chapter 3, section 4-5 the market revolution and … 3, section 4-5 the market revolution and...

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Chapter 3, Section 4-5

The Market Revolution and

Reforming American Society

Inventions and economic developments in the early


century helps transform American society.

CA Social Science Content Standards: 11.2.1, 11.1.3, 11.3.1, 11.3.2, 11.10.7

Opening Activity:

In a paragraph discuss what

inventions or new technologies

have improved your life. How has

these technologies affected the

American economy?

Taking Notes

Define the following terms:

market revolution National Trades’ Union Transcendentalism

free enterprise Commonwealth v. Hunt William Lloyd Garrison

Samuel F.B. Morse Abolition Frederick Douglass

Lowell textile mills Unitarians Seneca Falls convention



On the timeline, label and date important developments in manufacturing

during the early 19th century.

I. The Market Revolution

A. U.S. Markets Expand

-Market Revolution—people buy and sell goods rather than make


-In 1840s economy grow more than in previous 40 years.

-Free enterprise—private businesses free to operate for profit.

-Entrepreneurs invest own money in new industries.

B. Inventions and Improvements

-Samuel F.B. Morse’s telegraph helps

business, railroads, communicate.

-Improved transportation systems cut freight costs, speed travel.

C. The Market Revolution Transforms the Nation

-Many manufactured goods become affordable in early 1800s.

-Transportation, communication links make regions


-Northeast becomes industrial, commercial; farmers go to


II. Changing Workplaces

A. Effect of Factories

-Families split, towns created, employer-worker relationships


-Machines allow unskilled workers to do jobs of skilled artisans.

B. The Lowell Textile Mills

-In 1820s, Lowell textile mills employ young farm women.

-Women get low pay, but factories pay more than other jobs.

-Conditions worsen: work over 12 hours; dark, hot, cramped


III. Workers Seek Better Conditions

A. Workers Strike

-1830s, 1840s U.S. workers begin to strike—work stoppage over

job issues.

-Employers defeat strikes, replace workers with 3 million new

immigrants (1830-1860)—Potato Famine brought the Irish.

B. National Trades’ Union

-1830s, trade unions in

different towns join to

expand their power.

-Groups from several

industries form National

Trades’ Union (1834).

-Commonwealth v. Hunt:

Massachusetts Supreme

Court supports right to


IV. A Spiritual Awakening Inspires Reform

A. Roots of Reform Movements

-Sense of responsibility to seek salvation, improve self, society.

-Jacksonian democracy’s stress on importance, power of common


B. The Second Great Awakening

-1790s-1840s, Second Great Awaking arouses religious feeling.

-Revival meetings last for days: impassioned preaching, Bible Study.

-Membership in churches rise dramatically—new ones form based on Restorationist and Holiness movements.

C. Unitarians and Transcendentalists

-Unitarians have faith in individual, but stress reason, not emotion.

-Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson develops transcendentalism—truth in nature, emotional, spiritual experience.

D. The African-American Church

-South: slaves interpret hymns, Bible stories differently from whites.

-North: churches are political, cultural, educational, social centers.

V. Slavery and Abolition

A. Abolition Movement

-Abolition—movement to end slavery.

-1820s over 100 antislavery societies call for resettlement of Africa.

-William Lloyd Garrison, white abolitionist, publishes The Liberator, demands emancipation.

-Frederick Douglass, former slave, speaks out on slavery—begins his own antislavery newspaper, The North Star.

B. Turner’s Rebellion

-1700s most slaves African; by 1830 most claves American.

-Few slaves are freed; lives filled with hard work, suffering.

-Nat Turner leads slave rebellion in 1831; about 60 whites killed—

Turner and followers captured and killed.

VI. Women and Reform

A. Women’s Rights Movement Emerges

-Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott call women’s rights


-1848 Seneca Falls Convention approves declaration of women’s


Review Questions

1. The _______________ is the early industrialization of the U.S. where

people began to sell goods rather than make them.

2. The Second _______________ promoted an optimistic message that

inspired people to try to reform society.

3. The _____________ movement promoted ending the institution of


4. In 1848 many women meet at the _________________ Convention

which approved a declaration of a women’s right to vote.

5. With the Market Revolution and factory work came the increase of



abolition trade unions Great Awakening

Market Revolution Seneca Falls

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