ducks, chickens, dogs, and sheep

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Ducks, Chickens, Dogs, and Sheep


    The Resilient Farm and Homestead

    An Innovative Permaculture and Whole Systems Design Approach


  • 7/28/2019 Ducks, Chickens, Dogs, and Sheep


    The Resilient Farm and Homestead130

    and abandoned arm that requires that as a oundation

    we establish healthier soils and a better sward o grass

    rom which to raise uture animals.

    As a whole, when evaluating animal suitability or

    your systems, keep in mind that the most sensible

    animals in a homestead geared to be adaptable to a

    rapidly changing world should be chosen based on the

    criteria below. And keep in mind that trying various

    animals is oten the only way to nd hidden synergies

    and constraints in a specic animals interaction withyour unique system. Each sites conditions are di-

    erent enough that no solution ound on another site

    will be wholly adaptable to your own. Find the closest

    examples, and learn rom them, then try, tweak, and

    try some more. In all likelihood it will take a number

    o years to establish a synergistic animal aspect to your

    system. Criteria and considerations or selecting ani-

    mals in a unctioning permaculture include:

    Input-output ratio: The most outputs, in both

    quality and quantity, relative to inputs should be a

    primary determinant o an animals suitability. This

    seems clear enough: We must enjoy and be invigorated

    by the bulk o the work we perorm in lieno destina-

    tion, just a journey.

    duk, chiken, dog, an sheep

    In the development o the WSRF, we have thus ar used

    three species o animal consistently: two birdsducks

    and chickensand one grazersheep. We tried goats

    and pigs but decided that the quantity and type o oodthey require is not a good match or the resource fows

    o this arm. Animals well tted to a arm ecosystem

    must utilize an excess o a resource and transorm that

    into a resource area that is lacking. For us that so ar

    has been two things: (1) browse and orage (leaves and

    some grass) into soil and more grass, and (2) slugs,

    snails, and bugs into eggs and soil. This need or the

    transormation o one resource into others will always

    change over time and at some point here will go rom

    seeking soil and more grass alone into seeking other

    yields such as meat, milk, and ber. It is the system-

    establishment phase and the act this land is an abused

  • 7/28/2019 Ducks, Chickens, Dogs, and Sheep


    Fertility Harvesting and Cycling 131

    human contact as they run into more problems

    healthwise that require human care.

    Infrastructure needs: These range rom a dry

    space or the toughest grazers, which can spend all

    winter out in deep snow, to goats, which do best

    with some cover rom even mild, warm rainstorms.

    Pairing your inrastructure with the needs o the

    animal is key.

    Soil needs: Are you starting with good-quality agri-

    cultural soil or a beat-up subsoil slope? Vegetation needs: Do you need to grow the veg-

    etation you already have on site (e.g., good pasture

    orages), or do you need to change the composition

    o plants radically (abandoned eld or young or-

    est)? The more you need to change composition, the

    greater animal and human impact youll need, the

    greater the work and time rame involved.

    Health needs: This aspect should be considered

    under Input-output ratio above but is so crucial

    and ot-missed that Ive listed it separately. I am

    amazed how many people endeavoring to carry out

    a sel-reliant homestead and arm (even those doing

    aspect includes time, oten orgotten as a crucial

    input (see below). This aspect is contextual and

    requires an understanding o how the arm/home-

    stead ts into its surroundings. An output such as

    meat or ber, or instance, may have a huge value i

    your neighbors want it, even i you do not. Or your

    local community may not want or need any animal

    products rom you, and their outputs are only valu-

    able i they can be used on-site.

    Likeability: What animals do you get along with thebest, pay most attention to, are naturally inclined to

    observe and relate to? Those, all other aspects being

    equal, will always do better on your site than those

    you eel no connection withsimply or utilitar-

    ian reasons: You cant care or someone you arent

    attentive to as well as someone you are. Domestic

    animals, like people, thrive based on their connec-

    tions and the degree to which they are cared or.

    Care means something dierent to each animal as

    well. Care or a bee cow is good grass, lots o room,

    and good water but does not involve tons o human

    contact. Care or a milking sheep involves more

  • 7/28/2019 Ducks, Chickens, Dogs, and Sheep


    The Resilient Farm and Homestead132

    your most valuable asset in a unctional home/arm

    system, and its limited, so choose to apply it wisely.

    Nothing in the system short o another human being

    or inrastructure emergency can suck up the kind

    o time that a sick, injured, or otherwise problem

    animal cannot a ruit tree, or a berry bush, or a

    vegetable bed. Animals are a big commitment, and

    when they have problems, the devotion needed or

    that part o the system goes through the roo.

    ull grass-ed and reusing to use grain) think little

    o the medicinal and veterinary needs o their ani-

    mals. The need or wormer, vaccines, birthing aid,

    disease management, and other specialized or time-

    consuming medical needs o an animal vary

    enormously by species. This is a primary reason I

    view sheep as transitional or my arm and not viable

    at this scale or even remotely close to this scale

    they need too much health maintenance inputs

    One o the many happy accidents on the arm: The discovery that chickens guard sheep against y inestation, made by grazing them together. This sheep

    was ound with y strike two weeks ater being separated rom these chickens ater an entire summer o y avoidance while cohabitating with the poultry.

  • 7/28/2019 Ducks, Chickens, Dogs, and Sheep


    Fertility Harvesting and Cycling 133

    Why? Maybe because it was very dry and the slug popu-

    lation plummeted. Maybe. The point is just because an

    animal or group o animals tend to have acted in certain

    ways in the past is no reason to think they will always act

    that way. They respond to conditions just the way people

    do, actually probably more.

    And they learn, too. Birds didnt touch our rice crop

    or three years, then in year our they decimated it.When asked during tours o the property, What do you

    do about birds? Id respond, They dont eat the rice.

    Then they did. Thats happened a dozen times here in

    all animal aspects. Take our rst chickens a ew years

    ago. We put them under the orchard in June just like a

    good permaculturist is told to do. Theyll eat the allen

    ruit! Well, ours didnt. Why? No idea, but they didnt,

    and it wasnt because they werent hungry, because they

    weresubsisting on almost no grain.

    Heres another: Sheep dont eat bark, only goats

    will. Nope. Ours ollowed this rule or two years and

    in the third year took out our oldest pear, a peach, and

    some other trees. They learned that bark was good.

    They broke the rule. Given enough time, most animals

    seem to make similar decisions. Our most recent meat

    birds, Kosher Kingswere great or rotational grazing!

    I was told. Yeah, well, not ours. They never stayed inthe poultry netting. Why? No idea. They didnt fy out;

    they just ound their way under and through the ence.

    The birds we had the year beore did stayCornish

    giantsand those are supposed to be poor choices or

    ranging. A clear example o the recommended approach

    not working at all. That happens a lot, so you will have to

    experiment countless times with countless approaches

    to nd out what is true for you in your site.

    Its essential to point out at the outset o this section

    that making generalizations about animals is about as

    accurate as it is about people. Its pervasive, and you read

    or hear such nonsense as the ollowing:

    Goats eat everything! (Actually, goats are one o the

    most selective grazers in the world and more picky

    than most creatures when given the choice.) That heirloom chicken breed is great or pest control.

    Chickens eat allen ruitput them under your

    ruit trees.

    That variety is such good oragers.

    Why are such statements nonsense? Because they

    treat an entire species or variety as though they all act

    the same. Excuse my French, but when you actually

    work with such animals, you see immediately that such

    ideas are complete bullshit. Animals are individuals, just

    as you and I are. Lets get that out o the way imme-

    diately because it really retards the conversation about

    animals and only comes about rom too much reading

    and not enough doing.

    The point here is to remember that animals act based

    upon not only their instinct (breeding results) but out

    o their training, environment, stimulus, what theyvelearned, and many other actors. So we need to think in

    as nuanced a way about animal behavior as we do about

    people behavior. The accurate way to think o it is this

    individual duck does this or this particular sheep does

    that. And also, like people they change rom year to

    year. Our ducks never ate mature vegetation during the

    growing season, just during the winter, or three years.

    Then in year our they attacked my large cabbage plants.


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