beijing, à vélo

Post on 10-Jan-2016






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Texte de traduction


TRD-11099 (Thme I)

*Beijing, vloBeijing on a BikeDans la capitale de la Chine, les cyclistes sont les matres de la route. Peu impressionns par le trafic automobile, ils occupent la majorit des voies et roulent une vitesse beaucoup plus lente que le Nord-Amricain moyen. In the Chinese capital [In Chinas capital city] [In the capital of China], bicycle/bike riders own the road [are the king of the road]. Not the least bit intimidated/impressed by automobile/car traffic, they take up most of [the majority of] the lanes and roll along [ride] at a much slower pace [infinitely/considerably/much more slowly] than the average North American bicyclist [you could omit bicyclist].La tolrance des automobilistes leur gard est dautant plus surprenante.

The tolerant attitude of automobile/car drivers is thus all the more surprising.

Cest peut-tre pour cette raison que les Pkinois roulent tous sans casque, avec le cellulaire la main ou encore avec femme et enfant en quilibre sur le guidon.

This is perhaps why Beijingers [people in Beijing] all ride without a helmet and with a cell phone in one hand, or even with their wife and child balanced on the handlebars.

[This is perhaps why Beijingers dont wear helmets and ride with a cell phone in their hand, or even while balancing their wife and child on the handlebars.]Pas stresss les Pkinois ! [Dont forget to write complete sentences in English.]No, Beijingers are not stressed out! [Beijingers are not stressed out, thats for sure!]

Les vlos sont faciles acheter ou louer Beijing: on trouve des vlos neufs partir de 40 $ environ dans les grands magasins. Quelques auberges de jeunesse en ont aussi pour leurs clients.

Its easy to buy or rent a bike in Beijing [Buying or renting a bike in Beijing is easy]. You can find new bicycles starting at $40 [for as low as $40] [from $40 on up] in department [major retail] stores. Some [Several] [A number of] youth hostels also have [provide] bikes for their guests.

Et cest avec beaucoup de fiert quon a reconnu dans une vitrine un magnifique modle de course du fabricant qubcois Argon 18 !

Correct: And we were very proud to see [And it was with great pride that we noticed/spotted] a magnificent racing model from the Qubec company/manufacturer Argon 18 [on display/displayed] in a shop/store window!

Incorrect: And we were very proud to see in a shop window a magnificent racing model Its an error to put an adverbial phrase (in a shop window) between the verb (see) and its direct object (racing model).

Si vous avez des ennuis mcaniques, il y a plusieurs petites boutiques qui rpareront votre bcane directement sur le trottoir.

If you run into [encounter] mechanical trouble/problems, there are a number of small shops that will repair [fix] your bike right/directly on the sidewalk.

Le vol de vlo est courant, mais plusieurs stationnements de vlos sont gards, en change dun paiement modeste.Bike theft is common, but there are bicycle parking lots that provide surveillance for a small fee [there are several guarded bicycle parking lots where you can leave your bike for a small fee].

Le vlo est idal Beijing, car les distances entre les nombreuses attractions sont plutt leves.

Bikes are [Getting around on a bike is] [Biking is] perfect for Beijing because of the distance [considering the huge distances] between the numerous tourist attractions.

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