class-2 - edusys · farm animal crossword 13 ... life of plants what we get from plants. animal...

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Class 2 / 3 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

CLASS ‐ II S. No. Topic Page No.

1. Syllabus Guide Lines 04

2. Plants - Our necessity 05

3. Colour the Plant & seed 07

4. Plant Hall of Fame 08

5. Animals - Our Friends 10

6. Farm Animal Crossword 13

7. What We are doing with Nature 14

8. Same or Different 15

9. Tale of Lucy Lake 17

10. Fun with Colour 23

11. Amazeing Bird 24

12. Bacteria Rule 25

13. Prepare Your Curd 27

14. Perfect Tomato 29

15. Where is DNA Found 31

16. Who is Who 32

17. Biodiversity 33

18. How Plant and Animal are connected 34

19. Our Unique Planet 35

4 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

Plants About Plants, Herbs, Shrubs, Trees, Life of Plants what we get from plants.

Animal About different types of animals, household/pet animals, wild animals, behaviour of animals, young ones of different animals.

Air Around us Air, features of air, what moving air can do, simple experiments of air.

Water How water is useful, how water move in nature - water cycle, work that moving water can do.

Up is the sky Basic knowledge about Sun, Moon and stars, Indian astronauts.

Our Body Various parts of our body. What work they do. How to keep clean our body parts, bones and muscles.

Food and Nutrition What we should eat. Which food is good. Good food habits.

Safety and First-Aid Safety rules to be followed on roads, while playing. What to do when injured. Precaution while playing indoor games.


CLASS ­ II (based on National Curriculum frame work issued by NCERT)

Class 2 / 5 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


We depend on plants for almost everything. They give us food, vegetables, oils, wood, fibres and lots of other things. Plants are of great importance to us. Now, look at the figures of the plant products, cut them & paste on the space provided in the sentence which matches it.

1. gives us which is sweet in taste.

2. gives us which is used to make


3. From plant we made , on which

we write.

6 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

4. gives us , which mama uses to

make chappaties.

5. From we make .

Do you know Biotechnologist* can improve plants quality and we can get more of sugar from sugarcane, bigger and good smelling rice from rice plants and obtain variety of beautiful flowers.

* Ask your teacher “who is a Biotechnologist”. Can your mother be called an amateur biotechnologist?

Class 2 / 7 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


Label the pictures in the order they occur (from 1 to 4) and colour them.

8 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


Biggest Flower Rafflesia : This flower can be as big as 92 cm wide* and can weigh up to 10 kg**! This is a reddish-brown flower, and gives very bad smell. It is found in South- east Asia. Surprisingly this unusual plant produces no leaves, stems, or roots.

Smallest Plant Wolffia (Duchweed plant) The smallest is Wolffia that float on the surface of quiet streams and ponds. An average plant is 0.6 mm long and 0.3 mm wide (Plant can be fit in this space ) and weights about 150 micrograms (approximately the weight of two grains of table salt). It has the smallest flower. * You may not able to take it out of the door. ** See a 10 kg ‘Atta bori‛ in the Super Market. How heavy it is? Can you lift it?

Class 2 / 9 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

The Largest Tree The largest tree is almost 85 meters tall. (You cannot even see its top by standing under it.) The tree has been estimated to weigh nearly 1,400 tons and it contains enough wood to build 120 average-sized houses!

Do you know Biotechnologists have made orchid which glow in dark. Can you imagine what they used to make such orchid.

Yes ! some of you guessed correctly. These are genes of firefly.

Also ! have you ever imagined a rose to be of black colour or blue colour ? Biotechnologist have made such flowers which are naturally not found.

10 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


Animals are our great friends. They help us in many ways. They give us milk, eggs, meat, leather and many other things. They are our great companions, guard our houses, carry loads & plough fields. Now, look at the picture of the animal and fill the gaps to know what the animals give us.

1. I drink this to grow big & healthy.

2. My mother uses it to bake yummy cakes!

3 Oh! its so cold... clothes made from this keeps us warm.

4. It is is used to make beautiful clothes.

5. It is sweet to taste & is good for health.

6. My school shoes are made of this. H R L A






Class 2 / 11 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

They are called domestic animals. There are another group of animals which live in jungles. They are called wild animals. Can you name five wild animals. (i) ________ (ii) ________ (iii) ________ (iv) ________ (v) ________

Who am I ? Read the sentence and identify the animals. Write its name on the space provided. I am very tall with a long neck ............... I am the king of the forest ................... I am huge with large ears & two big

tooth outside my mouth ....................... I fly high & eat dead animals .................... I live in water as well as on land and have a long

mouth with many teeths. I love water, water is my life.

12 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

Hey kids do you know that these innocent animals are in danger ? Yes, selfish human beings are killing these animals for fun and to make money, as they are very valuable. Their homes i.e. the trees in the jungles are being cleared to make buildings and factories. Have you ever imagined where the poor animals will go ? What will they eat ? Where will they live ? There are many animals whose number is decreasing with a fast rate. Such animals are called endangered animals. Earth is running out of animals like rhinoceros, tiger, birds like hornbill etc. We should love animals, stop their disappearence and provide them home in their natural surroundings.

Do you know that these endangered animals are kept in national parks and zoos where they are provided with all kind of facilities. This is done to save them from disappearing from earth. Can you name an animal which disappeared completely from earth?

Class 2 / 13 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


You have above written farmyard animals. What is the most important feature you want that a biotechnologist should introduce in your farmyard animals.

You want your (1) Cow to give more _______________ . (2)Sheep to give more _____________ . (3)Donkey to carry more ___________ . (4)Goat to give more ______________ . (5)Horse to ______________ very fast. (6)Dog to have stronger sense of _____ .

14 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


“The world is finite, resources are scarce,

Things are bad and will be worse,

Coal is burned and gas exploded,

Forests cut and soil eroded,

Wells are dry and air polluted,

Dust is blowing, trees are uprooted,

Oil is going, ores depleted,

Drains receive what is excreted,

Land is sinking, seas are rising,

Man is far too enterprising,

Fires will rage with man to fan it,

Soon we will have a plundered planet.”

Think how can we stop all these things to happen and save our beautiful planet Earth and its biodiversity.

Class 2 / 15 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


We are all part of a web

Much like the strands in a giant web, all life on Earth is connected in some way. This web is amazingly complex. All creatures are dependent on other living things for survival. For example, we humans use many different plants and animals for food: wheat, potatoes, fish, cattle... Many medicines are made from plants and animals. We need trees to build homes and furniture. In some way, plants and animals also depend on each other for food and shelter. When one strand in the web is broken - if one kind of individual disappears - then many other may be affected including humans.

Every day our actions affect the world around us: the plants and animals, the air, the land and the water. We must try to understand how our lives and the natural world are interwoven and what affect each has on the other.

16 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

Following are some activities of humans. Mark Good which are good for nature and other creatures and Bad which are bad for other creatures

(A) Cutting of more and more trees to make space for living.

(B) Planting more and more trees.

(C) Run vehicles without pollution check.

(D) Dump garbages in the lakes, river etc.

(E) Running factories and plants in the residential areas.

(F) Making compost from household waste.

(G) Burning leaves and litter.

(H) Sending used paper and newspaper to recycle bin.

(I) Helping Government in reducing pollution.

(J) Hunting animals.

Class 2 / 17 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


High in the mountains, deep in the forest, lives Lucy Lake. Lucy is a large, cold lake with many different plants and animals living in and around her.

On a normal day, the plants and animals at Lucy Lake have enough food and clean water to keep them healthy. The wind carries pure air, and the rain comes down clear and clean.



18 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

But lately, Lucy Lake and her friends have not been feeling very well.

All the plants and animals of the forest gather together to talk about the problem. “Why are we sick?” asks the Frog. “Who is doing this to us?” asks the tree. “What can we do?” asks Lucy Lake. No one has any answers.



Class 2 / 19 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

Just then, two hikers kids appear. The creatures of the forest gather around and tell the hikers about their problems. “We are hungry,” “We‛re tired and weak,” “Our babies are sick,” the plants and animals complain. “Can you help us?” they all ask. Both of them nod their heads. “Yes,” one hiker says. “I think I know what the problem is,” he says. “It‛s acid rain.”

“Acid rain is a type of pollution which occurs when the harmful chemicals in the air mix with the rain. The toxic chemicals released from our factories and vehicles also causes acid rain.



20 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

“So, even though I don‛t want to, I help pollution travel long distances through the air!” says Windy Wind. “And whatever‛s in the air falls from the sky in my raindrops!” cries running Rain.

“If you can help us think of solutions to the problem we will deliver a message to other people about how they can clean up our environment,” one kid says.



Class 2 / 21 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

With the help of the plants and animals, the two kids make a list of ideas for saving Lucy Lake and her friends.

Time passes, and after a while, the forest and lake begin to feel a little better.

1. People could turn off the lights when they leave the room.

2. People could not use air conditioning as much.

3. People could use buses or trains instead of cars.

4. People could buy cars that don‛t pollute the air.



22 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

And the next time when the kids climb up the mountains to Lucy Lake, they smile at what they find. “We‛re glad things have started to change,” one kid says. “And we‛re glad you helped us make a difference,” says the other.

You too can help in improving your living area better, reducing pollution and making your mother nature smile again. List what you can do to make your Nature beautiful. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Class 2 / 23 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


You studied that Lucy Lake was happy with frog and many other plants and animals. You can also have fun by colouring them with different colours.

24 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


Hey kids ! Dicky bird has lost its way to home because the sky is hazy due to pollution. He lives on high up on tree branches and his home is called ‘nest‛. Help him to find his way to his home. Colour the path red.

Environmental Biotechnologists are finding ways to reduce the p o l l u t i o n . Hence they found some bacteria who can feed upon oil which pollute water in the water bodies like lakes, ponds, rivers.

Class 2 / 25 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


Hey ! Kids do you know that besides plants and animals, there is another group of living things called ‘bacteria‛ in and around you ? Yes, we also know these bacteria as ‘germs‛ or ‘microbes. These bacteria or microbes are very small and cannot be seen with our eyes. Not even with the lens of your grandma‛s glasses. They can be seen only through ‘microscopes‛*.

Look out, you are surrounded! Bacteria are in your guts (tummy), squiggling in your food-and even look at your hands. Bacteria may sound icky, but could we survive without these tiny life-forms. Absolutely not! Many bacteria do good services. The bacteria inside our stomach help us digest our food. They live just about

everywhere—in air, water, plants, animals and our bodies. Take a close-up look at a few bacteria.

* Ask your teacher to tell you about microscope.

26 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

Do you know ? At any given time you have about a

billion bacteria on every tooth in your mouth.

Answer : Warm and moist, your mouth is a growing place for bacteria. Some of these bacteria feed on bits of food trapped between the teeth. Immediately after brushing you still have up to a hundred thousand bacteria living on each tooth! There are millions of species of

bacteria that can make people ill. Answer : Of the thousands of species of bacteria, only a few make people ill. The disease like typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis etc. are spread by these bacteria only.

Do you know that the curd which you eat is made by one of these useful bacteria. Curd, cheese, bread are some of the useful products which biotechnology have produced since long.

Class 2 / 27 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


Dear little friends, you must have had curd (dahi), butter (makhan), cheese. They are all prepared from milk. But did you ever imagine that very tiny livings things called microbes or bacteria are responsible for changing milk to these yummy, creamy things ? Yes, microbes called bacteria convert milk to such delicacies but we can‛t see those organisms with our naked eyes, as they are very small. Now you know how helpful they are to us.

Curd recipe What will you need 1 litre Milk 1/2 tea spoon curd

Preparation Ask an adult to give you a bowl full of milk which is

boiled and then cooled.

28 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

Now remove the cream (malai) from milk with the help of a filter and warm it (not too much).

In a bowl add curd and milk, stirring well. Place it in a warm place for overnight or for 5-6 hours.

If you use boiled milk or cold milk then curd will not be formed because in very cold or very hot environment bacteria cannot grow. Refrigerate it for 1-2 hours for better results. Note : If weather is too cool especially in winters

cover the bowl with some woollen cloth. Preferably use casseroles in place of a bowl for better result. In summers it take less time to get done.

After keeping the bowl of milk undisturbed for overnight, when you see, what do you find ? All your milk has changed to thick curd !

You must be wondering wherefrom the bacteria have come to change you milk into curd. Kids ! these good bacteria are present in milk and are not at all harmful to us.

Class 2 / 29 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


For centuries farmers have used a method called breeding to grow the most desirable crops. Now, scientists are doing this with tomatoes in the labs. They have combined different kinds to produce larger, redder and tastier varieties.

(Breeding is combining two types of plants of same kind)

We all know that plants produce food for us. But, due to progress in science, scientists are developing better qualities of crops, vegetables and fruits in the labs through experiments.

30 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

Soon, the farmers had tons of very large, very red, very yummy tomatoes.

So, the scientist bred these tomatoes until he had seeds for the perfect tomato.

Hmmm . . . This tomato is very RED but very SMALL.

And this tomato is VERY BIG but NOT VERY RED. What if I breed t h e t o m at oe s together?

Class 2 / 31 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion

WHERE IS DNA FOUND? Answer — DNA is found in all things that are living or have lived.

I think DNA is in plants

I think DNA is in my car

I think DNA is in animals

Where do you think that DNA is found?

I think that DNA is found



32 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


A person who

studies the

genetic code.

Someone who

observes plants in the environment.

Somebody who does

experiments on cells.

Someone who studies viruses and bacteria.

Cell Biologist Micro-Biologist

Geneticist Botanist

Class 2 / 33 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


Biodiversity simply means the variety of all living things on our planet. Just think of all the plants and animals that you know! Scientists now know of 1.7 million of plants and animals that they can name! The exciting fact is that scientists discover new living species everyday and they believe that there might be many millions of different living things on planet earth that we could still discover.

There is still so much to explore.

34 / Class 2 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


All the plants and animals on the earth are connected to each other (including humans). You can see some of these connections by completing this chart.

Where might you go in this web?

Carnivores and




Class 2 / 35 E d uh ea l Fo un da tion


Here are 5 things that we believe make the earth unique. 1. Life — Earth is the only planet that we know of so far that has life on it. 2. It has all the things required for life.

Can you think of any reasons why planet Earth is so special?

3. Strange Processes that make life possible. 4. Change; the earth is constantly changing, 5. People, us !!

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