brain talk newsletter

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MARCH 29, 2018 Brain Talk Demo


LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE This section will focus on the laws of the universe. Most people do not know the Laws of the Universe. Like gravity, the Laws of the Universe work whether we know about them, believe in them or even choose to ignore them. Each monthly Newsletter will provide an article about the Laws of the Universe. This understanding will help you get the results in life that you are seeking by using the laws.

Ther e Wil l Be Four Sect ions To The Newslet ter

THE QUANTUM ENERGY WORLDNot only is quantum physics a mystery to a physicist but it is also a mystery to the average person. This section of the Newsletter will offer easy to read information about the world of quantum physics. Through these easy to read articles your understanding of the quantum world will assist you creating the reality that you want and can pretty much control for your own benefit.

INTERESTING PHENOMENONThe world around us is full of interesting things. Like a plant's reaction to our thoughts and emotions. Or information about being able to bend spoons with our own personal power. Perhaps you will find interest in the phenomenon of remote viewing or intuition and how it works and is measured within us. The list of topics is endless and will be presented in a way that is easy to read no matter your background or education.

HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHTThis section of the Newsletter will focus on questions that people have asked me and have been curious about over the years. As a subscriber if you have a question you will be able to email your curiosity or question and, if chosen for the Newsletter, will appear with your name and the answer to your curiosity or question. These are real issues and the answers will be backed by real science.

This Newsletter is fun, thought provoking, interesting, educational. well-written, explaining the science in ways that are useful and helps you train your brain in ways that you never thought possible. These articles are really about you and is easy to consume.Send cur iosity or questions to: newsletter@thought

MARCH 29, 2018 Brain Talk Demo

Commanding The Power of Your ThoughtsCREATE THE LIFE YOU DESIRE

Your Personal Guidance SystemINTUITION

Bill Bennett the Director, Producer and Main Talent of PGS - Intuition Movie ended up writing the Forward to Dr. Fannin's book, Neuro Awakening: Crossing The Bridge of Science to Discover Your Inner Being writes in-part:

I met Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin, Ph.D. intuitively. I was making a film at the time, a film about intuition. And I was making it intuitively. I needed to interview a scientist to give a certain veracity to the subject. Someone who knew his stuff. Dr. Fannin was immediately credible, and who could articulate complex concepts clearly and in terms easily understood by an audience that probably didn?t know the difference between Newtonian physics or Quantum physics ? or indeed that there was a difference.

Bill Bennett tells people, making this movie changed my life...watching it may change yours! This journey of living these experiences as well as writing my book and being in the movie certainly changed mine. Now, I can teach you what I know. As human beings we are all on a journey and learning everyday.

I spent over thirty years researching this work without really knowing that was what I was doing. I spent over five years writing my book and I find it amazing that Bill Bennett and I came together at this point. Especially since Bill spent years creating this film. I am honored to contribute what I know. Little did I know that my speaking engagements, my book, and this movie explains the science that previously was so mystical.

Find out where talks and movie showings are being held

Commanding Your Own Thoughts

No matter what part of the world you are from,what you do or even who you associate with Intuition is something that we all have and choose to use it or not. It is a Universal Law and works whether we know it, understand it, or choose to use it....learn more about your intuition!

This special newsletter, published on a monthly basis is a subscription and you are able to stop your subscription at anytime; it is delivered by email. This Newsletter will not only provide interesting articles but will also educate you to a greater insight into the universal laws that affect us each day of our lives. The science presented in this newsletter will be explained in easy and informative ways that will let you understand and apply what you read and even be able to explain it to someone else.

- Learn how the laws of the universe apply to you every day.- What is the Law of Attraction and how do I use it?- Use the power of your thoughts to create the life you desire.- Experience greater joy, peace, contentment and happiness.- Learn to command the power of your own thoughts.- What if you could tell the difference between you intuitive thoughts and

your intellectual thoughts?- Develop and experience the guidance of your intuition.- The information in this newsletter is valid science that you can trust and

really works!

?A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.? ?Albert Einstein

The average person has from 12,000 to over 60,000 thoughts per day. The interesting thing about those thoughts is that 80% of our thoughts are negative. Tomorrow, 95% of the thoughts we have will be the same negative thoughts that we had the day before. Those are the thoughts that tend to hold us hostage and keep us from creating the life we would like to live.

The science of this process tells us that if we hold a thought, wanted or unwanted, for 17-seconds a frequency vibration like that thought we are currently having will attract more thoughts like the one we are having in that moment. As those thoughts come together it creates what is known in physics as a Convergent Interference Pattern. When thoughts come together the power between them increases. If you continue to hold the thought, wanted or unwanted, the energy continues to build. Generally, after 68-seconds it has amassed enough energy to not only affect the energy wave but it has enough energy to affect particle matter. This is the scientific means of how we create our reality; every minute of every day.

Most people believe that life is happening to them when in fact it is our own thoughts and emotions that are that may be slowing down the manifestation of our desires. Fact is, we just didn?t know any better. Most of us are not even aware of this universal law and how it impacts us every single day. TIP: Let this newsletter be your teacher!

MARCH 29, 2018 Brain Talk Demo

Laws of the Universe


MARCH 29, 2018 Brain Talk Demo


The noted British physicist David Bohm (1917-1992) believed in the unseen unity of all matter. He was convinced that our thoughts are part of the unified field of the universe. Bohm was one of the first physicists to state that there is an implicate order to the universe. He also stated, based on his understanding of quantum entanglement, that our thoughts are part of the collective energy in the universe. The latest research tends to support that our reality is affected by our thoughts, and our connection to the collective field of energy is present throughout the universe. In essence, we are part of that field of energy. The energy that makes up the universe is within us, as well as being all around us. Evolution of Scientific Understanding Many scientific facts have been slow to be universally accepted. For example, very few people realize that Max Planck, the German theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, and later received the Nobel Prize for it, was opposed by the scientific establishment of his day. He was very disturbed by that lack of understanding and acceptance. Later he referred to the establishment of scientists: ?Science advances funeral by funeral.? I believe he was referring to the resistance that new scientific ideas face, and the time they take to gather momentum before they are generally accepted as fact. Planck?s quantum theory revolutionized human understanding of atomic and subatomic processes, just as Albert Einstein?s theory of relativity revolutionized the understanding of space and time. Together they constitute the fundamental theories of 20th-century physics. Both have led humanity to revise some of its most cherished philosophical beliefs, and have brought about industrial and military applications that affect many aspects of modern life. Albert Einstein, the widely hailed genius of twentieth-century physics, was very slow to be recognized. His Theory of Relativity gained very little acceptance for many years. It was his work on the photoelectric effect and his other contributions to theoretical physics that the ?learned scientists? of his day objected to. Many physicists did not accept his revolutionary theories of space and time. Seventeen years later, he received the Nobel Prize for his persistence in helping his contemporaries understand his thoughts. The technology and understanding of neuroscience has advanced very rapidly, especially in the last five years. We can now measure phenomena in the brain that only a few years ago were purely speculation. As scientists measure all kinds of phenomena, our understanding of the ?phenomena? evolves. TIP: This Newsletter will offer insight, education and practical reasons that these articles will be very useful not only for your understanding of the universe that you live in, but also you will be presented with information that you can really use to improve your quality of life. Before you can begin to change your life you must gain an understanding of how the universe and the universal laws affect us. From that perspective we can make choices and any corrections necessary to improve our quality and experience of life.

MARCH 29, 2018 Brain Talk Demo

WHAT IS THE BACKSTER EFFECT?I nteresting Phenomenon

Understanding of the vibrational universe, and our connection to it, can be evidenced in another series of remarkable experiments that have become known as the "Backster Effect." The Backster Effect is the ability of simpler life forms, such as plants and single cells, to respond to the thoughts, intentions and actions of humans, as evidenced by electrical response and other objective measures. Cleve Backster was an expert at operating the polygraph, better known as the ?lie detector.? In the early 1950?s he was involved in creating standards and procedures for the CIA to use polygraphs to investigate their personnel for security clearance. Subsequently, he directed a school which instructed police officers and security officers from all over the world in the art of using the polygraph for lie detection. In 1966, Backster had been up late one night running his school when, on an impulse, he decided to connect a house plant to his lie detector to see what it would do. Clearly a case of too much time on his hands; where does the thought come from, in the middle of the night, to hook up a lie detector machine to your house plant? But that is what he did. First, let?s understand how a polygraph works. A polygraph generates a very weak electrical current that passes through the body of the subject. It measures a voltage that indicates the skin resistance. As the emotional state of the subject changes, this voltage changes, and polygraph examiners are trained to monitor this signal. Abrupt changes indicate a strong emotional reaction. Backster wondered if his houseplant, a dracaena, would have an emotional reaction that would register on his polygraph machine. He connected the electrical contacts from the polygraph to the leaf of the plant, just the way he would to the fingers of a human subject. Then he left the plant undisturbed for a while to develop a baseline recording. He then gave the plant a drink by pouring water into its pot. What he expected was that the increased water would create an increase in conductivity, which would cause the needle to rise on the polygraph. But instead, it fell with a series of jagged saw tooth motions. What he noticed is that it resembled a human response corresponding to an emotional stimulation of short duration. It caused him to wonder if the plant could possibly be showing emotion. What was amazing, the moment he thought of the idea, the plant?s trace on the polygraph went wild. He had not moved, nor done anything to provoke such a response. He only formed the thought in his mind of harming the plant. It was as though the plant was reading his mind. Backster did subsequent experiments and found that the plant would respond differently if he actually intended harm, as opposed to just pretending. It seemed that the plant could distinguish between true intent from mere pretense. This experiment would certainly be considered a phenomenon. There are identifiable characteristics that can be measured, and have been replicated by others dozens of times with similar results. TIP: Understanding the amazing phenomenon that is in the world we live in helps us to "connect the dots;" we better understand the world we live in and how to use this information to improve our quality and application to our lives.

MARCH 29, 2018 Brain Talk Demo

WHAT IS THOUGHT ANYWAY? H ave You Ever Thought

Managing Our Vibrations Is The Next Big Skill Set It has long been known that thought produces a chemical reaction in the brain, causing it to release chemical signals that are transmitted to the body. These chemicals are called neuropeptides, and when they are released they cause your body to feel the way you were thinking. That is why you experience feeling happy, sad, worried, angry, content, inspired and so on. Our world would be a very confusing place if you experienced something that would normally make you happy, but instead of your brain producing chemicals for feeling happy it produced the chemicals that make you depressed. Or, if you experienced something that should make you happy, but your brain arbitrarily produced the chemicals to be angry. Because our brain is consistent about creating the correct chemicals for the same situation, over and over again, it becomes possible to create mental maps of our experience that help us make sense of our world. It is our perception of things that tells the brain what chemicals to create, so how we think about something and how we feel about it match one another, and remain consistent. You may have heard the adage, ?Nothing in life has meaning, except the meaning we give it.? Once our perception about things is created and a feeling is decided upon, a burst of acytlecholine is released. This binds the experience with the emotion and the meaning we have given it, creating what we call a cognition. In neuroscience we understand that when you are having positive thoughts, the brain produces a chemical neurotransmitter known as dopamine, which triggers the brain in the left frontal lobe in anticipation of an experience that you know as excitement. The opposite is also true. If you driving on the freeway and some knucklehead cuts you off and you feel angry, the brain produces the neuropeptides that causes the body to respond by feeling angry. Our brain records these cognitions and files them away for future use. Your thoughts are important; they initiate responses in the brain that affect not only your emotions, but also your physiology.The thalamus can be considered the central command post of the brain. Nothing comes in or goes out without passing through it. This includes sensory information related to what we are experiencing, instructions being sent to various organs on how they should perform their function, and trafficking various frequencies in the brain to keep us functioning day or night. When it comes to our thoughts, the thalamus plays a large role in how we process ?thought energy.? We send and receive energy at different frequencies; the packets of vibrating energy carry information both within the body, and to and from the universe around us. We live in an energy field, and we are part of that energy field. Because of our connection with the energy in the ?field,? we are constantly communicating with it. As we have seen earlier, thoughts are basically energy and information. When the energy travels along our ?neuro highways? it communicates with the cells of the body, passing information to the cells so they can perform their function. Vibration taking place within the body, cell-to-cell, we call resonation. If the energy and information come to us from outside the body, we call it oscillation.TIP: Most of us have a brain that chatters all the time. It can be very disruptive to our lives. Yet, most of us do not know how to slow it down, we don't know how to train our brain to shut off the "mind chatter." Information presented in this Newsletter will provide you with practical applications that you can use to control your thoughts. Let's begin right now....signup for this Newsletter and commit to changing your world!

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