adjectives with prepositions

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Certain about-1Seguro deYou dont seem too certain about it.

Optimistic about-1Optimista acerca deIm optimistic about the future.

Serious about-3Hablando enserio enIm serious about buying a new car .

Good at-2Bueno enIm good at cooking

Hopeless at-2Desesperado porIm hopeless at paying my bills on time.

Useless at-2/jusls/No servir paraIm useless at cooking

Famous for-3Famoso porHes famous for singing in a rock band.

Late for-1Llegar tardeIm always late for school.

Ready for-1Listo paraAre you ready for a new challenge?

Lacking in-1Carecer deYou are lacking in common sense.

Succeed in-3Tener exito enIf you want to succeed in business, think big.

Afraid of-3Tener miedo aIm afraid of the dark.Im afraid of travelling by plane.

Fond of-3Ser aficionado aIm fond of football.Im fond of playing videogames.

Proud of-1orgulloso deIm proud of you for telling the truth

Dependent on-1Depender deThe victory is dependent on you.

Keen on-2Deacuerdo enIm not keen on having him in the team.

Accustomed to-2Acostumbrado aIm accustomed to sleeping late.

Allergic to-1Alergico aIm allergic to hard work

Angry with-1Enojado conAre you angry with me?

Compatible with-1Compartible conThis program is not compartible with windows

Cocerned with-3Preocupado enI am more concerned with playing.

Fed up with-3Arto deIm fed up with this jobIm fed up with doing my homework.

(Get)Bored with-1Aburrido doIm getting bored with the class.

Angry about-1Enojado porIm angry about the way you were acting.

Embarassed by-1Avergonsado porHe was embarrassed by his mother

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