clever seo tips

Post on 29-Aug-2014






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Fed up of spending all your time on search engine optimisation? Read our clever SEO tips. Plus you can hire Neogain to perform your website SEO!


Clever SEO Tips

Each week we provide juicy search engine optimisation tips for you to devour. Sometimes our website SEO tips are complex, sometimes simple and in today's article they are going to be simple, but also clever!

Often you will find SEO experts overcomplicating search engine ranking strategies.

Yet it doesn't take too much effort to perform some simple search engine placement techniques, which can help get the SEO ball rolling.

Below are SEO ranking tips that cover both tips you can quickly implement to those that require a bit of time.

Before you read our tips which you can incorporate into your SEO strategy and campaigns, please consider hiring our UK SEO services.

Our Hull based firm have a great search engine optimisation team able to help you move your website forward. Our team have the experience that can make the vital difference. Not forgetting by hiring search engine optimisation services, you are saving yourself time!

For UK SEO services, please hire Neogain in Hull.

Change the author names to keywords.

Unless it is a famous blogger or a friend, do you really care what the name is of a blog post author?

I know I don't! Instead change the author names to be keywords. That way each post contains an additional related keyword or two.

Make sure blog categories are keywords.

Too many blogs contain too many categories, with too few blog posts. Worse yet the categories are often chosen without keyword research being part of the decision.

Very surprising seeing as categories are listed alongside most blog posts, which is therefore missing a SEO tweak.

Why avoid categories with few posts?

Too few posts in too many categories will make your website look young, rather than a resource with plenty of juicy content!

So the tip is to have fewer categories, but with more posts and use researched keywords for category names.

Use exact match keywords in links and pages.Whether on-site or off-site try and create a link that is an

exact keyword match.

Example: A link within an article uses the keywords 'Bike Parts', that then links to a page called 'Bike-Parts'. Plus with both pages full of high quality related content, you are increasing the link to page relevance!

Automatically generate two external links without effort.

Sign-up to the 'twitterfeed' service, give it a RSS feed and then configure it to update a Facebook Page and Twitter account.

Then every so often the service will share your latest content on the social networks. Five minutes to setup and automated!


We hope you've found these SEO tips useful, but remember each week we have more juicy website CMS, design and SEO tips for you.

Don't forget if you require a SEO Service, hire Neogain!

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