annual report 2018 - bacc · bacc is an incorporated association with membership open to...

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ANNUAL REPORT2018Empowering families and communities to actively participate in community life

3 Annual report


Vision Statement ....................................................................

Mission Statement ..................................................................

Members .................................................................................

Management Committee .......................................................

Members of the Management Committee 2017-2018...........

Members of Staff 2017-2018...................................................

Volunteers 2017-2018.............................................................

Organisational Structure........................................................

Facilitators ..............................................................................

Supporters ..............................................................................





CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT.....................................................

EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT............................................

2015 - 2018 STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS....................................


Blacktown Roving Child Care..................................................

Paint Mt Druitt REaD ...............................................................

Marayong House .....................................................................

Youth .......................................................................................

Doonside Cottage ...................................................................

Dean Park/Woodcroft .............................................................

Doonside Cottage Vacation Care ............................................

Food Assist ..............................................................................

Share the Dignity ....................................................................

AUDITED STATEMENTS ..........................................................



























4 Annual report

Our OrganisationVision Statement Blacktown Area Community Centres Inc. (BACC) envisages an empowered

community that is well-resourced, inclusive, diverse, and safe.

Mission StatementTo provide a holistic range of strategic, accessible, and inclusive initiatives that are

responsive to the needs of the community. Guided by social justice principles, BACC

empowers individuals and families to actively participate in community life.

MembersBACC is an Incorporated Association with membership open to user-groups,

residents, workers, students, and any individual who wants to take an interest in

any of our activities and objectives in the Blacktown local government area. New

members are always welcome.

Management CommitteeBACC is managed by a Management Committee. Members of the organisation

annually elect the Committee which is responsible for the overall planning and

policy of BACC. The Committee meets regularly. Staff provide reports to the

Committee and contribute to discussion but do not vote.

Members of the Management Committee 2017-2018Chairperson: Kooryn Sheaves

Vice Chairperson: Robert (Bob) Fitzgerald

Secretary: Josephine Rechichi

Treasurer: Barbara Shorthouse

Ordinary Member: Julie-Anne Wood

Ordinary Member: Anthony (Tony) Ellery

5Annual reportAnnual report


6 Annual report

Executive Officer:

Nafiye Mind

Early Childhood Coordinator:

Donna K. Smith

Community Engagement Team Coordinator:

Sivane Kemal

Administrative Officer:

Michelle Elks

Paint Mt Druitt REaD Project Workers:

Helen Gledhill

Samantha Connolly

Community Engagement Officers:

Amanda Eltringham

Doreen Bond

Helen Gledhill

Rose Leona

Samantha Connolly

Youth Engagement Officers:

Joshua Waters

Nathan Waters

Childcare Educators

Bernadette Carroll

Geraldine Uthayakumar

Jenni McKinder

Katharine Velasco

Lailoma Rasulee

Layla Alfar

Mariane Boustany

Mary Johns

Pashtoon Noorzai

Ramanpreet Kaur

Serife Gemikonakli

Sue Kazangis

Supreer Kaur

Udu Cuttilan


BACC relies on volunteers for the provision of activities

and services. Volunteers contribute skill and expertise

to a variety of duties within the organisation and give

generously of their time.

The Management Committee (who also serve in a

volunteer capacity) and staff greatly appreciate the

commitment and dedication of our volunteers.

Our volunteers contribute not only their skills and

expertise but also their experience and understanding of

their community. The contribtion they make to the social

fabric of this community is irreplaceable.

Louise Sattler

Lynette Watkins

Paul Flanagan

Philomena Tait

Members of Staff2017-2018

7Annual reportAnnual report

Organisational Structure

BACC is lucky to work with skilled and trained facilitators who provide information, resources and support to our group attendees. During 2017-2018 we were lucky to work with the following:

� Mici Beer

� Paul & Bianca Luna

� Paul Lewis

� Priya Parvez

� Rap 4 Change

� Roscilin Ratha

� Yan Li Tan

8 Annual report


BACC has been and continues to be supported by many individuals, community groups, and corporate businesses. It is with this valuable support that we are able to improve and extend the services we offer.

During 2017-2018 we received generous donations from:

� AMF Bowling (Rooty Hill)

� Blue Cattle Dog (St Clair)

� Coles (Woodcroft)

� Dan Murphys (Penrith)

� Flipout (Blacktown)

� Herbal Beauty Clinic (Dean Park)

� Hoyts (Blacktown)

� IGA Romeos (Doonside)

� Nepean Belle Paddlewheller

� Rod Smith, ANZ Blacktown

� Scooter Hub (Parramatta)

� Stonecutters Ridge Golf Club

� Woolworths (Quakers Hill)

9Annual reportAnnual report

Individuals Community Groups Corporate Businesses


10 Annual report

APOLOGIESStephen Luck, Stacey Gentles, Debra Coulson, Barbie Bates, Barbara Fitzsimmons, Narelle Wheatland, Gail Davies, Billie Sankovic, Margaret Redrup-May and Michael Maxwell.

ATTENDANCETony Barnden, Chief Inspector Bob Fitzgerald, Josephine Rechichi, Julie-Anne Wood, Nafiye Mind, Donna Smith, Barbara Shorthouse, Tony Ellery, Praveena Ali, Steven Pringle, Kerry Palejs, Margaret Tipper, Nathan Waters, Josh Waters, Alison Harding, Sivane Kemal, Kooryn Sheaves, Tom Nance, Charlton Wun, Helen Gledhill, Michelle Fuller and Amanda Eltringham.

MINUTESChairperson: Kooryn Sheaves Minute Taker: Nafiye Mind

Acknowledgement of Country: Kooryn Sheaves acknowledged the Traditional Land Owners, the Darug people, and paid her respects to the Elders past, present and future.

BACC acknowledges the

Traditional Owners of the

land in which we work. We

pay our respects to their

Elders past, present and

future. We acknowledge

our gratitude that we share

their land today, our sorrow

for some of the costs of that

sharing and our hope and

belief that we can move to a

place of equity, justice, and

partnership together.

2017Annual General Meeting

11Annual reportAnnual report

Minutes of 2016 AGMNil amendments.

Motion by Kooryn Sheaves: The minutes of 2016 AGM are a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Moved: Tom Nance Seconded: Barbara Shorthouse

2016-2017 Annual ReportChairperson’s Report: Kooryn Sheaves gave a brief overview of her report.

Executive Officer’s Report: Nafiye Mind gave a brief overview of her report.

Blacktown Roving Child Care: Donna Smith read portions of her report.

Paint Mt Druitt REaD: Donna Smith read portions of her report.

Community Development (General and Youth) Report: Sivane Kemal gave a brief overview of her report.

Motion by Kooryn Sheaves: The 2016-2017 Annual Report is accepted by the members of the Association. Moved: Tom Nance Seconded: Tony Ellery

Financial ReportBarbara Shorthouse presented the audited financial statements.

Motion by Barbara Shorthouse: the 2017 Financial Statements are accepted by the members of the Association.

Moved: Josephine RechichiSeconded: Bob Fitzgerald

Returning Officer’s ReportKooryn Sheaves stepped down as Chairperson and invited Tom Nance to act as Returning Officer.

Tom declared all positions vacant and informed the meeting of the nominations received.

Kooryn Sheaves (Chairperson)Robert Fitzgerald (Vice-Chairperson)Josephine Rechichi (Secretary)Barbara Shorthouse (Treasurer)Julie-Anne Wood (Ordinary Member)Anthony (Tony) Ellery (Ordinary Member)

Tom reminded the meeting that the BACC Constitution clearly states that “if insufficient nominations are received to fill vacancies on the committee, the candidates nominated are taken to be elected and further nominations are to be received at the Annual General Meeting”.

Tom called for nominations from the floor. No nominations were received.

Tom congratulated outgoing committee members and welcomed new members and noted that discussions by Management Committee to fill vacancy will continue.

Public OfficerMotion by Kooryn Sheaves: Nafiye Mind continue as Public Officer of the Association.

Moved: Barbara Shorthouse Seconded: Julie-Anne Wood

Annual StatementMotion by Kooryn Sheaves: Nafiye Mind and Kooryn Sheaves be authorised to sign Annual Statement.

Moved: Bob FitzgeraldSeconded: Barbara Shorthouse

12 Annual report

Community centres play an essential role in our lives. At their

best, they are the glue that binds communities together, an

ever-present safe pair of hands ready to catch people when

they fall, ready to console and point people in the right

direction when needed, and ready to celebrate and show off

all the great things about living in the community.

Blacktown Area Community Centres Inc. (BACC) does this

and more. This year we have continued to link up with other

organisations and groups to promote and provide more

services to residents from youth in local primary and high

schools, to First Nation families, and multicultural childcare

services. Our aim is to not only make sure all residents

know we are here to help, but also to build a community

that is open and inclusive so that ordinary life struggles are

manageable because help is at hand just down the road in

your neighbourhood.

We have particularly directed our energies this year towards

families and individuals who are socially and economically

disadvantaged. We live in a time where social disparity is

growing and the rich-poor divide is clear to see for anyone

traversing the LGA from Stanhope Gardens to Willmot. This

makes BACC and all community neighbourhood centres

more important than ever before. The glue that binds our

community together is being stretched by social inequalities

in income, education, health care and the cost of housing. In

these stressful times, where there are no easy solutions and

blaming the victim is becoming the norm, BACC has been

there, explaining, listening and helping residents stay on top

of life’s everyday difficulties.

BACC is able to work for the people of Blacktown because

it receives on-going funding support from NSW Department

of Family and Community Services, NSW Department of

Education and Communities for Children for which we are

always grateful. We would also like to acknowledge the

additional funding and donations we have received from Mt

Druitt Rotary, Multicultural NSW, FACS Community Building

and Partnership Program.

Finally, BACC does good work because it has excellent

staff and a competent governance committee made up of

dedicated people who live and or work in Blacktown. We look

forward to another challenging year with confidence that

whatever arising we will be able to respond giving it our best.

Kooryn Sheaves



“We live in a time where

social disparity is growing

and the rich-poor divide

is clear to see for anyone

traversing the Blacktown

LGA from Stanhope Gardens

to Willmot.”

— Kooryn Sheaves

13Annual reportAnnual report

Able to participate in community activities and services?

Resourced, skilled and able to access services?

Able to participate in community decision making?

In 2017-2018 we remained committed to building

communities that are connected, respectful, participatory

and trusting the provision of services which are responsive to

local needs and improve the quality of life of residents. The

promotion of a sense of belonging in the communities in

which people live is our greatest achievement.

The culture at BACC remains positive and proactive with a

commitment to excellence. It is evident that we take great

pride in our organisation. I thank all staff, paid and unpaid,

for their commitment, enthusiasm and the professionalism

they bring to work each day. Across all our centres and

programs BACC employs quality personnel. The welcoming

environment that team members create for members of the

community who utilise our services is a key component of our



Connected to their community?

Trusting and respectful of each other?

PARTNERSHIPSBACC has worked collaboratively and in partnership with

many local organisations and workers, on projects that

will benefit the local community. Together we create a

synergy that allows a breadth and depth of community

and project work not possible by a lone worker.

BACC has a diverse range of partners in the local area.

During 2017-18 we had the great pleasure of working with

the following:

• Anglicare;• Australian Hearing; • Australian Taxation Office; • Blacktown Boys High School;• Blacktown City Council; • Blacktown Community Health Centre;• Blacktown Library;• Blacktown North P.S;• Blacktown Police;• Blacktown Women’s and Girls’ Health Centre;• Blacktown Youth Services Association Inc.;• Breast Screen NSW Sydney West / Health Western Sydney Local Health District;• Brighter Futures;• Care House;• Catholic Care Social Services; • Children First;• Connect Children & Families;• Crawford Public School;• Doonside Community Health Centre;• Doonside Public School; • Easy Go Connect; • Emerton Public School; • Got It!;• Graceades Community Cottage; • Junaya Family Development Services; • LEAD Professional Development Association Inc; • Mackilllop Family Services;• Mission Australia; • Mt Druitt Community Health Centre; • Mt Druitt Ethnic Communities Agency Inc. (MECA);

• Mt Druit Family Violence Service;• Mt Druitt Library;• Mt Druitt Public School;• Muru Mittigar;• Ngallu Wal Aboriginal Child and Family Centre;• North West Sydney Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service;• Northcott Early Links;• NSW Office of Sport (Sport and Recreation); • Odyssey House;• Paint the Town REaD;• PCYC; • Probation and Parole;• Quakers Hill High School;• Rap 4 Change;• Relationships Australia;• Rotary Club of Mt Druitt; • Settlement Services International;• St Albans Anglican Church;• SydWest Multicultural Services;• TAFE NSW; • The Hive Mt Druitt;• The Meadows SACC;• The Smith Family;• The WASH House;• Tregear Presbyterian Church;• United Way; • Wentwest – Thrive @Five;• Wesley Mission; • West Connect Domestic Violence Services Inc.;• Western Sydney Community Forum; • Western Sydney Local Health District;• Westfield Mt Druitt;• William Dean Public School; • Wingarra Preschool;• Youth Off the Streets;• Youth Rezolutions.

We thank all our partners for their commitment and enthusiasm for our community programs and the support

they provide BACC in the delivery of services.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

14 Annual report

15Annual reportAnnual report

IMPROVEMENTS TO SYSTEMS AND FACILITIESWe are always looking at ways of better managing our IT

systems and looking at ways to ensure staff are able to access

our systems across all our venues. I thank all staff for their

patience in getting this task completed. While we still have

some work to do, I am happy to report that we have made

incredible progress.

PROMOTIONWe continued to use a wide selection of platforms to promote

not only our services and programs but information on issues

which impact on the lives of the community which we serve.

Our newsletter “BACC Chat” — which we develop and

distribute two times per year — continues to be well-received

and attracts positive feedback.

COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENTWe are very privileged to have an extraordinary, committed,

skilled and talented Management Committee, who govern

and strategically direct us with great foresight and vision. I

would personally like to acknowledge the support and advice

they have so generously given to me, and the commitment

they have shown to BACC. They are always available for

consultation and are faithful in their attendance at meetings.

POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEWBACC’s work is guided by policies and procedures which are

based on legal and ethical frameworks. Much time has been

spent in reviewing our policies and procedures to ensure they

reflect legislative changes and continue to guide work that is

based on best practice models.

STAFF TRAININGBACC is committed to supporting its workforce and invests

in their professional development by providing ongoing and

regular training opportunities. In addition to ongoing up

skilling and cross training opportunities BACC staff attended

and participated in an unprecedented amount of trainining

in 2017-2018.

RESPONDING TO SECTOR REFORMSBACC continued conversations with Family and Community

Services for Targeted Earlier Intervention Reforms and

remained engaged in discussion with the sector about the

implications for service providers and users alike. A lot of

work has gone into preparing our programs to move into the

Targeted Earlier Intervention Programs space.

RECONCILIATION ACTION PLANMuch time has been spent on developing our Reconciliation

Action Plan (RAP). Through this process we have identified

real actions that will guide us to the challenge of reconciling

Australia. We are committed to utilising a holistic approach to

create meaningful relationships, enhanced respect and the

promotion of sustainable opportunities for Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander Australians.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND APPRECIATIONWe acknowledge the assistance we receive from our funding

bodies and the staff from government agencies and statutory

authorities who support us in the delivering of our services.

BACC could not operate at the level it does without the

dedication, commitment and enthusiasm of our staff and

volunteers. I appreciate and acknowledge the contribution

they each make including our Management Committee,

facilitators, contractors and student placements.

THE FUTUREWe will continue to further develop and strengthen our

strategic partnerships with local organisations and businesses

to enhance programs and activities for the community. We

look forward to 2018-19 with enthusiasm and confidence in

our ability to enhance the lives of those who make up our


Nafiye Mind

Executive Officer

16 Annual report


Key Result Area 2: Delivering innovative services

Consisted of 22 actions which encouraged us to plan, deliver and evaluate a broad range of accessible, affordable and high quality programs and services.

Some of these efforts included:• Promoting equal access among our service users• Ensuring consistency of service delivery among all staff


Key Result Area 1: Understanding our community

Consisted of 29 actions which focused on BACC connecting with our communities and empowering them to connect with each other.

Some of these efforts included:• Active participation in interagencies, local networks, and forums• Actively encouraging participation from marginalised peoples


92% of actions completed

17Annual reportAnnual report

Key Result Area 3: Working in partnerships

Consisted of 24 actions which assisted us to work cooperatively with others towards strong communication, mutual understanding and shared visions

Some of these efforts included:• Having input into government policy directions that affect the lives of local residents

Key Result Area 4: Providing good governance and leadership

Consisted of 19 actions that aided us to continue to ensure efficient, effective and transparent management systems.

Some of these efforts included:• Ensuring clear lines of accountability• Maintaining effective and efficient financial management systems


92% of actions completed


18 Annual report

Blacktown Roving Child Care is a mobile childcare service that

provides valuable support to parents, families, carers, children and

anyone else that has care of a child or children. Mobile childcare

is an often-overlooked type of education and care, that has many

benefits to the community that other forms of education and care

might not have.

I feel privileged to work with our amazing team of Early Childhood

Educators. Working within this particular type of service means we

all need to deliver our sessions with an eye to detail, provide a safe

and enriched program in a minimal risk environment. This takes

a skill that is honed over many sessions, terms or even years. Our

team delivers effective, relevant, age-appropriate programs that

cater to the needs and interests of children and families.

All Roving Educators are fully trained with a minimum

requirement of Certificate III in Children’s Services. Our team

have a comprehensive knowledge of services working within the

Blacktown Local Government Area and will often provide childcare

sessions in a variety of settings and venues which can range from a

dedicated childcare room to what constitutes a “shoe box”, being

small, possibly cluttered, maybe dirty and potentially unsafe.

Educators carry a ‘kit’ with them to every single session. In their

kits, they carry a variety of resources and equipment that help

them to provide safe childcare sessions. All staff complete a

risk assessment before each session. If the venue is considered

to be a risk, and the risks are unable to be managed with what

the educator has to hand in their kit then the booking service is

asked to provide an alternative venue. This is a rare occurrence

as staff have the ability to ‘look outside the box’ and are mostly

able to manage risks with what they carry with them.

STAFF UPDATEMary Johns requested to return to Permanent Part Time after

working as a Casual Educator for some time. Katharine Velasco

resigned her position at BACC after finding other employment

working with special needs children, something she is very

passionate about.

STAFF TRAININGRoving Educators attended the following training:

• Attachment Theory and Brain Development

• Let’s Count – The Smith Family (Session 1)

• Let’s Count – The Smith Family (Session 2)

It goes without saying that I have had the pleasure of working

with a fabulous team of educators that have been able to build

healthy, positive relationships with children and families. I often

hear parents exclaim with delight if they see one of the team at

events – “you looked after my daughter or son, they are now in

high school!” It is with great delight that I thank the entire Roving

team for their dedication, passion and hard work over the last year.

I look forward to another fabulous, rewarding year working with

you all.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Blacktown Area

Community Centres Inc. for another great year. Working amongst

this fabulous team that makes up BACC is always a pleasure, never

dull, sometimes challenging and always rewarding.

I would also like to thank our Management Committee and the

following funding bodies that fund Blacktown Roving Child Care:

• Families NSW

• Mission Australia – Communities for Children

• Department of Education

Special mention has to go to our fearless Executive Officer, Nafiye

Mind who often challenges me, makes my head hurt on a regular

basis and but always supports me in 100% in my role.

We make a difference in families’ lives - of that, I have no doubt.

Donna K. Smith

Early Childhood Coordinator

BlacktownRoving Child Care

19Annual reportAnnual report

1,450Sessions booked across 49 venues

No. of Groups Total No. of Sessions booked

Anglicare 2 10

Blacktown Area Community Centres 3 79

Blacktown City Council 1 1

Brighter Futures 5 112

Catholic Care 10 81

Connect Child & Family Services 2 13

Domestic Violence Service Management 1 1

Growing Early Minds 1 8

Junaya Family Development Services 4 7

Mission Australia 1 26

Mission Australia Housing 1 1

Northcott - Early Links 2 10

Relationships Australia 4 53

Settlement Services International 1 8

St Albans Anglican Church 2 76

SydWest Multicultural Services 4 78

Tregear Presbyterian 1 40

Tregear Public School 1 1

Uniting Burnside 1 14

WASH House 2 5

Western Sydney Local Health District 4 19

Youth Rezolutions 1 6

Anglicare 2 20

Connect Child & Family Services 2 7

Emerton Public School 3 22

Family Links 5 44

Mission Australia Mt Druitt Hub 9 120

Western Sydney Local Health District - Kids Gym 2 132

Yenu Allowah 1 6

Mission Australia Mt Druitt Hub 14 164

Ngallu Wal 5 12

SydWest Multicultural Services 7 149

The Meadows SaCC 3 46

Wesley Mission Quakers Hill 1 4

Wesley Mission Riverstone 2 8

Blacktown Area Community Centres 6 67

Total 116 1450





The fire of literacy is created by the emotional sparks between a child, a book, and the person reading. It isn’t achieved by the book alone, nor by the child alone, nor by the adult who’s reading aloud - it’s the relationship winding between all three, bringing them together in easy harmony. — Mem Fox

20 Annual report


Paint Mt Druitt REaD (PMDR) is a community-wide awareness raising

campaign aimed at promoting the importance of early literacy

among parents and carers as well as the whole community through

improved awareness and skills to support the development of their

child’s literacy.

The program is funded by Mission Australia – Communities for

Children - promoting the importance of reading with a child every

day from birth to 5 years old, with a focus on birth to 3 years.

WHAT DOES PAINT MT DRUITT REaD DO?Paint Mt Druitt REaD aims to motivate and increase the capacity

of parents/carers of children 0-5 years to support early language

and literacy development. This is achieved through a whole of

community approach to branding early literacy initiatives across all

Mt Druitt suburbs with the 2770 postcode under the Paint Mt Druitt

REaD banner.

WHO DELIVERS PAINT MT DRUITT REaD?Samantha Connolly works 3 days a week (Wednesdays, Thursdays

and Fridays) delivering Paint Mt Druitt REaD project to the

community. Sam has worked incredibly hard since taking over

the role from Helen Gledhill at the beginning of 2018. Samantha

has been able to engage with the local community, attending a

wide range of events and activities, actively promoting the program

and networking with local services to promote and deliver using a

collaborative approach. Samantha has delivered many new Pick,

REaD & Swap boxes to new locations, re-stocked existing boxes,

signed up new Champions, attended kid’s days at Willmot and

Bidwill and created a ‘pop up’ Rooby shop at Westfield Mt Druitt.

I would like to thank the following people, without their dedication

and willingness to get out there in funny white overalls we would not

have a program to deliver:

Samantha Connolly – Project Worker

Helen Gledhill – Previous Project Worker

Roving Early Childhood Educators

Donna K. Smith

Early Childhood Coordinator

Paint Mt Druitt REaDA community-wide, awareness-raising campaign aimed at promoting the importance of early literacy among parents and carers, as well as the whole community...

PMDR Swap Boxes

99 Swap Boxes

across the Mt Druitt LGA

41 Events held

13 Rooby Roo visits

21Annual reportAnnual report

For more information about Paint Mt Druitt REaD and swap boxes:

(02) 9626 5312


B I D W I L LBidwill Public SchoolBidwill UnitingGraceades CottageNewpin HIPPYNewpin Fathers CentreUniting Burnside HIPPYYawarra Community & Child Care CentreB L A C K E T TBlackett Public SchoolDr Nestor FigolKids Early LearningE M E R T O NAll Hours Medical CentreEmerton Medical CentreFamily by FamilyEmerton Little Teddies PlaygroupEmerton PharmacyH E B E R S H A MHebersham Public SchoolL E T H B R I D G E PA R KChipmunks in the Park Early Learning CentreDr Kapoor SurgeryLethbridge Park PlaygroupM T D R U I T TAnglicareAboriginal Medical ServicesColyton Public SchoolCommonwealth BankCommunity Corrections x 8Dr Ziad FashkaExpresso WarriorsFamily and Community ServicesMECAMission AustraliaMt Druitt ChemistOffice of the Hon. Ed Husic MPRelationships AustraliaStarbucksSydwest Multicultural ServicesWASH HouseYenu Allawah Aboriginal Family CentreS H A LV E YKU ShalveyNoumea Public SchoolShalvey Public SchoolT R E G E A RTregear Presbyterian ChurchTregear PlaygroupW H A L A N Foodworks WhalanWhalan Public SchoolW I L L M O THousing NSWJesuit Social ServicesKids Early LearningWillmot Community HubWillmot Wizards Transition to SchoolWillmot Public School Community

Pick REaD & Swap Boxes are delivered to a variety of locations around 2770. Our boxes are filled with a selection of good quality, gently

pre-loved children’s books. Children are encouraged to pick a book (or several) and read it, take it home, bring it back, and swap!

22 Annual report

Marayong House

No. of Sessions Total No. of Attendees

MARAYONG HOUSE, located at 64 Falmouth Rd Quakers Hill, has continued to provide a range of groups and activities. We are pleased to report on the outcomes for 2017-2018 as follows:

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 48 Not recorded

Baby Rhyme Time (with Relationships Australia)

4 108

Baby Rhyme Time 37 572

Cafe Skills (TAFE NSW Outreach) 16 105

Introduction to Beauty Skills (TAFE NSW Outreach)

17 147

Mini Tots Soccer 8 60

Mini Tots Soccer (with Relationships Australia)

8 59

Move It & Lose It 29 73

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) 48 Not recorded

Parents Group 32 227

Seniors Group 37 471

Sewing 41 175

Supported Playgroup 40 615

Tai Chi 33 142

Tax Help 15 33

Triple P 13 124

Tuning Into Kids 6 80

Total 336 2991

Total No. of Attendees

Women’s Health Forum 21

Marayong House Christmas Party 40

Family Fun Day 74


Blacktown Community Festival Not recorded

Total 156



23Annual reportAnnual report

Total No. of Attendees

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)A support group for people with an alcohol addiction but also included support for people with other addictions including narcotics and gambling.

Baby Rhyme Time We sang, and rhymed with 0-5 year-olds while developing their language and pre-reading skills. We also provided a forum for parents and caregivers to meet other mums, dads, grandparents & caregivers in these fun and interactive sessions.

Café Skills (TAFE NSW Outreach)A qualified TAFE NSW teacher taught residents skills related to working in a café. The aim of this group was to teach confidence through skill acquisition and encourage further education/training or employability.

Introduction to Beauty Skills (TAFE NSW Outreach)A qualified TAFE NSW teacher taught residents skills related to working in the beauty industry. The aim of this group was to teach confidence through skill acquisition and encourage further education/training or employability.

Mini Tots (Partnership Program with Relationships Australia)Relationships Australia and BACC ran this program for 0-5 year olds which focuses on fun but supports children to understand the importance of

exercise and improve their motor and coordination skills. This program also encourages children & adults to acknowledge the importance of and respect opposing players and educated adults with positive encouragement.

Move It & Lose ItWe provided a personal trainer for those who wish to undertake regular exercise but cant afford or are not comfortable to attend gyms.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)A support group for people with an addiction to Narcotics but also included support for people with other addictions including alcohol and Gambling.

Parents GroupA soft entry point where parents could meet other parents and gain information on issues impacting on their lives while their child(ren) are who cared for by qualified Childcare Educators.

Seniors GroupA soft entry group for over 60’s that provided social support through in-house activities and planned outings.

SewingA soft entry fun, friendly and informal group based around sewing activities and projects. We provided opportunities for residents to share

their knowledge, skill and expertise.

Supported PlaygroupWe provided a structured and positive learning environment in which 0-5 year-olds could socialise, play and learn and where parents/carers could meet and share experiences while they engage with their children using a variety of fun and educational programs.

Tai ChiA soft entry gentle exercise for your mind, body and spirit.

Tax HelpWe hosted a volunteer from Australian Taxation Office who assisted our service users with lodging their tax returns for free.

Triple PWe ran a 6 week program full of parenting tips which promoted child development and communication skills and self care for parents/carers.

Tuning Into KidsWe ran a 5-week parenting program that helped parents to assist their children learn, understand and regulate their emotions. This is based on research confirming that children with good emotional intelligence often have better emotional, social and physical functioning as well as fewer behavioural difficulties.


24 Annual report


Blacktown Boys Leadership 10 65

Bus Project 32 53

Drop In 32 53

Food Fabulous Food 16 60

Friday Night Outings 15 114

Hip Hop Dance 19 37

Quakers Hill Green Team 8 66

Quakers Hill Lunchtime 17 122

Triple P 7 21

Youth Arts Workshops 7 39

Youth Committee 12 Not collected

Youth Holiday Program 27 245

Total 190 875

No. of Sessions Total No. of Attendees

BACC YOUTH, operating out of 64 Falmouth Rd Quakers Hill, has continued to provide a range of groups and activities. We are pleased to report on the outcomes for 2017-2018 as follows:

Our Lalor Park Skateboarding Event (Partnership Program with BYSA) saw local skaters battling it out, winning prizes and enjoying free food.


Total No. of Attendees

Skateboarding Competition 15

Total 15



25Annual reportAnnual report

Art WorkshopWe taught young people skills in spray painting and graffiti art.

Bus ProjectWe worked alongside our young people to convert an old State Transit Bus into a cool new Youth Space.

Drop InWe provided opportunities for young people to socialise with friends/peers and utilise the range of facilities we have on offer, such as: computer & internet access, Playstation, outdoor area as well as a table-tennis table. During Drop In young people could either chill with their friends or get involved with activities run by our youth engagement officers. 

Friday Night OutingsWe provided transport and assisted with costs of going out to fun youth friendly places.

Food Fabulous FoodA practical program that taught young people kitchen skills, safe food handling and how to cook delicious food.

Hip Hop DanceWe ran a class where young people could learn or show off their existing Hip Hop skills.

School EngagementDelivered in local high schools, these sessions were designed to encourage responsibility, leadership, problem solving, resilience and collaboration.

Triple PWe ran a 6-week program full of parenting tips which promote child development and communication skills and self care for parents/carers under 20 years of age.

Youth CommitteeWe encouraged our young people to take part in decision-making for our youth outings and programs as they learnt about their citizenship rights and obligations.

26 Annual report

Doonside CottageDOONSIDE COTTAGE, located at 2 Astral Dr Doonside, has continued to provide a range of groups and activities. We are pleased to report on the outcomes for 2017-2018 as follows:

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 10 82

Baby Rhyme Time 36 303

Baby Rhyme Time @ Crawford Public School 3 144

BLISS 5 47

First Aid Course (TAFE NSW Outreach)

1 15

Indigenous Space 39 332

Kids Club 18 197

Kids Cooking from the Garden 10 117

Kids Meditation 47 296

Supported Playgroup 37 339

Tax Help 15 10

Triple P 12 93

Tuning Into Kids 6 44

Yoga 56 211

Total 295 2230

Partnership Programs

Koori Outreach

Mura Mittigar Outreach

Odyssey House

Staying Home Leaving Violence Outreach Service

West Connect DV Services

Wrapped In Angels

No. of Sessions Total No. of AttendeesPROGRAMS

Total No. of Attendees

Family Fun Day 93

Christmas Party 25

BBQ and Bingo 13

Family Fun Day 95

Doonside PS Expo Not recorded

Total 15


27Annual reportAnnual report

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)A support group for people with an alcohol addiction but also included support for people with other addictions including narcotics and gambling.

Baby Rhyme Time We sang, and rhymed with 0 - 5 year olds while developing their language and pre-reading skills. We also provided a forum for parents and caregivers to meet other mums, dads, grandparents & caregivers in these fun and interactive sessions.

BLISS (Blacktown Lesbian Information and Social Support)We provided a safe space and social support and activities for Lesbian, Bisexual and Same-Sex Attracted Women.

First Aid CertificateWe offered residents the opportunity to gain a first aid certificate (with a particular focus on full-time parents and carers).

Indigenous SpaceThe group was open to all who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Group members participated in various fun activities and information sessions relevant to issues affecting their lives.

Kids ClubAfter-school games and activities with an emphasis on tasks of daily living and communication skills for primary school aged kids.

Kids Cooking from the GardenAfter-school games and activities with an emphasis on meal preparation with fresh produce grown in our very own garden.

Kids MeditationWe provided an after school yoga and meditation class for primary school aged kids designed to increased their

mental health and provide a reprieve from outside stresses.

Koori Outreach (Partnership Program)An opportunity for Indigenous community members to have a yarn and enjoy morning tea with representatives from Housing NSW, Centrelink, Wentworth Community Housing, Ngallu Wal: Aboriginal Child and Family Centre, Blacktown Mental Health, and many more!

Mura Mittigar Outreach (Partnership Program)An outreach financial counselling service including financial support via the No Interest Loans Scheme which enabled families to purchase essential goods and services including; education costs, health items, vehicle repairs, registration and household furniture and white goods.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)A support group for people with an addiction to Narcotics but also included support for people with other addictions including alcohol and gambling.

Odyssey House (Partnership Program)Provided 1 on 1 counselling to support those with alcohol and drug issues to break the cycle.

Staying Home Leaving Violence Outreach Service (Partnership Program with the WASH House Inc.)A free and confidential outreach program provided by The WASH House Inc. for those requiring assistance due to Domestic Violence.

Supported PlaygroupWe provided a structured and positive learning environment in which 0-5 year-olds could socialise, play and learn and where parents/carers could meet and share experiences while they engage with their children using a variety of fun and educational programs.

Tax HelpWe hosted a volunteer from Australian Taxation Office who assisted our service users with lodging their tax returns for free.

Triple PWe ran a 6 week program full of parenting tips which promoted child development and communication skills and self care for parents/carers.

Tuning Into KidsWe ran a 5-week parenting program that helped parents to assist their children learn, understand and regulate their emotions. This is based on research confirming that children with good emotional intelligence often have better emotional, social and physical functioning as well as fewer behavioural difficulties.

West Connect DV Services (Partnership Program)A free and confidential outreach program provided by West Connect DV Services for those requiring assistance with Domestic Violence.

Wrapped In Angels (Partnership Program with)A resilience-based 10 week group where Aboriginal Women impacted by trauma and abuse made their own blanket, however sewing skills were not required.

YogaWe provided a professional and qualified Yoga teacher for those wanting to strengthen, tone and improve their mental health but could not access and/or were not comfortable to attend yoga studios or gyms.

28 Annual report

Dean Park/Woodcroft

DEAN PARK/WOODCROFT, located at 9 Yarramundi Dr Dean Park, has continued to provide a range of groups and activities. We are pleased to report on the outcomes for 2017-2018 as follows:

Baby Rhyme Time 9 131

Baby Rhyme Time (@ William Dean Public School)

15 140

Bollywood 16 103

Floristry 25 374

Friday Night Friendship Group 38 482

Knit, Natter, Crotchet and Chatter 39 294

Move It and Lose It 94 991

Qigong 38 352

Supported Playgroup 9 131

Supported Playgroup (@ William Dean Public School)

15 135

Yoga 29 234

Zumba 18 124

Zumba for Special Needs 58 911

Total 403 4402

Total sessions Total attendeesPROGRAMS

Total No. of attendees

Pink Ribbon Morning Tea 10

Christmas Party 36

Dean Park Markets 10

Dean Park Markets 21

Dean Park Markets 25

Total 15


29Annual reportAnnual report

Baby Rhyme Time We sang, and rhymed with 0-5 year-olds while developing their language and pre-reading skills. We also provided a forum for parents and caregivers to meet other mums, dads, grandparents & caregivers in these fun and interactive sessions.

Exercise Class for Special NeedsWe provided an opportunity for people with a disability to have fun and express themselves freely through low impact exercise, dance, music and games.

FloristryA qualified TAFE NSW teacher taught residents how to create bouquets, table displays, corsages etc. The aim of this group was to teach confidence through skill acquisition and encourage further education/training or employability.

Friendship GroupA soft entry group that provided social support through in-house activities and planned outings.

Knit, Natter, Crotchet and ChatterA soft entry fun, friendly and informal group based around crocheting and knitting activities and projects. We provided an opportunity for residents to share their knowledge, skill and expertise.

Move It & Lose ItWe provided a personal trainer for those who wish to undertake regular exercise but can’t afford or are not comfortable to attend gyms.

QigongA soft entry gentle exercise for your mind, body and spirit.

Supported PlaygroupWe provided a structured and positive learning environment in which 0-5 year-olds could socialise, play and learn and where parents/carers could meet and share experiences while they engage with their children using a variety of fun and educational programs.

YogaWe provided a professional and qualified Yoga teacher for those wanting to strengthen, tone and improve their mental health but could not access and/or were not comfortable to attend yoga studios or gyms.

ZumbaA soft entry and easy aerobic class.

Zumba for Special NeedsA slower pace Zumba class for people with a disability.

30 Annual report

Doonside Cottage Vacation Care

DOONSIDE COTTAGE provides Vacation Care for primary school aged children during school holiday periods. In 2017-2018 we provided the following activities:

AMF Bowling 4 45

Boing Central 1 15

Don Bosco 3 36

Games 2u 1 17

Hoyts Cinema 5 55

Inflatable World 2 22

Total 16 190

Total sessions Total attendeesACTIVITIES

31Annual reportAnnual report

Food Assist

331Food parcels provided

“This has been an absolute blessing.”“I think you are doing a great job and I hope it keeps going.”“I must say it is a good service for the community.” — Consultation feedback

100% of respondants said

they were “very likely” to continue to order

food parcels

100% of respondants said that the cost of the

food parcels was “very affordable”

Share the Dignity

Food Assist was a BACC funded initiative which aimed to provide

healthy food and groceries (food parcels) to our community

members at a very low cost. We hope this better supported our

community to stretch their dollars further and free up funds for other

bills and necessities. For a payment of $20 residents received a food

parcel containing a selection of fresh and non-perishable food items

which would cost at least $100 if purchased through a commercial


BACC remains committed to addressing the issue of Food Insecurity.

Foodbank, the largest hunger relief organisation in Australia

defines Food Insecurity as ‘a situation that exists when people lack

secure access to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food for

normal growth and development and an active and healthy life.’

Food insecurity has a significant impact on quality of life leaving

individuals feeling tired or lethargic when they don’t have enough

to eat. Lack of food can also result in a decline in mental health and

a reduced ability to concentrate . Foodbank reports that Australians

struggling with food insecurity say they feel stressed, depressed and

sad during times when they are unable to buy enough food.

As of October 2018 we are now providing a free food assistance

program from Doonside Cottage (Essentials Program) and look

forward to reporting on the outcomes on this in our 2019 Annual


BACC holds a strong belief that no woman should suffer the indignity of choosing between buying

food or sanitary items and therefore has become a drop off and distribution centre for Share the

Dignity. This has allowed us to provide free pads and tampons as well as general personal hygiene

products (deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, body wash/soap, toothbrush/toothpaste and

mouthwash) for anyone living in the Blacktown LGA.

We are excited to continue this program and look forward to extending it in 2018-2019.

PO Box 4105 Marayong NSW 2148(02) 9626

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