constanza vergara house doug dinsdaleconstanza vergara house slide 1 0f 10 designed by: christian...

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Constanza Vergara House

Doug Dinsdale Constanza Vergara House

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Designed By: Christian DeGroote

Doug Dinsdale

Sheridan College

Architectural Technology

Architectural Computer Visualization 2

Constanza Vergara House

Doug Dinsdale Constanza Vergara House

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Designed By: Christian DeGroote

Architect: Christian DeGroote

Associate Architect: Hugo Molina

Structural Engineering: Luis Soler & Associates


Site: 4,736 sq. ft. (440 sq. m)Building: 2,700 sq. ft. (250 sq. m)

Date of Design: 1980

Construction Completed: 1981

Constanza Vergara House

Doug Dinsdale Constanza Vergara House

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Designed By: Christian DeGroote

Date of Birth: 1931

Schooling: School of Architecture of the Catholic University of Chile in 1952

He became an architect in 1957

Christian DeGroote Bio

He was awarded with the National Prize of Architecture 1993 granted by the School of Architects of Chile.

Constanza Vergara House

Doug Dinsdale Constanza Vergara House

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Designed By: Christian DeGroote

•Located on a sea resort on the Pacific at the northern edge of town in Algarrobos oldest and most urban areas

•Very small site- approx. 4,750 sq. ft.

•The building is set directly in front of the beach around 7 feet above the sand

Site Facts

Constanza Vergara House

Doug Dinsdale Constanza Vergara House

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Designed By: Christian DeGroote

The rear of the building faces the sea and is comprised of wood and glass.

This was done to try and relate the house to the many yachts that sail in the algarrobos bay.

Rear Perspective

Constanza Vergara House

Doug Dinsdale Constanza Vergara House

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Designed By: Christian DeGroote

This is a typical fly-by of the rear of the house, showing the patio area and the beach below

Rear Fly-by

Constanza Vergara House

Doug Dinsdale Constanza Vergara House

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Designed By: Christian DeGroote

Inside the house, black and white ceramic tiling covers the living room floor resembling a chess board.

Living room


This was done to help enhance the feeling of leisure and ease within the building.

Constanza Vergara House

Doug Dinsdale Constanza Vergara House

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Designed By: Christian DeGroote

This walkthrough starts off on the patio then proceeds to go through the doors leading into the living room. Once entering the heart of the living room the camera pans around the room in order to show the entire room.

Interior Walkthrough

Constanza Vergara House

Doug Dinsdale Constanza Vergara House

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Designed By: Christian DeGroote

This view is from the beach facing the rear of the house

The house has an orthogonal structure in order to face the living room towards the best possible view.

Rear of building

Constanza Vergara House

Doug Dinsdale Constanza Vergara House

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Designed By: Christian DeGroote

Thank You

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