cv- jw

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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JWJennifer White[13 Dean Terrace, Stockbridge] [Edinburgh], [Midlothian] [EH4 1ND]T: [07432511012] E: [ ]

Objective To work within the Criminal Justice System in a field relatable to my degree and volunteer work. Criminology has provided me with the knowledge to begin my career and now I am ready to use the skills I have gained from university, work and volunteer work to get there.


I have worked  (April 2011-June 2011) at the Rutland Hotel and bar in the West end of town as a waitress/floor staff for their nightclub ‘The One Below’ which  improved my people skills and gave me good experience as a waitress as well as helping clear up around the establishment.

Summer (09) I worked for the Edinburgh festival advertising for a Swedish production called ‘Frog’ which was a show for children.

Easter (2010) I started doing PR work for some of the Edinburgh night clubs which included handing out flyers at night, and creating advertisements to increase the awareness of the club. I really enjoyed doing this because every week I was working with different people which made me a more outgoing person, more confident and more approachable as an individual.

Christmas (2012) I achieved the position of Christmas temp at Jack Wills Clothing store on George Street. This has been a truly invaluable experience, especially in the field of customer service. Not only did I gain till training, experience in the stockroom and on the shop floor but most importantly learned fantastic customer skills which I will bring with me to any future job opportunities. At Jack Wills customer service comes above and beyond our other duties, therefore resulting in very satisfied customers. I got kept on at Jack Wills in the January of 2013 and have been part of the team ever since.

In the Christmas of 2014 I was promoted to the role of supervisor. Since being promoted I have gained many skills including; recruitment experience, office skills, team leader responsibilities, management experience and merchandising experience. I am still presently working as a supervisor at the flagship Edinburgh store.

Hit Squad

In December (2012) I got employed and trained with a volunteer agency called Fresh Start. Fresh Start deals with homeless people in Edinburgh and in particular homeless people which have recently been given a tenancy. These tenancies are in the Council estates of Edinburgh and due to the situation many of these flats and houses are often in terrible condition. This is when the volunteers come in; we go round to the tenancies and we paint the flat, lay carpets and provide household appliances so that the flat can properly become a home for the new owner. This is an excellent chance for me to get involved with my community and make Edinburgh a better place for all people from all different backgrounds to live.



Standard Grades: August 2008

English, 2

Biology, 2

Geography, 2

Spanish, 3

Intermediates: August 2008

INT2: History, B

INT1: Mathematics, A

INT2: Mathematics, C

GCSE: August 2008

Art, A

Higher: 2009/2010

Geography, B

English, B


Business management, C


Art, C


Criminology BA (hons) 2:2


Skills • I have great IT skills which enabled me to achieve a pass in PC Passport at school and since leaving school have demonstrated these skills in both the university and work environment. From using statistical analysis programs at university, to editing my blog or using the office computer at work I have achieved a wide range of IT knowledge. It is crucial for my role at Jack Wills to understand and relay store KPI’s and when writing and delivering the team brief to staff we discuss UPT and ATV as key focal points. I have also had experience of using CRM communications technology/IT programs whilst in this role.

• Over the years I have developed my organizational skills starting from when I was chosen to be a form captain in school, to now being supervisor at my place of work. I have excellent communication skills with people of all ages, which I have demonstrated from my babysitting work, to helping manage a staff of 50 at Jack Wills where there are mix of 16-24 year olds employed. I am quick thinker so am able to produce relevant and appropriate responses, this has been a useful skill to have whilst serving customers, especially when there are problems needing resolved.

• Whilst in my final year at the Edinburgh Academy I was a mentor for one of the third year and one of the first year classes; I would help with things like taking the register if the teacher was unavailable, taking the children to assembly, help with their PSE classes and be there for the students if they needed someone nearer their own age to talk to. I feel that gaining such experience at school lead me to successfully achieve the role of supervisor at Jack Wills and thrive whilst in that position.

• From being supervisor I have gained many additional skills in organization and this has included helping organize training and recruitment evenings for staff. I have gained experience of how to work within an office environment and as a support role for my manager. This involves sending emails, organizing the office, filing, doing admin work, being on conference call and sending letters. I have also learned how to manage a team of 50 staff, from writing the team brief in the morning, to tasking staff and zoning staff appropriately in order to achieve team goals. From working as part of a 5 person management team I have gained experience of working closely with others in order to achieve goals and targets. I was also given the responsibility of being a key holder to the store and dealt with cashing up the tills every night, along with many other roles.


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