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C U M IN G UP! NOVEMBERA Calendar of Events for November 1979 • FREE

INSIDE' F * *________________ ‘ ' A l l

150 Central Ave., San Francisco 94117

Arts & Entertainment Parties . . . Films . . . Politics

T h eater. . . Concerts . . . Outings Radio & TV Listings & More!

Appropriately attired for Theatre Rhinoceros' production o f "T-Shirts" are (left to right) Martin Kero, David Van Pelt and Greg Kollenborn. The Robert Patrick play continues thru November 17 in SF.

GAY BAY AREAResident? Visitor? Just Curious?

ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTORYWhere to go, what to do!




P o cke t S ize $ A 95 3 W x 5 W + 5501 60 Pages Handling C ash, C he ck o r M.O. to: S.F. Gay Directory ML Bu 14752. Sn Fanti sea. ÇA 94114


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'Sanrfrandsco’s QueéhséaifàT '

tion a nd despa ir tha t too frequently v is it the ho lidays.

As the m on th nears its end, we witness th e s o m b e r l i r s t an n ive rsa ry o f last yea r's do ub le m urde r a t San F rancisco C ity H a ll — th e s la y in g s o f th e late S u perv iso r Harvey M ilk and o f M ayor G eorge M oscone.

W hat do we have to be th an k fu l for. and w ho are we th an k in g? The M other G o d d e ss , G o d , n a tu re , o u r fe llo w hum an be ings, ourselves?

I'd like to im ag ine how Harvey M ilk w o u ld v iew T ha nksg iv in g one year a fter his trag ic death.

I rem em ber Harvey as a w arm , per­son ab le . very Jew ish ( in . th e c u ltu ra l sense), dynam ic, sym pathetic, to le ran t (I cou ld s tr ing ad jectives together forever, no t a ll o f them fla tte ring ) acqua intance.

H arvey w o u ld have la u g h e d a t an, im age o f h im self as the M artyr H ero — inv inc ib le , faultless and haloed. And I im ag ine he w ou ld a lso fin d am using the scram ble am ong various cand ida tes to succeed h im as San F ranc isco 's S u pe r­v iso r in D is tric t Five and as "N a tion a l Gay Leader."

There are elem ents o f fa rce in a ll of San F ranc isco 's e le c tora l races th is fa ll: M ayor. D is tr ic t A tto rney, S h e riff, and Supervisors. In one way o r anothe r, all w ou ld have t ic k le d Harvey's funny-bone — a lth ou gh his ow n invo lvem ent in the ou tcom e o f the races w ou ld have been earnest.

B u t there is one event Harvey wou ld no t have fo un d am using. He w ou ld have been overjoyed, ecstatic.

T h is event was the N ationa l M arch on W ash ing ton Fo r Lesbian and Gay R ights and the c o n cu rre n t N a tio na l C o n fe r­ence o f Th ird W orld Lesbians and Gays.

Harvey w o u ld have ce le bra ted th is Thanksg iv ing no t by g iv ing thanks to som e ab s traction , bu t by g iv ing thanks to the thousands of peop le w ho made the m arch and con fe rence a success.

The o r ig in a l T h a nksg iv in g w as the ce le b ra tio n o f a pe rsecu ted m in o rity

November: a month of mixed emotions . . .

By Roland G. Schembari

Cold and rainy, November is a month of contradictory emotions.The month begins as costumed Hallowe'en party-goers revel into the

wee hours of the first, and continues with the passion and frenzy of last-minute politicking prior to the November 6 election.

Then Thanksgiving Day — that uniquely Middle American holiday,capab le o f d e to na ting feelings of aliena-

co m in g to a new hom e and coopera ting w ith and be ing a ided by the native popu­lation . The coo pe ra tio n d id n 't last long and tha t "p erse cute d m in o r ity " has by n o w n e a r ly d e s tro y e d th e ir N a tive A m erican benefactors. But the idea of d iffe re n t cu ltu res w ork ing cooperative ly is the prom ise o f th is holiday.

The N ationa l M arch on W ashington was p lanned fo r a ll o f us. It was broad- based and grass roo ts. It guaranteed pa rtic ip a tio n by Th ird W orld lesbians and gays and no t ju s t token p a rtic ip a ­tion.

The N ationa l M arch on W ashington was no t run by estab lished gay o rgan i­zations that w ou ld have us a ll appear "n o rm a l” exce p t in the bedroom in the privacy o f ou r ow n homes.

The March has estab lished links that prom ise to b in d us to ge the r in a truly. N ationa l M ovement.

H arvey fo u g h t th e E s ta b lis h m e n t w hen he had to and w orked w ith it w hen he cou ld. He w as not a revo lu tionary. He was a progressive po litic ia n , a pragm a­tic one. The leade rsh ip o f the M arch w o rk e d w ith th e gay e s ta b lis h m e n t w hen the la tte r fin a lly em b ra ced the M arch. No one was le ft out.

W e haven 't w on the fina l v ic to ry , and ou r enem ies are s tro n g , w e ll-hee led , and un p rinc ip le d . But if w e b u ild on the un ity exh ib ite d in W ashington, we w ill em erge v ic to rious.

C elebrate tha t hope th is Thanksg iv­ing.

. Pruxo VieHolly Near, back from Washington and on to u r lo r a nuke-free fu tu re , pe rfo rm s November 17 at Zellerbach Auditorium in Berkeley. She shares the stage w ith J.T Thomas & Susan Freundlich.

Low VoterTurnoutForeseen

San F ranc isco 's D eputy R eg is tra r o f Voters. Jay Patte rson, p re d ic ts a low vo te r tu rn ou t loca lly fo r the N ovem ber 6 election .

C on trove rs ia l issues such as ren t con- ro l, h ig h rise lim ita tion , ab o lish m e nt o f the v ice squad, b in d in g a rb ira tio n to r po lice and fire fig h te rs , an d a proposed he fty increase in co rp o ra te taxes con ­fro n t the c ity 's voters. In a d d itio n , voters w ill e lec t or re-e lect a m ayor, d is tr ic t a t­to rney. sh e riff, and s ix o u t o f e leven supervisors, and w ith o the r C a lifo rn ia voters w ill de te rm ine the fate o f fo u r S tate propos itions.

D espite these pe nd ing votes. Patte r­son says "p ro b a b ly s ix ty pe ice n t o f re­g is te red voters w ill go to the po lls , if it do esn 't ra in — low er if it does."

Asked w hy he fo recasts such a low

(continued on back page)

‘Take Back The Night’

Celebration at Amelia’sA c e le b ra tio n c o m m e m o ra tin g last

year's successfu l Take Back The N igh t M arch en livens San F ranc isco Sunday. Novem ber 18. a t Am elia 's.

W om en can dance upsta irs to con­tem porary disco , o r do w nsta irs to Mary W atkins. L inda T ille ry and o the r a rtis ts : fo r those w ho crave nosta lg ia, the eve­n in g offers "o ldies, bu t g o o d ie s " from the 50 s and 60 ‘s.

A ll th is ( from 8 pm to 1 am) fo r a mere S2 00. Proceeds benefit W om en Aga inst V io le n c e m P o rn o g ra p h y & M ed ia (W AVPM ), w h ich org an ize d th e 1978

and. m ore im portan tly , susta in ou r on ­g o in g p ro je c ts w h ile p ro v id in g seed m oney fo r new ones."

WAVPMW om en Aga inst V io lence In P o rnog­

raphy & M edia pub lishes NEW SPAGE, a new sle tte r fo r fe m in is ts and o the rs in ­te rested in the on go ing s trugg le to end v io le nce aga inst w om en. They 've also pro du ced a s lide -show on anti-w om an m edia, avia lab le to wom en s groups on request.

A n o the r W AVPM p ro je c t prov ides fo r tours o l the Bay A rea's non-gay. x-rated

m arch o f 3.000 on San F ra n c is c o ’s 'b o o k s to re s an d m ov ie th e a tre s . soV ,B roadw ay D is tric t, and b rie fly b u t e ffec ­tive ly paralyzed the c ity 's heterosexual po rn center.

B e th G o ld b e rg , s p o k e s p e rs o n fo r WAVPM. exp la in s tha t a lth o u g h Take Back the N ig h t a c co m p lish e d eve ry­th in g W AVPM had intended, the event took three m onths to o rgan ize and sad­dled the g ro u p w ith S7.000 in unpa id bills .

"T h e m oney from the ce lebra tion w ill le t us pay o ff the balance o f tha t debt.

Share Your Holidays with that Special Guy!A Gay Introduction Service

for the San Francisco Bay AreaRelationship Oriented

Ages 25-60 Private Interviews Discreet

F ifth Successful Year VISA/MASTERCHARGE Accepted



wom en can see firs t-han d the m ateria l th a t c iv il lib e ra ta ria n s w o u ld p ro te c t w ith F irst A m endm ent agrum ents. This sam e m ateria l. W AVPM ho lds resp on s i­ble fo r te rro riz ing w om en 's lives.

G o ldbe rg a lso te lls us W AVPM needs to raise m oney to pay m ore s ta ff. A t p re­sent, she is the g ro u p 's on ly pa id sta ff pe rson , an d she h o pe s fo r " th e re ­sou rces to set up a l ib rary on the sub jec t o f v io le n c e in p o rn o g ra p h y an d the m ed ia tha t cou ld be used by in te rested parties w orld-w ide.

To those gay m en w ho view WAVPM - th e way hard, d r inke rs v iew the W om en s C hris tian Tem perance U nion. G o ldberg says. "We a ff irm s e xu a lity by d is t in ­g u is h in g oe tw ee ri p o rn o g ra p h y an d ero tica.

(continued on back page)

C om ing Up! Decem ber! An a rtic le by Celeste N ew brough on the W in ter S o ls tice C elebrations. C h ris tian ity 's co -o p tio n o f these pagan rites, and their m ag ic transfo rm ation in to to ­day 's t in s e l-a n d -g lit te r C hris tm as.

« f 5 Messiah! tak es on U nion Street!

NCVEA4DEINov. 20 Funding Feminists

In MemoriamHarvey Milk

G eorge M osconeCandlelightProcession November 27

VOTE NOV. 6 ! ^

A0* Benefit ’ for

Union WAGE

Nov. 11

November 4 Chaplin X 2

York Movie Pal Modern Times The Great D ictai

Dealing w ith Street Violence: Unltarian- Universalist Gay Caucus program with a speaker Irom Community United Against Vio lence. 9:45am. The Chapel. 1st U nitarian Church. 1187 Franklin (at Geary). SF.

G40 Plus Club meeting, 1668 Bush. SF. 2pm. Speaker representing the American As­sociation Against Addiction. Members & guests only.

"II Trovatore": by diva Jose Sarria o l the re­vived Black Cat Opera Co.. 4pm at Chez Jacques, 1390 California St.. SF. $2.

Isabel Miller ("Patience and Sarah") reads Irom her new novel, 5-7pm, at the !~ chahal. $1.50.

Charlie Chaplin does cocaine in "Modern Times" (co-leature: "The Great Dictator") at York Movie Palace. 2789 - 24th St.. SF. $2. Call for times: 282-0136.

Crystal Gayle at the Old Waldorf. 7 & 10pm. $8.50/$7.50 adv.. 444 Battery St.. SF (TELETIX)

11Women's Day with the Front Runners,

open to all women interested In running. Today: "Portals of the Past/Beach Run” (3 ml) meets at Lloyds Lake In GG Park, SF. 10am. Info: 863-4942.

"W orking for Your Life” — Documentary screening to benefit Union W.A.G.E., 12:30 & 2pm. at the Roxie Cinema, 3117­16th St.. SF. $2.50. More info at 282-6777.

Jose Sarrla's "La Boheme." See 11/4 listing for Chez Jacques.

Tommy Goodman Band: house favorite at Rainbow Cattle Co.. 199 Valencia. SF. More info at 861-9652.

Belly Dancing for Women. By the Sabah En­semble. 8pm, S2.50 at .The Bacchanal. Al-bany.

18"Out of the C loset"—Zohn Artman hosts

this KFRC radio program, broadcast the 3rd Sunday o f each month. 7:15am, 610 on the AM dial.

"The Gay Life.” Host Randy Allred brings interviews & entertainment your way on KSAN (95FM), 8am.

"Twinkle Riot Aftermath." May 21st Defense Committee program at the Unitarian- Universalis! Gay Caucus. 9:45am, The Chapel. First Unitarian Church, 1187 Franklin. SF.

Come out running with the Front Run­ners! Noncompetitive sport for lesbians, gay men & others Interested in running. Today: Fort Point/Marina Green Run (3.9 mi), meets at Fort Point under GG

j Bridge. 10am. More info at 641-0250 (Gary) or 863-4942 (Pat). A different run every Sunday.

Acolytes In Clown Costumes? Yes. Plus 2.500 balloons, when the Rev. Elder Jeri Ann Harvey delivers the sermon "Send In the Clowns" at Metropolitan Community Church's 10:30am service in SF.

Jose's precariously placed high C's irrepar­ably damage "Madame Butterfly" at Chez Jacques. (See 11/4 listing.)

Soprano Lisa Crawford in concert. 4pm at Metropolitan Community Church. SF

Women's Dance, celebrating the anniversary of 1978's "Take Back the Night March." 8pm-lam at Amelia's. 647 Valencia. SF. 50's & 60 s music, rock & roll and disco, benefiting Women Against Violence in Pornography & the Media. S2.

Sierra Bounty performs at Rainbow Cattle Co.. 199 Valencia, SF. Further info at 861-9652.

25“ Men of Music." Presentation & perform­

ance by members of the Chamber Singers (madrigals, ballads). 9:45am. The Chapel. 1187 Franklin. SF. Spons. by Unitarian- Umversalist Gay Caucus.

Al-Anon at the SF Women's Bldg: Support group for women who are lovers, friends, spouses of alcoholics. 7:30pm, every Sunday. Information: Jackie. 648-3919.

monday"An Evening with Our Friends." 7-hour per­

formance m arathon benefiting Pride Foundation. 330 Grove St.. SF. 7pm-2am, S5. Announced perform ers include Michelle (performing songs from the all­male cast production of "Hello Dolly!") and Ruth Hastings. Call to confirm: 863­9000.

Intro to Cervical Self-Exam: Drop-in. 7-Jtpm. at SF Women's Health Ctr. 3789-24th St.. $3. Further info: 282-6999.

Lana Turner In person! Career film clips and on-stage interview. 8pm at The Warfield Theatre. 982 Market. SF. Call 775-7722.

"The Gay Life," rebroadcast of 11/4 pro­gram, lam tonite (i.e.. Tues morning).

12Back to the beginning, the garden and the

cave, where were the women when it be­gan? "Women and Religion, Part I ." first of a three part series examining the origin of the female spirit. KPFA radio. 94.1FM. noon. (Part II. 11/19; Pari III, 11/26.)

Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club Gen'l Mtg. 7:30pm. Metropolitan Com­munity Church, SF. Main topic: endorse­ments for Dec. run-off elections.

SF Gay Freedom Day Marching Band & Twirl­ing Corps performs Gershwin & more at Pauley Ballroom, UC-Berkeley. Benefit for Pacific Center for Human Growth. 8pm, $4 (thru BASS).

19"Sextette" double-bills with "Boys in the

Band" at the Strand Theatre, S1.25-S2. Call for times: 552-5990.

Lesbian Chorus' weekly practice. 7:30- 1030pm. Every Monday nite at the Wo­men's Bldg. Further info: 824-3616.

"The Gay Ufo," rebroadcast of 11/18 pro­gram. 1am Tuesday morning (Nov. 20),


tuesdgyVoting Day! Polls open 7am; close 8pm. Any

questions? Call the Registrar of Voters (558-3417) or your favorite campaign headquarters.

SF Gay Men's Rap: 7:30pm at SF Metropoli­tan Community Church. (Rap is non­sectarian.)

Bisexual men's rap group: Drop-in every Tues. nite. 7;45pm, at Pacific Center lor Human Growth, Berkeley. More Info from Al at 845-7912. Donation requested.

13N.O.W./SF Chapter meets 7pm at the Wo­

men's Bldg, the 2nd Tuesday of every month.

The Naked Civil Servant in the flesh. Quentin Crisp opens his 1-man show, "An Evening with Quentin Crisp." at Marines' Memorial Theatre. Tonite thru Nov. 18. Further info: 673-6440.

“ Out, ou t, damned s p o t!" Macbeth previews at the Julian Theatre, tonite thru 11/16, 8pm (half-price admissions) Opens Nov. 17, runs Thurs-Sun through Dec 22 (no show on Thanksgiving). "D is­counts to srs., students, handicapped, unemployed, cab drivers and groups." ------------ $4-$5 or PAS.

20"Corporate & Foundation Funding — Cur­

rent Trends & Po lic ies A ffec tin g I Women's Organizations.” Workshop j sponsored by Funding Feminists, a ti 1855 Folsom, SF. S15/S10 FF members. Call for info: Sue, 362-0454.

Young Men's Rap Group (Under 19): Hospi­ta lity House, 146 Leavenworth. 6pm, Every Tuesday.

"Lesbians In the Mainstream; Images of Lesbians in Recent Commercial Fiction," program by Maureen Brady & Judith Adair McDaniel. 8pm, $2. a l The Bacchanal. Al­bany.

27Noel Coward's Hay Fever continues thru Dec

31 (various nites) at American Conservat­ory Theater. 450 Geary. SF. S4.50-S12.50. Further Info: 673-6440.

Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone were slain one year ago today There will be a silent candlelight proces­sion tonight, from 18th & Castro to SF City Hall. Assembles 8pm. Organized by friends & associates of the late supervisor.

Women's Pro Basketball: 1st home game of the SF Pioneers (up against the NY Stars), Civic Auditorium, 8pm. $357. Reservations: 776-9404.

Gay Latlno/Latina Alliance. Meet the Iasi Tuesday of every month, 7:30pm. al 362 Capp Street. SF.

Women's ritua ls, celebrations o f life & change. Part III of KPFA's series on "Women & Religion." See 11/12 listing. Noon.

wednesoT/Planning Meeting for International Women's

Day with Options for Women Over 40 East Bay. Call for time & location: 2239152.

Young gay male problem-solving suppor group, 4-6pm, Center for Special Prob lems, 2107 Van Ness Ave, SF. Every Wed nesday. •

Lay witness worship services, every Wed 7pm, at Metropolitan Community ChurchSF.

14"That's Entertainment!" Amanda Hughes

singing in Oakland, at The Zephyr Show room & Disco. 3rd & Broadway. Phon« 835-3060 for times & price.

Preview: Lillian Heilman's The Little Foxes now thru 11/19 at A.C.T.. S4-S10; open: Nov 20 for a six week run thru Dec 25 (S4.50-S12.50). Schedule varies. 673-6440 for Info on tickets, show dates, time. 45( Geary, SF.

Miguel Pinero's "Short Eyes," NY Drama Cri tics Circle choice as Best Play of 1973-74 8pm. Tues-Sat; 7:30pm. Sun thru Nov 25 Victoria Theatre. 2961-16th., SF. Ticke info: 863-7576.

Gay Boys' Radio: "Fruit Punch" airs 10pn every Wednesday on KPFA (94.1FM).

.;S|- «S?

21Andy Warhol lends his name to the erotic

monsters In "Dracula" & "Frankenstein' at the Strand, S1.25-S2. Call for times 552-5990. Boris Karloff it's not.

Jack Lemmon does dragl Billy Wilder's clas sic. "Some Like It Hot" (8pm). Double billed with "Something for Everyone" (6 8 10:10pm) at the Roxie Cinema. 3117-1611- St.. SF. Call to confirm times: 863-1087.

Disabled Women & Sexuklty: program al The Bacchanal. Albany. 8:30pm. $2.

Gay the KPFA wayl Fruit Punch broadcast on 94.1 FM. 10pm. Every Wednesday.

26"G ir l Friends" double-billed with "Nex

Stop. Greenwich Village" at the Roxie Cinema.3117-16thSt., SF Call for times« prices: 863-1087.

The documentary NBC refused to air: "Dan gers of Radioactive Waste" (1979) with "Shut 'Em Down," benefit showing lot People Against Nuclear Power, al Ashkenaz. 1317 San Pablo Ave.. B'ly. 2 bucks. More info at 525-5054.

Jazz at Fori Mason! M.J. Lallo & Trio at the Marina Theater, Ft. Mason. Bldg. 310, SF 8pm. $3 or PAS.

Marsha w ithout John entertains at The Zephyr. 480 3rd St.. Oakland. 9pm- 1:30am. Cover

* 7 1 CCA4ING GP! Calendar Oasinn: Bill Hartman


"Lea Fleurs du M ai." E xh ib it o l N ikk i Schrager's paintings, Mon-Sat, thru Nov 17 at Zuni Cale & Gallery. 1658 Market S t. SF. 11am-6pm.

Lesbian Health Issues: workshop fo r health care providers & clien ts, 7-10pm, SF Women’s Health Ctr., 3789-24th S t , $7.50. Info at 282-6999.

Barbara Graham's wry comedy, "Jacob's Ladder,” Thurs-Sun through Nov 18, at Berkeley Stage Co.. 1111 Addison, 8pm. $5-$6. Ticket info: 548-4728.

Theatre Rhinoceros' p ro du c tion o t the Robert Patrick 1-act comedies. "T-Shirts" & "M y Cup Ranneth Over." Thurs-Sat thru Nov 17. at the Goodman Bldg. 1115 Geary. 8:30pm. $3.50 Thurs/$4.50 Fri/Sat. Reser­vations: 626-1921 (afternoons).

Final Weekend! Eureka Theatre Company's "Comedians." $5-$6, at 2299 Market S t. SF. Call for showtimes: 863-7133.

Messiah! rocks out on Union Street: At Ivan Alexander's. 1969 Union, SF. 9pm-1am. No cover. Thru Saturday.

Pilar du Rem: jazz & rock at Chez Jacques, 1390 Calif. St.. SF. 10pm, $3. Also. 11/8 4 11/15.

8Young lesbian problem-solving group.

4-6pm. Center for Special Problems, 2107 Van Ness Ave.. SF. Every Thursday.

SF Feminist Democrats meet 6pm at 350 McAllister S t, Room 1200. Meets the sec­ond Thursday ot every month.

Newcomer's Orientation for Gay men new to ' SF. Every Thurs, 7-10pm: resources for jobs, housing, meeting folks. $10 includes info k it Tele: 648-5948. Wed or Thurs.

Radical Womeh Mtg: report on the National Third World Lesblan/Gay Conference 4 March on Washington, 266l-2lst St., btwn Bryant 4 Potrero, SF. 7:30pm, Info: 824-1497.

Final weekendl Les Nickelettes' punk ver­sion o f "Peter Pan." See 11/2 listing. Closes Nov. 10.

The fabulous Sharon McKnight belts 'em out cabaret style at The Zephyr Disco 4 Show­room. 480 3rd St., Oakland. For show- times 4 p rice : 835-3060.

15Third World Gay Caucus. This social/activist

group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month. 8pm, at 362 Capp St. (upstairs), SF. Further into at 648-2162.

“T-Shirts" 4 “My. Cup Ranneth Over." Final weekend ot the Robert Patrick Festival produced by Theatre Rhinoceros. See 11/1 listing. Closes Nov 17.

The Izquierda Ensemble from Portland. Women's quartet rooted in a jazz, latin 4 blues tradition. La Pena Cultural Center. 3105 Shattuck Ave.. B ’ly. 8:30pm. $3.50. Childcare info: 654-9722.

Disco In Vallejo! Any Thurs. Fri or Sat nite at Big Jim's, 324 Virginia S i


a devotiona l service at M etropolitan Community Church. Join your sisters 4 brothers for dinner (4 football on the tube). Details at 863-4434.

Annual UNTHANKSGIVING w ith the Ameri­can Indian Movement, 4pm at La Perta Cultural Ctr. 3105 Shattuck Ave., B'ly. Donation. Info: 849-2568.

Rock 4 disco with Messiahl Ton ite .th ru Saturday. 9pm-1:30am, a! Ivan Alexan­der's, 1969 Union St.. SF. No cover.

29Preview of the Berkeley Stage Co.'s produc­

tio n o f A lb e rt In na ura to 's "W isdom Amok," 1111 Addison S i. $4 .8pm. Ticket info: 548-4728. Opens 12/5 at somewhat higher prices.

May 21st, Cont'd: further hearing into last spring's City Hall riot. 9:45am, D ep l 1. Municipal Court. SF City Hall.

Peter Pan Goes Punk in Les Nickelettes' new wave rendition of the James Barrie favo­rite. Thurs-Sat. 8pm. thru Nov 10. Per­fo rm ance Space. 1350 W aller (nr Masonic). SF. $3.50.

"The Runner Stumbles." Milan Stitt's court­room mystery, a la the SF Actors Ensem­ble. Fri 4 Sat. 8pm. thru Dec 9. Sunday matinee. $3, 3pm. 2940 - 16th St., Ticket info: 861-9015.

In Concert) SF Gay Man's Chorus. 8pm. Sanctuary ot the First Unitarian Church. 1187 Franklin. SF. $4 donation.

A society that revered women and had no wars is briefly resurrected in Batya Podos' production o f "Ariadne." playing Fri 4 Sat th ru Nov 17. 8:30pm, $3.50. at Studio Eremos. 499 Alabama S t , SF. Wheelchair access/childcare.

Odla Coates sears your soul at Jack London Square's Zephyr Disco 4 Showroom. 3rd 4 Broadway, Oakland. 9pm-2am, cover.

Younger lesbian rap support group. 4-6pm; and open lesbian rap. 8pm; every Fri at Pacific Center, B'ly.

"Wilmington 10, U.S.A. 10,000” : Film chron­ic ling the plight of b lack po litical prison­ers In the US. Benefit for South African Ant I-mercenary Coalition, 7:30pm at St. John's Lutheran Church, 3126-22nd St. (at Capp), SF. $2.

Clare Welnraub, Classic Guitarist, will pre­sent a program of works by 20th century Latin American composers. 8pm at the Community Music Center. 544 Capp S i, SF.

Queen’s Ball and Coronation: See stars! Win p r ize s !. . . enterta inm ent by Messiah! 9pm-2am, Bimbo's 365 Club. 1025 Co­lumbus. SF. $15-$20 (BASS). Ticket info: 441-0666

Only one week left to subm il listings for Coming Up! December. Deadline for free listings is November 16. Advertis­Ing deadline: November 20.__________

16Sha'ar Zahav. gay Jewish synagogue, meets

7:45pm every Friday nite at the SF Jewish Community Ctr., 3200 California St. Phone 626-3131 for more info.

The Izquierda Ensemble. See 11/15 listing. Last stop of their national fall tour. Tonite at Artemis Society. 1199 Valencia (at 23rd). SF. 9 4 10:30pm. $3-$5 (sliding scale). Childcare info at 654-9722. Wom­en's event.

Gays under 21. Social 4 rap group meets Fridays; 7:30-9pm, at 330 Grove St., SF. Under 21 only.




"Just As I Am:" MCC's weekly radio broad­cast, 12:10pm (KFAX. 1100AM). '

M.J. Lallo 4 Trio: original jazz at Salonica's Lounge. 4026-24th St. (nr. Noe), SF. 8pm. no cover.

East Bay Premiere of Vincent Collins' "Ani­mation," with other experimental anima­tion works 4 a Collins retrospective. 9pm, S2 at Ashkenaz, 1317 San Pablo Ave.. Berkeley. More info: 525-5054.

Nicholas. Glover 4 Wray's 3-part harmony (pop 4 jazz) a t Chez Jacques. 1390 California St.. SF. 9:30pm, $3.

"Gay News 4 Views": Hom osexuals in politix. discussed by BAR'S Paul Lorch, the Sentinel's Chuck Morris 4 SF mayoral candidate David S co tl Cable Channel 26. SF. 1am.

10Benefit for ths Feminist Writers' Guild, fea­

turing writer T lllle Olsen; film , entertaln- m e n l workshop (brown bag lunch). $10 adv/$15 door, at the SF Women's Bldg. Info: 525-8816.

Gay man under 21: support group, 1-4pm every Sat. at Pacific Ctr.. B'ly.

"The Living Past": Our Bay Area as seen and lived by grandmothers still residing here. 1pm, KPFA (94.1) FM.

17Holly Near in concert w ith J. T. Thomas 4

Susan Freund lich at Ze lie rbach Au- • ditorium (UC-Berkeley). $6. $3 for kids, disabled 4 srs. 7pm 4 10pm. Spons. by W om en lo r a N uclear-Free Future.

. Childcare, signing 4 wheelchair access.

"An Evening of Sonic Meditations"— Ben­e fit for the Women's Bldg w ith composer Pauline Ollveros 4 Alea II (Stanford U's new music ensemble), 8pm at the Women's Bldg. $2-$4 or PAS.

"Ain't Misbehavin'" — Fats Waller musical extended thru Nov 24 at the Curran Thea­ter. 445 Geary. Tues-Thurs. 8pm; Fri-Sat, 8:30pm. S10-S19. Ticket info: 673-4400.

Hot Licks 4 Hot Flashes by the Fry Cooks and The Singers. Comedy/music by Karen Ripley. Terri Chandler 4 Debbie Kassel. 8:30pm. $3. at The Bacchanal. Albany.

24Concert with The Linda Tillery Band,

9:30pm at La Pert a Cultural Center. 3105 Shattuck Ave. B'ly. $3.50.

"Line Drawing." See 11/23 listing.

American Premiere! Opening nite o l "Vin­egar Tom ." a hard-h itting play about witches past and present. Thurs-Sun, 8pm, at The Eureka Thetre, 2299 Market. SF. $5-$6. Ticket info: 863-7133.

"Line Drawing." Poetry play with Aaron Shu- I rin 4 Silvana Nova. Original music by I Peter Hartman. 8:30pm. The Performance I Space. 1350 Waller. SF. $3. Also: 11/24, 29.30 4 12/1.

Balya Podos' production o t Ariadna runs through November 17 a t Studio Eremos in San Francisco. The horned c ritte r is her brother. i


The Bacchanal — A Fem in is t Bar 1369 So lano Avenue. Albany

Metropolitan Community Church 150 Eureka Street, SF

Pacific Center fo r Human Growth 2712 Telegraph Avenue. Berkeley

Strand Theatre 1127 M arket S treet, SF

W omen's Building of the Bay Area 3543 18th Street. SF


December deadline for free listings in s Coming Up! is November 16 (earlier than i usual, because of the holiday). Events list­? ings and graphics should be mailed to:

Coming Upl150 Central AvenueSan Francisco, CA 94117

Advertising deadline: November 20. & Rates available on requesl Phone 431- ( 7243 for advertising information only.

In Concert!San Francisco Gay Freedom DayM archingBand

Nov. 12

Compare the candidates. There's a difference.

»: ( if you're in the neighbor- I hood) cocktail party 4 reception honoring I newly-apppointed gay Judge Stephen I Lachs; fundraiser for California Human I Rights Advocates. $10, 5:30-8pm, The I Lobby Restaurant. I117-11lh SL

Woody Allen's "Manhattan." Genius meets nostalgia at the York Movie Palace. 2789­24th St.. SF.$2/kidsS1. Times: 282-0316.



Profil« T*x

PROP "O" High RU* Lami I*non

Will Not Say

Vote for David Scott fo r Mayor


Am elia’s...(con tinu ed from fro n t page)

"S o m e th in g p o rn o g ra p h ic m ust po rtra y a m an. (WAVPM con ce rn s i t ­s e lf a lm os t exc lus ive ly w ith he te ro ­se xu a l p o rn , in w h ich the no rm is m e n d o m in a t in g a n d lo r a b u s in g w om en . Ed.) wom an o r ch ild be ing bo un d , raped, to rtured , degraded, m utila ted , o r m urde red to r sexual s tim u la t io n ."

S h e c o n t in u e s : "T h e m a te ria l sho w s unequa l p ow er re la tionsh ips, usua lly be tw een men and w om en in

sexua l con te xt, in such a way th a t it seem s to recom m end and applaud ine qu a lity ."

E duca tion a l m ate ria ls w ill be ava il­ab le a t A m elia 's d u rin g the N ovem ber 18 ce le bra tio n a nd dance. In ad d itio n , p ho­tographs o f the 1978 m arch and c oncert w ill line the w a lls o f the bar.

D e scrib ing las t y e a r ’s m arch a t its peak, one p a rtic ip an t la te r w ro te : “ Fo r an hour. B roadw ay be longed no t to the barkers, the p im ps, th ep o rn o g ra p h e rs , o r to the thea ter ow ners, no t to po ten tia l rap ists, no t to w histles, hassles, o r ca t­calls. It be longed ins tead to the songs, vo ices, rage, v is ion , s tren gth , and pre­sence o f th ree thousand wom en who to ok back the n ig h t."

D onations m ay be m ailed to : WAVPM, P.O. Box 14614. S.F., CA 94114.


T-Shirtsdirected by Sam Blazer ' Y C j C j t r

My Cup Ranneth Overdirected by Lanny Baugniet

Thurs, Fri and Sat at 8:30pm Oct. 26 through Nov. 17

Goodman Building 1115 Geary(between Van Ness & Franklin)San FranciscoReservations: 626-1921 (noon to 6 pm)

Kay PachtnerThe Qualified candidate for Supervisorjn District 5.

“ I find Kay to be an experienced, progressive activist, a feminist, a woman of profound political sub­stance, and a person eminently qualified for the job of supervisor.”

--Sally Gearhart

Sally Gearhart is an associate professor o f speech communications at S.F. State, an author and prime mover o f lesbian, gay and women's rights, and co-chair o f the Harvey Milk United Fund.___________________________

Paid lor by Kay Pachtner fdr Supervisor

Stopping all tra f f ic a t C o lum bus & B roadw ay! N ovem ber 18 m arks the f irs t anniversary o f 1978 s 'T a k e Back the N ig h t" M arch in SF. C elebrate the event a t A m elia 's th is m on th , a t a w om en’s S u pe r D ance be ne fit fo r W om en Aga inst V io lence in P o rn og ­rap hy & M edia. (Check ca le nd ar fo r de ta ils.)

Contributors & Staff

C o m in g U p ! is p u b lis h e d by B il l H artm an and Roland Schem bari as a n o t-fo r-p ro fit com m un ity service. L is t­ings are free. M ailing address: 150 C en t­ral Avenue, SF 94117,

People, groups, businesses, c lubs, o r co llec tives w ho w an l to lis t events in the calendar sho u ld m ail no tices to us. We m ust receive lis tings by the 20 th o f the m on th p reced ing the m on th o f pu b lica­tion . No e xce ptio ns : we cannot take l is t­ings by phone.

We w elcom e, bu t can n o t be respon­s ib le fo r. graph ics s ub m itted lo C om ing U p! Enclose SASE for re tu rn o f photo m ateria ls o r illustrations.

A d ve rtis in g on ly : 282-4480 or 431­7243. Rate cards ava ilab le on request.

Contributors & Stall; Priscilla Alexan­der, Betsy Callaway. Gwen DeJong. Susan I Elisabeth. Allan Estes. Arthur Evans. Bill | Hartman. Boo Boo LaRue, M.J. la llo , Al- I bert Ochoa. Roland Schembari, Fred Schadick.

Jose At Chez Jacques

Jo se S a rr ia , S a n F ra n c is c o 's f ir s t o p e n ly gay c a n d id a te fo r p u b l ic o ffice — the m an w ho created the title a n d be ca m e E m p re ss I de San F ranc isco — is back!

Jose re tu rns as leading d/va o f the re­v ived B lack Cat O pera C om pany, ap­pearing a t C hez Jacques in San Fran­c isco th ro u g h o u t th is m on th . This reper- tro ire fo r N ovem ber: I I T rovatore, La . Bohem e, and Mrs. P a p illon (M adam e Butte rfly).

■ A ccom pan ied by p ia n is t J im M cG in­n is . Jose z e s tfu lly c o m m its o p e ra tic hom ic ides, succe ss fu lly ga rb lin g p ro ­gram notes, s in g in g a ll m a jor ro les in w hatever language com es to hand, and insu lting h is audience betw een gener­ous s p r in k lin g s o f p re carious h ig h c s.

F o r d e ta ils , c o n s u lt C o m in g U p ! ca le nd ar lis tings.



(continued from front page)

tu rn ou t, P atte rson said, "th e re 's ju s t no t as m uch vo te r inte rest as in previous m ayo ra l e le c tio n s . T he re have been sm a lle r tu rn ou ts , bu t no t fo r a m ayoral race ."

VOTING INFOP o lls open a t 7 a.m. Tuesday m orning

and close 8 p.m. that night.Because p o lls tend to be crow ded be­

fo re an d a fte r w o rk and du rin g lunch breaks, it 's best to p lan y o u r day so that

you vote be tw een 9 and 12; o r be tw een 1 and 5.

The law requires em ployers to a llow w orkers tim e o ff fo r vo ting .

If fo r any reason you are n 't a llo w e d to vo te a t yo u r p re c in c t o r d o n 't kno w w here to vote, ca ll the reg is tra r's o ffice a t 558-3417 fo r assistance.

Q u a t t r o

^BuoMuinii (Quartet

Chninlirr iîliiaic for partira mtb Special (Occasions

415 - 752-6529


/p , We buy private libraries, p j, NS. We do search-service for /fr , '\y out o f print books, and 'l l

■ order new books.



Retain Sheriff Gene

BROWNI Paid lor by Committee to Reelect Gene Brown |

1 00% FREETo The A p p lican t

em p loym en t Specia lists


HZ M ET - ttlllt SIZ - U l f lAaOSCI - »7-7«!

. ~ T ~ 1 Week Only! November 13-18! at A.C.T.’s Marines’ Memorial Theatre

Crisp’s unique autobiography of survival is spiced with great dignity and humor as he reflects about living in England when it was not fashionable (or homosexuals to be out of the closet.

“ D o s e e th i s m a n ! S ty l is h , f u n n y , t h e a t r i c a l ! ”-Cltvr Barnet. NEW YORK IN 1ST

Tues -Thurs. at 8 p.m.; Sat. at 2 p.m.;Sun. at 3:30 & 7:30 p.m.: Orch. $7.90. Bale, $6.90 Fri. & Sat. at 8:30 p.m.: Orch. $8.90. Bale. $7.90

Tlckela-by-Telephone (415) 673-6440MaUertharRe A Visa Accepted ill <m«r iiurgr pm ..idni

Group Discounts: 771-3880Tickets arc alvi available al all BASS nuilelt and teleclrd llckct atienriet

“ The present a d m in is tra tio n hopes to ‘coo l o ff’ the housing m ove­m ent. buy o ff the fem in ist and gay m ovements, bust the unions and p it rac ia l and ethn ic m inorities a gainst each o the r. We can 't le t tha t happen. We can’t be content to le t corporations, real estate specu­lato rs and big u tilitie s decide our fu tu re .”


F r ie n d s o f H o w a rd W a lla c e

Paid (or by Friends of Howard Wallace

A real fighter.

Supervisor 7


Paid tor by C om m ittee to E lect Enola D. M a x w e ll. 282-6066

"O n ly one cand ida te in D is tr ic t F ive has the courage to s tand up and speak the tru th . I trust D ennis P eron . Jo in us lo r ju s tice on N o vem be r 6. “

— M a rg o St. James


151 Noe St.. SF 863-7138

Paid lor by Dennis Peton for Supervist

The Gay Voters League, urges you to vote for our choice:

Paid (or by The Gay Volere league

» O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

Stonewall Democratic Club of San Francisco












Tuesday, N ov 6 POLLS OPEN: 7AM lo 8PM.

Voler in fo : 495-7182. 821-771Pud lev By Slon.Mll

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

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