“social media is simply an extension of traditional from ... · social media metrics are data and...

Post on 03-Jul-2020






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“Social media is simply an extension of traditional communications methods. However it requires its own strategy

from goals and channels to content and measurement.”

A Social Media Strategy for Chambers

#1 - GoalsWhat do we want to achieve from social media?

#2 - Persona Profiling

#3 - Channels

Mission of each social network We will use (social network) for (purpose of this social

network) in order to help (business goal).

We will use LinkedIn for building our Chamber’s professional network to help establish our Chambers as an authoritative voice for business in our locality.

We will use Facebook for advertising to target a specific audience in order to help increase sales.

We will use Twitter for conversations with business owners, sisters Chambers and the media on topical issues.

We will use YouTube to host our videos and to boost our SEO value.

We will use Instagram to promote and share our Chamber culture to help with membership recruitment.

We will use Google+ for boosting SEO value of our online content to help increase visibility.

#4 - Content

#5 - Measuring Metrics That Matter

What are Social Media Metrics?

Social media metrics are data and statistics that give you insights into your social media marketing performance. While some social media marketing metrics are universal, there are also platform specific metrics you need to learn. Plus, some data is calculated differently depending on the platform and social media metrics tools you’re using. – Sprout Social

Facebook Insights

Page Likes:

•Shows the number of new Likes your Page received during the last seven days, compared with the previous seven-day period.

Post Reach:

•Total Reach is the number of unique people who have seen any content associated with your Page, including ads, during the last seven days. Post Reach shows the number of unique people who have seen your Page posts.


•People Engaged is the number of unique people who have clicked, Liked, commented on or shared your posts during the last seven days.

Likes Tab:

•The Likes tab gives you detailed metrics on trends for your net Likes.

Your net Likes combines the following metrics...

Facebook Insights


•Number of people who have unlikedyour Page.

Organic Likes:

•Number of people who have Liked your Page, not as a result of a Facebook Ad campaign.

Paid Likes:

• Number of people who have Liked your Page as a result of a Facebook Ad campaign.

Net Likes:

•The number of new Likes minus the number of unlikes on your page.


•The number of times a post from your Page is displayed, whether the post is clicked or not. People may see multiple impressions of the same post. For example, someone might see a Page update in News Feed once, and then a second time if their friend shares it.

Facebook Insights


•The number of people who received impressions of a Page post. Reach might be less than impressions since one person can see multiple impressions.

Engagement Rate Percentage:

•Engagement rate is the percentage of people who saw a post that Liked, shared, clicked or commented on it.

Video Metrics:

•How often a video was viewed for three seconds, 30 seconds or 95% of the total video length.

Facebook Ads:

•Clicks to website, Page likes, Post engagement, Video views, Leads generated.

Twitter Insights


• The number of Tweets you’ve posted to your account.

Tweet Impressions:

• The number of people that have seen your Tweets have been seen by.

Profile Visits:

• The number of people who have visited your profile.


• The number of times your username has been mentioned by others.

Twitter Insights


•The number of followers on your Twitter account.

Tweets Linking to you:

•The number of Tweets attributed to you in Twitter Cards with URLs.

Engagement Rate:

•The number of total link clicks, Retweets, favorites and replies your Tweets receive divided by the number of impressions.

Link Clicks:

• The number of times links within your Tweets were clicked. This includes links to hashtags and other users mentioned in your Tweets.

Twitter Insights


•The number of times your Tweets were retweeted by others.


•The number of times your Tweets were favorited by others.


•The number of times people replied to your Tweets.

Hashtag Reach:

•Use Tweetreach or Tweetbeam to measure this


•Get a detailed breakdown of demographics, organized by:


•Consumer behavior

•Mobile footprint

Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights for business accounts

Total impressions

ReachProfile views

Website clicks

Top posts

If running paid Instagram ads, the ‘Promotions’ section of the main Insights screen gives you relevant stats on your campaigns

Top TipSocialbakers’ Free Instagram Analytics Tool

and click Login With Instagram.https://www.socialbakers.com/free-tools/tracker/

Top ToolSince hashtags are such an important part of your social

media marketing strategy, you need to track which ones perform the best.


LinkedIn Insights


•The number of times the update was shown to LinkedIn members.


•The number of clicks on your content, company name or logo.


•The number of likes, comments and shares on your update.


•The number of followers you acquired when sponsoring an update.


•The number of interactions divided by number of impressions.

Post Views:

•The number of views your post has had.

Google Analytics


•The periods of time when a user is active on your website.


•Instances of a page being loaded (or reloaded) in a browser.

Avg. Session


•The average length of sessions on your website.

Pages / Session:

•The average number of pages viewed per session.

Social referrals:

•Acquisition of traffic per social network

Set up goals

Membership sales, Membership lead submissions, Email subscriptions


SubscribersVideo Views

Comments Likes

Social Media and The Online Newsroom

“Digital PR generates a significant return on investment in terms of SEO, web traffic, authority and brand profile.”

8-Step Digital PR Strategy

#8 Measuring online PR ROI

#7 Amplify your story

#6 Rules of media engagement

#5 Target media / influencers

#4 Multi-media content

#3 Online press release

#2 Become a newsmaker

#1 Influencer & industry insights

Facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing Tips

#1 Get front of screen

Video on Facebook accounts for just 0.9% of all posts. But these same 0.9% of posts account for 7.15% of all reach on the network.

Facebook Marketing Tips

#2 Build an engaged audience with the Pixel

If you own a business and you have a website, you absolutely must start a retargeting campaign - it's one of the most profitable forms of advertising online. Retargeting enables you to advertise to people who've already visited your website. All you have to do is install Facebook's tracking pixel on your website.

Facebook Marketing Tips

#3 Set up saved audiences with the Pixel

Saved Audiences can be extremely useful - especially if you want to target a specific market. Within Facebook's Business Manager, you can create custom audiences based on set parameters. This enables you to advertise to specific groups of people, making sure that your niche content meets the right demographic.

Facebook Marketing Tips

#4 Add captions to videos

Captioning matters because 90% of viewers on Facebook watch videos without sound, meaning that your captions are going to be read by a majority of your viewers. Facebook has an option to add captions when uploading your video, but you will need to edit the text as it’s not 100% accurate.

Facebook Marketing Tips

#5 Add a Call to Action on Your Page

Take advantage of this Facebook Page feature. You can add a call to action that sits in the bottom right-hand corner of your cover photo. These buttons make it easy for your fans to get in touch with your business.

Facebook Marketing Tips

#6 Upload your Email List

If you have a large e-mail list, you should upload it to Facebook. Once it's finished loading, you'll be able to advertise to every single e-mail that's associated with a Facebook account. Similar to retargeting, this practice is great because it enables you to utilize multiple touch points with your potential customers.

Facebook Marketing Tips

#7 Be Responsive to Messages

There's more and more evidence indicating that Facebook is calculating response time into their algorithm, so be sure to respond to messages. Your response time will also be live on your page, so fans will be able to see how quickly you interact with them.

Facebook Marketing Tips

#8 Embed Your Facebook Content

If you see a good fit to sneak your Facebook content into a blog post (or anywhere else online), take advantage of the opportunity. Facebook makes it easy to embed content - just click in the upper right-hand corner of your post, copy, and paste.

Facebook Marketing Tips

#9 Shoot Live Video

Live video is growing in popularity to help brands and businesses increase reach. Live videos get a boost in Facebook's algorithm, giving you a push into more and more people's feeds.

Facebook Marketing Tips

#10 Be Social

Social media is about having fun, engaging and entertaining your audience. You can remain professional but show your personality.

Chamber Case Studies

Twitter Marketing TipsThe Perfect Tweet

Twitter Marketing TipsGrowing Followers

Growing Followers

Growing followers on Twitter organically takes work. Use these top tips and tactics to grow your following...

Tweet regularly, at least 6 times per day at different times

Engage with followers, by liking, replying, quoting or retweeting their Tweets

Ask questions, and your community should respond

Use relevant hashtags and review daily trending hashtags

Host a monthly Twitter chat

Use photos in your Tweets

Use gifs in your Tweets

Share video in your Tweets

Go Live on Twitter with dual-streaming to Persicope

Live tweets from events and use the official event hashtag

Run a regular Twitter poll and Tweet about the results

Curate and share relevant Tweets to your community

Don’t stray from your core content and tone of voice

Twitter Marketing TipsRelevant Hashtags

Relevant HashtagsHashtags were born on Twitter and are very powerful.

• Official Hashtag: #BetterDublin

• Project Hashtag: #DublininSummer

• Branded Hashtag: #DublinChamber

• Event Hashtag: #Chamberawards17

• Target Group Hashtag: #chambersinireland

• Top Trending Hashtag: You could pick out the hashtags that are currently trending on Twitter, Instagram or other social media channels and if they are relevant to your campaign include them in your list. Trending hashtags have the potential to boost your posts, but please ensure that it is relevant to your campaign and audience. If not, you will gain impressions but without business conversion.

Twitter Marketing TipsMultimedia Content

Multimedia Content | Photos


•You can tag up to 10 people in a photo on Twitter, without affecting your 140-character limit. However, don’t spam people by tagging them if it’s not relevant. Save this feature for when you have a relevant photo—a picture from a launch for example—and tag the appropriate people. You should have of course let them know that photos taken are likely to be shared on social media.

Optimize Photos

•If sharing photos from your desktop, tablet, laptop or smartphone, try and optimize them for Twitter. This is especially true for admins of the Twitter account.

Multimedia Content | Photos

Chamber Case Study

Chamber Case Study

Visual Storytelling TipsDid you know the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text?

The photo used to be king, now we have emojis, gifs, stickers, effects, filters, animation, infographics and videos. Respect each platform’s own visual collateral and most of all respect the dimensions!

Social and Live Video Tactics

Social & Live Video The rise in social and live video across all social

networks gives us a new vantage point...

Live & Social Video Platforms

Live video Social video

Joel Comm:

“Live video creates a unique, real-time experience that encourages your audience to comment and interact, turning individual customers into a community.”

Live Video TipsHave a plan but don’t over produce

Use live video for breaking sports news

Be human and show authenticity

Always test your connection

Understand the platform and experiment first

Draw in the audience with features to engage them

Pre-promote regular live broadcasts and post promote after 24-hours

Go live in studio - make it a regular feature within your show

Embed videos in blog posts for greater SEO and fan engagement

Live Video TipsDon’t forget to review the metrics to benchmark success.

Facebook Live Video Metrics

Create your own animated videos

Read my blog posts…

Social Advertising on Shoestring Budgets

Facebook Advertising Strategy

Have a monthly budget

Decide how to allocate spend e.g. supporting on on-air campaigns, promoting viral content, corporate news, promoting live video after 24-hours, blog posts, podcasts, competitions

Funnel traffic to website

Collect email data of listeners/fans using Facebook lead gen ads

Maximize targeting by inserting pixel into your website

Be strategic & measure return on investment e.g. cost per click (web traffic), cost per subscriber (lead generation), cost per sale (get offer)

Facebook Advertising Tips

Assign a monthly budget e.g. €200

Don’t boost on Page, use

Facebook Ads Manager

Decide on KPIs e.g. increase email subscribers

from Lead Gen ad, promote premium content with web clicks ad, promote Awards

promo video with Video views ad

Add the Facebook Pixel to your website for re-marketing


Optimize images Do A/B testing

Perfect your copy and have a

Call To Action (CTA), please

don’t use sales copy

Measuring results with

Facebook Ad reports

Use specific ad type for specific

objective e.g. clicks to website

ad for event ticket sales

Social Media for EventsJSB’s Top Tips

JSB’s Top Tips

✓ Brand your event online as those graphics are vital for all social networks

✓ Write your copy for your event website landing page

✓ Decide on your event hashtag

✓ Launch a Facebook advertising campaign

✓ Create a social video promo with closed captions

✓ Launch your Digital PR campaign 4-6 weeks out

JSB’s Top Tips

✓ Schedule your social media posts

✓ Go live from the event Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

✓ Hire a photographer

✓ Measure success e.g. attendees, hashtag reach, fan growth, curate social media commentary, social assets from community i.e. photos, videos, status updates

Top TipRead my case study on Digital Clare:


Engaging Effectively with Digital Influencers

What is digital influence?

Digital influence has three core components, all of which are required for one to be considered a digital influencer.

1. Building an online tribe

2. When called upon they act

3. They value your expertise, opinion and

seek out your truth

Influencer Marketing Ethics – PRII Guidelines

Influencer Marketing Ethics – PRII Guidelines

S.M.A.R.T process

CASE STUDY #1 Lifestyle

Suzanne Jackson Launches Eyre Cocktail Bar

Thank you!Don’t be a social media stranger, connect with me!

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