english 9

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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ENGLISH 9. EXPLORING UNIVERSAL THEMES IN LITERATURE: THE ARCHETYPES. What is an archetype?. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In regards to literature, it refers to a universal theme that manifests itself differently on an individual basis. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




What is an archetype?Archetype is a Greek word meaning

“original pattern or model.”

In regards to literature, it refers to a universal theme that manifests itself differently on an individual basis.

Carl Jung 1875-1961Swiss psychologist

Believed that all humans are born with knowledge of archetypal patterns because of our common ancestors.

Jung believed archetypes are

Primordial: That is, we, as individuals, have these archetypal images ingrained in our understanding even before we are born.

Universal: These archetypes can be found all over the world and throughout history. The manifestation of the idea may be different, but the idea itself is the same.


1. Characters

2. Situations/Symbols

Common Character ArchetypesThe hero - The courageous figure, the one who's always

running in and saving the day. The outcast - The outcast is just that. He or she has

been cast out of society or has left it on a voluntary basis. The outcast figure can oftentimes also be considered as a Christ figure.

The scapegoat - The scapegoat figure is the one who gets blamed for everything, regardless of whether he or she is actually at fault.

The star-crossed lovers - This is the young couple joined by love but unexpectedly parted by fate.

Example: William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.The shrew - This is that nagging, bothersome wife

always battering her husband with verbal abuse.

More Common Character Archetypes

• DEVIL FIGURE—evil incarnate; offers worldly goods, fame, or knowledge to the hero in exchange for possession of the soul

• TEMPTRESS—sensuous beauty; brings about the hero’s downfall because he is physically attracted to her

• Damsel in Distress

The mentor—teacher to young hero, often mother or father figure

Common Situational ArchetypesThe task - A situation in which a character, or group of

characters, is driven to complete some duty of monstrous proportion.

The quest - Here, the character(s) are searching for something, whether consciously or unconsciously. Their actions, thoughts, and feelings center around the goal of completing this quest.

The loss of innocence - This is, as the name implies, a loss of innocence through sexual experience, violence, or any other means.

The Golden Age—an original perfect world, (a quest may focus on recovering this lost world).

Death and rebirth—grows out of a parallel between the cycle of nature and the cycle of life. Thus, morning and springtime represent birth, youth, or rebirth; evening and winter suggest old age or death.

Situational/Symbolic Archetypes Continued

Water - Water is a symbol of life, cleansing, and rebirth. It is a strong life force, and is often depicted as a living, reasoning force.

LIGHT VS. DARKNESS—light suggests hope, renewal, or intellectual illumination; darkness suggests the unknown, ignorance, or despair.

HEAVEN VS. HELL—gods live in the skies or mountaintops; evil forces live in the bowels of the earth

ASSIGNMENTThink of a movie or book that you feel

demonstrates one of these common archetypes.

Please type one or two paragraphs (double spaced!) explaining the archetype you chose and how you see it demonstrated in the book or movie.

Be ready to share with the class tomorrow.This assignment will be collected and it is

worth ten points. REMEMBER TO PROOFREAD!

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