chapter 3-4 anatomy and physiology

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) The analysis of the internal structure of individual cells is calledA) anatomy.B) cytology.C) embryology.D) physiology.E) histology.

2) The thoracic cavity contains theA) coelom.B) pericardial cavity.C) pelvic cavity.D) pericardial and pleural cavities.E) pleural cavities.

3) The pituitary gland and thyroid gland are organs of the ________ system.A) cardiovascularB) respiratoryC) lymphaticD) digestiveE) endocrine

4) Terms of anatomical direction are used to describeA) the nervous system.B) living matter.C) surgical procedures.D) a supine position.E) one body part in relation to another.

5) A person who is standing facing forward with hands at the sides and palms facing forward is in theA) sagittal position.B) prone position.C) frontal position.D) anatomical position.E) supine position.

6) The liver is primarily located in the ________ quadrant.A) left upperB) hepaticC) right upperD) left lowerE) right lower


7) Organ physiology is to ________ as gross anatomy is to ________.A) imbalance; microscopic anatomyB) cell physiology; microscopic anatomyC) macroscopic anatomy; unbalanceD) equilibrium; macroscopic anatomyE) balance; equilibrium

8) ________ is considered the oldest medical science.A) BiologyB) PhysiologyC) AnatomyD) EmbryologyE) Cytology

9) The study of the liver is to gross anatomy as the study of a liver cell is toA) systemic anatomy.B) physiology.C) radiographic anatomy.D) regional anatomy.E) cytology.

10) Which organ system provides support, protection of soft tissue, mineral storage, and blood formation?A) muscularB) skeletalC) integumentaryD) nervousE) endocrine

11) This type of feedback exaggerates the effects of variations from normal.A) positiveB) negativeC) depressingD) neutralE) All of the answers are correct.

12) The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment in an organism is termedA) integration.B) homeostasis.C) positive feedback.D) negative feedback.E) effector control.

13) Anatomical features that change during illness are studied in ________ anatomy.A) pathologicalB) surfaceC) grossD) microscopicE) regional


14) The serous membrane covering the stomach and most of the intestines is called theA) mediastinum.B) peritoneum.C) pericardium.D) abdomen.E) pleura.

15) A midsagittal section of the body would pass through theA) kidney.B) lung.C) spleen.D) leg.E) heart.

16) If a response increases a disturbance, the control system is classified as a ________ feedback system.A) neutralB) positiveC) deficitD) negativeE) polarized

17) Which of the following terms refers to the foot?A) femoralB) brachialC) cervicalD) antebrachialE) pedal

18) The study of the first two months of development is termedA) embryology.B) pathology.C) cytology.D) organology.E) histology.

19) The integrating center for the negative feedback loop that regulates body temperature is theA) temperature sensor.B) skin.C) thermostat.D) hypothalamus.E) positive feedback center.

20) An anatomical term that means the same as ventral:A) anteriorB) posteriorC) abdominalD) superiorE) inferior


21) In general, the nervous system does each of the following, exceptA) help to maintain homeostasis.B) direct long-term responses to change.C) interpret sensory information.D) direct very specific responses.E) respond rapidly to change.

22) Which plane divides the body into right and left parts?A) orthogonalB) proximalC) sagittalD) frontalE) transverse

23) The study of the function of specific organ systems is calledA) systemic physiology.B) pathological physiology.C) histology.D) organ physiology.E) cell physiology.

24) Which organ system removes carbon dioxide from the bloodstream?A) cardiovascularB) lymphaticC) respiratoryD) endocrineE) digestive

25) Which of the following is arranged in correct order from the most complex to the simplest?A) tissue, cellular, molecular, organ, system, organismB) organism, system, organ, tissue, cellular, molecularC) molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, system, organismD) cellular, tissue, molecular, system, organ, organismE) organ, organism, molecular, cellular, tissue, system

26) A cell or an organ that responds to commands of the control center in negative feedback is termed a(n)A) thermoregulator.B) effector.C) stimulus.D) hypothalamus.E) receptor.

27) Lungs are to the respiratory system as the liver is to the ________ system.A) lymphaticB) urinaryC) nervousD) digestiveE) cardiovascular


28) The two major divisions of the ventral body cavity are theA) pelvic and thoracic.B) lateral and medial.C) thoracic and abdominopelvic.D) cranial and sacral.E) dorsal and ventral.

29) While standing in the anatomical position,A) front refers to anterior.B) back refers to dorsal.C) back refers to posterior.D) front refers to ventral.E) All of the answers are correct.

30) When body temperature rises, a center in the brain initiates physiological changes to decrease the bodytemperature. This is an example of

A) nonhomeostatic regulation.B) diagnostic regulation.C) negative feedback.D) positive feedback.E) fever.

31) The study of the superficial and internal features in a specific area of the body is called ________ anatomy.A) surfaceB) surgicalC) pathologicalD) regionalE) radiographic

32) Which one of the following is not a characteristic of the endocrine system?A) releases chemical messengers called hormonesB) produces an effect that involves several organs or tissues at the same timeC) important homeostatic systemD) produces a more rapid response than the nervous systemE) produces effects that last for days or longer

33) Cardiovascular function is an example ofA) organ physiology.B) pathological physiology.C) physiological chemistry.D) histophysiology.E) systemic physiology.

34) The quadrants of the abdominopelvic region include all of the following except:A) right upper quadrant (RUQ)B) left lower quadrant (LLQ)C) pelvic quadrantD) left upper quadrant (LUQ)E) right lower quadrant (RLQ)


35) Which of the following regions corresponds to the buttocks?A) lumbarB) thoracicC) cephalicD) glutealE) pelvic

36) Which organ system transports nutrients, metabolic wastes, gases, and defense cells?A) muscularB) respiratoryC) cardiovascularD) digestiveE) urinary

37) The chin is ________ to the nose.A) superiorB) inferiorC) medialD) posteriorE) anterior

38) Which of the following study methods are useful for anatomy and physiology courses?A) Read the lecture sections before class.B) Devote a block of time for study.C) Develop memorization skills.D) Do not procrastinate.E) All of the answers are correct.

39) Anatomy is to ________ as physiology is to ________.A) form; structureB) growth; formC) function; formD) structure; formE) structure; function

40) An example of a receptor in a negative feedback loop controlling body temperature would beA) regulatory centers that send commands to an effector.B) temperature sensors on the skin that detect a stimulus.C) sweat glands that act like effectors.D) effectors that cause blood vessels to dilate.E) sweat glands that increase secretion.

41) While standing erect, the direction of caudal isA) toward the head.B) lateral to the trunk.C) medial to the sides.D) toward the heel.E) posterior to the head.


42) Which of the following is not considered an abdominopelvic region?A) right inguinal regionB) left lumbarC) upperD) left hypochondriacE) right hypochondriac

43) The wrist is ________ to the elbow.A) proximalB) horizontalC) lateralD) medialE) distal

44) Which of the following organs is located between the peritoneum and the body wall?A) kidneyB) stomachC) spleenD) urinary bladderE) large intestine

45) The diaphragm muscle separates the ________ from the ________.A) pericardial cavity; pleural cavityB) abdominal cavity; pelvic cavityC) pericardial sac; pericardial cavityD) thoracic cavity; abdominopelvic cavityE) pleural cavity; mediastinum

46) The plane that separates the abdominal and the pelvic cavities isA) midsagittal on the trunk.B) transverse at the hips.C) superior to the thorax.D) sagittal on the brachium.E) the mediastinum.

47) The mediastinumA) contains the pericardial cavity.B) separates the pleural cavities and includes the pericardial cavity.C) contains the pleural cavities.D) separates the pleural cavities.E) contains the pleural cavities and pericardial cavity.

48) Visceral pericardium is locatedA) on the heart itself.B) lining the peritoneal cavity.C) on the lung itself.D) lining the pericardial cavity.E) lining the pleural cavity.


49) The heart is ________ to the lungs.A) posteriorB) distalC) medialD) proximalE) lateral

50) The kidneys and ureters are organs of the ________ system.A) urinaryB) respiratoryC) endocrineD) digestiveE) lymphatic

51) Radioisotopes have unstableA) electron clouds.B) nuclei.C) protons.D) ions.E) isotopes.

52) Each of the following is an example of an inorganic compound, exceptA) salts.B) carbohydrates.C) acids.D) bases.E) water.

53) The maximum rate of an enzyme reaction occurs atA) dehydration.B) hydrolysis.C) reversible.D) saturation limit.E) synthesis.

54) By weight, which element is the second most abundant in the human body?A) carbonB) hydrogenC) nitrogenD) calciumE) oxygen

55) The molecule O2 is known asA) organic.B) oxide.C) oxygen.D) oxateE) a salt


56) Identify which of the following is both an anion and a compound:A) NaClB) Na+

C) K+

D) Cl-E) HCO3-

57) The weakest bond between two atoms is the ________ bond.A) nonpolarB) covalentC) polarD) ionicE) hydrogen

58) Artificial sweetenersA) are naturally similar to sugars.B) are inorganic sugar substitutes.C) are usually not broken down by the body.D) provide the same number of calories as an equivalent amount of sucrose.E) are always some form of carbohydrate.

59) Identify the product formed from the phosphorylation of ADP.A) adenosine triphosphateB) riboseC) deoxyribonucleic acidD) adenineE) adenosine diphosphate

60) The nucleus of an atom consists ofA) protons + neutrons.B) protons + electrons.C) protons.D) electrons.E) neutrons.

61) The chemical behavior of an atom is determined byA) the number of protons.B) the size of the atom.C) the number of neutrons.D) the outermost electron shell.E) the mass of the nucleus.

62) The atomic number represents the number ofA) electrons in an atom.B) neutrons in an atom.C) protons in an atom.D) protons and neutrons in an atom.E) chemical bonds the atom may form.


63) In an aqueous solution, cations are attracted towardA) salt.B) sodium.C) hydrogen ions.D) anions.E) buffers.

64) Each amino acid differs from another in theA) nature of the side chain.B) size of the amino group.C) number of peptide bonds in the molecule.D) number of central carbon atoms.E) number of carboxyl groups.

65) A shortage of steroids in the body would result in a shortage ofA) proteins.B) sex hormones.C) sex hormones and plasma membranes.D) plasma membranes.E) glycogen.

66) The mass of an atom is largely determined by the number of ________ it has.A) protons + electronsB) electronsC) protonsD) neutronsE) protons + neutrons

67) If an element is composed of atoms with an atomic number of 6 and a mass number of 14, then a neutral atom ofthis element contains

A) 6 protons.B) 8 electrons.C) 8 neutrons.D) 6 protons and 8 electrons.E) 6 protons and 8 neurons.

68) The most important metabolic fuel molecule in the body isA) vitamins.B) glucose.C) caffeine.D) protein.E) sucrose.

69) The monomers of protein areA) nucleotides.B) nitrogen base.C) amino acids.D) fatty acids.E) glucose.


70) An example of an organic substance is:A) lipidB) lipid and proteinC) nucleic acidD) proteinE) lipid, nucleic acid, and protein

71) Indicate which of these lists contains only trace elements.A) selenium, hydrogen, calciumB) silicon, fluorine, tinC) boron, oxygen, carbonD) sulfur, chlorine, oxygenE) cobalt, calcium, sodium

72) Fructose isA) a hexose.B) found in male reproductive fluids.C) a carbohydrate.D) an isomer of glucose.E) All of the answers are correct.

73) Which of the following substances would be most acidic?A) lemon juice, pH = 2B) white wine, pH = 3C) tomato juice, pH = 4D) stomach secretions, pH = 1E) urine, pH = 6

74) In a molecule of nitrogen, three pairs of electrons are shared by two nitrogen atoms. The type of bond that isformed is an example of a(n)

A) polar covalent bond.B) triple covalent bond.C) hydrogen bond.D) double divalent bond.E) single trivalent bond.

75) Ions in an ionic molecule are held together due toA) the attraction of opposite electrical charges.B) the presence of water molecules.C) each electron orbiting all of the ions in the molecule.D) the sharing of electrons.E) the attraction of similar charges of the ions' protons.

76) When a small amount of HCl or NaOH is added to a solution of Na2HPO4, the pH of the solution barelychanges. Based on these observations, all of the following are true concerning the compound Na2HPO4, except

A) Na2HPO4 is a salt formed from reacting a strong base with a weak acid.B) Na2HPO4 adsorbs excess H+ and OH- directly onto the surface of its crystalline structure.C) Na2HPO4 acts as a buffer.D) Na2HPO4 is able to accept extra hydrogen ions from the HCl.E) Na2HPO4 is able to donate hydrogen ions to the OH- from NaOH.


77) Molecules that have the same molecular formula but different structural formulas are calledA) isomers.B) isotypes.C) isozymes.D) isotopes.E) isomoles.

78) The alpha-helix and pleated sheet are examples of ________ protein structure.A) primaryB) secondaryC) tertiaryD) pentanaryE) quaternary

79) Isotopes of an element differ in the number ofA) protons in the nucleus.B) neutrons in the nucleus.C) electrons in energy shells.D) electrons in the nucleus.E) electron clouds.

80) Carbohydrate moleculesA) are the building blocks of cellular membranes.B) contain the genetic information found in cells.C) form the regulatory molecules known as enzymes.D) are composed of C, H, O, and N atoms.E) are the body's most readily available source of energy.

81) In an aqueous solution, sodium ions would move towardA) a positive terminal.B) the bottom.C) an organic terminal.D) a negative terminal.E) a pH terminal.

82) The "atomic weight" of an atom reflects the average number ofA) protons + neutrons.B) protons.C) neutrons.D) electrons.E) protons + neutrons + electrons.

83) Which pH of the following is the most acidic?A) pH 1B) pH 6C) pH 2D) pH 4E) pH 3


84) Substrate molecules bind to enzymes at the ________ sites.A) aminoB) carboxylC) reactantD) neutralE) active

85) One mole of any elementA) has the same number of atoms.B) has the same mass.C) has the same number of electrons.D) has the same weight.E) All of the answers are correct.

86) Oppositely charged ions in solution are prevented from combining byA) heat capacity of water.B) hydrogen bonding.C) free radicals.D) water's nonpolar nature.E) hydration spheres.

87) The most abundant high-energy compound in cells isA) adenosine diphosphate.B) adenosine monophosphate.C) adenosine triphosphate.D) DNA.E) RNA.

88) A nucleotide consists ofA) a five-carbon sugar and phosphate group.B) a five-carbon sugar and an amino acid.C) a five-carbon sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group.D) a five-carbon sugar and a nitrogenous base.E) a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base.

89) Helium (He) has an atomic number of 2. It is chemically stable because itA) readily ionizes to react with other atoms.B) will form a covalent bond with another He atom.C) is neutral in electrical charge.D) has a full outer electron shell.E) lacks electrons, thus the He atom is stable.

90) If an isotope of oxygen has 8 protons, 10 neutrons, and 8 electrons, its mass number isA) 18.B) 16.C) 12.D) 26.E) 8.


91) An example of an inorganic substance isA) fructose.B) water and carbon dioxide.C) carbon dioxide.D) water.E) glycerol.

92) An amino acid is to a protein as ________ is to a nucleic acid.A) a neutronB) a nucleotideC) a proteinD) a protonE) a purine

93) A dust particle floating on a water surface illustratesA) surface tension.B) hydrophilic attraction.C) static electricity.D) heat capacity.E) chemical tension.

94) If a substance has a pH that is greater than 7, it isA) neutral.B) a buffer.C) acidic.D) alkaline.E) a salt.

95) The phosphorylation of adenosine formsA) ATP.B) 2ATP.C) AMP.D) ribose.E) ADP.

96) Nonpolar organic molecules are good examples ofA) hydrophilic compounds.B) hydrophobic compounds.C) solutes.D) molecules that will dissociate when placed into water.E) electrolytes.

97) Interaction between individual polypeptide chains to form a protein complex is ________ structure.A) primaryB) tertiaryC) pentagonalD) secondaryE) quaternary


98) Of the list below, which has the highest concentration of hydroxide ions?A) pH 2B) pH 14C) pH 7D) pH 10E) pH 1

99) AMP + PA) adenineB) ATPC) ADPD) DNAE) 2ADP

100) A(n) ________ removes hydrogen ions and a(n) ________ releases hydrogen ions.A) element; compoundB) compound; elementC) molecule; acidD) base; acidE) acid; base

101) Generally, cells with a very brief interphase and lacking a G0 phaseA) have brief life spans.B) do not exhibit cytokinesis.C) are reproductive cells.D) lack the enzyme DNA polymerase.E) are stem cells.

102) The components of ribosomes are formed withinA) lysosomes.B) Golgi complexes.C) the endoplasmic reticulum.D) mitochondria.E) nucleoli.

103) Water molecules and small ions enter a cell throughA) lipid channels.B) peripheral carbohydrates.C) defects in the lipid layer of the membrane.D) channels formed by integral proteins.E) peripheral proteins.

104) The skin swells and puckers during a long bath. This suggests that bath water is a(n) ________ fluid.A) toxicB) isotonicC) diffusionD) hypotonicE) hypertonic


105) The endoplasmic reticulum is responsible forA) modification of new proteins.B) lipid synthesis.C) shipping molecules to the Golgi apparatus.D) drug and toxin neutralization.E) All of the answers are correct.

106) Osmotic pressureA) increases as solute concentration increases.B) can be opposed by hydrostatic pressure.C) forces water to move across a semipermeable membrane.D) forces water to move toward the higher solute concentration.E) All the answers are correct.

107) Microscopic analysis of a tissue sample indicates that it contains abundant myosin filaments. This tissue isprobably contains

A) reproductive cells.B) bone cells.C) nerve cells.D) muscle cells.E) liver cells.

108) Imagine two rigid chambers separated by a rigid membrane that is freely permeable to water but impermeableto glucose. Side 1 contains a 10 percent glucose solution and side 2 contains pure water. At equilibrium, whatwill be the situation?

A) Water will continue to move from side 1 to side 2.B) The hydrostatic pressure will be higher in side 2.C) Water will continue to move from side 2 to side 1.D) The hydrostatic pressure will be higher in side 1.E) no way to tell what the situation will be

109) Which of following properties of microtubules is true?A) found only in the terminal webB) interact with dynein and kinesinC) another term for microfilamentsD) made of actinE) made of myosin

110) Breathing faster and deeper eliminates more carbon dioxide from the body than normal breathing. Under thesecircumstances

A) more carbon dioxide will diffuse out of the blood.B) more carbon dioxide will diffuse into the blood.C) the amount of carbon dioxide diffusion will remain unchanged.D) less carbon dioxide will diffuse into the blood.E) less carbon dioxide will diffuse out of the blood.


111) The process of forming mRNA is calledA) translation.B) replication.C) ribolation.D) transcription.E) auscultation.

112) The watery component of the cytoplasm is calledA) protoplasm.B) interstitial fluid.C) extracellular fluid.D) a colloidal gel.E) cytosol.

113) Specific proteins are manufactured through the interaction of ________ and ________.A) multiple enzymes; three types of RNAB) multiple carbohydrates; three types of DNAC) multiple proteins; three types of DNAD) multiple enzymes; three types of DNAE) multiple enzymes; two types of RNA

114) Assume that the transport of a particular amino acid across the plasmalemma is observed (1) to occur onlydown its concentration gradient and (2) to slow when a similar amino acid is added to the extracellular fluid.The movement of the amino acid through the membrane is most likely by

A) pinocytosis.B) facilitated diffusion.C) diffusion.D) osmosis.E) active transport.

115) The plasma membrane is composed ofA) carbohydrate molecules.B) a bilayer of phospholipids.C) a bilayer of proteins.D) carbohydrates and proteins.E) carbohydrates and lipids.


Figure 3-2 The PlasmalemmaUse Figure 3-2 to answer the following questions:

116) What part of the plasmalemma is hydrophobic?A) 6B) 1C) 3D) 2E) 4

117) A cell duplicates its chromosomes during the ________ phase.A) GoB) G1C) SD) GmE) G2

118) An impermeable carbohydrate that is often administered to patients suffering blood loss isA) isotonic saline.B) dextran.C) glucose.D) salt solution.E) saline solution.


119) As genes are functionally eliminated, the cell becomes limited in the range of proteins it can make. Thisspecialization process is termed

A) structural integration.B) apoptosis.C) differentiation.D) cellular activation.E) adaptation.


Figure 3-1 The Anatomy of a Representative CellUse Figure 3-1 to answer the following questions:

120) The structure labeled "1" permits the cell toA) trap bacteria.B) produce more cells.C) increase surface area for increased membrane transport.D) attach to neighboring cells.E) swim in extracellular fluid.


121) Which statement best describes osmosis?A) movement of water into a soluteB) diffusion of water from a greater to a lesser water concentration across a selectively permeable membraneC) active transport of water across the cell membraneD) diffusion of water from a greater to a lesser water concentrationE) random movement of water due to kinetic energy

122) The triplet codes needed to specify a specific polypeptide chain are found in theA) cytoplasm.B) anticodon.C) codon.D) gene.E) polypeptide itself.

123) If an animal cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able toA) metabolize sugars.B) produce DNA.C) synthesize proteins.D) move.E) form the mitotic spindle.

124) The stage in a cell's life cycle in which the cell performs its normal functions and prepares for division is calledA) anaphase.B) telophase.C) prophase.D) metaphase.E) interphase.

125) When activated, lysosomes function inA) formation of new cell membranes.B) digestion of foreign material.C) synthesis of proteins.D) synthesis of lipids.E) cell division.

126) The control center for cellular operations is theA) Golgi apparatus.B) ribosome.C) endoplasmic reticulum.D) mitochondria.E) nucleus.

127) The mRNA sequence that is complementary to the sequence ATC on DNA isA) UAG.B) ATC.C) TAG.D) AUC.E) AUG.


128) A patient suffers blood loss and is given IV fluids that contain an impermeable carbohydrate called dextranwhich serves to

A) make the blood hypertonic.B) provide nutrition.C) reduce blood clotting.D) increase the osmolarity of the blood.E) decrease the osmolarity of the blood.

129) In order to maintain cellular homeostasis, an exchange pump ejects ________ ions from the cell and imports________ ions.

A) sodium; potassiumB) sodium; calciumC) potassium; calciumD) potassium; sodiumE) calcium; sodium

130) Cancer cellsA) have a slow mitotic rate.B) generally form benign tumors.C) are indistinguishable from normal body cells.D) do not form neoplasms.E) may exhibit metastasis.

131) Endocytosis isA) a method for transporting substances into the cell.B) a form of anabolism.C) a method for metabolizing within the cytosol.D) a method for packaging secretions.E) a viral infection.

132) Which of the following about a cell's resting transmembrane potential is false?A) represents potential energyB) controls muscular contraction and nervous signalingC) inside slightly more negative than outsideD) inside slightly more positive than outsideE) depends on separation of + and – charges

133) Before the mRNA transcribed from a gene can be used to translate into a protein, it must beA) edited to remove introns and transported into the cytoplasm.B) coated with phospholipids for transport out of the nucleus.C) edited to remove exons.D) edited to remove introns.E) transported into the cytoplasm.

134) Each of the following statements concerning mitochondria is true, except one. Identify the exception.A) The mitochondria produce most of a cell's ATP.B) The matrix contains metabolic enzymes involved in energy production.C) The cristae increase the inner surface area of the organelle.D) The mitochondria require carbon dioxide and produce oxygen in the process of energy production.E) Respiratory enzymes are attached to the surface of the cristae.


135) If a cell has 18 chromosomes and undergoes mitosis how many chromosomes would each daughter cell have?A) 18B) cannot be determinedC) 9D) 36E) 23

136) The intake of small membrane vesicles from the extracellular fluid is calledA) active transport.B) an ion exchange pump.C) facilitated transport.D) osmosis.E) endocytosis.

137) Changes in the transmembrane potential of a cell are involved inA) thought.B) glandular secretion.C) nerve cell communication.D) movement.E) All of the answers are correct.


Figure 3-1 The Anatomy of a Representative CellUse Figure 3-1 to answer the following questions:

138) Which structure produces ATP for the cell?A) 5B) 3C) 2D) 1E) 6


139) As each codon arrives at the active site of a ribosome, it attracts another molecule containing the anticodon. Thismolecule is called


140) If the concentration of sodium chloride in the interstitial fluid surrounding cells decreases and the concentrationof other solutes remains constant,

A) the fluid outside of the cells will become hypertonic.B) the cells will swell.C) the cells will shrink.D) the cells will not change.E) the fluid outside of the cells will become isotonic.

141) If a cell lacked the enzyme DNA polymerase, it could notA) form complementary sequences of DNA.B) link segments of DNA together.C) form spindle fibers.D) form protein.E) form a new nuclear membrane during telophase.

142) The plasmalemma includesA) cholesterol.B) glycolipids.C) phospholipids.D) integral proteins.E) All of the answers are correct.

143) Which of the following statements about the Golgi apparatus is false?A) produces secretory vesiclesB) receives transport vesicles from the RERC) produces lysosomesD) sends transport vesicles to the RERE) supplies new membrane components

144) Which of these transport processes always requires metabolic energy?A) impermeableB) diffusionC) freely permeableD) vesicular transportE) carrier-mediated transport

145) mRNA is needed to synthesize ________ in the cytoplasm.A) carbohydratesB) proteinsC) saltsD) lipidsE) phospholipids


146) Molecular motors that carry materials in opposite directions along microtubules are calledA) kinesin and myosin.B) dynein and myosin.C) actin and myosin.D) dynein and actin.E) dynein and kinesin.

147) Organelles that break down fatty acids and hydrogen peroxide areA) lysosomes.B) toxisomes.C) peroxisomes.D) nuclei.E) endocytic vesicles.

Figure 3-2 The PlasmalemmaUse Figure 3-2 to answer the following questions:

148) Which structure is water most likely to pass through?A) 8B) 1C) 4D) 3E) 2


149) The process by which molecules such as glucose are moved into cells along their concentration gradient withthe help of membrane-bound carrier proteins is called

A) endocytosis.B) active transport.C) osmosis.D) facilitated diffusion.E) exocytosis.

150) An alternate term for tumor isA) cytoplasm.B) nucleoplasm.C) neoplasm.D) primary metastasis.E) benign malignancy.


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