be everywhere - digital marketing

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Business Evolution

Marketing is changing. Rapidly. It’s no longer enough to rely on traditional mediums to spread your business gospel.

Even word of mouth has evolved into something more exciting and efficient.

Couple this with increased levels of consumer savvy and the risks of being left behind in this digital world are great.

A push to adapt is necessary and an opportunity to lead the pack is within reach.

digital marketing


your customers are changing

n20% of all consumer spending is done online. People no long need to leave their homes to buy . This drives many behavioural changes.

nCustomers have more time to research and more time to spend talking about your products and your competitors.

n93% of all online activity starts on a search engine and in the UK, it’s Google that people turn to.

nMore than half of all consumers judge a company’s competence by the appearance and usability of its website

n91% of consumers check their emails more than once per day.


be everywhere

where are you?

Is your site configured so well that it appears when people search for your

product/service in Google?

No business will get it 100% right 100% of the time, but having the basics in place will give you a sporting chance of taking the lead.

Are you ahead of the pack, taking every opportunity and

reaping the rewards of the enormous scope of the online marketplace?

Do you have a website that simultaneously engages visitors and

encourages them to purchase, return or at least leave their details so that you reach

them in the future?

When it comes to proactively promoting your brand, your product and your services, do you feel you’re

doing the best you can?


Do you have take advantage of advertising opportunities in virtual


Have you got an automated email marketing system that collects customer’s contact details and enters them into a sales cycle without direct

action from you?

be everywhere | Digital Marketing | 2014

It’s not enough to just build a website and expect it to work wonders for you straight away.

As with any other part of your business a strategy for success is vital.

nYour site must show who you are and what you do

nIt must be attractive enough to encourage interaction

nAll screen sizes must be catered for, ie mobile, tablet etc

nIt must guide your visitors to take action

nIt must be easy to navigate

Here are some excellent example of websites that work well for the brands they represent.

Freshbooks leaves no doubt as to their business.

And no doubt as to what they expect from their visitors.

grand designs


92% of customers state that visuals are a top influencing factor in purchasing decisions

be everywhere


If this doesn’t make you want a pizza you have amazing willpower.

Papa Johns not only makes you want to ruin your diet but encourages you to get involved in Social Media.

Their discount scheme, rewards scheme and membership are also extremely important pieces of marketing that make this homepage full of great ideas.

The multi-award winning site of Webb Mason encapsulates everything that’s excellent about a marketing website.

nThe Calls to Action are subtle, but numerous.

nInvitations to engage stand out without interrupting.

nThe graphics are designed to draw your eye.

nThe copy includes an assumptive close

Unintrusive and effective marketing can add real clout to your business.

be everywhere | Digital Marketing | 2014


It’s not just about looks. You can have the best looking website ever that hosts perfect lead-generating sales funnel but if nobody ever visits it will be wasted. The old adage of “If we build it, they will come” is only for baseball movies. In the online world it is sorely untrue.

People can find your website in one of 3 ways:

1. Direct linking – From Social Media like Facebook or Twitter or another website

2. They can type the exact site address into their browser (very rare)

3. They can search for whatever they are looking for on a Search Engine and click on one of the sites on the list (95% of the time it’s one on the first page)

all that glitters...

93% of all internet activity starts on a Search Engine and in the UK that’s Google and to a lesser degree, Bing so it would make sense that your site appear as high up the rankings as possible.

be everywhere


Google makes a lot of money from advertising so it would make sense that they want to give an excellent customer experience. To that end they want their listings to represent the absolute top tier of websites and companies.

With this in mind it makes sense to ensure that your website is the best and deserves top rankings.

Making a website as Google friendly as possible is known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and can be the difference between a steady flow of converting traffic to your site and the digital equivalent of an empty playground at break-time.

There are 2 main facets to SEO . On-page optimisation (helping your site show Google what to rank it for) and Off-page optimisation (letting Google know how popular your site is)

How to accomplish these things is a frequently changing venture as Google constantly updates their algorithm to combat spammers and ensure that their customers (internet searchers) get the best results.

n Low Marketing Costsn Excellent ROIn Increased Brand Awareness

search engine friendly

be everywhere | Digital Marketing | 2014

SEO takes time and it can produce a lot of traffic for you. What takes less time and can produce an equal amount of traffic is direct advertising.

We already know that your customers will be searching for you online but they’ll also be socialising. Social Media makes up 25% of all online activity and you can take advantage of that quickly and easily.

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is an incredibly effective way of getting your product or service in front of the people who need it. The two biggest online hangouts, Google and Facebook (combined 340 million unique visitors in Jan 2014) both offer advertising opportunities.

By taking advantage of the incredible power of digital marketing, you can create an ad and see results within hours.

The downside (isn’t there always one) is that, as with any form of advertising, it can cost you a fair amount of money and can be extremely confusing.

PPC Prosn Quick resultsn Easy to track and modifyn Ability to target precise markets

PPC Consn Can be expensive (this can be mitigated if done correctly)n Writing effective ads is easier said than donen Not relevant for every business

get in front of your customers


be everywhere


shake that website

We have a saying here in Newcastle: “Shy Bairns Get Nowt”. It sums up marketing in a way that it would normally take a 600 page textbook to explain. Marketing is all about getting the customer (asking for their business) , making the sale (offering a proposition with value) and keeping the customer (staying in touch) .

A fatal error that many businesses make is that they neglect their after-sales care. In a digital world this is as vital as in an offline situation. But, we also have the added advantage of being able to apply this to people who’ve visited our site and not yet become a customer.

Email marketing can add an entire dimension of profitability to your business by converting customers after their first visit and also creating repeat business.

Keeping in touch with your customers in the right way can skyrocket your brand loyalty.

The average customer buys after the 5th contact with a product or service

It is 6 times more costly to acquire a new customer

than to retain an existing one

Companies spend 3 times as much on getting new business as they do retaining already converted customers

be everywhere | Digital Marketing | 2014

People often complain about getting spam in their inboxes which makes many companies afraid to market in this fashion. Pointless or overly promotional or pushy emails are rarely any good to anyone, but helpful, well thought-out and relevant emails can influence buying decisions like little else.

I’ve mentioned Papa John’s before and I will again. They send me at least 4 emails a week and every time I get one I think “hmm, shall I have pizza tonight?”. It’s the same with Amazon. I don’t immediately delete the mail, I see what it’s all about. And while I don’t buy every time from either company, I certainly buy more frequently than I would had they not sent me any emails.

If you make a sale on your site, make every attempt to get the customer’s email address

If you don’t make a sale, make every attempt to get the visitor’s email address

Having their email address is like having them follow you on Twitter or Facebook. You have an open channel of communication you can use at any time (of course overusing it will put that in jeopardy).

Sending just the right amount of promotional and helpful information will make a massive difference to your bottom line.

And one of the incredible plus points of email marketing?

It can be fully automated so that every customer can be at a different point in the sales cycle.

It’s hard work and requires a lot of testing and tweaking, but the rewards are worth it.

email marketing


be everywhere

By now most SME’s will have evolved to include a digital component to their marketing and advertising, but the majority either don’t make enough effort or aren’t directing their effort in the right direction.

While over 80% of SME’s consider their website to be critical or very important to the success of their business and 30% aren’t happy with their position on Google only 40% actually invest in improving this.

These simple statistics shows that for the enterprising digital marketer there is a wealth of opportunity out there.

The best time to start your digital journey is now!

how will you adapt your marketing?


bebe everywhere | Digital Marketing | 2014

Unit 6b, Floor B, Milburn House, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1LE

Tel: Nick on 0845 884 2337 or Iain on 0845 884 2334


get in touch

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