care for others believe in yourself succeed through effort · 2019-10-31 · mrs koby grabham is an...

Post on 09-Jul-2020






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May 2018 2nd Razorback Touch Football Trials 3rd Razorback Netball Trials 4th Razorback Softball Trials 8th ICAS-Digital Technologies (Yr3-6) 9th Mother’s Day Stall 11th Kindergarten Excursion – Calmsley Hill 15th-17th NAPLAN (Yrs 3 & 5) 18th Gala Day 1 23rd Razorback Girls Cricket Trials 29th ICAS-Science (Yr2-6) 31st CBS Assembly (April/May) 2.00pm June 2018 1st Razorback Cross Country 8th Gala Day 2 11th Queens Birthday Public Holiday 13th ICAS-Spelling (Yrs 3-6) 14th SSW Cross Country 14th ICAS-Writing (Yrs 2-6) 29th Gala Day 3

July 2018 6th CBS Assembly 10.00am 6th Last day Term 2 24th Students Return K-6 27th State Cross Country 31st ICAS – English (Yrs 2 – 6) August 2018 3rd Athletics Carnival 6th Razorback Boys Cricket Trials 9th CBS Assembly 10.00am 14th ICAS – Mathematics (Yrs 2 – 6) 27th Razorback Girls Cricket September 2018 6th Zone Athletics - Day 1 7th Zone Athletics - Day 2

Dear Parents & Caregivers Welcome to Term 2 at Harrington Park PS. I hope everyone enjoyed the break and you are all ready for a great term. Today we marked ANZAC Day at our school with a service at midday. Our students brought in beautiful flowers to make wreaths and were very respectful during the service. Approximately forty of our students represented our school at the Camden ANZAC Day march, which was coordinated by Mr Guider and Miss Purser. Thank you to these students and their families for representing our school so very well, and to their families for making accommodations so that your children could attend. We have had a new teaching appointment to our school. Mrs Koby Grabham is an experienced teacher who we extend a warm welcome to as the new teacher on 4S. We have also had the new external provider for our canteen begin this week. We welcome “Made Fresh”. The canteen is no longer under the responsibilities of the P&C and any feedback families would like to give can be made directly to the school through email or the Skoolbag App. Our first P&C meeting is next Tuesday night at 7pm in our staffroom. We look forward to discussing our plans for Term 2, and all are welcome. Best regards Kelly Paton Principal

Term 2 Week 1

2nd May 2018 Phone: 4647 7116 Fax: 4647 6617 Email:

CARE for others BELIEVE in yourself SUCCEED through effort

Congratulations to these Award Winners - Term 1, Weeks 10 & 11

K/1K Emilia W Austin B Chloe L KH Brayden D.S Ruixi H Liyana Z KP Sienna N Poppie E Cooper W KL Evie D Manhar D Jakob T KT Levi H Isabella S Ethan P KS Ananya A Jacob K Sophia P 1A Zachary D Hamish D Olivia M 1G Almin A Sarah N Ryder D 1P Landen G Madison M Alexandra C

1R Emily C Kye L Archie S 1/2E Samuel H Ryan W Isabella D 2B Salvina W Ashton P Jasmine M Isla B 2K Olivia M Dani P Matty T 2J Emma G Noah F Isaac J 2P Evangelina G Blake C Ayden T 4/5M Alyssa W Tyler J 5AB Georgia C Lucinda G Eva R Jett T

Excellent effort in all classroom activities Great writing and use of adjectives Excellent effort and great improvement in reading. Amazing writing Amazing writing Reading with great expression For being an enthusiastic learner For being a caring and helpful class mate For starting her work in a timely manner For great improvements in writing Working well during maths groups Demonstrating improved skills when reading Displaying excellent inferential thinking ability Her great effort in story writing His improved effort and determination to do his best His great effort across all learning areas Awesome enthusiasm when sharing facts about Australia For his knowledge and interest when sharing facts about our world For presenting his news clearly to the class Always assisting others Working hard in literature circles Outstanding bookwork Consistent effort in all class activities Fantastic imaginative writing Excellent effort in mathematics

Wonderful progress in reading Showing improvement in phrasing and fluency whilst reading aloud Writing detailed and descriptive passages Fabulous effort and pleasing progress with his reading Beautiful manners and excellent effort in all lessons Improvement in hearing and recording sounds Excellent sight word recognition Being a clear and confident speaker Excellent preparation and presentation of news items Always being a hard worker Trying hard in all his work Excellent recognition of sight words when reading A great improvement in his reading Being a kind and caring classmate Excellent ‘counting on’ in maths Excellent sounding of CUC words Improved recognition of sight words Displaying a wonderful approach to independent writing For being creative in his writing For attempting to self-correct during reading For caring for others in the class For trying hard during discussions For great work during writing tasks For amazing work during phonics activities. Fantastic effort in reading Writing a wonderful story in class Being a caring and respectful classmate


Voluntary School Contributions

An envelope for voluntary school contributions came home last term with your child/children. The contribution amount is $60 for a family or $45 for a single child. Your payment can be made online through our school website or send cash back to the office in the envelope provided. Alternatively, you can call in to the office and pay by Eftpos. Thank you to those who have sent their envelopes back. Change of Date

Please note the change of date for the Razorback Touch Football Trials. They are now being held today, Wednesday 2nd May. The trials will be held at the same location, Camden Rugby Club at 4.00pm. P&C Information

Mother’s Day Stall: The Mother’s Day stall will take place on Wednesday 9th May. Uniform Shop Opening Hours: The uniform shop will be open Tuesdays 9.00-10.00am and Fridays 9.00-10.00am

P&C Meeting Dates: The P&C will meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm.

5B Tyler C Mia S Jennifer J Bruno C 5P Charlotte J Nathan S Ryan S Selina B

6H Regean D Dylan M Brandon K Andraya L 6B Matthew B Logan F Emily L Ethan M 6G Lucas B Samantha L Zachary M Giuliano O

Working hard to solve division problems with fraction reminders Outstanding Bookwork Excellent effort during maths division activities Striving to produce neat handwriting in his writing book Working hard during Mathematics lessons Being a diligent and hardworking student Becoming a more focused student during independent tasks Working hard to improve her writing

Pushing herself when solving tricky maths problems Striving to become an independent learner Sharing problem solving strategies during maths discussions Producing a range of online work samples in homework tasks Showing great commitment to his learning Great improvement in bookwork Outstanding result in her multiplication & division assessment Great application of descriptive language writing Excellent knowledge of all number facts Excellent results in spelling Consistent completion of homework Improved results in spelling

Cross Country CarnivalOn Friday, 6th April we held our annual cross country carnival at school. Once again we had glorious weather conditions for runners and spectators alike. Despite the warm conditions and the longer course for some age groups there were some excellent performances. It was very pleasing to see the large number of competitors who took part and gave their best effort, regardless of their position in the race. It was also great to see so many parents coming along to support. Congratulations to the winning house on the day, Fairfax, and a big thank you to the parents who helped out as track officials on the day and at the sausage sizzle. A team of 32 will represent the school at the Razorback Zone Cross Country Carnival in May. Permission notes and information will be sent in the coming weeks.

Cross Country Champions

Age Boy Girl

12/13 Years Brayden W Georgie W

11 Years Marcus S Logan F

10 Years Nathan S AJ O

9 Years Johnathon K Lauren C

8 Years Rocco D Zaiah W

7 Years Orlando S Hannah K

The first four place getters in the 10 years, 11 years and 12/13 years age groups and the four fastest times in the 8/9 years compete at the zone carnival. Please note that 7 year olds do not compete at the zone carnival and 8 and 9 year olds race together at zone level and beyond. At our school carnival we run the 8 and 9 year olds separately for safety reasons due to the large number of runners. These events are timed and the fastest four finishers in the two races represent the school in the 8/9 years at zone.

School Cross Country Team 12/13 Years Boys Brayden W, Ethan M, Matthew B, Agustin BM 12/13 Years Girls Georgie W, Layne K, Keira P, Alixandria P 11 Years Boys Marcus S, Ahmad A, Charlie W, Flynn B 11 Years Girls Logan F, Rileigh G, Alexis W, Ellie H 10 Years Boys Nathan S, Zachary C, Cooper S, Lucas D 10 Years Girls AJ O, Mia S, Gabrielle Z, Lauren K 8/9 Years Boys Johnathon K, Rocco D, Jett W, Jarryd W 8/9 Years Girls Lauren C, Zaiah W, Courtney W, Rylie O

The SSW Swimming Carnival was held on Tuesday 13th March, at Gordon Fetterplace Aquatic

Centre, The Parkway, Bradbury. Eight students from Harrington Park represented the Razorback

zone and displayed outstanding skill. As a result, all eight students will represent the Sydney South

West region at the NSW state championships.

Maddison L Alexis W Isabella T Izabel W

Isabella H Zoe H Charlize W Zoe W

The following students have also demonstrated exceptional skills and as such have been selected

in a Razorback Zone representative team during Term 1:

Keenan F Basketball Bailey Mc Rugby League

Kynan W Basketball Ahmad A Rugby League

Erin W AFL Tyler R Rugby League

Annabelle M Basketball Braylen L Rugby League

Ellie H Basketball Marcus S Soccer

Layne K Soccer Ethan M Soccer

Charlie T Soccer Trent L Soccer

Alix P Soccer Matthew B Soccer

Abby P Hockey Keeley B Hockey

A special mention also to Layne K and Charli T who were successful in being selected in the

Sydney South West soccer team. Congratulations and good

luck girls!

Our School Captains along with many other Harrington Park Public School students participated in the community ANZAC Day march through Camden on Wednesday the 25th of April. A special mention to the School Captains and Vice Captains who formally represented the school by laying a wreath at the Cenotaph. Our school was very well represented by all and all students were respectful throughout the commemoration. A special mention to the staff, parents and community members who supported the students on this special day.

Opportunity Class (OC) Applications for Year 5 in 2019 This is a follow up reminder for Year 4 students who are interested in applying for the OC class in 2019. Opportunity classes cater for highly achieving academically gifted students who may otherwise be without sufficient classmates at their own academic and social level. These classes help gifted and talented students to learn by grouping them with other gifted and talented students, teaching them in specialised ways and providing educational materials at the appropriate level. Applications for opportunity class placement are considered mainly on the combined results of the Opportunity Class Placement Test and school assessments. The Opportunity Class Placement Test will be held on Wednesday 1 August 2018. If you would like to have your child considered for Year 5 opportunity class entry in 2019, you need to apply now. You will need to apply on the internet using a valid email address (not the student’s email address). Detailed instructions on how to apply online can be found using the hyperlink: The application website opened yesterday and closes on Friday 18 May 2018. No late applications will be accepted. There are no paper application forms. If you do not have internet access, you could apply at a public library. If you have a disability that prevents you from using a computer, you can contact the Unit for assistance after 1 May 2018. Please contact Mr McLaren or Mrs Essex if you have any questions.

Today, every family will receive an envelope for the Stewart House Donation Drive. Stewart House provides support for students in need through the provision of educational programs and health services designed to develop their social and emotional skills, build self-esteem and improve their overall well-being. Please place a $2 coin in the envelope provided and return it to school by Wednesday 16th May for your chance to win a family holiday valued at $4000. Thank you for supporting Public Education’s charity of choice…Stewart House.

As you may know, we have a wonderful in-school music program here at Harrington Park PS, The Music

Bus. Due to unforeseen circumstance we have had a few teacher changes recently; however, we are very

excited to announce our wonderful teacher is here to stay for 2018, Jesse Murphy.

The Music Bus is the classroom (the bus!), teacher, instruments and curriculum all in one

complete package and it’s now open for all students K-6. Lessons on offer include keyboard,

singing, drums, guitar, ukulele and rock band. Cost of lessons is only $16 per week (Drums

$18) paid per term. The Music Bus is also the preferred Music Supplier of the NSW Primary

Principals Association.

If you’re interested in your child having music lessons through The Music Bus or for more information, please check out their website at or call 1300 168 742.


“Hi, I’m Jesse and I’m so happy to be teaching here at Harrington Park PS. I’m now in my 5th year teaching on The Music Bus and have been teaching and performing music for many years previous. It’s my personal mission to truly inspire all students I teach! I pride myself on being a patient and committed teacher and cannot wait to turn all my students into little rock stars this year”.

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