedule

Week of July 13- No Scrip orders Processed Week of July 20- Orders due by Tuesday July 21 for Friday 7/24 pick up **On the no processing weeks, you can still stop up to Central Office and pick up local on hand scrip. Your "Scrip to Go" order is still entered into your account the same way for your rebate credit. **

KUEMPER NEWS: Volunteer(s) needed: The Kuemper Alumni Office needs a volunteer or two to make phone

calls to get updated information from alumni we have lost track of. This would involve calling the alum themselves

or a family member or friend who is their primary contact person to ask for updated information. Hours are flexible

and you can do this from home if preferred. If interested, please call Cindy Lawler, Alumni Director at

712-792-2212 Monday -Thursday between 8am and 1pm.

Kuemper's Return To Learn plan to the State for this coming fall is available at this web site address, or call 792-3313 to request a paper copy. https://kuemper.org/returntolearn 2020 A Day into Knight Golf Outing, Dinner and a Live Concert on the Green. The 2021 Kuemper Ball Chairs

invite you to attend this special summer event on July 25th, 2020 at the Carroll Country Club. Golfing begins at

4:00pm and the concert will begin at 8:00pm and will go until 11:00pm. Cost is $250 for a team of 4 to golf, have

dinner and enjoy the concert. If you'd just like to attend the concert you may do so for only $25 per person. Social

distancing and other public health recommendations will be followed. For more information or to register you may

email shellebme@yahoo.com or you may call 515-708-0210.

2020 Ball Booklets are available. Ball Booklets are available in the vestibule of the east entrance to the St. Angela's

center at Kuemper. (double doors at the top of the large set of steps) You do not have to come all the way into the

building to get a booklet, we are trying to keep contact limited. Thank you for your understanding.


Carroll Catholic Religious Education (CCRE) will be held this Fall whether on site or online. CCRE registrations are due August 15. Forms are available at St. John Paul II office or online (Google Carroll CCRE). 1st and 9th grades must attend to receive the sacraments the following year. Catechists are needed for most grades (K-10) for Carroll religious education this fall. If you practice your faith and get along with children, you have the basic qualities to help be a light for our young. Please contact Deacon Tim Murphy at 792 0513 for more information, such as how you will be assisted and given resources for teaching online if necessary.

Consecration to Mary starts July 25th

Every one of us needs to consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - right now! We need to act now because we need her protection in this crazy world, and because too many of our family members have strayed from the Faith. Mary will guide them back to Jesus if we entrust ourselves to her. Also, we need Mary to help us keep our churches open and sacraments available. That’s why we’re starting this Mary’s Mantle Consecration which ends on her birthday, September 8th. The consecration basically consists of reading or listening to a brief description of a unique virtue as well as praying the Rosary every day. There are several ways to participate: + purchase the Mary’s Mantle Consecration book by Christine Watkins at Amazon, or + receive the virtue description daily to your email by sending your email address to Deacon Dave at dprenger@westianet.net, or listen daily to the virtue recitation on 103.1 Catholic Radio after the 8:30 pm Rosary, or + read the daily virtue at the Queen of Peace Media website, select the Mary’s Mantle icon, then the Meditation for Days 1-46 icon



The obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still dispensed for everyone. In particular, the elderly

(age 65 and older) and more vulnerable/high risk parishioners are encouraged to remain at home.

There will be no celebration of confessions / reconciliation before Mass. (This sacrament continues

to be available by appointment).

Please do not gather and socialize, inside or outside, before or after the celebration of Mass.

People will only be allowed to sit in every third pew, and also to maintain social distancing.

EVERYONE is required to wear a mask. If you do not have one, masks are available in church.

HAND SANITIZER will be available at each entrance and should be used by each person as they

enter the church.

There will be no missalettes, hymnals, worship aids, bulletins, or other papers.

Music will be kept to a minimum.

There will be no processional, presentation of gifts at offertory, nor recessional; no altar servers;

no Children’s Liturgy of the Word.

The collection will not be taken up during Mass. Instead there will be baskets at each entrance.

Communion will be distributed AFTER MASS. People are strongly encouraged to receive in the

hand. Once a person receives communion, they are to reverently leave the church.


Beginning on July 20th, we will return to normal scheduling of all daily and weekend parish Masses

(not including nursing home or care facility Masses). Covid-19 protocols will still be in place.




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