
Post on 06-Aug-2015






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We added a square behind the title to highlight the title itself but we received feedback saying that the box doesn't seem really good therefore we have decided to change it. Also the fact it seems to conflict with the banner and preferred it to be removed. As by having just the title would blend in with the banner.

After considering and looking at film magazines we decided that we would add a puff to make the text more eye catching. The puffs are used to promote for a competition.

The barcode is usually at the front therefore we have stuck to this idea. With the price on top of the barcode, having these to at the bottom was easy as when you purchase a magazine you are able to see the barcode, price and able to scan.

I think having ‘VS’ between the film is very nice because it represents the films competing against each other . It is not conventional to have a banner but to make our magazine stand out we included a banner, this relates to our trailer and poster again due to the mist from our trailer titles.

The font used on my magazine relates back to my trailer and poster this represents a link between the three products.

The blood on the body shows that it is a horror magazine a iconography of horror. Also the contact lenses adds to this, emphasising again of horror.

Some of empire magazine have very dark background which makes the whole magazine look pretty dull therefore we kept our magazine background light, I believe this looks very professional, this makes it easier for the reader to focus on the same aspect of the magazines.

The price is clear at the bottom of the page written in white so that it stands out over the background, which is in a conventional place where the readers are most likely to look.

The cover image is of our main protagonist who appears to be a villain but is actually the victim, this is very ambiguous because you suspect the person on the front cover of the magazine is the villain when really the victim,

This mast head uses the recognisable brand. The colour red stands out, also is conventional to use this colour for the head ‘empire’ as on existing text.

The colours schemes of the magazine consist of red, black, grey and white. The colour red connotes blood ,danger, sacrifice which is a convention of horror.

The layout of the magazine is very simple with straight lines .

The use of the word ‘exclusive’ gives the reader a sense of curiously of finding out what more it contains.

We chose to have a white font because having this in red would clash with the ‘empire’ title and the attention would be split.

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