dropping science on your developer ecosystem - lessons from ecosystem management

Post on 15-Nov-2014






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Dropping Science on Your Developer Ecosystem - lessons from Ecosystem


@thesteve0Steven Citron-PoustyPaaS Dust SpreaderOpenShift – Red Hat

Slide with Tech ecosystem


chase_elliott from flickr


Slide with High School picture

• If we go back to High School science

Deserttrumpet on flickr

Ecosystems are real

• Well they are actually a model – but with the good and the bad

And Conservation Biologists use This Model

They had a problem that needed to move beyond individual species

Mass Energy and Env Affairs on flickr

Single species = emergency room at best

Which Animal Forced the Issue

Yellowstone – satellite

Yellowstone - map

Yellowstone – ecosystem

Grizzly bear


Grizzly Denali picture

So what are some of the ideas that I will focus on today

Main ideas of ecosystem management

• Ecosystems are multi-dimensional• Boundaries are only as real as you want them to be• Manage for overall integrity • Always collect and synthesize primary data• Engage in monitoring• Inter-Agency cooperation • Humans embedded in nature• Adaptive Management – experiment and learn• Open to organizational change as fits the system• Values are more important than facts and logic

• Ecosystems are multi-dimensional• Boundaries are only as real as you want them to be• Manage for overall integrity • Always collect and synthesize primary data• Engage in monitoring• Inter-Agency cooperation • Humans embedded in nature• Adaptive Management – experiment and learn• Open to organizational change as fits the system• Values are more important than facts and logic

Values and Goals

• You get this from social, economic, and political

• Most important • Not science or quantitative but drives



chase_elliott from flickr



• Keystone species – otter• Bottom of the food chain – menhanden

Who are the keystones in your ecosystem?

Who are your menhaden?

Planned (some forethought) vs Natural Experiments (need long-term monitoring before)

OpenShift Example

Adaptive management and planned experiments

No difference data: responses out of sent

sample estimates:prop A prop B 0.04800000 0.05333333

95 percent confidence interval: -0.02169480 0.01102814

X-squared = 0.3396, df = 1, p-value = 0.5601alternative hypothesis: two.sided

Type I = saying there is a difference when there isn’tType II = saying there is no difference when there is

What action can you turn into an experiment?

Natural Experiment

OpenShift Example

What monitoring are you doing?

What adaptations can you make based on knowledge gained?

Take homes

• Be more quant• Do experiments don’t just do• Take advantage of natural experiments• Manage your ecosystem for key indicators• Diversity is important• Take the analogy of ecosystems farther and

learn from them

r vs. K life history strategies and you

Where are you on the curve?

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