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Roberta Boniotti

Roma, 23 maggio 2012


Ideas – Frontier Research

Capacities – Research Capacity

People – Marie Curie Actions

Cooperation – Collaborative research

JRC (non-nuclear)

JRC (nuclear)


7th Framework Programme

Horizon 2020

• Excellent Science - Priority I European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research Infrastructures

• Industrial leadership - Priority II Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs

• Societal challenges - Priority III Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, bio-economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies


• JRC non-nuclear action

Principal Investigators ?

Ricercatori ENEA

(anche a t.d. e assegni di ricerca)

Ricercatori italiani, anche dipendenti di altri Enti di ricerca e/o Università

Ricercatori stranieri provenienti da tutto il mondo

No limiti di età


•Promozione di ENEA come Host Institution per le proposte IDEAS

•Website iniziativa ENEA FOR IDEAS http://ideas.enea.it


•Giornate informative in Europa (Marie Curie Roadshow)

•Contatti personali con ricercatori stranieri da parte di gruppi di ricerca e ricercatori ENEA

Are you a researcher working on pioneer

proposals and looking for support to start or

consolidate your research for a period of up to 5


Apply for the realization of an IDEAS

proposal choosing ENEA as host institution

by accessing the website: http://ideas.enea.it




How ENEA can help you in IDEAS

Apply for an IDEAS grant in ENEA

Overview of ENEA Research Centres

Contacts: ideas@enea.it

IDEAS is an instrument of the Seventh Research Framework Programme of

the European Commission which aims to support in-and-outgoing research

leaders who are about to establish or consolidate a proper research team and

to start conducting independent research in Europe.


The Programme provides grants for three typologies of researchers:

• Starting independent researchers

• Advanced investigators ENEA IS MAINLY INTERESTED IN




• Consolidator investigators (new call)



ENEA aims at proposing itself to researchers worldwide as host for their projects,

offering them its own laboratories, facilities, collaboration and support, together

with its 50 years experience and its know-how as science and technology centre

of excellence.

For this reasons ENEA invites young researchers worldwide, operating in the

fields of its interest, to contact it, in order to become the instrument

through which their innovative ideas could be achieved

To apply your proposal to ENEA you should directly send an e-mail with a brief

summary of your research project to the main contact point:

We will re-direct your proposal to our relative department.

APPLY NOW! ENEA is ready to Welcome you into its organisation!


http://enea.it http://ideas.enea.it

ENEA Research Centres


ENEA – EU liaison office in Brussels (Belgium)

N°Proposte ENEA - IDEAS

Prncipal Investigators

Valutazioni StG 2011-12

N°Proposte ENEA StG2011

valutazione CV sopra soglia minima: 4

valutazione proposta sopra soglia minima: 5

entrambi i parametri sopra soglia minima: 3

Nessuno ammesso allo step 2 (una proposta molto vicina alla soglia)

N°Proposte ENEA StG2012

valutazione complessiva: A - (ammessi step 2)

B 1

C 3

Per ogni scaglione: “ranking range”: 1%-100% (decrescente)

Evaluation criteria Starting grants 2011 1. Intellectual capacity, creativity and commitment of the PI

1. Quality of research output/track-record

2. Ground-breaking nature and potential impact of the research; methodology 1. Ground-breaking nature of the research 2. Potential impact 3. Methodology 4. High-gain/High-risk balance

Starting grants 2012 1. Principal Investigator

1. Intellectual capacity and creativity

2. Research project 1. Ground-breaking nature and potential impact of the research 2. Methodology

Panel comments 1

The PI has good list of publications but not outstanding records. He must put more emphasis on the real innovative part and then describe more accurately the main road. It will be nice also to have an estimate of the suspected performances. The project fails to convince the reader on any main expected breakthrough.

The proposer has a good record of publications without large citation index in the last five years.

The publication output is not very convincing (h=10, about 300 citations in total).

The applicant is a "pure" researcher: No teaching or supervision activity is reported. Also no grant applications or funding sources are mentioned. It is somewhat difficult to assess the independence.

The applicant has a very good CV which shows a strong background in the area he wishes to develop his project. He has a very good record of publications in good journals, but the relevance of his work cannot be assessed since no citation information or H index are reported. Also the names of his PhD and postDoc supervisors are not mentioned, thus recognition and independence in publication activities cannot be judged. (N.B. 2,67 punteggio del PI, 40 papers, Starter)

The project covers an important topic but it is mostly based on the already developed, by the PI, concept and on existing patents. The innovative aspect of the proposal is not clear as well as its ground-breaking. Also it lacks any description of the methodology and the degree of details and description of what the candidate intends to do is too low for assessment of its feasibility.

Panel comments 2

The solution has however a significant commercialization potential and should be rather financed by industry or a venture capital.

This can be looked upon as a demonstration project, and such projects are to some extent already been performed.

Training of young researchers is not addressed.

The project is not enough ambitious to be a five years project. It is based in the continuation of the Principal Investigator postdoctoral work but did not add important challenges for the field.

The method is clearly described and it is based on existing knowledge of the applicant. However the needs for such a technology is unclear as well as the real ground breaking nature of the entire project. The panel in fact feels that the science proposed is too narrow and the scientific challenges are lacking.

Other groups are also involved in similar research activities, thus, it lacks originality. Even if the proposal seems to possess some elements of novelty, important applicative breakthrough are difficult to foresee.

The PI also did not show so far ability to provide own funding and to be the leader of a research topic.

Normativa italiana

Legge 4 Aprile 2012 n.35 (G.U. n.82 6 Aprile 2012) DECRETO-LEGGE 9 febbraio 2012 , n. 5

Disposizioni urgenti in materia di semplificazione e di sviluppo.

Art. 33 Aspettativa per attribuzione di grant comunitari o internazionali e semplificazioni per la ricerca 1. Il personale dipendente inquadrato nel ruolo dei ricercatori degli enti pubblici di ricerca e delle università che, in seguito all'attribuzione di grant comunitari o internazionali, svolga la relativa attività di ricerca presso l'ente di appartenenza, è collocato in aspettativa senza assegni su richiesta, per il periodo massimo di durata del grant. Lo svolgimento dell'attività di ricerca inerente il grant e la relativa retribuzione vengono regolati dall'ente mediante un contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato. La retribuzione massima spettante al ricercatore rimane a carico del grant comunitario o internazionale e non può eccedere quella prevista per il livello apicale, appartenente alla fascia di ricercatore più elevata del profilo di ricercatore degli enti pubblici di ricerca. 2. Al personale dipendente inquadrato nel ruolo dei ricercatori degli enti pubblici di ricerca e delle università che, in seguito all'attribuzione di grant comunitari o internazionali, svolga la relativa attività di ricerca presso soggetti e organismi pubblici o privati, nazionali o internazionali si applica l'articolo 23-bis del decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n. 165, e successive modificazioni.

roberta.boniotti@enea.it ENEA BRUXELLES

Grazie per l’attenzione!

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