consultation workshop for training needs assessment (tna ... · end hunger, achieve food security...

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Course Coordinator: Krushna Mohan Mishra, State Consultant –PR, UNICEF/ SIRD&PR, Odisha


01 Inaugural Session

02 Session 1: Understanding SDGs for localizing it in context to Grassroots Planning

03 Session 2: Group Work and Group Presentations

04 Concluding Session

05 Annexure

List of participants

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INAUGURAL SESSION A consultation workshop was held on 3rd Nov 2017 at State Institute for Rural

Development and Panchayati Raj (SIRD&PR) for the Training Needs Assessment

(TNA) towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through gender

sensitive Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP). The workshop was attended

by government officials from the State, District, Block and GP level. Elected PRI

representatives also participated in the workshop.

The participants were

warmly welcomed by Ms

Amita Patra, Assistant

Director, SIRD&PR for the

one day consultation

workshop and she explained

to them the objectives of the

workshop. She said that the

main aim of the workshop

was to understand the Training Needs of the different stakeholders of local

governance in achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through

gender sensitive GPDP. She emphasized on the needs of capacity development of

the stakeholders for affecting better grassroots governance and mentioned

specifically on the importance of GPDP in the current development scenario.

Ms Patra urged the participants to participate actively in the workshop and raise

issues and concerns related to the capacity needs of the individual stakeholders so

that SIRD&PR could evolve an efficient and effective capacity building framework for

the state of Odisha. She also welcomed Shri P K Biswal, IAS, Addl. Secretary to

Government, General Administration and Public Grievance Department, who has a

vast experience in grassroots planning, to the workshop. She also welcomed Shri

Saroj Kumar Dash, Deputy Director, SIRD&PR and other resource persons to the

workshop and expressed her hope to come up with a training framework based on

the TNA to follow. She introduced Shri Biswal to the participants and requested him

to share his insights on SDGs and achievement of the same.

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SESSION 1: Understanding SDGs for localizing it in context to Grassroots


The session was

presented by Shri

Pradeep Kumar

Biswal, IAS, Addl.

Secretary to

Government, General

Administration and

Public Grievance

Department, who has a

vast experience in grassroots planning. He initiated his deliberations mentioning

about the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which were made keeping in mind

the timeline of 2015. There were 8 MDGs. However, it is obvious that the MDGs

were not the end and that development needs to go ahead which brought in the

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the timeline from 2016 to 2030 and are

aimed to bring forward the under developed countries bridging the gap between the

developed and the under-developed countries. There are 17 goals and 169 targets /

indicators that need to be addressed by 2030. The SDGs are based on the 5 Ps i.e.,

People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.

Talking about people, he emphasized on the dignified life of people, bringing equality

and ending disparity. Talking about the planet, he said that we are using the natural

resources in an erratic way which would lead to degradation. It is important that we

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focus on sustainable consumption and production, sustainably manage natural

resources and take urgent action on climate change so that we can support the

needs of present and future generations. Mentioning about prosperity, he said that

we should ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and

that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.

Talking about peace, Shri Biswal urged for involving people of all areas and spheres

of the society with least disparity to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which

are free from fear and violence. He mentioned that only government cannot do

everything. Hence, a partnership is needed between Government, NGO, CSO,

Private agency and community. He also mentioned about the following 17

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

With these 17 goals, there are 169 targets. He mentioned about a couple of targets

and wished that by 2030, the targets are achieved. He further mentioned about the

role of the panchayats being very pivotal in achievement of the 11 goals. Shri Biswal

wished all the participants for participating in the workshop and identifying the

capacity building needs w.r.t the responsibilities of the different stakeholders in

achievement of the SDGs.

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End poverty in all its forms everywhere

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition andpromote sustainable agriculture

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promotelifelong learning opportunities for all

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water andsanitation for all

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modernenergy for all

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, fulland productive employment and decent work for all

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainableindustrialization and foster innovation

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient andsustainable

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marineresources for sustainable development

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrialecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainabledevelopment, provide access to justice for all and build effective,accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the GlobalPartnership for Sustainable Development

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The session focussed on the localization of the SDGs and understanding the roles of

different stakeholders for the achievement of the same at the grassroots. Shri Saroj

Kumar Dash, Deputy Director, SIRD&PR conducted the session explaining about the

SDGs and its localization along with the role of different stakeholders and the

resources available at the panchayat level. He gave a brief background of the SDGs

and how they came into existence.

The concept of SDGs and the roadway for its achievement was explained to the

audience consisting of elected representatives of the three tier Panchayati Raj

system, grassroots functionaries and other government officials. He further

emphasized on the need of holistic capacity development looking beyond just


Mentioning about the opportunities

for the Gram Panchayats due to

the advent of the CFC and SFC

grants, he emphasized on the fact

that this initiative has given funds

to the panchayats which was

missing before. However, it was

also a fact that only 32% of the

total allocated funds has been

reported as expenditure. It was thus felt that there exists the lack of capacity for the

use of the funds.

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Focusing on Social Development & Economic Empowerment to achieve SDGs, it is

important to build capacity of the different stakeholders for strengthening grassroots

governance. The session was participatory and the participants were deeply

engaged in the discussions on each issue citing relevant examples. Sri B. Krishna

Rao Subudhi, Sarpanch, Padmanavpur talked about the govt. schemes that exists

which have the potential of addressing any one or more of the 17 SDGs. He

mentioned about MGNREGS and old age pension schemes which address SDGs

with link to economic empowerment, poverty and social security.

Smt. Mili Rani Bose, Sarpanch,

Salipur emphasized on the need of skill

development at the village level for

enhancing the potential of self-

employment on one hand and better

jobs on the other for youth. She also

mentioned about the Self-Help Groups

(SHGs) and mentioned that

strengthening SHGs at the village level

would bring in Socio Economic development of the women in the villages resulting in

enhanced wellbeing of the people. Another Sarpanch mentioned about the

awareness on optimum use of available resources and got the focus of discussion

on costless/priceless development.

It was quite evident from the discussions that the achievement of SDGs would be

possible only through serious engagement of the gram panchayats in the

development process. Sri Soumya Ranjan, Sarpanch, Laxmiprasad, Nayagarh

raised the issue of non-availability of safe drinking water in his area and raised his

concern of achieving SDGs related to health under the existing practical condition at

the village. He also mentioned about his planned initiative for water purification

although expressing his concern regarding departmental support in execution of his


Poverty may not be looked through economic point of view, but has different

manifestations considering the different stakeholders involved and affected. Gender

Sensitive GPDP provides a unique vehicle for localization of the SDGs and its

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achievements. Sri Das mentioned during his moderation in the workshop about the

objective of the workshop to identify the existing capacity gaps among the different

stakeholders and also to identify the capacity building needs to be addressed

through the followed process-TNA. Some examples of government initiatives such

as: MGNREGS, Skill development, SHG Federations and Antyodaya were discussed

to make the participants understand about the value of the TNA.

The session gave an overall

understanding of the

importance of SDGs and its

achievement may not be

looked just as a global

obligation. SDGs evolved

from local issues and

problems that exists in the

under developed areas and

needs to be addressed locally. The capacity building gaps thus need to be bridged

through a structured and strategic approach.

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Dr. Amrita Patel, SPC, SRCW,

W&CD Department mentioned

about the outcomes of any of the

interventions that needed to be

taken and the grassroots keeping

in mind to target. She emphasized

on the fact that to reach the

envisaged outcomes, we need to

fix targets or milestones. Focusing

on SDG files, she mentioned about

Gender Vulnerability Index. She

mentioned about schemes such as Biju Kanya Ratna Yojana and Prevention of Child

Marriage Act (PCMA) and as the grassroots leaders to acquire information on the

same. It is important that the outcomes of development initiatives need to be

understood clearly for better goal or target setting. There is a definite need of

capacity building which would help the grassroots leaders and functionaries to

understand the outcomes. She urged the grassroots leaders to develop

understanding on issues such as: child sex ratio, child trafficking, violence against

women (VAW), skill development of women, nutrition and immunization of children.

The session gave an overall understanding of some of the key issues which needs to

be addressed for better social development.

Sri Deba Prasad Dash, Joint Secy.,

SSEPD Department addressed the

participants mentioning the objectives of his

department which is off shoot of the W&CD

Department. He mentioned about the

various schemes and programmes of his

department and tried to explain the link

between the implementation of the programmes for the achievement of the SDGs at

the grassroots. He further mentioned about the role of the gram panchayats and the

PRIs in the proper identification of the beneficiaries and planning for best utilization

of opportunities for the under privileged population in the villages.

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The objective of the group work was to understand the training needs of different

stakeholders in the governance system for the achievement of the SDGs at the


Ms. Amita Patra, Deputy Director

(I/c), SIRD&PR and Dr. Subrat

Kumar Mishra, Asst. Director,

SIRD&PR explained the process for

the group work to the participants.

Four groups were formed. The groups

were asked to present their findings

clearly mentioning the following four


1. Identification of issues

2. Fixing targets

3. Resources availability

4. Capacity building needs reference stakeholders

Four groups were formed in such a way that it has representation from elected representative in form of sarpanches, functionaries in form of PEOs, GPEOs, BDOs and other related functionaries. The groups were also provided with a suggested format to help them in making their presentations.

Group-1: Poverty Reduction


Chitaranjan Behera, Sarpanch

B. Krishna Rao Subudhi, Sarpanch

Basant Kumar Sahu, PEO

Gouranga Loni

Bibhanjan Patra

Sunil Kumar Routray

Rajanikant Sahu

The group emphasized on the training

needs of GPEOs, Ward members,

standing committee members to build

awareness and enhance participation in

the preparation of labour budget and have

clear cut understanding on permissible

works to be undertaken under

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MGNREGS. The group also focused on land development activities and identified

the needs of training and capacity building for important players such as Krushak

Sathi, VLW, Sarpanches, Ward members & PS members. It was mentioned that the

focus of the training programmes must be on convergence.

It was mentioned that there is a need for standard processes for identification of poor

and thus focus should be given on PRA techniques /tools and using the same for the

situation analysis, beneficiary identification and finally, the preparation of Gender

Sensitive GPDP.

It was mentioned that the PRI members needed to be well aware of the various Skill

Development Programmes and be able to match them with the existing capacities of

people at the village.

It was observed that capacity building is needed for different stakeholders for better

implementation of related government programmes and constant monitoring by the

PRI members.

Group-2: Hunger Free Panchayat


Smt. Mili Rani Bose, Sarpanch

Shri. Rajendra Swain, Sarpanch

Smt. Samapika Mohanty

Shri. Saroj Kumar Behera

Shri. Manoj Kumar Tripathy, BDO

Shri. Tankadhar Mahanta, GPEO

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The group, in their presentation, focused on built in skill development as a measure

component to be addressed. Focus was given for trade based training for different

stakeholders at the GP level. It was mentioned that there exists lack of awareness

about GPDP and further lack of focus for the preparation of the same. Strong IEC

interventions needed at the grassroots for awareness creation and participation of

people in the development planning process. The group emphasized for training of

GP Planning Units and further strengthening them for preparation of practical need

based Gender Sensitive GPDP. The group also emphasized on the involvement of

NGOs/CSOs for facilitating better grassroots planning and proposed regarding their

capacity building & exposure for effective IEC at the grassroots.

Group-3: Water and Sanitation


Shri Soumya Ranjan Pradhan, Sarpanch

Shri Nagendranath Kisku, Sarpanch

Shri Ananta Kumar Behera, PEO

Shri Anil Kumar Patra, PEO, Raikia

Sarat Kumar Majhi, PA

Shri Dharmananda Sethia, DPO, Ganjam

The group identified the major stakeholders as the SHGs and other village

committees. Emphasis was given for extensive use of IEC in generating awareness

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among the identified target groups and public in Gender. Further, for addressing the

issues of safe drinking water, focus needs to be on water conservation training on

behavioural changes for different stakeholders and awareness creation / orientation

for better hygiene practices needs to be inculcated among the villagers especially to

the children. Training and capacity building on solid and liquid waste management is

very essential which should be specially designed for the identified target groups. It

was mentioned that technical training may be provided to JEE / ASHA / SEM / PRIs

for integrating the issues related to water and sanitation in the grassroots planning,

implementation and monitoring processes. Focussed IEC drive should be

undertaken for motivating youth and children to inculcate better hygiene practices in


Group-4: Health & Education


Shri Ajay Kumar Mallick, Sarpanch

Shri A.C Jena, Sarpanch

Shri Amay Kumar Parida, Sarpanch

Smt. Swarna Manjari Nayak, CDPO

Shri Anantabandhu Muduli, PEO

Shri Rabindra nath Mohanty, PEO

Shri Mirza Asif Ekbal Beg, BAM

The group identified the CBOs as the main target group responsible for generating

awareness among the people on health immunization, malnutrition & education.

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They emphasized on the process of identification of beneficiaries during the GPDP

process and further, the involvement of trained volunteers (like Bharat Nirman

Volunteers, Nehru Yuva Kendra volunteers etc.) in the planning process. The group

expressed the need of focused IEC on issues like declaring sex ratio especially

among the children the age group of 0-6 years, female foeticide, child marriage,

domestic violence, institutional delivery, girl child education and issues related to

PWD (Persons Which Disability. GPDP was considered as an effective vehicle for

bringing identified issues within the paradigm of grassroots governance and

emphasis needs to be given on the needs of peoples understanding and

participation in addressing these issues. The group emphasized on the training

needs of PRIs at the GP & Samiti level on Gender Sensitive GPDP and on various

tools and techniques that would enable them for better planning implementation and


Smt. Amita Patra, Deputy Director (I/c), SIRD&PR shared her observations from

the presentations made by the four groups and found that the following training

needs must be addressed to meet the SDGs at the local level.

Mass Awareness on Government Schemes and Programmes

Mass Awareness on issues of Health and Hygiene, Nutrition, Education,


Focused IEC campaign in gender related issues

Training on Gender Sensitive Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP)

Involving other stakeholders like CBO/ NGO and volunteers apart from the

already identified stakeholders

The meeting ended with thanking all the participants.

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Sl. No. Name Designation District Caste Sex Mobile No.

1 P.K Biswal, IAS Addl. Secy. GA&PG Dept. Gen M 9437171585

2 Debaprasad Dash Joint Secy. SSEPD Dept,

BBSR M 9437030181

3 Saroj Kumar Dash Deputy Director, SIRD&PR Unit-8, BBSR Gen M 9437189835

4 Amita Patra Asst. Director,SIRD&PR Unit-8, BBSR Gen F 9437078772

5 Subrat Kumar Mishra Asst. Director,SIRD&PR Unit-8, BBSR Gen M 9937309601

6 Santosh Ku. Patra Faculty, SIRD&PR SIRD&PR Gen M 9437423709

7 Krushna Mohan Mishra State Consultant,


8 Mainak Sarkar SPO, UNWomen SIRD&PR Gen M 9937017399

9 Dr. Parikshit Sahoo Faculty, SIRD&PR BBSR M 9438129552

10 Monoj Kumar Tripathy BDO, Suliapada Mayurbhanj Gen M 9438132859

11 Swarna Manjari Nayak CDPO, Tangi, Choudwar Cuttack SEBC F 9937504788

12 Sarat Kumar Majhi PA, Suliapada Mayurbhanj SC M 9583242780

13 Nagendra Nath Kisku Sarapanch, Fania GP Mayurbhanj ST M 9438169866

14 Soumya Ranjan Pradhan Sarpanch, Laxmiprasad Nayagarh GP

Nayagarh OBC M 9778861045

15 Ananta Kumar Behera PEO, Suliapada,Fania GP Mayurbhanj SC M 9438116861

16 Sunil Kumar Rautray GPEO, Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur UR M 9439954292

17 Rabindranath Mohanty PEO, Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur UR M 9861594789

18 Adwait Charan Jena Sarpanch, Patenigarh GP Jagatsinghpur Gen M 9439281529

19 Ajaya Kumar Mallick Sarpanch, Balesakarpa GP, Khajuripada block

Kandhamal ST M 9437327131

20 Saroja Kumar Behera P.E.O, Kankadahad Block Dhenkanal M 9438167208

21 T. Mahanta GPEO, Kankadahad Block Dhenkanal Gen M 9178179509

22 Rajendra Swain Sarpanch, Batagaon GP Dhenkanal M 9938283747

23 B. Krishna Rao Subudhi Sarpanch, Padmanavpur Ganjam Gen M 9437514561


Chittaranjan Behera Sarpanch, Bhagabatpur GP, Shyamsundarpur

Kendrapara SEBC M 9853731343

25 Dharmananda Sethia D.P.O., Ganjam Ganjam SC M 9497338077

26 Bibhanjan Patra PEO, Rajkanika Kendrapara Gen M 9439368369

27 Mirza Ashif Ekbal Baig BAM, Mangapur Puri Gen M 9439993750

28 Anath Bandhu Muduli PEO, Mangalpur GP Puri OBC M 9439010889

29 Amaya Kumar Parida Sarpanch, Mangalpur Puri Gen M 9668344968

30 Samapika Mohanty PEO, Bagalpur,Kantapada Cuttack Gen F 7873525143

31 Anil Kumar Patra P.E.O, Raikia

Gen M 9439306782

32 Basanta Kumar Sahoo P.E.O, Daspalla Block Nayagarh Gen M 9938523543

33 Dr. Amrita Patel SPC, SRCW W&CD dept Bhubaneswar F 9437199737

34 Gouranga Lone PEO Digapahandi

Block F 9938350356

35 Rajanikanta Sahoo DPO, Cuttack DPO, Cuttack M 9437119215

36 Mili Rani Bose Sarapanch, Salipur Bahugram,

Salipur F 9438111942

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Compiled and Edited by:

1. Shri Mainak Sarkar

2. Shri Krushna Mohan Mishra

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