
Post on 26-Jul-2015






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¿Qué es autismo?Autism is a neurological disorder.

Autism is also a spectrum disorder. Meaning individuals are affected in a wide variety of ways by Autism. In other words, not every person with Autism is the same.

One typically common characteristic is difficulty responding in “socially acceptable ways”

Diversity – Everyone is unique and wants to be treated fairly

Mi hermano mayor Graig

Mi hermano mayor (tercero de cuatro) se llama Graig. Es simpático, enérgico y cariñoso. También es autista. Le fascinan los coches y los viajes.

A series of quotes from a variety of people who

have Autism, as well as quotes from researchers and experts in the field:

Karina D. Barley Benefits for Using Technology for the Learner with Autism 2014©

Autism is a different way of learning and being.


(Grandin, 1995;

O'Neil, 2006)

Karina D. Barley Benefits for Using Technology for the Learner with Autism 2014©

Autism is a way of life. 

(Sinclair, 1993)

Karina D. Barley Benefits for Using Technology for the Learner with Autism 2014©

People who have Autism orientate within the

world differently 

(Williams, 1994)

Karina D. Barley Benefits for Using Technology for the Learner with Autism 2014©

Children/people with Autism are completely

aware of their differences, however

seek to be treated equally.

 (Kelly, 2006)Karina D. Barley

Benefits for Using Technology for the Learner with Autism 2014©

People with Autism are unique, amazing, brilliant in varying

degrees, but they are NOT disabled.

(Barley, 2010)Karina D. Barley Benefits for Using Technology for the Learner with Autism 2014©

We don’t need to find a cure, instead society

needs to adapt, accept and understand Autism.

(Baron-Cohen, 2000; Miller, 2008)

Karina D. Barley Benefits for Using Technology for the Learner with Autism 2014©

We are all more than a condition, a jumbled

jigsaw, an Autism 'fruit salad.

 (Williams, 2010)Karina D. Barley Benefits for Using Technology for the Learner with Autism 2014©

Murray, D., Lesser, M., & Lawson, W.

(2005) contend that Autistic individuals can

only focus on one thing at a time, hence this is

extremely important for their

learningKarina D. Barley Benefits for Using Technology for the Learner with Autism 2014©

As educators we need to focus on the student’s abilities and not their


 (Little, 2001)Karina D. Barley Benefits for Using Technology for the Learner with Autism 2014©

¡Muchas gracias!

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