complete telehealth project

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. TELEHEALTH by Shana Chevillot, Melissa Glover-Johnson, Stacyann Hall, Soniya Lal, Darla Mellott, and Janette Williams.
  2. 2. Telehealth is: Using electronic information and telecommunications to: Support healthcare from a distance. Support both patient and professional education. Improve public health. Increase the contact of the medical field with the patient. Save on travel time and cost for both the practitioner and patient. Add expertise to medical cases.
  3. 3. How is Telehealth used? Successful establishment and use of a telehealth link, requires strategic planning as well as consideration of the following factors; what is necessary for infrastructure, cost and reimbursement, credentialing, and privileging by the distance site, human factors, equipment and technology issues.
  4. 4. 1. Provides care to patients in a remote location, i.e. places like Alaska because weather conditions, access to roads may be impossible, by way of tele/videoconferencing can diagnose and treat the patient. 2. Provide care to patients in dangerous locations such as on the battle fields, for example, a wounded soldier with a gunshot wound, a doctor may not be able to perform that particular surgery, using a robotic device, one such as the DaVinci technology, the physician puts his or her arms into the device that controls the mechanism that can perform surgery, thus may save the soldiers life. Telehealth Advantages
  5. 5. 3. Save time, e.g. The patient may need access to a specialist right away to look at an unusual pimple on the face, the specialist can be dialed up, with the use of video equipment, may view the patients issue and diagnose and treat the problem, therefore saving time that may be detrimental to the patients health for a positive outcome. 4. Can be used for daily monitoring of biometric measurements, e.g. a patient with a cardiac issue such CHF, the doctor may video and converse with the patient, the doctor may notice the patient is having shortness of breath during conversation, a stethoscope may be plugged into the device and the doctor can listen to the breath sounds, the doctor can diagnose and treat the patient. The patients weight can be monitored and treated via telehealth. A diabetics blood sugar can be monitored and treated by telehealth Telehealth Advantages
  6. 6. 5. Can give diagnostic evaluation; Cat scans can be viewed from the home of a radiologist and a decision can be made for treatment, radiologist can view x-rays from home and advise treatment, telehealth can be utilized for effective triage. 6. Has the potential to lower malpractice cost. Clients were given a videotape for later review and as a means to clarify their comprehension, the original tape kept for future reference and as a part of their medical record. Telehealth Advantages
  7. 7. 7. Can afford the client to stay in their community and use their regular health care providers. 8. Telehealth serves as central health record, and improves the quality of the health record. 9. Assists with diagnosis, make and support decisions for the patient, the nurse and even the home health aides. 10. Information can be stored and disseminated for future use in research. Collaboration among healthcare professionals is fostered among interdisciplinary members of the healthcare team. Telehealth Advantages
  8. 8. Regulatory barriers. State laws are either unclear or may forbid practice across state lines. Lack of reimbursement for consultative services. Most third-party payers do not provide reimbursement unless the client is seen in person. Disadvantages of Telehealth
  9. 9. Disadvantages of Telehealth Fear of healthcare system changes. Personnel may fear job loss as more clients can be treated at home and hospital units close. Costs for equipment, network services, and training time. Equipment capable of transmitting and receiving diagnostic-grade images is expensive.
  10. 10. Lack of acceptance by healthcare professionals. This may stem from liability concerns and discomfort over not seeing a client face-to-face. Lack of acceptance by users. This may stem from discomfort with technology, the relationship with the provider, and concerns over security of information and confidentiality. Disadvantages of Telehealth
  11. 11. Remote Home Monitoring or Home Telemonitoring Store-and-Forward Consultation Clinical Video Telehealth or Teleconferencing Hybrid Consultation Teleradiology
  12. 12. Remote Home Monitoring or Telemonitoring Allows providers to monitor the patients health and or vital signs remotely from home
  13. 13. Store-and-forward Consultation Collecting and Storing Data an example of store-and-forward are images, videos and sound. That information can then be forwarded or retrieved by another healthcare facility for evaluation.
  14. 14. Clinical Video Telehealth or Teleconferencing Allows patients to see a specialist from their home or hospital bed, the patient will not have a need to travel, instead the specialist comes to the patient via video and it allows for live interactions. When high quality images and patient interactions are necessary.
  15. 15. Hybrid Consultation Is used for when high quality images and patient interactions are necessary. Use both live and store-and-forward consultations. Hybrid consultations are normally used in specialist / subspecialties such as dermatology, cardiology, orthopedics and family medicine. Case management, pain management and long term care are a few telehealth services that use Hybrid consultation.
  16. 16. Teleradiology Allows radiological images to be sent to multiple locations. Before the images can be sent an image sending station, a transmission network and a receiving / image station is needed.
  17. 17. Also know as: HRSA Goal: to improve the use of telehealth in the rural areas and underserved. This is achieved by: Providing grants. Developing policies Creating and evaluating telehealth programs and technologies. Providing technical assistance Health Resources and Services Administration
  18. 18. Importance to Healthcare Reduces healthcare costs Home Monitoring programs that reduce hospital visits. High cost patient transfers for emergencies are reduced.
  19. 19. Importance to Healthcare Distribution of Limited Providers -Physicians can see more patients faster. Providers will be able to assess remotely and diagnose from a distance. Physicians can use immediate assessment tools.
  20. 20. Importance to Healthcare
  21. 21. Patient Education Telehealth beneficial to patient education Telehealth functions to help patients Understand health information Be better informed about their medical condition Help patients and providers share information Patients have access to health education/information materials to facilitate care and health promotion.
  22. 22. Patient Education Patients now have tools that can empower them to learn about disease and disease management The tools can include equipment to be used in the home. Providers will need to assess the learning needs of patients. Education will need to be given regarding equipment use, result uploads, and what to do with abnormal values.
  23. 23. Patient Education With the use of the equipment: Providers can monitor and have immediate access to results such as: daily weights, blood pressure This facilitates learning opportunities between the patient and provider Allows the patient to actively participate in care Keeps provider aware of patient habits and intervention can occur quickly.
  24. 24. Patient Education Patients have the opportunity to educate themselves with the use of the internet. Online support groups Social network pages Online medical libraries Insurance company websites
  25. 25. Patient Education Involving patients with their care: Increases compliance with prescribed regimen of care Increases compliance with symptom management The use of devices in the home that sends information to the provider makes a difference in the patient healthcare and outcomes.
  26. 26. Patient Education Glucoboy Diabetic tool in a video game The cartridge is inserted into a Nintendo game system and it helps children manage their Type 1 Diabetes
  27. 27. Importance to Healtcare Even with the advantages and disadvantages, there is an abundance of uses and overall the use of telehealth is becoming a common resource that makes healthcare more: -user friendly -time effective -cost effective -dependable Shows great potential for advancing preventative medicine and the treatment of chronic conditions. This is according to the HRSA website (What is telehealth, para. 3).
  28. 28. Reference Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2005). Telehealth. In Handbook of informatics for nurses and health care professionals (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Fry, C. (Director) (2015, April 3). Telehealth. Lecture 8. Lecture conducted from University Alliance, .
  29. 29. Reference: Telehealth. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2015, from ealth What is telehealth? (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2015, from althittoolbox/telehealth/whatistelehealth.htm l
  30. 30. References kiosks-in-select-ohio-pharmacies-allow- customers-to-consult-with-physicians-for-a- nominal-fee and-telehealth-so-important-in-our-healthcare- system professionals/faqs/why-telehealth-important- rural-providers

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