email marketing

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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● The main digital marketing strategy is email marketing for most of businesses

● Email is a great communication platform for sharing and spreading your blog for business

● You can also use emails to build communities around your business cause


Email Marketing

● You can’t say one thing is better than another in email marketing

● You can do split testing to check which is the perfect email format to your business for better results

● Split testing is a method of conducting controlled, randomized experiments with the goal of improving a email

Email Marketing Experiments

● Everyone's audiences are so different,so thrown out a "perfect" email is pretty much impossible

● But there are certain kinds of email tests to tell you what the perfect email is for your business

● These tests you could run that might give you some really impactful results

Email tests :

● Layout and Design Test● Timing and Frequency Test● Dynamic Content Test● Call-to-Action Test● Sender Test● Copy Test

Layout Design Test

● Always send plain text emails, because recipients preferred seeing a plain text email

● Marketers can include images in their emails according to their readers

● Marketers can test the placement of those images, like right, left, centered aligned image or maybe no image at all !

● B2B marketers -- also choose to include a headshot in their email signatures

● With template layouts and designs might perform better than others

Timing and Frequency Test

● Figure out which day delivers the best open and clickthrough rates for your email sends

● Similarly, figure out the time of the day to deliver your email

● By combining both pieces(day & time) information, you'll have a awesome time to send your emails

Dynamic Content Test

● Including a recipient's first name in the subject line has a positive effect on open rates

● Marketers can test name personalization in the body content of their email

● For B2B marketer recipients would like to see their organization's name in the subject line of an email

● You can use social media information to send social media specific emails to prospects

Call-to-Action Test

● You can test better conversion rates from image CTAs or from text CTAs for better results

● Marketers can test whether their text CTA gets the most conversions when it's included in the body copy of their email

● Your conversion rates can be improve if you include elements of social proof in your emails

● For each segment of your email list test different types of offers to see which performs best

Sender Test

● The name that appears in the email "From" field can have a huge impact on whether your email even gets opened

● Marketer can test whether it's best to send from your company's name, the name of an actual person at your business, or a combination of both

● You might check whether the email address from which you send your email needs to change

Copy Tests

● The copy of your email can take a lot of different tones like familiar or professional you can test which suits most with your audience

● Marketers can test whether they need to include more detail in their email copy or not

● Email marketers have to test different elements of their email subject line copy to see what gets recipient’s attention


● Through Email Marketing your business will see benefits like increased awareness about your business

● You can’t say one thing is better than another in email marketing but you can choose perfect email format

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