erasmus+ project

Post on 09-Apr-2017






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ERASMUS+ learning foreign languages thought ICT

ERASMUS+learning foreign languages through ICTTitle of the project:FINDING MARY

11th Elementary School of Chalandri 4th Grade Class

Teachers name: Argiro Nitsa, MEd in

The projectDuration: January - February 2016

Target group: 4th Grade (15 students, three groups of 5 students)

Part of the project: Learning Foreign Languages though ICT 2015-2017

Compatible with principles of team-based learning

Project-based learning

The aim and goals of the project

Promote intercultural identity of the students

Get in touch with other languages and civilizations Give them the opportunity to work together

Get involved with ICT

Enjoy the whole procedure into a playfull context

Theoretical approaches

Vygotskys theory of social construction.

Students achieve their cognitive independence through the team, which acts as a Support Framework (Matsaggouras, 2000). TEAM-BASED LEARNING

Theoretical approachesPROJECT-BASED LEARNINGInvolves students in problem-solving investigationsAllows them to work autonomously Construct their own knowledge through inquiry

1st Activity

We received a parcel from an unknown sender (Motive of the project)

We tried to open it!

It was a Fairy Tale!

We read it!

We tried to imagine and find the countries where Mary traveled!

2nd Activity

We painted the places Mary traveled!


4th ActivityWe received a letter from Mary (the pin). She explained us that she had been lost in a foreign country and asked us to find her!

Children were divided into three groups.2. Each team dealt with a particular country (Poland, Rumania and Italy)

3. They Used the Google Earth and Wikipedia software so as to learn more information about these countries.

5th Activity

They used the Google Translate software so as to learn new words from Poland, Rumania and Italy!

They wrote down these new words with their meaning.

6th Activity

Each group chose pictures of these places and printed them down so as to create a collage.

They did a great job!!!

Mary sent us the last letter. She thanked students because they gave her so much information about these countries and she finally found the way to come back home!!!

The resultsThis project made children: Learn through collaboration Discover and learn new countriesUse different computer tools and softwaresEnjoy the whole process

Thank you!

References Matsaggouras, H.(2000) Teaching and learning in collaborative groups. Athens. Grigoris Publications. Marx, R. W., Blumenfeld, P. C., Krajcik, J. S., Blunk, M., Crawford, B., Kelley, B., & Meyer, K. M. (1994). Enacting project-based science: Experiences of four middle grade teachers.Elementary School Journal. 94(5): p. 518.Thomas, J. (2000).A Review of the Research on Project-Based Learning. The Autodesk Foundation.

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